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2667662 No.2667662 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do if you have no visual library?

I have none of what Feng Zhu says you need for a visual library. I also studied mathematics most of my time in the past 14 years, I am 28(studied maths at university).

Is it hopeless if you are 28, never been abroad, do not read non fiction or non mathematics books, do not go out at all and do not like going to museums.

Also, like how the hell would I even get the time to go out to museums and or travel abroad if I need to grind fundamentals for a year or two years?

This has worried me for the past three weeks. Maybe, I could treat mathematics like the study of logic and read a non fiction like I would a mathematics book.

>> No.2667666

If you have no visual library, that would be very weird considering that's impossible. I think you misunderstood his video. A visual library is everything you know visually. Like he used the castle example of how you might think of a crazy fantasy castle or a boxy simple castle. You have a visual library for animals too.

Anyways, Feng literally tells you how to build your visual library. I don't get why you're asking this, but just draw from life is how you build your visual library. It's the most straightforward way, there's other methods, but it'll just confuse you.

>> No.2667675


I think I have aphantasia where if I try to imagine anything no pictures will form.

I mean like if I read a book no pictures would appear, hence why I do not read non fiction. Instead all I see is the plot holes and logical problems with the book.

>> No.2667680

What drives a person with no creativity, no imagination and apprently no interest in fiction and art to become an artist?

>> No.2667682

>do not like art
>do not have time
>is it too late

I can't differentiate meme posters from reality anymore

>> No.2667688

I find myself questioning plot holes while reading as well. But when I try to imagine a scene (eg. Medieval castle tower), I would first recall any castles from any movies/tv shows I have watched.
Every person has a 'visual library'. You just need to know how to connect the dots, and accordingly pull those visuals from your mind.

>> No.2667691

>do not read non fiction or non mathematics books
>I mean like if I read a book no pictures would appear, hence why I do not read non fiction. Instead all I see is the plot holes and logical problems with the book.

>do not read non fiction

Wait, don't you mean fiction? That's the one that requires more imagination if there are little/no illustrations.

>> No.2667716

I'm kinda in the same boat as you. I have more or less drawn all my life, but only now as 19 years old I want to do it seriously and start practicing fundamentals. I have read only a very few books in my life, seriously I could count them with one hand. I'd always find a way to avoid literature in school (I'd either just copy from internet or even have my booknerd friend write for me). Even the ones I have read are based on real events and not fiction.

I have also hardly been outside all my life. Since I am -97, internet already started to be a big part of life. I discovered the joys of internet when I was as young as 9 and I have gravitated towards NEET lifestyle ever since. The only times I'd go out would be for groceries or school (and even then I'd take a bus or car ride). I have also only travelled to like 3 countries when I was very young.The only sources for my visual library has been from other people's artwork and movies. Also when I have been outside, be it car or something, when I AM outside, I am quite observant. I'd each time analyze why the lighting works like it does etc. I'd be quite observant during those rare occasions when I do go outside.

I thought that I will now just simply start reading more. I think I will start from ''classics'', Tolkien, Harry Potter and shit.

Biggest problem to fix would be travelling. Not only I can't even afford it, I fucking hate travelling anyways. It's scary as shit to be at completely strange area where you don't know anyone. There's loads of bullshit when it comes to travelling, you need to be careful and get all kinds of vaccines and shit. Honestly feel like I am putting myself in danger in travelling.

>> No.2667718


I believe drawing from reference a lot patches it a bit, while it's not optimal I don't think it's really that big of a deal unless you really want to min max art. I'm sure excelling at fundamentals and having a diverse visual library based on books/movies/drawing on reference will take anyone far enoug.

>> No.2667721

>Biggest problem to fix would be travelling. Not only I can't even afford it, I fucking hate travelling anyways. It's scary as shit to be at completely strange area where you don't know anyone. There's loads of bullshit when it comes to travelling, you need to be careful and get all kinds of vaccines and shit. Honestly feel like I am putting myself in danger in travelling.
t. american basement dweller

>> No.2667722

Almost. European basement dweller.

>> No.2667728

Wtf? Why do you even want to make art if you have aphantasia, how do do you think you can creatively contribute to visual culture if your mind is just data? Do some applied science art shit. Also going outside is part of grinding fundamentals. Or else you burnout in a month.

You don't have to go outside to have big visual library "what is google images). But you have to go outside to actually get some emotional reaction encountering things. Knowing how castle looks is different knowing how being in castle feels. So stop being autistis pussy and go outside.

>> No.2667745

>you need to be careful and get all kinds of vaccines and shit
Nigga, you're not supposed to go to fucking albania, just get on a bus and go somewhere nice for a week once a year. You're not gonna get a deadly strain of some mutated virus walking through european capitals.

Nobody's expecting you to take some grand, life changing journey where you hike across the globe while living off the land and learning ancient secrets of tibetan monks. Start small.

>basement dweller
You literally just need to open the door and step outside. There's 100% chance you're not familiar with even a fraction of what your own country has to offer. Just go to a museum or gallery once a week. Go inside a church, walk around an old university, go to whatever street tends to have art exhibits or artists peddling their stuff. Sit in a fucking cafe dragging out a cup of coffee for 2 hours and look at what happens around you.

>> No.2667825


A person who is psychologically incapable of appreciating art is not someone who should be creating art.

>> No.2667843

>Nobody's expecting you to take some grand, life changing journey where you hike across the globe while living off the land and learning ancient secrets of tibetan monks

>> No.2667879

19 basement dweller here, I actually can travel but only finitely. My father travels all the time he is very rich so he can afford it. He has often asked me to join but I refused because ''muhh I hate travelling'' attitude. But I'm willing to do it if it makes me better at art and this is absolutely perfect opportunity for me to build visual library. I could even choose where we could go.

Do you guys have any recommendations, what could be the most essential places to visit in terms of visual library? Where would you go?

>> No.2667899
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>not having a natural yearning to see new places and new people to tuck away in your memory to build their visual library as they go

I want to be so fucking mean to you out of jealousy right now but fuck it, if I were you I would go somewhere like India or Tibet or anywhere with really nice ancient landmarks and study them. Anywhere with nice scenery would work too, could be anywhere honestly just depends on what you want to draw. Think what comes to mind first and stick with it. There's no "right" way to build your own library imo it should be natural and you're super young so it's perfect to start now. Put that free time to good use anon.

>> No.2667913

I'm sorry anon. I'm just pretty neurotic and paranoid person, so when I think about travelling, especially alone, the first thing that comes to my mind is ''danger''. It's stupid and makes me sound like a pussy, I know.

I'm mostly into futuristic (scifi and the likes), medieval (castles knights and shit), renaissance, baroque architecture. Basically, I'm a sucker for very decorative and bombastic designs.

That's just what I like the most, but of course I want my library be diverse so anything goes. Tibet and especially India sounds very interesting to check out.

>> No.2667914

kek, you remind me of myself

>> No.2667922

It's not stupid, feel the same about walking my dog sometimes (and I'm in my mid 20's) but dude if you have the opportunity you should put those feels in a box and ignore them, it will help you to not let anxieties and fears control your life trust me. Especially if you're 19. Don't end up like me anon. It's okay to be NEET at 19-21 but past that you enter a dark zone that's hard to escape.

From what your tastes are I'd hit up Tokyo, Seoul, Dubai and travel around Europe for all that medieval renaissance shit. Godspeed young anon.

>> No.2667922,1 [INTERNAL] 

to me that defeats the purpose of traveling..when i travel I just embrace everything, and live..I'm not going to do tasks, like draw in my sketchbook while new things around me are in motion, besides what difference does it make. The kid in his basement studying is retaining information for his "visual language" just as much as the backpacker artist thinking he's cool

>> No.2667926
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Read books
Watch movies
go talk to people
Build up your social skills
life experience is super important

>I have none of what Feng Zhu says you need for a visual library. I also studied mathematics most of my time in the past 14 years, I am 28(studied maths at university).

Well shit, can't you draw from that?
if you've spent years and years around math people
surely there is something, anything, interesting about that that you can use in your art?
Caricatures of their personalities
Stories about what interests them and how they see the world
Math problems, physics, is there anything you've studied that gave you a new way of looking at the world?

That's how you make your art personal.

also this:


>> No.2667950

Thank you for understanding and giving suggestions. I will definitely check those countries.There are some missed opportunities in my life but this is not going to be one of them, I gotta do this. I want to be able to create art I can be proud of someday, so I will do everything I can. I will achieve it or die trying.

I will try my best. Godspeed you too, never stop trying. I can already tell from my experience that giving up hurts the most. We are all going to make it.

Haha, how?

>> No.2668054

Nevermind guys I think I sort of have a solution to my problem. I had a looked at old Dungeon and Dragon books and they have really clear descriptions. So I could draw what they are describing.

I'm probably going to go through all the fighting fantasy book first and just draw the descriptions.

>> No.2668069
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>What do you do if you have no visual library?

Wow, dude... You should... Like... I dunno... use fucking references?

If you can't draw from imagination, read this shit and pic related.


Seriously. It's not that fucking hard.

>> No.2668074

that's great op, just get to drawing and it will come with time. Got to keep at it.

Developing a visual library
means that when someone says
draw me a dragon
You have for yourself some idea of how to go about doing that

You have studied reptiles and animals
you have studied medieval bestiaries
or at least
know that
you can use xyz for inspiration.
if you want to draw a dragon

>> No.2668089

Travel with your dad, man, I did it a lot when I still lived at home and I'm happier for it. If you go to japan, visit Kyoto, the huge trees in temples there are rad. Don't bother with the imperial garden, but there's a smaller "moon garden" or something like that I came across that's very pleasant in the summer.

>> No.2669712


While I don't know the answer to your question, may I suggest you the book "Drawing in the Digital Age", it's written by a PhD in Math and is basically the reverse of Betty Edward "drawing with the right side of the brain" best-seller.
You would probably relate more to this guy than to Betty's spiritual bullshit.

>> No.2670789

>What do you do if you have no visual library?

Collage and photobash like a motherfucker