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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2678931 No.2678931 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some constructive criticism guys ahah.

I threw this together on my phone, still getting use to it, so any tips would be helpful haha.

>> No.2678937

Turn 18 before posting is the first tip that pops up.

>> No.2678938


What do you mean?

>> No.2678941

Just go to beg

>> No.2678958

Ahha yea sure thing mate

>> No.2681427

you asked faggot
shoulder uneven, triceps not sure if they are possible, one boob bigger that the other, you drew a beard but your forgot the chin

for what i understand you decide to draw the contours right of the bat and right after give detail and what you get is something of a strange human figure, not that strange though

first of all the flow lines, lines that give the body motion (depends on pose) next start with simple shapes representing parts of the body chest belly hip upper legs etc etc, the face, the goddam,n the no chin part its because of no shapes or form of the actual skull you just had a beard; draw this guy's face with no beard on top of this drawing and see how strange it is. after giving the basic shapes give the form (muscles), and then details, (tendons, beard, marks, wrinkles)
and draw actual eyes, first learn the real and than create the unreal

>> No.2681434

It's a flat piece of garbage haha

>> No.2681435

now reply to my critique thread ya big asshole

>> No.2681441

just criticized you shit drawing and give you tips dumb nigger, if you cant see it i advise to stop drawing because you will never go far

>> No.2681442

Save it up as a reminder of how embarassing your art looked when you were 15.
Download a pdf of burne hogarth's dynamic anatomy, read loomis.
Come back in half a year if you are still interested in art.

>> No.2681447

Don't know why people are being so mean to you OP but anyways I'd go download The Structure of Man by Riven Phoenix so you can learn some anatomy. It starts with the bones and progressively into the major muscles so it's easy to follow.

>> No.2681448

Post your work so i can see gow good this method actually is

>> No.2681453

little brat confirmed, people giving you tips and advise, and you ask for proof
fucking kys

>> No.2681482
File: 232 KB, 619x406, 1473850767641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2681892

I dont draw bones
That wasnt me but he is not wrong

>> No.2681910

>I don't draw bones
I can tell, that's why your drawing sucks.

Honestly, did you make this thread because you wanted criticism or because you expected praise? 'cause that's what your family and friends are for. People here compare everything to the old masters and try to go as far from dunning-kruger as possible, so it's your choice, either start studying or keep drawing random muscle fibers for the rest of your life.

>> No.2681971

I asked for constructive criticism and all i got was ad hominum attacks
>try to go far from dunning-kruger

Kek this place is duning k as it gets. Have a look at the collective comic you assholes did. I'm still in the top 5% if that's anything to go by

>> No.2681977
File: 189 KB, 620x320, 1434653735658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's using the the collective comic thread as an accurate gauge of /ic/'s skill levels

>> No.2681983

None of you faggots post your work anyways. Maybe you're afraid to show it because is of lower quality than my own?

>> No.2681990
File: 269 KB, 640x1024, TAl0Uav4ZzU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll reply to your obvious b8. This was made on the phone too

>> No.2682003

That's embarassing. You've got poor notions of texture and shape, boring design ideas and cliche rendering solutions like those unorganized strokes in the neck/spine.
Just what I thought

>> No.2682006
File: 226 KB, 808x579, boon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kill yourself
there's 5 draw threads, beginner threads, porn threads, yet you make your own thread. just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.2682008

Read the sticky and learn the fundamentals first
You are not ready to draw humans yet

>> No.2682015

He posted work and it's better than yours.

>> No.2682016 [DELETED] 

Wew lad. Everything you accused him of you did even worse. That's some top tier projection rite dere boi

>> No.2682020

>cliche rendering solutions


>> No.2682021

>samefagging this hard
WeW indeed

>> No.2682029


>> No.2682032


Are all the other posts in this thread shitting on you also one person samefagging?

>> No.2682035

no I'm not bitch

now I can see this is a you know who thread and the OP isn't even your art

>> No.2682036


>> No.2682040 [DELETED] 

Lol. Reduced to accusations of samefagging.

Just fuck off to Tumblr if you want some feelgoods.

>> No.2682057

Still waiting for actual criticism

>> No.2682059

Then dont do it, you little bitch. Who cares, people on here were just giving you advice, despite you ignoring the sticky and creating your own, useless thread.
Just keep going with your symbol-drawing bullshit and see how far it will get you, cunt.

>> No.2682063
File: 59 KB, 640x1024, UsIph16Ny-Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, tell me about this one too

>> No.2682073

Generic weeb shit, stiff pose, weak color theory and chicken scratched.

>> No.2682077


If you're a troll this isn't creative or new.

If you're a real person and this is a valid concern, you don't know or care to know what you're actually doing. As evident in your OP picture. You posted a picture you didn't care about made on a time frame you didn't care to put effort into and threw up chicken scratch sketch lines to make a barely finished, functionally incompetent and only amateurishly structured sketch and then put the onus on strangers to be the ones that cared enough about something not worth noting to give thoughtful and "valid" criticism on.

I know the whole thread is a big "I was being retarded the whole time" ruse but this is a convenient example to all artist how not to conduct yourself.

Not caring about the quality of your output at all and then demanding people care is very desperate.

>> No.2682080

actually give constructive criticism >>2681427
and see what you answer, sftu you stupid brat you putted here your shit drawing because you though "heyy this is pretty good im gonna show the guys at /ic/ how good i am" little that you know you are actual shit and cant take a critic, you wanted praise like all the false cunts that are around you gives you but guess what, people here dont have a reason not to be honest and you got your collection of dumb strokes shitted on and you cant even take it
cant take criticism? here's my advise just fucking stop you are not going anywhere
8/8 made me reply twice

>> No.2683312

Your work looks like how edgy 13 year old draws.