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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 114 KB, 1066x768, Untitled-2wwew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2656057 No.2656057 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is not allowed. LOLI IS NOT ALLOWED. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to shitposting.
Stay on topic.

Previous Thread:

>> No.2656126


fuck you.

>> No.2656133

probably the worst thread picture I've seen in a while.

>> No.2656149

t. newfag

>> No.2656152


>> No.2656174

>want to learn how to draw human adult male's penis entering human adult female's vagina properly
>go to /ic/ porn thread
>went home disapponted

>> No.2656199

It is allowed. Malfag just stuck it in there a few months ago.

>> No.2656200
File: 9 KB, 983x155, read a book next time nigger lover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being retarded, anon

>> No.2656201

So why haven't one of you fucking removed it yet

>> No.2656203

mods came down and laid set warning in stone

>> No.2656210
File: 5 KB, 271x200, 1456604043455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the porn thread the lowest in quality?

Even the beginner thread is more constructive with their time.

>> No.2656212
File: 477 KB, 700x394, nsfw_random01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really ever did porn before, but I did some rough animation for fun a few weeks back.

>> No.2656214

nobody cares about what some hotpocket says

>> No.2656322

because almost all the good porn artists left and the ones that remained are beginner tier dickbrains.

>> No.2656346

It's almost like furry and loli were allowed for a long ass time because nobody gives a fucking shit what kind of porn people post here, since it should be all about helping others improve, then a newfag mod woke the fuck up some day and decided to ban it. Really puts that brain to work doesn't it? >>2656214

That doesn't look too bad, it would be better finished

>> No.2656373

Not enough loli

>> No.2656390

omfg, just kys already.
this is a critique board. if you want to wank it to pedo material, go somewhere else, dickbrain.

>> No.2656408

Most people including myself are neutral to loli, go to the shad thread and see that that's the general opinion,
what mods think doesn't matter if moderation in this board is literally in every sense of the word literally non existent,
the previous thread reached bump limit with shitposting alone and no one did anything, that should tell you something, nobody cares about this slow ass board.

>> No.2656521

Too much back and forth shitposting

>> No.2656601

tumblr shitstains got control the the thread, now there are things you "cant draw"

what fucking bullshit.

>> No.2656635


>Attention whores
>Highest concentration of tumblr crossposters

>> No.2656723

Why are you complaining?
You can still draw loli
You can still post loli
just look at the previous thread.

fucking jackasses, tumblr bookeyman my ass-

>> No.2656725

t. tumblr

>> No.2656765

This thread would be better if you could post lolis.

>> No.2656772

fuck off mikufag

>> No.2656779

I'm not him, sorry. I was just giving my opinion is all.

>> No.2656784

>then a newfag mod woke the fuck up some day and decided to ban it. Really puts that brain to work doesn't it?
bet in was one from /tg/ transitioning here, man, fuck those guys, they are worst than soccer moms

>> No.2656786
File: 100 KB, 221x219, 1446262946653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 posts
>1 actual pic posted for critique

>> No.2656787

>bet in was one from /tg/ transitioning here, man, fuck those guys, they are worst than soccer moms

those bakas are so gajeen, anon. so gajeen.

>> No.2656897

I'd post my work, but I don't want my fart fetish pics to be ripped to pieces.

Just enjoy the shitposting.

>> No.2656913

maybe if we post our shitty art, maybe some anon will pity us and give us crits

>> No.2656948

I can post a porn-anon's home address if you like

>> No.2656951

>Use a universal sign as pic to explain thread
>Instead of some high skill artist's pic that get /ic/ drawfags buttmad and nukes the thread.
You're learning, OP.

>> No.2656953 [DELETED] 


>> No.2656980
File: 230 KB, 800x500, dizzy 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting shitty porn in a shitty porn thread

>> No.2656998

you draw like a dumb-mexican

>> No.2657012


C-can you make her more loli? For old times sake?

>> No.2657015

Fuck off.
This doesn't look like Dragon Ball Z senpai.
I honestly like the linework.

>> No.2657068
File: 47 KB, 800x480, refface drawing 08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related is one of the images from link.

Looking for honest feedback.

>> No.2657083
File: 182 KB, 800x500, 1472429620243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you senpai.

>> No.2657087


thank you

>> No.2657129

is that a fucking insult now? Omg I can't live anymore this hurt me so much.

>> No.2657168

samefag or retarded

>> No.2657169
File: 46 KB, 450x377, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you drew something appealing you'd get praise too.

>> No.2657180
File: 36 KB, 447x295, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu weeb

>> No.2657182

The flaw with your shop is not only is it bad but I posted within a minute of your post. Impossible to hit the print screen key, make a shoop, save it, type up my post, fill out captcha, and hit "post" within a minute of your post.

>> No.2657263

>autistic as fuck

>> No.2657295

then I guess you are retarded

>> No.2657303
File: 272 KB, 640x424, Shinjuku Mad - Nekophilia 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t dawn or anything like that but I like to do cut and paste collage stuff

This is a rough of something I’m working on that is supposed to be a kind of Internet of Things HUD first person perspective.

Any tips on how to make appear more authentic would be neat.

>> No.2657321 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 300x220, attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think my perspective is completely fucked but cant figure out how to fix this so any help would be fantastic
still dont know if its right place to post this

>> No.2657324
File: 5 KB, 300x220, attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think my perspective is completely fucked but cant figure out how to fix this so any help would be fantastic,still dont know if its right place to post this

>> No.2657326


I got what I want, retard-san, a loli. Now shutup.

>> No.2657329

I was talking to the retard who drew that request for you. but yeah, you are both pretty much the same amount of retard. now gtfo to some containment board and stop littering /ic/.

>> No.2657332
File: 27 KB, 316x357, objecting asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furry is not allowed
Why is this rule still in place on this website? I'm aware the argument's been made several times, however, I still feel the need to bring it up because it's arbitrary at this point. It almost feels like a meme. Hiro, do something.

>> No.2657335


Hey you started it this. You are just jealous of that artist and the fact that nobody ever praises your art whenever you post (if ever). Like, nobody was even talking to you.

>> No.2657336

>stop littering /ic
>implying this board isn't already trash
This board needs a fuckin' overhaul. Why is there even an image limit, for one thing? I have a long list of complaints with this board, but that's just one of them.

>> No.2657342


>> No.2657343
File: 289 KB, 564x575, e89eaa07090f291e2f60d6a015c92147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think I'll be finishing this, but it was fun practice.

>> No.2657346

flawed but good

>> No.2657361

The perspective is right so far. When/if you add some background or more detail to her body, that's where shit might start rolling. Always keep in mind the horizon line and think in terms of boxes.

I don't understand this one either, there's a wide range of options between a girl with cat ears and a full anthro. It's not like we're flooding with submissions on /ic/ anyway.

>> No.2657412

I really like this, do you have a blog?

>> No.2657440

>all these losers that think they cant draw or post whatever they want.
I guess because some text on a screen said so.

>> No.2657461

people have been banned before for posting furry and loli though

>> No.2657490

anon, have you looked at the images in the last thread?
pussy up cunt

>> No.2657566

the art you are defending and praising so much is mediocre at best. plus I never even posted my art here. stop assuming, idiot.
I am simply fed up with dickbrains like yout that come here to jerk off instead of respecting this board for what it is; a place for critique. now GTFO already, pedobrain.

>> No.2657569

move the head forward. you are doing the usual mistake beginners do when they don't consider the depth of the skull. pelvis and legs are in a different perspective then the upper body. for the rest I can't really critique much, since you didn't finish the hardest part of the illustration.
nice linework.

>> No.2657576

>since you didn't finish the hardest part of the illustration
what is the hardest part?

>> No.2657587

feet. at least I assume that's the hardest part for him.

>> No.2657622

Thanks man, flawed is an understatement, but I'll take it.
Thanks for the interest, but i like being an anon. My blog is filled with bad sketches and shitty redlines I've posted up here anyway. Its a blind leading the blind sort of thing, so I'll spare you from that.
Thank you for the critique, I really needed it. I forget how much of an echo chamber I live in sometimes, so I hardly ever get constructive feedback back. Way to call me out on the perspective and feet. I just sort of winged the drawing without considering perspective at all. That was a dumb mistake considering how far I ended up taking it. I've never seen feet as an issue, but now that you mention it, I've only ever seen them as an after thought, and that is a problem. I know what my next studies will be, so thanks for that, it's very aporeciated.

>> No.2657631


Not sure if poorly defined penis or vagina

>> No.2657863

Nice sketches. Now start making paintings!

>> No.2658085
File: 31 KB, 905x665, killmenow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man!

redid hair shape anc changed colors a bit(maybe an error?),starting on shading them again without that much noise,added legs,and arms hoping is still fine

>> No.2658146 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 1066x1152, Untitled-2wwe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no loli allowed
/ic/ is geting worse every minute

>> No.2658155

Just post it. Some faggot will complain and then nothing else will happen.

>> No.2658159 [DELETED] 

just so you know, mikufag got banned for posting his squid lolis
not risking it

>> No.2658172

No, she got banned for being on /pol/ posting loli along with her ringleader whom I won't mention. Any lies out of that squids mouth for being banned on /ic/ for loli should not be trusted.

>> No.2658175 [DELETED] 

someone post loli and then report in if they got banned
i'm really skeptical over here

>> No.2658208

I got banned for posting loli about a year ago. Way before >>2656200 happened.

>> No.2658223

/pol/ is infested with weebs posting loli all the time in a given thread.


>> No.2658260 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 917x768, SKET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you serious...

>> No.2658264

You'd be a fool to post on /pol/ without a proxy.

>> No.2658269

yea. I mean, if you want to post loli, go for it. If its your first offence you'll probably get a 24hr ban

>> No.2658305
File: 128 KB, 621x927, 2016-08-30_03-11-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2658319

It's because he didn't wait for me to do it, fucking impatient retard.

>> No.2658358

what the flying fuck? stop fucking chatting like you are on facebook or tumblr, fucking retards. nobody cares about your dickbrain pedo craving problems. stop fucking debating this shit like it's some kind of important matter and gtfo. it's like watching a convention of autists, ffs.

>> No.2658367
File: 99 KB, 655x443, 43553334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you on about? Nobody is stopping you from posting art. Nothing wrong with having a discussion about what interests majority of the board which just so happens to be on the subject of loli. Hardly anything good ever comes out of this thread ever since these asinine restrictions on what you can and can't post and now all the good artists have left. We're left with boring crap like >>2658305 and somewhat passable like >>2656980 (please finish it already).

On the topic of porn, I hardly come to these threads because none of you--excuse me, very few of you can make anything appealing out of porn. Quality porn is a lot of work. If you can't make quality porn then you shouldn't be making porn in the first place. You should aim for something that shows the beauty of life, like pic related.

This is just my opinion. Please don't attack me for it. Thank you and have a good night.

>> No.2658392

>it's like watching a convention of autists, ffs.
So, 4chan, right?

>> No.2658393

This is just my opinion. Please don't attack me for it. Thank you and have a good night

>having actual ass burgers

>> No.2658408
File: 227 KB, 800x800, Cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2658736

I like this I don't know why that guy said it's boring.
Is she supposed to be bald or will you draw the hair later?

>> No.2658783


>> No.2658784

looks pretty nice but the gif at the top feels very weird, not really sure what though. probably the perspective of her ass and that anus.

everyone wants to draw porn anon.

dick is too straight, make it bulge out a bit in the middle and taper towards the head.

ther mouth looks a little weird for what she's getting fucked by, and her dick feels a little too thin but that might just be because it's a sketch. otherwise pretty nice, can't wait to see how it comes out

>> No.2658787

How does it feel to know that porn art will always be considered trash and your future children will eventually see it?

>> No.2658793

>future children
Most of these anons already have a restraining order from children. (For obvious reasons) So I doubt that would be an issue.

>> No.2658856

>future children
If i had interest in reality i wouldn't be spending all my life trying to create my unrealistic fetishes.

>> No.2658872

The boobs are there anon. I just assumed it was futa
But the face is weird and it's missing the hair

>> No.2658876

>How does it feel to know that porn art will always be considered trash
Maybe, I guess so but we'll see what the future holds
>and your future children will eventually see it
Now you're baiting a little too hard anon. Out of all the people on 4chan you think /ic/ porn artists are going to have children?

>> No.2658886


Not him but why not? Don't you want raise a daughteru and teach her the dark arts of how to feel?

I would if I wasn't a manlet loser but I'm sure most of you are passable.

>> No.2658897


You know these aren't real people right?

>> No.2658913
File: 151 KB, 1280x596, 1378761440683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I planed my life to be able to live comfortably alone, if i make a family i will have to work really hard, that's out of the question.

>> No.2658922

Why do you want to commit genetic suicide and end your family tree? Whatever, at least your lazy genes wont be passed on to the future of our species.

>> No.2658923


>> No.2658940
File: 228 KB, 2000x2000, SAI-EX Work 0020-SH3 heather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not a loli!

>> No.2658946

She is if I say she is.


>> No.2658948

>pubic hair
ew, def not a loli

>> No.2658984

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

>> No.2658987

Why does she have no tits then?

>> No.2658994

one of my parents draws porn
my first exposure to the stuff was when i was 6. i opened the scanner and it was a page full of like, lesbian angel twins
i distinctly remember thinking "i don't know what body part that is, but i don't think it looks like that"

kids probably wont give a shit. it's about as gross as realizing your parents fuck, which happens to everyone anyway

>> No.2658996

how does it feel to know you are never gonna make it?

>> No.2658997

then I guess you are just really bad at adult proportions.

>> No.2659108

its hypocritical the amount of /SS/ shit gets posted here, yet loli isnt allowed? tumblr truly did ruin this place.

>> No.2659176

>tumblr and far right opinions
It's very unlikely that pedophilia gets overused to the point it shifts into a meme, so unlike racism it still remains a taboo.

Everyone says something about niggers from time to time, but try it with children and you'll get into some serious shit.

>> No.2659259

This shit is happening in all of 4chan. Fuck.

>> No.2659339

Nobody's telling you you can't draw it, they're telling you you can't post it here.

>> No.2659344


Who is they? This board needs to learn from other boards who have elitist mindsets; it's up to the community to uphold the rules, not outsiders. You let your own precious thread get hijacked.

>> No.2659345
File: 41 KB, 468x60, banner_756ffd379ae473fbfb790a7b2fa54ea606ffc380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>110 Posts
>20 images

>> No.2659353

>it's up to the community to uphold the rules, not outsiders.
lol that is literally never the case, unless you consider mods "the community", in which case, I don't see your point

>> No.2659356

Then you haven't been on this site long enough.

It's simple as taking back the thread, rewrite the OP copy/paste macro, and email the mods/speak with them on IRC the situation as padding to your cause to avoid misunderstanding--most cases they won't touch the thread. Look at /jp/ and see what I mean--they don't let crossies ruin their generals because they put their foot down. Hell you can even start your own general spin-off that includes lolis, nothing is stopping you or anyone else, after all that is how new content is made--by the community. If you don't get that then you deserve everything.

>> No.2659360
File: 7 KB, 162x36, Screen Shot 2016-08-30 at 7.12.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2659397

Funny how you pretend the community sets the rules, but the crux of your plan is to hope the mods let you do what you want.

>> No.2659398

>it's up to the community to uphold the rules
>on a anonymous image board
Kek fuck off to Reddit. We seriously don't need hugboxing shit here, if you seriously think THAT would make anything better here, it will do the exact opposite.

>> No.2659405


But it does work. I'm only here to help you but if you want to play wiseass from the future then be my guest.

>what is the sticky
>how was that formed
By the community. A sticky wasn't born when /ic/ was first launched from the womb nor did some Tealline guy tier artist craft it. Again, if you don't want to do anything to help the porn thread then I could care less.

>> No.2659409

Stickies aren't against site rules, you nitwit

>> No.2659417

>this guy
I'm providing you a solution and you're being disruptive. If you truly cared you'd do something about. My last post, guy.

>> No.2659460
File: 165 KB, 525x700, dq3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2659479

how many tumblr followers until you can start a patreon ???

>> No.2659505

check the perspective, the guy who's burying his face into her shoulder and grabbing her tits also looks like his face should be on the guy on the right's cock. his left hand also looks like it's reaching around the leg of the guy on the right too. guy on the left looks ok but the girl's elbow should be covered by his leg. her arm looks really awkward and uncomfortable, think about changing that a little bit so it doesn't look so squished.

>> No.2659513
File: 43 KB, 138x175, dorragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 images
Friendly reminder that furry porn is a significant portion of drawn smut.

That said, r8?

>> No.2659524

pretty much shit.

>> No.2659559

That is going to be a while yet, my painting/colouring skills are shit.

>> No.2659611

thanks! she had a mohawk, but it got in the way of her salute, hence the baldness.
>...can't wait to see how it comes out
most likely just keeping it a sketch, anon. thanks for the crit.

>> No.2659756
File: 39 KB, 723x715, that stance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your proportions are all fucked and the stance is lazy as fuck

>> No.2659758

Character's eyes are different sizes. Horns seem a little misaligned.

Draw hands more. I know I need to. Those look like stumps with sausages, those aren't even close to the beginnings of decent hands.

>> No.2659760

kim kardashian sells her sex tape online and she has two children, chill

>> No.2659765

I'll admit, I definitely fucked up hard on the top right hand. I plan to have her holding a fireball. ad a lot of trouble with the legs, too

>> No.2659768

> just keeping it a sketch
i have to get into this habit, damn. oh well dude, looks good. got a site i can follow you on?

>> No.2659769

The big problem with you is that you fell too quickly into a "symbols" style of drawing without even having even the loosest idea of how anatomy works to begin with. Legs are not parentheses for example, stop drawing them that way.

As for your hands. You fucked them all up.

>> No.2659841

Stop hatching like that

>> No.2659842
File: 4 KB, 300x220, hourslater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i think i fixed the dick

>> No.2659843 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 4rBXLtWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>furry porn

Not to fuck the thread but I'de love some critique. Rare to get it. warning for gay.


>> No.2659847

Decent, but I can tell your perspective lacks confidence - the lizard's face and tail are trying to fall flat into profile view even though they should go against the camera.
After you revise perspective, it's time to learn anatomy. It might seem redundant, but you really can't draw good porn while guessing how muscles look at different angles.

>> No.2659857


>face and tail fall flat into profile
Didn't catch with my eye until mentioned thanks. My values and light direction is off and isn't helping the perspective (although linework is off too).

For anatomy, I've never really found a great book or study method for muscular body types else than just referencing actually body types or other artist. I could look at a biology book but I want to highlight muscle without over defining it. Any good tips?

Also thanks.

>> No.2659880
File: 30 KB, 486x912, linework test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick linework test. looking for some feedback.

>> No.2660251

>Just a quick linework test. looking for some feedback.
You need to darken those lines. You can't even see the pic in the thumbnail.
But that's just the start of the problems, without going into depth about anatomy.

>> No.2660498

Hah yeah, it really looks bad and it flatten the image. I did that just to get an idea of where to the shadows would be and then realised I was in the wrong layer...so I kept going with it as if it was intentional. Needless to say I regret it.

>> No.2660510


>> No.2660675

It has always been newfag.

>> No.2660766

>got a site i can follow you on?

http://basnip.tumblr.com/ i do a piss poor job of updating it, though.

her exposed shoulder looks pulled up, like she's shrugging.

i think you may have quoted the wrong post, anon.

>> No.2660787

I don't draw porn often and wanted to make some money off furries. Crit? Is he cute?


>> No.2660972

did you copy a reference? the pose seems totally retarded. what is he supposed to be doing?

>> No.2660984

No ref, and he's not doing anything in particular. I just kinda did it from my imagination.

>> No.2660986 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 550x400, o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>furry and loli not allowed. what about shoti?

>> No.2660989 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1280x960, WHAt the FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2660991 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 615x452, spidey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2661269

I dont have an NSFW blog.

>> No.2661288

You are correct as fuck sir. I blame my phone.
This >>2660498 is directed at >>2659841

>> No.2661307
File: 184 KB, 921x962, 2016-09-01_11-00-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For anatomy, I've never really found a great book or study method for muscular body types else than just referencing actually body types or other artist. I could look at a biology book but I want to highlight muscle without over defining it. Any good tips?

not him, but anatomy is anatomy. reference helps a ton, and studying other artists is a good habit to get into, but you don't need a particular book that deals in muscular body types. understanding the skeleton and how muscles connect to it--and how they stretch and bulge--lets you manipulate the size without relying on reference too heavily.

>> No.2661375
File: 821 KB, 1280x1360, fud1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>skeletons and how muscles connect

I get where you're shooting from.

It's just a difficult way to approach it for me. I can spot the idea but retaining it throughout works becomes hard for my muddled mind. Guess it's just a matter of repetition!

>> No.2661395
File: 159 KB, 708x1400, Screen Shot 2016-09-01 at 4.35.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a start

>> No.2661406

You work is a lot better than I tought just looking at that sketch
Post more often, porn thread needs some good artists

>> No.2661437
File: 93 KB, 682x630, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem I saw with that drawing was random overlaps in musculature, random bulges (snowman-like design, no force shown, just bulges of mass) and some form oversimplification (arm extensor group merged with ulna).

Trust me, you don't need to study bodybuilders right now, you should learn individual muscles and muscle groups and apply that knowledge by drawing from a quality realistic reference to get a good sense of how muscles work and how they look while doing so. Inflating them afterwards is a piece of cake.

Deane Keller suggests learning muscles using joints, e.g. if you know elbow joint is a hinge and can only move two ways, there can only be two muscle groups.

Some anatomy books:

The effort is there, but maybe 60% of it goes to waste when you try to put muscles on an already messed up skeleton. You don't want to spend your entire career guessing how long a leg is, do you?

>no perspective
>wrong proportions
>no gesture or gravity

>> No.2661459

How long is a leg?

>> No.2661487

>skeleton (Hale)
Three craniums is femur, another three to the ground (including the foot).
>surface forms (Loomis)
1.5 head upper leg (without the great trochanter) + 1.5 knee to ankle.

>> No.2661591
File: 34 KB, 972x1022, 071 victreebels victory balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about stupid porn?

>> No.2661592
File: 42 KB, 1152x1006, 42 golbats golballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I find this hilarious and can't understand why.

>> No.2661617

That is an insanely disgusting face.

>> No.2661711
File: 580 KB, 720x960, gobbilygoop..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2661724

I'll jerk of to this.

>> No.2661732


>> No.2661734

Poke porn dude here, this makes me laugh as well.

I think it's the expression.

>> No.2661735

Good, but I'm not sure on the lower half's anatomy. I get what you're trying to do, but I don't know if a girl's vagina would deform in that way. It's hard to figure out where her legs are actually going for certain. Do you have any reference?

>> No.2661737


The design reminds me of Katsuya Terada's work for SNES games

>> No.2661741

That's flattering.

It looks like one leg is just covering a single lip from view, rather than deforming it.

>> No.2661743

Nah no reference I was kind of trying to do what this guy said >>2661741 the leg a little out in front but yeah I was pretty iffy on the lower part too.

>> No.2661744


Yeah, I guess you're right. Still not sure if the pelvis can move in that way with the legs in that position. It looks like the right side of her hips are pushed forward towards the viewer, while the left leg is swung forward in the same manner. It feels awkward.

Try standing in that position and hopefully you'll see what I mean.

>> No.2661761

I just tried it and managed to smother one of my nuts, might be hard to do for a woman though.

>> No.2661814
File: 178 KB, 720x960, CuntNugget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 minute fix. Didn't bother with the upper body, even though there's a lot that needs fixing there too.

>> No.2661830

Take a picture for me so I can use it for reference.
Man fuck I can really see how mine looks pretty goofy now when I compare it. Originally I wanted to have her lying down with her left leg raised up but I just switched it to her standing instead.

>> No.2661901

it still looks like her vag is bulging forward because you have the labia lines overlapping the legs..

>> No.2662145

good stuff, anon.


>> No.2662182

that hand on the dick has no detail but i'll be damned if that isn't good

>> No.2662250

Honestly I like it the way it is, sure it's not perfect but it's erotic and well colored.

>> No.2662275
File: 411 KB, 551x816, fdsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn the thread got off to a bad start

>> No.2662301

Has been nothing but shitposting the last few days m8. Use the draw thread if this keeps going.

>> No.2662426
File: 94 KB, 826x1660, e1fc92d6b8e820b8d7093232d4c972e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the rule were removed 4chan would be flooded by unironical furries. Do you really want that?

Better not fix what is not broken. You can post furry porn on /trash/ anyway.

>> No.2662549
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, comi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polishing a turd? :(

>> No.2662572

>Has been nothing but shitposting the last few days m8.
Try the last few months. 8, to be exact.

>> No.2662574

I wonder who can behind it all. Actually it's no mystery who it is.

>> No.2662575


>> No.2662577

Yes, it's fundamentally shitty.

It had potential though, I'll jerk off to it.

>> No.2662583

Should i go back to drawing for another couple months or just keep painting?

>> No.2662607

How long do you guys spend on porn comissions?

>> No.2662612

Might as well, it's not like it's outright bad it's just not particularly erotic.

>> No.2662617

Ah i get you, thought you meant fundamentals as in 3d form or something.

>> No.2662620
File: 220 KB, 2000x2000, SAI-EX Work 0021 Beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the milfs, too.

>> No.2662645

Jesus fucking Christ, did you got your adult proportions from mitsudomoe?

>> No.2662648

This yours? Really nice, digging the colors!

>> No.2662690

Are test, only. I'm searching my own style.

>> No.2662694

Style comes with experience.
You can experiment with no fundamentals for sure, but it will look like dog shit.
Learn anatomy, then art-style will come

>> No.2662697

This, style and anatomy don't have to clash.
If something isn't proportioned correctly initially it will look like dog shit.

>> No.2662710
File: 264 KB, 2000x2000, Anatomy sketch proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did you mean this?

>Pic related

Believe me, drawing anime or some toon-shit is very difficult to me.
I do not why?

>> No.2662711

Oh, I almost forgot it...
Yes, I read loomis but my favorite is Hogarth.

>> No.2662758

you can always try a style first and then work backwards from it, you know

that said, ex-sodom you either need to work on your proportions or stop drawing halflings, everything you've posted so far feels like the characters are very short

>> No.2662799

yeah, you can, and it will look like shit, because your fundamentals are shit. end of story.

>> No.2662834 [DELETED] 
File: 461 KB, 1000x2000, tong_girl_bikini_by_ryuken01-d8l7mbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted one here, <a href="/aco/thread/814857#p824694" class="quotelink">>>>/aco/824694,</a> but I figure all the talent is in /ic/


I am looking for an artist who can colour at this level. I do not care if you can 'sort of' do it, and for that reason, I expect you (the artist) to provide an example.

The bounty? Expect something generous (but not too generous).

>> No.2662840

why doe she have a penis?

>> No.2662849

that sir is a boy.

>> No.2662854
File: 461 KB, 1000x2000, tong_girl_bikini_by_ryuken01-d8l7mbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted one here, <a href="/aco/thread/814857#p814857" class="quotelink">>>>/aco/814857,</a> but I figure all the talent is in /ic/


I am looking for an artist who can colour at this level. I do not care if you can 'sort of' do it, and for that reason, I expect you (the artist) to provide an example.

The bounty? Expect something generous (but not too generous, I'm certainly not rolling in it).

>> No.2662856

yikes that forearm.
also considering this is 4chingaz you wont pay more than 80 bucks so fuck off.

>> No.2662867

Believe wut u want, but I 'did' fork out $200 for my last commish (mind you, it wuz a sequence pic).

>> No.2662868

>a sequence pic
what is that anon?

>> No.2662869

clearly a fetish.

so pron nuts i want to know , what makes an image sexually attractive?
>inb4 higlights

>> No.2662873


>> No.2662883

1, that entire area around the torso looks like crap. the flesh and skin don't fold that way, I'm unsure where the light source is coming from since you can see light spots on the front but a shadow appears in that right leg outa fucking nowhere and I'm not even sure that that ass and tits are placed correctly. Also something happened to her right hand.
2, Why not just request it?. I have never seen more than 2 or 3 people replying to a commission. I guess that they feel like they are not good enough but judging the quality of your pic I suppose that you are not searching for a really skilled artist.
TL;DR: just request what you want without the bullshit and you may get it.
You may want to do it in the draw thread tho, the porn one and the anime one have been nothing but back and forth shitposting the last few days.

>> No.2662912


Pretty autistic to start lecturing some random anon that the art he likes isn't good enough for you desu

>> No.2662932

>a sequence pic
>what is that anon?
It's a pic of a person (or thing) doing/going from one thing to another by having parts of the transition drawn. It's a popular thing with tf (transformation), but mine wuz not the case.

>crly a fetish
You'd be right, and (I bet) it's actually more f'd up than you think.

Also, wut makes hawt drawings hawt? For me, it's skin with the values turned up, ie. shiny/glossy skin.

>request it without the bs
Yeah, right... Last time I made a request in the draw thread here, I got shat on for having a list of details to go with my pic, which was promptly followed by being told to commission it or get off their board. tl;dr: they do want the money.

I take it you haven't been around /aco/d/h/whateverthehell/ but the artists of this level barely exist there and they only draw wut tickles their fancy.

Now now, you don't have to come down on the guy, but thx, I know you mean well.

>> No.2663182

>It's a pic of a person (or thing) doing/going from one thing to another by having parts of the transition drawn. It's a popular thing with tf (transformation), but mine wuz not the case.
thanks for explaining, anon.

>> No.2663485

What happen to Keppok?
I miss them thicc stuffs.

>> No.2663498
File: 59 KB, 555x546, you can run and tell that homeboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some petty, fat little pathetic fuck drove her off the board by spamming personal attack threads and hounding her whenever she'd dared to post her work. Of course, her leaving over it is definitely a pussy move (just like Firez dropping his trip due to anonymous bull-dogging was-cyberbullying isn't real nigga ha ha ha), but this is why the board's average skill level is low.

Once an artist gets to an okay-ish level all of the artists that haven't yet been able to and are butthurt about it will do everything in their power to drag them down.

>> No.2663502

The same thing happened to Maldraw as well.
The fuck is going on in this place recently?

>> No.2663510

>muh cyberbulling

Neither of those idiots were "bullied" let alone sized in any way. They left on thier own. (They either became busy with something else or they grew tired of the same old same old that is /ic/.)

>> No.2663516

i thought maldraw was chased off by the mods.
too bad the mods didnt chase away his other friends too.

>> No.2663523

fuck off maldraw

>> No.2663535

Firez never left, he dropped his trip because anons can't help but get triggered by tripfags and ruin threads over it. Keppok had threads made about how she's a cunt riding off of Brekkist's coattails every day for weeks and would be similarly accosted when she posted her work in any given thread. Eventually posting at all when it inevitably becomes a thread-derailing shitstorm between one's detractor(s) and white knights would doubtless become tiresome. If me posting something was enough to completely ruin a thread than it wouldn't be worth the effort unless that was my goal from the beginning. When that becomes the "same old same old" that is /ic/ why would anyone bother?

Maldraw (i.e. you) made the mistake of saying he'd samefag and then doing it. Really obnoxious my man.

>> No.2663541

I really don't get this Maldraw meme. How come all of you know him? Does he even posts here?

>> No.2663542
File: 56 KB, 842x847, ss (2016-09-03 at 02.37.23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a thing i did cuz i was horny

>> No.2663545

Some guy that brags about how his art is so triggering that autists makes duplicate threads whenever his art is in the OP of any general.
Also claimed to fuck up porn threads forever.

>> No.2663547

>Keppok had threads made about how she's a cunt riding off of Brekkist's coattails every day for weeks
Well she was, but constantly making threads about it is autistic. She's not even a big name artist. She's no Kron or Sakimi. Even Brekkist isn't at that level of recognition.

>> No.2663548

Those are facts.

>> No.2663605
File: 18 KB, 590x481, bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2663653
File: 35 KB, 207x232, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking garbage doesn't know jack shit about muscle overlaps and thinks confidence can hide blatant lack of skill reeeee

>> No.2663704

Meh, it's the colouring/shading I care about. I dun s'pose you know any artists with a similar style?

>> No.2663734

>(but not too generous, I'm certainly not rolling in it)
If you aren't willing to pay $100 for full color ~ full body you can fuck off. Poorfags shouldn't be commissioning people.

>> No.2663750
File: 150 KB, 626x615, casper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2663753


An old soul, huh?


>> No.2663755

Exactly, thousands of years old! :^)

>> No.2663765



>> No.2663777

Read this foo >>2662867

>> No.2663894

wow youre full of yourself. no wonder youre here.

>> No.2663898

I don't think that expression means what you think it means. I am not being arrogant, I am a avid lurker who's explaining certain things to the best of my recollection.


>> No.2663904
File: 435 KB, 500x500, 1467483396166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2663907

you inject yourself into other people matters. you gossip. you talk like youre an nosy insider and thinks that make yoy a celebrity.

youre like every anon here. full of yourself.

now i know why you retards left the mango/animu threads

>> No.2663924

the coloring and shading is pretty much the same level of garbage. I "wish" for you this was at least a polished turd, but it's not. it's a turd from start to finish.

>> No.2664618

Yup, thank you! Any constructive crits?

>> No.2664632
File: 246 KB, 920x800, 22324656_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you got your adult proportions from mitsudomoe?

No, he gets them from Norasuko, who's a lolicon artist so his adults never really look like adults. >>2662620 If you want to draw milfs, Norasuko is not an artist you should ever want to study for that. His proportions make all his women look underage or like midgets. It doesn't matter who he draws. Find other artists to study.

>> No.2664675
File: 84 KB, 926x615, red line 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there.

Since I really like your drawing, and I believe its important to showcase all kinds of drawings in these threads, I thought i'd give you some pointers for drawing lolis.
I'm no expert by any means, but I figured i'd give my thoughts on your drawing.

First; your perspective is a little out of whack, you can see the plane on the top of her head, yet her hips, arms and hands are drawn as though you are viewing her from slightly below. I wasnt sure of your intended position/perspective.

Second; Try to find a point on the head to which you draw the hair from, I assume her hair is put into twin tails from your image, that means her hair on the sides is pulled, try to express that.
Generally just try to think about where the hair is going and how the things it comes in contact with effects it. Its a pleasing style choice to give lolis thin wispy hair, especially when in twin tails. silky straight hair in twin tails can suggest a fragile character.

Third; Try your best to keep things simple, I know belts and layers of clothing can be " "cool" " but if you are trying to make a sexual drawing, its better to keep the outfit simple so the viewer focuses more on the character's body than the accessories. You can see from my image i got rid of some of the belts so her chest is more exposed. Also turned the panties into a bikini bottom to show off more of the hip area.
While I also gave the hem of the cloak definition by giving a simple rim instead of many layers.

Fourth; I've found it very useful to draw the accessories on their own before applying them to the character to get a better sense of how they should look in order to get better consistency. Those wings on the head for instance, i was able to make them more or less consistent in shape.

Fifth; Don't be afraid to give the loli some stomach definition or shading. People (typically lolicons ie the demographic youre most likely drawing for) tend to like loli tummies.
nice wings tho.

>> No.2664685

amazing crit/redline, anon. blog?

>> No.2664791

>you can see the plane on the top of her head, yet her hips, arms and hands are drawn as though you are viewing her from slightly below
I think that's just because of the way she bends her hands. The head is also slightly bending forward.

>Try to find a point on the head to which you draw the hair from
> I know belts and layers of clothing can be " "cool" " but if you are trying to make a sexual drawing, its better to keep the outfit simple
The drawing is fanart from Deathsmiles, so it isn't exactly my style. I probably would have done things a lot different if it wasn't fan art.

Thanks for the crit/tips though.

>> No.2664841
File: 266 KB, 1615x2116, asdasddsaasddasdsadsadas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked your drawing as well and i tried to drawing her too, but im not that good as above

>> No.2664871

That's very cute anon. I'm glad you liked my drawing. Thank you.

>> No.2664917

nah youre way better than me, dude.
great stuff.

>> No.2664954

If I understand it correctly, lolis are mostly passed as 18yos who look like prepubescent girls via artist's stylization, so it kinda bypasses the rules, but your pic is very realistic, lands in an uncanny valley and cannot by defended against cp accusations.
I'd suggest to avoid drawing cp if you want to live a happy life. That pic is pretty good on a technical side, you don't need to pander to deviants.

>> No.2665002


gtfo already.

>> No.2665041 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 599x749, complete dildos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr, pls

>> No.2665047

>waaah we want redlines
>redline appears

I don't understand.

>> No.2665110

It's one of those that come on /ic/ to shitpost rather than discuss art
Ignore him

>> No.2665117

Looking for critiq by the way.
I'm still not really sure how to draw loli legs.
I think they don't have enough baby fat...

>> No.2665165

pretty sure he's one of those shitters than just want to post art and expects someone to ask him for blogs

>> No.2665268
File: 164 KB, 1000x750, asstest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea how to approach this drawing. How am i suppose to determine the angle of the hand groping the ass and make the butt looks meaty? Would appreciate some tips or drawovers

>> No.2665273

>How am i suppose to determine the angle of the hand
Look in a mirror and do the pose yourself

>> No.2665290

Hey, malware.

>> No.2665401

>If I understand it correctly, lolis are mostly passed as 18yos who look like prepubescent girls via artist's stylization, so it kinda bypasses the rules
Yeah, no. Loli look like children. Stylized or not, they still give the impression of that of a child, not a woman. That's the entire point, so you're full of shit. It's the reason why you can distinguish a loli from a woman, even a shortstack. Stop trying to rationalize the lust for 2D children to dodge the guilt. Loli/shota is fictional CP. It doesn't matter how it's stylized. Accept it.

>> No.2665434

Well yeah, I agree with that.
I clearly explained that IF one decides to draw lolis, he should at least stylize them heavily to avoid getting into trouble with the law. I even encouraged anon to avoid the whole loli/cp thing entirely.

At least read the whole comment before replying to it, faggot.

>> No.2665435

There is no such thing as fictional CP because no children are involved in the production. Enough of your pretend philosophy.

>> No.2665437

If the law decides to fuck you over because of drawings, they will do it, no matter if you stylized a lot or not.

>> No.2665455

How about you just not give a shit, faggot? There is far too much of this shit in nip land to care if some westecucks throws a hissyfit about it to make it mean anything worth of value.

>> No.2665458

I never said I would care, faget. Police can not cuck me.

>> No.2665469

>There is no such thing as fictional CP because no children are involved in the production.
>There is no such thing as fictional porn because no real men or women are involved in the production
Wew lad

>> No.2665523


You can play your game of mental gymnastics but the truth of the matter is a child isn't a piece of paper.

>> No.2665526

>You can play your game of mental gymnastics
You are the only one playing mental gymnastics here m8. The issue is pretty simple and straight forward. You're just trying to dodge guilt.

>> No.2665529

I have no guilt, I'm just pointing out your fallacy on CP.

>> No.2665538

It's not a fallacy. It's still the depiction of a child. Just because it's not real doesn't mean it's not a representation of anything. CP is CP whether it's real or drawn. One does more harm than the other, but it's still CP. Under your line of logic (ie mental gymnastics) hentai isn't porn because it's drawn and not real. Give it up, you aren't making any sense.

>> No.2665546

>tumblr completely triggered again
Guys, it's ok, just post your drawings, you cucks

>> No.2665549 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 965x582, logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Under your line of logic
Under your line of logic this stick figure is considered fictional cp because she is a representation of a "child". She isn't a child until I wrote the words 10 years old on the page letting you know that indeed it is a stick figure child that was abused in the production of this fine work of art.

>> No.2665554


>> No.2665556

Sounds like people are just insecure about their fetishes. Calling loli/shota child porn always triggers the faggots who have the fetish. It's their own personal shame coming to the surface. Just look at the desperate reaching in >>2665549. It's hilarious more than anything. It's fiction at the end of the day so who cares? But it still bends them the wrong way.

>> No.2665557
File: 122 KB, 1275x1080, 1433633069165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2665558 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 965x582, logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Under your line of logic
Under your line of logic this stick figure is considered fictional cp because she is a representation of a "child". She isn't a child until I wrote the words 10 years old on the page letting you know that indeed it is a stick figure child that was abused in the production of this fine work of art.

updated to censor >>2665554

>> No.2665560


>> No.2665563

The whole discussion just came up because you got triggered and to post your preachings that you shouldn't draw this, draw that, blabla.

Kill yourself.

>> No.2665565

I never said you shouldn't draw it. All I did was call it what it was and faggots got triggered over it. People with the loli/shota fetish are some of the most insecure people on the planet. That's why they are so quick to get on the defensive about it. It's hilarious. Stay mad.

>> No.2665567

blog? You seem hilarious

>> No.2665569

I'm talking about this post >>2664954
This started the whining.
>don't draw this blabla
>stop liking what I don't like

Go back to your gay porn and just leave us alone

>> No.2665573

A post I didn't make? You can kill yourself now.

>> No.2665574

You are contributing to the shitstorm though, just like I am atm, that's why I will stop responding here and you should do it too. KYS

>> No.2665575
File: 294 KB, 392x714, 1456244124438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no stopping this shitpost hell.

>> No.2665580

I made that post and I'm genuinely curious what the fuck keeps bothering y'all about it.

>distributing cp can get you into trouble
>therefore you should either avoid it or do a good job at hiding it

That's >>2664954 broken down for ya, is there something in that statement you disagree with?

>> No.2665581

here is your (You)

>> No.2665583

Are you retarded or what.

>> No.2665588

prepare to get v& faget!

>> No.2666116
File: 30 KB, 400x384, 6dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One does more harm than the other
Ok, I'm taking the bait, explain.
Because if you're seriously THIS much of a fagoloid to think some fag jacking off to some 2D drawing of lines is actually worth anything of value when this actual rapist over here is fucking this defenseless child senseless is ACTUALLY on a scale of "harm"? You're fucking messed up m80.

>> No.2666121

>being this triggered
One is actually harmful, the other one is tolerable since it's just a drawing. Is that better for you, faggot? It's still a dumb fetish. Not far behind furry.

>> No.2666128

I'm not triggered, YOU (or whoever was >>2665538) were the one that said as I quoted;
>One does more harm than the other
And I question, HOW? And somehow I'm the triggered one. Go back to >>>/pol/ with this pointless shit you/the other faggot brought up because "muh views".

>> No.2666135

That other anon was telling the redline bro to be cautious since his fetish is in sensitive territory. Children are the future, so of course people don't take any fetish relating to the depiction of them lightly. He's nicer than me. I'd just let the people who draw that stuff get caught, locked up, and bullied in prison.

>> No.2666257

can't you see he's just a troll that is trying to prove some retarded shit of his, just because porn threads don't allow pedo content anymore?

>> No.2666270

I don't like loli at all but you seem very good, you got a blog?

>> No.2666314 [DELETED] 


>> No.2666316

>muscle over laps

Those are boobs and rib definition, you fat turd.

>> No.2666332
File: 1.18 MB, 3450x2514, 自作img001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ballpoint pen

>> No.2666408
File: 348 KB, 764x900, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /ic/.

>> No.2666419

Sup anon, those are some nice ass spreads.

>> No.2666424

The head
don't looks good

>> No.2666426

Lookin' good as usual BBC chan. A lot of life to these sketches, it's a shame that's kind of lost in the heavy rendering.

>> No.2666446

That's cause I suck at coloring. If I was as confident with my brush strokes as I am with my pencil work it would probably be different. I hope I'll make it someday.

>> No.2666449

You suck at everything

>> No.2666460

>hope I make it some day

Nigga I will choke u. You've already done been had "made it" in pretty much every way that matters tbqph. All I can say about this particular piece is that the girl on the left's frames look asymmetrical. Was that intentional to have the thick portion of her glasses on the top on one side and the bottom on the other?

>> No.2666462

Go suck a dick, nigga

>> No.2666465
File: 1.71 MB, 320x240, smh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga...fuck u

>> No.2666468

>hopefully I'll make it
Fuck you.

Your artwork gave me a throbbing erection, thankyou.

>> No.2666469

B L O G ?

>> No.2666511

Don't worry, your standards will rise as you improve your own skills. Much better artists are critical of their work and rightfully so.

Pectoralis major is not a boob and does not insert to your armpit you dumb nigger.

>> No.2666515
File: 114 KB, 420x656, asdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sketch is really messy, sorry about that
i'm having trouble constructing the guy's body, mainly his arm and head. the arm is supposed to be wrapped around her neck, choking her, and he's supposed to be kind of whispering shit into her ear
but i badly fucked up and now i think his torso is too short
p-please help

>> No.2666574
File: 737 KB, 3104x1746, DSC_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno... This seems to say it does.

>> No.2666582

it only looks like it does. pecs insert on the outside of the humerus, wrapping around the tendons of the bicep.

>> No.2666587

Jelly detected.

>> No.2666595

Im not the guy you originally quoted but this book only shows the muscle groups, could you draw a example of how it might look with skin?

>> No.2666596

t-teal is that you? D-do you still have a blog?

>> No.2666597

New thread

>> No.2666634

To the people ITT complaining; perhaps you should get a thicker skin, it's merely a drawing. It was done with gesture and construction like any other drawing. Any experienced artist would tell you that what I drew was not overly realistic.
The fact any of you think that drawing is "uncanny" really shows you have a long way to go when it comes to understanding anatomy.

Sorry, not giving that out here.
I'm not Teal, though.

>> No.2666875
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, 1473077996302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what book is that?

>> No.2666885
File: 135 KB, 535x692, bb792f573a719356e923be2df3dae0ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2666888

ty my man

>> No.2667944

Shadman face

>> No.2668922

I, too, like Ban