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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 495 KB, 2258x1500, FigureChallenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2687360 No.2687360 [Reply] [Original]

Are you up to the challenge /ic/? Pick one or do them all, but you must try to do your best figure invention using these as a base.

Test your skills in construction and anatomy!

>> No.2687390
File: 140 KB, 700x841, FigureChallenge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized people may be confused on how to do this, so I did one as an example. There's also that image by Krenz that is in the OP of another thread that was the inspiration for this.

Don't be scared to participate, it should be fairly quick to do each one, maybe 5 to 20 minutes, and all skill levels are welcome.

>> No.2687431
File: 168 KB, 662x1000, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a new cunt but I tried anyway.

>> No.2687456

I like your brush work and lines! Nice pic!

>> No.2687464

do we have to use the ones in op picture or do we just make our own? cus i do this literally every day when constructing figures.

>> No.2687465
File: 746 KB, 2597x1000, FigureInventionHelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great to have someone join! I feel this is a very important exercise so would be happy if it became a regular thing.

I took the liberty of doing some drawing over to show you how I would handle some things.

Basically you have the boxes in generally the right spots, but they are not quite fitting into the body the way most people would use them. I did them in red how the boxes would actually fit into the bodies you drew. Basically the corners of the rib cage box go roughly where the ribs turn down. I'm not sure the name for it, but if you suck in your stomach the corners of your ribs that poke out are those points. As for the pelvis the from corners should go with the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS). This is a very important landmark, so getting the pelvis box properly is really key in both invention and drawing from reference.

Overall though your figures are quite good, they just have some tiny proportion errors like the torsos are slightly long sometimes or the heads slightly small. I also think it would be a good idea to close off your shapes if you don't plan on drawing the entire limb. It just shows how it sits in space and gives it good form instead of having two flat lines that are ambiguous.

Cheers! I'm not very comfortable with digital lines, so this is part of me trying to attack my weakness. Glad it looks okay.

>> No.2687468

I drew them out for everyone to use. I thought it would be interesting to see everyone do it with the same boxes and see what variety the poses have and how different people handle the same starting point. That said, I know my boxes are wonky, so if you'd prefer to do it yourself that is fine too, like that guy who drew on the black background did his own.

>> No.2687469

>Cheers! I'm not very comfortable with digital lines, so this is part of me trying to attack my weakness. Glad it looks okay.
They look great for how you feel about digital far, you're doing great.

>> No.2687473

ok cool , i will do a few of both probably. the op and my own.

>> No.2687474

thanks a lot for this! Your effort is appreciated. :)

>> No.2687478


I'll do them, but I think the bottom left one has been in a serious accident

>> No.2687481
File: 82 KB, 685x747, fuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's atelier going, atelier-anon?

>> No.2687483

Well I'm comfortable painting digitally, but I usually just use shapes or at most gesture lines. Doing more exact linework is tough for me.

I look forward to it.

Glad it helped

I did the bottom left one as the example here >>2687390 so it is possible, though yeah as I was doing the figure around it I realized it's a bit messed up so it doesn't fit exactly. Just do the other ones if you don't want to do that one, or correct the boxes first then do a figure.

>> No.2687485

>How's atelier going, atelier-anon?
You must have me mistaken for someone else? I'm not at an atelier. I'm just a dude who's procrastinating from work right now due to weird mental issues.

Also your figures are nice, I think the next step for you would be to draw in the hands and feet and also maybe try getting the anatomy more realistic. For example, the abs you drew are a weird big mass that approximates their volumes but with those lines doesn't really represent it accurately how it would appear on an actual person with skin and fat on them.

>> No.2687499
File: 52 KB, 707x631, fuk-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, my mistake; you use the same brush as someone I know on another board who is also quite skilled. I suppose it was presumptuous of me. Yeah I'm terrified of hands, the placeholder abs I drew definitely look extra disgusting as they droop into the tangent created by the pelvis, too. While I'm gradually accruing more anatomical knowledge I can summon from memory, I still have a lot of blind spots both in anatomy and many other areas. Thanks for the response!

>> No.2687501
File: 371 KB, 1704x1330, FigureChallenge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did another one now that my anime episode is over.

Oh no worries. The brush I'm using is just a round brush that I squished vertically so it's an oval. It's a small change from a regular round brush but for some reason I find I'm much more confident with it and get better results.

>> No.2687515
File: 195 KB, 1419x756, FigureInventionHelp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have a fine base with these, it's just a matter of getting specific anatomical features in there. Also this is a bit of personal preference, but I think especially for drawing men it's good to use more angular straight liens instead of having all the forms rounded like that. Thinking in planes really makes it masculine.

I did a quick and sloppy draw over, this is done from my head because I'm lazy and also because this is the figure invention thread, but I think if I were you what I would do is find some photo reference and try to push your imaginary figures a bit further by looking at the photos. of course studying anatomy helps too, but seeing the forms on an actual person instead of just simplifications in a book is very helpful.

>> No.2687530
File: 591 KB, 2000x1600, 1474345812421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2687551
File: 115 KB, 753x1000, pose1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant tell if its just me at sucking or if I contorted the pose to not be able to fit the boxes as well

>> No.2687553

You don't know how to foreshorten, anon.

>> No.2687557

ty for the crit ill make sure and practice that

>> No.2687667
File: 103 KB, 1296x1217, figures from boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2687814

Your figures feel so 3d and reminds me of krenz. Do you have more work I can check out?

>> No.2687825

Very effective! Thank you for sharing!

>> No.2687960
File: 190 KB, 800x957, FigureChallenge3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did another one. Not sure how accurate it is.

Looks good man! Did you just happen to do the same bending over pose as me, or did you look at mine for inspiration?

You chose a really tough pose. I'm not sure if I want to give feedback in line with the other stuff I've been saying in this thread as it seems your style is very different and not in line really with this exercise that much. I would just encourage you to keep practicing and drawing and do your own thing.


Thanks guys. I don't have anywhere I update regularly, and none of my stuff online looks like any of this anyhow.

>> No.2687969
File: 569 KB, 3145x1540, FigureChallengeBoxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More boxes if people want new ones

>> No.2688027
File: 194 KB, 2258x1500, 1474345812421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2688120

Decent, nice planes. You're at the stage where you'd benefit from learning the origins and insertions of your muscles, you might think it doesn't show but trust me, your audience will know something's fucked about that shoulder even if they can't pinpoint it.

Serratus inserts to lower scapula, not the armpit. Latissimus is in front of tricep, not behind it. Bicep isn't this bulgy, it has a tendonous part so it doesn't get in the way of pecs like in your drawing. Tricep originates at scapula and humerus, not the armpit.
tl;dr - armpit is not a magical botomless pit where you can hide all your problems

>> No.2688128

Thanks for the crit. As I was drawing that I realized I don't really know what's going on in that area. It's been probably 5 or 6 years since I've properly looked at the anatomy of the armpit, and I forget how the muscles insert and cross over each other there. Actually I should probably revisit the scapular and upper back too.

>> No.2688139

looks like fun, ill try

>> No.2688247
File: 431 KB, 396x717, IMG_20160920_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i did a couple of em. didnt spend a lot of time on them though so i'm sure some of the anatomy is fucked. but i got other drawings to get to.

>> No.2688343

>not in line really with this exercise that much
sorry yea today I realized I thought it was pose invention and not
>best figure invention
>Test your skills in construction and anatomy

>keep practicing and drawing and do your own thing.
thanks ill try but occasionally I forget to keep to myself

>> No.2689262


>> No.2689368
File: 279 KB, 800x1035, Lifeispain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to learn anatomy. I couldn't be bothered to shade or detail these because apparently I am worthless without reference.

>> No.2689970
File: 83 KB, 908x869, orcslash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2690343

If you have gesture drawing down, check out the Michael Hampton Figure Drawing book.

>> No.2690354 [DELETED] 

Hey man, what muscle is that under his arm pit?

Is that the Latissimus Dorsi, or is it his scapula?

>> No.2690359 [DELETED] 

Nevermind, I went into my bathroom and found out.

>> No.2690362

Does anybody have a better 3D model up for download that's compatiable with freeware like blender?

This is really helpful for clearing up any confusion I may have. It's like Proko, but it's free.


>> No.2690504

I just found a website 100x better


You can easily pick and delete muscles and everything.

>> No.2691289

Okay, it has anatomy reference?

>> No.2691303


Sketchfab has alot of anatomy models (not really movable) but I use it every now and again. Don't know if it helps.


>> No.2691305
File: 182 KB, 943x745, ehhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried, not sure how i feel about this

>> No.2691306

Not bad, but his torso should be leaning forward a lot more, look at how the rib cage box is tipped so we see lots of the top of it, so we should see more of the top of his shoulders.

>> No.2691327

thanks for the feedback! i definitely need to work on not being afraid to push my angles, i also noticed just now that his arms are fucked. gonna try to do another with the critique in mind.

>> No.2691348
File: 316 KB, 1800x1250, figs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rushed the top left one gotta catch a bus

>> No.2691353
File: 150 KB, 678x442, lobsterhands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another, does anyone have any tips for pushing perspective? i'm not sure how to go about it.

>> No.2691362
File: 120 KB, 1109x442, FigureInventionHelp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, do you do animation? These are good gestures, it would be nice to see you try to refine one of them a bit more.

When it comes to getting better perspective, you just need to follow it closer. The boxes already set the perspective for you, so you just need to keep things consistent. Look at the top of the rib cage box, and see how angled that line is towards the left vanishing point. If you were to imagine where the shoulders are they should also be at that same angle, and yet you drew them almost horizontal. I did some red lines showing the perspective and how you need to align things with it to ensure symmetry and perspective. Mine isn't perfect, but I think it is a bit closer to being right.

>> No.2691370

Isn't this just the robo bean?

>> No.2691375

Essentially. There's a lot of different names for it and various ways to do it, some use more rounded shapes or more rubbery shapes, some combine the two masses into one shape. It predates Proko by quite a lot, and many teachers use this or something similar.

>> No.2691573

I haven't touched animation in a long time but I've definitely had it on the mind

do you have a blog box-senpai?

>> No.2691576

>do you have a blog box-senpai?
None that I have updated in like a year, and I never posted any digital drawings like these before so it wouldn't be what you are expecting. Usually I do painted things, but I'm trying to focus more on drawing and construction now so I'm forcing myself to do some digital lines. My tablet is acting up lately though which is why there are some weird 100% opaque straight lines that are scattered in some of these drawings, they just appear for no reason at random and I get too lay to ctrl-z them all.

>> No.2693495


>> No.2693836
File: 69 KB, 656x826, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird 100% opaque lines at random
Try going to settings for Pen and Touch, go in the settings for Press and Hold, uncheck Enable Press and Hold for Right Clicking.

>> No.2693839

man how do you guys achieve those arms?

>> No.2693869


warped boxes

>> No.2693872
File: 63 KB, 590x668, chain_link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2693881
File: 53 KB, 256x256, 1464603122722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.2693918
File: 308 KB, 886x794, 1443415201068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried. This is a pretty tough exercise, actually.

>> No.2693943

That's fucking brilliant.

>> No.2694138
File: 66 KB, 640x400, boxppl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2694175


n i c e

>> No.2694257


t h a n k s

>> No.2694342

These are very nice, but very stiff. You have you construction down pat, so now focus on the poses more. Like I am not sold properly on the twist of the torso in >>2693836 especially. You also seem to have locked the shoulders to the rib cage when they can in fact rotate slightly on their own relative to the ribs. It makes it very stiff. I'm not suggesting grinding gesture studies, I'm saying to think through the pose a bit more and try to see how turning certain parts in relation to others more will help sell the pose more. Or how the body weight might be distributed. Take a look at someone like Frazetta or Jeff Jones and how they draw figures, there is a lot to their poses and whether it's a static pose or a dynamic one it always feels "right" even if it is exaggerated in some ways or not realistic. They truly understood how to manipulate the limbs and torso to convey a pose.

Check out Bridgman, as far as I know he is the first one to talk about interlocking forms and he has the clearest explanations of it. Others like Vanderpoel touch on it, but I think Bridgman is still the earliest and best example. It's one of the reasons he is so good.

Yes it's tough. This might be a bit too advanced exercise for you. I suggest just drawing cubes and cylinders in perspective for now. Start with those until you can get it right from any angle, then try combining some together and have them relate to each other, then more onto doing the figure out of all cubes and cylinders. Then you can try putting anatomy into it. Just do one step at a time. But for now get comfortable drawing basic forms.

These are very nice anon. They're almost deceivingly simple but they are very well done. Maybe the next step is to try to get the faces in there and make sure everything is still in perspective well. The line quality is also not that great, so maybe focus a bit more on that.

>> No.2694414

>line quality is also not that great
How to make nice lines without a cintiq?
Trying to make a line in one fluid motion is like gambling.

>> No.2694421

You can use a stabilizer like Lazy Nezumi, or you can break each line into shorter ones that you can control. You can also use a brush with pressure affecting the opacity or size so you can get a bit more control in how it is put down and what it describes.

>> No.2694424

1. Get a Huion Giano or a Wacom Intuos Large instead of the Intuos small or meme-dium I can almost guarantee you have now.
2. Git gud ffs tbqph

>> No.2694425

I'm >>2693918. Any recommended books or videos to learn forms better? I've been trying to learn shapes more but I can't quite find a good resource to bounce off of. I can do kinda well with out following the boxes but my main goal is to get better at using boxes

>> No.2694429

Start by making cubes by plotting it all out with a horizon line, vanishing point(s), and draw out all the perspective. Later you can start freehanding cubes. If you have a cardboard box you can set it up in different positions on your floor or desk and draw it. I think things like Peter Han and Drawabox cover this stuff, though I haven't gone through it myself.

>> No.2694463

>books or videos to learn forms better
Anon, draw from life and a lot.
Build yourself some basic shapes out of cardbox, set them up and draw them until you know them by heart from every angle.
And draw through the form, show all the corners and edges, practice your x-ray-vision.
That and some foundational perspective knowledge and you should be golden.

>> No.2694476

I have a medium bamboo actually. I tried the medium intuos of a friend once, couldn't really tell the difference, though I only used it briefly but I didn't see the need to upgrade.
If I eventually do though, I have been wondering whether to get a large or medium one.
Do you have a large one? What is it like, a lot better? Does the size sometimes bother you?

I think I'll try a stabilizer sometimes, thanks.
Also have to put more effort and practice into clean linework, but most of the time I just can't be bothered, it gets really tedious after a while.

>> No.2694503
File: 56 KB, 785x561, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only difference between the Intuos and Bamboo model of tablets is the amount of hotkeys they have, but they share a deficiency in the single most important feature a drawing tablet can sport. Their drawing surface, the "active area" is only a small fraction of the size of the screen you're drawing on. It makes it so that a couple centimeters on your tablet becomes a couple inches by the time it reaches your display, it makes freehand drawing very counter-intuitive. Try cranking up the sensitivity of your computer mouse, it's the same thing happening here just with a pen.

This is why a Cintiq is so "good", it's not because you're drawing on the screen you're looking at, it's because the screen and the active area of the tablet are one in the same, and if you have either of the tablets I've mentioned above (as long as you don't have a massive monitor or something) they will be close enough to providing that same drawing experience, maybe better (your wrists are always at wrest in a horizontal position and stabilized by a flat surface with a conventional tablet).

Keep in mind though, no tablet will automatically make you good at drawing lines, not by a long shot, but with the smaller models it's just made absurdly more difficult without third party software, zooming way in, constraining the on-screen drawing area etc.

>> No.2694547
File: 282 KB, 2048x2732, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, first time posting here. I'm going to keep playing with the different brushes here

>> No.2694571
File: 342 KB, 2048x2732, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting another

>> No.2694603

resize your fucking images

>> No.2694785
File: 285 KB, 1273x1062, 1474345812421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit I'm so bad at starting with boxes, I tried a fuckton of times before saying screw it and doing it with drawing skeletons first.

>> No.2694794

I think boxes can be good as seperate little study to get the perspective right, but when drawing directly over them, they tend to be distracting and fallacious.

>> No.2694796
File: 51 KB, 683x462, notloomisquality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needs loomis

such is life of a hobbyist

>> No.2694853

Getting some real alien vibes from your left figure there anon.
Bottom one is really wobbly. Now you obviously know a thing or two about anatomy, but it all seems so... I guess too detail-oriented? Feels like you still lack a reliable way to really build a figure and now it's more fiddling and trying to get by with what your memory stored of previously drawn figures and observation. Dunno.
Also, this may just come down to personal preference, but have you ever considered using some more visible line-weight?

>> No.2694865

>A man hiding his boner between his legs, while looking upon the asshole of a bending lady.

>> No.2694886
File: 164 KB, 422x655, HIcDo13[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this exercise is kicking my ass. I very much dislike the box approach, more of an ellipse person. Can I get some help?

>> No.2694898

we've all been there

>> No.2694933
File: 1.52 MB, 2004x2120, eh fuckit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2695135

I love boxes so much.

>> No.2695209
File: 168 KB, 1129x750, FigureChallenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2695217

im too bad to do this. shame.

>> No.2695222

git gud

>> No.2695282
File: 300 KB, 1257x655, 390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, but the proportions seem off to me. I know you're trying to get things to recede in space so they are getting smaller as you go to the head and shoulders, but it's important to always be aware of the general shape of the shoulders compared to the hips. If you are drawing a muscular man you need broad shoulders and a narrow waist, yet you gave him narrow shoulders and a wide waist, so it looks like you put muscles on top of a woman's skeleton. I think you also exaggerated the foreshortening too much on the close arm and you made that hand massive and not follow the perspective at all.

>> No.2695296

The figure on the right is really well done in my opinion, but the other two are not as good. It shows that you are not good at thinking in boxes and planes and rigid structure like that, because they are getting a rubbery feeling to them like they have no skeleton. The woman is bending her neck at an impossible angle and her leg is bent halfway through the femur. Her pelvis also doesn't match the box at all, you just drew it from a completely different angle.

The bottom figure also is rubbery and lacking structure. I don't feel the solid volume of hte rib cage at all. You need to get that right, then you can wrap muscles around that mass, but you haven't got it right to start with. The legs yet again are also rubbery and don't feel solid and structural.

Otherwise maybe try to draw in the hands and feet and heads. Even if you leave them simplified that's better than avoiding them entirely which is what it looks like you are doing.

Are you using a tablet? Looks like mouse drawings in MSPaint. Make sure you are not fighting your tools, which will only make drawing that much harder.

These feel rushed and a lot of the forms are not thought out in space enough. Try lowering hte opacity of those lines and doing a cleaner set of lines on top with a greater degree of accuracy and form.

These looks good at first glance, but hte presentation of the, is not helping. Maybe try isolating them so they don't overlap. Also be careful that you are following the boxes. Even though the forms in yours are good they are not following the boxes correctly in all of them, you are just drawing whatever angles you know.

>> No.2695317

Thanks for this thread, OP. It's really helpful!

>> No.2695324

Thanks for the feedback.
>but hte presentation of the, is not helping.
What's the word that got cut out?

>> No.2695326

>but the presentation of them is not helping
Basically the overlaps with the messy linework means they are difficult to read and that means some errors may be "hidden" in a sense as they are not as easy to notice as if it is isolated.

>> No.2695339

Aaah gotcha

>> No.2695346
File: 447 KB, 750x569, box practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot how hard this shit is.

>> No.2695375

These are nice, but to me it looks like you are using a shorthand of anatomy and structure. It might be good to try pushing one of these further and seeing how it turns out--will you run into trouble? or will you be able to build upon the shorthand? Also you didn't do any lower limbs or feet, so maybe try including those in the future instead of only focusing on the waist and up. You want to avoid creating any weaknesses in yourself by neglecting a certain area.

>> No.2695456

Thank you so much for this. I kinda drew the hand just to fill space without realizing what a bad impression it gave. By the way, what would you recommend for someone looking to improve their foreshortening?

>> No.2695662

yes im using a tablet, im just too stupid to make straight lines. are you saying the anatomy is okay though?

>> No.2695685
File: 356 KB, 812x1158, luca cambiaso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well as drawings they actually are fairly proportionate and not a bad start. That said, there isn't much anatomy present in them. They would need some more lines in their interiors showing some anatomical features, or some specific overlapping of the outlines to hint at certain muscles or tendons or bones for them to look very anatomical. But considering there is no anatomy being used, they look good I think.

The main problem you have is that they look pretty flat. So maybe as an exercise next you can either trying getting more overlapping of lines to show how forms sit in front of other forms and how things twist. You can also try as a different exercise making all the limbs out of boxes too like the attached image.

>> No.2695792

i see what you mean. i think i have a tendency to leave that stuff out because i paint so i dont feel the need to include lines that im just going to paint over. thanks for critiquing!

>> No.2695800

i truly love this thread OP, thanks for making it and being so helpful for the d/ic/ks

>> No.2695805

Glad it helps people. I'm basically using it as a way to procrastinate from things I need to do like work, or to distract myself from things like thoughts of suicide.

>> No.2695840
File: 145 KB, 2258x1500, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice exercise.

>> No.2695843
File: 501 KB, 896x1200, figures1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't quite manage to fit the figures onto the boxes. I used them more like basic guidelines.

>> No.2696008

Not sure what kind of arm posing you were going for, but right now it looks like he's extending them outwards, especially his left arm. But it doesn't look purposeful, more like you wanted to draw a relaxed arm, but were afraid of making it overlap the body, which would happen from this angle.
I also see why you dislike the box approach, as you seem to feel like you really have to fit them in there somehow, I mean your figure actually looks like some who has boxes instead of a rib cage and pelvis.
Try to think of them more as guidelines, they are the bounding box of the rib cage and pelvis, keeping them in perspective, not replacing them.
I think this anon has the right idea. >>2695843
Those are some nice looking, cohesive figures you got there, anon, I especially like the one with the staff.

>> No.2696063
File: 327 KB, 1229x1421, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, but learn to measure until you can guess distances properly. The femur is 3 craniums long.

>> No.2696092
File: 54 KB, 1097x768, asdfghjkjlkjlölkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2696180

You need to think more about proportions and volumes of things. It's not a bad start but there are some things that are not sitting in perspective that well. Also I think your line quality and shading is very messy, maybe try using a bigger brush to lay in a flat tone for shadow instead of scribbling it a small brush with gets inconsistent values.

Really fantastic work. No crits on these from me. I'd be curious though how you handle different body types. Are you able to draw people with more extreme distributions of fat or muscle (or lack of them)? Anyways, great stuff. I'm assuming you have studied people like 0033? Is there anything in specific you recommend? Also how did you get such nice lines? Do you use a stabilizer? Hope you stick around the thread here and help other people out or just do more of them yourself.

Don't be afraid to put in head and limbs. Chopping things off now and then is okay, but in general you want to treat the entire figure as a whole and not only do sections, or else you will quickly develop weaknesses or not be able to have everything relate together well.

>> No.2696270
File: 134 KB, 700x740, failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried that same pose a few days ago... I failed.

>> No.2696553

I am also curious as to what sort of sources you learned from (resources other than actual models) you pretty much nailed the 0033/krenz thing.

>> No.2696571


it's either too stiff, or too rubbery, make up your mind /ic/.

>> No.2696590

You can be both. Rubbery just means the forms bend oddly. Look at a lot of Hogarth's figures and they look rubbery as though they have no skeletal structure, but they're still stiff poses.

>> No.2696821
File: 202 KB, 900x1123, bodydyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, I completely fucked the pose up, I just can't with boxes man. Decided to go random on the limbs too.

>> No.2696865

thats nice

>> No.2696867

Not quite the angle presented by the boxes, but still a very nice result...

>> No.2696991
File: 200 KB, 900x918, bodydyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx, also tried the front view, but i'm too lazy to finish right now, so in the meantime, spooky one legged man.

>> No.2697002


>> No.2697043
File: 441 KB, 1257x1000, figures2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I don't use stabilizer, just photoshop and an intuos. For me improving my lines was pretty much just mileage and the fact that I started drawing more often with an ink brush rather than a pencil-esque brush, which forces you to slow down and try your best to be more deliberate and accurate with your lines.

As far as studying goes, I haven't really done anything out of the ordinary. I read Loomis / Hampton and did lots of figure studies. 0033 and Krenz are pretty big inspirations for me, so I'd always look at their work and try to understand how they break down and simplify a figure and then try to apply that on a model. That said, I still have a lot to learn. I suck at extreme angles, recumbent poses and my anatomy is rudimentary at best, very realistic muscle detail like the anon above me draws is something I can't do at all without relying on lots of referernece. So I always feel kind of reluctant to give advice to other people especially when it comes to figure drawing.

>> No.2697117
File: 572 KB, 1500x1500, exercise 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried my best

>> No.2697122

Do you really usually draw poses starting with the actual skeleton beneath it? That seems like quite the extra work. Does it take you long to draw these? The results are great!

>> No.2697235
File: 132 KB, 900x918, 397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are very well done even if they don't match the boxes exactly. I think there are a few small proportion errors though like the arms are a bit long, especially the forearm on the front pose, or the leg on that one is short too.

Otherwise I just wanted to make a point about lineweight and how you show muscles. Basically muscles can either contract or relax, and they work in opposing set (biceps opposes triceps, so when one is active the other is passive). I did a quick edit of your front pose to show how the torso is being stretched on the left side and pinched on the right side, so you want to play with the line weight to show this. You also want to avoid too many lumpy things on the stretched side, so things like the abs will be stretched out on that side while on the pinched side they will be active and bulging a bit more. You can also play up the different between the two sides by simplifying the outer contour on the stretched side. Going alone the same idea of varying line weight, I think your hatching is a bit too strong in places. I tried to reduce their contrast in areas that I feel don't typically have very delineated forms, the pectorals for example.

One last little thing, the neck in yours is odd. If it were in the position then I think the head would need to be twisted to our right or something, or turned and leaning oddly, in which case the muscles in that area (sternomastoid particularly) would be a bit different.

The back pose you did suffers the same problems in general, but I'm not as confident in my back anatomy to fix it. Maybe grab some reference and see where things need to be emphasized or downplayed.

>> No.2697237

Thanks for answering. I think they are quite strong, but it is an issue if you cannot do more detailed work than that. The simplifications are meant as and aid, not as an end.

Do you have a blog or something though? I would like to see both your studies and creative/finished work.

>> No.2697310
File: 277 KB, 1000x1180, aza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry, you'll get there.

oh hell yeah. not that detailed at all though, that was just because I wanted to go to sleep and didn't want to leave the guy hangin'. I mean I thought every one doing figures did that first, until I tried it with boxes in this thread, and I felt like a total begginer because I couldn't do a single thing with those boxes.

Pic related is what I usually do for every figure and these ones, it's not detailed at all and actually pretty messy, this thing is done in less than a minute tops! a very basic skeleton is very easy to draw once you know the bones pretty well. it's also just to block in major points in my head. I don't stick to it like 100%, once I get the shoulders/pelvis muscles going i'm pretty loose with the limbs.

this one was really informative for once, thank you. I get the line weight thing a lot recently and even though I do try, I can't seem to get it right with lines. I know my stuff with no hatching at all usually seem very stiff but that's to be expected from line art and lines only, so I tried using hatching and i'm not very good at it yet, i'm trying out more and more stuff recently and even though it's not perfect I seem to be going in the right direction. Posts like this help a lot, so thx again.

>> No.2697607

This is pretty impressive, I'd love to see more

>> No.2697688
File: 250 KB, 955x993, bodydyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done I think, did some value work on the first one but it's shit so I don't think i'll finish it, I don't really know how values work on skin yet. it's amazing though how even a little value can make a line art figure look better.

>> No.2697695

I really appreciate your honesty and find your reply more helpful than most i've heard. I have a very clear idea of how you got to where you are. Thanks again anon! back to hampton&inspire-rs

>> No.2697697

Painting and adding values isn't so hard. It's just a matter of thinking of what angle the planes are at in relation to the light source (the boxes are helpful for this because it gives the major forms a defined front, back, sides, and bottom planes). You can treat skin as mostly matte so it's fairly straightforward to paint. If you're really stuck you can find some reference images that have the lighting you want and then use that as a guide.

>> No.2697699

time spent from boxes to this?

>> No.2697701

looking good anon, i love the bottom one (in black)

>> No.2697733

Do yourself a favor and learn the fundamentals before trying to draw anime girls.

>> No.2697735
File: 320 KB, 1000x1020, bodyzdyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have the basic understanding of how light works down, but I haven't really observed how values work on a back or skin yet. I don't know, it looks too much like "plastic" or something.

around 2+ hours, + 30 mins for the value thing.

>> No.2697736

This is incredible, do you have any book recommendations?

>> No.2697744

Yea some nice figures in here but not enough blood, but you just hold my beer, I got this.

>> No.2697788
File: 173 KB, 1350x1085, hello anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go.

>> No.2697920

man, that hand on the right girl is fucken lush

>> No.2697974

>no cock,details
best i can give is 9/10 sorry

>> No.2698115

Do you have a blog or anything that I can follow you on? Good stuff.

>> No.2698169

They look "plastic" because hte reflected light is too strong. Try filling in the shadows with a more even tone, something closer to what you made the core shadow. Also you are focusing too much on minor forms and neglecting major forms. This is where the boxes help a lot because they get you thinking of the most important plane changes.

>> No.2698180
File: 449 KB, 1993x1163, 371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have time to do a paintover right now, but here's one I did for a different anon here recently that covers the same general idea. Thinking of the body masses as simple large forms instead of focusing on all the little muscles will help with rendering it out.

Also it might be a good idea to lay in a base tone so you aren't fighting with pure white when painting, same thing with giving the background behind the figure some tone. The best thing to do is have a middle grey value on the figure, then you can creep towards the extremes and stop whenever it looks good.

>> No.2698184

Nice stuff. The lines are a bit dull though, just very uniform. I think that a thin uniform lineweight can work, but typically on simpler more stylized things, look at how some French comic artists do it (ligne claire stuff, Moebius, Herge etc). For the level fo stylization you currently have I think you can play with more lines overlapping to show form, varying the line thickness and maybe even varying the value of the lines too.

>> No.2698395
File: 217 KB, 1000x1000, 2016-9-30 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls god someone help me

>> No.2698405
File: 45 KB, 361x398, trust me im a pro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2698437
File: 679 KB, 1729x1154, 834366cdf01e6e26_org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none really, I never used a learn this or that book to learn drawing, I just used medical anatomy stuff because I wanted to learn everything from the ground up myself.

I guess there is one I can greatly recommend, but it's a fitness book that really helped me visualize muscles when I started, it's from "Frederic Delavier". he traces muscles almost perfectly on top of other people and I think it's very useful to learn anatomy, also looks very good.
>pic related

the guy is an ex-body builder and has insane anatomical knowledge. I think one of his funniest rants I saw was about how every "real life" skeletons molded today are from small indian/chinese guys with bad proportions instead of what it should be, a big/bulky and well proportioned human being. Also that the good sculpors for miniaturized skeletons are super rare today. the guy has 3 or 4 skeletons of huge soldiers from the early 1900.



I didn't draw much or upload shit these past months though.

thx, I think I went too hard on trying to copy a beautiful value work I saw on /ic/ once. i'll try again another time.

>> No.2698560

That face is the original image that I did a paintover of (on the right) to explain to the artist. And I do work professionally, but yeah, that was a beginner who painted that face, not me.

>> No.2698562
File: 180 KB, 3145x1540, training.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2698600

the stuff on the right is just as bad.

>> No.2698923
File: 397 KB, 1200x830, figure-practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2699117
File: 159 KB, 1062x619, 1474345812421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went back and did this one again, probably looked like shit cause I was sleepy as fuck. unless I improved this much while dreaming.

>> No.2700550


>> No.2701595
File: 700 KB, 1696x1620, anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2705622


>> No.2705748
File: 300 KB, 1167x800, time for a d-d-d-d-d-d-ddddddddddddddddduel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2706775

woah, fuck! That looks so much like something I could have drawn I got confused for a few seconds.

>> No.2709762


>> No.2711913


>> No.2712410
