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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2672538 No.2672538 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason why Krita isn't the most shilled software on /ic/? It's objectively superior.

>photoshop-like interface, psd support
>built-in brush stabilizers and perspective tools similar to, and in some ways better than, LazyNezumi
>smooth, adjustable and fast
>100% free, built specifically for digital painting, by artists for artists
There are no downsides to this.

>> No.2672540

I shill it all the time, and I donate to their kickstarters every time. What more do you want from me!?

>> No.2672542

because photoshop is muh industry standard

>> No.2672556

From what I understand PS is the standard because it's a much more versatile tool. I remember long time ago reading a special note that krita is not primarily a photo manipulation program and it is what many professionals do.

>> No.2672558

I love the curve brushes, they feel more natural than regular brushes.

>> No.2672561

this but unironically.

>> No.2672567

Fair enough, but how does the "industry standard" matter in the slightest when you're a painter, not a damn photographer? You don't need all that fancy garbage that comes with PS. Also it's compatible with Krita anyway so you don't slow down the studio workflow.

>> No.2672569

The mascot is shit

>> No.2672571

>Krita vs Photoshop
Does your Krita have fancy filters, blending modes, easy way of making custom brushes, smart objects and hundreds of tutorials made by pros?

Only advantage that Krita have is that it's free. And if you're a pirate, then even that doesn't matter.

>> No.2672572

If you can get both for free(if you know what I mean) people will always get more popular stuff.
To be honest I don't even know what's the deal with krita. Seemingly it's not even as popular as SAI or manga studio. Maybe they just don't PR themselves properly.

>> No.2672575

>how does the "industry standard" matter in the slightest when you're a painter, not a damn photographer?
Because photobashing. If you want to be an concept artist, then it does matter.

>> No.2672579

It is still slower than gimp and the GUI is kind of questionable/eyecancer and lacks important configuration options.

>> No.2672593

id learn Krita but Photoshop is just too fucking easy
Tried Weeaboo Studio, Weeb Tool Sai, all of them are a pain in the ass to paint with

>> No.2672605

>filters, blending modes, custom brushes
>smart objects
Yes, though we call it "filter masks" instead.

Maybe not hundreds of tutorials, but there are plenty.

Does your Photoshop have smart particle brushes, brush stabilizers, perspective tools and line assistants, Linux support and the most important one - innovation? Krita improves a ton with each new release.

>> No.2672613
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Clip. Studio. Paint.
It's the best. More brush editing options than photoshop, too. I got it for 20 bucks. Is Krita better?

>> No.2672640

OK, you've convinced me; I'm downloading it.

>> No.2672664

>fancy filters, blending modes, easy way of making custom brushes, smart objects and hundreds of tutorials made by pros?
There are filters, but I don't use them, so I don't know hoe fancy they are.
Same thing for smart objects, also the last update introduced some interesting photo-editting stuff.
Blending modes - yes.
PS brush engine is literal trash in comparison. Krita is to PS what PS is to MS paint in this regard.
No software can compare to Photoshop in tutorials, unfortunately. Then again, it's not rocket surgery.

They're about there. CSP is missing some blending modes, color modes, etc. but has a better mixer brush engine and a better transform/move/layer/etc. workflow.
Everything takes too many clicks/shortcuts in Krita

>> No.2672665

Brushes are shit compared to photoshop
its easy to paint and get beautiful brushwork in photoshop, Clip Studios engine feels strange

>> No.2672673


This DESU. Photoshop is shit. It feels like when you're on the toilet, with the hugest urge to shit in your life, and you fight for half an hour only to get out a small, fingernail-sized turd. That's how using photoshop feels like.

>> No.2672679

>shill it all the time
1 thread a fortnight? Come on man, step it up! I want to see at least 1 thread about Krita on /ic/ no matter the time of day!

>> No.2672736
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Krita lacks tutorials and brushes.

>> No.2672742
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Okay, here's the deal:

I want to like krita. Everyone else seems to like krita.
But the brushes just feel so shitty to me.
I'm currently using myPaint, which has some great brushes in it.

>> No.2672775

Anyone got any tutorials for Krita?

>> No.2672808

>It's Krita shilling episode
Open brush settings > Stroke > Mix brush tips with darken
Enjoy your PS brush

>> No.2672826

>another "Photoshop or Krita" discussion
Why do some of you D/ic/ks compare a product that has been developed for over 25 years by a multi-billion-dollar company, to a program funded mostly through kickstarter and developed mostly by a small group of enthusiasts?

PS is a workhorse that can handle almost anything in terms of digital art/photo manipulation/etc. It's fast, reliable, and versatile. But it costs money.

Krita is almost exclusively aimed at digital painting. And it is very good in that regard. It's much slower than PS, sure, and some of the functions are not quite there yet. But it's free. And its developement is going in a really good direction.

I've been using PS for ages now (since the first CS, which was version 7.0 or 8.0, I don't really remember), but since I discovered Krita I stopped using PS for digital art. I still do use it for other things that Krita just won't do. I consider those two absolutely spearate programs, so i don't really understand all the fuss about some people not even considering to try Krita because they already have something else. It's not like you have much to lose, the software is fucking FREE. And if you don't like it, fine, go back to your favorite soft.
But for the love of god, don't compare PS and Krita like they are equals, BECAUSE THEY AREN'T.

But that's just my opinion.

tl;dr - Use whatever software you fucking like.

>> No.2672832

It's fucking LAGGY AS HELL, and I have 16 Gb RAM and top notch pc.

>> No.2672835

m-muh industry standard ;_;

>> No.2672855

Rundown of my experience with budget/OS art software:
>Hey, it was the first "Free" Photoshop replacement
>Brush engine god awful
Might use this for image manipulation in a pinch 3/5

Mypaint(tried on 3 machines):
>The idea of an infinite canvas really appeals to me, so I really wanted this one to work
>Meh brushes, brush cursor doesn't accurately represent what's going to be drawn on the page ever
>Interface immediately broke on every machine I tested it on, window would misalign and act as if the cursor is an inch up and to the left of where it actually is
Actually unusable 0/5

Krita(tried on 3 machines):
>Buggy (even compared to photoshop)
>Laggier and less capable of handling large canvases than Photoshop (No high DPI painting for you, senpai)
>More of a RAM hog than photoshop (this one's an achievement)
I want my stuff to run on a Companion 2 so that shit's kind of a dealbreaker, can't rate.

>> No.2672938

show us your mascot design faggot.

inb4 pikachu

inb4 pepe

>> No.2673042

Git gud
Make your own

>> No.2673139
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>> No.2673160

Because it's GPU-intensive and I don't have a good GPU.

>> No.2673172
File: 56 KB, 236x210, 1379998158574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I'm trying this software Krita thing and I like it so far but how the fuck do I configure it so it uses the tablet pen button that is closest to the tip for panning and scrolling?

Seriously mostly every software I've used has had that button as pan or hand/pan and so it fucking perplexes me that Krita has it for fucking zoom.

I tried changing in my wacom tablet settings and it changes it to the pan tool but it doesn't actually fucking pan. I've tried looking in the Krita settings and googling but no luck.

What the fuck you shills, what kind of software doesn't let me configure my pen buttons to work for panning.

>> No.2673182

Bottom line lads, if you want to become a digital painter like for instance Craig Mullins, Ruan jia and all those other cool dudes I can't remember the name of you ought to use Photoshop, if you're more into stylized stuff that's reliant on line art you should use clip studio

>> No.2673185

That doesn't answer my question on how to configure tablet pens for Krita you fuck face

>> No.2673213
File: 136 KB, 823x687, 89787654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assign it here.

Btw, PS doesn't let me map fucking undo to fucking Z button

>> No.2673214


>> No.2673269

Mypaints worst part is that the brush engine isn't actually that good and trying to set up a new brush with the amount of options is impossible.

I hope that Gimps switch to the MyPaint Brush engine in the next version doesn't fuck with everything. Gimps engine may have had only basic options and no advanced brush engines, but it wasn't cancer.

>> No.2673289

I found the brush engine to be decent at least, just mess around with all the boxes and sliders.
You can use whatever software you want, but remember that you should be able to make a good drawing in MS paint.

>> No.2673303

I'm too used to SAI to move at this point so I split my workload between SAI/Photoshop/CSP with Drawing/Image Editing/Comics

>> No.2673312

The brush engine was more hype than content. It had some neat stuff, but a lot of things you will find in modern graphic programs won't be possible there and some details are naive. Also, the options where a hideous mess full of exposed implementation details and useless crap.

>You can use whatever software you want, but remember that you should be able to make a good drawing in MS paint.
That is cute, have an internet cookie.

>> No.2673349
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>> No.2674290

It runs smoothly in my PC, but it doesn't work so well in worse performing PCs when working in really large canvas and / or with really big brushes. There's too a problem of compatibility with some tables and there are some annoying bugs remaining, not many, tho.

I use it, it has a lot of nice stuff to work in digital drawing and painting areas, but I can see why a lot of other anons don't.

>> No.2674295

Not Krita itself, but you can install GMIC, which has some really fancy filters.

>> No.2674666

i realy realy thankiy anon! This no may original languash

>> No.2674748
File: 44 KB, 500x363, Oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Clip Studio Paint.
Someone convinced me to try it recently. Brushes and brush creation feels way better to use than Photoshop, and I used Photoshop for about 4 years prior.

>> No.2676741

you fuck

>> No.2676776


I'm a large nigger.

I have tried CSP, MS5, SAI, PSCC, PS7 to CS6, GIMP, Krita, MyPaint, Mischief, OpenCanvas, FireAlpaca, CorelPainter, Sketchbook, MediBang, Infinite Painter, That Artweaver shit, and a Bitchload of android apps.

I can tell for sure that the best painting 1s are Krita, Artweaver and motherfucking Corel Painter.

Seriously, the brush engines of Krita are top tier and you can easily adapt whatever you know of Photoshop.

I had problems running Krita in windows 10, but latest update has fixed almost all of the issues.

Anyways, you can download GIMP and get dem custom PS brushes without problem.

If you're a jew, then Krita for painting, FireAlpaca for weeb drawing/inking and GIMP for filters and shit. They're the best you can get for free, goy.

>> No.2676779


>> No.2676783

What would you recomend for 30000 sheckels, my greatest ally and friend?

>> No.2676826

yer mom, 30000 times

>> No.2676828

>try using it
>using any brush past size 12 lags like hell
>expecting people to use it when this still isn't fixed

>> No.2676964


Anyone have this?

>> No.2677019

You know what? I used Photoshop years ago and I remember it being a bloated piece of shit. I use Krita lately, but it's been a long time. I'm going to actually look over the trial of the latest Photoshop and see how it compares (particularly performance-wise) with Krita. My system is kind of ass, so it should be interesting. Will report back.

>> No.2677232

I use a shitty knock off Cintiq (Yiyinova) and the drivers fucking explode at the slightest bump of the table.

They don't like Krita, Sai or Sketchbook Pro but they work great in CSP and PS. I could probably spend more time trying to fix the drivers for the rest but... eh?

>> No.2677365

Yes but I don't know how to upload it

>> No.2677369

Maybe because you don't have a precious SSD and enough memory in your shitty computer?

I've got an SSD and makes photoshop open in less than 1 second.

Oh and a nice graphic card too, you need that.

>> No.2677435

I use Sketchbook right now since it's the only thing that can run on my shitty tablet PC. Any other recommendations for things that run as well as Sketchbook on toasters?

>> No.2677525

Windows driver hell makes me love linux for this sometimes. We have one driver for all vendors and products and it doesn't explode and you can plug stuff just in. Wasn't always this way, but good luck getting all these vendors to cooperate on Windows and get the quality up.

>> No.2678213

I feel like people only use Krita because it has a cute mascot.

>> No.2678390

so i got krita last night because of this thread, i like it but where are said perspective tools located, i found everything else except that.

>> No.2678594

From what i've seen at my school tumblr artists are strangely resistant to trying any program other than Sai so I wonder if they have some...weird connection to "manga-ka" dreams because it's an asian program while krita, despite the cute mascot, is to my knowledge not an asian based program.

But i've met very few people who've heard of the program, let alone tried it even though it's free, but when a teacher asked if anyone heard of Gimp (trying to compare something to it) a few cries of "I LOVE gimo" came. Not that it's a bad program but it's limited when there's a superior, still free program like krita.

the interface isn't super user friendly at first but it's easy to get used to. Compared to Sai which I first tried out in whatever language it was originally, long before an english version even existed (I remember it was fan-made if you did find an english version)

>> No.2678595

Make your own brushes, and there's lots of large packs of krita brushes available for free, it's not like you need 500 brushes. A basic pack will do fine and then make others as you need them. Google "how to make krita brushes" should find you a tutorial>
As for tutorials, they have guides on using the program and any digital painting tutorial will show you techniques to help you get gud

Make your own brushes faggot

>> No.2678893
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Select this thing and play with tool settings.

>> No.2678895

ah thanks anon.

>> No.2678907

Need advice on rendering and painting in Krita. I really don't know how to use brushes at all or what ones to use and am limited to just sketching as consequence.

>> No.2678908

Has anybody made porn of the Krita mascot yet?

>> No.2678910

it happens to me sice win update, sometimes drivers just break and gotta reinnstall and reset a lot until it works :(

>> No.2678913

Does anyone know if there's an autosave functionality for this or manga studio that creates a new file each autosave?

Say I wanted a jpg autosaved every 10 minutes to create a process gif or something without having to do it manually (since I either forget or it breaks me out of any sort of flow I get going).

>> No.2679012

I'd like to comment, or at least give some background info, on some reasons why Photoshop is the industry standard.

Most people who complain about this fact are people who are either freelancers, or artists doing their own thing, or amateurs focused on 'gettin' gud'. People who rarely, or never, have worked in a professional, studio environment.

The thing is, Photoshop is professional software because it is more than just a means to paint digitally. It offers close integration with other software packages, it offers various extensions to improve and extend its functionality. It is possible to write complex, custom scripts for it to automate specific complicated tasks. Files can be linked so that multiple artists can work on the same project without conflicts. Basically, Photoshop offers a platform for a team of artists to work easily together on large projects. Artists can import 3D models and paint textures on a model without needing to learn to use a completely new program or get additional expensive software licenses.

Does this mean that Photoshop is the best at everything? Absolutely not. Plenty of parts are outdated. It is bloated. It is frustratingly lacking in small useful features, like a basic mirror paint option (ugh). However, I simply do not know any other painting program that is so useful in a studio environment.
It is really cool to have a file open, work on it with other artists and see things update directly, or, at the press of a button, have the whole file exported as separate pngs together with a xlm file with all coordinates of each part, all ready to dump straight into the game.

In the end, they're all just tools. and it is always preferable to be at least familiar with them.