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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 300 KB, 1280x1656, tumblr_n44y0oGOud1twuoelo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2678668 No.2678668 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys! found a great artist to work with but our studio needs one more. Needed bg colorist for graphic novel. Position is paid! test required
flexible work hours

email garzrholiday@yahoo.com with portfolio samples!

>> No.2678687

How much are you paying?

>> No.2678691

$15 per piece

>> No.2678695

Fuck off you kike

>> No.2678697
File: 1.90 MB, 245x276, you've disappointed Justin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2678701

Probably should add a 0 to that if you want quality of any kind

>> No.2678713

What's a "piece"? Is that a page?

>> No.2678716

>not taking the job for free pay by doing shit work

>> No.2678717

well its a free market so if you guys don't like it then you can leave it

yes, a page

>> No.2678721

Exactly it's a free market, not a slave yard. Get fucked

>> No.2678728

i honestly doubt you could find any better paying job. im practically doing a service to the people here by giving you guys paid work

>> No.2678729

Can we get a sample of the work to be done

>> No.2678735

Good luck. I haven't seen any decent artists that charge less than $15/hour for their work, and if you want pictures close to the OP that's more of a 2-3 hour job.

If you find anybody willing to do full illustrations for peanuts expect them to be shit.

>> No.2678740

Everyone's gotta start somewhere.

>> No.2678834
File: 215 KB, 500x730, 1437265186859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally kill yourself you fucking jew.

>> No.2678841

>coming to /ic/ instead of a real artist hub
You're some kinda st-

>$15 per piece

>> No.2678905

It's sad this shit actually happens irl.

>> No.2679254

I mean as long as you're fine with working with an amateur you can prob pay them that much.

>> No.2679266

I'm from Eastern Europe and 15$ is actually some kind of money here, but even I think OP is a fagget.

>> No.2679287

$80 bucks a page. and i'm in

>> No.2679290

also I don't DO free art tests so you'll have to pay me for that too, ok?

>> No.2679291
File: 67 KB, 500x543, 1463843629866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we spot the entitled unappreciative cunts.


OP is trying to give you a job WITH monetary compensation, most would do it just for the sake of getting exposure and throwing their names out there.

Not. Gonna. Make it.


>> No.2679292


>> No.2679294
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>> No.2679295

OP, give ma a subject; describe what you want for one piece, i'll go out on a limb and do $15 of work on it. If we agree that it's satisfactory to you, I'm in.

>> No.2679299

Fucking kill yourself, OP.

>> No.2679304

>complains about other "mediocre" and one-trick-ponies making capital
>someone offers you an opportunity to buy yourself a nice meal after doing a job
>uhwaaaaa uhwaaaaaaa muh beans muh peanuts I deserve more nevermind third world countries that would do it for less GIBSMEDAT

an hero

>> No.2679305

>do it for exposure
Look, it's OP. Sorry bud, your indie book/game isn't gonna get big enough for payment in "exposure"

You wanna talk free market? op I literally get paid $18 an hour to write click-bait. Writing clickbait is not as demanding as painting. $20 an hour is ABSOLUTE ROCK-BOTTOM MINIMUM for commission work.

>> No.2679313

You faggots need someone to tell it the way it is and all I see are a bunch of over entitled self righteous cunts thinking they're worth more it's pathetic.

>> No.2679315

Quit being a fucking retard. If you want people to do work tor you, then you're going to have to offer them something better than slave wages, or accept that you're going to get shitty unfinished art that was rushed out in 30 minutes.

>> No.2679325
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Then go get one of of these third worlders to draw you a complex landscape for less than $15 if it's so easy retard. No one here is stupid enough to move their ass for less than $20 an hour, you're wasting your time.

>> No.2679327
File: 35 KB, 496x660, painting1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third world countries

So hire them. What's that? They're hard to contact, unreliable, and don't speak the language well enough to understand exactly what kind of work you need done? Guess what, all those things are valuable and the difference between what first-worlders and pajeets charge is called a premium.


Lmfao capital doesn't start to build until expenses are met. Payment under 15/hr isn't enough to support the monthly internet+photoshop sub+electricity bill+income tax required for the work, let alone caloric or shelter needs. Gtfo talking 'build capital'.

Your "project" obviously doesn't have anyone financially literate onboard, you f.u.c.k.i.n.g amateur. Sorry saving your allowance over the summer doesn't add up to enough to fund a game.

>> No.2679335


Showin' up with the international price parity. My nigga.


There you go, OP. I did the math for you. Unreliable third worlders want more than $15 an hour.

>> No.2679337

Some sly nigga already got a job while you arguing here

>> No.2679364

But I have a job

>> No.2679367

>market unilaterally rejects the offer

You're not doing anyone a favor by offering a job. You're just engaging in a trade of money for labour, labour that YOU aren't entitled to. That's right, OP, YOU'RE the entitled one.

>> No.2679374

Good for you, but stealing bikes isn't a real job

>> No.2679393
File: 155 KB, 1073x610, 1407091123467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got yourself a deal, OP.

Pic related, it's an example of my work.

>> No.2679394

It's more of a job than $15 a piece for artwork. I could steal one bike in 10 minutes and make more than working for 15-20 hours for OP. Anyone that works for that little is a fuckin' loser lol

>> No.2679422

lol i just accepted a good candidate that applied. he/she got the job while you retards are whining like a bunch of niggers about muh gibs. idiots.

>> No.2679443
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>> No.2680123

your mother likes to drink my cum out of various other people's asses. Guess how your life started.

>> No.2680124

>isn't a real job

Actually it's a very important job. I provide others with jobs. Without me, where would the bike lock industry be?

>> No.2680125

Is this some kind of meme?

>> No.2680140

lol I get >$15/h to sit behind a counter and doodle when no one's around, are you literally retarded

So why don't you do the smart thing and take this great opportunity?

Oh right, it's because you can't even draw.

>> No.2680143

noone wants your low paying job

>> No.2680145

>I can't read

>> No.2680146

>implying I am going to believe you aren't OP shilling more

>> No.2680316
File: 18 KB, 224x216, 1415483440493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself too you weebfag

>> No.2680327

I love you not-gonna-make-it-chan! Please love me ;_;

>> No.2680334

>people this indignant about $15 a piece to color backgrounds

It's not like you're doing finished pieces, you're basically finishing already started pieces. And lots of people offer commissions starting at that price.

Sure, it's on the low end and the guy is being a total cunt with this "I'm doing you a favor" attitude but you niggas gotta chill the fuck out. You get what you pay for, and he'll probably get a mediocre colorist.

>> No.2680350
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This nigga lol

>> No.2680358
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>getting exposure and throwing their names out there

>monetary compensation

I can make more money in a days worth with a shitty part time. Shit, you can make even more money in prison by doing portrait "commissions per page".

I bet you're like 16 or someshit.

>> No.2680362
File: 365 KB, 2502x3203, 1461547481749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

why do I browse this shithole? your "bait" is not even fun

>> No.2680446

>would do it
>for exposure
Here we go again.
You've either never seen what's behind the Mt. Dunning-Kruger, or you're an absolute, illiterate, bitch ass nigger. Try telling a plumber to feed his family with exposure, 'cause drawing is fucking hard.


>> No.2680449

You sure like minecraft dont you

>> No.2680457

Not-Gonna-Make-It-Chan, we know you only want our best, but sometimes you are still a baka.

>> No.2681098


>> No.2681103
