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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 300x250, kG9yRsqtYA-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2668936 No.2668936 [Reply] [Original]

Because there's no reason to keep cluttering up the Beginner Threads with our shit.

Currently making an attempt to work my way through Keys to Drawing, but with little success- I'm not even through the first chapter yet and I'm already completely overwhelmed. I don't understand anything it's trying to get across, and every drawing I attempt is either lazy, rushed, and hideous or aborted literally within minutes of starting it.

>> No.2669004


>> No.2669007

>first the draw thread becomes /beg/ lite
>now this
/ic/ is going places

>> No.2669231

Is it alright or even recommended to practice stuff like basic line control while I'm working through Keys or Right Side, or should I save that for after I've completed one of them?

>> No.2669232


>> No.2669234 [DELETED] 

question: does draw a box support ISIS?

>> No.2669242

Give me one quick trick to enable me to paint like Jamie Jones.

>> No.2669287

Being able to draw the line you want to draw is mostly muscle memory, there is no reason a beginner cant develop that memory while learning basic perspective and stuff.

>> No.2669328

I'm lmoaing at your life, whitey.

>> No.2669629

When you're not getting something, is it best to keep trying until you've got it or move on to something else and come back later?

>> No.2669643

You all faglords might want to read this.


These articles really make you want to not kill yourself.

>> No.2669647

thanks f a m

>> No.2669781

Is there anything to the idea that trying to put in too many hours too soon will inevitably lead to burnout, or is it just an excuse to be lazy?

>> No.2669786

I-is this really as bad as some of my family members have been saying it is?

>> No.2669788 [DELETED] 


It's an internal meme to get those to spend months not using up them hours when they have it available to learn so that by the time they get to their first difficult curve they snowball and quit. If you put in the time and grind the hours you'll already be in a better position because you know what it takes rather than taking your sweet time to the guillotine.

>> No.2669790
File: 463 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2669798

Yes, you need a new desk. It's dirty as fuck.

>> No.2669803

Masterful anatomy. Your family are plebs.

>> No.2669933

As a beginner, is it normal to be completely unable to understand the lines* of an object or drawing, even when looking directly at it?

*i.e. grasp their shape, curve, position in relation to one another, etc.

>> No.2669984


Fuck my eyes, the bad burns so much.

Do drawabox.

>> No.2669987

This makes me sad

>> No.2669997

Yes. Look up the sight size method and practice doing still life. You need to be able to do it if you want any success with doing regular studies

>> No.2670001

of course it is, but you already knew that, didn't you?

>> No.2670002

you're gonna make it

>> No.2670007

>Look up the sight size method and practice doing still life

Should I have completed anything on the sticky beforehand? Keys? Loomis? Anything?

>you already knew that, didn't you?

Not really- to tell the truth, I was afraid it might be some sort of condition.

>> No.2670124

I don't know why, but I get the feeling that you're extremely obese and smelly.

>> No.2670128

This is more retarded than the time someone made an intermediate thread between the beginner thread and the drawthread.

There's no need to divide it. The beginner thread is the containment thread for everyone until they reach an intermediate level, then the drawthread is fine for intermediate up. People already fail to figure out which thread they should post in half the time without another one convoluting it.

>> No.2670134
File: 96 KB, 480x1084, 1432843741612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this thread you guys

>> No.2670139

what brand is that anal lotion?

>> No.2670140

Bruh look at this dude

oh no no no no

>> No.2670142

Why is this thread needed? What's wrong with doing your shit studies in private without the need to be spoonfed like all Anon's before you?

I fucking hate the beginner thread overall for that reason. Read the sticky, get a cgpeers account, and to some level before posting on /ic/ in general. If you really want to track progress, put your first few pieces of shit in an online sketchbook. If they would stop speculating and theorizing and start experimenting more they'd get somewhere.

>> No.2670544
File: 183 KB, 540x690, sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some eye cancer, friends.

>> No.2670744

Maybe there will be less trash in /beg/.

>> No.2671240
File: 391 KB, 1600x892, d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I see your attempts at creating 3d objects. but avoid that for now.
work on simple forms. do a lot, a LOT of gesture drawings. there are websites that feature good ref material for gesture drawing studies. look them up.
draw the whole body. try to draw the person standing in space. keep a cheap sketchbook and a fineliner with you an draw whenever you can.
study colour, but paint only with black and white for now, as you need to learn to paint shapes with values.
take life drawing classes if you can. they're worth it.
study anatomy and perspective.
you can do it gancho

>> No.2671300

I doubt it, they really seem fond of doing the same studies. If you don't do stuff you like from imagination and try to push your work without being spoonfed on what to do, you won't get anywhere. They could stand to at least do some Bargue studies to actually learn to observe while doing their photostudies, but they don't.

>> No.2672121

I did a whole bunch of gesture drawings months ago, but /ic/ told me that I don't 'feel' it.
Felt like I did something fundamentaly wrong.

>> No.2672232
File: 86 KB, 1075x927, scottrobertsonforretards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find Rapid Viz and work through chapter 1. Chapters 2 and 3 are decent, but from there it becomes very focused on design.

Still, chapter 1 of Rapid Viz is basically "how to draw for mongoloid design students who have never touched a pen before"

>> No.2672749
File: 1.21 MB, 1250x819, sketchwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I was kicked off the alternative style thread, here i go I guess
Sketchbook work from today and yesterday

>> No.2672798

>tfw when

>> No.2672800

Stop whatever the fuck you're doing there and go grab that drawing from the right side of the brain, do the exercises ignore the memeology shit

>> No.2675959

How do you think like a designer?

>> No.2675975

as a design student I can answer that.
Long story, a designer conveys information, not emotion.

>> No.2676015

how does someone look at that and say "this is good, i like this"

>> No.2676185

>when you're not understanding something should I ignore the problem or try to fix it???????

>> No.2676188

If you're putting too many hours in, you're not going to be focused for most of them. More isn't always better. 8 hours of unfocused work gets trumped by 2 hours of focused work every single time.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but if everyone could just grasp this instantly, everyone could draw well. This is something you practise.

>> No.2676209
File: 2.38 MB, 3087x4263, finalclem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never done any of this drawing stuff before, tell me how bad i am
lurked a bit cheked sticky and kind of see now where to go if i'll want to improve.
only question is, will it be ok to learn basics and watercolor at the same time? or i'll be in over my head

>> No.2676211

pls resize anon

>> No.2676212
File: 225 KB, 579x800, finalclemsmoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like that?

>> No.2676222

yes exactly thank you.

>tell me how bad i am
Honestly not very good anon, but that's okay. This is just the beginning.

> will it be ok to learn basics and watercolor at the same time?
Yes. You're fine anon. Learn what you want to learn; as long as you're going through the basics you can throw whatever you like on the side. I got into art because I wanted to draw sweet ass dragons doing cool ass shit. I still went through shapes and line weight and everything else, but you'd be damned if you told me not to draw things I liked drawing while I got gud. What's the point if you're not having fun anon? Not a lot.

>> No.2676229

Combining practice and fun huh

cool, thanks for encouragement dude

also, learning to draw sweet ass dragons is a noble goal, props to that

>> No.2676234

what's the best resolution/compression to post in these threads, btw?

>> No.2676242

1000px on the longest side. As a rule of thumb if your images/file sizes are being measured in mb your image is too large.

>> No.2676255

So is Keys to Drawing THE beginner book? Is Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain still good even though the science behind it is not sound? Are there any other good books for total beginners?

>> No.2676387

>>2676222 has got some really solid advice. Learn fundamentals and have fun on top of them, you're going to kill any kind of motivation you have for art if you don't. :)

>> No.2676390

It's honestly a perfect welcome to the skill. Touches on nearly every fundamental so you have a small foundation to start focusing on one at a time after.

>> No.2677448

meant to reply to that

>> No.2677462
File: 3.28 MB, 2438x1440, 13 september.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to get a sketchpad and pencil the other day, been drawing a couple little things a day for about 3 days, this morning i spent 3hrs drawing all this.

feel like im getting the front view ok.

>> No.2677821

Man this made me laugh so hard

>> No.2677858
File: 561 KB, 3000x2319, ZlZWI1R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont just copy the lines, take time to study the purpose of the lines, where are the joints, how do they move? how do they react? what are their movement limits?, your eyes will pick these flaws the moment they see them but your brain wont, thats why images sometimes look wrong.

>> No.2677877
File: 196 KB, 624x946, fcb2fc6520cbeac394ffcaa5c2023619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew dat

>> No.2677892
File: 62 KB, 1169x862, spudermane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be discouraged, bud.

>> No.2677893

yah i was in the stream when you delivered.

>> No.2679842

How the fuck do I draw circles freehand

>> No.2679848

Well, first, you need a writing utensil.
Put it on the paper.
Don't move it yet.
This is important.
Now make a point.
Go to the left or the right with a curved line.
That's a straight line but turning a degree every one micron it moves in the chosen direction.
Keep going until you've done 180 degrees.
Now go the opposite direction.
You've done a circle freehand! Congrats! Applaud yourself on the back. It was very difficult work. Be proud.

>> No.2679941

Why is spiderman so fat?

>> No.2680015

Sketch the circle, don't draw it in one motion.

>> No.2680030


Do you have anymore in depth references that could share like that?

>> No.2680033

You call that in-depth? I mean, I guess? The arm is just complex really.

>> No.2680034

I think we have a tutorial thread somewhere.

>> No.2680043

Practice a lot, draw 2 or 3 circles on top of each other in one motion.
no, this give awful hairy lines.

>> No.2680044

You can erase the parts you don't want.

>> No.2680057
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I made a new meme ?

>> No.2680061

Saying some things makes you sad being a meme?

>> No.2680062
File: 60 KB, 675x1200, skull 15th september 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows my skull guys?

>> No.2680072

Better than one I can draw. I think the features at the front protrude farther though.

>> No.2680122

looking at it now i see what you mean, the septum and upper lip area needs to come out more.
still not too bad for a first time.

>> No.2680818

after ctrl+f'ing my way through most of what /ic/ is offering I haven't found a lot on watercolors

anyone can give pointers to books/articles/vids about it?

>> No.2680831


>> No.2680838
File: 147 KB, 500x1000, fiasco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, i was told to come here. I was hoping to get some help with my body construction. I can't seem to get hips or butts or legs all that right.

I know some people use a box for the hips, but I can't seem to figure out how to connect the legs or attach a butt.

I've included some light sketches I've done and I'll post my references after wards.

>> No.2680839
File: 935 KB, 1000x930, fiasco2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are the references. i know I'm not all that great, which is probably why I was sent here. but any help would be appreciated.

>> No.2680848

Would recommend studying skeleton here - it looks like you're trying to do something weird between a gesture and a study, but not really doing more than half-assing the construction. Get your skeleton down and then start working on the muscles. That also help you figure out the pelvis and your trouble with the lower body.

If you're trying to do a study, then you need to focus on one of these pictures for a lot longer than a minute or two. Ask yourself what your thought process was for choosing these pictures - why did you pick them and how were they supposed to help you improve at whatever you were trying to.

>> No.2680866

uh i really don't think you're an absolute beginner, your construction is pretty good and you aren't chickenscratching.

>> No.2680883

disregard that, i suck cocks

i think i'll do with what ic has and some random torrented books and youtubes

>> No.2680888
File: 487 KB, 1280x586, tumblr_megq9ucvDH1rms25ho2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's like box construction. my thought process was that these are poses that give me trouble.
Sides, butts, backs and such. I've been trying to improve my hips and body construction.

It really wasnt meant to be a gesture. I was just trying to get the building blocks and such down.

>> No.2680917
File: 262 KB, 500x1000, 367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are quite good actually. I think you should be careful though of using little spheres in the joints. I'm not sure why so many beginners do this, but imo it's a bad habit. Look at the knee on the left for example, by using a sphere you've pinched in too much. I think using another section in joints is okay, but using a blockier or more cube-like shape is better since it holds the volume more accurately and with the way the tendons go over joints like the knee and wrist it takes on a square shape on it's own. I can see too you are using those balls in the elbows and shoulders, when it really adds nothing at all. Just use cylinders or tapered cylinders for the limbs, no ball joints necessary.

Anyways, I also did some quick adjustments on top clarifying things slightly more, not sure how much it helps though.

>> No.2680941

>Did I made

Fuck off.

>> No.2680944

Based. Thanks a lot.

>> No.2680949

Got anything that's useful?

>> No.2680975
File: 175 KB, 1047x474, bleh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if im getting better or worse

>> No.2680981
File: 549 KB, 1920x1200, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been sketching poses from the quickposes site, I feel like I'm starting to kinda get the feel for using general shapes and drawing with Cs and Ss, but have a lot of bad habits like chicken scratch

>> No.2680989

nailed it

>> No.2680990
File: 608 KB, 1920x1200, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

previous set with a thicker brush, I just started using manga studio over photoshop and liking it a lot more.

>> No.2681322
File: 387 KB, 798x1000, 1473921219215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off.
Now why would I want to did that for?

>> No.2681470
File: 189 KB, 1280x704, 20150918_184503a-Snall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I know my construction is awful, which is why I have such a hard time drawing bodies

Thanks for this. I'll keep it in mind when I have the time to do more drawing. School started, so any free time just goes to more of that.

I'll try and take some of these tips and move away from ball joints.

here is something I did in april, like most things, I see the problems as soon as I'm finished.

Personally I have such a hard time with the basics and I can't into faces at all

>> No.2681489

I asked in the last /beg/ thread with no response. I am wondering if anyone has any tips or info on how to properly use photo refs for your own creative work. preety pweeze

>> No.2681650
File: 565 KB, 246x205, reeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god you faggots keep drawing the human figure because you think skipping the basics will somehow save you time and make you progress faster.
It's not cringey if someone draws a page full of boxes and they all look like shit, 'cause that's what beginners do.

Listen up. You wouldn't start a painting without a canvas and a brush. You wouldn't start a sculpture without a bunch of clay and you wouldn't go to a lecture without a notepad and a pair of ears to hear it.

So why the fuck do you draw joints and muscles and skin and 3D forms without knowing perspective, construction or even how to draw a straight line? Those are all tools you need in order to benefit from that study at least a bit.

And for fuck's sake, stop the vague self-criticism like "I know it's bad, I suck at this, it's shit but here we go" - trust me, we have eyes, we all know it's shit. Now that you know it, start doing something about it. And if self-criticizing, be specific, take mental and written notes on what to improve and fucking use it.

>> No.2681656

Thanks senpai, I'll try to worker harder.

>> No.2681659

You're getting better, but you're still fucking up the mug because you can't into ellipses. The way you draw them being so big makes the cup not foreshorten correctly in perspective. That's the one big issue. Your handle is flat too and looks like it's not actually with the mug. I think it's because you draw all the lines for the handle which cause a focus and pulls it out and not keep it together.

>> No.2681660

The shrimp image summarizes it pretty well.

It's kind of difficult to use photo refs as a beginner because you can't think properly yet. A good artist can see a photo ref and visualize it like a 3D model and turn it at different angles.

A beginner might just want to copy what they see and this'll result in likely proportion being off and skewed perspective.

>> No.2681665

You're right, I'm not worthy of drawing tits and ass, back to lines.

>> No.2681702

Hitting How to Draw on the Right Side of the Brain. Stupid Question But I gotta ask: is there some tiny but significant difference that I don't realize between using a pinned up small mirror and a phone/tablet with the camera reversed?

>> No.2681705

For the self portrait, I mean.

>> No.2681706

Picture and Mirror distort differently, it's tiny and significant, but whatever.

>> No.2682084

you belong here

>> No.2682256


how do i git gud with a mouse?

>> No.2682408

practice. that's about it really.

just keep using it

>> No.2682416

For sketching use a wide brush and the eraser tool.

Use vectors, Shapes, free transform, and straight lines for refined work.

>No tools, just rules
—Glenn "Gotta feel dem forms" Loomis.

>> No.2682422

I like your brush strokes, but as others have said, you should do a lot of fundamentals.

>> No.2682444

In regards to your werewolf drawing, the biggest problem is perspective. Yeah your line art sucks and you have symbol drawing, but the glaring issue in my opinion is that there is no continuity in perspective. You have a worms eye view of the human's jaw and forearms, but the hands, head and legs are all in different perspective. The were wolf is the same, I can't even tell how his position in space in relation to the human makes sense. He should be lurching over the human, the worms eye view giving him an intimidating presence.

Advice, work on perspective from basic 3D shapes. Cube, sphere, cylinder. Proko or drawabox comes to mind. Might seem like a huge step back after doing full renders, but it's actually a huge step ahead.

>> No.2682470

Guys how many sheets of Drawabox lines should I be doing per day¿ Homework says two but I'm pretty sure only two isn't enough to develop muscle memory.

And is it a good idea to do Drawabox along Keys to Drawing?

>> No.2682542
File: 1.15 MB, 1134x743, dssadasddsaadsds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is my linework trash

>> No.2682546

I do 4-10

>> No.2682584
File: 293 KB, 862x1033, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into non-animu faces? Or just proper not-that-shit-animu faces?

>> No.2682586

The first is easier than the second. Just look at life anon.

>> No.2682596
File: 246 KB, 522x528, erik olson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need more Drawabox in your life, much more. Also a bit of this hot fox too

>> No.2682601

I really wish I could finish this guy's series, but it's so long and even watching it on 2x isn't fast enough.

>> No.2682609

I'm watching it on x1.2 and playing witch house in the background. He goes over things more than a few times and one of the first 3d cylinder sketch-up episodes is wholesale skippable. The things he teaches in parts 1–9 (ten and up are in decreasing order of necessity) are very much a CONDENSED version of what you need, and he gives everything and every method he knows. You should take notes along with the video, too. I know it's tedious but it helps out so much with the rest of the stuff in Aguri's one year of git gud fundies

>> No.2682632
File: 226 KB, 1217x458, never gonna make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to follow your advice

>> No.2682637

Nice. Cup looks better now. It's still not completely correct since you made your ellipse too flat on both the sides. You want your ellipses to be more round so that the cup looks like it turns all the way in space instead of rising from the back. Very good improvement though.

I didn't really realize it before since your cup was felt "flat", but your letters should be turning along the cup similar to a contour or else it makes the cup feel flat too. By following the form of the cup with the words, the cup will feel more realistic.

The handle looks different this time. As in you like did some shading to it, but it looks a bit better as in it at least looks like it's connected to the cup, but because of the words to the right, it doesn't look like the cup is round.

Also, realize that the degree of ellipse you do for the opening is dependent on the angle you're looking into the cup. I noticed this when I was looking at your other cups and wondering if you're looking from higher up or if you're looking at the cup more from a side view. What I'm getting at is that the ellipse becomes bigger and more round as you see more of the opening.

Seeing more of the opening however means that the side of the cup would become smaller. You need a balance between the two like a ratio. Opening:Side.

Anyways, you're doing good, keep it up. You'll definitely make it if you keep working and never giving up.

>> No.2682642
File: 18 KB, 447x800, Fundies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the same mistake. If you just randomly decide one day that you want to draw, these books won't mean shit to you. I bought Right Side and just lost it a good ways through, though the pseudoscience parts were fun to read. I just went back to the deepest basics I could find and began working with drawabox. I'm now facing slight improvement from my former 5th grade type scribbles, we're gonna make it man, just keep trying. Remember to not only focus on studies, if you get crushed by them, do some shitty ass doodles for fun.

>> No.2682653
File: 567 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20160916_183703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wasn't thinking of the words on the cup at all, wow.

You're right that they should bend around the cup

Thank you

>> No.2682673
File: 153 KB, 2168x332, Heads n shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is absolute beginner, so hopefully I won't get laughed out of town.
Started reading Loomis, and I'm in the first few pages where you draw a bunch of heads and shit.

One of them ended up looking like Majin Buu, so I ended up doodling.

I know it looks like I can't draw for shit (and I can't). But I can draw from life alright enough (taken a few drawing classes).

Drawing with a tablet is, a bit weird for me.

I've taken a job at my school as a lab monitor, so basically I get paid to do nothing but sit in a computer lab and make sure people don't fuck shit up, so I'm hoping to practice a lot while I "work".
Anyway, here's day one of Loomis.

>> No.2682676

You can do tablet, and while on job you can try paper + pen. Using the pen is good bc it forces you to learn not to make mistakes. Keep it up, do more Loomy. Work more on facial features, Proko has a good chunk of explanations that will definitely go over your head, but you might pick some of his Slavic manliness while watching

>> No.2682682
File: 209 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20150323_065559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can do tablet, and while on job you can try paper + pen

That's what I'm planning. I want to get better at both. Like I said, I have an alright grasp of drawing from life (pic related). But I'd like to be able to draw people and shit from my imagination, and just get better in general.
I'm kind of at a weird point, where I have some fundamentals down, but I don't really know what the fuck I'm doing. My doodles are alright, but it lacks any kind of understanding.

I figure if I start back at square one and build back up, I might actually learn something.

I'm a graphic designer, but I want to git gud at drawing too.

>> No.2682732

Try Proko, Drawabox, Michael Hampton if you manage to BORROW his stuff, Vilppu is also good for BORROWING. Try illustrative design too, the practice will rub off on you.

>> No.2682736

For illustrative design you'll get most mileage out of Scott Robertson's stuff. Easily borrowable on certain sites of shady Farsi provenance.

>> No.2682737

would you say it's essential to do his stuff or would Norling + Vandruff be a good substitute? His stuff seems so tedious to the point where I don't think I'll even use half the stuff he talks about.

>> No.2682742

>His stuff seems so tedious to the point where I don't think I'll even use half the stuff he talks about.
Funny because he talks about that, don't you remember? The warehouse example?

>> No.2682756

>His stuff seems so tedious to the point where I don't think I'll even use half the stuff he talks about

He does say this! He says his lectures are there to give a thorough overview of all the ways he knows of how to do x, even if it mean six different paths taken to get to it.

> would Norling + Vandruff be a good substitute

Vandruff tries so so hard and he does a good job at trying, to be fair. Norling's "Perspective Made Easy" doesn't live up to its name as it fails to address some vital points (such as a rigorous treatment of inclines outside of uphill&downhill and his calling 3pt perspective as "unusual" and then failing to explain many things about it)

Vandruff is good, but Norling's stuff has aged worse than Loomy's; it's best used as practice material as opposed to a rigorous guide to perspective. You probably can replace Olson with them, though you'll get poor mileage out of some bits.

I wholeheartedly recommend Olson's part 1 episode 5 video, that one is probably the most vital to getting a grip on how perspective behaves; the rest of the series really does go into depth on a lot of measuring tricks (very important) and treatments of angles, but that one lesson (p1e5) is something I've come back to quite a few times when I failed to remember a property of, say, an auxiliary VP in 3pt perspective

>> No.2682765

Not the person you've been replying to, but what would be your opinion of Scott Robertson's "How to draw" book?

>> No.2682767

>illustrative design
What is this?

I want to get into illustration, so this sounds interesting.

>> No.2682770

Thanks for the input guys. I think I have an okay understanding of perspective but I'll definitely try to give his stuff another try. Oh and I'll also check out that lesson you're talking about, sounds helpful.

>> No.2682774

The design part of drawing, where the point is to show info rather than Vilppu's "feel it" drawing. Scott Robertson is God here.

It's amazing. You'll be very very lost without the corresponding videos he made, and going into /those/ you'll be lost without a decent knowledge of shapes and perspective. That one year of fundies guide recommends Olson > Robertson as progression, and I agree wholeheartedly because you'll feel like an epileptic orangutan in a quantum chromodynamics class without perspective.

No problem, and good luck! If you need someone to talk to about art and got skype, I could give you my handle and you could add me.

>> No.2682783

So waiting to finish Olson before Robertson is actually wise?

>> No.2682794

At least some of Olson; Robertson already assumes you can do things like ellipses in 2pt and a lot of other stupid stuff. Getting a solid grip on 2pt perspective is pretty much necessary as nobody illustrates things solely in 1pt because that'd just be voxel art on paper. First eight or nine parts of Olson give the skillset that helps give good results with Robertson, so to say.

>> No.2682802

my god the olson torrents are fucking HUGE

>> No.2682808

Yeah, took me like a whole night to get it, but it's worth it.

>> No.2682816

That's insane considering what Olson covers in a huge amount of time. Does it really take over 40 hours to explain 1pt and 2pt which seem to be quite easy? I have no idea how Olson takes so long to explain it all unless I'm just that uneducated.

>> No.2682824

He covers a lot of diverse ground. It's not just cube 1pt & 2pt, it's also ellipses, measuring, referencing, cone of vision and composition, angles of view, behaviour when objects translate to different points of view, various examples and diagrams (house, city from Superman's point of view, trees, theatres), distortion, cinematographical effects etc etc etc
He also repeats himself a lot.

>> No.2682826
File: 59 KB, 1600x997, Barony4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I need to practice more on to gitgud? Everything?

>> No.2682828

Hard to say without you telling us your goal, so tell us your goal. You look like you want to become a concept artist though.

>> No.2682829

anatomy, that chest is horrendous. But yes everything.

>> No.2682832

>each olson video is about 16-20+ minutes on average and there are over 200 of them
sweet jesus

well, no one said gitting gud was gonna be easy

>> No.2682833

>tfw that's only the beginning
You'll see that it's much more difficult than you think it is later, anon.

>> No.2682835
File: 23 KB, 500x407, draw the rest of the fucking owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speed him up and skip the first three generously. Also skip when you think he's being repetitive, and go back if you see he isn't. Constant breaks and screaming for decades into your pillow also help with the frustration for Olson. You'll learn to appreciate him so much, he's literally the only teacher that tells you each and every pencil stroke it takes to draw the rest of the fucking owl

>> No.2682837

Do beginners actually sit through hundreds of videos on perspective? Seems like a good way to A) not learn how to draw and, B) lose interest in art.

>> No.2682839
File: 1002 KB, 500x629, pumped up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2682843
File: 56 KB, 420x603, big boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2682845

Art can be learned in many ways and one of those ways is the one with a super high learning curve.

Now, why is there a super high learning curve? It's because all of that time spent in the beginning is on theory so that the beginner knows what they need to improve and how they'll be able to improve. Once they know all of that, it's easy to draw because you have a clear goal to shoot for.

Yes, it might cause a person to run into those issues you mention, but it does have it's benefits.

>> No.2682850

I would like to be an animator/comic artist, having my own style to boot.
Thank you sensei.

>> No.2682856
File: 500 KB, 1000x622, Fucking lame forest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be my thread now. Hi /abeg/. So I've been playing a lot with color, and was wondering how I could push the colors in this further without it being too obnoxious? like the weebs sorta do

>> No.2682862

>tfw this thread has been one of best threads on /ic/ in terms of discussion
lol. I guess all the shitposters post in the "advanced" threads. Good job guys.

>> No.2682872

So do you guys reccommend going through every olson video up to section 10 or are the first couple enough? I don't feel like revisiting perspective exclusively but I'm gonna try to fit it into my schedule.

>> No.2682886

Go through as many as you want to and can do. We won't force anything on you. It's all up in the air how you want to progress.

>> No.2682931
File: 522 KB, 1000x1000, RIP-in-peace-sweet-prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll give these a try.

I've been meaning to steer more towards the illustration type of design, but my skills aren't great enough to really go overboard.
My technical skills are pretty professional though (program wise), I know the software side inside and out. I just want to be able to draw to get even more of an edge on things.

Ultimately I'd love to get into poster design and album artwork when I graduate. Illustration tends to be pretty heavy in those fields. Plus I love doodling, so being able to actually draw would be great. Wouldn't mind learning some nsfw shit as well, just for fun.

I'll give Proko a look, as well as the other material you recommended.

Pic related is part of an assignment I'm working on now, advertisement for a zoo. I'm doing a night time run. Figured it'd look neat with a neon paint style.

>> No.2683019

Go fuck yourself

>> No.2683038

sure, but any reason why I should?

>> No.2683041

feels good man

>> No.2683055

Because you always do this shit. You always undersell yourself. You wouldn't get out of the beginner thread when I told you to post in regular draw thread. Now that there's another layer lower, here you come bringing yourself down further and giving your art a click bait title. What do you want to hear? your not a beginner anymore? what is gonna make you happy so you can go? because its shit like your post and your self deprecating attitude that makes other, actual beginners think that they're never going to make it.

So kindly take your nice painting and fuck off to drawthread asshole

>> No.2683309

For the Harambe, try visual consistency for your colours: give the same bone groups the same colours, might work better. Try to keep it symmetrical, and do Drawabox to fix that chicken scratching. Otherwise, a bit of a clever idea you had there.

>> No.2683333

>where I have some fundamentals down
If >>2682673 is also you, no, you do not. Much more practice needed.

>> No.2683336

Fucking checked
But yeah little fundies there. Line and value control are minimal. Shapes are not even shapes baka

>> No.2683379
File: 956 KB, 1000x750, 17.9.2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my tablet yesterday, first try in photoshop. Took like an hour, literally have no idea how to use colors

>> No.2683411

Look into Sam Nelson. You're not an /abeg/.

>> No.2683565

Keep on drawing mug anon, I'm rooting for you

>> No.2683579

can i skip to drawing people on drawabox or do i need to do the plants and animal lessons first?

>> No.2683622

You can skip them. I did but eventually you'll see drawing people is hell.

>> No.2683639

Like all the ribs being blue, and arms being a solid color?

As for the lines, that actually is intentional. I know it might not look it though. I wanted to give it a rough and wild look, have it energetic, hence the over exaggerated sketchy lines. I did try a clean line version, but it just wasn't very dynamic.

I can give the color groups a try.

I'm not going to argue with you, you're probably right. I don't know if fundamentals is the correct term. I do have a grasp on drawing from life and doing still life. But I have trouble applying those to imaginary subjects. Couple that with my inability to use a tablet properly and it tends to look like shit. I don't disagree with you, I don't have the fundamentals down, but I have something down as seen in >>2682682 . It's not perfect by any means, but I have a somewhat understanding of something (though I'm not sure what).
I think my biggest problem is transferring the skills I've learned standing at an easel to pen+paper and digital. My brain just doesn't really want to do it. I'm sure it will come with practice though.

Nice quads by the way, checked.

>> No.2683955
File: 2.73 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20160917_172507153-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea about proportions.
No idea about shadows.

I love art. Today I started drawing with references. I just want to improve and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. But... How... ? I have no style, and I dont know if I should start drawing this kind of things.

That's all. Bye. Yeah. Have a nice day.

>> No.2684075
File: 116 KB, 985x318, light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy day today

>> No.2684079

How do you guys keep going? How do you guys cope with the fact that being terrible to becoming great takes so damn long? I've been practicing for months now, trying to get down gesture and anatomy but it never looks like how I want it. If I wanna draw a guy jumping a get a guy walking. If I want a person wielding a sword I get a flat mess trying to cover up the fact I can't draw swords from an angle. If I want to draw some smut, I get deviantart tier shit.

I try reading up and studying what'll get me to my goal but it always feels like progress is happening too slow or just not at all. How do you deal with this?

>> No.2684091

dont worry about style worry about accuracy. style comes much later.

>> No.2684101

realize that if you stop, a year down the line you'll look back and wish you'd never stopped, thinking of all the gains you could've gotten if you'd only just drawn an hour a day that past year

>> No.2684112
File: 279 KB, 421x421, 1472678975647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a reason to draw. Me personally, I wanted to learn to draw purely for the fact that I wanted to make a game. I'm too poor to hire people for artwork and stuff so I just have to do it myself. I draw and do 3d models and coding all day long because the end goal is to produce a game.

Maybe you could make a comic or something.

>> No.2684117

Fellow foreverdev here.

W-we're all gonna make it.

>> No.2684119

one man army's the way to go

>> No.2684160
File: 294 KB, 320x180, 1469657089258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal was the exact same thing anon. I wanted to make a game through my own art and music. Comics and the like are up there too, I may be a bit to eager but I want to start a series with everything done by me.

The smut stuff is just a thing I ended up wanting to do on the side, not a main goal. But I still don't want to be shit at it.

Yeah you're right. Guess I just gotta keep chugging along, even if it hurts seeing others getting praise for doing fundamentally shittier work.

>> No.2684217

>tfw he draws with his wrist
Can he be trusted?

>> No.2684259

same haha but learning drawing takes time

>> No.2684263

>tfw was doing programming until realized need an artist to even complete a game cause pixelsmeme
We can do this.

>> No.2685506
File: 151 KB, 980x590, mugs of tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shading is weird

>> No.2685622

learn perspective, it'll make your mugs perfect.

>> No.2685714

>did not google "shaded cylinder"

>> No.2685723

I'm just looking how the light from my window hits it

>> No.2685733

A teacup is actually a pretty terrible subject to learn how to construct and shade form, because anything porcelain is going to be very reflective, which makes it hard to tell apart shadows from reflections.

Since you're already started on this business you might wanna keep at it, but I definitely recommend studying some matte (not shiny) surfaces with clear shadows.

>> No.2685776
File: 656 KB, 613x1000, 57377433_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I end up with beautiful, clean lineart?
Like on this picture for example, is it the pen tool?

I use SAI to make the lines but they end up thick or messy, any tips on making the lineart please

I'm good with painting but the ''contouring'' always look like crap

>> No.2685779

Try doing it it traditionally, its harder to do observational sketches digitally

>> No.2685788

is there a simpler way to construct heads than loomis' method?

>> No.2685792

large resolution, tiny brush, also notice the edges are against a black background so it doesn't look like there are lines there. try and minimize actual lines. also do them in one stroke where possible.

>> No.2685799

also after you have finished the lines and stuff scale the image down from the big resolution. that way your tiny clean lines look even cleaner .

>> No.2686681

Anon, loomis method is literally 2-3 circles and a couple lines

If you can't manage that, you're not gonna make it

>> No.2686785

Loomis is a meme. Drawabox is a bit more sane

>> No.2686821


That's a meme-tier advice.

Ideally, you use the whole extent of your arms to draw. You start with shoulder/elbow lines, then you make wrist/finger lines for detailed work. Ideally, you get used to the stiffness of your wrist.

>> No.2686824
File: 50 KB, 800x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2686964
File: 188 KB, 1040x620, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to do a top down perspective today

Maybe I should get the hang of fundi's before trying something new

>> No.2687056
File: 513 KB, 1600x1200, 14743638304831134942978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it sucks but i wanna know why it sucks

>> No.2687058
File: 518 KB, 1600x1200, 1474363961412341998922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2687061

Cause I can't see the fucking image man. Get a better camera or scan this shit.

>> No.2687070
File: 534 KB, 674x815, test2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, honestly, I didnt even know /ic/ could help with this, I need a reference because this drawing of mines has me going nuts, and I would appreciate any feedback, really, I have no self esteem, really, go crazy, I think it looks like shit but people wont tell me why, i simply cannot find this exact pose, or even think how the hell it should look like, I have been searching nudes and tutorials since may, I hate drawing from my Imagination, this always happens when I don't use reference, how the hell am I supposed to know how something I have never ever seen looks like?!

Please, I have gone to /aco/ and /trash/ and nobody helped me, you are my last chance.

>> No.2687074

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this image. Now move on and go draw more.

>> No.2687097


there is something wrong with her hips, I can feel it, is just that I have no reference to prove it, the ass should not connect to the hips from behind that way, looks like a doll. :(

>> No.2687123
File: 68 KB, 664x1000, cathy-with--girls-basis-1622_6_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty close. Notice how the weight is distributed on one leg so the pelvis tilts? Also I think your head is too twisted at the moment.

>> No.2687195

try learning how to draw properly

>> No.2687207


I dont think the pose is exactly right at all, one of her legs is bent, however I now realize the way I drew the breast is all wrong...


I dont know how, it is to confusing to me, is like I had fog on my mind.

>> No.2687370

sure is /abeg/ in here

>> No.2687635
File: 196 KB, 1274x719, Screenshot (80).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help me with the perspective.

>> No.2687729


I dont know why people chose this angle instead of a beutral or from above one... Looks like you are crawling

>> No.2687881

> Drawabox
> good
> implying
I said it is a bit more sane. The first chunk, with 1d/2d/(maybe)3d forms is good practice

>> No.2687895
File: 433 KB, 1274x719, knight redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit rough, so don't refer to it as if my redline's perspective is 100%, it's just to give you an idea

as they say "verticality, dramaticality"

>> No.2687896
File: 111 KB, 722x549, mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something: You're making the bottom of the mug less circular than the top. The top of the mug is closer to your eye level, and the closer to your eye level something flat is, the more it looks like a line. (hope this makes sense)

>> No.2687903

It's a pretty dank start tebh. The anatomy is passable for now, but I'd say you should start by drawing clean lines, or work on your "line quality" as they call it. Especially around the edges it gets scratchy, which is known as "chicken scratch", and it's a common (and bad) strategy to "feel out" a form.

There's nothing wrong with being sloppy at the beginning of your process, but chicken scratch causes you to only think about the outlines of an object or figure. Try gestural figure drawing by keeping your pencil (or charcoal preferably, or even just a pencil held sideways) to the paper and drawing in circles. "Feel" your way around the inside of the form, not the outside.

Also, as an experiment, I'd say take some tracing paper (or just some flimsy paper you can see through) and trace over your drawings with very clean and firm lines. No scratching! Maybe use a pen so you won't be tempted to erase. Plan out your curves. If you mess up, don't worry, just finish the form as best as you can then go back and trace THAT tracing. Not even pros get it the first time. Sketches are an important part of planning a "finished" work.

>> No.2688205


Thank you I fixed some things and tried to make her head to look as foward as posible 8 basically means that her closed eye toches the edge of the face) draging the whole hair with it, and fixed the way how the breast conects to the torax.

However, I dont think there is a reason why all the weight should be on just one leg, she is standing still becaus eshe is just bathing, not posing, though I think I am going to draw with reference again,... is much easier, drawing from the imagination is a mess.

>> No.2688216

thanks bro, very good advice

>> No.2688433

thanks anon. should help

>> No.2688451

bruuuuh stop drawing digitally please

>> No.2688488


No problemo, fellow Brony.

>> No.2688545

Why so passive aggressive?

>> No.2688583


Hey, friend! yes YOU, the guy who drew that, what software do you use to make lines that look so organic? they really look textured naturally, looks like the ones Henry uses.

>> No.2688602

Just photoshop with the charcoal pencil brush tip.

>> No.2688924


Uh? and how make it so smooth on the edge? maximum hardnes and 1% spacing?

>> No.2689237

Actual good post.
Not even joking.
Nice Guy Anon.

>> No.2689273

Is that really 8 days of progress?
I'm crying

>> No.2689378
File: 573 KB, 1327x980, 1474391137872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motivate me abeg what should i draw tonight

>> No.2689382


>> No.2689385

a cute cat stretching on the carpet

>> No.2689470
File: 1.93 MB, 2332x3022, IMG_0_2084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halp me

>> No.2689482
File: 207 KB, 1237x997, day 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been through chapter 3 of keys to drawing and tried to use what I learned, but this still looks like shit. Do I just need more practice?

>> No.2689483

spend a couple hours learning perspective and you will blow this shit out of the water

>> No.2689541
File: 111 KB, 1405x652, 1466878757520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure out what really jumps out as looking shitty, look for ways to fix that, try again.

>> No.2689575

resize first

>> No.2689584

>just need more practice
Basically. Do a value scale every day.

>> No.2689587

Draw cubes of all shapes and sizes and from every angle. Do it in various perspectives. Do this for 30 minutes 3x a week. 5 weeks until there's a cube in your mind and you can see it on paper always

>> No.2689816

Been stuck in a stylized rut
I'm unable to tell what's wrong with my shit art so here I come

>> No.2689820
File: 412 KB, 621x1000, 1474535861826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2689821
File: 116 KB, 636x1000, 1474535891720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my better attempts at being semi good

>> No.2689870

Reminder that this thread is pointless and you should all read the fucking sticky because obviously you haven't.

>> No.2689983

Everyone starts somewhere

>> No.2690001

tbqh anon like all of it, go look at some Hampton or Vilppu

>> No.2690022

And they're going to stay at the starting line until they apply themselves.

>> No.2690045
File: 82 KB, 468x744, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you think?

>> No.2690064
File: 25 KB, 640x452, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to set up Photoshop? What kind of resolution to use?

>> No.2690070

I sometimes use 7500 x 5000 @300dpi

>> No.2690134

Can someone draw a man pulling something out of a backpack?

>> No.2690138

Don't worry about resolution for now since it's only relevant when printing things, and you can always change the resolution later. The most important thing is the pixel dimensions. For sketches try to have at least 1000 or so on the short side. For finished work ideally you want 5k+ pixels on the short side.

>> No.2690199

How much of a difference is there between drawing from live and from photos? Like in keys to drawing you're always supposed to draw from live, but many of these things I just don't have
>tfw no friends to pose for you

>> No.2690217

Use a mirror and do self portraits.

>> No.2690536
File: 365 KB, 812x1280, IMG_2108_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resized for Fur Affinity.

Doing this now.

>> No.2690563

>Aguri's one year of git gud fundies

I remember this, do you have the link, it had very good recomendations

>> No.2690564


>> No.2690569

Thanks anon

>> No.2691098

How can I motivate myself to get started?

>> No.2691099

Start drawing your waifu

>> No.2691101

>tfw this worked for me

>> No.2691144

Here you go

>> No.2691195

Same problem, I just have no motivation to read one of these books from the sticky.

>> No.2691820
File: 134 KB, 334x393, 1457076856825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing this now

Then why the fuck are you drawing this cringy bullshit instead of practicing basic shapes?

>> No.2692424
File: 252 KB, 1200x729, gr15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right?

>> No.2692531

you need to think big picture and use less lines. to create your shapes.

>> No.2692732

Elaborating on this Anon. Why even post it on /ic/? Do you really need attention and our validation to actually draw something because you can't do anything for yourself?

>> No.2692733

I wanted a redline or something, the shapes advice helped.
I drew that for someone.
I NEVER draw for myself unless I'm really bored, so 99% of my practice is fuckaround doodles.

>> No.2692738
File: 75 KB, 552x639, read the goddamn sticky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he knows what he should be practicing then he should be doing so and trying to move on to the next steps of understanding how to build with basic forms instead of jumping ahead

>> No.2692743
File: 35 KB, 358x292, 1446624611003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I NEVER draw for myself unless I'm really bored, so 99% of my practice is fuckaround doodles.
>99% of my practice is fuckaround doodles
>I wanted a redline or something, the shapes advice helped.

if you're not gonna try then why the fuck should anyone give you the time of day to to reply to your post let alone fucking redline your "fuckaround doodles"?

>> No.2692757

This. You already know what you need to work on, but you won't apply yourself. Your best bet is staying on /i/.

>> No.2692759

I just said I'd do shapes practice but whatever dude. :^)

>> No.2692765
File: 140 KB, 269x419, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then how about use them to build the body next time instead of half assing it and wanting people to explain shit you aught to know already you passive aggressive shitter

>> No.2692771

>That distribution of fat
>That tricep placement

You're just as bad, faggot

>> No.2693198

Didn't realize I needed to use shapes heavily when drawing from reference.

>> No.2693255
File: 125 KB, 432x622, 30-januar-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a couple of questions:
1. If I buy the books in the sticky is that a good start? I am a complete beginner who can only draw cubes
2. What made me want to start is looking at the art of Adrian Ghenie and Hernan Bas. Are these guys actually good or am I being memed?

>> No.2693261

Yes, the books are for any level of artist.
Good is defined in your eyes. Other people can not tell you what is and isn't good.

>> No.2694279


My reason for wanting to draw is that being bad at drawing upsets me.

That's pretty much all I got right now.

>> No.2694306

So I'm the only one autistic enough to mimic the sketch-up episodes? I mean in the end we're all going to use Sketchup or 3D in the real world workflow, better get used to learning it while doing Olson in my opinion.

>> No.2695099
File: 1.33 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't i draw

>> No.2695198

mileage: 0.01%

>> No.2695426

>tfw I can't use drawabox because the creator's name sounds Islamic and I hate Muslims


>> No.2695824

>dat horse penis sticking out of the barrel
this is gold senpai

>> No.2695849

Is ctrl+z until I get a proper line a bad habit?

>> No.2695853


>> No.2695858

>he thinks he can draw cubes

>> No.2695881
File: 147 KB, 1188x720, WIN_20160928_14_14_15_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I have some top-notch advice?

>> No.2695890

no u

>> No.2695891

Fuck it. Imma start today. Grant me strenght and persisance /ic/.

>> No.2695897

No, u! U hold the key, u hold the answers

>> No.2695899

May pleasantries of that which is beyond your conception yield boons that contain their own accretion, acrylic-skin!

>> No.2695904


>> No.2695905
File: 28 KB, 512x512, shitp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /ic/ think

>> No.2695913

Really good

>> No.2695916

pls no sarcasm

>> No.2695919

If you know it's shit then why did you ask?

>> No.2695920

Really good construction of the chin, but the eyes might be too ovular for any style except for the Gary Larson style, where the eyes are clean-cut circles. You have a very good understanding of shapes, but the beleaguered and foreshortened look of the left eye tells me that you need to know what to compress when an object gets further away. You also have to imagine that nose from other perspectives, like from front-face; it likely wouldn't look right!

You did a good job fo but need to study perspective

>> No.2695923

aight thanks anon, ill get right on it

>> No.2695927

It think it's good you're applying light/shadow at such a stage. Keep up with the studies.

>> No.2695949

If you ever plan to draw traditionally kind of, but if you're just sticking with digital it doesn't really matter, you'll improve with time and have to do it less and less.

>> No.2695950

Gonna make it. Keep at it and have fun desu.

>> No.2695960

what's up with the paywall on drawabox? it seems good for a free resource, but books and other teachers on patreon can cover the same material better

>> No.2695970

it never comes

>> No.2695978

Based on your own experience? How long have you been drawing?

>> No.2695999
File: 106 KB, 1200x1600, Drais Portrait (C).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that shit. I sat and watched tutorials for like a year and actually drew something like once a month. I have this horse shit to show for it because I don't know how to apply any of the things I learned, and I have no idea where to really begin. I still rarely every draw because I open the canvas and have no idea what to do. This is probably the best I can do after two years of "drawing".

>> No.2696006
File: 109 KB, 1200x1600, Drais Portrait (CS).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic, but my point still stands.

>> No.2696025

You're pretty good.

>> No.2696052

How old are you? I hope you dont have like 16 or more, is just a basic shape.

>> No.2696064

You are using the alternative style as crutch, not because of a stylistic choice. Drop it asap.

Work on your fundamentals, grind for months and then maybe go back to alternative styles.

Grinding and getting gud will not be fun or nice to you.

>> No.2696071

>and actually drew something like once a month.
No wonder your stuff looks like that. How much information do you expect to retain by watching a whole bunch of tutorials once and never practicing any of it? I can't even guess what it is you've been studying for two years, your example shows a complete lack of understanding of every fundamental.

>> No.2696140

Your misconception is that you think you're learning by watching videos

>> No.2696141

My point exactly. Don't do what I did and do nothing but "study" and not draw anything at all. Now I'm two years in with absolutely nothing to show for it. Good thing I only do this for fun and I don't ever plan on 'making it', otherwise I'd kill myself right now.

>> No.2696193
File: 503 KB, 1600x1200, 1475125283292655608089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck went wrong with mine

>> No.2696377

Watching videos and not actually doing anything is not studying, it's just pretending.

>> No.2696629

I hope for you're sake you are being sincere and not an idiot. Stay shitty if you think you don't though

>> No.2696806
File: 134 KB, 530x945, 2016-09-29 12.01.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I haven't drawn shit for like 10+ years but my interest has returned.
What are some good practices for making shapes, lines etc?
How do I work away shaky lines, how do I form things without making tons of small fuzzy lines?
I draw only using my wrist most of the time because I haven't really tried anything else plus I generally have very little desk space - but what are important methods to learn instead?
I also assume that getting good at pen&paper is very important BEFORE starting to use a drawing tablet?

>> No.2696827
File: 169 KB, 653x786, 1465173358625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2696994

Once again, that's my point. That's why I said "study" with quotation marks.

>> No.2697089

For an absolute beginner, should I avoid using draw pads etc and instead learn to draw traditionally first?

>> No.2697257

whats the point of getting a draw pad when you cant draw

>> No.2697266

Maybe I should've worded my question different

What I was trying to ask was
Is it possible to learn on a drawing pad or am I better off learning it traditionally instead?

>> No.2697273

I think it won't matter that much but you'd probably be best off at least practising a bit with pen and paper. A balance of both would be best if drawing digitally is your goal

>> No.2698074

draw on pencil and paper (because its cheap) until you are confident in your work, then you can go shell out the cash for a draw pad
unless you are loaded, in which case ignore all that shit and just go buy a draw pad cuz why not

>> No.2699536

I just wanted to let you know that this got me laughing hard as fuck, thank you for that, anon.

>> No.2699737
File: 263 KB, 1018x887, 565443221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw its all F L A T
FUCK. I can't into perspective properly yet.