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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.18 MB, 999x1500, IMG_3223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2703240 No.2703240 [Reply] [Original]

>Kyle tracing again

Nice try fucker.

>> No.2703245

Bothers me that the colors don't match the background.

>> No.2703250

>you can report threads like this right now
Thanks mod

>> No.2703251

Who cares? Digital art has no integrity anyway..

I honestly dont give a fuck of people trace when doing digital undo button "art".

>> No.2703263
File: 27 KB, 320x448, RNx2-JCbeF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruan Jia is tracing too. This one for example was traced from photo

>> No.2703268

His faces are getting worse and worse. They aren't even cute anymore and his colouring is lazy. It's clearly traced.

>> No.2703274

Not only did he trace but he traced a well known Capcom image and used the exact same characters. He didn't even bother to use different characters.

>> No.2703285

>well known
>doesn't even bother to post it
not all of us are weebs who memorized every capcom image

>> No.2703289
File: 195 KB, 850x1537, Koile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if you're trying to be sarcastic or not. Either way, here's the original.

>> No.2703290

Exactly he traced it and flipped the image. He's a tracer.

>> No.2703295

Well, duh.

>> No.2703298
File: 1.31 MB, 999x1500, 1475621075818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capcom not popular in /pol/?
As I expected. Pretty much shameless tracing. Digital art is for hacks

>> No.2703299
File: 114 KB, 625x505, 1462161651435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again.

How long until OP starts going "hello kyle" to everyone?

>> No.2703304
File: 107 KB, 600x843, PaulieShore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was googling this picture, I came across another guy who's on Patreon.

Look at that fucked up anatomy. Look at Lillith's torso.

>> No.2703307

Okay seeing this he it becomes obvious that not only is it an obvious intentional homage and not an attempt to sneakily get away with stealing, he also improved the original.

>> No.2703309

Doesn't matter if it's traced. It looks like dogshit. His faces are ugly as fuck.

>> No.2703313
File: 245 KB, 567x459, 09128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those feet were annoying me sorry

>> No.2703316

can you redline please? I don't understand what wrong.

>> No.2703323

>he also improved the original

Hello Kyle.

>> No.2703328

Why would you expect fan art to have any integrity anyway?

These people litteraly take pride in copying other peoples characters instead of creating their own art....

>> No.2703329

>he also improved the original

Check out the faces on Kyle's. How is that better in any way?

>> No.2703337

But what about drawing from model......

I think drawing from model, nature and references is not art.....

>> No.2703349

There is a reason he doesn't have a Patreon or do commissions. He's a hack and a tracer and can't do anything on his own.

>> No.2703365

did he claim this was original or what because just about everyone has seen that capcom image

some of you would probably lose your shit if this bothers you if you find out what some traditional/fine artists do in competitions like ARC Salon, FAN, BP, spectrum, boldbrush or w/e is hip nowadays

>> No.2703461

I do think it's mostly improved and you can tell he knows what he's doing, but that totally copied hand is really lazy. As for the faces, they're solid but doesn't really fit the characters. The original ones are still terrible either way.

>> No.2703470

For what reason did you give them stumps

>> No.2703487


The answer is, in fact, less than 10 minutes.

Is it always the same fucking autist making these threads or what?

>> No.2703495


>> No.2703530

Erasers can do the same thing my dude

>> No.2703539
File: 38 KB, 610x356, Neanderthal-610x356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the only value of art is in how intentionally difficult I can make it for myself

I too draw with rocks on walls, friend.

>> No.2703601 [DELETED] 

>completely devoid of character
>doesn't capture the personality differences between the two characters
Not gonna make it.

>> No.2703616

>those faces

This is what happens when you start worrying about e-fame, you posting art like a madman
regardless of quality

Kyle if you ever read this, stop uploading so much art your starting its degarding the quality of your gallery.

Remember quality not quantity

I luv u no bully

>> No.2703621

I thought that drama/gossip threads were banned. Guess not.

>> No.2703659

>/ic/ - jelly discussion

>> No.2703730

It's bland troll thread. Just shitpost like you're real retard and thread will die faster.

>> No.2703844

Shame he couldn't do something different with these 2 vampires, instead he just does the exact same pose.

>> No.2703862
File: 221 KB, 1024x1024, 1472262745985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that anatomy
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.2703874

wwhy did you do that?

that's fucking me up man

>> No.2704032



In case any of these posts are serious, he clearly states that this picture is a re-styling of another illustration (official Capcom one), and links said illustration.

Calm your tits.

>> No.2704042

goddamn that could have been such a good picture and they just fucked it up....

>> No.2704058

Whether or not people defend this, fucking stop. Stop flipping the image you "traced", it makes you seem cheap as fuck. It's like you're hiding something, further proving you're tracing something.

Seriously, just be honest that you've traced something. Honesty > Lying scumbag.

>> No.2704093

lol why would you overlay the image inverted? can you literally not see that it's inverted?

>> No.2704459

I'm mostly talking about anatomy and rendering. I already said myself the faces weren't fitting.

>> No.2704467

THIS! Jesusfuckingchrist, some of you people need to calm your fucking tiddies!

He's not "hiding" it, he openly states that the pic is based on the original and links to it!

>> No.2704469


>> No.2704472

You know he's making these threads to whore his art out right?

>> No.2704505
File: 296 KB, 815x825, oppaifutaloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when kyle had the spark

>> No.2704508

fuck off malaysia

>> No.2704525

Then don't even flip it, that makes it look like you are trying to hide something, as I said. 99% of tracers always have some dumb compulsion to flip what they trace, and it seems very untasteful.

>> No.2704556


What if I told you it's entirely possible to recreate an image with nothing but your eyes and pen/pencil?

If he'd traced it they'd line up perfectly, you fucking idiot.

Christ, I hope Hiro does nuke this shitpile of a board. Retards who can't wrap their heads around the idea of someone being better at something than themselves can finally fuck off to LevelUp, Draw or Die, etc where they belong.

>> No.2704558

>He's not "hiding" it, he openly states that the pic is based on the original and links to it!

>> No.2704573

Scroll up a bit m8

>> No.2704612

I don't see any proofs

>> No.2704616

>spoonfeed me even more
Jesus anon, it's literally in this thread, just scroll up and there's a link to his blog where he credits the original image

>> No.2704626
File: 114 KB, 563x928, 42354354353353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, Kyle

>> No.2704628

This guy makes some really ugly faces.

>> No.2704673

so tell me again why you follow the careers of shitty artists that you have no respect for?

>> No.2704685
File: 444 KB, 1273x1812, 14711122879753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

becasue you can and /ic/ is shithole

>> No.2704694

so what is up with people rushing to the coloring/shading phase instead of sitting on anatomy/good linework for a bit more?

>> No.2704722

What's wrong with anatomy? Can you redline?
>inb4: backpedalling in 3, 2, 1

>> No.2704724

I think anatomy is a great thing, anon.

And redline what, did you forget to post a picture, because I sure as hell wasn't pointing my finger at anything in this thread.

>> No.2704729

>backpedaling already

>> No.2704733

>What's wrong with anatomy?
Pretty sure he said that people should learn anatomy more and focus less on rendering you blind faggot.

>> No.2704734

sorry for breaking it to you, but you are really really dumb.
I hope for you that this is just gr8b8m8.

>> No.2704738

he clearly stated in his gallery that he did his own take on this artwork. this is clearly not traced. if you don't know what tracing mean, please find a dictionary or just kys.

>> No.2704753

I'm not very good, but Lillith's torso on the right side looks like a straight line, instead of curving in like (I think it should), it appears she is missing her the right side of her ribcage and (I think it's because he messed up the belly) It looks like she's either missing her right nipple or it's been moved to the middle of her chest - I'd have more technical terms but I'm still doing the "How to draw a Head" part of Loomis' many lessons in art. I'm not sure if what I said is absolutely correct, I'm just pointing to what I've noticed about the picture.

>> No.2704755


Please hold off for another few years until you critique someone's anatomy. You are not currently qualified.

>> No.2704763

He needs his spark back, or I need to find more like this.

>> No.2704767

I guess so, maybe you should let him know why I was wrong then explain to him what looks off about the picture, maybe letting me know why I was wrong would also help me

>> No.2704787

retarded dickbrains

>> No.2704792

there's nothing particularly wrong with the anatomy, considering the stilization, this thread is just memers and people like you who took the bait.

>> No.2704798
File: 767 KB, 849x1193, tumblr_nwmwo4rCsU1ti60ijo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit, you're right.
Somebody altered the original work.

>> No.2704912

Looks to me like he took a picture and used it as inspiration and recreated the piece and threw his own flare on it.

No signs of tracing at all. You're all probably just jealous, which is why you're never going to make it.

>> No.2704941

hi kyle
still samefagging I see
still tracing
still a liar

You're no better than the lying cheat mod that runs this board.

Stay salty bitch

>> No.2705129


seriously captain autismo, go back to drawing and stop spending your days here. do you really want to stay a pathetic scrub for the rest of your life?

>> No.2705138

no u

>> No.2705272

I don't get why people like him, look at the faces he draws. They are so hideous. People only commission him for feet, let's be honest. Feet fetish faggots.

>> No.2705328

I don't get why /ic/ likes him. He's not good at all, everything looks the same

>> No.2705370

Jesus Christ Kyle, stop making threads about yourself for attention. This is fucking sad. Get a fucking job.

>> No.2705372

Please kys Kyle

>> No.2705379

Can the mods please permanently ban Kyle and anyone who posts his work. I'm so sick of him.

>> No.2705387

I'm not the one that's thinking with their dick here, buddy

>> No.2705388

>I don't get why people like him
>People only commission him for feet
gotta love idiots that ask stuff and then answer their own questions.

all the jelly, kek

>> No.2705389 [DELETED] 

>I don't get why people like him
>I don't get why /ic/ likes him.

I don't know the fucker and don't care to know him. I just like some of his color work. I don't care about anything else about his work, including his feet.

>> No.2705401

Hello Kyle. Please kill yourself.

>> No.2705744

also, stay jelly, kek.

>> No.2705918
File: 925 KB, 1577x3000, SailorCat 07-slivki-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like girls with big thighs

>> No.2706154
File: 166 KB, 480x480, 1472789549693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even traced, jesus christ /ic/ is the most butt hurt board on 4chan.
>guys somone drew somthing and it got popular

>> No.2706923


So what you guys are telling me is that when you are an artist, you are always going to be accused of tracing. But if not, would instead be shot down for having slight error in your work?

I thought many professionals used references in their works?

>> No.2706959

those thighs are different sizes though

>> No.2707025

Your 9/10 rendering clashes with your 3/10 drawing.

>> No.2707102

hey_! leave Kyle alone.

>> No.2707104

Nice bait. It's 100% tracing

>> No.2707108

mi sentiment exactly...

>> No.2707113

You must be joking, it's flat as fuck and the rendering is even lazier. This guy is supposed to be a pro yet I see problems everywhere.

>> No.2710002

Since when did he or anyone else announce that Kyle is a pro?
Last I checked being a commission artist isn't pro status.
Why does /ic/ bandwagon so hard on people that have any hint of success? I'm not even a huge fan of the guy but I can see that he at least put in the work to get where he is.

>> No.2710052

Learn to see who quote who.
This whole conversation was for Zeronis >>2703304 , not Kyle.

>> No.2710158

I think I'm done with ic. Spent 4 years at least here, but this is it. You fuckers just can't understand that different artists have different intentions. Like, people in this thread are complaining about anatomy issues in a picture that's based on a iconic old pinup. Like, go fuck yourselves, I'm off to facebook or something, gonna start finding people to circlejeck over me. At least that way I'll be working on my networks.

>> No.2710346 [DELETED] 

he's still making money

>> No.2710356

it's nothing but seething hate and loathing here. They literally try to ruin professional artists careers.

this place is toxic and I HOPE this board gets deleted. Not cause i want to censor. I don't believe in that. But just fucking because.

>> No.2710359

>abloo bloo bloo
>/ic/ is mean :(
>why doesn't anyone give me asspats

>> No.2710360

hi malfag

>> No.2710367

cool, that anon was asking for anatomy problems.

>> No.2710487

Stop.. just stop, /ic/ get your shit together can't even bait or discuss for shit anymore. Can someone remake the godamn sticky so proper critique and discussion is explained because right now there are too many threads and posters as retarded as OP.

>> No.2710492

Mods wouldn't edit the sticky to add the new sticky, why'd they bother adding that?

>> No.2711823

I dont get it.

Is this thread ironic shit posting or whats going on here?