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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 254 KB, 1000x1284, Cps33KUXYAAKbJi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2669594 No.2669594 [Reply] [Original]

>that everything

Just how?

Do the Chinese know something we don't know?

>> No.2669596

we are just lazy

>> No.2669597

>Do the Chinese know something we don't know?


>> No.2669598

well for starters they don't shitpost because the great firewall of china prevents them

>> No.2669599

>have chinese parents

>> No.2669627

looks like the ruan jia ripoff became a master in his own right

>> No.2669631

I really wonder what the chinese equivalent of 4chan is and what it's like.

>> No.2669632

How can I be a Chinaman?

>> No.2669634

Shit chest genetics tbdesu

>> No.2669641

HGJ has had insane technical skills for years now, but yeah he's still just a hardcore Ruan ripoff. It really takes away from his art imo.

>> No.2669642

That fucking 14 y.o. stache just ruins it all

>> No.2669651

Went way overboard with the yellow reflected light under the pec

>> No.2669652

is this digital?

>> No.2669653

It is true. Laziness is the downfall.
HGJ shows an oil painting here, this means he is able to excel in traditional mediums, and he probably did so before starting digital. He has great foundational skills in traditional mediums, among the hardest (oils) and then he uses digital ideas on these oil pieces. You can't be an artist like him without practicing every medium, having great draftsmanship, and then learning the language of digital and transcribing it to traditional methods and vice versa.
You guys like to start with digital only, or just do drawings on paper all day long. Shit won't work.

>> No.2669654

Ease off, man. It's the best we asians can do.

>> No.2669661

The one reason I'm glad I'm not Asian. But since when are "you asians" focused on being realistic?

>> No.2669662

It's oil.

>> No.2669665

But oils are HAAAAaaaaaaaaaaAAAAArd

>> No.2669667

The model he used doesn't even look asian though. Also half asian here, I can grow a decent neckbeard.

>> No.2669669

hgj should challenge ruan to a gesture battle

>> No.2669670

They're both pretty bad at gesture actually

>> No.2669699

>Do the Chinese know something we don't know?

No, they just care about applying what both they and us know, while our society seems to encourage this "just represent how you feel, expressing emotion and style are more important than skill ;)"

>> No.2669700

do they post their gestures anywhere? I'd be interested to see examples of what they got

>> No.2669708

Is this an actual paiting, canvas and brushes, or is it digital?
I don't give credit to digital paintings. It's not true painting for me. It may be art, but painting it's not.

>> No.2669714

> hyperealistic body
> Idealized pretty face
It got one step close to perfection,but the beauty dictatorship took it backwards

>> No.2669716

And yet 95% of the top digital painters in the world come from the west, and most of the innovation happens here too.

Well you can find some sketches from Ruan on his sina blog, but mostly I meant their gestures in their paintings. Both are god-tier at rendering but often do very static or stiff poses.

>> No.2669717

HGJ did it the other way around (digital to traditional unless you count graphite and charcoal studies).

Oils is also imo one of the easier mediums, it's not a pain in the ass compared to something like pure gouache, acrylics or water color if you have just a little bit of patience

>> No.2669719

It's no surprise that someone as closeminded as you can't even tell if something is digital or traditional

>> No.2669729

> Look at my skills with computer programs and call me a painter

>> No.2669731

>it's not a pain in the ass compared to something like pure gouache, acrylics or water color if you have just a little bit of patience
Digital painters don't have patience though.

>> No.2669740

That's pretty cool of him. Really? I found acrylics much easier than oils, faster too. Oils maybe aren't THAT hard, but are a huge bitch, I get stopped at the airport every single time hauling tons of chemicals just for oils.

>> No.2669745

>digital to traditional
Does anyone know of any other high level artists who have done this? The only one that comes to mind is Alberto Mielgo, he learned oils and gouache after doing digital painting.

>> No.2669794
File: 77 KB, 617x720, see ivan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You see Ivan, when you have talent and the other option is rice picking for less than a dollar, you work very hard indeed

>> No.2669880

That's just how they see things through their squinty eyes

>> No.2669883

No one would keep track of that, so no.

>> No.2669955

I think HGJ takes that extra step to be more over the top with his subject matter, and whether or not that's a good thing is up to the viewer's taste. By this point he and Ruan have diverged enough (although it feels like Ruan doing most of the branching out) that their work isn't as easily mistaken for each other.

>> No.2669977

You are what you eat, dial up your nearest take-out place and binge for years

>> No.2669988

My fucking sides.

>> No.2670179

Probably doesn't exist because communism. Maybe Taiwan has something like it but I've not heard of it.

>> No.2670186

Yeah but I mean, the closest thing.

>> No.2670291

hgj is gay as fuck, isn't he

>> No.2670292


>> No.2670305

I always just assumed he was gay or bi

>> No.2670330

yes its called discipline you cuck.

>> No.2670331

When you think about how an artist's work is how they see the world, you should really be thinking about what goes in in his head. Note that these styles develop naturally too.

>> No.2671116

how can you download the artwork from hghart,com?

>> No.2671156
File: 119 KB, 1024x768, 1431884873716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2671285

They know how to shut up and draw.

>> No.2671287

me on the left

>> No.2671291

But it's empty

>> No.2671295

Anon's obviously talking about the sculpture on the far left

>> No.2671304

You can if you have mongolian and han genes.
I have a thick, red beard dwarves would be jealous of.

>> No.2674229

great everything but that fucking face colors...like when you try to decrease brightness on jpg in photoshop, values just decreasing lineary instead of leaving some gradation and more to highlights, like when you do this to raw

>> No.2674329

Who's the better artist - hgj or kjg?

How many years does it take to get to each guy's level?

>> No.2674332

probably did it on purpose for the composition, keep the focus on the chest shoulder area

>> No.2674335

They do different things and are both at extremely high levels so it's a bit hard to compare, but I would put KJG above HGJ. Nobody can draw the way KJG does. A number of people can paint at HGJ's level or higher.

In terms of how long it takes, it's hard to say exactly. It will be measured in decades though.

>> No.2674378

The same fundamentals still apply. You don't need to learn traditional to be a great aritst but it certainly can help.

>> No.2674429
File: 235 KB, 690x953, 632bafadgw1f6gxtmbmyoj20qo10udsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hgj's at repin now

how old is he anyway? dude's the got chingchong immortality gene where he could be anywhere from 19 to 40

>> No.2674438

>>hgj's at repin now
Source? Where do you keep up with news like that?

>> No.2674440


St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

i'd completely forgotten about the guy until op's post desu. he's gotten insanely good in the past few years

>> No.2674441

>how old is he anyway? dude's the got chingchong immortality gene where he could be anywhere from 19 to 40
according to my in browser translation of his about page on his sina blog, he was enrolled in university in accounting back in 2001, so that would put him around 33 or 34 or something

>> No.2674444
File: 67 KB, 690x502, 632bafadgw1f2vd5mw7wkj20sm0ktq5y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>33 years old

>> No.2674448

Just imagine him with a normal haircut or a buzzcut and he looks like he could be that age. He would still look youngish but not freakishly so.

>> No.2674454

>just because you use a program it means you don't have fundamentals or technique

>> No.2674465
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, 1450673670569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You were never born asian

>> No.2674469

Different anon here.

Half Korean.

Can I still be a great artist one day if I draw a lot, even if I'm only half?

>> No.2674481

The asian boost comes from the culture and overbearing parents instilling a work ethic. So if you are whitewashed and raised in the US then you don't get any asian boost.

>> No.2674497

My parents had marital problems resulting in my dad raising/neglecting me on his own, and I've always worked hard to earn his respect. Does that count as work ethic? Or do I need to work hard for myself instead, lest I stop trying when he tells me the magical words "Good job"?

>> No.2674500

The only way I can remotely do a similar color and value scheme is in digital spamming overlay, color dodge layers and using the sharpening tool after several fucking hours

>> No.2674505

>when he tells me the magical words "Good job"?
He'll never say that, so you're probably okay.

>> No.2674506
File: 1.83 MB, 400x467, Take My Hand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Time, patience, fundamentals, and layering your colors correctly. Oil painting is unfortunately dying out, and I'm seeing more and more people in awe of a traditional oil painting that uses basic lighting and anatomy properly. Those of us who prefer traditional over digital are keeping it alive. I don't think it'll ever FULLY die out but it's getting harder and harder to find artisan level paints and supplies. Especially brushes.


Artist mills are never a joking matter. For only 8 cents a day, you could save one of these children from years of doing hand painted replicas of famous paintings from the 18th century. Call now, help an artist in need.


Why do people think that when someone hits 30 they all of a sudden turn into a balding dad? Look up some famous actors, actresses, bands, etc. Take a look at how old they were when they were in a favorite movie of yours. You'd be damn surprised what you think a 30 year old looks like to what they actually do. Not everyone gets so swept up in work that they let themselves go.

>> No.2674584 [DELETED] 

I keep seeing people post the OP painting around /ic/ and jerking off over it. Does this guy have his work up anywhere other than at this weibo.com bullshit?

>> No.2674653 [DELETED] 

Are you guys that dumb? Where do you think the idea of 4chan came from?


>> No.2674678
File: 250 KB, 500x375, 1473569444502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not self–taught artist

>> No.2674682


>> No.2674861

>people better than me must be fake!

>> No.2674864

>i'm retarded!
It's a staged picture from North Korea. Stop posting it.

>> No.2674888

>tfw I am Russian and can't even use our GREAT FOUNDATIONS IN ART

in all honesty, the system is stupid. there need to be more ateliers, right now there are NONE. Repin's academy is a university where you can get by already being good. also I can already imagine how hgjart's work will be represented on Repin's academy site with something like "this is how good you can get just by enrolling for 50 days". I am assuming he is in such course, and not in standart student program.

>> No.2674901

How about you work on your fundamentals more instead of posting in /ic/. If you do your practice and studies you too can get better at a thing regardless of bogus superstition. You learn, you apply what you've learned and learn more as you do. This fucking board.

>> No.2674923

>good at art

Life isn't fair.

>> No.2674939


handsome? are you blind?

>> No.2674948

Anon what?
How ugly are you if that's 'handsome' to you?

>> No.2675003

I thank god for this specifically every day.

>> No.2675103

NIce ... ly .. put

>> No.2675114

Out of everything that other anon said, you only disagree with handsome? How bad are you if that's 'good at art' to you?
Poor faggot.

>> No.2675133

1. nice source.
2. those drawings look pretty fucking real, what's supposed to be fake exactly? that they don't do it every single day for hours on end? then see 3.
3. even if the picture is fake it's literally the correct response to OP. therefore I will keep posting that picture.

>> No.2675137

Everyone is a model on the internet
I look like Chris Hemsworth btw

>> No.2675149

>2. those drawings look pretty fucking real, what's supposed to be fake exactly?
I would assume they get adults to do the drawings then make kids pose next to them pretending to draw while they take the photo.

That said I have no idea if it's faked or not, and places like that in China and Russia genuinely do exist, so I think there's no problem posting that photo.

>> No.2675158


no. he looks like the average person I see everyday on the streets

>> No.2675165

In the US anyone who isn't overweight is above average though

>> No.2675172

I haven't gone outside my country so I wouldn't know

>> No.2675176

The US is so fat that just being a healthy weight makes you pretty handsome. Look at their stats on obesity:

>More than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are considered to be overweight or obese.
>More than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese.
>Almost 3 in 4 men (74 percent) are considered to be overweight or obese.
Source: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/Pages/overweight-obesity-statistics.aspx

>> No.2675184

Kek, is there some kind of sauce on this?

>> No.2675235

you can deny that all you want but it's not true.

>> No.2675284

It's hard to believe, I don't feel like I see this many fat people around. But then again I leave my house as little as possible and tend not to pay attention to anyone when I am out and about.

t. 110lb (50kg) 5'9'' autistic 'Murican metabalotronic member of the white cis penisrace.

>> No.2675285

Well fuck it, guess I'm not making it. I'd rather be pleb at art than get cancer from oilpainting. That's where I'm putting my line. I'll just go as far as I can get without practicing traditional.

>> No.2675291
File: 57 KB, 600x434, 139915641250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter who you are
no matter what you do
somewhere there's an asian who's better than you

>> No.2675292

Just don't use your mouth or asshole to paint with, anon. Or if you are really sissy, just avoid cadmiums and lead white. And use the paint as-is or with oils only, no turps.

Or use watercolors, gauche, acrylic, ink wash, whatever.

>> No.2675295

Asian boost comes with a great cost though. Keep in mind that for example, in Japan there is high suicide rate.

>> No.2675300

I'd touch benises with him desu. Paint illustrations on each others butts.

>> No.2675302

I think it's partly regional on where all the fatties are. Plus they would also tend to leave the house less if they are very fat. You're not gonna see them biking around your neighbourhood all the time.

Japan's suicide rate is high but nowhere near as high as people think: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate

>> No.2675306

If it were not for all the hassle involved with oilpainting, I'd love to do it.

Every other traditional medium is aids to begin with. Watercolor sucks and personally I think it looks like shit too (colors always look watered out, but well, it is WATERcolor so yea I hate it). Acrylics is aids because everything dries fucking fast and doesn't seem to be as versatile as oilpainting anyways (everything is more or less saturated). Inkwash is black&white, why would it be better than say, charcoal, pencil or pen? I have never heard of gauche and couldn't find any information it right now.

Alright, I did some research about oilpainting and how to do it toxic-free. Does that mean also that I DON'T need to do my oilpaintings in other room/outside? Because I have heard that you should have separate room for oilpainting or do it outside. None of those are option to me because.

1. I live in downtown, I don't own a car or anything 2. My apartment is small as shit, it's like, 1 room + small kitchen + small toilet.

Since the toxicity problem can apparently be fixed so if it also fixes the second problem I have with oilpainting, I will gladly start doing it. It's the only traditional painting medium that even remotely interests me. Well, I guess I could settle with acrylics/watercolors too at the end of the day.

>> No.2675321
File: 176 KB, 1025x720, Siesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watercolor sucks and personally I think it looks like shit too (colors always look watered out, but well, it is WATERcolor so yea I hate it)
The colours are only shit if you use shit paint. Good quality paints have lots of pigment in them and can get surprisingly dark or intense colours (pic related). I agree that most watercolour painting looks bad though, only like 10 people have ever mastered it in the history of art.

>Inkwash is black&white, why would it be better than say, charcoal, pencil or pen?
It's just a different medium and can therefore have a different look.

>I have never heard of gauche and couldn't find any information it right now.
He mistyped and meant to say "gouache" which is essentially an opaque watercolour. It was popular with illustrators in the past, and some people like Syd Mead were able to do some insane things with it.

>> No.2675360

Use slow-drying acrylics, then. They're not as pigmented as oil paints and not as workable, but much more convenient since you don't need a gessoed surface and they dry faster. Touch dry within a day, and you can varnish in about a month. Just remember it's a compromise and not a substitute for oil.

>> No.2675402
File: 764 KB, 650x850, Coro_mixedmedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think painting in another room or outside is mostly if you use turpentine. I use Gamsol which is supposed to be much safer for indoor use. But it may still be too toxic for you.

Using only walnut oil or whatever to extend the paint is fine, no solvents are absolutely necessary, they just help with drying time and painting very thinly. There are also water soluble oil paints but I have never tried them. Water soluble oil? Wat? Sounds weird. I heard they suck. But yeah, never tried em.

I think paints with cadmium and cobalt and whatnot are just supposed to stay off your skin, I don't think there is a danger of the paint becoming airborne in a small room. But they can be avoided anyway if you are paranoid.

As for ink wash, there are colored inks. Acrylic inks. Popular with illustrators. They will often use them to lay down washes then work over top with gouache and colored pencil. Justin "Coro" Kaufman used to do this but using alcohol-based inks intended for refilling markers. The benefit of that is you can use thinner paper with those, but the ink is probably more expensive than the acrylic ones.

>> No.2675489

He's from art school. 99% of cool artists are from high tier art school. Don't belive /ic/ memes

>> No.2675504

Checked out this HGJ guy's deviant art and artstation. It's not good. Typical Chinese digital painting stuff. Garish and tasteless. Why are you all beating off over him? Wangjie Li is more interesting.

>> No.2675514
File: 69 KB, 690x518, 632bafadjw1f6c2n1ik2bj20xc0p0n2i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure knows more than people from Imperial Academy of Arts.

>> No.2675518

both are great, whats with the posturing

>> No.2675576

just like him

>> No.2676506

HGJ's got shit taste but he's still ridiculously skilled. Wangjie Li is really different so it's hard to compare. He's more like Schmid or Sargent but copying photos all day and just caring about texture and brushwork. HGJ is painting illustrations from his imagination.

>> No.2677630

bruh gouache is ez AF


>> No.2677639

i've seen some taiwanese on /pol/

>> No.2677840
File: 1.05 MB, 1939x1284, Se2m-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to recreate on paper
>failed 2x
>Have to cheat on photoshop to figure out the anatomy
>Still fail
>Realize you're a disgrace to your race

>> No.2677867


You need to pay your dues, son. Get on that Bargue shit nigger.

>> No.2677871

What kind of colour code system is that shit?

>> No.2678193

pay dem dues

>> No.2678664

>99% of cool artists are from high tier art school.
Or maybe 99% of good artists just happen to go to art school and it has no impact on their skill. Obviously not everyone who goes to art school turns out good. :^)

>> No.2678719

>no impact on their skill
So teachers are useless? Poor Vilppu and Bammes :(

>> No.2678758

is this LAB mode?

>> No.2678981


>> No.2678982

It's actually AZN mode

>> No.2679522

>1. nice source.
Reverse image search is a pretty nifty tool. Use it.
>those drawings look pretty fucking real, what's supposed to be fake exactly?
Maybe they are, but North Korea and self-aggrandizment go hand in hand. It isn't below them.
>3. even if the picture is fake it's literally the correct response to OP. therefore I will keep posting that picture.
Is it though?

>> No.2681342

Why do asians always make themselves look whiter in their art/paint white people?

>> No.2681353

White facial features are considered attractive in many asian cultures. Also a lot of the learning tools like the books they study from or the casts they copy were made by western artists.

>> No.2681365

Pale, even skin is a beauty thing over there. It's why a lot of them can be religious about sunscreen, staying in the shade, and wearing wide brim hat or even uv protecting sleeves.

Even with makeup you'll see girls walking around with faces 1-2 shades noticeably paler than their body, while over here the usual problem is people wearing a shade too dark or too orange-y.

>> No.2681385

retarded composition desu

>> No.2681709

It's also nullified if you've got Filipino genes.

>> No.2681911

pecs have too much bulk on them, i would've pulled them back a bit to accommodate the arm position