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File: 71 KB, 960x640, cintiq-companion2-02-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2667638 No.2667638 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a professional artist, and I work digitally. I have a Cintiq 24HD, but I want to be more mobile. Should I get a Cintiq Companion 2 or get a good laptop plus a 13-inch Cintiq? I need to be able to use Manga Studio and Photoshop.

>> No.2667643

They are practically the same, senpai. I would get the laptop and the cintiq since you said you need Manga Studio and Photoshop though. Might as well get more options for the same thing.

>> No.2667644


>> No.2668197

I wouldn't use a 13HD for mobility even with its size. The connector is quite flimsy and it would be bad if you're not careful. As well you would need to plug in HDMI, USB, and the power connector.

>> No.2668429
File: 1.24 MB, 2560x1536, 1473047731906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna trade cintiqs?

>> No.2668436
File: 292 KB, 951x992, Hump-backed, Tennis-elbowed Cintiq Peasants vs Glorious Conventional Tablet Master Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2668438
File: 1.66 MB, 1885x1436, muh neck muhfugga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2668485

Thanks for the help.
That's a risk you'd have to be willing to take for just about any art job, digital or not.

>> No.2668537
File: 36 KB, 618x375, loishpoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're always at risk for tennis elbow, because even the act of gripping the needle-dick stylus contributes to that. However, a Cintiq forces you to either choose between holding your arm out like a mummy to draw, swinging your arms around tits-high (which exacerbates that), or hunch over it which is bad af for your neck.

A conventional tablet which allows the screen to be placed anywhere, and the tablet itself providing a flat surface to rest your forearm and elbow on, is the best option for reducing the risk for at least one of these potential problems.

tl;dr Sell your Cintiq, get an intuos large and a sexy af monitor like Feng before you break your neck ya faggit.


>> No.2669041

companion if you want to do it often on the go

i realize that proper sitting and wrist angle is important, but sitting in one place/one position for such an elongated period of time because monotonous and discomforting, even with breaks
i like to instead exercize a bit more and take the tablet to the couch/bed/table/outside etc and constantly change up my positions to even standing
i find it works much better and i use it a lot more frequently than the conventional tablet method
altough i do like my intuos pro+good IPS setup, but i feel quicker and more efficient animating/sketching on-screen

if you render/edit a lot, a conventional tablet is prefered

>> No.2669069

Lenovo Yoga Book

>> No.2669072
File: 61 KB, 1126x1126, desk-jarvis-boo-black-co_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up faggots.

Get pic related. It's an adjustable height desk that you can raise so you can stand while you work. It's great for your posture and get's your fat ass moving a bit. If you get tired or just want to relax it's super easy to lower. This shit is EXPENSIVE but simply amazing.

You laugh or shrug off carpal tunnel now but give it time. Eventually you'll be like me where you're in agonizing pain, unable to work or completely fucking numb to the point you can't even hold a pen. Your grip also begins to weaken as your hand isn't getting the full signal from your brain and the muscles in your hand weaken. Sometimes I'll be carrying something like a jar of sugar to make bubbly lemonade and I'll lose feeling/grip strength sending that shit to the floor shattering it. After you drop your 10th coffee you start to get a bit pissed off and concerned.

The weirdest thing I wasn't expecting with carpal tunnel is the upper back pain. Holy shit IT FUCKING HURTS. It's the same as your hands too, so if it isn't hurting your upper back/neck/jaw/lower cheeks will go completely numb. It's not a comfortable feeling.

I'm going to have surgey soon. I'm 29 and symptoms started to show when I was 25. I ignored it thinking that was just as bad as it got. Holy shit was I wrong.

>> No.2669430


I'm 33, and 99% of my life has been drawing, playing video games and doing heavy hard work like industrial work, assembly etc.

I have no issues with back, neck, elbow, muscle or carpal tunnel. I don't know what people like you are doing to fuck yourselves up so much so quickly and so young. But you need to stop.

>> No.2669478
File: 22 KB, 324x324, le basketball man face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate how expensive standing desks are. Even ones that aren't adjustable or are just something that raises your equipment off the desk itself are retardo.

While I'd still purchase a standing desk if I had the money, or build one if I had the inclination, I have to mention I did have someone come in to the store I work at not too long ago and complain to me about how standing too much supposedly gave him varicose veins (not really sure how the discussion came to that, but whatever) in his legs-here's an article I've found to substantiate his claim too.


>Standing to work has long known to be problematic, it is more tiring, it dramatically increases the risks of carotid atherosclerosis (ninefold) because of the additional load on the circulatory system, and it also increases the risks of varicose veins, so standing all day is unhealthy.

>The performance of many fine motor skills also is less good when people stand rather than sit.

>> No.2669530

I guarantee I draw/paint/art 10x as much as you do.

Like everything in life, moderation is key. Don't sit on your ass all day, don't stand on your feet all day. Having the option is better than not.

>> No.2670207

>Being so mad about being poor that you make a set of images like this

>> No.2670221

>he's a pro

>hes asking scrubs for advice.

he is not a pro. that is for sure ano0ns.

>> No.2670232

>be a pro
>have experience with every tablet in existence

>> No.2670648
File: 63 KB, 700x639, 1429914202574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2670669
File: 72 KB, 697x614, really nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not rich, but I'm not poor. I own a Cintiq 12WX (which I don't use), but I could open up any given e-commerce site and be sitting in a luxurious swivel chair, surrounded on all sides by Cintiq 24HDs by this time 2 days from now were I so inclined, but that's irrelevant.

Still, I feel that too many people see the Cintiq as a sort of status symbol more than anything, even amongst existing pros.

>if I want to REALLY go pro I'm gonna have to get a Cintiq, famalamadingdong

You can't buy yourself into drawing well, nor having used one am I convinced a Cintiq does anything but exacerbate posture/health issues that would otherwise be associated with traditional media.

>> No.2670754

>has to look up and side-to-side to see his monitors
>has to look downwards to see his tablet
>b-but at least he's standing!


>> No.2670756

>Moving your neck temporarily to look at reference and stream chat is unhealthy.
You are just shitposting now.

>> No.2670782

The angle of the person's head is being misrepresented too, not intentionally I'd assume, but you can see the angle of his chin poking out, he's practically looking straight down, lol.

Good thing he's just a tech addict and not an actual artist that works for 8 hours a day. Still, I give him >6 years before spinal stenosis sets in lmoa.

>> No.2670805

More mobile? Like drawing outside? Convertible or tablet.

On your desk? This is a hard question, I got a big monitor for drawing, too, and most of all it was about setting up the software. You end up doing some arcane shit. So it's a question about awkwardly syncing files wireless over a network vs configuring your OS and your software on one computer to deal with the new monitor and being able to run multiple instances with multiple setups without blowing shit up.

For your Cintiq, try a VESA monitor arm first? May be all you need.

>> No.2671221

Get a Samsung 7 Series Slate, then curse yourself for spending more money for a less useful Cintiq.

>> No.2671564

Me too, I'm so not poor. I'm SUPER not poor, that's why those Cintiq faggots need to get TOLD HARD for daring to want their lines to appear on the surface that they're putting their pen on! It's exactly the same as using a screenless tablet I say as I ctrl+z up to about 10 times for every new line to deal with the disconnect between the surface I draw on being separate and at a slightly different angle to the display the line appears on and fail to see why anyone might have a problem with drawing like this.

>> No.2671581
File: 726 KB, 1900x3415, if you got line problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but my lines ain't one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that one of the most successful concept artists alive uses a pair of conventional tablets. You're just mad because your deltoids hurt and your cervical vertebrae are slowly collapsing in on themselves nigga, lmoa


>> No.2671591

>Continually being mad enough to keep a stock of images like this

Really convinced me that you're not overwhelmingly mad about something.

>> No.2671593
File: 56 KB, 741x303, tbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banter aside, I'm just telling you this stuff partially because I've been there and I wish I hadn't. A Cintiq isn't a status symbol or some magical thing that's going to make you draw like Loish. To be honest it probably won't improve your work in any tangible way whatsoever.

>> No.2671598
File: 40 KB, 960x343, le cintiq face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not mad, but admittedly I don't like the thought of people repeating my mistakes. The monetary difference between an Intuos Large and a Cintiq is enough for a lot of instructed life drawing sessions my nig-nog.

>> No.2671630

>I didn't get value out of a Cintiq so I'm assuming nobody else will

You know you can just say "A Cintiq isn't just some magical thing that's going to make you draw like Loish", right? That's pretty well accepted in the digital art community already, especially here; it's the first response you're likely to get if you ask about a pen display anywhere outside of Wacom marketing. You don't have to take the "Let everyone know I'm a giant sperg by saving up and posting a set of images over-exaggerating the health risks" route.

13 inch pen displays aren't a great way to evaluate the use of a pen display, either, because they force you to either work super tiny, awkwardly turn the tablet sideways or zoom close in just to fit something as simple as a full figure on the screen. You'd rather not use a conventional tablet on a tiny-ass laptop screen if it wasn't absolutely necessary, right? Totally understandable that you don't want to use the one you've got, because it's awful, but you don't have to cope with the fact that you bought a shitty pen display by going on a crusade. It's embarrassing to see someone spend so much time and effort on something and still be so juvenile about it, and even if we ignore the fact that you're not convincing anyone I don't think posting about art injuries is warning anyone away from "repeating your mistake" since it pertains to buying a Cintiq thinking it'll magically make you draw better.

>> No.2671704
File: 502 KB, 400x215, le dog punch face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't have to cope with the fact that you bought a shitty pen display by going on a crusade

With so many young lives at stake, I disagree

>exaggerating health risks
>30-somethings and younger dropping like flies


>Of the 2,100 participants asked, almost half of the number, or 45 percent, of 16- to 24-year-olds claimed that they suffer from some form of neck or back pain. This is noticeably higher compared with the 28 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds recorded from the previous year.

>The results of the survey, published in the BCA's website, revealed that 86 percent of the total participants across all age groups said that they experience the similar problems, which is an increase from the 77 percent from the year before.

>Hutchful's colleague, Rishi Loatey, noted that the issues with neck and back pain also affect children as young as 12 years old.

>"The only sort of neck pain we used to see with that age group was people who had been in car accidents," he said. "But now the vast majority of neck pains are people from secondary school upwards."

You can see the writing on the wall.

Smartphones and other touchscreen gadgets and shit have only been as ubiquitous as they are for around decade or so. If you don't start using a conventional tablet and soon...


>> No.2671707


you realize I can easily uncensor that blur, right? should have used the erase tool

>> No.2671713
File: 105 KB, 744x600, read a book nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there's nothing else in history that has involved looking down at something for extended periods of time, no way. Not something I've personally done extensively without injury either, that's for sure!

>> No.2671715
File: 23 KB, 400x267, go learn yourself some smarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, looking down at things for long periods of time must be exclusive to to the era of smartphones!

>> No.2671719
File: 1.50 MB, 640x943, JFMSUF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it is. If I have to sacrifice everything to prove that I'm not completely broke on the internet to a complete stranger, at least I've gone down shitposting (just like I'd always known I would).


>> No.2671725

I need some help figuring some shit out.

My girlfriend really wants to buy companion 2, I know shit all about drawing tablets aside from the stuff she's told me about them (shes the creative artsy one).

Its a lot of money to throw at this thing so I want to know if she should she hold off until the companion 3 comes out (whenever that may be)?. Should we expect it this year?

She needs a new tablet as her old one is falling apart and needs something a little more mobile these days.

>> No.2671728
File: 27 KB, 233x347, konkey dong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is this, the 90s?

I'd tell you to grasp at more straws but I'm afraid your Cintiq-weakened tennis elbow will fly out of its socket.

>> No.2671815
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, unbreakable-1jpg-ad251e_1280w[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm made out of nilla wafers because I never go outside and exercise

>surely everyone is made of glass as well. Good thing I got this computer so I can read things without having to physically hold them up. That would surely break my bones.

So, do you have your dad hold your stylus? Who do you pay to touch your willy with your disability bucks?

>> No.2671836


I have a CC2. It's pretty sweet drawing device, but its battery means you're kinda anchored to a wall socket. Wacom doesn't seem to have a steady release plan. CC3 could come this year... or never?

Word of warning, do not fucking buy a CC1. It has a hardware defect. CC2 is fine.

>> No.2671899


I would also like to know what the 256gb and 512gb models offer in terms of performance/price. Is it worth it to go for the more expensive 512gb over the 256gb?

>> No.2671927

Day by day, the CC2 is being obsoleted by higher tech.

If you're just drawing, than the 256 gb model is more then enough. If you're trying to do 3D animation / sculpting, than you're better off investing in a desktop workhorse with that money.

>> No.2672065

Go chill you conventional tablet somewhere else, anonymous ebay seller. You just want to ditch your crap for a high price and get your dick sucked at the same time so you can afford a cintiq.

Guess what? Conventional tablets will actually fuck you more up than screen tablets. You may not realize it yet, but it will come to haunt you.

>> No.2672076

The thing is, he probably never used his screen tablet enough to actually suffer any injuries, except the one to his pride, because screen tablets don't allow you to blame your tool for your own shortcomings.

>> No.2672486
File: 37 KB, 732x771, (me).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't be more mistaken, my friend.

Ever since I'd been illuminated to the righteous path that is the large-sized conventional tablet and maintained the practically perfect posture throughout my work day they provide, my body, no longer suffering gravity's cruelty upon its weakest extremities, has been blessed with the strength of a power-lifter, the flexibility of a gymnast, and the endurance of a decathlete.

No longer being exposed to the harsh radiation emanating from the Cintiq, my skin has become hardened enough to shrug off savage blows, yet supple enough for the intense love making sessions with northern European supermodels I engage in regularly. My IQ has increased by 15 points (136 up from 121), and people on the street I don't know keep giving me money for some reason.

My vision's improved, my hair has grown long and luxuriant, with a silky texture that is normally reserved for the clientele of the finest salons of Hollywood California and my hands have become as dexterous as the finest pianists of antiquity

You too could experience what a mind and body at its fullest potential truly feels like, if only you'd renounce the materialistic trappings of the display tablet, and embraced the ascetic virtue of the conventional desktop-style models.

Act soon, or you may be lost...forever.


>> No.2672487

>head up
>only eyes look down

>> No.2672516

nice assumptions
it's made by the tsumogomo artist

>> No.2672786

sure just give me yours

>> No.2672944


>> No.2673093

and yet it hasn't done shit for your for your art gains.

>> No.2675068 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 312x250, (tip).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're that convinced it's necessary and that you have it all figured out, go ahead, pay $1000 or so to draw on a surface that's smaller, lower resolution and with less color contrast than your existing monitor, it's clear no one's stopping you. I'm just trying to illuminate you to a more righteous path in passing. If you chose to get meme'd on by Wacom like so many others it's really no one else's business but your own.


>> No.2675081
File: 1.90 MB, 312x250, (tip).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're that convinced it's necessary and that you have it all figured out, go ahead, pay $1000 or so to draw on a surface that's smaller, lower resolution and with less color contrast than your existing monitor, it's clear no one's stopping you.
