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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 715 KB, 1920x1200, Creative_Wallpaper_Oil_Paints_016850_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2686840 No.2686840 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a thread dedicated to all things traditional painting. seems like everyone here is all digital, but I know that can't be right

>> No.2686847
File: 647 KB, 575x819, water1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are watercolors traditional?

>> No.2686851

anything but digital!

>> No.2686852
File: 56 KB, 768x1000, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my latest attempt at Gouache

>> No.2686856
File: 2.35 MB, 1252x862, water2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2686858
File: 387 KB, 1500x1000, DSC_0122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some study I did with the Watts thingy.

>> No.2686861
File: 541 KB, 514x694, water3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2686862

looks nice but kind of muddy. Maybe Wait a little longer for the layers to dry and blend less?

>> No.2686865

I like it, it's the neck area thats kinda weird for me. Also what is it like a gnome or what.

>> No.2686868

nice how did you like Watts?

>> No.2686869

watercolor is so hard for me I just can't get it to stay put!>>2686865

>> No.2686870

an old woman I feel like if I put an hour or two more into it, it would have been better but ran outta time.

>> No.2686874

tbhfam pretty good, however: Just binge watch for 1 month or so and then work from the pdfs. His procedure doesnt really change all that much. And if you have time on your hands you can easily watch everything you are interested in. Also you should be not a total beginner but already kind of okisch when you start or its a waste.

>> No.2686879

hmm I was a member for drawing but never got to try the painting stuff. drawing was pretty good maybe I try again. expensive tho

>> No.2686882

It was worth it for me, but the 200 bucks didnt matter at all so there is that.

>> No.2686885
File: 1.93 MB, 2448x3264, KIMG0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copy after ? Artist of Frederick Chopin

Unfinished, gouache, sorry about size.

>> No.2686887

hmm are you using black for your dark shadows?

>> No.2686888

200 is not that much but, me being a noobler supreme with paint might make it hard to implement the binge watching strategy.

>> No.2686891

is it weird that it looks like its done in watercolor?

>> No.2686892

No, I think it is burnt umber, not in studio

>> No.2686896

cool. the subtle value changes in the skin are good and the thumbnail reads great. planning on going for a finish?

>> No.2686919

Thanks, and yes I am planning in finishing this peace, my sis teaches piano to rich fucks and I am hoping to get commissions.

>>2686891 might be the lighting, I think the gauche was applied a little thin.

>> No.2686976
File: 1.31 MB, 1494x2656, 8162016162931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already posted this and got critique in the draw thread but fuck you im contributing tradish stuff. Ace idea OP.

>> No.2686981

I hear this term "muddy" a lot but I don't know what it means... lack of contrast? all soft edges?

>> No.2686983

Thanks! ugggghhhhh that's so nice!

>> No.2686991

I meant more or less unsophisticated edges.

>> No.2686993
File: 651 KB, 624x900, hiillos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im in.

>> No.2686996

I see it as when you start to lose form/value because of over-blending.

>> No.2686997

Nice! The area above the breast seems way to dark though.

>> No.2687000 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 960x1194, Flowers II 01 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold this for $350

Flowers II by Chunbum Park

>> No.2687003

always do watercolor on a flat surface. Should be np to keep it up. However that seems to be the least of your problems I am afraid.

>> No.2687009
File: 350 KB, 913x544, adasghfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when painting traditional I tend to always overdo and fuck it up when im trying to fix mistakes after all. ctrl+z is a magical thing

>> No.2687011

I refuse to believe that.

>> No.2687025 [DELETED] 

should fix anatomy before you work on it more.

>> No.2687041
File: 3.24 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't derail this into a chumbum gallery. Pic is my grandma's. She started it in the 80s, then gave up. Shame because I really like it.

>> No.2687051

can you give specifics? looks ok to me

>> No.2687257 [DELETED] 
File: 465 KB, 1841x2446, Hawaiian Beauty 07 - medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold this for $1000

Hawaiian Beauty by Chunbum Park

>> No.2687269 [DELETED] 

The eyes look kinda droopy, unless that's what you're going for. The hairline looks way too high. The ears are too high up. The right hoop earring look like its hanging off of her cheek cause the right ear is too high. The part under her mouth looks super awkward. The left side is too bright and you lack darks. Looks like she has no neck or shoulders. Nose needs to be refined more, gets kinda lost due to the very close colors. That's all i can think about right now, but I would refine everything.

>> No.2687272 [DELETED] 

also forgot to add. Are you using a photo or another artists work to study off of? Would help if you post source image.

>> No.2687476

Go park it in your own fucking chunbum you talentless liar.

>> No.2687590 [DELETED] 

Why would I lie? I am not making up that I sold a piece for a million bucks or whatever. I actually sold it for 1000 usd

>> No.2687595

agreed. The point of the study was to start trying to work with shapes using a brush instead of a pencil, not really to create a finished piece. I think my next study will focus on how to work with the edges to turn the form maybe a master copy... thanks anon!

>> No.2687605

The face is supposed to be at a slight angle. But good to know it doesnt read well. Thats why the ears are higher etc. Cant fix anything anyway since its already dried but its nice for future efforts! Thanks!

>> No.2687698 [DELETED] 

You can work on top of oil though. Theres even artist that wait for paintings to dry to add more layers. As long as you dont use oms on top of it.

>> No.2687731

you can, but the edges can not be manipulated anymore

>> No.2687748

Muted colors. Dull. Opposite of oversaturated.

>> No.2687940

thanks for the clarification so many art terms have ambiguous definitions...

>> No.2688041

Your paint is too thin or dry, mate.

>> No.2688075

Yes you can...

>> No.2688083

of the dried painting? How?

>> No.2688101
File: 74 KB, 479x699, 65112931_1286713174_76f4c825c901b73e39ff8ece4ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use a mix of turpentine, water and linseed oil to prepare the dried surface for a new layer.

>> No.2688103

Hmm, ok thanks!

>> No.2688468 [DELETED] 

noooo do not use oms/turpentine on top of oil paint, thats cause your painting to crack later on. You literally just paint on top of it lol. Oil + liquin/stand oil/ or linseed oil.

>> No.2688490
File: 1.27 MB, 951x606, IMG_20160918_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some watercolor based on a pic i saw in the /beg/ thread i did , pic related and >>2688384 in another thread.. not that great tho.

>> No.2688517

>use a mix of oil and water
I don't even

>> No.2688520

Not really. It's more about colors mixing together unintentionally. while they do lose saturation it's more about controlling your brushstroke, cleaning your brushes between colors, and not working into wet areas without purpose. You can have a muted palette without the painting being "muddy." Or at least that's how I understand it.

>> No.2689192

"...I have found that the best method of doing this is to apply with a large brush, not very full, a mixture of equal parts of poppy oil, turpentine or petroleum, and water, shaken up together. The water helps it to bite on the surface and cover more easily, and if left for a short time the smal quantity will evaporate with the turpentine, leaving the thinnest film of oil. Any surplus should be wiped off with the palm of the hand and only enough to be on to bring up the colour."

Or you could always scrape.

>> No.2689205

how to sell paintings for high amounts?

>> No.2689222
File: 87 KB, 1037x813, big one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently sold this, for 170 bongs. I really think I should try this scene again, I think I'd do it much better.

>> No.2689251
File: 79 KB, 800x450, tmp_6035-20160921_165931-800x450-1044822824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on this for the past couple days. Not great but pretty good for the amount of time I've practiced oils.

>> No.2689255
File: 600 KB, 950x624, may-30-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this painting. i like it. gotta do more like it some day.

>> No.2689257
File: 898 KB, 1000x746, september-18-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i did this one recently

>> No.2689258
File: 835 KB, 702x950, march-16-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and heres a self portrait i did

>> No.2689271

also cool, except that fuvking shadow on the arm

keepitup Brian!

>> No.2689280

Are Loxley and Reeves canvases too shit to bother with? Is W&N the way to go?

>> No.2689283

Honestly, just try out everything. Its so fucking individual what surfaces people like and or dislike. Same with brands for colors, amount of medium, flat or angled surface etc.

I like nicer a little more expensive surfaces, but Frazetta painted on fucking everything for example.

>> No.2689295

Nice to see a paint thread in here. I'm about to start painting, but I need to know the practical stuff, like what to rinse the brush in between colors etc... the very basics. any links or resources for this?

>> No.2689299

The landscapes I've seen from you all seem to lack focus, like either you're not thinking about composition or just give equal attention to everything. The still life and portrait are really cool, but those arms look really sloppy. Your right arm bending backward draws a lot of attention.

>> No.2689320

still pretty new to landscapes. not even completely sure the order of what to paint first when i set up yet.

i can draw them, still can't paint them.

>> No.2689409

could be wrong about it, but i get the feeling you aren't waiting that long in between layers before you go over it with more colour. greenery is especially a tough spot for you here, as it seems you tried your best to refine & define close to the end of your painting. the colour used (or chosen colours blended together) comes out rather harshly vivid compared to all of the earth tones you have in the painting, so it stands out more than the figure. background trees & forest could benefit from some more defined shapes on certain areas/closer trees. again, i do see that you tried with that part, perhaps it goes back to the layer drying issue too.

personal nitpick but the bold pen outlines on her are too much of a distraction. if you're gonna line it at the end when everything is done (to you), perhaps use a brush & not-so-watered down watercolour paint instead of the pen. or at least, wait until everything is done & dried and try with a thinner sort of line. could play around with different colours too with some spots (or all of the figure, depends). that'd be more down the line for you once you get more into the techniques & shit

>> No.2689440

that looks fucking good, anon. technique?

>> No.2689493
File: 916 KB, 1000x739, september-21-2016-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this better?

>> No.2689497

This looks fantastic in thumbnail and utter shit at full view. It's messing with my head.

>> No.2689565

yes. you can keep pushing it though.

>> No.2689825
File: 534 KB, 630x900, pilfet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely true, I'm using acrylics and something that I would like to learn more. Only thing that now helps is using board instead of canvas.

>> No.2689837 [DELETED] 

It looks fantastic period.

>> No.2689885

Not really. Unless the canvas is really big.

The basis is there, he just needs to put some more work into it.

Also, he seems to be afraid to touch different paints together, so there's an outline around everything.

>> No.2689894
File: 384 KB, 1066x1600, Korean Girl I 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean girl I
By Chunbum Park

>> No.2689909

Pretty cool, but it looks like you're trying to be Gauguin.

>> No.2689947
File: 1.51 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing this right now, It's for a friend who wanted me to design his tattoo

>> No.2689960

>his tattoo
oh boy, don't. Its not looking great enough to be forever on someones skin t b h
Perspective seems off, and hand is garbo mate, sry

>> No.2689979

I love Gauguin. He painted beautiful women. I want to do the same with a modern twist

>> No.2689981

The hands not finished yet and about the perspective, how would you fix it?

>> No.2689997

by learning perspective.

>> No.2690000
File: 731 KB, 1000x736, september-22-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this one? i changed some of the colors and composition.

>> No.2690009

>emulate modern artist
>give it a modern twist

>> No.2690069

Oh i saw that one before! I think the crit about inserting a tree to the right, to fill the empty space was right.

Painting landscapes doesn't mean you have to copy 100%. feel free to move stuff around for better composition.

>> No.2690075
File: 739 KB, 1000x736, september-22-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just dont think inserting a tree there is the solution. what about something like this. imply a tree in the foreground and balance it out with another cloud near the other tree?

>> No.2690077

This works, gives you a foreground and close an empty corner!

>> No.2690078

Great idea
That will work

>> No.2690114

Dont know, but it looks very off. Dont you feel the same? I would just get a fucking pocket clock, take a photo of it and grid that shit, or something I mean its supposed to get on someones skin after all. Even if you dont want to grid it, use a reference!

>> No.2690116

looks A LOT better than the other one I think. The other one was boring here you have something to guide your vision. Nice job!

>> No.2690118

Honestly, I like the other one more. because it is very open the right. You can feel that there is endless space outside of the picte. This feels a lot more claustrophobic.

>> No.2690119

comforti, the brush is a brush, not a pencil.

>> No.2690135
File: 62 KB, 1000x750, rough pleins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this plein air or are you just inventing stuff?

Here's what I did today anyway, bit rough but it's just the first layer.

>> No.2690137

Do you have a kgf as a model?

>> No.2690142
File: 835 KB, 1000x731, september-22-2016-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you gotta cut loose though

plein air with effect added afterwards. the good thing about painting from nature impressionally is that it's not hard to improvise afterwards since it doesn't require that much exactness to add things and have them look convincing.

heres the finished one. also im getting a lot of reddit messages shit talking me and getting generally ignored whenever i post so fuck that website

>> No.2690160

exactly what I was going to say. It's a vast open field. don't close it off behind curtains. some people can't deal with an unusual composition, but fuck that. do whatever you like.

>> No.2690174
File: 375 KB, 1164x816, IMG_5484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my first set of acrylics an hour before this thread was made! I've mostly been experimenting with brush techniques and blending. Then this! He's deformed but happy overall I think.

>> No.2690192

Paint thicker, cover up the texture beforehand with more gesso, use a finer grained canvas, or else paint on panel. Especially when painting small.

>> No.2690202

>also im getting a lot of reddit messages shit talking me

>> No.2690203

thanks for your crit anon, yeah i was tryinjg to do the milk tea honey thing but i dont think i let it dry long enough in the first section where you let it dry completely. and yeah i didn't like the outline either, but i had done it before it was painted actually. on the other paining i didn't do the outline until after it was done and left it as pencil. and did some as thin pen and some as paint .

>> No.2690221

cause when i act like i act on here over there people get butthurt and type long expository messages about how i need to be an SJW if i want to succeed in art and how dare i this how dare i that. real pussy ass shit

>> No.2690321 [DELETED] 

just from imagination

>> No.2690407


Gesso in thing layers perpendicular to each other, then sand starting with a low grit to a higher grit to achieve a smooth surface to paint on

you're welcome

>> No.2690475
File: 1003 KB, 1696x2338, scan0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread.

I'm pretty sure I don't belong anywhere but /beg/ threads but anyway..

>anything but digital
This was literally my first time with charcoal, I know I don't know perspective and light and shadow, just wanted to mess around with it, seems fun. Just finished Loomis' Fun with a pencil, will probably start Perspective Made Easy now and then practice with charchoal.

>> No.2690477
File: 345 KB, 900x1240, resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, sorry about the size

>> No.2690493

do you guys paint what you like? or do you paint what you think others may enjoy? i have a problem painting things for others, but when its something i enjoy, it turns out rather nice. however, i have no creativity and my imagination is shit. i have a lot of trouble thinking outside of the box in any circumstance, not just art related.

i cant seem to get out of wanting to paint things that have already been done (like going to google, finding pics and painting them). mostly things from dragonball z, video games, or cartoons.

>> No.2690494

using board instead of canvas? can you elaborate please

>> No.2690503

I'll remember that when I start on something serious. Thanks buddies!

>> No.2690574 [DELETED] 

He probably means a canvas panel aka panel board

>> No.2690634

Love the impasto, lad.

>> No.2690635

I love hoary landscapes like this.

>> No.2690636

Love the feeling of the wind blowing in this one. Nice quads.

>> No.2690812

OP here anything but digital is traditional!

>> No.2690820
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x1836, 20160923_060213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I tried yesterday turned to mud.

>> No.2691017
File: 73 KB, 1000x748, halation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how it's going, think I might need to go out one ore time to tightened up the foreground. Those specks are flies btw, peel them off when it's dry.

>> No.2691027

ah okay, thanks for clarifying. the linked image's linework works out better than the image you posted in this thread because it is fully lined out imo. i feel that works out for you over the single object/person lined out, but please continue to practice with watercolour techniques.

>> No.2691041
File: 14 KB, 200x253, haydn cottam coast st ives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pretty well know location, even one of my ex teachers painted it.

>> No.2691047
File: 87 KB, 1145x794, from photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did another one of it, but from a photo, looks a bit dead to me, but more accurate than.


>> No.2691796

I really like this, do you have a blog?

>> No.2691809
File: 1.49 MB, 2560x1920, 0922162132a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just recently started oil painting after nothing but drawing for a long time.
This was a work in progress image, and I wound up letting a friend work on it. The final product we collaborated for is radically different, but I wanted a critique of what I did individually, so y'all get the unfinished piece.

I'm still struggling some with just handling the paint. I find it all too easy to wipe things out, make them hazy. I know it's a poor quality image, sorry

>> No.2691813

Wow I hate it when pictures go sideways

>> No.2691818

Keep going and also take a week to studh basic shapes cause that sylinder is looking out of shape

>> No.2691819

I think you overdid the foreground element

>> No.2691823

Literally loomis

>> No.2691883
File: 630 KB, 791x1000, september-24-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the draw thread went to shit really quickly. i guess ill post this here? if i mess around with this anymore itll completely go to shit so im done.

>> No.2691963

wow, you managed to make it even worse. Good job!

>> No.2691966

I like it! The knees are too red though and one seems to big. Good job though!

>> No.2691971

im getting some mixed messages from you guys

>> No.2691974


Some reasons for that:

1. Some people dont like it because you are Brian
2. People like different stuff.

>> No.2691975

the twist at the end of the movie is that we're all brian

>> No.2691986

she looks stiff and lifeless like a doll, it also looks like she has one tittie.

>> No.2692957
File: 69 KB, 1000x797, anvil first layer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First layer, this big new brush I'm using is great, fills in the sea and field really fast. Fucking around with smaller brushes isn't worth it.

>> No.2693003

lookin real nice

>> No.2693031
File: 206 KB, 1339x1001, IMAG1991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first complete painting, 30x40 cm.
Apologies for the poor quality

>> No.2693038

Looks very very good. I like the hazy quality of brush work

>> No.2693040
File: 838 KB, 1000x740, september-25-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i think im done with this. maybe a few small adjustments when it dries but this is more or less what i want it to look like

>> No.2693054
File: 1.18 MB, 1494x2656, 8252016122032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30x40 inches oil on canvas

>> No.2693063

A LOT better than the original. Good stuff

>> No.2693118

Think the colours are a bit strong, so I'll probably make the grass a little more muted.

The sea needs to stay a strong blue though I reckon.

>> No.2693147

What a waste of canvas.

>> No.2693189

not if anon learned something from it...

>> No.2693284
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x1836, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first oil painting. I just finished it today. I focus mainly on pen drawings. Oil was one heck of messy fun and its nothing like I imagined. This damn thing will be wet for days and I learned to keep that bottle of turpetine out of a closed room where I reside in.

I figured for my next painting I would start with a sketch, as I realized you really can't paint over colors unless you wait longer than 8 hours to paint over it.

>> No.2693314
File: 69 KB, 612x612, e8b67c0ff7e6f4af83b7786283df566c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you studied any oil painting workflows, such as fat over lean?
It's pretty common for painters to start out with thinned out paint, then use thicker paint as they progress. This reduces waiting time and cracking.

The composition you chose is decent. The perceptive adds a bit of movement into the painting.
The weakest part is the colors, which makes sense for a beginning painter. I encourage you to paint landscapes from life or photos in order to study colors.
The biggest issues in your colors are your greens and lack of atmospheric perspective. It seems like you are using the green right out of the tube, mixing white or black into it for shadows and highlights. A problem with this is that tube greens tend to look unnatural. Look outside and compare your greens to actual plants. You will notice that plants are either bluer or yellower. Work on your observation skills and study the colors of things around you.

A good thing about opaque paints is that it is easy to paint over mistakes. You could try correcting the colors on this painting once it dries.

>> No.2693331

Thanks anon I will keep that in mind.

>> No.2693334

How would you thin out oil paint sorry like I said I am totally new at this.

>> No.2693342

Since you said you have turpentine, you could use that or other solvents if you don't want to die. Just dip your brush in that stuff and mix it into your paints on the palette.

It's kind of like acrylics or watercolor, but you use solvent instead of water for cleaning and thinning.

You might want to get a book or read up online about the basics of oil painting.

>> No.2693356

okay so the fat over lean rule says the more solvent you use (turpentine) the fatter the paint gets... it takes longer to dry. So I just need to use more solvent the more layers I add on it yes?

>> No.2693395

Solvents evaporate so they don't have any affect on the drying. The fat over lean rule applies to mediums that contain drying oils (linseed, walnut, etc.), which extend the drying time. What I would worry about with solvents, however, is using too much of it—it will break down the particles of the paint and thus will create a weak paint film, and it may fall apart/crack in the future.

>> No.2693554

You have it backwards. Thin with turps at first (dries much faster btw), and add oil in subsequent layers. I use turps only in the first layer and end up with oil only in the final glazing layer, with a mix in between. Fat (oil) over lean (turps). It's that simple.

>> No.2693574

Good job anon! You should put a bend in your water source though, it helps add distance into your picture as you see the land come in front of the water as it bends around. It would also make the moon pop more with the darks from he land under it. I started taking pages and just practicing using the brushes to make trees, rocks, mountains, and all of the more typical shapes I knew I would be using. It has helped me to to know how to make them so that they come together proportionately with the rest of my painting. Keep it up anon!

>> No.2693585

I agree. The objects in the foreground don't seem to be painted as the same perspective as the rest of the painting. It looks very flat although the rest of the painting looks spread out and big so it confuses your eye. The over all picture is painting as if you were looking out, but the foreground element is painted as if you were looking down on it. It would have been better to create some tufts of grass of varied shading to imply distance and I think it would pull our painting more together.

>> No.2693587

Looks kinda like Cezanne. Very nice use of colors anon.

>> No.2693625

someone bought it so i cant change anything about it now

>> No.2693770


>> No.2693784

Keep it up!

>> No.2693945
File: 1.47 MB, 4045x2715, krajina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I will contribute with some. My name is pixelized intentionally. This is anonymous board after all... ;-)


>> No.2693946
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>> No.2693947
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>> No.2693953

Those are pretty good, though I'm a beginner so I don't know enough to judge them, but I like them. What technique did you use?

>> No.2693959


Personally, i'd recommend getting used to using very little thinner early on. Excess turps/medium gets students in trouble. Not dried turd dry, but not soapy wet either.

You can also go solvent-free with fast drying oils as medium and/or alkyds. Way safer.

>> No.2693965

A lot of painters use almost no thinner and just work alla prima. The paints have medium mixed into them already and apply nice enough, except when you want a specific effect (glazing for example).

>> No.2694080

very little hard edges to be found, looks like you can't control your strokes very well, that cup is so doughy.

I hope those are not all like 50x60, because that would just be a waste of canvas.

>> No.2694084

Yeah, when I started out I used a3 cheapo brand canvases, only like 2 or 3 pounds each, and often gesso over to start again. Now I'm working with linen on a bigger scale and it's so much better, linen is a whole different feel.

>> No.2694125

It's possible to work with the true layered method without thinner. One must only be smart about going about it and leave the slick surface for the final glaze, particularly the dark areas. Of course it requires a considerably better understanding of oil paint and to use them to their full advantage.

I only use thinner in the imprimatura for a warm earthy base. If you keep your pigment mixtures simple and you have a lot of reliable brushes you do not even need spirits to clean your brush in between. For cleaning, brush soap is sufficient.

>> No.2694746
File: 1.46 MB, 2592x1944, 20160926_223838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First try oil sketching a simple form

>> No.2694775

apologize for the size I'll repost later smaller

>> No.2694802

Those are:
cca 23x23

I admit, that some lines in the last one could be harder, but from what I read, the painting is actually more convincing, when the lines are softer.

>> No.2694803

All are oil. First on linen, second and third on hardboard and medium density fiberboard.

>> No.2695727

Might as well ask here, what's the difference between acryla gouache and regular acrylics?
Googling for it, but all I get is those two mediums compared against other mediums and not each other

>> No.2695730


I usually hate this kind of painterly bullshit, but I love this.

>> No.2695735
File: 282 KB, 500x750, tolstoy-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the big shapes keep it going !

>> No.2695748

Acryla gouache is pretty much just a regular gouache that's waterproof after it dries. Normal gouache in the right consistency will rewet indefinitely. Normal acrylic paint is more viscous, can't be thinned as well with water without weakening the paint film, and dries to an elastic, plastic-like surface.

>> No.2695803
File: 276 KB, 900x634, flash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working with acrylics, so there's no real need for gesso. I've been experimenting with a slightly absorbent cardboard, that is used for industrial packaging. It has white laminated, kinda matte surface that binds paint quite well and I can get it for free in 130x100cm size - which is kinda nice. It has virtually no grain, so it's like matte painting.

Pic related, something I already posted in draw thread, but this is made on that material.

>> No.2695816
File: 1018 KB, 2512x1812, 20160922_191059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About the 4th time I've touched acrylics, painted the teacher from life, this was 1.5h.
Really enjoying painting so far.

>> No.2695966

Like the other anon said, she appears very stiff and doll-like... but I'm digging the colors and brush strokes.

>> No.2695969

It's a little messy in the sense that almost everything seems in focus, but the colors are lovely.

>> No.2695973

A bit mussy and not too much sense of intentional direction of the strokes, but pretty good construction and perspective-wise.

>> No.2695977

thanks! I really think I started the paint to think on this I'ts murder trying to paint into thick gouache. lesson learned,

>> No.2696018

kinda reminds me of david hockney

>> No.2696065

**started the paint too thick

>> No.2696094

aside from the "one tit" comment im not convinced the lifeless doll thing is a bad thing. It's definitely a far cry from how obsessed with likeness I usually am. Maybe I should try to push the lifeless look on another painting. Best case scenario is it looks like Picasso's statue people which isn't a bad thing.

Unfortunately I don't have models yet so I'll have to just keep these ideas in my head.

>> No.2696246

About to order my first book about painting and need advice as to which one to choose.

Almost done with alla prima on pdf and it was very good at explaining how it works.

Any advice on which book I should own as a physical copy, if I have to choose one?

>> No.2696266

alla prima 2.

>> No.2696533

I know the reference , your proportions are pretty off.

>> No.2696539

Yeah I agree, nice canvas blown on some nice high school tier stuff. I guess like the other anon said they probably learned something so it isn't all bad.

>> No.2696543

Some better books to get started with are both of Harold Speed's practical books. After, check the resources here, wetcanvas and google.

Personally, I found Schmid's explanations without much actual explaination pretty damn annoying.

>> No.2696545

Are you just saying things to say them?

>> No.2696605

The weird red knees are fine. Nice abstract realsm piece.

2 things that hit me are, I feel like she needs to be doing something with one of her hands, and my eye just wants something on the top right third, like a clock or something ironic.

>> No.2696847
File: 395 KB, 1176x1800, 1437770305613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you?

>> No.2696900

I think the more historically grounded term would be "proto-cubist"

>> No.2697016

thanks, great tips

>> No.2697028

I was just saying that you dont need any medium.

>> No.2697035

>Personally, I found Schmid's explanations without much actual explaination pretty damn annoying.

I am an absolute Schmid fanboy so take my opinion for what its worth, but I found the book amazing!
He doesnt take you by the hand but shows you how his process works instead. In my mind he explains pretty well: Take the right measurements and put on the right color and you are golden. This seems obvious but makes sense, since painting is the right color in the right place. Also its well written, which is a rare case. For me its nice to know that his methods work since his work is absolutely stunning

>> No.2697268

I liked Alla prima as well. Do you have any other suggestions on painting books?

>> No.2697837

What color did you use to stain the canvas?

>> No.2697856

There are not a lot of good ones, because the good painters rarely write books, but paint instead. The only book about Painting I can recommend aside from Schmids is Gurneys Color and Light.

>> No.2697901

m8 this is full on impressionism

just make sure the guy you are selling it to don't get nearer than 3 meters and you are gold

>> No.2697913
File: 961 KB, 1571x2048, IMG_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digital is pure degeneracy

>> No.2697914

>no understanding of structure
Oh well.

>> No.2697927

>copying photos
>using graphite for anything other than a 5 minute sketch
>individual strands of hair
>initialing something like this
>doing it outside the image
>letters written with Parkinson's disease

Top degeneracy.

>> No.2697966

that nose looking like it's made of metal is pure degeneracy
so is the eyebrows being darker than her pupils or the inside of her mouth

>> No.2697975

Okay, I've heard about gurney before and I'll check it out. thanks a lot, I appreciate it.

>> No.2697991

>copied photo
>huge, awkward signature
You sure showed them

>> No.2698287

nice style, you should read about anatomy

>> No.2698301

im not gonna get any better at anatomy but its nice you think there's hope for me

if i remember correctly it was a mix of cadmium yellow, magenta, and turquoise. tried to make as neutral, ugly a brown as possible. i highly recommend that color for grounds. it's good for any subject.

>> No.2698315

the irony

>> No.2698367

is that laura palmer?

>> No.2698376

Noice, anon.

>> No.2698378

Anyone has a good tutorial on working with acrylics? I recently started painting with acrylics (only black and with to work with value) and I'm struggling with speed it dries.

>> No.2698387
File: 154 KB, 730x994, 0_13c570_4ca88072_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best Acryllic Artist I know dont blend at all. You can go very watercolory with pools of water to get smoother transitions. They work in Layers similar to Watercolor or Gouache

>> No.2698391

They make slower drying acrylics like liquitex heavy body

>> No.2698484

Let me see his work? I will try this approach, thanks!
Thanks, I will see how I can work with it!

>> No.2698486
File: 301 KB, 835x1025, IMG_20160930_154952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting in two threads!! Suck it i need the attention

11x14 oils on canvas

>> No.2698492
File: 182 KB, 768x1024, IMG_2613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painted this a little while ago, done with oil.

>> No.2698504

My bad, just did reverse search!

>> No.2698623

that's a lot of wasted resources!

>> No.2698627

that's actually pretty cool.

piss of peasant

>> No.2698662

No, Heavy Body is just a standard high-viscosity paint. Golden Open is the only slow-drying acrylic in the market, but you can obviously buy mediums and retarders for your other paints.

>> No.2698671

>that technique and style
>i need the attention

I can tell.

>> No.2698673

I have a handful of paints/brushes, and 2 14x18 STRETCH canvas'.

I'd love to start painting/learning to paint but I am even more nervous about that than I am with drawing. It's all acrylic paint, too.

>> No.2698683

>close up of eyes
people still do this?

>> No.2698686
File: 503 KB, 648x490, work8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking to try gouache. I usually stick with ink and markers. does anybody have any recommendations on what i should buy? starting colors etc.

>> No.2698696

>at least i posted my work

>> No.2698702


Don't mind him, he is bitter just for the sake of being bitter.

Keep doing what you are doing, I'd love to see you spend a little more time on it.

>> No.2698703

Thanks anon. Will do.

>> No.2698723 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2698749
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>> No.2699144

looks like some tumblr art

>> No.2699198 [DELETED] 
File: 360 KB, 1200x900, sissysept30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread

WIP, tempera on wood, a study for it in background. Working back to front (distance) rather than a unified underpainting b/c I want each part to be distinct and spatial & good if it looks slightly dreamy

>> No.2699215
File: 270 KB, 1000x750, P1150609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread

WIP, tempera on wood, a study for it in background, working back to front (distance)

>> No.2700173

ooh, this is nice, the sky looks really good man

>> No.2700214

nice colors man
some atmosphere would help it feel like you're in a real space

>> No.2700241

Burnt umber, or burnt umber plus white, would be a damn sight cheaper option.

>> No.2700261
File: 266 KB, 623x900, kirkko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figuring out elements for this, so many different indicators to work with. Will require lot of gold and red carpet to set up the mood, also values are just guidelines, since there's no color yet. Most likely this will turn out almost daylight bright.

I wouldn't put the whole medium under one specific style. It's appealing on the desk, but figure looks cheap and badly made. I'm using acrylics and I've never thought that it would be limiting factor for me.

>> No.2700282

really like the atmosphere
The current values give it this spooky feel. Keeping the painting mostly monochrome might look good, but I don't know if your current plan would look better.

>> No.2700294

Having the same feels, it's so hard to figure out optimal setup. But spooky feels are easy to gain with little girl, blurred faces and dark windows that provide light.

I'm not really into monochrome, but it's easier to figure out lights and forms. I'll post more once I get this rolling forward.

>> No.2700328
File: 489 KB, 661x900, 14572733_10157525436765273_81781815_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got so tired of using acrylics in class so going back to oils, they're so much more forgiving and the travel is usually so much better although golden open acrylics might have given me just the same benefits

>> No.2700732
File: 607 KB, 1000x777, october-2-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's assuming you have burnt umber. i don't buy earth tones that's a rabbit hole that'll cost you more money in the long run anyways. I find it's better to buy basic colors than try to get everything imaginable for your palette.

here's something I painted today. this was with a 6 color palette. you can get plenty of browns with reds greens yellows and blues.

>> No.2700877

Earth pigments are cheap. They're literally dirt and are part of the basic, canonical pigments in painting.

It's better to have your browns quite simple in mixture than combining them using reds greens yellows and blues.

You're recommending others to buy basic colors when you've got freaking turquoise and magenta in your ground. Though I do think it's good to have some extra colors that are not part of the basic arrangement of oil colors for certain things.

Raw umber is more versatile.

>> No.2700880

this is really not good
thats not even supposed to be criticism man its just an observation
i dont even know how you would fix this

>> No.2700894

>t's better to have your browns quite simple in mixture than combining them using reds greens yellows and blues.
How's that? It completely depends on the picture you're planning to make. Granted you have the colour sense, it's better to mix your own neutrals than stick with some standard colour that will always be the same in spite of the image context. If you're not an idiot, anyone can mix down to all of the earth tones being sold at the store.

>> No.2700920

>i dont even know how you would fix this
same way you "fix" any underpainting. you paint on top of it.

and what that other anon said, better to mix your own neutral colors than buy them. only one id recommend is really Van Dyke Brown cause it's such a good black and grey substitute. but if you are using earth tones as your "colors" then you are fucking up. they aren't versatile at all and are easily made if you buy the right colors.

also magenta and turquoise are fantastic fuck you

>> No.2700926

I'll just list my palette:
Lukas Red
Cadmium Yellow
Lemon Yellow
Sap Green
Anise ( a kind of muted yellowish green)
Ultramarine Violet
Flesh Color ( As close as i get to earth tones)
Ivory Black
Titanium White
Indian Red
Orange French Yellow

>> No.2700934
File: 815 KB, 1774x1774, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here do landscapes or plein air painting? I started after seeing Bob Ross so naturally that's where my paintings kind of lie at the moment. Is the Bob Ross style even usable in painting a real scene? It seems so copy and paste. Pretty in your head but not like what you would really see.

>> No.2700936

theres nothing bob ross does that applies to actual plein air painting. if you went outside and spent all your time hunting down the compositions bob ross always painted you'd never paint anything. there's a lot more spontaneity in nature than "mountain with reflection in lake and some trees"

>> No.2700965
File: 277 KB, 659x823, dying soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently started evolving from sketching to painting, can I get some critique and direction? Here's my latest.

>> No.2700982

I feel like the paint handling of the soldiers and the rest of the scene are different and lacking unity. Like you're trying to do two different styles. Either bring some of that line quality into your background, or just ditch that altogether and stick with creating edges through tonal variation.

The colours feel slightly awkward, perhaps the soldiers' uniforms too green... or the trees in the back too saturated (maybe if you made them more like the hue of the grass it would become more harmonious).

Is there a reason the two soldiers have different skin colours? Are they not both caucasian? Did the guy /just/ get shot?

>> No.2700994

Thanks, I'm seeing a lot of what you're saying.
Originally I wanted the dead guy to look like he just got shot and slightly pale, but the pale wound up looking different than I hoped for. Any good techniques to getting a decent skin tone? I make most of the colors from mixing rby and white

>> No.2701076

The same reason why it's preferable to have single pigment listed in the tube of paint. For one, you know what's in your paintings. You know whether they are transparent or opaque, and other qualities. Even just for archival purposes it's better to be mindful of the pigments. Old masters used brown earth pigments and quite simple mixtures successfully and now suddenly we're supposed to mix earth tones by mixing for or more paints that might even have more than one pigments listed in each. Mixing a hue, especially brown, out of obscure blues green reds and yellows, even if you manage to replicate the same tone as a brown earth pigment, is not the same because it takes away what makes the pigment special in the first place which are its unique characteristics.

That sounds a lot like how when people say don't buy black, and just mix your own.

I'm not even suggesting that you use just raw umber straight out of the tube. Only that making brown color out 4+ chromatically very different "basic" colors is needlessly complicated.

I also didn't say that brown pigments are versatile although that's true. I meant only that raw umber is more versatile than burnt umber if you're going to have an umber at all in the palette.

Earth tone pigments are versatile if you consider oil painting as not only consisting of the direct opaque method, but also capable of transparent applications and understanding that method. There's a reason why virtually every old masters used brown earth pigments.

>> No.2701098


Too much solvent causes underbinding...

>> No.2701113

So your argument is largely about pigment properties besides the hue? Bro, the original point of the discussion was about making a brown... I don't know if you know, but the pigments we have today are fully capable of doing this without severely limiting you. You want a brown, you can mix it... but you also have the option of making it warmer, cooler, greyer, brighter—whatever suits the picture. And if you buy the right pigments (single, not mixed), then there should be no issue with characteristics either. There are a lot of choices nowadays, way more than the old masters had, of highly saturated pigments in opaque and transparent forms. There is absolutely no reason to fall into old conventions that artists of the past were stuck with. Most of their work look so similar because they were so limited.

>needlessly complicated
You learn and master colour much faster by mixing everything yourself from the very top. If you understand the colour wheel it's really quite a simple thing to do, and with enough practice it quickly becomes second nature.

I paint almost exclusively with Hansa Yellow, Quinacridone Red, Phthalo Blue, and Titanium White. They're fairly cheap, very intense, and quite stable. I have had zero problems doing copies of old master paintings with just those four pigments. It's like a Zorn palette with maximum intensity.

>> No.2701135

I've never tried raw umber, why is it more versatile?

>> No.2701200

That may have been the original discussion, but I responded to other things that were mentioned. Someone asked me why I said the things I said as to why it's preferable to have your mixtures simple, and talking about pigments comes into that naturally. It's very pertinent to the theme of keeping mixture simple. Another being that brown earth pigments are expensive in the long run.

And as I said I'm not necessarily advocating for using the brown out of the tube. You can do all the things you mentioned you can do with your strange mixture of brown as well as with a brown earth pigment, and you know what's in it. If you want to make a brown for an imprimatura, as per the original discussion, then just use an umber as a base and change to suit your liking.

If obscure mixtures are really better than single-pigment of the same hue, especially brown, then buying the former from the store if such existed would be better than that which lists only one pigment.

>There is absolutely no reason to fall into old conventions that artists of the past
They worked, and they worked wonderfully. We know they worked, and yet, as I said, suddenly artists, who, by the way, are worse than the old masters were, are saying we shouldn't do this or that. If there's a practice that they used which has been proven ill for the paintings, then we know to avoid that.

>Most of their work look so similar because they were so limited.
That's wrong on many accounts. Most of their works do not all look the same, and when they do have similarity it's not because of the pigment choice but because the artistic field was more connected and other things. It's not like they really lacked in appropriate pigments. There's still considerable variations in their palettes. And despite having sufficient other pigments to make brown hues, they still kept brown earth pigments. When a brown hue is desired without a brown pigment, ochre, red, and black are sufficient while still being simple.

>> No.2701214
File: 1.40 MB, 2641x3307, Margaret_Sarah_Carpenter_Portrait_of_Harriet_Countess_Howe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lukas Red
>Sap Green
>Flesh Color
>Indian Red
>Orange French Yellow
Lmao, how about some actual pigments?

>> No.2701225

There's some color instability with burnt umber. It dries duller than raw umber despite being of a richer color out of the tube and requiring high amount of oil to make a paste suitable for painting. It is said to have been observed that the colors on top of it change appearance. It's not good for underpainting unless you know how to mitigate this or work with it.

>> No.2701229

congrats! you're a numale!

>> No.2701237

I think that you perspective is a little off. I assume that his feet are on a desk. The desk has the appearance of being very small and very close because its so close to him and to the bottom of the painting. Also, dont worry so much about getting paint close to figures, and if you do, make sure you blend very well, and keep you strokes going to same why, otherwise it chops the picture up. unless that's what you are going for.

>> No.2701293
File: 1.89 MB, 400x225, 1467966156321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fruits are not recognizable enough I think. Maybe thats why its not working.

>> No.2701339


Hey, don't diss on Cyan you asshole!

>> No.2701585

The sky took a long time, thank you

>> No.2701627
File: 1.12 MB, 2560x1440, 1003161339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And etc on phone can't link all discussion of earth pigments
They are very versatile- red, yellow, purple, blue and green earths as well as rich browns. Even more vividness is possible with gemstones and toxic earths like cinncinnabar. Earths are not as saturated as many synthetics, but restrained colors next to each other appear brighter.
The benefits are that they are very safe (exception mentioned above)-- avoiding the toxic cadmium, cobalt, chrome etc. Also they are very stable colors that will remain true.

>> No.2701662
File: 60 KB, 1000x785, anvil final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this yesterday.

>> No.2701667
File: 676 KB, 1000x809, october-3-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're still not really... doing edges... i mean you don't need an outline on everything but everythings too fuzzy. hard to make out the exact shapes of the rocks.

i did more to this. for once i used a wash!

>> No.2701668

better than anything brian could hope to accomplish. massive kek

>> No.2701679
File: 85 KB, 750x518, mullins oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real life doesn't have outlines, not much anyway. That's kind of the difference between painting and drawing, you're looking at masses, not lines. Going for lines around things is fine and definitely has it's use, but it makes things more illustrative and style-y.

I study rock paintings like this to improve, Mullins did this one.

>> No.2701685

thats what i said, you can have edges without outlines. that painting has edges. those rocks are close enough to you to have fairly sharp edges. everything just looks fuzzy and overworked as it is.

>> No.2701687

if i'd painted that exact landscape where he was it'd be beautiful, anon. but whatever your taste is your taste.

>> No.2701690
File: 307 KB, 1133x892, tumblr_m4ukhbVNuE1rpvjjio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice rocks by Courbet

>> No.2701697

Yes I misread you there, those rocks were about 40-50 feet away and stand roughly 15 at their highest (the left one), didn't want to go too sharp I suppose but point taken.

Rocks are underrated desu

>> No.2701705
File: 739 KB, 1000x1567, 402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to say it, but Brian is right that your edges are mushy. Get some sharper edges especially around your focal point and hard objects like rocks.

I find your paintings also tend to be washed out a lot, so I would play up the values more (don't be afraid of dark shadows) and the colour temperature differences between sunlight and shadow. Look how dark and rich the value structure is in Mullins' example versus yours. I would also be careful of "meaningless" brushwork, you have it worse in some other images but it's present in this one too to a degree. Basically you tend to have a lot of blurry brushstrokes that don't convey any real information about form or shape. It is better to either make them more designed and intentional or just simplify the area and flatten it if it is not important (I did this a bit in your foreground).

>> No.2701724
File: 51 KB, 640x447, st-ives-bay-from-clodgy-point-st-ives-cornwall-england-g0xh1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really appreciate the crit m8, and the paintover. I definitely do have a tendency to brush over unnecessarily, and yeah, contrast is something I need to work on, it is a little difficult when the light changes so much however, I sometimes start off working on a sunny day and then it's overcast and I have to try and remember what the shadow shapes were or consult a sketch.

Found a photo of what that rock looks like IRL, from a different angle.

>> No.2701772

Why don't you switch between different canvases for diff light conditions

See monet haystacks

>> No.2702258

A few of his technical tricks can come in handy. His feel for composition is bland and rudimentary but fairly competent. Not the worst way to get started. Other anon is probably right about him being not at all helpful for plein air. Time to move on to more advanced topics that Bob just doesn't cover.

>> No.2702712
File: 3.94 MB, 2405x4276, IMG_20161003_123448396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first time slapping paint (acrylic) on something and I've had a lot of fun making this. I've only did light drawing but now I want to paint a lot more.

>> No.2702720

ya, painting is a lot of fun. Keep going.

>> No.2702861
File: 820 KB, 1000x778, october-4-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painted this. mostly palette knife

>> No.2702891
File: 700 KB, 1700x2339, vf55JI8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study of Rembrandt painting. Early phases

>> No.2702915

been doing digital for awhile still trying to grasp colour theory so im terrified of investing in paints.
I get really excited when I see oil/acrylic paintings though ' u '

>> No.2702933

it's really not that much depending on what kind of paints you want to use and you will never learn how to mix paint unless you mix paint, so mix paint!

>> No.2703001
File: 92 KB, 1000x990, 5 points roughie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much to show, just a rough in, gonna save this for a sunny day.

>> No.2703002
File: 58 KB, 1000x688, 5 points sketch foreground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a sketch of the foreground.

>> No.2703082 [DELETED] 
File: 752 KB, 2316x3143, _20160929_181824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"American Dream"

48"X 38" in acrylic

>> No.2703084
File: 156 KB, 1024x640, DmC-Dante-w-Angels-1024x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like a (even more) retarded Donte.

>> No.2703085

obviously the dream is to get VD

>> No.2703094


Kek, that's a compliment

*Hyper consumerism post women sexual liberation 80/20 jargon

>> No.2703102

You're the weenie who deleted your post.

>> No.2703114
File: 2.46 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20160930_165132824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thought this thread was dead, I was going to reuppload it in another thread.

>> No.2703122
File: 221 KB, 489x830, Screen Shot 2016-10-04 at 5.25.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts from today

ok there, you go back pedal.

>> No.2703131


Well, it was over 50 minutes since the last post which I presumed meant that this thread wasnt moving

>> No.2703143

Stop arguing, we get that you are new. Lurk more dude and use references for painting. Aren't good enough without them just yet for realism at least. Learn to draw form, then come back to painting.

>> No.2703173


I wasn't arguing. Thanks for the critique btw. I paint from imagination rather then depend on references cause it's harder and more enjoyable in a sense

>> No.2703258

Get a limited pallette, then you're only buying like 4 or 5 tubes. It will also help you to learn mixing and you won't have to worry about color theory as much since the colors you bought will be in the paint you mixed.

>> No.2703593

Was looking at paints today - what colours would be good? just red,blue yellow, and two others for fun? acrylic vs oil? ugh

>> No.2703600

Nice texture. I can't tell what the bottom left is however.

>> No.2704264


>> No.2704266

really nice colors senpai

>> No.2704286

What do you want to paint? If figures/portraits then try a Zorn style palette.
For flesh tones, I tend to use yellow ochres, black or blue (ultramarine), light red, TW, and maybe Naples yellow (Winsor & Newton) to save having to lighten the YO.

>> No.2704288

Nice, let's see the other stages.

>> No.2704324

lead white
bone black
burnt sienna
yellow ochre

This is a good simple palette. It's the Zorn palette with burnt sienna instead of vermillion, which is very expensive. Actually this type of palette has been used since antiquity. You won't be able to achieve every colors, but this can be used very successfully

Get ultramarine and maybe even a more saturated variant of green earth if you'd like.

Lead white is superior to titanium white and zinc white. Zinc white should be avoided at all costs. If you're worried about toxicity or have children around where you paint, then use titanium white.

Oil paint is better than acrylics.

>> No.2704354
File: 47 KB, 340x612, WIN_20161005_10_44_56_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Textures me gusta but I'm not sure if I can convey the textures of leaves right

>> No.2704374

>vermillion, which is very expensive
It's also complete shit.

I don't see any reason to use lead white too, since it needs to be pretty pure to be superior to titanium.

>> No.2704384

zinc is good for mixing, its a mixing white. Its garbo for highlights though.

>> No.2704397

What do you mean by pure? If anything those that are made today are too pure.

Lead white doesn't make mixtures nearly as cold and chalky as titanium white. It has a beautiful translucency when painted thinly, and even the economical one from W&N has a great feel and brushing ability.

Zinc is good if you don't care about your painting cracking or delaminating.

>> No.2704415
File: 245 KB, 1452x814, 1473435519964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zinc is good if you don't care about your painting cracking or delaminating.


>> No.2704440

>What do you mean by pure? If anything those that are made today are too pure.
Unclean lead white can go wrong a number of ways, create blue spots or affect other paints, i guess it's only a concern if you're buying cheap.

It's all down to taste though. Titanium is thicker and opaque.

Yeah, zinc will fuck up your painting hard.

>> No.2704965

Lead white is very stable in oil, and the discolorations like blackening are from lead white in gum or some other. There are some pigments that fade or alter when mixed with lead white, but these are also pigment paints that have incompatibility issues with some other select pigments.

As for cheapness, I think only artist-grade and premium-grade oil manufacturers produce lead white in tubes. Most of them produce it in a modern method that is finer and purer.

>> No.2705397 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 1760x2167, TheDrowningMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I didn't know whether to post this here or in beginner, but I did use a traditional medium, Acrylic. I consider it done, but for my improvement, how can I push this a bit more?

>> No.2705399
File: 447 KB, 812x1000, TheDrowningMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad forgot to resize.

>> No.2705400

I consider this done, but for future reference, I wanted to push my painting further. Any thoughts?

>> No.2705412

I think the suit make need a little shading, a darker color of sorts. Just a hunch of mine.

>> No.2705437

Beginner, could I get some good general tips? Working with acrylics and canvas currently.

>> No.2705624


>> No.2705628

believe in yourself

>> No.2705723

does a plein air still count as a plein air if you do a bit of the painting indoors for things like color blocking and such?

>> No.2705806

Damn nigga resize your pictures

>> No.2705817

Ahahaha I love this for all the wrong reasons. I'm going to meme the shit out of it.

>> No.2706818

Why keep the grid once you have the shapes down?
I think your study would benefit from working dark to light. Here you have darks and lights loosly painted and mixed for underlayers. But for the luminosity of a Rembrandt, imo you need to make a highly finished dark monochromatic underpainting and then work progressively brighter, adding your whites and highlights only at the end.

Nice sketch

This pains me
>cold and chalky as titanium white
Seconded.. titanium is a disgusting pigment, opaque, cold, dead, blue.

And whatever do you mean by vermillion is
>complete shit