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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 788 KB, 1440x1440, gandalf op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2650474 No.2650474 [Reply] [Original]

you shall not make it edition

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises.
Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make your mom proud.

AVOID asking unrelated questions, there is a question thread for that.


>screenshot the image and post that instead (also images shouldn't come out accidentally sideways with this method)

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new sticky in town! You can see it at:


>Thread study: Try to draw/paint the opening or any other following images.
Feel free to post your original works as well if you're trash.

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

Old thread: >>2647918

>> No.2650476
File: 88 KB, 960x1440, 66d6943f448fd2d81d448cab88c78065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2650477
File: 25 KB, 412x600, 181229266c3d81c81a884f06fa1fa29a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2650478
File: 76 KB, 900x595, cb003ee02368d998b0cea999ffe242ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2650479
File: 35 KB, 425x600, a7c854ca3e093f6bc20b9d38c02e769d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2650480
File: 97 KB, 636x661, 1505e8c88748f3b9ce4a4a06f70f78b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2650481
File: 104 KB, 700x980, f00ef82485935cab22060b1001af8d73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2650482
File: 211 KB, 800x1200, e7ca033bd97c6b90b7222a5df7df2077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2650484
File: 52 KB, 599x514, 28132087ccedd42480adeb4cf695eb9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2650489
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>> No.2650496

thank. you for cat

>> No.2650527
File: 268 KB, 595x774, rip colour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is coloring as hard as lines and anatomy and stuff?

Just got into digital and my colors look shit.

>> No.2650528

Color Theory

>> No.2650559
File: 163 KB, 1068x742, shifting hue with brightness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks.Ill defs look some more stuff on this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh12RA3ha0U

The thing about shifting hue when you shift brightness is good stuff.

>> No.2650571
File: 714 KB, 1255x810, lelz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess ill work with color harmony/ pallets until I can actually realistically render.

>> No.2650573

what level of realism should i be able to do? complete? i'm not very good at it. would being able to do things in a semi-realistic manner be okay? id like to make comic bookey stuff.

>> No.2650619
File: 293 KB, 857x1200, frank_frazetta_atlantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we post more master studies in /beg/? I feel like they're way easier for beginners to deal with instead of portraits with shitty lighting

>> No.2650627

I don't understand what a master study is though.

>> No.2650647


>> No.2650675


What brand/type are you looking at that is cheap on Amazon? Having not bought cotton rag paper before, I'm still a bit uncertain at what price is a good price (though I plan to comparison shop a bit before buying). And nah, I'm not in the UK.

>> No.2650777

how do i improve my grasp of 3d objects? i need some study pan, guide sort of thing if you get me, i think that could really help me.

>> No.2650817

Draw A Box or better yet Peter Han, also Scott Robertson How To Draw.

>> No.2650827
File: 75 KB, 750x1000, man1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


plese provide critique

>> No.2650832

Thanks senpai. just follow the lessons in the books and that yeah?

>> No.2650838

Is right. It's not immediately fun, and is very frustrating in the beginning. But very very rewarding.

>> No.2650843

start practicing how to blend your shadow. Study Baroque drawing.

>> No.2650856

It's important to know the basics and rules before you break them, but with a goal of a comic book or animated style, I wouldn't worry about achieving photo realism or anything super perfect.

Have an understanding of anatomy, angles, how the body is built and moves. If you find your style is seeming wonky, go back to the basics.

>> No.2650865

The important thing, to start out with anyway, is fundamentals. Basically, master utilizing boxes and cylinders (squares and ellipses) as a tool to analyze any sort of shape or object in perspective. Develop your own exercises: start out with drawing boxes that are positioned in the form of a ellipse, draw boxes that show the form of a cylinder that dissapears into it's vanishing point, draw cylinders around that same cylinder, etc., etc. Focus on mastering these tools, get creative with it (and supplement it by looking for exercises on the internet). During this time, you can dabble around with rendering these shapes in whatever texture you want, but until you've mastered these fundamentals, you should just be dabbling into rendering, instead of actually focusing on it.

>> No.2650870
File: 146 KB, 1000x562, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total scrub here. I picked up "Fun with a pencil" a couple of weeks ago and i've been having a lot of fun indeed. But all i've been doing is copying the examples (following the rules of the book of course). My question is, should i start making my own faces right away or should i copy everything until i finish the book?.

>> No.2650904

Is there any tutorials for breaking down something into shapes at all? im not just starting ive been doing shapes for a bit, but wanted some ref to improve s bit. i've been wanting to draw dinos,animals and robots but haven't been able to construct them properly or break down photo reference right

>> No.2650908

start making your own faces right away

>> No.2650943

that's really good anon

>> No.2650965

Those are some nice lines for a newbie

>> No.2650967
File: 1017 KB, 1092x830, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really bored copying what he drew but I started having fun doodling other characters.

>> No.2650970
File: 243 KB, 650x602, 23p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some shitty evangelion screencap redraws

>> No.2650987

At the moment, i am really fucking drunk but i'will find some good references i have used in recent weeks that have made me realizwe this, one momen (i have deleted them all because of hard drive space)

>> No.2650992

thanks based drunk anon

>> No.2650995

Not the worst thing in the world to draw, but you should really practice from life.

>> No.2650997
File: 135 KB, 1280x1723, head study 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2650998
File: 141 KB, 1000x1294, HEAD STUDY 2.O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still going at it

>> No.2650999
File: 276 KB, 467x700, 45032fdc7565b37f042dba77b16d9ffd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip me a new one, but be gentle

>> No.2651000

Why does drawing make me feel so hopeless? I'm 23, is it too late for me? My brain cant into learning anymore like those hip young teenagers and drawing boxes is making me depressed

>> No.2651006

if it makes you feel hopeless, stop doing it. Figure out why you want to do it. If you can't come up with a reason then stop anon. drawing is supposed to be fun. do fun stuff that you like to do. do your fundamentals alongside that stuff.

>is it too late for me
no, it's not. keep at it and you'd be surprised.

>> No.2651008
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fuk

>> No.2651020

Drawing is fun for me though, but it's feeling like I'll never be good that really bogs me down. I feel like I'll never pick up a pencil again because of this. But I'll take your advice to heart, thank you.

>> No.2651023
File: 981 KB, 2104x947, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right so, some of these are my own, someo of these aren't. the trick to this (and what is, to me at least, the most useful) is to draw through the lineart you're seeing. The parts of the ellipses and boxes that are on the back (the parts that you can't see, since they are obscured by the surrounding/overlapping muscles) should be guessed by yourself, for the time being.

These drawings of human shapes are important to integrate into your practice: 1. draw the gesture 2. draw the forms 3. clean up and make some relatively clean line art

this all is of course dependant on your knowledge of the fundamentals: your ability to draw basic shapes (mainly cubes and cylinders) in perspective.

The reason why i think it;s a good thing to study like this is because it makes you think: "wait a minute, this rectangle/cube/cylinder i just drew while analyzing this figure doesn't feel quite right.. maybe i should adjust some lines according to what i just learned about perspective in this book i've just been studying.. it might look better if i do this.. HEY, it looks natural now!"

it's just a way of thinking you should keep in mind and pracitce, a way of thinking i figured out recently.

>> No.2651033

Thanks. I'll do that.
Thank you brehs
Yeah, i know what you mean. Still i think copying is also good to learn what they're teaching you. I'll do both copy and make my own things while i continue the book.

>> No.2651036
File: 71 KB, 800x600, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw through the lineart? you want me to find the gesture of something and then mannequinize it? or like draw cubes/cylinders to represent the body?

>> No.2651043


>> No.2651047

read the op

>> No.2651076
File: 96 KB, 971x202, Photoshop_2016-08-24_23-04-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Draw cubes/cylinders to represent the body. If you practice your fundamentals enough (drawing these cubes/cylinders/whatever without keeping the human body, in this case, in mind), you'll be fine.

Of course, pic related is extremely basic ( the analyzation doesn't involve any particular muscle: it's just spheres and cyliners), but this is what you start out with. Drawing actual forms as you have practiced them, but this time you're using them to depict a human body.

>> No.2651166

What's a good place to get reference photos?

>> No.2651172
File: 885 KB, 1440x960, practicewoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any redline help?

>> No.2651179


>> No.2651180

How the fuck do you put the middle skull inside a (mathematically perfect) box? My brain can't figure out this simple configuration

>> No.2651181
File: 230 KB, 963x357, SkullBox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.2651182

Did you even do measurments. Crosscheck the entire time, do the shiloutte correctly. Look at her topmost boob, yours looks totally different. Try again with measuring.

>> No.2651184

Left leg is clearly much shorter than should be

>> No.2651186

Let me get a bit more specific

What's a good place to get reference photos for lewd drawings

>> No.2651205

The orientation of the box changes when you rotate the head.

>> No.2651209

any porn site?

>> No.2651217
File: 161 KB, 576x860, Screenshot_20160824-160126_crop_576x860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2651219
File: 70 KB, 480x853, 20160824_171202-480x853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's pretty good besides the face

>> No.2651221

I know, but I just can't do it... I don't understand the borders... I can draw boxes in any perspective, but for some reason I can't put boxes around existing objects

>> No.2651232
File: 1.69 MB, 2952x3168, pencil study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2651233
File: 3.36 MB, 4128x3096, pencil study 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started drawing again after a long while, advice is always welcome although they're just studies

>> No.2651237

nope I just did a quick gesture drawing and then did the basic form, and added the color to render the shapes. Any advice to measure it?

yeah didn't notice it until I already rendered it. Like the other anon mentioned I need to strat crosschecking more. I think I'm using more of my head then trying to draw directly how the picture looks like, if that makes sense.

>> No.2651243

Post ref, but start over. The face is the least of your worries. The legs are too long and the arms look like noodles. Measure the lengths of parts of her body relative to each other; for example, is her torso as long as her legs? How long is each arm section compared to the width of her body?

>> No.2651249

Cool style, but you're definitely exaggerating some stuff too much. Idk if that's intentional. Her upper arm is too thin where it meets the elbow, and her left leg looks like it's encasing her hip..

>> No.2651251

Check w/ic/i

>> No.2651256
File: 504 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this back in April as a replacement for Pepe.

>> No.2651267
File: 50 KB, 1034x580, sculp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, anyone got any tips for using 3D modelling programs like Sculptris? I've never done a 3D anything and I'm having some difficulties.

Here is an unfinished dog that I've done so far.

>> No.2651276

Like, is there a Loomis for 3D where you do 3D exercises or something? Or do I gotta wing it?

>> No.2651281

Oh my bad, you did post the ref. The top of her arms isn't tilted enough and neither is the angle of her face, the line between her boobs is also not tilted enough, her thigh is too long compared to her shin, her right foot sticks out too much from behind her thigh, etc.
Basically you didn't check the angles of her body or any proportions at all. Your shading is slightly better, but it's very smudged and the shadows on her left leg should be a lot darker.
I suggest you try drawing easier objects first so you can master something simpler as opposed to tackling the human body

>> No.2651283

You got memed, your line quality is okay but you need to learn facial structure before you can make your own faces

>> No.2651286

>1536 x 2048
>still zoomed in and blurry

i cannot wrap my head around this

>> No.2651288

There are plenty of 3D tuts on youtube. Also, search CGpeers.

>> No.2651291

Pls help

>> No.2651292

Wow. Thanks for stopping by /beg/ to share these, those look really great.

>> No.2651298

Will do. Thank.

>> No.2651380

why is the sticky in Nazi all of a sudden?

>> No.2651394

>>2651219 ty senpai

>> No.2651418

Were you lost on your way to /3/ ?

>> No.2651421
File: 1.25 MB, 1346x1195, Coolthoolu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, /beg/ I'vefound out I know next to nothing about rendering things out

what are the next steps I should take for this?
thank you, love you guys as always

>> No.2651425
File: 808 KB, 1000x888, Coolthoolu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops, here is the re-size

>> No.2651427
File: 88 KB, 757x529, Boxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these boxes?

>> No.2651451
File: 505 KB, 1180x809, sculp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not know /3/ existed until now. Somehow it escaped my notice. I will be on my way.

Looking up tutorials was a great idea, and while I got some weird tut results when I searched the first time, when I refined my search I found what I was looking for.

>> No.2651456
File: 1.24 MB, 2550x3300, more dang heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


probably not

>> No.2651458

Imperfect, get them perfect.

>> No.2651468

What the fuck is even this "memed" shit supposed to mean? Every time I take an advice, someone elses says it's a meme, and then the other one says it's a bait, and suddenly everything is shitpost. How the fuck am I gonna trust anyone here if everything is a "meme"? EVERY tip I take is a meme. Loomis is a meme, drawing for fun before level 80 is a meme, trying to achieve something is a meme, creating a character is a meme, browsing /ic/ is a meme etc. Srsly what the fuck.

>> No.2651472

Loomis is a dank meme for beginners though.
For absolute beginners, his books are shit.

Draw-a-box is better.

>> No.2651477
File: 163 KB, 757x529, getpaperandpencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) assuming you're doing draw a box, draw on paper, not digital.

2.) draw through your forms. (boxes in this case)

3.) use perspective grids, and take your time. your boxes are out of perspective. even if it is slightly. they're sloppy.

basically do a lot more.

>> No.2651490

I've never heard of a perspective grid before.
Is that where you make an X on the plane and then draw lines where it intersects to find the middle?

>> No.2651498
File: 81 KB, 504x360, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2651504

Oh ok.
Just say vanishing points next time man.

>> No.2651534

Ok, so I'm looking for honest criticisms. Feedback on what I'm doing wrong or what I should be trying to focus on getting right.

Link to images, all of which are based of off reference: http://imgur.com/a/MZN0b

>> No.2651563
File: 278 KB, 750x1000, IMG_0325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this picture, I am practice with it. Ty for posting it. My progress as I have to go to bed.

>> No.2651675
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2016-08-21-13-30-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to hear your thoughts.
It's the plague doctor from Darkest Dungeon

>> No.2651678
File: 557 KB, 735x641, Screenshot_2016-08-21-13-30-27-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. Resized.

>> No.2651760
File: 103 KB, 580x551, z1246h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2651786

>foot coming out of knee
Quick note on images like this. So the knee and foot create a tangent and the foreshortening works with this to make it look as though the knee is coming out of the foot.
In illustration and concept design pretty much everything except from possibly an in between frame in animation, poses like this are to be avoided. If its "hard to draw" a certain pose or angle it could just be a bad pose like this example and maybe a different viewing angle on the subject or a different pose is needed.

>> No.2651797

You have the retardation, slowly through time and study you will be less retarded this happened to me

>> No.2651854

Doing draw a box and I'm on the third part of the first lesson. Up to my third and last pigma micron. I've barely used them before this but the other two seem to be out of ink already. I'm heavy handed so idk if I fucked up the nibs or if they just ran out of ink. Anybody have experience with them?

>> No.2651869
File: 724 KB, 500x700, 1468075468903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explains how to make two point perspective boxes
>just assumes this means you can now do it with a single VP
>look it up
>doing it is not self-explanatory at all, rather than the line you were taught to draw, you have to draw the entire square

>> No.2651911

>Any advice to measure it?

Its called looking at the actual reference. I don't see how you could mess up the leg that badly.

>> No.2651937

Vanishing points are used to make a perspective grid, so his terminology was correct.

>> No.2651939


>> No.2651942

Who has the best explanation/techniques for measuring. I've kind of just been winging it with my stuff and "air tracing" the reference. I don't get the whole "hold up your pencil like a meme" thing.

>> No.2651960
File: 160 KB, 750x988, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small nose, didnt measure anything correctly. but i was too far in to redo baka

>> No.2651962

holy fivehead batman

>> No.2651964

>"hold up your pencil like a meme"
That technique is just to measure things in relation to other things. It's helpful so you don't mess up proportions.

>> No.2651965
File: 163 KB, 618x600, t6p347f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you stop doodling
i cant focus on a single work

>> No.2651969

Set a theme, a project, a goal and get working.

>> No.2651986


Many of your lines aren't connecting at the corners... Do lesson 1 of Drawabox from the beginning. If you already were, slow down and don't skip ahead.

One would practice with vanishing points + grids.
Then only vanishing points and eye balling the angles.
Then neither when you start to rotate boxes totally freehand.

You may need to step back a bit and reintroduce the vanishing points and guides temporarily. Otherwise just keep grinding them out if you just started free handing them for the first time.
1) Edges/planes closes to you are bigger than the farther ones.
2) Draw the whole wire frame like the other anon suggested. This reveals even the slightest error.

>> No.2651990
File: 2.92 MB, 1400x6521, 1472029437562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let it get to you.
Picture is from another thread and might help you figure out where your at and what to do next.

I did lesson 1 of drawabox for the basic forms (I'd recommend it, but even that is starting to sound like a meme). Then I mixed in some Figure Drawing for All its Worth by Loomis to apply shapes/perspective and start learning basic anatomy/proportions. I'm then applying all that to gesture drawing. Gives me a way to drill anatomy without having to draw fugly faces...for now at least. I'm working towards realism though.

>> No.2652017

Could anyone help with redline?

>> No.2652022

How do i draw fantasy landscapes? also would it be worth it to study lighting,value and color if im only at shapes and elipses?

>> No.2652025

Do not only focus in one thing alone. Study different fundamentals at the same time. This does not mean to bombard your brain with information, it means that you should for example study the anatomy of the forearm for a day, the next day focus on the construction (basic shapes) of the forearm, the next the try to put this forearm into perspective, you'll probably realize that you've forgotten about the anatomy, study the anatomy again, draw it a hundred times from different angles. Repetition is the key.

As for fantasy landscapes try to break different landscapes into basic objects (cubes, cylinders etc.). Look at many different landscape paintings and figure out what's similar (For example every one of these has trees, what does a tree consist of? A cylinder for the trunk etc.), mushrooms, mountains.

When you know how to draw a basic mushroom, you can make it into a giant mushroom to fit into a fantasy painting.

>> No.2652030

these sketchlines literally do nothing for you and only mess things up

>> No.2652032
File: 2.26 MB, 2560x1920, 20160824_233924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware it is not perfect, useful critique would be helpful.

Please tell me where I'm symbol drawing and how to stop it.

>> No.2652057

can you learn to fucking rotate first anon?

>> No.2652058

not even gonna look until you resize to 1000px on the longest side and rotate that shit f am. People here crit for free, so make it easy for us pls.

>> No.2652075

welcome to 4chan, read the OP of the thread before you post in it

>> No.2652077

should redo his chin. In the picture he has so much wrinkles in his chin it make him looks really old and tired while you barely has a line or two for wrinkles.

>> No.2652091

stop namefagging you nigger

>> No.2652132

What about sci fi-ey landscapes? i want to do a safari on mars.

>> No.2652146


>> No.2652149
File: 196 KB, 400x346, amazon slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops i asked this too late, are doggo and figures constructed right? face look okay so far?

>> No.2652155

do studies of landscapes with a lot of depth so you can learn atmospheric perspective. you need to learn how to detail things rocks tree lines, water, clouds, etc which all take a bit of effort to get down on their own. dont be one of those tards that draws the same rock over and over.

>> No.2652203

how to draw robots?

>> No.2652215

>dont be one of those tards that draws the same rock over and over.
There's nothing wrong with this.

>> No.2652217

Is it normal to have anxiety over drawing anything that isn't associated with a tutorial? I've been drilling foundation/anatomy so long to make sure I have a solid understanding of what I'm doing, but keep hesitating when it comes to using that knowledge to do anything that isn't tied into a guide...

>> No.2652220

Yes. Artist life is do or die.
>“Art and Fear”, by David Bayles
If you want some help with it.

>> No.2652223
File: 240 KB, 893x503, dinosaurs_by_fel_x-d9qqxge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure but it looks lazy as fuck though

>> No.2652228

you're way out of your depth here. You're attempting lighting, color, drapery, perspective, scenery, etc. and none of it works at all. I'd practice with much simpler exercises

>> No.2652232

How do you feel the motivation to keep going even when you know you're bad?

>> No.2652233

It's called discipline and that you can only go up since you're already at your lowest.

>> No.2652235

>and none of it works at all
how so? its supposed to on top of a wall or bridge lookings somewhat down but since its on top of a wall its still looking out towards scenery. the pots and shit are just to fill it and make it look more dynamic. im not far along ont he color/lighting at all. and what were you refering to with drapery? her clothes? thats still barely been worked on

>> No.2652236
File: 60 KB, 483x424, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant to include this

>> No.2652245

so its fine then? thats good news! anyone want to answer my question? >>2652149

>> No.2652266

it is important for an artist to recognize when his work is terrible and try to improve

>> No.2652268

Please fix your attitude, we don't need more prima donne

>> No.2652269

he didnt answer what was wrong wit it when i asked him to clarify that "none of it works at all"?

>> No.2652275


Everything is wrong and you don't understand what you're doing well enough to do it

Don't try to paint a complex colour scene with a figure, an animal, and a landscape when you can't even render a vase

Read the sticky, work on the basics, people will be more helpful if you don't act like a bitch when they tell you it's bad

>> No.2652277

i asked him to clarify

>> No.2652285

>Everything is wrong and you don't understand what you're doing well enough to do it

if youre using the vase as an example, is it not obvious that havent put any work in on those? i mean i literally have no refence point for 'everything' when youre comparing it to something i havent even worked on?

>> No.2652291

Why? I don't care to be anonymous

>> No.2652293

What do you mean anon

>> No.2652326

>>2651217 want to be best friends?

>> No.2652334

That's a duck, not a dick?

>> No.2652348


You are placing them incorrectly and then when you try to replicate them, the image you get is absolutely wrong

I think you should focus on getting the image right and not those randomly placed circles and lines that do nothing really

>> No.2652350

jesus christ you are a fucking idiot
I'm probably at the same level as you but I can see that my drawing is atrocious and I need to get better and better, I can point what is wrong with my drawings, like "oh this looks like nigger shit, gotta work on this one"
you lack that ability

>> No.2652351

but this is an anonymous imageboard if you dont get that, there are probably hundreds of drawing related subreddits

>> No.2652362

Let's drop construction for a while and take a step back. You need to learn to observe. I haven't personally used it but Keys to drawings seems like a good book for you. Then continue wherever you were.

>> No.2652363

How do people let themselves become delusional?


>> No.2652366

look, i asked for help on very specific issue, that being how the construction of the figure, doggo, and portrait of the figure looked. instead i got a very vague "oh well everything is wrong" and then guy goes on to say that i "cant even render a vase" i know i didnt work on the fucking vase. thats a pretty poor choice of example to point out. i mean he isnt even going for obvious typical problems like the figure being out of proportion. its fucking obvious i havent even worked on the vase. some other guy said

>colors, lighting, scenery, nothing works at all

i see no obvious issues other i simply havent worked on them enough, which goes back to my orginal question. i was asking about the

>> No.2652370

Thanks, you are great

>> No.2652376

Can't really see shit with that small picture and what the fuck is a doggo? Stop talking like a 10 years old kid.

>> No.2652379

this has to be parody

>> No.2652380

Why do people get so uppity over trip codes? I don't even notice them most of the time, until it's pointed out by angry anons. Also if you post regularly and have a distinctive art style, it's a little hard to be anonymous on /ic/ anyway.

>> No.2652383

If that were the case why is there a name field (:

>> No.2652386

For attwhores

>> No.2652387

well he doesnt have a distinctive artstyle and is just craving for attention

and in my opinion it is a great achievement if you start to be recognized by your style despite being anonymous


so that if a board has no IDs, OP can use a tripcode, or someone that is telling a story and is afraid of trolls

>> No.2652390
File: 841 KB, 850x736, amazon slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a doggo is a dog.

be honest are you guys just butt mad that i drew an ooga booga?

>> No.2652391
File: 36 KB, 463x629, whatisconstruction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's me

you're gonna piss off a lot of people when you refuse to accept criticism by distancing yourself from your work. this 'b-but i didnt even try' response comes across as petulant.

As for your original question, it's not at all clear that you even attempted to construct the figure, so it's hard to critique it. post your work before you render it so we can see your attempt at construction. I've sketched what constructing the pose might look like. I'm not a great artist, but by presenting my construction, you can at least see my thought process and where I went wrong.

A very basic fact about human poses is that the hips shift to maintain balance when weight is off-center, and shoulders rotate the opposite way to compensate. So in a contraposto pose, when weight is on one foot, the weight-bearing leg pushes the hip upwards, and the shoulder on the same side comes down to maintain balance. The boxes I put here are meant to represent the body as simple forms, in perspective, rotated out of the y-axis to represent the tilting contraposto pose. Note also the "construction lines" on the figure, the lines wrapping around the arms and whatnot. These show whether I think the form is approaching or receding from the picture plane. Try the pose again, building the form out of simple shapes, placed in perspective, using construction lines to show how the shapes are rotated in space. My guess is you'll fail miserably like I did, and see how much more work you have to do before making the image you attempted.

>> No.2652392

Why is that an achievement? Bad art can be distinctive. But that's besides the point, how is something so unnoticeable as a trip code begging for attention? Seems pretty insignificant, but maybe that's just me, I never really understood 4chan's beef with tripcodes.

>> No.2652395

because when 99% of users are anonymous and this one little faggot wants to be an unique snowflake like on his subreddit, it's very retarded

>> No.2652397
File: 108 KB, 862x1300, 28790367-Pretty-Santa-Claus-is-standing-with-left-hand-on-her-hip-Her-right-arm-has-been-raised-A-happy-woman-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh, now youre changing your own words, its about color, lighting and perspective now, its about the figure. i deleted the drawing/construction layers for the figure unfortunately, i can draw them later. also, the figure was from imagination, but i got lucky and found a ref after close to completion. that almost exactly matched the pose. also, not to be a dick but your construction is actually wrong. the horizon, i REALLY hope i dont have to redline where that ... is CLEARLY ABOVE the shoulders of the figure. the box for the torso should show that, you have it as if the eyelevel is at the waist, thus looking up at the box.

anyways, heres the ref.

>> No.2652398

Hey, guess what? He's using a name, you can filter him. Stop being a little bitch and learn to ignore.

>> No.2652401
File: 116 KB, 800x600, unga bunga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but if i was to try and copy a pose from a photo, would i do something like this? i have this wooden cunt mannequin sitting on my desk , and i havent used him. should i?

>> No.2652402

If everyone were to ignore everything that pisses them off, the world would be a terrible place where everyone does dumb shit

>> No.2652403

goddamnt i should have known i was talking to nosebro. how ironic considering a conversation is going to about tripfaggotry

>> No.2652405

>mom look im trolling xDDDDDDDDD

>> No.2652407

Alright, whatever. Next time, if you want critique you should focus on a single thing whether it's a human figure or another thing. Remember to draw lots of the same thing.

>> No.2652413

thats literally was i was asking for in the first place. then multiple anons went on to say "everything" and didnt bother offering an explanation. also, just did the pose in the mirror, nothing wrong with it beside the arm needs to be moved up.

>> No.2652419
File: 229 KB, 1543x890, 20160825a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WIP based off this, think I'm struggling to break down the shadows - can anyone give me advice?


Thank you, I'll look this up!

>> No.2652448

Don't jump into too many values too quickly, just try and get a 2 value block in first and then start rendering. Squinting helps too

>> No.2652449

Your values are really off and your shapes are not specific enough. Try to observe more closely, slow down if you need to. Squint your eyes to help simplify what you see into the main masses and understand the overall relationships better.

>> No.2652471

Woah anon, why are you targeting me for your suppressed insecure projection?

The bait is real.

>> No.2652473

The drawing is bad too, that's why you can't link said shapes. Nail your proportions first or everything else will be off

>> No.2652515

I always have a hard time finding subjects worth studying. If I'm going to spend upwards of 6 hours on something, I at least want that something to strongly appeal to me. Anyone else feel this way?

>> No.2652519

>cut 6 hours to 30 minutes

>> No.2652530

I mean 6 hours painting something not looking up refs.

>> No.2652534

imagine what you would like to paint and look for specific references

>> No.2652543
File: 616 KB, 692x1500, RTD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont pick for yourself if you spend all day trying to pick

>> No.2652544
File: 318 KB, 692x1500, RTD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2652547

Why have I never seen these before?

>> No.2652548


>> No.2652549

...anon there you go embarrassing yourself again
you can drop the newfag act, really...

>> No.2652550

idk im only here once every few months they've been around for years

>> No.2652566
File: 285 KB, 1567x815, man sitting lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working at this atm any suggestions

>> No.2652570


..seriously tho, start with flowing curves and put some weight to it. The chair is pushing against his torso, his spine, belly, buttocks and thighs are gonna be compressed heavily.

>> No.2652576

Then you should fuck off to reddit if you want a fancy little username you fucking cockmongling faggot make sure to hang yourself on the way out.

>> No.2652583
File: 226 KB, 1519x878, 20160825b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks! Besides squinting, how can I get better at simplifying value masses? It's something I can't ever seem to get right, I have a fair understanding of how light falls on objects but can't get my head around breaking shapes down. Are there any methods of practice I could use to get a better grasp of it?


You're right, I had to do a lot of correcting later on and should have done lineart first to build from instead of jumping right in.

>> No.2652590

I struggle with simplifying value masses too, master studies really help with that. Check your height/width ratio on your heads too, flick your eyes back and forth quickly and you should see some immediate differences. Taking breaks helps too especially if you've been staring at it for a while.

>> No.2652608
File: 901 KB, 1037x1056, 1458334400142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i shade good?

>> No.2652610

Look at your favorite artist, copy them, fail. Go look at life, try again, fail. Read a rendering book. try again. Succeed. Move on to life. Succeed. Move on to favorite artist. Succeed. Move on in life. Success.

>> No.2652611
File: 185 KB, 802x604, burn it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came for my daily dose of insults

>> No.2652616
File: 550 KB, 1084x740, arms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique is welcome

>> No.2652619

I don't have a favourite artist.

>> No.2652630

It's correct terminology, but I've never heard it before and nothing pops up when I google "perspective grid"

A lot of "confusing" 3D images do show up in google images though.

>> No.2652633

It's shit, and unless done from reference a waste of time.

>> No.2652636

>post animu shit
>don't have a favorite artist
I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.2652639


>> No.2652648

so what just copy an artists drawings you like ?

>> No.2652652
File: 286 KB, 624x1200, Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 5.45.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2652661
File: 364 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20160825_161324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is for a portrait exercise in keys to drawing using measuring techniques

did i just polish a turd, or is trying to do accurate portraits (and general still lifes) good beginner practice?

i find trying to be painstaking is kind of lame vs. doing fun quick sketches by eye, but iirc proko said that both are important and beginneres should especially strive for accurate representation - can anyone attest to this?

>> No.2652662

i love you anon
your drawings are great and I always save them

>> No.2652675
File: 510 KB, 1148x706, mach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i love you too -sob-

>> No.2652682
File: 480 KB, 1000x667, fuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being retarded that pose took me forever

>> No.2652686


>> No.2652719
File: 379 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20160825_173226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the forehead and mouth a bit

>> No.2652727

Then why did you bother on half-assing everything else and making it look uglier than it is instead of just focusing/drawing what you want to improve on? If someones see something wrong with your work he's going to criticize it even if you half-assed it, so don't make excuses.
>then multiple anons went on to say "everything" and didnt bother offering an explanation.
That means that there are too many specific problems to name, that means that there is a fundamental problem that can be fixed by following the sticky in ORDER and not just jumping straight into loomis.

>> No.2652816
File: 44 KB, 525x698, manheadface_8.25.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip on man face.

>> No.2652870

I don't see how people can draw zoomed out to like 50% of a huge canvas. I can't seem to draw any shapes when I am zoomed out so far. Is it giving me a bad habit if I draw at 200% zoomed in? Cause when I am at like 50% it seems like I can only use my wrist to draw but when I zoom in I am capable of using my entire arm to draw and everything comes out smoother.

>> No.2652917

Usually zooming in too much means that your proportions will be messed up if yuou don't zoom out often. Beinga ll the way zoomed out gives you a concise view of what you're working with. Not saying that zooming in is a bad thing, just try to be smart with it, especially as a beginner.

>> No.2653045
File: 255 KB, 500x498, 1450548757784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do Peter Han Dynamic sketching
>It's incredibly tedious
>Listen to Pet Shop Boys and take a moment to think about my line speed
>Can do 3 hours of this because I mindlessly scroll 4chan while listening to pop music


>> No.2653050

Yeah, it is super tedious but most art stuff that's complex is super tedious. Once you get good at it, it's natural.

>> No.2653071

Eyes, Nose and mouth are far too big.

>> No.2653117

>tfw you just shitcanned a drawing you spent 4 hours on.

>> No.2653121

It's alright. It'll help you do the next one. Every drawing helps.

>> No.2653122
File: 74 KB, 293x559, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653180
File: 208 KB, 581x745, 9f2ebb38d1ed7e01bd3f23cd562fc719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653182
File: 1.70 MB, 7750x4000, Drawing_Rendering_Practice_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spent another hour and a half on this, I have no clue WHAT I am doing, and it is getting my so frustrated. I use Paint.sai btw.

The middle image is the most recent, the one on the left, the earlier version, I am just having a really hard time with this.

Any advice, tips or anything to steer me in the right direction.

>> No.2653185

You should probably not render over 100% black for one.

>> No.2653192


I don't understand?

>> No.2653204


I painted it all in one layer, the background black is just in another layer.

>> No.2653251

Finally got a min 2 hours/day routine going this month. I've noticed a comfy feeling from moving a pen to paper now. I could just pull up a chair on a rainy day and be at peace with the world while drawing shitty ovals that are supposed to be circles. Every drawing seems like it can be an improvement over the last. It's like there was some unnoticed anxiety holding me back before.

>> No.2653266

It isnt perfect, you nignog, its slightly taller than it is wide.

>> No.2653275
File: 416 KB, 1335x429, z1247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2653279

Amazing looking clothes but everything else looks off. Watch your proportions.

>> No.2653287

Those are some really nice strokes (not kidding).
Could you show the process you used?

>> No.2653292
File: 211 KB, 867x756, ripandtear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my genocide crusade begins here

>> No.2653295

sorry but i still havent gotten real advice. as of now you d/ic/ks think EVRRYTHING is wrong. lets start with the figure. i successfully defended that withh my ref. okay next on the EVERYTHING list. oh, the vases, which i havent even worked. i mean if EVERYTHING is wrong with it surely someone specify one or two specifics, such as color palette looks like shit or perspective is off (oh i defended this too btw) but getting even,that is a big run around

>> No.2653296

I'm not that guy, but I would tell you to just move on and stop replying to that guy.

>> No.2653297
File: 59 KB, 419x249, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bretty blease

>> No.2653318

should i finish my paining or scrap it

>> No.2653354 [DELETED] 

isse, i'm not trying to be that realistic, i'll try to make the mistakes work in my favor, but if i can't control them there is no point
i dont think i can explain that, i used pancil tonn in ms paint an some of them i try to do fast, thei i erase some of them with the colo that is behind, and then sometimes i repeat thet proces to create "layers"
>>2653297 i agree, i don't think they are that nice, but hanks!

>> No.2653360 [DELETED] 

i see, i'm not trying to be that realistic, i'll try to make the mistakes work in my favor, but if i can't control them there is no point
i dont think i can explain that, i used pancil tool in ms paint and some of them i try to do fast, then i erase some of them with the color that is behind, and sometimes i repeat thet proces to create "layers"
>>2653297 i agree, i don't think they are that nice, but thanks!

>> No.2653362

i see, i'm not trying to be that realistic, i'll try to make the mistakes work in my favor, but if i can't control them there is no point
i dont think i can explain that, i used pancil tool in ms paint and some of them i try to do fast, then i erase some of them with the color that is behind, and sometimes i repeat thet proces to create "layers"

>> No.2653365
File: 860 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired af, these are my best attempts atm.

>> No.2653368
File: 150 KB, 768x1358, IMAG0052-768x1358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong one...

>> No.2653369

crit? tried to observe more than I spent drawing.

>> No.2653371
File: 146 KB, 768x1358, IMAG0053-768x1358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed a slight improvement


>> No.2653373

I'm also not any of the other guys.
I'd say finish it to your liking and move on to other things. Are you going for a mural look?

The dogs snout and eyes don't look right. Does it have Down syndrome? With how the ears and snout are angled the eyes look like they could be move to the left a bit. The problem seems to be that your constructed the dog facing the viewer. However you drew in the eyes with the idea of showing the dog looking at the woman.

Perspective is also sorta fucked. If the dog is supposed to be behind the woman, then the snout makes sense if he's looking at her. If the dog is right beside her relative to the viewer, then the head should be turned towards her more.

The woman's face/figure look fine.
Her clothes look painted on - no volume/body to them (I assume that because that's WIP = YES YOU FUCKING ASKED TOO L8 before rendering.)

>> No.2653375 [DELETED] 


I'm also not any of the other guys.
I'd say finish it to your liking and move on to other things. Are you going for a mural look?

The dogs snout and eyes don't look right. Does it have Down syndrome? With how the ears and snout are angled the eyes look like they could be move to the left a bit. The problem seems to be that your constructed the dog facing the viewer. However you drew in the eyes with the idea of showing the dog looking at the woman.

Perspective is also sorta fucked. If the dog is supposed to be behind the woman, then the snout makes sense if he's looking at her. If the dog is right beside her relative to the viewer, then the head should be turned towards her more.

The woman's face/figure look fine.
Her clothes look painted on - no volume/body to them (I assume that because that's WIP = YES YOU FUCKING ASKED TOO L8 before rendering.)

>> No.2653384

great points. i see what you mean about how the dog is face. its intended to looking at the viewer so i guess its wrong in the sense that the head is turned the wrong way. the dog should be somewhat off to her side but a little in front if that makes sense. dog dont always sit directly next to or in front of people in real life. and the clothes are wip, if studied fabrics before i just havent gotten to these but yes its lacking. thanks for the actual advice!

>> No.2653476

Could you do a webm? Or just take some screencaps of the process? I'm legitimately interested pls

>> No.2653495

ok, i'll try to do this in the next one

>> No.2653498

The dark areas look too saturated unless you're going for an ultra toddler cartoony silly mood, but the design wouldn't fit at that point

Needs those darkest values in more places too

>> No.2653523

Is it acceptable to start learning about perspective before the other fundamentals? Perspective is very fun for me

>> No.2653539


>> No.2653544

i don't know why but i really really like this

>> No.2653548
File: 35 KB, 500x407, funwithpencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2653549

your reference is a model holding her hand against a wall. it's also a model putting on a specific pose for a picture because she's a model. you need a more dynamic reference.
you also need color theory and art fundamentals, and rendering a drawing that's gonna turn out shit because you're shit at art isn't worth spending time on

>> No.2653550

also you're painting everything to have the same texture and it makes everything feel like a scene a 6 yr old kid made with play-doh.

>> No.2653554

very funny meme

>> No.2653562
File: 727 KB, 500x500, 1461804320156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u !!

>> No.2653589

i see what you mean about color/texture. im using a tv as monitor and even with a color calibration they are still a bit off. i still have yet to push any real detail though. the painting started off as just an exercise to draw a figure and put in some type of scene and im not terrible great at drawing figures from imagination so i kept it as something simple. the whole reason i posted was getting feedback about the construction of dog (i didnt add this until a bit ago) and checking the figure before i start doing more serious work on it.

>> No.2653591

don't waste your time, you're trying to make something you don't have the means to make. practice.
also trying to shoot down criticism like you're doing in this thread makes you seem like a tool

>> No.2653598

please kill yourself

>> No.2653599

why cant i just practice with what ive got

>> No.2653600

no screw you

>> No.2653604
File: 574 KB, 751x404, bird creature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this thing right here? i was working on it for a while but got bored

>> No.2653606

you're not practicing effectively, read the sticky

>> No.2653619

>The woman's face/figure look fine

could you fucking not

>> No.2653621

why do you hate me anon

>> No.2653622


Imagine if you had spent all this time studying instead of trying to defend the artistic merits of a beginner painting that is objectively shit.

>> No.2653626
File: 50 KB, 702x992, sitting man small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh okay gonna abandon this, It's clearly too difficult for my level

>> No.2653630


it really makes me think. ill get to painting

>> No.2653751

Whatever is best for you

Shapes in perspective will help your form and use clean lines

>> No.2653765
File: 90 KB, 572x805, chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't abandon it anon, do a bunch of sketches/studies of people sitting in chairs and then come back and try drawing it again - you'll probably notice an improvement!

>> No.2653796

I'm sure ctrl paint has tutorials on how to measure distances and angles relative to each other, you really need it.

>> No.2653809
File: 111 KB, 1000x562, 24-Aug-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you draw bamboo/trees? I'm reasonably happy with the outcome, but it takes freaking forever.

>> No.2653823


The background should not be 100% black. Note that the background in your reference is not fully black, but rather a very dark grey.

As for the rest, you should pay more attention to the colours present in the reference. Note the dark yellow-green of the skin on the back. Recognize which are the points where the values are at their absolute brightest and the points in which the values are at their absolute darkest, then work from there.

>> No.2653824



>> No.2653883
File: 136 KB, 1200x1000, 796390a2-cf7b-4c90-b6f8-c3dc823cb223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've still been studying beetles, it's really helped me with form but I'm still not comfortable with measuring, it really slows me the fuck down. Got one more in me and then I'll move on to other insects with the aim to get these down to under 45 minutes.

>> No.2653893

Beautiful linework anon. I'd love to get mine this clean.

>> No.2653895
File: 60 KB, 1300x861, 15101792-Japanese-rhinoceros-beetle-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks! Contributes to the slowness though.

>> No.2653911
File: 1.74 MB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working 12-16 hour shifts at my job at the moment and I'm trying to make time there to draw. I'm years out of practice but I wanna get back into it.

I did this earlier today in procreate on my phone. Eye Goo from Breath of Fire.

>> No.2653929
File: 92 KB, 671x1077, ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this as reference

>> No.2653931
File: 85 KB, 1152x2048, 14114718_10205305334952501_547843758_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love some feedback. I also painted over it with watercolor if anyone was interested in seeing that.

>> No.2653938

she's too wide and face is lopsided

>> No.2653945


Probably should build the form up with simple shapes to ensure you have the correct proportions.

>> No.2653949
File: 119 KB, 1284x2048, 14123384_10205305622999702_858058301_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653952

get a photo resize app

>> No.2653953
File: 1.36 MB, 1152x2048, redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her head was really skewed.

>> No.2653955

>mfw i'm getting worse at drawing heads.

>> No.2653979
File: 240 KB, 1280x960, 20160826_194830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started following Drawabox, and I can't really grasp what the author means by drawing with the shoulder and locking the wrist.

I did these alternating between shoulder movement and elbow fixed on the table, and I can't really see too much of a difference, besides the fact that holding my arm lifted from the desk while drawing is already hurting my shoulder-neck area.

Am I missing something?

>> No.2653989

For what ?

>> No.2653991

Forget that part about not moving the wrist. He means that you should rely on your upper arm and forearm more than the wrist. What you shouldn't move are your fingers.

>> No.2654008

Yeah listen to this anon, in the future moving your wrist will help you achieve certain angles without having to constantly turn your paper.

>> No.2654019

I'm burning myself out with heads, what else should I do

>> No.2654028
File: 33 KB, 350x200, schoolism logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've basically been called a shill maybe here I'll have more luck.
Thoughts on Schoolism? It's now on a 15$ sub with the ability to switch courses for 1$. This payment plan doesn't have personalized critique and weekly assigments. But I can do the assigments by myself and post up on here and their forum for feedback, right?
Anybody have any experiences with online art courses? Is it worth it?

>> No.2654051

Thanks, I think the way the author explained it is misleading.

I've always drawn abusing my wrist to make curves and angles.

>> No.2654090
File: 414 KB, 576x945, Snapchat-5382685576488375198_crop_576x945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with this?
no ref, it's from imagination.

>> No.2654099


>no ref, it's from imagination.

Reference is a powerful tool. It helps you see where you went wrong and helps you understand the underlying structure of the things you are trying to draw-so every time you draw another face, the initial reference helped you out.

>> No.2654109
File: 153 KB, 576x945, 11111111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2654114

Drawabox has trouble explaining things but the exercises are solid to follow.

>> No.2654146

Stop. Heads are such a huge leap for beginners to do coming from just simple line exercises. Once you refine your understanding of 3D, heads will be a breeze. Almost everyone in this thread brushes off basic shape perspective exercises and still lives and they never make it because of it.

>> No.2654216
File: 51 KB, 691x455, 0004 bodybuildingshow with isao okano 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2654231
File: 1.10 MB, 1685x777, fafwafawfafw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on this atm

>> No.2654237

You're neglecting the underlying construction, the shapes and planes of the face are more important to place than the outline of the eyes and nostrils.

>> No.2654250


>> No.2654292


>> No.2654312




>> No.2654606

for resizing your pics before you post

>> No.2655010

The other anons basically covered it.
Continue experimenting with using the wrist, elbow, or shoulder. If your fingers keep moving try the overhand grip .
You might be accidentally hunching/rounding your shoulders when trying to hover your arm on the table. Try a clipboard or lap desk on your lap and a chair without armrests in the way.
Your lines are fraying on both ends, but you just started...
I went through several sheets for a few days before the muscle memory started to kick in. Just keep at it.

>> No.2655174


>> No.2655296
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, Darkest_Dungeon_Artwork_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally just took this, tried to copy it, and made a worse version of a cool design

>> No.2655334


>> No.2657267

I can't draw a straight line because my hand keeps falling off my sketchbook and screwing me up when I try to use my shoulder.

Is this a legitimate problem, or am I making up excuses for myself and need to get gud?

>> No.2657268

Ignore the hater, it's pretty good. IT doesn't communicate anything about the light coming from the ball though.