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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2665851 No.2665851 [Reply] [Original]

What art school do you/did you go to, /ic/?
How do you like it?

I go to Gnomon. We have 10 week terms, 6 classes per term and I do art literally 80 hours a week. I hate myself and I want to die and I'm not sure how I was even accepted.

>> No.2665859
File: 119 KB, 215x231, 1471636267285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i go to no school.
>mfw i dont have the skills to stand in front of my lord and savior jeff watts
>mfw ill never be able to joke about his beard
>mfw he will call me a dabbler and will help me not be one anymore.
>mfw broke.
why even try mate?

>> No.2665875

Is Art School worth it?
I would like to be able to focus soloely on art instead of a random focus like university programs, but I don't know how the mental and physical toll will affect me.

>> No.2665882

I don't even know anymore. My ability to draw has fucking increased so much in the mere 17 weeks I've been going that I just can't even comprehend it but the mental toll is too real. Every time finals week rolls around I spend every day thinking about killing myself.

>> No.2665884
File: 3.55 MB, 3262x4982, ARB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you chose a good and credible school, so many of our peers fail to do the same. Try and make the most of it, be strong. Consider sharing your lesson plans with us as they're made available as well.


>> No.2665908

Idk man. It's really infuriating sometimes knowing that most people in the industry now around the age of late 30s and beyond didn't have to work this obscenely fucking hard. They didn't have to compete with sweatshop Korean ant people overseas. Every time I talk to some one who made it back then it's the same story "oh yeah I wanted to art so I just moved out to LA and met someone and they were looking for anyone with a pencil and pulse and I was trained on the spot"

>> No.2665973

But you've pushed through it right?
That just goes to show how strong your willpower is. I'm inspired by your efforts really, anon. Perhaps, I will go to an art school.

>> No.2665983
File: 75 KB, 375x500, spaghetti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was a kid i use to watch art attack.
ive been drawing for a year now. pls r8 m8.

>> No.2665990

You're doing better than me when I was trying to self teach on /ic/ for a year
Keen it up

>> No.2665995

I don't know. I have three more years left of this. I just started.

>> No.2665998

what term are you in? Gnomon was worth it for me , i learned plenty for the first year and a half or so but everything after that was self teaching. I made some friends I absolutely love and worked with for a while though.

Finals definitely got less stressful for me when I just became better, some dudes in modeling were stressing up until graduation though. Just learn how to approach everything in bite sized chunks, and remember its always better to do a few hours every day instead of 20 hours straight the day before its due.

lmk if you have any questions

>> No.2666003

Oh I just read you started recently. Well heres some encouragement that was really really true for me - the first 2 terms are the hardest, then its gonna be easy until you start challenging yourself but thats gonna be a personal challenge and not challenge from actual workload. And a very crucial thing to keep in mind, when you know where youre going.. Dont go to classes that are irrelevant. I didnt go to rigging because that workload is fucking nuts to take rigging and the other classes i was taking and getting good at fx, and i had job offers immediately and dont give a shit about rigging to this day. Dont remember some of the other clases i didnt go to... but keep it in mind

for now, the first 2 terms are just the grind

>> No.2666005

Well, I don't know what or how your experience is, but take it one step at a time. That's how I treat life to ease myself. As long as you take one step at a time, you can walk across the whole world if you wanted to. Even when it gets hard, never give up! Although, easy to say, it really builds on you. It makes you stronger, but at the same time, it does build stress on your shoulders. So let go of that stress by looking just at how far you have come from your past self. It may not always be far, but it's progress and that's what begins everything!

>> No.2666006

i'm only in term two
I think my problem is I tend to take every single assignment too seriously and try to go all out and I just end up getting prematurely burnt out.

I also feel like I'm on the lesser end of the spectrum in comparison to everyone else in my term. Like I really shouldn't have been accepted. Like they saw me at the tour and took pity on me. I'm not the worst of everyone but I have to take a lot of extra time just to get on roughly the same level as everyone else.
I didn't even know how to paint digitally at all before this term started, and we technically don't get an official class on it until term 4 but traditional mediums were slowing me way the fuck down so any extra hour I had this term went to self-teaching via cntrl-paint.

also fuck sculpture 1.

>> No.2666010

How long ago did you attend? I think some of the attendacne requirements have changed maybe since you went. We're not allowed to just ditch classes.
We miss maybe two classes per course per term and after that we get an automatic F for that class.

>> No.2666015

Its honestly really early for you so its just gnna take time for you to figure out and for things to kick in. But you have to realize that this is gonna be what your work is like, and no one wants someone whos burning out and acting super sad at a studio. Its also really important to know which tasks to go all out in and which tasks you can rest on.

Itll all come together. I had some terms or at least weeks of terms I was super depressed as well. Youve taken on a massive, difficult undertaking. But you can do it.

Dont worry about the acceptance thing, i mean like 2-3 years ago they were letting anyone in. Like people who really sucked. Youll learn to be good, 3 years is a reallly long time. Youre gonna leave 10,000 hours in your rearview.

Its good that youre learning ahead, thats one of the things that helps you stay above water. When youre in after effects you should keep an eye on nuke, you should definitely be able to navigate around in maya before you take intro to maya, etc.

i really dont like john brown, thank god for anonymity but im pretty sure he doesnt like me either so whatever he knows i dont like him.

>> No.2666018

I graduated 9 months ago. I cant go into super detail about it cuz I caused some drama with it but im not even sure if those dudes are still around as the head, I think there was some management changes since ive graduated, but basically while going to gnomon I realized one thing:

in the agreement you sign at the start it says theres a minimum GPA requirement you have to be above. If you are below it, they kick you out. So I failed like 7 classes but overall I stayed above the minimum requirement so nothing happened to me. I had the cant miss 2 classes and auto F as well, i just dont care about F's and neither will anyone hiring you. Just get really good

>> No.2666021

whoops, i meant i failed 7 classes and labs total. 2 classes and 5 labs iirc

>> No.2666038

holy shit

that's really comforting
The way the faculty is right now they make it seem like if you get one F ever, that's fucking it. Get the fuck out.
I've been fear mongered into getting straight As.
I hope this is all still valid and the management changes that seem to have happened aren't actually driving everyone to get perfect grades.
Thank you for posting your insight. I feel a little less like slitting my wrists tonight.

also apparently we they don't do labs anymore for some reason. I'm not even 100% sure what labs are.
It sounds like mandatory time in which you have to attend to just do you work, which sounds kind of nice actually, so you're not just struggling alone like I usually am. I'm not too social and i haven't mingled enough with the other people in my term to ever ask anyone for help.

>> No.2666052

lol im 90% sure im the reason they dont have labs anymore then. I made them painfully aware how pointless they were every single semester when they asked why I got an F in them. It sounds awesome that they finally took them out

yeah dude, youll 100% be fine not getting A's. Its honestly more important to be liked by the good teachers than get an A in some mediocre teachers class. Ive had multiple teachers who have extended me their email and stay in contact with me to this day when I have questions about how to deal with promotions or various industry questions, let alone all the help and tutorials they offered me outside of class.

Whats your email? Ill hit you up and youll have someone to talk to about gnomon and get some help and shit.If you want. Just dont post it here and all that.

>> No.2666057

out of interest, what is/was the age range of students there?

>> No.2666063

That's incredible that you made such a big difference in the way they run things. Good on ya, man.

That sounds valid. There are definitely a few teachers that are pretty fucking questionable as far as their methods and curriculum go and I'm glad I can finally relax and not give so much of a shit.

Oh cool I was just about to ask for your email too because you sound like a pretty rad motherfucker. my shitty throwaway email is trashcanlinguini@gmail.com and from there I'll give you my main email.

>> No.2666064

OP here
In my term most people are like 23-30 on average.

There is this one Singaporean 19 year old child prodigy in my term though.
She shits on everyone real hard and probably has an IQ of at least 180.

>> No.2666065

Did she join in with experience or is she just learning at insane rates?

>> No.2666066

I went to TSOTA (Tacoma School of the Arts) an art based high school. I learned a lot of fundamentals and fucked around a lot because I was in high school but I learned a ton more than I would at a regular public school. The current head of the visual art department was my inspiration to become an art teacher.

Currently attending a community college and going to transfer somewhere else but I'm unsure of where.

>> No.2666075

I want to go to gnomon but I'm not sure if I can afford it. did you have to take out a loan + financial assistance?

>> No.2666094

i'm just a lucky dipshit with rich parents.
A few people in my term saved up for a few years working regular full time jobs before attending. Three of them came in GI bills.

>> No.2666099

it's a terrifying mix of both
she knows more about american politics than the other americans attending the school and her english is fucking flawless.
she's not even a citizen

>> No.2666119

What she thinks about Trump?

>> No.2666133

She's smart so she's not about to blast her support for him in front of a bunch of Hilary worshipping art school liberals that she needs to maintain alliances with for networking purposes.

>> No.2666141

Applying to calarts this new year

Im 23

Hope I can make it

>> No.2666329

Am I wrong to be frustrated 3 weeks in?

I only have one acutal drawing class available, and the other required freshman art classes fulfill the worst stereotypes about art school.

Since I have a mostly digital background, I really wanted a program that was more serious about the technical parts of art like making nice charcoal renders of vases or eggs. But I find myself rushing though "fundamentals of design" homework to hurry and do the studies I was doing before I enrolled.

I don't mind transferring, but I don't know how to find an art school where the 4/5 of your classes are acutal drawing classes. I'd eat any cost for a serious program laser focused on putting out good illustrators

>> No.2666367

Oh, you're one of those people.

>> No.2666376


Yeah, it's normal to be frustrated. It happens to just about everyone in the beginning.

For the love of god don't transfer man, you will start from the bottom. You would be wasting money transferring at this point unless you truly feel this school is wasting your time.

What is your program set up like? Will next semester be focusing on core classes instead of fundies?

>> No.2666423

What the fuck is this even? I think it's a nude man eating spaghetti and meatballs that is spilling out of his fanny-pack... But it can't be that... It mustn't be that.

>> No.2666435 [DELETED] 
File: 3.68 MB, 1752x6197, ASK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What school are you going to? Open "maps.google.com" and make a general search for "art class", "art school" or "atelier" and see what pops up.

It's not going to get better for him, almost guaranteed. They're giving him the best they have to offer right now, and if they aren't that's justification enough for transferring anyway. He has to leave and he has to do it soon. Going to a GOOD art school is a dubious enough financial decision, let alone one with a weak mileage load that will send you home four years after the fact better than 27.325% of /ic/ at best.

>> No.2666438
File: 3.68 MB, 1752x6197, ASK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What school are you going to? Open "maps.google.com" and make a general search for "art class", "art school" or "atelier" and see what pops up. There might be a better option nearby.

It's not going to get better for him, almost guaranteed. They should be giving him the best they have to offer right now, and if they aren't that's justification enough for transferring immediately anyway. He has to leave and he has to do it soon before he's wasted much more of his time or money. Going to a GOOD art school is a dubious enough financial decision, let alone one with a weak mileage load that will send you home four years after the fact better than 27.325% of /ic/ at best.

>> No.2668381


Me too, me too.
If I don't make it this year, going to apply every year until I do. Are you aiming for Character Animation?

>> No.2668388

Ringling game art student here

>> No.2668393

What do you learn? Just fundies?

>> No.2668403

I went to an technical school for architectural design.
Studied shittonne of what I found out is just basic art fundamentals just tuned for architectual design.
Basically studied enough until shit like perspective was easy.

>> No.2668408

So it's not worth going into architectural design?
Just grind perspective?

>> No.2668418

In architectural design, yes you grind perspective and even stuff like how to draw a box/cylinder/other 3d shapes, but what's different is that it has a purpose.
It's supposed to be, typically, holding a weight; and of course support itself without falling and relying on other stability sources.

We must also consider the budget and a material usage.

>> No.2669369

And memes. And special snowflakes.

>> No.2669947

Are people that social in class that it's possible to have memes and snowflakes?

>> No.2671494

You can do it! All about that life drawing and sketchbook.

>> No.2672795

Everyone is extremely social

>> No.2672936

Which year? I'm Illustration senior - getting the fuck out before the tsunami of overaccepted classes.

>> No.2672984

I'm going to the American Academy of Art in Chicago next year, I hope I made the right choice goddamn. Took some summer classes there and they treated me like a prodigy which made me kinda happy. I plan on doing more fine arts over digital stuff, I hear their digital programs are absolute shit, but their fine arts programs are more developed which makes me happy too I guess..

>> No.2673086

I'm thinking of going to the local college and taking the 3 year fine art program. The descriptions of the courses in it sound like they're decent, and I secretly just want more time on the clock to study from Jeff Watts online program. I would just stay at home and study but I've already overstayed a bit and my parents are pretty insistent I go to a college.

I figure if shit doesn't work out after the first year I can always go into electrical engineering or some shit.

The teacher's artwork isn't very impressive, it's more abstract artsy kind of bullshit, and that worries me, but if I already know what I really need to be studying to get good, it should be fine, right?

>> No.2676315

>art school

>> No.2676363

2nd year. Ryland is filtering the fuck out of my class lol

>> No.2676366

>Art School





out of debt

>> No.2676368

You are likely going to end up right back at your parents when school is done, unless you get a decent job while in school and/or have money saved up already to live.

Not trying to be insulting - it happens to many, many, many people (even people who've made great progress and think they will "make it"). Just thought you should be aware.

>> No.2676401

That's the story of every boomer's life. All of the satisfaction of the feeling you accomplished something with none of the difficulty. There was once a point in America's history where everyone was in the right place at the right time, and they called it "working hard". We're from a generation that got the rug pulled out from under us and know hard work just means more work with less reward.

>> No.2676445

I was taking classes at Concept Design Academy. Doing self-study for awhile until I can save up enough money for more classes, because it's a pretty good school. Wish I had just gone there straight after high school instead of wasting years getting a shitty art degree at a shitty college.

>> No.2676447

>her english is fucking flawless
That's...that's normal in Singapore, dude.