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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.96 MB, 420x236, 1424205661803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2667595 No.2667595 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>2639778

Bring us your roughs, your storyboards, your pencil tests etc. Talk about industry, schools, the hopelessness of it all, how we all gonna make it etc.

If you're gonna post animation that isn't yours give source or state that it isn't yours.

Keep shitposting to a minimum. Don't feed the trolls.

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc

>Reference stuff you can find with a simple google search


Japanese style animation tutorial: http://listeningside.net/a_side00.html
Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame

Lastly, if you've got some good animation resources, contribute!

>> No.2667603
File: 293 KB, 1189x876, swing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2667962
File: 1.15 MB, 720x405, Acting test Final.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any adv? http://dentrodelvjuego.tumblr.com/post/150005852468/acting-exercise

>> No.2667963

he looks like a weak dude thats being swung by his hammer thing, rather than the one who's doing the swinging, i think he should put his leg ( and weight) forward before his arms do the swing

>> No.2667964

Don't really have any advice, but I really like it

>> No.2668558
File: 171 KB, 800x562, hammerboi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looked fun so I had to try it myself

>> No.2668583

Is the Preston Blair book a good source? Or what would be a good start? To making something like a short film

>> No.2668584

Also can someone explain the importance of low frame animation to me?

>> No.2669020

I do a lot of motion graphics for work, but I want to get into traditional animation.

Is Adobe Animate any good, and how popular is it, professionally? I have the whole Creative Suite for work, so it wouldn't cost me anything extra to install it, but I know ToonBoom is very popular. I've tried learning ToonBoom on a lark, but the interface is a nightmare, and a lot of the tutorials I've found aren't particularly good.

I'd probably use mostly puppet stuff for work, since that's what most clients want these days, and that's mostly what I use in After Effects, but I'd like to start pursuing animation more seriously.

>> No.2669227

That Anon is onto something, if you've ever thrown a proper punch or swung a weapon, you'd know that all the momentum comes from the hips first. If you want to animate something properly, know how it's done.

>> No.2669236

>toon boom
>interface is a nightmare
Can a TVP anon testify to this?

>> No.2669256

im using opentoonz but as a matter of fact you cant export gif. Now i used avi but every converter out there seems to have a virus and any free ones via the browser are really bad and/or have a 50 mb cap and im too stupid to make it smaller.

I just wanted some oppinion on the standart bouncing ball practice.

>> No.2669273

To make an easier gif, export your OpenToonz project as images/frames instead of avi. Then place all of the pictures in GIMP as layers and save it as a gif.

Save the gif with 41.667 milliseconds(24 fps).

>> No.2669290


I've "used" TVpaint and toonboom.

Toonboom is ridiculous and I haven't tried it for more than an hour, it really doesn't seem like its outfitted for traditional hand drawn 2d but it can handle neat effects like puppeting, fancy special effects, parallaxed backgrounds and other things.

On the other hand TVPaint is the ABSOLUTE BEST for hand drawn 2d (who wants to put in that much effort am I right?) you get lots of nice textured colors and strokes, blend modes almost exactly like Photoshop. phenomenal frame and layer management.

all in all I've had an easier time using TVpaint but then again it suits my style more.

(that and toonboom doesn't even work with my new pen monitor)

>> No.2669298
File: 198 KB, 550x900, bouncing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much

>> No.2669338
File: 317 KB, 764x556, boxs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this in like 1 hour. Going to work more on it, add more frames and then clean.
How do I teach myself to not distort the proportions? I always ending up making the head/torso bigger than it was in the first frame.

>> No.2669482

Use perspective lines or copy the first frame onto a new layer and change the opacity to have a permanent size reference

>> No.2669559

You can export gif, just install FFMPEG.

>> No.2669588

ill check it out, thanks

>> No.2669622
File: 1.21 MB, 761x429, rm2k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toonbooms interface makes no god damn sense at first but if you spend enough time in it you'll see how amazing it is.

They have started to make a new tutorial site and this one is a ton better on actual how to's including rig building with example files;

>> No.2669637

What does Toon Boom do better than other animation programms?

Is it for like especially cartoons like Rick and Morty or American Dad or Steven Universe?
Is a program like OpenToonz more suitable for Animation like Ghibli?
And is ToonBoom really worth thebucks?

>> No.2669660
File: 2.26 MB, 966x546, exampels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They use toonboom to animate the cartoons you mention and basically it's more suited for a mix of puppet animation/frame by frame. The camera controls are fantastic, z-shifting layers is easy so going front/behind is a cinch and deformers work really well.

The animation if you do puppet is sorta 3d esque in rig building and the node structure. Opentoonz was designed for pure vectorization of drawn paper images, and it will be a while before the coders add the missing parts like a timeline and other to make it viable for regular users.

Hard to say if it's worth it or not depending on how much you do, but i honestly would only get it if you can get the premium version whether by buying or student version (20$ a month). The adb

>> No.2669677

Last sentence got cut off. The advanced and essential versions are both missing node view, and essentials doesn't have pose copier which lets you easily paste angles of a rig like i did in the gif (you can still do it manually, just takes more time instead of being a slider).

>> No.2669685

Thank you very much an i really apreciate the gif you added, helps me understand a lot more.

The pose copier looks insanely useful. I can see why one would use this to make shows like that and why the essentials are essentially not enough. Thank you very much for your time.

>> No.2669689
File: 737 KB, 969x552, posecop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. There's not a lot of resources out there for otuside of studio TB users. I've been teaching alot of other youtube animators on how to toonboom.

The pose copier also works for any kind of template you wanna do. It doesn't have to be just the whole body either

>> No.2669702


How can I animate like this

>> No.2669710

Steven Universe is done with Toonz (non open source version of Opentoonz)

>> No.2669800

Wow i didnt think so, though i know that Futurama was made with it.
Although im still wondering as to how they keep this consistent with their animation.
Is there a big difference between toonz and open toonz? I know they wanna release a premium Toonz which would cost something but is the normal toonz that one?
Thanks for the info

the pose copier is the real deal.
the gifs are really nice btw.

>> No.2669853

To say something is "made" with some software is a misleading because the animators can mostly use whatever works for them. I know for a fact that Steven Universe animators can for example use pen & paper if they like.

>> No.2669972
File: 1.64 MB, 320x240, luquinhas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this test of camera movement, it's my first time working with animation, so i know i have a lot to learn, any advice? Sorry for the shitty quality of the gif

>> No.2669996

are you br? anyway, hair needs to be a little bit more consistent, too wobbly

>> No.2670008

Camera movement feels rather stiff, try to ease in and out, if only a little bit.

>> No.2670027
File: 163 KB, 679x380, thispassedCNanimationdirectors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god, being associated with SU is not an endearing fact.

>> No.2670052


>> No.2670081

Yeah, i'm br, thanks for the advice! Didn't notice the hair till now

This test is quite old, actually i learnt a few tricks to make a more "realistic" artificial camera mov since then, but thanks for the advice too!

>> No.2670122

SU has good animation. Your own childish bias just can't accept it.

>> No.2670150
File: 454 KB, 560x315, yooh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon on the jojo threads posted this, how is it in the eyes of a true connoisseur like you d/ic/ks?

>> No.2670190


It's pretty good, actually. Maybe making it flow a bit more, but it's probably just that the artist was doing a quick study and didn't care too much for the details.

>> No.2670222

>a quick study
lol that pegbarian video

>> No.2670338

care to link it?
You got my curiosity just now

>> No.2670404
File: 96 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-9-7test1tryfam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anon from the last thread who asked about doing animation studies together. Got any thing youre currently studying?

my attempt


>> No.2670477

Being associated with those big Garnet thighs is not good?
Where you coming from boi?

>> No.2670510

Turn your light box off. Only use it when doing close inbetweens.This will encourage you to flip your drawings which will help you see the motion and shape change better.

>> No.2670512

Looks lifeless. He should blink more. The lack of overshoot is also bothers me.

>> No.2670513
File: 298 KB, 681x720, shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never done an animation before. (well a honking qurupeco but that's it.)

How I make things silky smooth? Is it smears, more frames/framerate, or both?

>> No.2670516

You need to use straights against curves. Their a great way to indicate squash and stretch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KixNx5POpL0

>> No.2670524
File: 59 KB, 850x400, quote-you-re-not-supposed-to-animate-drawings-you-re-supposed-to-animate-feelings-ollie-johnston-69-71-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to learn the principles of animation. For instance this lacks anticipation.

>How I make things silky smooth? Is it smears, more frames/framerate, or both?

Smooth animation does not equal good animation. Animation is about the quality of the poses and the acting.

>> No.2670538
File: 603 KB, 960x540, lipsync-test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experimenting with lip-Syncing and character animation. Image on the right is my first pass where I was just trying to get a feel for it. Image on left is the "polished" version I'm working on.

>> No.2670539


I know about anticipation atleast.

So basically good gesture correct? Pretty much the same basis as dynamic nice artwork.

I'm just burnt out from already drawing/rendering for around 7~8 hours so I'm not exactly mentally ready at the moment.

On a side note is this a decent video series to look over?


>> No.2670547

Stands are lifeless, i'd say the less human it looks the better.

>> No.2670605

thanks, didnt even think about that.

>> No.2670696

post your work

>> No.2670733

I was talking about the green dude

>> No.2670735

>I know about anticipation atleast.

No you don't. If you did you would use it.

>On a side note is this a decent video series to look over?


>> No.2670736
File: 164 KB, 909x682, poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back to the thread with my new piece:

While I continue to play around with effects and light, I also start to get pretty serious about plot. This time I'm gonna make a two-part mini-story and see how will it play out. Gonna make the show fun and exiting.

>> No.2670740
File: 214 KB, 729x872, Principles-Of-Animation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefag here. I also recommend picking up the illusion of life.

>> No.2670755

She needs to blink half way thru the head turn. Also get some more shape change in there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYPx6sGZzow

>> No.2670786

Looks like Disneyshit.

>> No.2670855

huh? What did I do?

>> No.2670858
File: 48 KB, 953x305, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, you do realize that Disney invented the principles of animation, don't you?

>> No.2670901

They came up with some of the vocabulary and packed them up in a list. Many cartoonists and animators already knew about them before that. The only real big Disney innovation was the storyboard which wasn't too different from what comics artists were doing.

>> No.2670917

It wasn't necessarily an insult

>> No.2670966

Fair enough.

I still don' understand. Who were you referring to?

>> No.2671035

Pro tip: Learn how to fucking draw AKA learn your fundamentals before you take up animation

>> No.2671045

No thanks

>> No.2671150

thread bump

>> No.2671192
File: 249 KB, 1920x1080, Not so much 30 frames.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be adding various bits of physics tests to this. Critique welcome.

>> No.2671683
File: 487 KB, 550x447, 78698780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2671737
File: 133 KB, 640x360, JasperTurnwip1b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2671740

That's the Stand

>> No.2671990
File: 430 KB, 960x540, Animwoorm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding more to this. Wanted to be further along but I lost most of the day dealing with computer problems.

>> No.2672031
File: 49 KB, 935x307, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, in the context of this animation then, what's a stand supposed to be?

>> No.2672035

Saying something looks like Disneyshit isn't necessarily an insult

>> No.2672075

inform yourself about jojos bizarre adventure already please

>> No.2672086

you're taking it too literal, a stand is a manifestation of a strong person's will, throughout the series the designs of the concepts are always lifeless or robotic.

>> No.2672323

looks pretty neat. I really like it

>> No.2672462

Does anyone here work with spine? And if so, any ideas where to get it pirated? The trail version doesn't allow you to save your work and that's bullshit

>> No.2672484 [DELETED] 

>Toonbooms interface makes no god damn sense at first but if you spend enough time in it you'll see how amazing it is.
If you lived in hell for long enough, you would also get used to it, and probably become attached to just because you lived there for a long ass time

>> No.2672508

Too evenly paced and too subdued.

exaggerate the squash and stretch, drop half the frames, and hold for two frames when his cheeks are fully puffed up.

>> No.2672836
File: 507 KB, 640x360, AfraidComposedIbadanmalimbe-mobile.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2672857
File: 484 KB, 500x196, tumblr_m8nzp8ZqdI1ruz9j7[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just getting in to animation, just watched sleeping beauty and wondering: how much of the character animation is rotoscoped? It looks a lot like prince philip and aurora were, but did they use any for any of the other more cartoony characters? Any good reads/vids about Disney and rotoscoping in general?

>> No.2672883

this video is incredibly obnoxious, but pretty good.

>> No.2672893

>how much of the character animation is rotoscoped

Very little if any. You have to remember Disney would hire actors, dress them in costumes matching the character, and then film them acting out the scenes. That footage would then be avaliable to the animators for use as a 'direct reference'.

>> No.2673032
File: 469 KB, 1000x1000, slot girl shaking hips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2673131
File: 1.16 MB, 600x338, driving loop copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2673168

How the hell do you use opentoonz? Where do you learn? Every time i open it up my eyes glaze over at how unintuitive the UI is and I give up

>> No.2673292

just watch a bunch of videos on it. Youll get the hang of it. I still havent gotten the hang of it but i guess it just takes time

>> No.2673595

is flash still a thing? I'm used to the Adobe interface, so i think its easier to me to get used to it, but can i make "good quality" animation with it?

>> No.2673637

good for tweens, pain in the ass for anything else, i personally use clip studio paint and switch to flash when i need to tween anything

>> No.2673906

Any good place to start? I feel like everything I read either tells me too little ("see, a 'frame' is..." or is just about animation fundamentals (sp we're drawing a bouncing ball...)

I saw one decent youtube tutorial, but it was an older version, so I had trouble following along with him.

>> No.2674487
File: 29 KB, 500x280, hand1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2674618

Hey guys. I really want to try traditional animation but don't what materials I need. Is tracing paper and a pencil good for a starter?

>> No.2674883
File: 123 KB, 864x720, arm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is non frame-by-frame animation welcome here?

>> No.2675334
File: 498 KB, 824x542, 20160911.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna make it a thing where I'll draw one walk cycle a day.
Here's the first one. It's pretty crappy, but I hope to improve.

Feel free to comment...

>> No.2675345

While walking the center of Gravity is shifted way to far back. If anyone would walk like this they would most likely fall backwards.
You should observe how people walk, outside or just search for a video.
What you also did (or so it appears to me) is that you start to walk by putting the left foot first but then the left foot suddenly turns into the right foot.
Another thing is you should try to keep the length of the upper leg consistent and try to make him walk at the same height. I know these are kinda hard to do as you arent using an animation program.

But the correct walking form is the most important part, otherwise it doesnt look believable.

But keep going, you'll surely improve.

>> No.2675346

Not very good. It looks like the body is being dragged by the feet. The torso should be leaning forward and the feet sort of reaching out to stop it from falling. Use reference if you didn't. I'm not even sure which kind of walk this is. Looks like he is stomping and tiptoeing at the same time.

>> No.2675355

His tiptoe-stomping was an unintended side effect of being a beginner :\

>> No.2675358
File: 66 KB, 636x627, 1465933481523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2675412


>> No.2675509
File: 185 KB, 500x280, aaaaa8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2675556

How come we're not famous animators yet?

>> No.2675558

Join the draw every day challenge

>> No.2675579

This would've been 100x better if you learned how too draawww :)))))))))) <:o)

>> No.2675601

ironically Killer Queen doesn't blink. I'm not sure how we should proceed with this issue.

>> No.2675606

I don't even need the rest of this animation to jack off.

>> No.2675612

I know this is just mem'e but I really wanna watch that video

>> No.2675617

Link? I think I might have signed up for it, but I forgot the url.

>> No.2675656

>Dat arm

>> No.2675761


>> No.2675823

cupping balls?..

>> No.2676081

>On the other hand TVPaint is the ABSOLUTE BEST for hand drawn 2d (who wants to put in that much effort am I right?) you get lots of nice textured colors and strokes, blend modes almost exactly like Photoshop. phenomenal frame and layer management.
Did it get updated in the last seven months? Because when I tried using it, it was very unfriendly, very crashy.

>> No.2676377

It might be that way if you´re using an old version. TVP 10 and 11 are really, really good. If you´re running it via Wine on a Mac then you´ll also have issues.

>> No.2676936

add an 80s color palette and maybe do it in pixel art and you got one kick ass loop bro. Finish it I swear to fucking god if you dont finish it.

>> No.2677152
File: 99 KB, 640x360, Sack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this for class today. Opinions? My classmates are kind of ass-patty so I don't think i'll get good crits in this class.

>> No.2677165

I have to use toonboom for class. I was confused as fuck at first but i did a few exercises in it and have been slowly figuring it out. It just has a learning curve. I'm sure photoshop is confusing to anyone who first opens it too.

>> No.2677168

Check out Aaron Blaise's tutorials on the fundamentals. In one video he animates a punch and while I can't put into words why yours is lacking, well, punch, his video will show you just by watching what he made. I'm making dinner so I can't go link hunting but if you can't find it i'll track it down.

>> No.2677173

I think "produced" is more accurate because it would describe whatever program is generally used for the animating.

>> No.2677174

I agree with what the other anon said on this but I also love the smoothness of it and I think if you did this, and then after it, had a more exaggerated one with a bigger flame that this one could work as a lead in into it with a few tweaks.

>> No.2677177

This was a subject of debate recently between some classmates but the subject was Snow White. I think in the case of Snow White she was somewhat rotoscoped but I think after that generally Disney would hire actors and models to dress as the characters and do specific poses or act out in sets. My favourite was their actress for Tinkerbell whom they had do a lot of Tink's poses such as when she gets stuck in the keyhole.

>> No.2677183 [DELETED] 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/p6P-hU4huhk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.2677185


>> No.2677209

I hope it's a high school class. It's bad, 2frames/10

>> No.2677211
File: 47 KB, 500x339, 79879879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it rebound a bit after it lands, right now it just snaps onto the ground with no feeling of impact.

>> No.2677221

I figured as a weight exercise adding the rebound would retract from that. I mean, a floursack DOES just snap to the ground doesn't it? It isn't a ball.

I'm not being defensive rather asking your opinion on how I feel about it because this is how my instructor said to do it.

>> No.2677226

It's a beginner's animation class, am I supposed to show you a masterpiece for my second animation?

>> No.2677229

Show your work and tell me how to make it better instead of being edgy and hateful like the rest of /ic/

>> No.2677230

You know what, on second thought since its a flour sack yeah there wouldnt be much reboud. But the way you have it now looks really bad, at least make it slow in to the end frame. there arent nearly enough frames

>> No.2677251
File: 29 KB, 500x278, home-run-helmet-man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was drawing a sord guy and I was trying to capture an exaggerated motion of a sord swing. Now, I'm no animator, but as a figure drawer I think it's important to understand how the human body moves. So yeah I was drawing this guy in various poses with his sord and I realized it was looking a lot like a baseball swing.

So like I stuck it in photoshop and here's what I made of it. Is the motion convincing? Compelling? I know BASEBALL STICKS and SORDS are usually swinged differently but hey, mismatched behaviors are the basis of comedy or something right?

>> No.2677271

There is no sense of weight in your animation. Try easing into the fall a little bit to help sell the speed and then try to sell the impact. You could do this in a bunch of different ways, maybe have the flour sack fall and slide a little, maybe have it leaning to one side before it settles into the middle, maybe the impact from the fall puts it off balance and it slowly falls down. Or just try to add a couple more frames of subtle squash and stretch to make the animation less rigid. Don't add so much squash and stretch that it looks rubbery but add a little bit so it sells the impact more. As of now it doesn't look that good because it just instantly stops after it makes contact with the ground, I think very few things would behave like that. Even something like an anvil would have some kind of follow through action or motion that would help sell the idea to the viewer.

Anyways, hope I helped and good luck anon.

>> No.2677371

No, that's why I asked if it was a high school class. Even a first animation should have more to it than 2 frames. Animate a bouncing ball instead, you're not getting anything out of this flour sack until you learn how to give your subject some weight.
Nice meme

>> No.2677530

Pretty nice

>> No.2677539
File: 532 KB, 960x540, tumblr_od9dlfmJ5J1sa6tjro1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2677540

That's some night at the roxbury shit man

>> No.2677811

Yeah, https://learn.toonboom.com/modules has everything from very basic to advanced.

>> No.2677964

There are more than two frames are you retarded? It would take more than two frames to change the expression and do the clouds, are you completely braindead or just talking out of your ass?
Show your work because you've only been an ass which makes me think you can't actually draw let alone animate

>> No.2677966

thank you

>> No.2678051

There's not much difference between OT and Toonz Premium. Premium has more features and is more stable though.

As for keeping everything consistant, model sheets, look 'em up.

>> No.2678059

I know that the cleanup process is done within Toonz, the animation itself is done on paper.

>> No.2678069

i don't get it, but thanks anyway!

>> No.2678105
File: 566 KB, 1341x720, Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 22.26.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqyThycbqYg

>> No.2678250
File: 136 KB, 1000x562, gotta go fest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, look at him go

>> No.2678627

I don't care about the clouds or face, the sack is two frames. The point of animating a sack is the sack.
Yeah I'm an ass. I hope you talk act like that to every ass that criticizes you. Your name's in the public eye, not mine

>> No.2678991
File: 136 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-9-7test1MANNEQUINtryfam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mannequin phase

>> No.2679019

why does he seem to go into a punch and then the next scene he got him at his collar?

>> No.2679240

Try to consider why people lift their leg when they swing.

It is to momentarily set the body off balance. The person starts falling towards the direction of the swing to gain momentum, then right before the moment contact with the ball, the foot is slammed on the ground for balance.

Your guy is just kinda just doing something flamboyant before the swing.

>> No.2679256
File: 21 KB, 236x185, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any guides for drawing in the rubberhouse style?

>> No.2679262
File: 26 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also where do I get a light table with a rotating base?

What pencils do you use when animating, traditional animators?

>> No.2679352

I use a blue prismacolor col erase pencil

>> No.2679380

John K's old ass blog posts from around 2009-2011 has some pointers

>> No.2679411

I think the name already says it all.

>> No.2679636
File: 127 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-9-7test1MANNEQUINtry2fam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this? If anything I'll probably have to start from scratch with better keys

>> No.2679649

It's better and yes just leaving this one and moving on to the next is probably wise.

>> No.2679751

I wish to pursue animation, ideally as a career but i know that is unlikely. The problem is i cant really draw (only just started this year)

How do you recommend i proceed - should i focus all my energy on learning how to draw first? or dive into animation from the get go?

>> No.2679763

Definitely learn how to draw first, unless you want to be a 3D animator

>> No.2679768
File: 498 KB, 230x154, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks familiar.

>> No.2679778

Ignore the other anon.
Always learn to draw first.

>> No.2679786
File: 137 KB, 1000x562, running_boi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cycle for today

>> No.2679817

It's still more than two frames lmfao. You know when something is played at speed you won't notce a lot of frames. How many do you think are in the average walk cycle?

I can accept if my animation needs work if you notice by the other anon who actually helped me. I can't accept some retard making a hateful comment to a beginner just for the sake of being a BIG SHOT on the internet (Lol)

>> No.2679821

John K + rubber hose in google will find you those posts quickly anon :) so don't be discouraged thinking you'll have to go hunt for them

>> No.2679823

Something on their right leg looks off but i can't pin down what it is. Clean it up a little and see if that either helps or if you can catch it. The rest looks like a good typical anime run.

>> No.2679845

no one ever walks with their legs fully extended in front of them

>> No.2679900
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, don&#039;t-interupt-me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to export an actual loop, next time. Either a gif or a video that cycles several times. Can't judge it unless we can see it in action.

Anyway, here's the final version of the lipsync test I've been working on. There are things I'd like to fix, but I think it's time to move on to the next project.


>> No.2680318
File: 567 KB, 700x393, Untitled 45.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smear-kun returns

>> No.2680340

Not sure what problem you have but the webm loops just fine for me

>> No.2680368

Glad to see you again, how many times weekly do you watch Tetsuwan Birdy Decode and Noein? Or just generally touch yourself while going through the sakugabooru?

>> No.2680381
File: 667 KB, 700x393, Run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen either but I guess they must be up my alley animation-wise? will watch this weekend.

Duuude I just found out about sakugabooru through a mob psycho blog post, I'll definitely be spending some late nights on there.

>> No.2680394

fug mane, still looking real noice. How did you learn to animate like that?

>> No.2680409


Should be very up your alley, well anything with Norio Matsumoto would be.

I imagine you've already watched Yozakura Quartet?


>> No.2680418

Whats your workflow like? Do you start with keys then inbetween or do you do it all straight ahead?

>> No.2680445
File: 448 KB, 700x393, fly blast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just by making gifs like this since june (most of which you can find in previous anim threads), and a 2 minute cartoon in 10 days which helped. Done like 3-4 thousand frames in the last few months.

Fuuuck I haven't watched that in like 3 years, thanks, probably the first show I watched exclusively for visuals. I'll probably get more out of it now.

I just add/remove/fiddle with frames until i like the result, sometimes I start an animation with a random frame in the middle of an action and work out both the before and after. Whatever works.
I've got some actual paid work doing this now though (yeah it's not that hard) so I kind of have to plan more which is annoying for me personally but a good skill to have in the bag.

>> No.2680450

>I've got some actual paid work doing this now though (yeah it's not that hard)

Congrats man i knew you could make it. Is it really not that hard? How did you find work? I dream of making cash off doing stuff like this

>> No.2680456
File: 143 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-9-15test1trytry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks familia

good to see you again man!

>> No.2680463
File: 663 KB, 700x393, Untitled 41.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like there aren't enough animators for the amount of work there is, the thing is all the work goes to already established animators to the point that they literally have to turn down 95% of what they're offered.

I didn't go looking for work, I just uploaded some shit and met other animators. People will need help on a big project at some point, and most of them will go with someone they already know, that's when you get yr shot.

I'm not too stressed atm just seeing where this goes but if you want to really make a name for yourself you'd just have to do a lot of work, case in point:
Bahi-JD works at 11 hours a day -> he's 24 and has already worked on some of the biggest shit in the last few years and can basically get on any project he wants, and he's not even fucking japanese.

Don't dream about it just draw a billion frames and anything's possible.

good day swing-friend

>> No.2680498


Sorry if this has been asked before, but what program are you using to animate? The program I'm using right now can't export anything as a .gif file, so it makes it difficult to share and get easy critique on stuff.

>> No.2680516


>> No.2681088

hanepen, mac only mega.nz/#!k1NCmQZB!cIbP3iZF0bH_fJdDc53Pc55qG_0RnujrQx_jNjv1jLQ


>> No.2681195
File: 1.16 MB, 640x427, Brimstone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Criticism needed please o-o

>> No.2681215

Doesn't look like he makes eye contact with the stick before he spins it. Stick looks too short when he's about to stick it on the ground. His fire burns sort of unevenly.

>> No.2681262

needs anticipation before the spin starts, the leg raise at the end makes no sense, the stick looks like it's made of jello when he slams it down at the end, you should have done the fire in a second pass and had it affected by the wind of the stick, overall it's not terrible but it just feels kind of awkward. Animate something else now

>> No.2681300
File: 130 KB, 1000x562, gorilla_run.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think the right leg looks like it doesn't bend as it should
Kinda looks like he's running with a leg cast

Could it be that you're on a Mac since they have trouble with webms?

>> No.2681305

Did he die?

>> No.2681327
File: 2.89 MB, 5434x3508, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books that go into drawing props for animation?

>> No.2681339

the flames should move because there would be a gust of air from the stick/staff, the pants slowly morph into a different shape at the end, and there is really no reason for him to lift his leg when he spins it behind his back.

Other than that, good design, doesn't look sloppy.

>> No.2681643
File: 86 KB, 500x500, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I think I might be a prodigy.

>> No.2681693

Dont make it loop and have the ball eventually stop, right now it looks off because it just keeps going w/o losing any energy.

>> No.2681735

I see your tweet in regards to coloring what issues do you really have with it?

You could always try using multiply layers as your ambient light color as it'll help simplify the process.



Their way of working is intuitive and compartmentalized so it'd be easy to apply to frames i'd imagine... albeit a lot of work.

>> No.2681799

Okay, real talk.

Can you make an average living from doing animation?

I'm talking 40k-60k per year.

I've always wanted to do it, but currently work as an electrical engineer 2nd year.

>> No.2681803

Yes, anon. I'm going to be serious too. That's a question, you could have googled. There are professional animators out there. Professional art careers tend to make 60k-80k when they're experienced. Although, getting into animation might be difficult for you depending on who you know. Animation is important on doing, but it's who you know that'll get you in unless you're really good then that voids everything else.

>> No.2681807


Yeah you can pull down 1 to 2K a week at a studio, or a bit more if you're in demand and experienced. Union shops pay better, but the jobs are harder to get.

>> No.2681825


Bro, how much for a gif of a guy shitting in reverse?

>> No.2681869
File: 132 KB, 500x500, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't understand my style.

Tried a thing, didn't work too well. Shit's fun, though.

>> No.2681870

Also, the animation loop toggle doesn't actually seem to do anything

>> No.2681874

If your thing is having no sense of weight or timing, sure.

>> No.2681881

>being this buttblasted
It was a joke, anon. Go hug your mom, maybe you get lucky and she tells you she loves you.

>> No.2681883

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.2681885

Anon said to stop it from perpetually bouncing, and I did, are you retarded?
Do have no conception of humor, you sad individual?

>> No.2681888

Maybe add a 'Popping' VFX when the ball pops

>> No.2681891

You missed the point of why I said to not have it perpetually bouncing. It is okay if it perpetually bouncing if you fix the weight and timing to make it look like it should be perpetual, but as you have it now it doesn't work. It should have gradual loss of energy when it bounces off the walls and floor instead of gaining energy pushing off. As you have it now it isn't a ball and more a living thing, which is fine but then you need to telegraph that it is alive and not a ball.

But what the fuck do I know? I only have eyes.

>> No.2681898

>being this much of a sperglord
It's a "hello world" entry level exercise you desperate neckbeard

>> No.2681900

Then why are you posting it if you don't want pointers?

>> No.2681902

I'm not him I'm telling you you're being autistic

>> No.2681904

No, I'm giving feedback. Sorry if that is the wrong thing to do in these threads.

>> No.2681906
File: 17 KB, 324x361, 1473784177057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims someone being buttblasted because they say something about your shit
>preceeds to get buttblasted himself
Really man, get a grip. Your animation isn't bad, but it's far from good, that anon was right about momentum and weight, the "ball" is far to sticky on the ground and distrbutes force too slow, it effectively looks like the "ball's" force runs through itself as it gets stuck on the ground, then when the force hits the other side of it, it then bounce forward. It looks a bit jarring.
That and in >>2681869 too, the ending of that looks stiff as well, make the "ball" distort a bit when it hits the ground to again, give it some weight. I feel you're FPS happy more than actually knowing good choreography of objects in motion.

>> No.2681912

How do you get the lightbox to show more than just the previous and next images?

And how do you get lightbox to show the first image if you are working on a loop?

>> No.2682577
File: 333 KB, 1920x1080, Stutter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to stutter lately.

>> No.2682591 [DELETED] 

is it a foot?

>> No.2682592

I see can stutter. Is it a foot?

>> No.2682602


>> No.2682667
File: 151 KB, 1000x562, crying.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2682825

>more than just the previous and next images
you can't

>show the first image if you are working on a loop
Edit -> Enable loop interpolation (only in B3)

>> No.2682869

Maybe try drawing the leg and the part of the body, to give a bit more sense of weight?

>> No.2682902

this is GUREATO

>> No.2682926

I'm a retard, how do you toggle the green onion skin in Opentoonz?

>> No.2683014

So aside from the hat (Which I didn't flip back and forth on doing for SOME reason so wow that's fucked up), some of the face frames being off, and the fact that this is still very much a rough in my mind (no way is it meant to be done), what else pops as obviously wrong? The timing of the loop is off to I know.

I just finally got over the huge swelling in my wrist working on this caused (was sitting wrong for it so yeah) so I can go fix it finally but what else needs work while i'm at it?

>> No.2683074

Your feedback is shit and his animation was fine. It felt like the ball was alive. It's not his fault you have no imagination and can't imagine a ball being anything but what it literally is.

It really added life when he made it explode too.

People ITT are fucking stupid. He was clearly making a joke. He wasn't buttblasted. The person told him to make it stop, so he tried to make it not loop, and it didn't work, so he made it pop. He then said "no it's my style" while also doing exactly what that person said.

Holy shit I would hesitate to take any advice from retards who cannot comprehend basic conversations.

>> No.2683087

>It felt like the ball was alive.
> can't imagine a ball being anything but what it literally is.
>A inanimate object is alive because "muh"
Holy shit, fuck off.
>It really added life when he made it explode too.
>He was clearly making a joke. He wasn't buttblasted.
>Because, I say so.
Tell me, does being condescending right to you? If so, then you might (no you won't) understand why "idiots" don't want to actually hugbox your shit because you're a submissive little cuntbucket that can't take others opinions (actual truthful ones.)

>> No.2683129

A good batter lifts his foot up just to calibrate his balance, and swings as his foot comes down. Only lift the foot for a second and bring it straight down. As it (the foot) hits its apex the swing starts coming around. Also, you should start with slightly bent knees.

I don't know how to draw but I love baseball, and this thread's inspiring to pick up a new hobby!

>> No.2683139

Keep trying, but I'm not that guy.

>It's an inanimate object

So is a fucking carpet but that didn't stop Disney from animating it like it was alive.

>> No.2683156

hahahaha this autism

>> No.2683190

>his animation was fine
Sure it is fine for a first timer, but it isn't good.

>It felt like the ball was alive.
That's not what the exercise is about. It's about realistic weight and timing.

>It really added life when he made it explode too.
Actually It took away life since the ball popped and died.

>> No.2683390

>So is a fucking carpet but that didn't stop Disney from animating it like it was alive.
Because that was a magical carpet, fucking faggot. Even when that's the case, the carpet still conforms to logical movement as a carpet, unlike that "ball" shit that was posted above.
Not a argument.

>> No.2683477
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-9-15test1trytry2ndtry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does one decide if a piece is finished

I dig the tear physics

>> No.2683479

>When does one decide if a piece is finished
or at least ready to be finished?

>> No.2683662

Posing is the biggest problem. The feeling is supposed to be nonchalant, but that's not excuse for stiff movement.

>> No.2683664

Nichijou, right?

>> No.2683982

for some reason his left hand looks like it is pausing for a frame or two while the rest of his body is continuously moving.

>> No.2684140

Does someone know where the awkward handling of the pen comes from when using oopentoonz?
I tried to draw but it feels a centimeter to the left or right are at least 2 on screen. While in SAI it works just as usual

>> No.2684143

Wait. Could it be the difference between raster and vector? I dont understand the difference or what any of those is supposed to be but could it be that?

>> No.2684165

you should have him furiously pulling chips out of a bag and eating them while sobbing
left hand grabbing chips, right holding bag

>> No.2684186

ms paint??

>> No.2684226

Listen to this guy >>2683129

>> No.2684615
File: 1.86 MB, 400x395, 5788030_cuphead-artist-shows-original-hand-drawn_69e5226a_m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've now learned the basics of drawings and now want to get into animation and cartooning.

How do you learn how to exaggerate forms correctly to make things like pic related?

Links to resources would be most appreciated.

>> No.2684617

Looking to become the next Rebecca Sugar I see.

>> No.2684631

What programs are you guys using I'm using photoshop at the moment but the infinite amount of layers is getting tiresome.

>> No.2684663

TVPaint Animation

>> No.2684949

Does anyone know where i can find a copy of Spine animation software?

>> No.2685209
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any videos of the Japanese animation work flow? Such as how they handle gestures and clean up?

>> No.2685214

Just search up KyoAni or A-1 and you'll get a ton of what they do. I think Danny Choo goes into JC Staff's too. Usually, if I recall correctly. Director has rough thumbnails and the animators do a rough over that and do a refined later in which the refined version gets fixed up by another person.

>> No.2685230
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to find a video detailing the workflow, but I couldn't see it raw. By the time they were talking about the process they only had the cleaned up artwork. I think I need a livestream of one of them working or something...

>> No.2685237
File: 158 KB, 1000x562, horse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the horse I forgot to post yesterday

Thanks, though along with the head they were an afterthought

I wasn't going for the Nichijou look but yeah, it ended up looking kinda like the Mio running scene

Maybe it's because the hand itself barely changes position at one point, I don't know

I usually don't go back to the cycles I did but that sounds like a fun idea
I'll try to add it tomorrow

I'm not sure how to take this

>> No.2685268

That question makes no sense. People have different methods of drawing.

>> No.2685526
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but often times there are similar methods used among colleagues. Since Eastern and Western animation are foundationally different I figured I'd like to see their workflow and see if I could spot any similarities as well as study their approach to the whole process.

>> No.2685547
File: 200 KB, 860x720, Converted_file_46bbe298.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a pic with some fxes

>> No.2685612

yo that looks real nice man. Good job. You might wanna clean up the loop a little, it's a little jumpy right when it loops, don't know how noticeable it is tho.

>> No.2685715
File: 35 KB, 480x270, ball.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good Toon Boom tutorials that really go through the paces? Preferably video ones? I know they've been uploading new tutorials on their site, but I'm frequently finding issues (in general) where tools or settings found in one tutorial won't appear in my version of the program (or I'll follow instructions to a T and not get the same result). Or some tutorials will gloss over how certain tools actually work, or explain tools without explaining how they'd be useful.

>> No.2685738
File: 69 KB, 1920x1080, flower bag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this on the right track? I'm not overly familiar with how a bag of flower would move. How would I effectively portray weight?

>> No.2685739
File: 48 KB, 528x283, an_004_basicanimation_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I should mention that while I love and prefer traditional animation, puppet animation is probably what I'd use for work (right now I'm the only animator at my company, and while they asked me to use After Effects, I just had to do an 8 minute animation with characters and it felt like I was jamming a square peg in a round hole for a month)

>> No.2686257

The jump could use more anticipation to it, maybe try squashing the sack a bit before making it jump?

>> No.2686526
File: 286 KB, 853x480, whiteboard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on this walk?

>> No.2686623

Nice AMB video about studying anatomy. Might not be a bad idea to link something like this guy's channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLViOaV_TMX1DL3mc-giHVg)) instead of a Japanese page a fraction of a percent of us might be able to read (even after google translate) tbqph


>> No.2686816

good start, now finish it.

>> No.2686932

It feels far too mechanical, add a few frames maybe where he hesitates or stumbles as at the moment the legs practically dance from one spot to the other

>> No.2687084

Just have fun with your forms. Have a look at how the old master's designed their characters. Start with animals and exaggerate step by step.

>> No.2687273

Legs are clipping/ thigh bone is bending. you need to face the pelvis more towards the direction of movement for it to work mechanically. As is the character is wrapping their thigh bone around their other thigh to walk.

>> No.2687281

I've never done any animation before and this guy makes me want to try
i agree it should be in OP

>> No.2687408
File: 2 KB, 64x64, Sprite-0002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2687410
File: 9 KB, 256x256, Sprite-0002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little bigger

>> No.2687421

hey family I wanna get into some low-key animation (turn arounds, run loops, etc.). I want to do frame by frame and have gif/webm exports, what program should I be looking for?

Windows 10 if it matters. ty

>> No.2687477
File: 13 KB, 550x400, bouncing_ball_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2687491

Nothing currently exports to webm as far as I know, but you want TVPaint, Flash, etc.

>> No.2687652

excellent thanks a lot anon

>> No.2687664
File: 142 KB, 312x327, esdesdesdes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The trail version doesn't allow you to save your work and that's bullshit
Looking for the same thing over here. I got the trial version yesterday and it's a pretty neat software.

>> No.2687669


>> No.2687673

nope, sorry

>> No.2687683
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-9-20test1tryfam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some research on some batter compilations. I see some of them lean back before they raise their leg. Was that what you were trying to say?

>> No.2688053
File: 1.33 MB, 1066x600, output_L2WVXm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna post a few things from the thing I'm working on. Please help me learn.

>> No.2688055
File: 2.60 MB, 1066x600, output_AyXE42.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2688058
File: 2.31 MB, 1066x600, output_hcvk87.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2688059
File: 1.57 MB, 826x465, output_RTgI0w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2688063

That's all I'm gonna post. But the first one and the third one are ones I'm looking to change the most, anyone got any leads?

>> No.2688065

Less inbetweens.

Starts out slow, speeds up, plummets, etc. Think sin waves.

>> No.2688073

I think the movement/animation is pretty good but your drawings aren't

>> No.2688081

I can respect that. Any ideas as to why? Perhaps it's because I'm not drawing humans? I'm really dead set on being the best I can be, and every last bit of detail helps a ton.

>> No.2688086

They just come across as amateurish to me. All I can suggest is practice drawing more, study anatomy, perspective, all the fundamentals. I would also turn down the line smoother a little. You're in a better position than most people that can draw ok but struggle with animation so don't be discouraged.

>> No.2688089

I will take this to heart. Thank you very much, internet stranger.

>> No.2688168
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, Gaijin_anim_003.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the shitty quality and the still frames, was my first time animating on paper with a shitload of time pressure on my back

>> No.2688198
File: 519 KB, 1020x573, Walking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2669298 Im that guy
wanted to try walking but it took me a lot of time.
I didnt try to get the shoes and legs perfectly the same so sorry for the strange inconsistent legs.
What i kind of struggle is drawing how the leg that is behind and then moves the foot hovering above the floor without touching the floor. It seems like a really tight fit for the foot not to touch the floor.Does the hip play part or does the foot just bend upwards as to not touch the floor?

>> No.2688210 [DELETED] 
File: 2.92 MB, 1701x1500, efdsa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work in progress and the second animation i've tried. Assignment was to make a head turn of someone wearing a vr headset.
Well aware it's not that great but I hope to get better. Any advice?

>> No.2688214 [DELETED] 
File: 456 KB, 500x441, efdsa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work in progress and the second animation i've tried. Assignment was to make a head turn of someone wearing a vr headset.
Well aware it's not that great but I hope to get better. Any advice?

>> No.2688218
File: 435 KB, 500x441, efdsa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work in progress and the second animation i've tried. Assignment was to make a head turn of someone wearing a vr headset.
Well aware it's not that great but I hope to get better. Any advice?

>> No.2688417
File: 785 KB, 400x291, bouncing-ball-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first!! I'm so happy

>> No.2688462
File: 651 KB, 1000x1000, slot girl shaking hips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2688605

If this is after using reference, you need to learn how to use reference accurately. It seems like you're just ballparking it too much and missing the actual gestures of the motion.

>> No.2688676
File: 2.52 MB, 550x401, bouncing-ball-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

improved upon. im officially out of paper. time to learn opentoonz

>> No.2688685

In both of these the ball should have continued off the page. There is no real reason for the ball to stop so abruptly like it does. Also watch how much you squash it, a ball that squashes that much doesn't have the force necessary to get to the heights it does in the bounces.

Nice work on the coloring though, good to see it staying generally the same throughout.

>> No.2688696
File: 1.71 MB, 450x327, bouncing-ball-final.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I might make one that continues off the page, I really didn't think of that.

>> No.2688852
File: 939 KB, 1280x720, aizen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From last twitch stream

I tried drawing Aizen from Bleach, can I get a critique?

http://twitchtv/moshini muh stream

>> No.2688916

what is happening in the animation?

>> No.2688942
File: 175 KB, 610x549, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning /ic/ how are u guys doing?
So I'm learning some "art" for my game and need some guide to draw for cut out animation method.


>> No.2688951

Where have you been? What happened to that restaurant animation you were doing?

>> No.2688969

This is a very minor thing, but it bothers me a little that the thumb on her right hand wraps around as far as it does at the extreme. I think it'd look especially weird if you plan on colouring in the tube

>> No.2688987

Different anon, I agree. Either make the other arm wrap the other way to convey twisting of the ring (I think this would be a nicer touch) or just keep her right hand more in place.

>> No.2689010

That was for the two week robotday jam, won some measly first place cash but got noticed by people and made some cool connects.
heres the finished thing if yr curious https://vt.tumblr.com/tumblr_oa5krbxoFz1u2i2dx_480.mp4

>where have I been
a little paid animation work + moving from a room to an apartment, I want to do a short for myself now though

>> No.2689025
File: 314 KB, 1469x795, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously OP. What is anybody supposed to do with this (http://listeningside.net/a_side00.html)? Even after translating it it's basically unintelligible my man. I like looking at anime girls as much as anybody but I'm really at a loss how this website in particular is supposed to help someone who isn't fluent in nip.

Link this instead:


or his most topical playlist


This guy's demonstrations and lectures are among the best around (and I have all of the very expensive Aaron Blaise videos). They may not be "anime", and his static illustrations are Jazza-tier cringe-material, but that's beside the point. This is probably the best voluntarily free resource on animation principals on youtube.

Speaking of Jazza, even he has at least one decent video on the general subject that wouldn't be out of place in the OP as well (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtsF2twnTq4)), it's one of the more efficient introductions to animation concepts I'm aware of, even if the execution is Jazza. Say what you will about the guy but he's very articulate and that counts for a lot.

>> No.2689046

>What is anybody supposed to do with this
Its just information, if you cant read it then dont worry about it. The OP link has been copy and pasted for awhile now, so im unsure if the original dude is still here.

If a majority, or a minority, want those new links, then it will be added next thread

>> No.2689056

AMB isnt the best animator i've seen but some of his tutorials are quite good.

I also recommend adding this guy's tuts to the OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rp3zXBEhCE he's really great

>> No.2689058

>Its just information

I understand, but my point is what information am I supposed to glean from a website I can't read, and according to 4chan's own demographics less than 1.5 percent of users here are likely able to read (http://www.4chan.org/advertise)) Just get rid of it, man. It's a waste of a line.

If you want a general resource something like this (http://www.animatorisland.com/)) will suffice. I'm sure there's some domestic anime references out there you could find to replace the current link though.

>> No.2689080

If more people want it removed, then by all means, it shall be gone. Changing the OP for one person doesnt seem right, but I can acknowledge a minority group disliking something.

I dont think you and I should decide what gets added and removed. If anything another party should pitch in their thoughts on this matter. So we can come to an agreement.

The addition of this link https://www.youtube.com/user/eubasaban has been asked for previously, so its going to be added.

People in previous threads have asked for the "51 animation exercises," and a few reply with your link www.animatorisland.com. So its addition is likely, but should be agreed upon by another party.

This guy >>2689056 proposed an alternate link instead of AMB, but since most people want the AMB link, the AMB will be added.

I think >>2689056 link should be added along with the AMB link, but another party should agree on it.

Thats the democratic approach. If you truly want your links put in without the consent of the people here, then make a new thread with and without the links of your choosing.

I dont think the two of us should decide things without other people putting their input, desu

>> No.2689161
File: 377 KB, 704x480, Shovel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few page long booklet thing from dreamworks that lists some resources they recommend, maybe that'll help with the OP?

>> No.2689166

Uh, yeah, probably. Post that sh*t n*gga

>> No.2689177

It's like almost 5am where I am, i'll try and scan it tomorrow

>> No.2689309

shit looks dope son

>> No.2689380
File: 1007 KB, 1000x1000, slot girl shaking hips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2689383
File: 438 KB, 819x467, 20160921.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd humour y'all with another cycle. I haven't been doing them daily like I said I would, so I'm teaching myself discipline.

>> No.2689389

Observe actual walk cycles.


>> No.2689392


>> No.2689394
File: 130 KB, 858x406, contact_method[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're animating a waddle cycle. Look at pic related, that's how a person walks. Good effort tho.
also do what this anon says

>> No.2689401

could i get some feedback aswell?
That would be really nice of you.

>> No.2689403

I'd work on your lines more. Chicken scratch is what I think it's called still. The walk itself doesn't look that bad.

>> No.2689414
File: 18 KB, 1020x573, 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to add an "up" key frame to your walk. Like in>>2689394 The walk looks okay but exaggerating the up and down motions of a walk would breath some more life into your animation. Pic related is where you have the back leg moving forward and you can see that the other leg is completely flat on the ground, try playing with that and making them half bent/half up (like the contact positions in that pic) that helps emphasize the solidity of the motion. (also give a little bit of lift, remember you're pushing off that leg when you walk so you wanna show that to the viewer)

But aside from that I agree with the other dude, try to work on your lines and try to maintain your volumes. All in all it's a decent walk tho.

>> No.2689501

do you guys have any hand exercises to help train it to not cramp up so fast?

>> No.2689505

I usually just pull each finger outwards, except for the thumb, that one I bend back.

>> No.2689545

Why remove it? It's not like we have a limited number of links. Perhaps it should be made clearer that it's in Japanese, but any free resource should stay. I agree with adding the AMB channel too.

>> No.2689597

Keep grinding smearbro.

>> No.2689686
File: 779 KB, 160x120, autor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not robot

>> No.2689690

Next time can you make it smaller?

>> No.2689743
File: 286 KB, 80x60, crali.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a wip

>> No.2689745


>> No.2689752
File: 70 KB, 40x30, craliz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2689754

we can do this, we can go smaller

>> No.2689756
File: 9 KB, 1x1, craliz1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

size isnt everything

>> No.2689759

only small people propagate that lie.

>> No.2689783
File: 1.54 MB, 160x90, huged.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2689793

You ever think about making single pixel movies?

>> No.2689844

The animation idea reminds me of the spongebob episode where he fights against the burger robot.
You are an inspiration Smearbro. Thanks for posting here.

>> No.2689848

Does noone notice that once again the back leg after touching the ground changes places with the leg to the front?
You did that in the other animation too.

>> No.2689853
File: 513 KB, 415x233, sample gif2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proceeding with my stop-motion series.

>> No.2689886

new thread up

>> No.2689967

That's my recurring mistake. It's an easy fix, so you won't see that in my next iteration.

>> No.2690018

nice. keep up the grind.

>> No.2690358


>> No.2690788

Thanks for the feedback.I will definitely use this to try and animate the next walk better.