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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 965 KB, 924x1200, ahe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2682144 No.2682144 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last Thread >>2675912

>> No.2682146

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2682148

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

Here is a helpful tool that lets you see who is streaming at the moment:


You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


>> No.2682152

RIP Lava and LAS 1.0

http://las.doom.moe in 3 day's time

>> No.2682172
File: 21 KB, 300x250, OOGdQpcaaW-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2682174

>http://las.doom.moe in 3 day's time

Who created LAS 2.0? Tripfag?

>> No.2682178


>> No.2682220

double (You)

>> No.2682235
File: 188 KB, 670x473, GVFbI3L.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Thready changes the main link of the threads for this

>> No.2682250

You guys shouldn't have even told him.
How does telling him help Lava or the LAS site or any of us?

This whole thing was his baby and you sniped it out from under him because he took a medical leave. Yes, he's been unresponsive for 3 months, but he works on the site. And now you throw him a "btw we made a better site without you, take a look :^)" You're just going to make him depressed.

And stop waiting for him to mention LAS 2.0. To him, it's probably not worth a response.

>> No.2682258

the faggot deserves it. all it took was one fucking post. I won't miss him

>> No.2682262
File: 52 KB, 540x304, tumblr_oa4s5j1Kcp1s3h6j4o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2682286

Hopes and dreams: gone

>> No.2682308
File: 74 KB, 640x360, 3.-Dubya-Chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2682314

He probably already knows. W made a badge challenge on las not too long ago.

>> No.2682336

>Lava keeps making these shitposts in hopes that we don't leave his attention whoring LAS
nice try you fucking lemur. If you can post in you blog you can give us at least a heads up

>> No.2682344
File: 233 KB, 539x332, Bush-painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>W really is Bush
>Just wanted to ensure the safety and security of our art challenge

>> No.2682350

>w is lava in disguise
>he was testing our loyalty
>he'll shut down both sites now that we've failed him

>> No.2682367

lavaaaa you can still save yourself, just post!

>> No.2682371
File: 1.96 MB, 514x205, REE this man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2682409

Lava please forgive me! I've nothing to do with these filthy mutineers! Kill them but spare me! D:

>> No.2682440

>W is George Dubya
>Lava is Jeb!

>> No.2682446

>it was all a test
>tfw haven't joined yet
I'm a good man, Lava. Spare me.

>> No.2682567
File: 252 KB, 256x574, 1419331605541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubya's life looks pretty comfy now

>> No.2682570

How long do you think it took Bush to git gud? There's no way he has time everyday to grind fundies.

>> No.2682599

He has time to grind towers to dust tho

>> No.2682619

I have a feeling some months down the line while LAS 2.0's in full swing Lava's finally going to break radio silence and wander randomly into the LAS threads wondering what this las.doom.moe is all about

>> No.2682623

Lava already knows and he won't stop you from changing your mind. He knows you need to make this choice on your if you want to make it. Whether or not you will leave and be the last artist standing even without him being there to push you on.

>> No.2682624


>> No.2682634

this is some edison/tesla shit, anon

>> No.2682640

>edison/tesla shit

>> No.2682645

shittymeme, the fuck does this have to do with the topic https://imgur.com/pZ9VBh1

>> No.2682648

hmm, hard to come up with an excuse for this

>> No.2682650

>someone only just noticed now that shittymeme never even follows the topic
You guys are not gonna make it.

>> No.2682654

>accidentally shit my pants a bit
>either go to the toilet, take a dump, and miss the deadline, or draw with shit in my pants

>> No.2682655

The deadline isn't for another hour you dumb ass.

>> No.2682662

>literal shitposting

>> No.2682664

why did you change your mind W?
I don't even bother posting on LAS 1.0 anymore. I was genuinely looking forward to the fresh start on monday

>> No.2682665

>LAS2.0 is shut down just as it was about to start
Did Lava send a cease and desist or was this really just a trap? Fuck, I don't know anymore.

>> No.2682668

That lemur fuck is always ruining everything in silence

>> No.2682670

What if Lava told him the true reason for him not being around and W couldn't help but empathize while realizing the huge mistake he was about to make by taking away LAS from Lava?

>> No.2682674


All of this false hope for nothing is pissing me off to the point I'm considering learning how to dev and make a LAS out of spite (and maybe keep it to myself)

>> No.2682678

Fuck you w, you letter
You can't just pull a fast one like that

>> No.2682680
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, crying animu girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A change of plans

>While LAS remains healthy, I will not be launching this site. I will continue development and maybe release it some time in the future when it's been fleshed out more in terms of functionality.

>Should LAS fall apart I can offer the platform, since it's a functioning system, but for now I'll keep it to myself. It remains an unnecessity at this time.

>Thank you to those of you trying it out and giving me your thoughts.

>Good luck to the week 1s and the future of LAS.





>> No.2682681

>we need you lava
It's your faults, the Lava memers. your constant cries made him change his mind

>> No.2682683

>Lava comes back to pick up the broken pieces of LAS2.0 and be our savior
It's all a set up guys, come on.

>> No.2682685

save us lava!

>> No.2682687

Hey lasers, if you draw more than one piece a day how do you decide which one to submit to the site? Or do you just post one and leave the rest on your blog?

>> No.2682689

I'm in topic hell
das gay

>> No.2682690

I put them all in one blog post and submit the link to that post.

>> No.2682691

I post the best one so lasers don't shame me.

>> No.2682702

>Or do you just post one and leave the rest on your blog?

I do this

>> No.2682721
File: 192 KB, 480x384, vlcsnap-2016-08-22-13h39m10s876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W I appreciate you doing this. Its nice that we have the site you made as a backup now, im very glad youre not just rushing into and risking splitting the community

>> No.2682723

>not wanting a civil war

>> No.2682724

wow, maybe things are not as bad as we thought there are :o !?

>> No.2682729

Last Artist Standing - Civil War

>> No.2682748

>really like amoi's clothes
I-I don't get it. If the good die, how am I supposed to make it?

>> No.2682753

Is it me or has the Countdown Timer disappeared again?

>> No.2682755
File: 489 KB, 1920x2560, E6tof2N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santi you have made the worst fucking photo ever
Also it doesn't look like 30 minutes

>> No.2682757

>no one even does tribunals anymore
What's the point

>> No.2682758


>> No.2682760

>Last Artist Standing #36
84 artists joined and made 485 submissions in the first week.

13 have been eliminated.

71 remain, fighting to be the Last Artist Standing.

>Last Artist Standing #35
83 artists joined and made 527 submissions in the first week.

27 have been eliminated.

56 remain, fighting to be the Last Artist Standing.

How are we getting so many lassies to survive now? Did something change and bring us closer together?

>> No.2682762

handfuls of newcomers and a good amount of returners, but high turnover of late weekers

>> No.2682766

Of the 6 new lassies who joined in week 35 only Outrecuidance remains, and they've used a token.

See for yourself.

>> No.2682773

man, all the late weekers are really bad at keeping up a streak

>> No.2682775

I'm trying my semi-best senpai.

>> No.2682777
File: 101 KB, 270x272, 1470613708679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really starting to realize that i am not getting anywhere with my current practicing style.

Can someone come here, point a fucking gun to my head and force me to draw? Maybe blow up my computer too so i can't take shitty refs that keep corrupting my drawing from imagination.

Why i have to be so shit learner? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.2682779


just you

>> No.2682780


>> No.2682782

It's because you don't point the gun to your own head. Why do you think so many people keep saying they want to kill themselves? It's because they're putting the gun up to their head and force themselves to draw. It works and they'll make it.

>> No.2682784

Holy trips confirm you'll make it

>> No.2682789

What if my best isn't enough
I don't want to know such a thing

>> No.2682795
File: 65 KB, 397x310, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2682798


Alright, senpai. I'll dedicate myself 100% for a whole year. No school, no job, no nothing. Just me, myself and I.

>> No.2682805

Make it anon, make it.

>> No.2682864

Post one piece for the day, use the others for other days so I don't have to draw :^)

>> No.2682866


>> No.2682868

I was going to come back for New Las but oh well. I'd rejoin Old Las but I can't bring myself to support Lava to any degree anymore.

>> No.2682873

>support Lava
How exactly is are you supporting him by uploading a drawing every day?

>> No.2682894

I won't give him the satisfaction of using his site

>> No.2682896

Lava's return is going to end up being like Half Life 3, highly requested but it definitely won't live up to expectations if it does come out so it probably won't come out.

>> No.2682901

The Rapture would be pretty exciting, anon

>> No.2682924

Why does getting good at art take so long? Why can't I just be good in a few months?

>> No.2682929

gotta let it sink in, gotta not burn out, gotta not get bored, gotta know what to do, gotta put lots of time every day

if you fulfill those gottas you might be able to, but most don't

>> No.2682934

got some fresh new pasta from another thread, fling it at someone when you can :^)

>How can one be such a fucking beta cuck for feeling inferior for something so silly? I have seen a lot of situations on this board where people feel superior/inferior for the stupidest shit but this takes the cake. You people will fucking never ever make it. Feeling accomplished about literally nothing and feeling defeated for literally nothing, absolutely weak minded pieces of shit that define themselves with the most insignificant shit possible since there is nothing else there that gives you self worth.

>> No.2682968

How can one be such a fucking beta cuck for feeling inferior for something so silly? I have seen a lot of situations on this board where people feel superior/inferior for the stupidest shit but this takes the cake. You people will fucking never ever make it. Feeling accomplished about literally nothing and feeling defeated for literally nothing, absolutely weak minded pieces of shit that define themselves with the most insignificant shit possible since there is nothing else there that gives you self worth.

>> No.2683130

JMGN do clients specifically request for certain features to be massively over proportioned or is that just the kinda thing you do to draw in a specific fetish audience? If its the latter then those most be some funny emails
>yea yea this sketch is great, could you just inflate the tits by 3000% that would be perfect thanks :-)

>> No.2683131

I'm pretty sure they request it. He talked a little bit about it on the podcast that got posted a little while back.

>> No.2683133

LAS has a podcast? Why am I just hearing about this now? I want Choob to teach me how to render.

>> No.2683151

Don't know what the deleted post was but the podcast wasn't las related. JMGN is kinda big in the furry community (I think? idk about this shit) so someone invited him onto a furry related podcast. It was a decent listen.

>> No.2683177

So both LAS and 2.0 are gonna be running at the same time meaning I'll need to submit two pictures a day?

>> No.2683186

apparently w put las 2.0 on hold since he didn't wanna split the community.

>> No.2683256

https://picarto.tv/artscrub streaming

>> No.2683262

w is a nice guy. I wish he still launched LAS 2.0. Getting our hopes up like that. And also fuck Lava.

>> No.2683264
File: 621 KB, 1280x720, crying animu girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2683266

end your fucking life

>> No.2683277
File: 668 KB, 1430x1736, Cse3OqGVIAAKN4H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will never FEEL her forms

>> No.2683281
File: 207 KB, 612x770, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2683283
File: 364 KB, 2122x1415, man-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While LAS remains healthy,

>> No.2683285


>> No.2683289
File: 386 KB, 355x448, face of despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2683290
File: 61 KB, 642x808, 1471322223720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, he's right, LAS would definitely die if everyone divided into small elitist circlejerking camps.

>> No.2683294

the picarto streamers said the same thing about the discord. and it actually turned out decent
change is good, and besides LAS will always be a circlejerk in a form or another

>> No.2683295

>everyone using old website and new better website at same time
>"dividing into small elitist circlejerking camps"

>> No.2683297

and I'm sure W is smart enough to make a tool that would allow you to upload on both site with one click

>> No.2683299

it's not like several new sites are going to pop up and people are going to have to choose between using one exclusively, christ man, the whole "Civil War" meme was a fucking MEME, now I won't be surprised if someone gets fed and becomes like >>2682674 because of this

>> No.2683300
File: 407 KB, 673x604, 1373495903664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While LAS remains healthy

>> No.2683316

wtf i hate w now

>> No.2683320


>> No.2683341
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, 1418499819891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The goal was to destroy LAS all along

>> No.2683345

>those fallen weak 1ers will never be redeemed for technical failures
this is how it should be :^)

>> No.2683359

>denying progress because of autism

>> No.2683361

maybe they should've joined team forza (^:

>> No.2683376

RIP LAS again

>> No.2683378


>> No.2683409
File: 244 KB, 1846x1212, 1443382759609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New challenge.

>> No.2683416

>embarrassing myself in front of the class

>> No.2683418

you can do it anon, I believe in you.

>> No.2683429
File: 906 KB, 1280x720, xscreen-00570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2683532

>Santi - 08/28/2016
>>Push lava into the stadium on his wheelchair
>>"Identify yourself"
>>"L-leslie Flake"
>>"Is it true that you are the only man capable of updating the LAS site?"
>>Shoots lava in the head


>> No.2683619

>Why go on both sites when you can just come to my superior LAS2.0 with its fancy ass tech

>> No.2683631
File: 4 KB, 301x301, who are you quoting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2683715


>> No.2683773


>> No.2683843


>> No.2683873

>join basic rendering challenge
>think I'll oinly have to render one or two things
>look at pastebin
I'm sorry aaphk, I have failed you.

>> No.2683876

WHY go on both sites if it has a tool that automatically uploads to the old one?
Its like having one Windows 10 computer that can run legacy XP or DOS programs instead of dual booting and running one thing at a time

>> No.2683883

>anon thinks that's a lot
Step up your game, senpai.

>> No.2683968

this analogy is like the stale bread of american actors.

>> No.2683978
File: 119 KB, 215x231, 1471636267285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was trash then, i am trash now. done.

>> No.2683983

jellybean? don't be so hard on yourself senpai

>> No.2684027
File: 384 KB, 2712x2712, 1472381298935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2684040

Where is kangaroo man

>> No.2684080

What am I supposed to draw for drugs?

>> No.2684082


>> No.2684083

Fucking hell that was a last second entry and it's only 4 frames because I didn't have any time today/yesterday
Fucking horses and shit

>> No.2684084


>> No.2684085

>all those tokens used
You can't chill on a weekend.

>> No.2684088

you're mom

>> No.2684089

nobody cares
LAS is dead

>> No.2684093
File: 654 KB, 500x281, 685f4ccf77bb76981f688be96854fced.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a break, I'm tired

>> No.2684095

it really has been winding down


>> No.2684097

>I speak for everyone the post
It's alright that you didn't make it. I'll be the last artist standing.

>> No.2684098
File: 391 KB, 1200x732, flawless8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Soroneir
8 flawless remain

>> No.2684099

I don't need to speak for everyone, because nobody speaks about it at all to begin with

>> No.2684102

welp, santichasca's really gonna win this

>> No.2684104

Santi will fall out due to technical issues.

Screencap this.

>> No.2684105
File: 50 KB, 617x541, screencap this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2684107
File: 28 KB, 700x178, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2684135

>being so into your gestures that you forget to submit


>> No.2684144

>not watching the clock constantly 12 hours before the deadline

>> No.2684147

tfw used token for first time and its been less than a month ;-;

>> No.2684149


>> No.2684150

>tfw want to protect this anon

>> No.2684156

>thinking about anything but drawing phat gestures

battle me

>> No.2684158


>> No.2684159
File: 47 KB, 364x466, GestureBattleStart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2684162

oh shit

>> No.2684168
File: 31 KB, 867x841, trap card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your move, Kaiba!

>> No.2684169
File: 138 KB, 948x900, fggf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2684170

its a REAL GESTURE BATTLE! for once! the other anon better return fire!

>> No.2684172

Is the new LAS down? DED?

>> No.2684173
File: 1.20 MB, 500x289, 4f9d5399bd110298910f0d17021bef76.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2684174

the page used to say >>2682680

>> No.2684175
File: 38 KB, 320x320, 1470988276331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, DED is never coming out. Great.

>> No.2684176
File: 6 KB, 250x183, 9272329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like DED is DED

>> No.2684177

yea, maybe lava will come back on christmas day

I've been a good boy this year


>> No.2684178

That's 100000% bullshit.

>I don't want to make a site for a healthy community
>Maybe when its sputtering and dying I will lol
>Have fun with your absent creator

>> No.2684180
File: 56 KB, 571x748, Counta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2684181


I want to believee

>> No.2684182

>check users
>phiori is still drawing the same shit
>barely improved

nigger what are you dooooooooing

>> No.2684187

We wuz comfort zones n shit

>> No.2684191
File: 469 KB, 2849x2783, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2684192

How do I fulfill these gottas

>> No.2684197

you can pick between

>> No.2684204

The second one seems more straightforward and less complex.

>> No.2684205
File: 15 KB, 450x281, mariol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2684211

im gonna do that second one starting at the new year. its gonna be my resolution to complete it since i already have honored my last years resolution of drawing A lot more.

>> No.2684212

Blog? I want to see your progress when you finish your year at Aguri's School of Fundamentals.

>> No.2684216


hope i will be a lot better by the end of it haha.

>> No.2684218

Who do you think has improved in your opinion?

>> No.2684221


>> No.2684222

we should make a community challenge for this, and get all the beginners on it, would be awesome to watch them go through it

can community challenges last a year?


>> No.2684224

I kinda don't feel like doing it cause it seems so daunting and I think I know enough about perspective (I'm probably shit and don't realize it) but I think I'd be able to buckle down and grind through it in a year if some other anons joined me.

What would be a good way to set this up? We can even make a thread for it and get some other beginners to join in if we end up doing it off site.

>> No.2684225

yeah , could be a thread, or something similar where we all get together like a club and grind it out.

>> No.2684228

Uh, yeah? How does this work? There's no homework per se, it's more like you do the term and then someone grades how well you understand your fundies from all your work. That's the only way I can see it working unless someone wants to be a teacher figure and assign homework daily/weekly.

>> No.2684229

sounds like a great idea. I can make a crude site where we could submit daily and encourage each other to get gud. Special tabs for critiquing art guides and books for other beginners to get a better idea of what they're getting into, and what to avoid in said books (like how most loomis books shouldn't be read, just do the exercises).

If you're interested we could have daily submissions and challenges based on guides or replicate certain artist bootcamps.

>> No.2684230

I've been thinking of going through it myself cause I've been sorely neglecting muh fundies, so I wouldn't mind joining up too, I like how aaphk structure his community challenges ( for example http://pastebin.com/kQxfbUrj ) it's pretty hard to not know what to do every day when it's laid out like so, and there could be a weekly handin so everyone is pressured to actually complete each week's assignment rather than letting it pile up for a month and doing it all in the last few days

Would be nice if the new DED allowed for multiple submissions for community challenges or something to better accommodate this sort of thing

>> No.2684231

What would be a good way to set it up? We could make multi month long challenges on LAS but idk how many people are interested.

Do this poll if any lurkers are interested. It'd be nice to know how many people we're dealing with.


>> No.2684234

Oh that would be so nice. I think it would be pretty cool to have some projects along the way like for portfolio building.

>> No.2684236

yeah that sounds awesome man. But idk if it'd be too much work for you. We might be able to do something like the unmotivated losers thing on deviant art but I have no idea how deviant art works.

>> No.2684238
File: 164 KB, 371x350, 1355427887048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice stuff is happening
oh this is good, I like it when nice stuff happens

>> No.2684242

Did aaphk actually make that or did those homework come along with the videos?

>> No.2684246

He actually wrote those himself I think, you can check out the study plans on some of his other challenges too:
http://lavaflake.com/draw/community/?id=55 - study plan: http://pastebin.com/4utyzf1n
http://lavaflake.com/draw/community/?id=42 - study plan: http://pastebin.com/FdZaCyF1

>> No.2684248

well we would all kinda be looking at the same stuff because the course says specific things to learn from , and i'm sure within the criteria of those artists they recommend doing specific things. we set a date to complete each section and we follow the term schedule (8 weeks usually per section) anyone who drops out loses (kinda like las)
at the end of each session post a work that demonstrates the stuff you learned from the current section. so maybe + 3 days to each section to do that.

>> No.2684250

Set a term schedule like any other college class so everyone knows what they need to do?

I think that works since it's separated in the guide by terms and weeks already. It's just general and flexible which can be good for some other people.

Once you reach the end of the term, if you're good enough, you can move on, if not you restart the term? Term 1 is pretty important after all.

>> No.2684254

only issue I see with that sort of formatting is it assumes everyone has a similar schedule and x hours to draw a day. Being a wagecuck, I'd drown in 9/10 challenges due to time constraints. I think if we did something like this, it'd be really cool to have variable formats depending on your lifestyle. Like at the start of the challenge it'd ask how many hours a day can you dedicate, then from there, it sets the time limits. Some users might finish a course in a couple weeks, whereas others might take a month. The focus shouldn't be about winning or losing, as that'd encourage abuse of the timers, but instead should focus on before and after improvement and understanding of the concepts in questions, as well as some post challenge insight on areas to focus on, then maybe a follow up challenge option for honing said skills.

>> No.2684255

Can anyone vouch for having improved from these?

>> No.2684256

The only way I could see the whole x hours to draw a day working would be if aaphk made a schedule for each x hour, like 1 hour a day people can do this while 5 hour a day people can do this. The people with more time would probably be able to redo the homework anyways, so it doesn't need to go too high. And yeah, I don't think winning or losing is really good here, completion is better for improvement even if they didn't understand everything at first, maybe it'll click down the line. It's all about self-improvement and friendly competition instead of endless competition.

>> No.2684261

>And yeah, I don't think winning or losing is really good here, completion is better for improve

yeah i can agree with that.

also yeah i was thinking a specific amount of hours a day. because i would also like to be able to draw other things and i can plan for it . so that would be nice.
i would think 3 hours was pretty decent.

>> No.2684262

I don't know if I can say I improved from them, but I had something to do and knew what to do, which helped me get through daily drawing (I did get more confident in drawing I suppose)

>> No.2684264

I think assiging homework and giving people a daily schedule might be too much. The most we should do is say something like "finish olson by 4 weeks and start Scott Robertson on week x." Setting up a daily schedule might be too much work and it could make this whole thing too constrictive. I agree with you that winning or losing shouldn't matter.

So how/where should we set this up? Las or somewhere else?

>> No.2684265

I really wish we could use another site instead of LAS since LAS is its own thing, but
>can't into web design

>> No.2684267

can anyone vouch for this? I think milo has been doing it but I haven't been looking at all of his submissions. Has he improved a lot by using this?

>> No.2684268

"finish olson by 4 weeks and start Scott Robertson on week x."

something like that would also be agreeable.

>> No.2684271

Milo has done some amazing stuff if you watch las, yes. It's hard and tedious, but man, amazing.

>> No.2684273

I think it'd be better to avoid las as the only person updating it, seems to have given up on updating it. If we come up with ideas, I'd like to be able to implement them.

>> No.2684274

>"finish olson by 4 weeks and start Scott Robertson on week x."

would also be agreeable.
i dunno where we would set up . anywhere is good i suppose. maybe someone can make a forum or something. they have some free or cheap forum templates. that are pretty easy to set up i just dont know how to get domain names for free except over tor.

>> No.2684280

I think that it isn't, but I understand your position too.

However, I think yours might be a bit vague for beginners who really need direction. They might not know what to do to finish and in turn might waste time and mess up doing work.

I do think there's one thing that we should have and it's mandatory critiques. It would be super awesome if we actually followed the advice of the /beg/ thread about how every beginner should be replied to so they can know what to improve and how to.

Yeah, the process of being a person who does critique takes a lot of time, so perhaps it should be done like janitors on 4chan with hours being assigned to people and they only do that much being at whatever hour to another time. Maybe even people who are good at critique get something to be noticed and therefore be known as credible.

In addition to that, there should be rules that if beginners don't want to follow, that they really don't get to stay in the course. Like not arguing intensively with their critiques for being too simple or too rough or something.

>> No.2684284

I like LAS's model of submitting work, it keeps people working with the fear of shame if they don't submit on time (the announcements are nice, but for a small group we could push it further, like their name gets plastered somewhere big and a warning to tell them to hurry it up or something if they're past the deadline for the current work), if we could do that for every period of time (week/fortnight/variable whatever is appropriate) it ought to keep people to schedule

>> No.2684285

would discord or deviant art be a good place to set this up? I think setting up a brand new site would take too long and be too much work.

>> No.2684290

yeah i also kinda wanted it to be a forced thing because it gets people to work in deadlines .like school or something where you have to do a certain amount of work.
and yeah crits should be fairly replied to.

>> No.2684292

>take too long
when do we plan to start this?

>> No.2684296

Ideally I'd wanna start this as soon as possible, like within a week or 2.

>> No.2684297

Discord is too secretive. Deviant art might be okay? I like that it can double as a blogging website so if other people notice your work, you actually look good and could make it. In that same sense, it would be cool if we learned how to do marketing even if it's small, if you want to make it, people need to learn how to market themselves. So maybe at the end of the terms, we have some thing to show for our progress and therefore catch attention.

>> No.2684298

as all great projects it starts tomorrow and is done by never

>> No.2684300

you'd be surprised. many sites offer free naming, have prebuilt forums and upload options. The biggest thing is just making it look unique, but if we're all okay with it looking bland, or a constant work in progress...maybe two days of decent formatting. Biggest thing would be the person in charge would have to be consistent and up to making changes/revisions/researching more about programming if they weren't already handy at that sort of stuff.

I made a wordpress page in less than 30 minutes that suites my needs, but I don't think wordpress is necessarily formatted well for communities.

>> No.2684302

I think we might get a little bit of attention if we all improved a lot as a group. But yeah we should save the marketing stuff until the end so we can focus on gitting gud.

>> No.2684304

ain't this something the new DED site could be extended to accommodate?

oy w wake up

>> No.2684306

Quick, think of something that we can set up in 5 minutes.

>> No.2684307

a cup o' noodles

>> No.2684308

I was thinking the same thing, but I don't want to push W into doing something they might not want to do, as they already backed out of las2.0. I don't know how far their concern with the longevity of las goes, and whether diverting potential new lasses to a different site blah blah blah.

>> No.2684310

christ I can't even take a dump in 5 minutes

>> No.2684311

Isn't there something called blogspot too? I've seen a ton of people use blogspot just for themselves so with that, we can have individual artist blogs and and there can be a main blogspot that the head honcho is able to showcase select few people who are doing really well.

If we use blogspot, it'd be quite fast. Now, we need a name.

>> No.2684312

all this talk is to avoid drawing
stop procrastinating and get your fucking pencils out

>> No.2684314

hi lava, fix your site instead of using art as an excuse to abandon your community.

>> No.2684315

im gonna test a phpbbs on a .tk domain , i will update when i figure it out if i feel secure doing it (i dont really know shit about webhosting security or anything but i know how to host it and maybe get a free .tk domain name .
. then we can figure out what it is we are gonna do.

>> No.2684316

W-we're all gonna make it anon. We will git gud near the end of 2017 and then we will launch las studios. Join us.

>> No.2684318

i have been drawing this whole time lol.

>> No.2684319
File: 33 KB, 350x285, not gonna make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck YOU

>> No.2684321

>only time the thread isn't shitposting

>> No.2684325

Take a chill pill and play a game i made

eldrick. itch. io/arcadeahri?password=1234

>> No.2684326

>only time the thread isn't shitposting
it's worse because they genuinely believe the shit they spout
I'd take shitposting over delusional faggots any day

>> No.2684329

fucking what

>> No.2684332

How's it delusional? All they're saying is that they'll follow the one year guide and post progress along with other anons. Not anything crazy.

>> No.2684333

we started LAS and it's dying
LAS 2.0 didn't even make it to the first day and now this nonesense

>> No.2684336

i was gonna do it with or with out them anyways .if others wanna join it its just more fun.

>> No.2684337


What do you guys want on this? With this, it can't die or at the very least, one person can join.

>> No.2684338
File: 46 KB, 600x630, 1451952423481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I haven't been getting enough sleep and stopped drawing yesterday because I was falling asleep at my desk. I guess I was so out of it I forgot to submit. Oh well.

>> No.2684339

aaaand this is why we shouldn't use las for this idea.

>> No.2684340

it's not even about LAS, it's about following a fundie guide, the fuck man

>> No.2684341

How do we post our work, see other people's work, give/get crits and discuss shit?

>> No.2684342

You make a personal blogspot and it can be linked on the main blog under students or something. You can comment on each other's blog.

>> No.2684343

so i just made a bbs and its up. im gonna fuck around with it a bit and see what i think . let you know if i open it i gotta read some stuff.

>> No.2684350

same anon here there isn't a lot of room for attachment storage on this bbs place without paying. free is 200mb max. 3 images per post. probably not enough for a place like what we a re looking for.

>> No.2684351



>> No.2684353

I don't think we should be posting our images to the site as a self-hoster will quickly get their storage filled up, we could continue like LAS and submit links to our images instead instead of the actual files

>> No.2684357

Might be hard to connect everything since you would have to visit everyone's blogs individually. Maybe we could supplement that with discord (like link it on the main page) where we would crit/have general discussion.

>> No.2684359

What's that? I want to join but I don't want to make a blog for it.

>> No.2684365

Will this still be based in daily submissions? I don't have much free time during the semester to draw and would rather not spend >90% of that time on studies.

>> No.2684366

I made one just so people who join, will at least come into the discord and talk instead of on here.


It's a blog that helps people go through the Aguri Guide of Fundamentals. Making a blog is very quick and easy, so I would hope you do make one. The blog is a thing that makes it easier for us to find you and help you since it's where you post your work as well as anything else you want to post.

>> No.2684370

It's not clear yet how we'll go about submissions, but the schedule we make is catered to you so that you aren't doing a ton of homework if you're unable to. If you only want to spend an hour on studies a day, we'll give you a schedule to complete Term 1 with just 1 hour spent a day. We're looking to have there be the option for you to decide whether or not you want to spend 2, 3, etc. hours a day.

>> No.2684400

Honestly you don't need a chat or a community or what not. That would require the admin spending extra time administrating everything on top of going through the content himself. This, in my experience of /ic/ groups, never pans out to well. The first section is just taking your own notes...you can't really crit on peoples notes. You'll pick up on things others wrote down that you missed, sure, but that's it. Furthermore some lectures in the beginning are so info dumping that it can take a day or 2 to fully wrap your head around some concepts. I see it as sort of my-pace kind of learning and shouldn't be a race against other anons. When I mean note-taking I mean seriously being autistic with your notes and not skimping on details.
2) Unless someone is already a pro in the group nobody really can critique anyone. It would be the blind correcting the blind.
3) Chats are distracting. This is a fact.
4) Of all the people who will join, say 20 tops (and I'm being generous) only 2 people will see the end of the tunnel.
5) If you are going to do this the blog idea is a great idea. All you need to do is start a thread (not a general) and ask those who want to join to make a blog and you'll link their blogs to blo**pot. It's a set-it forget it task and so people can bookmark it and check in where other anons are at and ask questions via their own dis*qus.
6) By the end of the year you can all make a thread and boast about the progress.

my post isn't spam you gay system

>> No.2684402

You had a good streak lad, hope you can fix your sleep a bit and keep posting.

>> No.2684406

Hi, AAphk here. Yup I wrote all of the study plans, they helped me get better although I wouldn't want to do the hogarth drapery one again, the book is really tedious and I'm not sure his theories about drapery are all that great but doing the studies of clothing styles really helped, so it would be cool to revamp that plan by using a different book but keeping the style studies.
I'm going to make a challenge based on framed ink next and I think that one could be really fun.

I actually studied the aguri plan for a while, it's got some good stuff but stuff but some flaws as well. The Erik Olsen stuff is pretty hardcore, I think more so than it needs to be yet it still isn't complete, it doesn't mention anything beypnd 2pt perspective, I think we could find a better resource. The nathan fowks course I found to be too advanced for where I was at, I still don't know of a great resource for beginning to paint in colour.
I think it would be cool to make a huge study plan like this but I couldn't do the whole thing myself, if some other people would help out and pick a resource to make a study plan of I'd help them do it though.

>> No.2684408

We're talking a little about it here on the discord

>> No.2684412

I'm willing to help out, I understand it's a huge uptake to tackle something of this size, but we can start small and move as we go on. For right now, we probably only need to focus on the first two-three terms of the guide. I'm okay with you just throwing suggestions here and there, since I don't want to take all your precious time away. I've probably got more time than you to spend on this and to find the necessary resources.

>> No.2684416


He has made 3pt lectures and lectures on the figure but the Jews at New Masters have yet to make it public for what reason God knows. You can check his facebook to see what I mean.

>> No.2684418

I just think that a good enough level of perspective could be taught in a far more compact way

>> No.2684420

Do you think Vandruff's series is a good substitute?

>> No.2684421

You're right, I'll try to figure out a more compact perspective course since people want to go fast.

>> No.2684425

I liked a book called vanishing point, >>2684418 vandruff is a good expansion but not as much as a standalone, the thing that annoys me about perspective books is that they never explain that the perspective systems are simplifications of reality and not how things actually work, my mind was blown when I figured that out. By the way I made my own autistic as fuck perspective tutorial for the las tutorial challenge here http://aaphk.deviantart.com/gallery/59958509/Form-and-Perspictive-tutorial

>> No.2684429

You made it seem like there would be one tutorial, but you have a ton. They all seem fairly good too. Have you shared them more often?

>> No.2684430

>the thing that annoys me about perspective books is that they never explain that the perspective systems are simplifications of reality and not how things actually work,

>> No.2684432

nah, I just did it for the challenge to help me get my thoughts in order and then uploaded them.

>> No.2684436

This shit blew my fucking mind.

>> No.2684437

look up the niso perspective tutorials, it talks about this . it has to do with having 2 eyes and its influence on real perspective. which is bifocal perspective. in a video i saw analyzing KJG drawings they mentioned this as well.

>> No.2684442

You meant that? I thought that was pretty obvious, but it's not that important because it's likely you won't draw like that unless you are pushing for that kind of distortion. You draw more like a camera rather than how the eyes see.

>> No.2684446

is it really neccesary to know intense perspective shit like that? I thought all you need to know was the basic shit like placing vanishing points on the horizon line, placing vertical vps, mirroring planes, and duplicating planes. Even Scott Robertson doesn't really go into much more detail than that.

>> No.2684448

The more you know the better. This is never false.

>> No.2684454

It is for people who don't want to learn unnecessary things and just streamline the whole process for maximum efficiency.

>> No.2684466

Please keep posting.
You are my LAS crush.

>> No.2684471

>tfw your crush will never notice you

>> No.2684472


>> No.2684474

No bully, senpai.

>> No.2684573
File: 94 KB, 640x640, 1391523606846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I use to upload images to from my phone?

I've been using imgur but it no longer works on my phone for some reason.

>> No.2684577

Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Deviantart, Patreon, Pixiv, Hell, you can even link from another unrelated website.

>> No.2684578

Intense. Fucking lmao. Welcome to the real world pussyboi. You are gonna learn so much more about perspective if you want to get good, you dont even know senpai.

>> No.2684579

>tfw perspective is pretty much the most tedious fundamental to learn
>ton of info dump to listen to
>ton of hours doing tedious precise linework

>> No.2684581

I want to do it anonymously because my art is shit. basically what I'm asking for is 'what's a website that is imgur, but that actually works?'

>> No.2684584

It's alright, anon. We're all shit at one point in time. Don't look away from it in shame. Face the facts and just post the damn thing somewhere. Everyone knows you suck. You know you suck. Just get better.

>> No.2684635

Hope everyone is doing well!

>> No.2684638
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>only one participant
I thought you guys would like the challenge

>> No.2684687

I might to a drugged stumble today

>> No.2684695

Yeah, it sucks dick. But its super good for you

>> No.2684715

Let me at least clearify one thing; I haven't abandoned or backed out of the DED project. I am working on it, specifically right now the system to let people pick pieces theyve submitted from each month for a progress showcase on their profile.

If I'm reading this right, I had originally planned something along the lines of what you guys are talking about, namely the rites system, where there would be courses with goals or landmarks for you to complete and submit up against. Say a basics course with like 10 things you had to do and one of gestures, one on environments, etc. What stopped it was the fact that I would have to set up all of these, and I don't have the willpower or knowledge to do that.

Could someone give me a run-down on what exactly it is you guys are envisioning for this fundamental school system and how it would work, and I can see about implementing it. If it's something quite straight forward it shouldn't be a problem and I can throw it up.

>> No.2684722
File: 1.95 MB, 540x276, 3769228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew you hadn't abandoned us w

>> No.2684725


I have only one request, have some place on your site where I can put my email and be notified when you decide to bring LAS 2.0 live again.
because at the moment I don't post on LAS 1.0 and rarely visit these threads. I'm only interested in joining LAS 2,0 at this point

>> No.2684763

Sure, added it. It doesn't give you any feedback, but if the page refreshes it's saved.

>> No.2684834

Where can we put our email now?

>> No.2684969


>> No.2685007

not really true tho, as pomf is down quite often, and they've bounced from a couple servers. no telling just how many interested third parties are checking those uploads now.

>> No.2685012

>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
Thready this looks weird, could you change the order of the rules? It should end with the "have fun" one

>> No.2685027

Yeah, it should be
>Underage humans please refrain
>Have fun drawing sexual encounters ;^)

>> No.2685034


>> No.2685122

Are we at LAS2.O yet?

>> No.2685128


>> No.2685193
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>posted idea for a fundies school system in LAS months ago, with thoughts on how to tailor it to different routes/end goals too
>shouted down as retarded and too much work even though I'd be the one setting it up
>now suddenly it's a great idea

And I won't help in any way, fuck you lassies.

>> No.2685198


I don't remember this, please help senpai!

>> No.2685199


>> No.2685203
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>> No.2685207

I'll do free commissions for you if you help me make it, senpai

>> No.2685210

>shouted down as retarded and too much work even though I'd be the one setting it up
Well? Did you set it up? Exactly.

>> No.2685348

>that counts right
Does it?

>> No.2685355


>> No.2685444


>> No.2685459

Nice figures Luci

>> No.2685666

thankyou anon!

>> No.2685677

christ I'm tired today, really feeling lazy sunday's forms

>> No.2685688

Weeeeew, all those token loses, even more than yesterday!

>> No.2685698


>> No.2685929

Oh, does LAS 2.0 have a site already? What is it?

>> No.2685994

>tfw you'll still be here after a year and see how far everyone else has gotten

>> No.2685998

Speaking of years, in a little over 100 days the first of us will have been drawing every day for a year!

>> No.2686009
File: 169 KB, 700x466, 1461956578022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ anon

>> No.2686014

>tfw can't even draw everyday for a month
Them lassies, they have talent. They're gonna make it.

>> No.2686019

>there's still niggers here who only draw for LAS and then drop the pencil after submitting

>> No.2686020

Hey, I at least keep the pencil in my hand. It just doesn't touch the paper anymore.

>> No.2686025

Think what you want, but putting it in your pooper doesn't make you any better of an artist.

>> No.2686026

there are still niggers*

>> No.2686030

I didn't know /pol/ was into drawing

>> No.2686068

Yep, I think at least two or three of us in here. Even a week1.

>> No.2686085


>> No.2686086


>> No.2686122

>Choob was a black Bernie-supporting jewish lesbian all along

It's been almost a year and /las/sies are still full of surprises~

>> No.2686147

Want me to fill you with surprises from my cock? ;)))

>> No.2686234
File: 20 KB, 533x300, toystory2-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When LavaFlake loved us
Everything was beautiful
Every hour spent together
Lives within our heart

And when he was sad
We were there to dry his tears
And when he was happy so were we
When he loved us

Through the Winter and the spring
Our love seemed to be undying
Just he and we together
Like it was meant to be

And when he was lonely
We were there to comfort him
And we knew that he loved us

So the years went by
We stayed the same
But he began to drift away
We were left alone
Still we waited for the day
When he'd say I will update the website

Lonely and forgotten
Never thought he'd look our way
And he smiled at us and held us
Just like he use to do
Like he loved us
When he loved us

When LavaFlake loved us
Everything was beautiful
Every hour spent together
Lives within our heart
When he loved us

>> No.2686263


>> No.2686318

That song always makes me cry
Now I'm tearful over some Canadian who doesn't care and yet another community that'll end someday
Fuck you

>> No.2686372

I just listen to all of this, kill me.

>> No.2686427
File: 1.87 MB, 435x245, l2JHS7po8pGz94TgQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The “get in the way of being a better artist” time slot in my schedule is already filled by doodling. I don’t want to replace that with watching anime or playing games. If anything my biggest priority right now should be getting my priorities straightened out. I need to finish the LAS, I need to start life and reference studies, I need to finish my first art project.
>If anything my biggest priority right now should be getting my priorities straightened out. I need to finish the LAS
>I need to finish the LAS
>I need to finish the LAS
>I need to finish the LAS
>I need to finish the LAS
>I need to finish the LAS

>> No.2686445
File: 35 KB, 500x540, 1449113347618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw power went out for two days
Fuck this
I give up

>> No.2686450
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>> No.2686454
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>> No.2686735
File: 169 KB, 585x571, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a stupid alien's face, jmgn.

>> No.2686796

friends and family!

>> No.2686808

>expect motivation
>receive commercial


>> No.2686812
File: 16 KB, 160x145, mushroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join schoolism

>> No.2686841
File: 58 KB, 400x400, 1471377196973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has anyone here tried schoolism? Or is it just a jewish masterplan?

>> No.2686848
File: 141 KB, 740x414, bang! pow! smack it down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2686889


Someone needs to make a horror comic about the schoolism house.

>> No.2686900
File: 85 KB, 804x802, the mask of feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day one
>still here
>dont post
>defeated by people who were once worse than me

>> No.2686903
File: 121 KB, 788x759, get nine&#039;d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gonna get memed, kid

>> No.2686905

why'd you quit
why'd you not come back

>> No.2686907
File: 28 KB, 228x239, 1471952196405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And i haven't improved at all.


>> No.2686909


>> No.2686923
File: 1.12 MB, 673x435, tumblr_nkhjloFkFU1up2bd7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gave up, no true explanation. i walk all over with a small sketchbook that i never use. i want to draw but i suck and that makes me stop almost like performance anxiety, i cant play video games because i hate myself for not "drawing" yet i dont drawn i spent a few thousand dollars building an art set up so that i would need nothing. i only stare out my small room to the window in front of an open canvas of Photoshop but i cant touch it. im a failure and i accept it. even know i have over 7 hours to prove myself wrong yet i wont.

>> No.2686928

come on anon, draw, you can make it

>> No.2686930

>tfw used to feel like that
>wanted to get over it
>so I did
Just get over it, anon, if you don't make the change, you never will. You'll be in that cycle forever.

>> No.2686938
File: 48 KB, 500x250, life in IC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday my mom said "you've been doing this for 4 years but you're still here in this tiny room doing nothing." what would you think if i was the one doing this?" then in reached me, i've been quiting for 5 long years. gross. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFe8TBhLeQQ

>> No.2686946

is your mom hot?
I wouldn't mind feeling her form

>> No.2686951

>getting 4 years of freetime

>> No.2686952

wasting 4 years of free time.

>> No.2686957

It wasn't wasted, don't worry. All those mistakes and suffering in those 4 years made you learn something. Use that knowledge to not slip up again and make it. Don't regret it, take it in and start from zero.

>> No.2686969

nah thanks.

>> No.2686973

i just smashed my pc screen

>> No.2686974

why don't you wanna make it?

>> No.2687005

>tfw only noticed Naf now
W-who is this guy? Holy shit. They're fucking good.

>> No.2687018

is grach still streaming at least?

>> No.2687022

what happened humanbean?

>> No.2687028
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>expecting motivation from anywhere but within
that was your first mistake

and your last

>> No.2687068

good night friends and family!

>> No.2687091

thats a good question.

>> No.2687094

he's part of the LAS allstars.

>> No.2687104

fmmood, anon313, jmgn, naf?

>> No.2687138

Hey /las/

How's everyone been feeling lately? How's life?

>> No.2687142

I've been in a roller coaster of feeling like I'll make it and not make it. I also only draw an hour a day, so it kills me inside.

>> No.2687151

naf and 313 wew the only one that could quit and no one would care because they were good already
i hate my life.

>> No.2687158

Gon show /ic/ I can fucking do it in a year. Dropped everything to do this shit. Cause fuck you and doing a full time job while doing art.

>> No.2687161

T. Lavaflake

>> No.2687165

Well yeah, when you only have an hour a day it's easy to think like that. Keep at it, you might find some extra time down the road.

We all do.

Are you using the Aguri guide?

>> No.2687177

currently doing digital painting with andrew hou, and I think a lot of the value from just the 15 dollar/month sub plan alone (which I'm on) comes from being able to watch all the feedback videos which come from the people who took the more expensive critiqued sessions, so whatever questions you might still have after going through a particular lesson could very well be answered by one or more of these other vids

for reference, the course I'm in has 105 unique feedback videos (avg 20mins each, varies per classmate) per lesson at this time, and there's 8 lessons in this course

>> No.2687186

Are they always there? Also, what's the course cover in those lessons?

>> No.2687197

life: Not great, trying to find a job. Feeling like a useless POS because of it.

drawing: Worse, barely any gains. The worst part is that I don't know where to focus my efforts in order to get better.

>> No.2687215

There's time on the weekends. I tend to waste them though. Literally not gonna make it if I keep doing that. Usually waste it wondering about what to draw or how to draw something.

>> No.2687219

>hating life
Please. I do not.

>> No.2687230

You're probably not willing to name drop, but we are on page 8 if you want the extra help.

Otherwise, what's bothering you the most about your work right now?
Do you think you're just in a slump or do you feel like you're not retaining what you're learning?

>> No.2687234


money sucks and people sucl

>> No.2687254

>feel like shit
>about to give up on drawing
>see this



>> No.2687280

Same. Sometimes the draw roulettes don't even help. I try to think about what to draw before bed so I don't have to go through that every day.


What are you doing on 4chan in general?

>> No.2687283
File: 244 KB, 807x1335, 1h 1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Username is Louse.

I think what bothers me the most right now is being unable to convey a sense of form and depth.

As far as I can guess I have focused too much on trying to figure out anatomical forms than applying and practicing the general forms.

Also my line work is criminally bad but I think that's just because in nearly a year I have only done 5'ish "finished" drawings. I need to practice it a lot more.

Thanks, I really appreciate your help with this.

>> No.2687288

>tfw even good people have struggles

>> No.2687292

To be able to talk anonymously to people because I spill my spaghetti all the time.

>> No.2687298

watching the feedback videos is part of the tips for learning that they email you upon subscribing, so I'd assume they're always there

here's the course in question: https://www.schoolism.com/school.php?id=2
the descriptions under the lesson plan tab are pretty accurate to what I've been seeing

>> No.2687301

Trying to get gud enough to take on commissions so I can stop dragging my feet in graphic design city college and get out of that shithole this semester
Feelings fluctuate between "not gonna make it" and "I can do this"

>> No.2687305
File: 474 KB, 1000x2700, 1402069531119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried playing with your line quality? Your lines are pretty uniform and a little push might help with those forms.
The image you posted is most flat at the face(eyes) and joints. Try studying how the anatomy overlaps.

Or maybe you're just burnt out on anatomy studies.

>> No.2687309

>talks about acute angles and how amateurs don't understand it
>don't expand on it

>> No.2687310

How long is your program? I mean, if you really hate it don't put in any more effort, but shit like that might help if you wanna go into the illustration/design field.

>> No.2687314

Thanks, practicing line art with this should be a fun change of pace.

>> No.2687351

It would probably take up to 3 more years to finish off if I'm lucky. I don't doubt that a lot of this knowledge would be useful outside of those fields, but the interest just isn't there for me, and I especially can't stand dealing with typography and wasting all this time fetching prints when I could be getting in more drawing practice. The saving grace this semester though, is that I have a figure drawing class in the mix along with 4 straight days off between classes, so if nothing else I should at least improve a decent amount by the end if I keep my priorities in check

>> No.2687383

I was considering majoring in something like graphic design but everyone urged me to avoid since they're very few jobs and a lot of people will just hire you based on your portfolio (like concept art) so the degree doesn't matter. Don't know how true that is(for real, is this true? I'd probably do graphic design if there were lots of jobs available), but assuming it's true, why don't you just get like a quick 2 year degree in IT or something? Probably better than wasting time + money (atleast in the US) on something that wont even benefit you that much.

>> No.2687385

The "very few jobs" meme is a lie. There's more jobs than ever, but the shit people will not see those jobs because they suck.

>> No.2687391

Mm yeah, 3 years is a big time commitment for something you're not feeling. I'd cut my losses and get out. Learn machining or welding if you just need a fall back job.

>> No.2687424

Why do people always opt for a fall back? If you have no fall back, you can dedicate 100%. That's the only way you'll make it.

>> No.2687426

How do I stop being a lazy piece of shit and actually spend more hours drawing?

>> No.2687427

Stop being lazy and actually spend more hours drawing.


>> No.2687439

Because not everyone has a mommy they can live with til they get gud.

>> No.2687441

Go to the last thread and you will see some webms, but the actual site looked better than the webm examples

>> No.2687565

mommy... ( ´ ・ ᴗ ・ ` )

>> No.2687570

Tell me lassies, what are my chances of making it

>> No.2687573

Post your username.

>> No.2687574

That low?
I'll keep it up then.

>> No.2687625

Lava's complete aversion to using any kind of reference will be his downfall. Nobody draws completely from their mind.

>> No.2687657

this, on the one hand, drawing from references only is bad, but on the other, drawing from imagination only is just as bad, gotta balance them man

like having a healthy diet

>> No.2687844

agreed, just look at naf, that fucker only draws from imagination and he's so ba


>> No.2687853

One's a beginner the other isn't.

>> No.2687854

he's got a bunch of studies but they look like his imagination stuff

>> No.2687855


>> No.2687859

>that fucker only draws from imagination

>> No.2687868


>> No.2687871


>> No.2687873

rover ;_;

>> No.2687984

its like oversimplified generalizations are bad XD

>> No.2687988





>> No.2688024

You mean to say lava HASN'T had a complete aversion to drawing from reference?