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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 255 KB, 650x902, JapanicanFuji_01_Final (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2657096 No.2657096 [Reply] [Original]

>First American Mangaka

He's living his dream, and even draws Feng's recommended amount of hours.

What's your excuse /ic/?

>> No.2657103

I wonder what his definition of manga is. Having it published in Japan? His style sure as fucking doesn't invoke what most people would associate with manga.

>> No.2657109

>Manga is tied to one particular style or definition

You know Manga is just Japan's way of saying Comics right?

Just how any animated show, whether is drawn by western studios or not, is considered Anime.

>> No.2657111

Then he isn't "the first american mangaka", is he?

>> No.2657122

We're not Japanese, you fucking idiot.

>> No.2657126


He got a gig because he draws "lol so random xD" culture shock comics that "informs" the xenophobic nips about Americans and how Americans view the Japanese (which is also full of projecting). He probably broke in by staying in the country as a brothel ring leader illegally (like most Jamaicans/Africans) and then hopped on the opportunity to stay there legally by drawing comics.

I say good for him but his art is very unmemorable and whenever he is brought up in conversations like "are there any foreigners working in Japan in the comic/anime industry" he and the few others are always brought up as the "oh that guy".

>> No.2657131


So he has no talent at all right?

>> No.2657136

He primarily draws western comics and works on TMNT, so you're correct.

>> No.2657139

>He probably broke in by staying in the country as a brothel ring leader illegally (like most Jamaicans/Africans) and then hopped on the opportunity to stay there legally by drawing comics.
Are you okay, anon? Did Felipe pimp your mother? Is there something you want to tell us?

>> No.2657141

Go away Felipe, my mom is married.

>> No.2657147

Hmmm, the guy's having a good state in life.
The Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider is probably one of the few legit good works by Marvel out there and his character is even gonna pop up in the Agents of SHIELD TV series.
Talk whatever you want, but you gotta hand it to the guy, he's got a similar story as to what happen to Falcoon; he was just a small fanartist, but by applying and promoting his work, got his way to reach onto the Big 2 of American publishers and Square's manga division.

>> No.2657150
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>Going to Japan to become a Mangaka
>Working insane hours for little pay


>> No.2657161

>He probably broke in by staying in the country as a brothel ring leader illegally (like most Jamaicans/Africans) and then hopped on the opportunity to stay there legally by drawing comics.
>demoting yourself on purpose

>> No.2657164

>"we got found out bossu"
>"yabe ze we gon get deported mon"
>"Meh-rah-ted me no wanna go back time tah publish comic to dah shounen jump so mii stay in dah contree fack ebberybady da police mon"

And so "smith" san stays in glorious nippon at the inch of his throat and can still bang cute joshikousei with his brothel monies he stashed away. The end.

>> No.2657166


If he's in Japan published by a Japanese publisher I'd sure as shit say he is, or do you have to be ethnically Japanese to qualify now or something?

Do Japanese-Americans who draw western style stuff still count as drawing anime?

>> No.2657227

I wonder if a foreigner could break into the market, but by using a Japanese sounding pen name so that, you know, avoid the xenophobia

>> No.2657333

in what magazine is he published ? if it's a no name one I don't really think it's that successful.

>> No.2657363

Aren't there american hentai artists published in Japan though? Wouldn't they qualify as mangaka?

>> No.2657398

literally google his name

>> No.2657401

And yet he's still shit. Forgiveable if you're a high-school student but not if you've been a "pro" for four years. He will crash so hard. What an idiot.

>> No.2657419

>. He probably broke in by staying in the country as a brothel ring leader illegally

>the xenophobic manga industry is giving foreigners a very hard time to break into
>but if you want to be a brothel ringleader, the foreigner friendly, tolerant yakuza will totally let you do that until you find another source of income to settle in

Yeah, that makes sense.

>> No.2657424

Wasn't there already a published manga made by Stan Lee that even ran in Shonen Jump like, 7 years ago?

>> No.2657426

Yeah, Ultimo? That was a flop just like Heroman.

>> No.2657427

I didn't say it was good, but doesn't that make him not the first?

>> No.2657432

>In Japan it just means animation meme
Literally gtfo you fucking casual

>> No.2657444
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>> No.2657521

what annoys me about him is whenever I'm reminded of his existence I get curious enough to want to read his comic but there are never any scanlations anywhere, even after all these years

>> No.2657523

Is drawing 12-16 hours every single day really the life goal of some people? How can this possibly result in happiness? It seems like slavery, honestly. I feel like people like him are lying to themselves.

>> No.2657524

You can just buy it... He translated it himself.

>> No.2657526

There's a reason he doesn't draw manga in japan anymore.

>> No.2657533

It's not impossible to break into the Japanese manga industry nowadays. All you have to do is be a preferrably non-American foreigner (though there are exceptions) and bring something that you couldn't otherwise get in Japan.

I know a few Yurop artist that go published in Japan by creating manga based on their own experiences in the country. Japan is a narcissistic nation and eats that shit up. Especially if you're a qt Swedish or English girl.

>> No.2657539

what did he mean by that

>> No.2657613

> Anonymous 08/29/16(Mon)21:03:10 No.26575
unless your dream is to literally write your own story every week constantly then yes it makes sense.

>> No.2657617


>> No.2657675

>12-15 hours on average
haha. no.

>> No.2657676

I'm sure I can spend time finding way more people who got published in Japan but he's probably the first American to live in the country and make manga.

>> No.2657686

Web artists work less per day and earn more per month. They have a larger audience and have more control over thier art.

And can afford to live in a house, not an apartment.

Tell me again how this guy is "made it"

>> No.2657695

10 out of 10 times when artists say they work or study 8 or more hours day, they are lying. They spend a majority of that time looking on the internet (researching), napping (brain storming), and playing video games (having a meeting).

They all exaggerate the effort and hours they put in to milk the persona of a struggling artist. It's the oldest play in the book right next to "having" mental issues.


>> No.2657697

Never gonna make it

>> No.2657706
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>not milking the persona of an artist for all it's worth

jfc man

>> No.2657748

Yeah, mangas can be done by non-Japanese.
Ninja Slayer and No Game, No Life are examples of this.

>> No.2657752
File: 410 KB, 500x452, tumblr_no8z1f7qrA1u496xso1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his art is very unmemorable
Like all mangas
It's same shit all time

>> No.2657755

Oh, it's a nigger version of Megatokyo.

>> No.2657759


This is a fucking lie. Blacks or any other minority can go out in the open with a milky holmes shirt and nobody will give a shit.

>> No.2657762

That might be true for concept artists and illustrators, but certainly not for mangaka. A weekly manga has usually 16 pages per chapter. If the artist manages to meet their deadline it's already proof that they either work insanely fast or they have to work 12+ hours a day. There is simply no other way to finish 2 fully inked pages per day even if you have assistants who help you with screentones, backgrounds etc.

>> No.2657764

spoken like a true pleb.

>> No.2657803

>There is simply no other way to finish 2 fully inked pages per day even if you have assistants who help you with screentones, backgrounds etc.
What level of detail are you imagining the average manga to have if you think it takes 12+ hours a day to draw and ink 16 pages without all the shit assistants do?
Are you drawing 16 pages of a highly detailed pitched battle every week?

Honestly, I'd think up to 30% of their "work time" is coming up with story/dialogue and rough drafts before they get to the ohshitohshitohshit point and actually do work those 12+ hours a day... for 2-3 days.

>> No.2657814

Ye, but makes more sense:

>Drawing your shit
>finding a local printing house that doesn't care about autistic fags.
>Tell them to print 1000 numbers of the shit of yours (that low number is affordable for anyone and they will actually take you seriously).
>Sell your shit at shitty local con.
>Stay in your fucking country.

Or EVEN better:

>Start a weekly webcomic.
>Stay in your fucking country.

>> No.2657817

Manga=Japanese comics. As in, Comic made in and published in Japan. That's literally it dude.

>> No.2657821


You sound like you're underage and watched less than 30 animes in your lifetime. A massive weeb, but the casual kind; always wanting to correct people on terms everyone here knows except outside this site, like facebook where you belong.

>> No.2657824

>>First American Mangaka
LMAO, my country is much smaller than Murrica (Germany) and already has mangaka in Japan since years.

>> No.2657827
File: 654 KB, 1728x1251, dAm4Tst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What level of detail are you imagining the average manga to have if you think it takes 12+ hours a day to draw and ink 16 pages without all the shit assistants do?

>> No.2657830

I dunno how many anime I've watched, I'm not autistic enough to keep a MAL or any of that shit, but I can assure you it's been more than 30.

Also, back to >>>/a/ you pretentious twat. And take you pathetic passive aggression with you too.

>> No.2657834


I intentionally put the 's' in anime to trigger piss you off. Also if you're not willing to keep a MAL to track what you love then that also says the following about you:
-you don't track/log your time when drawing
-you don't write your goals down
-you're a faggot
>but I can assure you it's been more than 30
between 50- 80 tops with less than 100 stretching it

>> No.2657839

>A weekly manga has usually 16 pages per chapter.

A lot of American and European comics are weekly too and are usually 24 pages.

>> No.2657847

You take your Chinese cartoons way too seriously you dumb weeb.

"Love." I don't "love" anime. I enjoy watching it as a passtime like any other hobby. It's not a lifestyle for me, it's just a passive consumption medium. I collect whatever shows I really enjoyed, same as I collect any favorite films, or Western series. I don't build a lifestyle or an identity over the fact that I like cartoons from Japan.

Sorry my comment triggered you so much, again, you can always go back to >>>/a/ where you'll find tons of people just like you to judge other people for not being eliteNEETs with waifu pillows who jerk off over the latest generic haremshit of the season.

>> No.2657859
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>> No.2657905

There is literally no advantage in moving to Japan to become a mangaka over just fucking making comics wherever you are currently, outside of some faggy weeb fantasies

Paul Pope and Felipe Smith are the only two dudes I know of that had any impact over there

>> No.2657958

>12+ hours a day... for 2-3 days.
It's clear you know nothing about art. Why are you even here, you fucking retard?

>> No.2657973

It's clear you know nothing about art. Why are you even here, you fucking retard?

>> No.2658014

what are you basing that on ? I saw a few documentary showing the process of manga artists, it really looked like a daily struggle. I see them drawing at an insane pace and yet they feel like they require assistants. Also, your comment on the fact that they're inflating their hours of "drawing" with hours of "coming up with a story / making roughs" is stupid. Art is a complex process, mostly mental, it's not the movement of your arm or the contact of a pencil on a piece of paper. It's ridiculous to think that they should only count the time they've spent on each final drawing and nothing else. Personally I've always found it much more time consuming and difficult to come up with something interesting that to actually draw it.
Also, I think doing other activities is pretty much essential to keep your story going. I don't think it's possible to draw interesting stories in a vacuum.

>> No.2658036

What manga is he making?

>> No.2658075

>Art is a complex process, mostly mental, it's not the movement of your arm or the contact of a pencil on a piece of paper. It's ridiculous to think that they should only count the time they've spent on each final drawing and nothing else
Yes, because when people say you should draw 8 hours a day, they really mean you should just think about what you want to draw a lot.

>> No.2658080

>it's not the movement of your arm or the contact of a pencil on a piece of paper.
No, that's... that's exactly what it is.

>> No.2658087


Anyone else think it sounds kind of comfy, though?

You will never live in a tiny, dirty apartment in a backwater alley of tokyo spending all day drawing cute girls doing cute things using a cardboard box as a desk because you can't afford furniture.

My only complaint is with their schedules you can't do practice/studies to improve the art or read or study stuff to improve the story. Manga is easy to draw once you have it down...it's the same talking head a thousand times.

>> No.2658127
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ITT: Most of /ic/ being jealous and proving once again that they are completely incompetent at art.

If that doesn't say "Never gonna make it" I don't know what does.

>> No.2658171

niggers can be weebs but not look autistic for it

>> No.2658182
File: 170 KB, 764x1100, Freesia-v03c18p190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My only complaint is with their schedules you can't do practice/studies to improve the art or read or study stuff to improve the story.

That applies to pretty much all comic artists the world over, not just Japan. It's the harsh reality of the industry.

>Manga is easy to draw once you have it down...it's the same talking head a thousand times.

Try not reading weeb trash, plebcunt.

>> No.2658318


>posts an image with four talking heads, zero action, and one background that isn't just a few lines thrown in to make it look like a shit was given when it wasn't

95% of manga is talking heads. Maybe something like good-period berserk is an exception.

>> No.2658325


you don't read manga

>> No.2658331

>Being jealous

That's what you feel when someone has something you want...

>> No.2658346

Bait harder faggot. Also Miura is shit taste defined so congrats on that

>> No.2658603

Berserk is the exception, weeb. It's one of the few manga worth reading.

>> No.2659068
File: 107 KB, 640x685, gMOoNKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not look autistic for it

>> No.2659074

A few more months until our king is free from prison.

>> No.2659075

>be in japland
>surf television stations
>find cartoon network
>ad for adventure time comes up
>calls adventure time anime

You should take a vacation to a foreign country anon

>> No.2659086

>use japstream cable proxy program
>know about this
you don't need to be in japland, weeb.

>> No.2659091

What's he in for?

>> No.2659098

child porn, he bragged about having it on facebook, feds came over and found a folder named 'things do not click cp'

>> No.2659956

Ur not making it lol. bye queer

>> No.2660138

Harboring child porn

>> No.2660139


>> No.2662081

For what purpose would you ever want to subject yourself to the torment that is Manga Artist?

>> No.2662302

Americans doing that manga style of humor is kinda embarrassing actually..

>> No.2662500


doing what you like
it aint worth it but I guess people in japan doesn't have any standards

>that style

nope, aint gonna make it

I remember a nigga from brazil doing working on a serialized manga, his shit was legit

>> No.2662519

Unsure if intentional autism.

>> No.2662526

He's also not the first American Mangaka, so..

Do you believe literally anything someone tells you?

>> No.2664922

>If you don't log the hours you spent sitting on your sofa staring at the tv you probably don't log the hours you spent drawing
excellent logic right there my man

>> No.2664927

Even afro-weebs can't stay out of prison lmao desu fampai

>> No.2664946

oh fuck, i also remember that BR guy, i wish i knew his name.

>> No.2664962

>Comparing Western Comics with Manga

Are you even trying?
To finish a rough comic page you need I'd say half an hour with polishing up to 1 1/2 hours but thats it

>> No.2664988

>I have no clue what the fuck i'm talking about
dude just kill yourself, you obviously have zero understanding of what you're talking about, it's pretty much standard for mangakas to work those crazy hours even with assistants (and not all of them use assistants).
Hell Yoshikazu literally streams himself drawing 10+ hours a day, he's already really good and fast but a single page still takes him a good chunk of time to complete

>> No.2666080

>People moving from any 1st world country to Japan to work under their conditions.

Wow. Talk about stupid decisions...

>> No.2666089

ay i remember this guy. ive been looking to read his work again but i couldnt find it. thanks for reminding me of his name.

>> No.2666611

Just so I can get the context, are you guys talking about Lucas Furukawa from No Game, No Life?
He's the only one that comes to mind in terms of BRs working on manga,

>> No.2666613
File: 877 KB, 1789x2750, robbie reyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nope, ain't gonna make it
>the guy who made the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider AKA the only Marvel comic worth giving a shit nowadays
>said character is now going to be the MCU Ghost Rider

I say he made it.

>> No.2666617

Kodansha gives looser conditions to their artists.
His run on Peepo Choo also ended, he now works for Marvel and Dark Horse

>> No.2666641

but he only does the art right? or also the story?
if so he did made it lol

>> No.2666642

I'm happy for him, but at the same time I can't see why anyone would want to be published in Japan as opposed to the States. Japanese manga magazines are pretty demanding of their creators, and most of them don't have very healthy lifestyles.

>> No.2666661

Art and Story.

>> No.2666669

Berserk isn't even weekly and definitely isn't made on a consistent schedule thanks to all of Miura's breaks. Find a manga with that level of detail that comes out every week with few or no breaks and maybe you'll have a point.

>> No.2666672

>if you say you "love" something, that means you're an obsessive faggot about it

That's stupid.

>> No.2667011

into manga I mean