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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 147 KB, 1193x1078, IMG_3165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2696825 No.2696825 [Reply] [Original]

>hire artist
>don't hear from them for weeks at a time sometimes about updates
>they email and say "sorry I'm not around or working much on your stuff; I have depression. It's going to taker longer to finish this"

Is it okay for me to cancel commissions for this?

>> No.2696826

>Is it okay for me to cancel commissions for this?

>> No.2696828

Didn't you make this same post a couple of days ago only to have it deleted?

>> No.2696832

Depression is an excuse artists use to make it seem okay why they aren't getting their work done. Cancel it and feel no guilt.

If you worked at a office job and didn't get your work done, would you be able to tell your boss "sorry I'm depressed today". No you wouldn't

>> No.2696859

Fuck off asshole. Some of us have depression, it's a real thing not a joke. People like you make it hard to tell people I have depression.

>> No.2696866

It's definitively a good enough reason to cancel. Depression is a real thing, but too many artists who suffer it are kinda stupid-heads who keep filling up their commission slots at regular pace even tho they know they can't provide results at their regular pace. "But how am I supposed to get money?" Not the clients problem, they don't commission you to be nice and nor are they entitled to. Ask for a refund if the longer wait bothers you, OP.

>> No.2696869

Yes. You're paying for a service not his artistic genius.

>> No.2696872

Great that's true, and nobody is arguing otherwise.

However it's not an excuse to pussy out and just not do your job. Get some meds, take some mushrooms, or deal with your depression through some other means to rectify the problem.

>> No.2696886

>boo hoo why don't you feel sorry for meeeeee
>I am entitled to not suffering consequences for not doing work because I feel saaaaaaaad

>> No.2696893

everyone and their dog have depression nowadays, it's not an excuse to evade a compromise


how much do clients usually wait on their comissions

>> No.2696896

>how much do clients usually wait on their comissions
Years, if the threads on /ic/ are anything to go by...

>> No.2696897

I'm sorry bro I'll get right on it.
I'll send you an update tomorrow.

>> No.2696903

hire me instead!

>> No.2696905

>Wait, you didn't get it? It must be your email client, I'll send it again when I get home.

>> No.2696908

Well to be fair artists like Idlecil have taken 2 years and their art still isn't done yet. 2 years for a single image KEK

>> No.2696912

still faster than learning how to do it yourself 2bh

>> No.2696932

How the fuck does it take years to draw a simple commission, seriously.
That's a poor excuse, you're paying them so you don't have to draw. That's the whole point.

>> No.2696967

if you have depression you shouldn't take commissions

>> No.2696976

You don't seem to understand the situation. Out of the 7 billion people in the world, 7 billion have personal problems.
That means they are yours and nobody is going to carry them for you. If you can't do a commission, politely negotiate a solution - a discount, something extra, an apology, something, not just
>"oh hey the work you payed me to do on time - turns out I won't do it, bye faggot"

>People like you make it hard to tell people I have depression.
No no no, people who keep romanticizing depression or using it as an excuse to avoid responsibilities, those are the shitheads who hurt the real victims.

>> No.2696982

lol >>2696967 <-- this

>> No.2696993

I don't think you can simply demand a refund out of the blue because both parties already failed to establish the terms of the contract. Little and slow though it may be, the artist probably did part of the work, so you're not really entitled to a full refund unless you had established before hand that would be the case if he failed to do his part.
What you should do in a case with a poorly defined non contract is to try to talk it out and negotiate a solution with the person.
You can probably go over the person's head and just claim you never got a product if you made the payment through paypal, but that's kind of a dick move to make without first talking to the person about it. Maybe get him to agree to new terms that include a deadline that if he fails the contract is terminated and you're entitled to a refund.

>> No.2697040

I would never tell anybody except my only two friends about my mental health. And maybe a blog thread on here.

>hey, well, I'm depressed you know

Just doesn't cut it and only invites ridicule tbqh- all you're ever gonna hear is "lolol what do you have to be depressed about, I get depressed too but I get OVER IT and move on" you will save yourself a lot of embarrassment and anger by just keeping it to yourself and doing mdma once in a while or something.

>> No.2697041

I worked on the same day my brother committed suicide.
He tried to call me, but I just let it ring out because I was busy working.
You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2697062

Being a spoiled little shit isn't a real thing. If you call yourself a worker, you should be controlled by routine, not your feelings.

>> No.2697079

Fuck me man, I feel for you anon

>> No.2697082

While depression is a legit thing that can totally destroy your motivation to get shit done, at the end of the day people with depression still need to acknowledge they have responsibilities.

If you had an employer and you didn't show up to work for a few weeks, without even providing a reason, and just said "I have depression" when they tried to find out, they'd probably fire your ass.

Self employment gives these people an excuse to let it get the better of them because the consequences are reduced. Fuck that. Yes, have sympathy if they're going through a hard time, but that isn't a blank check to back out of arrangements people are paying you for.

>> No.2697085

Your own experiences don't invalidate another's. Suffering is relative. What you can handle, someone else cant and vice versa.

This is the same type of excuse that victims of abuse use to justify what happened to them and call other victims out as if their pain was insignificant or that they should have been stronger.

>> No.2697088
File: 13 KB, 224x216, Mc fucking end it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would NEVER fuck with someones money. hope any cuck that does that gets their shit life ruined. scum like this makes ALL of us look bad.

absolute garbage.

>> No.2697096


>> No.2697110 [DELETED] 


>> No.2697233

If I was taking more than a month to do a commission regardless of excuse UNLESS I was in the hospital for weeks, there is no excuse. If the client wanted a refund I'd give them a refund and offer to ink the picture for them so they at least get something.

I don't want to sound cold and heartless but I get people have depression but honestly I think more and more artists are using it as an excuse to not work.

>> No.2697242

Yeah but we're discussing taking a commission and then not doing it by using depression as an excuse

>> No.2697245

depression is for those who don't have the balls to kill themselves

>> No.2697267

t. self diagnosed.


>> No.2697275

I agree but it's different for everyone, sometimes it's great to push through pain and depression but if you've been "pushing through it" for a while and you have other factors that are fucking your life up sometimes it is an excuse. medical attention is sometimes required, that being said you shouldnt accept commissions in the first place if you feel you can't even bring yourself to complete them in a reasonable time.

>> No.2697288

But the way people deal with suffering is literally the sole indicator of emotional strength.

>> No.2697319

this is exactly why i never take commissions, only requests.

if someone pays me, it's my responsibility to get it done, which may not happen due to my plethora of mental illness. so i don't take commissions, because it's not fair for someone to pay me on something that might not get finished.

if it's a request, i'm doing this person a favor, and if it doesn't get done, they never paid for it so they can't be too upset about it.

while it would be nice to make money from art, i don't want to risk dissappointing others, and myself in the process. which is why commissions for me is a no-go.

>> No.2697321

Sure, but emotional strength is not something you generally just have, it's something that would be built up over time. It's one reason why young teenagers are always such emotional wrecks.

>> No.2697325

Right, but their still weak, and they would do themselves good by toughening up, so this post >>2697085
is fucking stupid.

>> No.2697327


>> No.2697330

that race-mixing-promoting ass show pisses me the fuck off

>> No.2697334


>> No.2697336

True, very true. People with mental disabilities such a depression should stay away from commitments until they are able to bring about a reasonable state of mind to work in. Unfortunately they are also more prone to making those types of bad decisions, thinking that it will bring them happiness, failing, avoiding, and then spiraling.

>> No.2697345

Holy shit this and I have depression. Just because you have it doesn't excuse you to be irresponsible with something involving others time and money.

>> No.2697349

>Depression is for pussies who can't handle suicide
>Suicide is for pussies who can't handle life
>Life is for pussies who can't handle dick
It comes full circle.

>> No.2697378

>hear from them for weeks at a time sometimes about updates
>>they email and say "sorry I'm not around or working much on your stuff; I have depression. It's going to taker longer to finish this"

1. Make fake art ccount

2. Download artist gallery

3. Start selling their work to recoup the money
Remove signature, and post art in your
gallery saying that its yours or at least that yours

You'll be surprised how fast that lazy artists/theif will communicate with you.

>> No.2697418
File: 62 KB, 719x719, 1435005379344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an artist, I'd say you should probably talk to them about canceling the commission. I've refunded an impatient furry after 3 days of receiving payment (he was angry that he was in line behind five other individuals. He did drop $180 dollars for an animation, but I'm the first come first served kind of guy.).
But I've never taken on a commission while I was depressed. If you want people's money, then you have to work. And if I can't work, then I shouldn't get their money. Momma didn't raise me to be no scam artist.
The only time I've ever had something delay commissions was when my iguana of 15 years died, I sent a message to everyone and told them that if they wanted a refund they were welcome to have it back and come back to me later, otherwise I was pushing things off for 2 weeks until I felt better.

>> No.2697456

You're just begging for a lawsuit there

>> No.2697473

>starving wagecuck artist
>has enough money to pay for food this week let alone enough for a lawyer

>> No.2697497
File: 500 KB, 500x209, ancient memes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A scammer affording a lawyer
>Especially if the Artist is from another country

The artist already stole my money. I'll take my chances

>> No.2697615

Your emotions are correct, you wouldn't have depression unless your life actually wasn't living, kill yourself

>> No.2697634

Hi, Andrew.

>> No.2697639

Do a flip faggot

>> No.2697888

I love how tough and manly you guys pretend to be on here. You people who don't have depression don't know what it's like. I had depression so bad I had to quit art school to recover mentally. Depression is one of the worst things in the world. I'll start a commission and 10 ministers in I'll get my depression kick then I'll lose any and all drive to do the work.

So please be kind and forgiving to those of use who suffer from depression. Unless you have it you don't know how much it ruins your life. I don't think I can ever finish school because of it.

>> No.2697891

I I took some commissions one time and then something terrible happened to too two me that caused everything downhill jack and romeo no jill

so so many thoughts so hard to type the spiders are in the corners still moving

>> No.2697894

>boo hoo you don't understand me
Bitch, I had depression, and I quit my uni because of it. What I didn't do is cry about it like a faggot and demand other people to give me special treatment because of it. I got a job and I dealt with it.

>Depression is one of the worst things in the world.
lolno you stupid delusional fuck

> then I'll lose any and all drive to do the work.
that's called being an undisciplined faggot
enjoy never amounting to anything in life

>So please be kind and forgiving to those of use who suffer from depression
I'm 90% sure you're trolling now

> I don't think I can ever finish school because of it.
see point 3

It's always the """artists""" that have this horrible depression that makes them incapable of doing any work, you never hear of a fucking surgeon or lawyer or a fucking brick layer go "oh I am too depressed, I'll do it later"

everybody has problems, you stupid faggots, you are not special
man up and do your fucking job or go back to your mom's house

>> No.2697896

you're an an idiot and more than likely a shit kit artist too

>> No.2697900

I hear what you're saying, but you're an an idiot and more than likely a shit kit artist too

>> No.2697902

more than likely better than ban you are. hands type extra words on own sometimes now don't know why suspect worsening schizophrenia spiders hard to think a lot of time now fuck you

post work

>> No.2697903

>someone who has never had depression pretends to have had it to make their retarded, uninformed point

gj anon, you sure showed all those losers

>> No.2697905

>post work
I'm sorry, I would, but I'm just like, so depressed right now.

>> No.2697907

Dude... I've had depression, to the extent that I had to quit my current job, cause I couldn't function properly in it. And that's the thing, when you are ill and can't function properly, you need to be aware of that and not take on a bunch of shit you know you can't finish within reasonable time! A lot of artists with mental problems end up in this vicious spiral of taking on more and more commissions and ending up with a massive backlog they'll take years to finish. I see this happening way to many times. Also, some people have the mindset that commissions is easy cash... it isn't for 99% of people. It's hard work for shit pay and if you're not up for that, don't do commissions, find another way to make money!

>> No.2697908

Seconding everything here anon. Major depressive/ocd but I still don't say I'll do shit when I know I won't. I'd rather disappoint people from the get go.

If your depression is so bad you can't handle work you need to get support. like wtf anons come on and either fully embrace your problem or deal with it without whining like a baby and expecting sympathy from strangers that literally don't give a shit.

>> No.2697909

You're right, only people sharing your retarded opinion experienced this rare phenomenon. After, all how could anyone experience something and reach a different conclusion about their experience? It is a well known fact that everyone who suffered depression was completely at its mercy until it just magically disappeared, and all of them just sat around not doing the work they took money for, because that's how depression works.

>> No.2697912
File: 307 KB, 435x1000, waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you you are just a retarded faggot

>> No.2697915

Honestly why is everyone so negative in this thread?

>> No.2697918

I have a hard time believing any anon in this thread has actual clinical depression and not this "i had a bad day" bullshit if they are actually out of bed and have the energy to post/argue on /ic/. Unless meds, I guess.

Why don't you go gesture battle someone, since you're so eager to prove your epeen?

>> No.2697922

Anon, please, have consideration for my depression and stop your micro aggressions against me. If I get any more depressed I might stop breathing.

>> No.2697923
File: 138 KB, 463x634, 1365650308725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a world where everyone has depression the word loses all its meaning. I think many of us have been made nihilistic and/or depressed because overpopulation in general has made most people whom aren't very exceptional feel insignificant.



but if you're being crushed by the human condition or whatever then don't fucking take commissions, and be ready to refund the money you took if you did; you didn't do the work you were paid to do and you never will because you're a headcase crybaby coward. Further, if you can't handle commissions from individuals, get the idea of working as an artist altogether out of your head entirely because it's not going to happen, you think Disney or Cartoon Network etc. is going to take that kind of thing lightly?

>Sorry massa, I know youse axed to have a couple character turnarounds done today but man, I just beez feelin' so depressed nigga, gnomesaiyan?

Just get a regular job where you don't have to think too much and do art as a hobby or something. Maybe if you find some kind of meager purpose through menial labor you will break your depression.

>> No.2697925

lol, yet another "depression" thread

>> No.2697929


Some butthurt faggots right there here

>> No.2697932
File: 55 KB, 500x515, (me).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally stealing someone's money
>I'm entitled to it because I'm sad


Maybe you're entitled to it in the nietzschean sense because your client is too much of a pussy to call you out on it, but it doesn't make you any less of a faggot.

>> No.2697948
File: 111 KB, 640x481, spider-man-shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like our hood friend Dobson. I'm pretty sure that he's infamous around here by now.

>> No.2697973

How is it stealing money?

>> No.2698008

Give me your Tumblr so I can send you anon-hate and give you one of those panic attracts that affects your typing.

>> No.2698010



>> No.2698014

Because a lot of the people who do this end up with a tremendous commission list that's impossible for them to complete, cause they just keep on taking more commissions cause "how else am I supposed to get money for stuff". No one wants to wait YEARS for a drawing that might not even be that complicated... or might not ever come.

>> No.2698017

I agree that it's fucked up and OP has every right to cancel it, but a lot of people have been depressed for years and they obviously need some sort of income. Regular jobs are impossible to do, especially if you also have social anxiety.

Well it depends, we don't live in the 50s anymore and depression is an actual medical condition that legally has to be taken seriously by employers. I have taken a few sick days at my office when it was unbearable and it was fine, but obviously can't happen every week.

>> No.2698138

Starco forever. Fight me.

>> No.2698226

Nigga, first you say how a regular job is impossible (it's not, you autist) then you say how depression should be taken seriously be employers. Clients are not employers.

Guess what, taking money and not doing the job is fraud. You have no excuse. Nobody gives a shit about your emotional state, you don't get a free pass.

>> No.2698318

I love how all your people with "depression" pat eachother on the back here.

This isn't a hug box you faggots. Stop making excuses.

>> No.2698348


>we don't live in the 50s anymore and depression is an actual medical condition that legally has to be taken seriously by employers

It's amazing isn't it? Now that society is taking depression more seriously, hordes of man-children are suddenly claiming to have depression and literally use it as an excuse to defraud people. Says a lot doesn't in?

>> No.2698354

I'm fucking bipolar and I know I'll still be held accountable for not doing shit people pay me for. Work doesn't just not happen anymore because I'm out of meds for a couple days. Fuck anybody who uses mental illness as a get out of jail free card for evading responsibility. And doublefuck anybody who says everybody who claims to have a mental illness needs to be fucking coddled and soothed any time they spill the figurative milk.

See a doctor, get your pills or talk therapy or whatever the hell your whiny, lazy ass needs, and grow the fuck up.

>> No.2698357

I've known a guy who was a leatherworker and would give a one year delay to commissions. He had enough commissions on his agenda to fill a year but would work on whatever he felt like that day, since he had months to complete everything.
Nobody ever complained for being delivered a few months ahead of the official deadline. He may have lost potential customers, but since his agenda is full... doesn't really matter.

>> No.2698388

Too many. Too many internet artists are guilty of this.

This is why those artists will never make it. All they will have are their internet fame, which won't amount to anything when it comes to making a solid living for themselves. They will never be able to do without their parents or roommates. They are over grown children. Depression is just an excuse.

>> No.2698413
File: 1.56 MB, 1024x768, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too many. Too many internet artists are guilty of this.

Why isn't there a list of artists that do this to keep other people from being swindled? Most of the time when something like this is brought up, they never name who the artist is.

>> No.2698426

I was guilty of it.

Tumblr seemed safe and accepting of artists, even the ones who weren't very good. I wanted the Internet fame, the shallow "omg ur sooo good!" comments, and the likes and reblogs. I craved that praise. But I wanted NONE of the responsibility and challenge of having real work ethic. I would say my depression was "really bad today," or that it was too tough for me to ever really be good at art. I'd pity-party and be sad blogging for days. Sure, I'd lose a couple followers, but I'd get even more from reblogs and "signal boosts" from fans.

I got called out a few times for ditching commissions. I ignored it. But then one day, something changed, and it was like I finally saw what I was doing, and how I was acting. So I quit using feeling bad as a crutch. I quit talking about my emotional state on my blog. I quit making comics about being sad. Tons of followers got upset, claiming that I had "abandoned" the people who followed me for the "story of my struggle with depression." I told them I'd save it for my therapist. Eventually, after seeing so many other artists on tumblr doing the exact same awful shit I'd been doing for the past couple years, I finally just up and quit tumblr.

Ever since then, I know I've improved. I'm critical of my own work in a useful and constructive way. I'm talking to my real peers in real life and real time, and getting real feedback. Yeah, I have bad days still, and yeah, I'm making less money than I was wallowing in depression and sometimes drawing trash for $10 for people who were going to forget about it in two days.

But now? Now I finish my goddamn commissions on time.

>> No.2698432


>> No.2698439
File: 58 KB, 250x326, Mexican%20Mestizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most "Hispanics" in America are mestizos or indios. Hardly any Spaniards among them,

>> No.2698441

Your internet "fans" are just fag enablers. Misery loves company, and a lot of people who follow and just consume art on the internet are miserable people who don't travel, converse, or have friends offline. This is the reason why online popularity is mostly worthless. The content of character in the people you attract via online only (meaning you don't meet them in person via traveling and/or conventions) is very very poor. They aren't the people you actually want to surround yourself with. The internet will never replace real life interaction and connection. The most it can do is compliment the connections you've already built via offline means.

>> No.2698462

You answered your own question.
It takes an extreme amount of abuse for people to turn on the artist because
1. People who pay for drawings in a casual manner are usually socially retarded
2 those people are also usually fans of the artist so they are more prone to letting the artist walk away with shitting on them

Furries actually protect their community from scam artists because commissioning their special snowflake fursonas is literally their whole life

>> No.2698482

>2 those people are also usually fans of the artist so they are more prone to letting the artist walk away with shitting on them

Never understood why fans support and fawn over celebrities, artists, their heroes, or etc when they treat them like shit. But then again, number one kind of explains that for me.

>Furries actually protect their community from scam artists because commissioning their special snowflake fursonas is literally their whole life

Wouldn't surprise me. Furries, except for the ones that are self-aware, are fucking nuts.

>> No.2698499

>Never understood why fans support and fawn over celebrities, artists, their heroes, or etc when they treat them like shit.

Most of those people are desperate and don't have much going for themselves, so they try to gain the favor of the person who makes that thing they like by being loyal to a fault. There are a lot of internet artists who create work I like every now and then but I can't stand them as people and would never want to befriend them. People are too desperate to combine work with play in the online scene. No one wants to keep it strictly business. Not even the artists themselves, even though they like to pretend they do. It's why they don't call each other out on their bullshit either. They just enable one another. They are just as lonely as the fans they attract and rely on online interaction as their "social life". It's sad.

>> No.2698547

I can think of only one artist I've worked with in person who tried to stiff me on commissioned work. He was recommended to me by a friend, and after meeting and signing a contract (which he had drafted) for his work, he said he'd have some thumbs to look at by the end of the week. I paid him 40% upfront, as per the contract. The week ended with nothing, and then he spent another three weeks ignoring my phone calls and e-mails. Finally, he tersely stated via e-mail that he needed the remaining 60%. However, I said no, but I'd be glad to go to court over his complete lack of work. He called me an asshole, so I took him to court to get my money back. Hilariously enough, this grown man told the judge that his severe depression and extreme social anxiety (which was not in any way apparent to me, by virtue of us meeting in person at a crowded Starbucks, where he was very personable and in no way outwardly anxious) made it "super difficult" for him to "work or communicate regarding work sometimes."

The judge said his hemorrhoids made it "super difficult" for him to sit at the bench sometimes, but he still showed up and did his damn job.

I don't know where I was going with this but I guess the moral of the story I guess is that you can't take an Internet artist to court nearly as easily over not delivering, so you should never work with them under any circumstances in order to protect your investment.

>> No.2698550

>The judge said his hemorrhoids made it "super difficult" for him to sit at the bench sometimes, but he still showed up and did his damn job.

>> No.2698649

>has severe social anxiety
>but has no problem meeting strangers in a corporate cafe that is always overcrowded and noisy

I'm glad you sued him

>> No.2698734

>accept commission request
>don't let commissioner give me any money upfront
>do half of the commission
>never talk to them again

I've done this so many times.

>> No.2698820

Yeah, that came up in court, too. It pretty much made my whole case against the guy. I said that he'd never once mentioned his so-called "severe" social anxiety to me while we talked and before we signed the contract, nor did he seem to have any issues with meeting me in a crowded Starbucks--the public venue which HE had chosen. When the judge asked him if this was true, the guy replied that he couldn't answer that because his answer would incriminate him.

The judge reminded the stupid idiot that we were in a small claims court, not a criminal one, so the fifth amendment didn't really apply in this particular circumstance. The artist then said he had meant to say he "didn't remember." I knew that wasn't true, and asked if I could play the voicemail he had left on my phone with the intent of setting up a time for us to meet at the Starbucks. It was basically:

>Hey man, this is _______, just returning your call about doing some artwork. I think the best place for us to meet tomorrow would be the Starbucks downtown around like noon? We can grab lunch and talk shop then.

The judge asked him if he happened to remember leaving that message on my phone, to which he answered "I mean, yeah, I guess I did."

We didn't spend very long in the courtroom.

>> No.2698826


>> No.2698827


>> No.2698828

I also have depression. My fiance has bipolar disorder. But guess what? We suck it the fuck up for our respective jobs if we want food on the table.

Either suck it up or try a different profession

>> No.2698858

you're the type of fag that says "I totally have depression" when... you clearly fucking don't.

It's not about "sucking it up" it's it's soul crushing. Chronic depression and other real chronic mental illness that no drug, therapy, psychiatrist, ECT, or other voodoo type shit can't fix is not suck up-able.

Some people have legit debilitating chronic mental illness unlike you and your dumb fiance or the artist in this this guy's story >>2698820

>> No.2698930

>it feels like my soul is being crushed, so I am not to be held accountable for defrauding my clients
Yeah nah

>> No.2698936

what the fuck are you talking about? Let me scan that post and see if I can find... oh wait, nothing like that in there at all.

Kill yourself.

>> No.2698944

I actually did, It was because I couldn't get my meds, but I got three days off before I got them refilled and back to work. If it's an actual mental illness and they're trying to fix it, then I'd say give them some slack.
But if they're just being lazy, then fuck it

>> No.2698962

>posts exist in a vacuum
Did you even read the the thread, you dumb fuck?

>> No.2699125

You may have depression, but you're clearly also kind of an asshole. I also have it and has had it for years (perhaps most of my life, something doesn't work right in my head) and I think I'll be on medication for it for mostly the rest of my life, how ever long that may be. But I do my best to take it under control and try to let it negatively affect my surroundings as little as possible. Not having it so good your self is no excuse to be an asshole to anyone else. Be emphatic and honest and respect others opinions and feelings as best as you can. Being an ass only makes it difficult for others to return the favor.

>> No.2699164

Holy shit lol at this thread. Why couldn't I have been a musician instead.

>> No.2699278

Because that would require talent.

>> No.2699363

Yeah, fuck those people who use the trend of DUDE MY DEBILITATING ANXIETY LMAO to their advantage and obviously have no problems being in public, meeting strangers, or constantly sharing themselves over s o c i a l media. If only every single grown person who makes up some woe is me bullshit to get out of responsibility could be btfo'd by a judge that would be perfect.

I have only hinted at having severe social anxiety and got shot the fuck down every time because the people around me actually want to see me grow and overcome it. It kind of hurt at first but after reading your experience and that anon that got like 20 (You)'s, it's for the best.

>> No.2699444

You are really special aren't you?

>> No.2700174

>But I've never taken on a commission while I was depressed. If you want people's money, then you have to work. And if I can't work, then I shouldn't get their money. Momma didn't raise me to be no scam artist.

See this is correct. If someone is suffering from depression, one should inform a client BEFOREHAND that they have problems with depression or any other mental health issue. While I believe in severity of depression, sometimes it can come off as an excuse and if you took on the commission then you should stick on trough with it.

>> No.2700176

I had depression too and I almost quit university just before graduating, thankfully mom talked out of it. I instead decided to get a therapy and talked about my problems, and I fought it for good year or two afterwards to get myself out of that shitty state of mind.

That's what depression is, a godawful shitty state of mind. If you don't realize it's just state of mind and fight to change it, you're bound to be in it forever.

>> No.2700180

Lol tumblr is worst place you could reach out for acceptance. Its filled with miserable people that search every bit of validation for their misery and bitterness. I'm still on Tumblr, but I unfollowed every single piece of negative shit that was on my dashboard. It's still not good, but I don't have to read negative shit after negative shit.

>> No.2700182

And ESPECIALLY if you're paid upfront. If you as artist took upfront payment that client wouldn't bail out on you mid commission, then you're obliged same wise to fulfill your part.

>> No.2700193

If you have depression then why the hell will you be taking commissions??

>> No.2700213

What makes you think it's unsuckupable? When depressed, you literally have three options:
>kill yourself
>wallow in depression, leech off your parents and friends, avoid job and responsibilities, be just a living, breathing sack of shit
>suck it up

you did well anon, thanks for the keks

>> No.2700255 [DELETED] 

It's not like i hate race mixing but it's always some blonde haired blue eyed bitch with some nasty looking foreigner. And you wonder why far-right conservatives come up with white genocide conspiracy theories. They're not insane, they're observant

>> No.2700260

I have the opposite problem as I never hear from "clients" again after the inital e-mail

>> No.2700289

>3rd gen mexican american
>nasty foreigner

Okay guy

>> No.2700508

Yes. Absolutely. Fuck them.

Incompetent pricks.

>> No.2700510

I am so happy more shows don't cater to fat little whitey virgins anymore. It's great.

>> No.2700547

i am so glad people like you exist to prove how racist leftists are so more people will vote for trump.

>> No.2700551
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>> No.2700552


>> No.2700580

this has to be bait

Pretty sure this entire board is depressed you fucking mong. Why would I tell a client "Wah im sad all the time, sorry im not getting you're workd done." Thats not depression, thats fucking autism

>> No.2702548

Son, you got robbed.

>> No.2702554

This threads quickly turned into /pol/tards fighting about race.

Please for the love of God ban all people who visit /pol/ from this board.

>> No.2702629

>almost all posters have gfur icons
>almost all of the discussions are about furry artists

ok lol

>> No.2702661

Artist here: Out of all the commissions I've done, the only person who wasted my time and stiffed me was my fucking COUSIN. Family will fuck you over quicker than a stranger. Because they expect shit for free. "W..we're family"

Fuck off. Never promise to do shit for family, ever. It creates a shit ton of awkward air and drama.

>> No.2702677

You need to ban yourself, preferably with a gun.

>> No.2702751
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The longest i spent on a commision is 48 hours. some stuff came up, otherwise it would have been less than a day.

I dont get this depression crap. If you went to your boss and said "hey i cant do this report today, im depressed" you'd be looking for another job real fuckin quick.

>> No.2702753
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>We didn't spend very long in the courtroom.

>> No.2702787

Thats not true... If you had spent years working somewhere..

You could easily say " I'm depressed because my wife died and I need time to recover emotionally"

Many bosses would give you a week or even a month or two off.

Stop being retarded.

>> No.2702790

Depression is a chronic illness. Your wife only dies once. Try thinking for two seconds, anon.

>> No.2702793

Are you retarded? Employers give time off to mourn, not for depression. Please don't post anymore.

>> No.2702799

It looks easy when you take them.

>> No.2702813

itt people who arent getting their mental illness formally acknowledged as a disability by the government


>> No.2702817

Hi Wakawa!

>> No.2703242

Or because they are depressed or suffering something like ptsd.

This is just one instant where you can get leave for memtal health...

This is just one case where employees

>> No.2703267

i would write more in this post, but i have deprshin, sry guys

>> No.2703278


>> No.2703288
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Reminder. That what happens if you become salty loser.

>> No.2703332
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>Your wife only dies once.

That's what you think.

>> No.2703340


Reminder that this is the result of posting your work in any "post your work" circumstance.

If you're shit they call you shit.
If you're good they attack you personally rather than your art.

It never solves anything.

>> No.2703344

>thought it was going to be a salty loser
>it was actually a reasonable and logical person
Huh, there's some hope left in this world after all.

>> No.2703346

Death of a loved one is one of the leading causes of depression you fucking idiotic moron.

>> No.2703350

>tfw you love yourself but you die inside
Oh shit

>> No.2703351

And the death of your wife can trigger such illness to develop.

>> No.2703359

The point is that you're getting time off to deal with the loss of a loved one, not because "hurr durr I'm depressed".

You would not get the time off just because you were depressed and nobody actually died.

correlation =/= causation

>> No.2703360

You get time off real jobs for death in the family. You can't call in and say I need a couple days off I'm depressed

>> No.2703363

But you can.

>> No.2703376

no, you can use up some of your time off because you're depressed, you can't get free time off for the reason of being depressed

you can also use up said time for being lazy or wanting to jack off anally the whole day

>> No.2703377

No, it's because Wakawa posted shit in Kr0n/Saki whatever threads regularly.
>why my nude noneme girls are not popular uwaa it's not fair

>> No.2703382

you sound like a butthurt faggot

>> No.2703386

Don't give up Jace. You can do it. Just copy Kr0n

>> No.2703391

Yes, you can. Its called sickness leave.

That would be holiday leave.

>> No.2703404

is a meme """illness""" that only attention whores and the weak make use of. it is exclusively brought up when you want something for free, whether it be free attention or free support or free time or anything really
the astonishing retardation required to say you have depression on an anonymous imageboard just means you are trying incredibly hard to justify your meme """illness"""
some people feel like shit every day, none of them actually say "muh depression", which is yet more proof that you certainly don't have it so bad

>> No.2703414

>meme """illness"""
AIDS is meme too :^

>> No.2703417

>sickness leave for mental issues
have fun not having a job

>> No.2703423

This does happen but it is unlawful dismisal and van be take to court.

>> No.2703432

>take them to court
>get your job back and/or compensation
>get treated like shit on the job
>still have to find a new one
>employer tells anyone who asks you're a lazy, mentally unstable piece of shit
>now you're depressed and poor

>> No.2703434

That just proves my point that it does happen even if not always legal.

>> No.2703436


>> No.2703441


>> No.2703452


>Aussie/Kiwi standards

>> No.2703544

>make post about how it's not about likes
> /ic/ somehow think it's about popularity

Christ /ic/ what is wrong with you.

>> No.2703937

>Many bosses would give you a week or even a month or two off.

Ok girl, post tits or GTFO

>> No.2704017

that's stupid. Experiences differ but there's no reason anybody can't just stop being a little pussy bitch and man up and get on with their lives.

>> No.2704233

This actually happened to me a couple of years ago. Except I gave her a refund and barely drew anything until got my shit together.

>> No.2704345

you literally don't know a single thing about mental illness.

>> No.2704378

>Bigger commission, I take it even though the client tells me they still need some time to make funding work, since I like what they are doing
>they want me to start drawing asap to get some promotion out there
>alright, I'll just not do too much and wait around for a bit, see how things develop
>a few months pass by, no promotion to speak of is anywhere to be seen
>the project hasn't made any progress, but I've done some pieces for it that won't get paid if it doesn't take off, and now I have sunk cost fallacy syndrome
>don't want to move on because I still like what the project is going for, but also don't want to do any more work without seeing some major progress

I think I should just do commissions that I don't give a shit about from now on so I can think about them like a businessman.

>> No.2704383

looks like you don't. Those very few cases when people literally can't do anything about their condition, due to their brain chemicals being imbalanced or whatever don't make up even a fraction of those "boo hoo depression" cases.

Poor character is not an illness, people just don't want to work on themselves.

>> No.2704400
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>they email and say "sorry I'm not around or working much on your stuff; I have depression. It's going to taker longer to finish this"
That's exactly how i lost my job.
My mother died, i was lonely and depressed. I was crying all days because friends found me "too depressive" so i had nobody to talk to and couldnt do job fast. I was thinking about mother all the time and drawing - that's all i was doing, but drawing a bit slowly.
My client that i was working with as an artist and animator found some shitty dude who just finished college and was working for cheap ass price.

So i left lonely, mother died, and i had no money because my client ditched me because i was too depressive. This was my the most awful horrible time of my life.

If you refuse to understand such human things as depression and act like a big corporate robot, kill yourself.
>Depression is an excuse artists use to make
Can't say anything other than calling you a "faggot".

It also left a scar on my sould and changed me.
Back then i was that "NICE :D" guy-artist. Who was working hard, sometimes during the night to make more stuff for client. And was asking for a reasonable price.

Nowadays - no fucking way. Im a very expensive artist, i work with 70-100% prepayment and never see my cleint as a human being or a friend anymore.

fucking christ i just noticed this
You probably talking about some Deviantart-tier drawing of your waifu or some furry shit. Why im even wasting my time here.

>> No.2704410

>My mother died, i was lonely and depressed. I was crying all days because friends found me "too depressive" so i had nobody to talk to and couldnt do job fast.

Don't you think it's kind of fucked up that this is commonly filed under 'depression'? Being sad because someone you cared about died is not an illness. It just means that you're a normal human being. Depression is a chronic hormone imbalance, which doesn't even need a reason to crop up. When there's no reason for you to feel a certain way and oyu still do you might need medication or therapy but treating reasonable human emotions this way is just disgusting. "Oh your mother died? Yeah, just take some pills and you'll get over it. Keep working faggot."

>> No.2704412

B L O G ?

>> No.2704417

>He called me an asshole, so I took him to court to get my money back. Hilariously enough, this grown man told the judge that his severe depression and extreme social anxiety (which was not in any way apparent to me, by virtue of us meeting in person at a crowded Starbucks, where he was very personable and in no way outwardly anxious) made it "super difficult" for him to "work or communicate regarding work sometimes."
>The judge said his hemorrhoids made it "super difficult" for him to sit at the bench sometimes, but he still showed up and did his damn job.

Absolutely based judge

>> No.2704418

>Being sad because someone you cared about died is not an illness. It just means that you're a normal human being. Depression is a chronic hormone imbalance
Parent died = you became depressive. Not just sad.
You become sad when you broke your fingernail. Or someone beat your highscrore in videogame.
Traumatizing life experience may bring serious depression. And that's what happened - i got ill, for a long time.

>> No.2704421

>If you refuse to understand such human things as depression and act like a big corporate robot, kill yourself
>i work with 70-100% prepayment and never see my cleint as a human being or a friend anymore

okay kill yourself mr corporate robot :^)

>> No.2705416


>> No.2705436

feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.

A brain disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.


>> No.2705539

Only fucking idiots pay for art beforehand.
Even gaia has rules that say you cannot request payment for art beforehand.

Jesus fucking christ is like you people WANT to get robbed.

>> No.2705543

Only idiots work without being paid or signing a contract first.

>> No.2705544

Contracts are fine, but why the fuck would you give somone more than ten dollars right off the bat?
I never accept a dime until I have the sketch done.

>> No.2705818

But if you take a commission that's difficult you need to ask about 40-50% of the whole price
Or you could draw some quick sketch, show it to the client and then get half of the payment

That's kinda the same when you commission an artist, NEVER pay full price before getting your final piece of art

>> No.2706020


> depression is one of the worst things in the world

Fucking no. Not even close.
Ever had cancer? Alzheimer's? Physical or mental disability? No access to clean water? Paralysis? Crippling drug addiction? A job that runs a particularly high risk of physical injury or death?

From one depressed person to another, please, shut the fuck up. Get some damn perspective.

>> No.2706063

for real. Romanticising depression isn't helping anyone.

>> No.2706066

Depression is a mental disability

>> No.2706078


It's pretty clear he means something along the lines of being born with mental retardation.

>> No.2706263

Holy shit you faggots are retarded.

Depression can literally kill you. It can disable you completely.

>> No.2706292

More like a personal limitation that can lead to something dire like addiction and/or suicide if left untreated but you can definitely wipe your own ass and do complex tasks unlike someone with actual brain damage.

Come on anon. You really should spend time around the mentally disabled, makes you count your blessings real quick.

>> No.2706298
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>Ever had cancer? Alzheimer's? Physical or mental disability? No access to clean water? Paralysis? Crippling drug addiction? A job that runs a particularly high risk of physical injury or death?

Ironically, any one of those situations could cause you to develop depression.


Not that other anon but I don't think anyone with actual depression would ever romanticize it, the screwed up thing is depression is usually developed in tandem with other mental disorders so it ends up being this ouroboros of self-loathing and mental fuckshit.

>> No.2706320


> ironically, any one of those situations can cause you to develop depression

Thereby, making it quite literally worse than simply having depression.

>> No.2707769

If I hired you, I shouldn't expect the quality of the work to reflect your condition either. If you can let me know in advanced then great, we can end it there, But dont waste my time with it.

>> No.2707771
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If I hired you, I wouldn't need the quality of work to reflect your condition either. If you are able to let me know in advanced you cant hack it, then great, we can cancel. If not, then you'd be wasting my time.

>> No.2708058

>Hi, I'm a perfect little cunt that never get's sick, never has really low times in life, and generally perfect in every way. I do my job perfectly 100% of the time and in no way has my professional career suffered because of personal issues. I mean, I'm heartless after all. Why should anyone ever think the death of a loved one, a mental illness, or any of that "Weak shit" affect them?

>> No.2708093

>Hi, I don't understand how mental disease work. Those faggots with tourettes can totally control themselves, those lazy Catatonic schizophrenic dicks know exactly what type of crazy pose they are getting into, those chumps with chronic depression are in heaven because of their ability to sleep 30 hours at a time. I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with the physical structure, wiring, and chemicals in their mind not producing the shit normal people's minds that gives them their physical and cognitive energy. It's not like a nice sized chunk of your bodies energy output goes directly to your brain... you know, the thing that controls your energy output so if it's not getting enough juice then neither is the rest of the body.

Let me know when you're able to will yourself to produce energy like a fucking DBZ character you stupid fuck.

>> No.2708623
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pussy :D