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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 148 KB, 732x799, opm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2645922 No.2645922 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the drawing equivalent to this?

I might try this

>> No.2645930

100 gestures 100 pages of cubes 10 studies.

is actually a pretty realistic goal I think, but won't make you super skilled fast (which is, you know, the joke of one punch man)

>> No.2645931

100 finished works everyday.

>> No.2645935

Not possible

>> No.2645937

I guess the joke the comic was making went over your head...

>> No.2645938

>(which is, you know, the joke of one punch man)
While the joke is indeed that it's an ordinary workout resulting in superhuman abilities, it's actually fairly intense. It's not the most balanced or perfect workout, but if anyone is seriously doing a 10k run each day plus a bunch of bodyweight exercises then they'd be quite fit.

>> No.2645939

100 gestures
100 still lives
100 3d intersecting shapes
10 studies

>> No.2645942

just draw every day.

>> No.2645945


>> No.2645949

How many minutes for each gesture/still life/shape

>> No.2645950

No, you'd lose any gains due to all that cardio. Bodyweight can get you fit but not as much as you'd expect, 100 pushups, situps and squats arent much at all.

>> No.2645952
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>> No.2645964

To burn that many calories drawing you'd have to draw on a big pad of paper with very fast, loose wide motions.

I'd say about 10 000 gesture drawings. 100 - hour long poses and at least one 20 foot tall mural each day.

>> No.2645968

>Some meme workout from a shitty anime that would produce no results in real life

Reading Chris Hart books

>> No.2646016
File: 352 KB, 1280x890, draw_or_die_art_calendar_by_sparatik-d8abeco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously the joke of that pic is that its very average, but if you want a bust-your-balls-gonna-burn-out-in-a-week kind of routine then here

>> No.2646020
File: 167 KB, 1000x676, d-rschedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and heres some actual schedules that would be better

>> No.2646022
File: 306 KB, 1024x819, Fetsch_schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2646037

>you'd lose any gains due to all that cardio
le /fit/ meme

>100 pushups, situps and squats arent much at all
It's not a ton but it's a fair bit especially daily. When did you last do 100 pushups in a day? And could you do that whole routine daily for long periods of time? I doubt it. There's also variations you can do on these exercises to make them tougher, like doing pistol squats for example.

Even just running 10k a day is very intense, I don't think most runners even do that much.

>> No.2646042

i dont know how anyone can do these and not have a severe burn out and art block

>> No.2646053

20 minutes of gestures
20 minutes of quick still lives
20 minutes of thumbnails
one hour of value studies

Seems to have about the same intensity and likelihood of giving amazing results.

>> No.2646064

The /fit/ meme is that cardio in general kills gains. Doing intense cardio 7 days a week does in fact prevent you from making any muscle gains.

>> No.2646069

Exactly. Dave's schedule is better and more realistic

>> No.2646073

>implying that running 10km everyday wouldn't absolutely destroy your gains and your knees/ankles

>> No.2646074
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, mob404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not joining the Body Improvement Club

>> No.2646081

do this 4 times a day!

>> No.2646083
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>>2646081 that's more like it

>> No.2646085

That's 8 hours of work, though. Saitama's routine wouldn't even take 2.

>> No.2646143

what if I actually works all the day and the only free time I have is evening and week end

>> No.2646160

do people seriously still do gestures past the first few months of picking up art ?

>> No.2646170

they shouldn't?

>> No.2646174

IDGAF, nigga!

>> No.2646177

why did you stop?

>> No.2646187
File: 10 KB, 250x227, 1470970454124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme weeaboo workout instead of doing a normal routine that will provide much better results like stronglifts, starting strength, or even a brosplit

I guess if you applied it to art, draw your Sonic OC 100 times a day instead of using brain power and studying Loomis once a day

>> No.2646193

didn't feel very challenging anymore when I decided to stop doing them

>> No.2646194

That's the joke, friend. The workout isn't anything special or even that good, which is why the other characters don't believe him when he says it.

See >>2645952

>> No.2646195

>Are you a beginner?

Yes to both questions here.

>> No.2646226


that's exactly when you need to push your imagination and do even more

>> No.2646245

could you show me your last gesture session ? maybe it'll help me see what I'm missing

>> No.2646251

Did someone just say gesture. I know I heard word gesture. All this talk of gesture has me itching for a battle..

>> No.2646253


I don't think you understand how or why you're supposed to do gesture

>> No.2646264

oh god not another gesture battle

>> No.2646365

This meme isn't fun, quit forcing it.

>> No.2646460

>Being this afraid if losing


>> No.2646508

t. gesture battle loser

>> No.2646544

10 minutes quick studies
100 minute long drawing study
100 minute long painting study

Pro-tip: Before doing this routine you should already be proficient with the basics (design, anatomy, perspective, color, etc. Stuff related to your niche)

Real talk: Needing to do boxes, gestures, or whatever bullshit "exercise" simply for the sake of grinding means either you're still baby-tier or doing art isn't for you.

Making it means perfecting the application of what you already know. Real worth-while practice is you inventing, experimenting, and studying, how to apply that knowledge. That's where genuine skill, that others mistakenly see as talent, begins to develop.

Seriously, doing pages of stuff like cubes only makes you good a doing cubes. That's it. Only dumb-asses from places like LevelUp or FZD prescribe that kind of shit. They know how the market works, how gullible the kids are. They know how to keep you busy and spin whatever story into proof their system works. It's all lies, really.

Making it means perfecting the application. If you still feel the need to do a bunch of gestures "a' day 'ery day," STOP. You're not going to make it. Stick to shitposting.

>> No.2646546

I'll stop if you can beat me in a GESTURE BATTLE! PREPARE YOUR ANUS!

>> No.2646550
File: 238 KB, 1000x676, Photo Feb 23, 12 18 12 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2646554

I dont think that routine would equate to more than maybe a drawing a day. 100 hundred push ups and squats would take less than 3 or 4 minutes. A 10k run takes 40 to 50 minutes.

>> No.2646556

Most people can't do 100 push ups and squats and need to spread it out over a long period of time

>> No.2646572

Working up to 100 push ups at one time would only take a few weeks.

Squats are even easier.

Comparing that to 2/3/4/5 or even 1/2/3/4 plate lifts makes it look like nothing.

>> No.2646579


I do 10KM running every day on an incline and I'm still fat. 10KM is nothing really.

>> No.2646694

5 plates would be mighty impressive for reps man.

>> No.2646698

Not sure if bait or just mislead and possibly stupid.

>> No.2646711

It's usually for a 1 rep max, and I believe he's talking about the 5 plates being for deadlift in which it is easier to move large weights than other lifts. The point though is that it is impressive.

>> No.2646727

100 daily shitposts on /ic/.

>> No.2646734

then make your own schedule based around your needs and the time you have

>> No.2646740

I like how well this can be changed to fit the context of art. We may look at someone's art and go "WOA WHAT'S THE SECRET" and they spew some shit like "100 gesture drawings every fucking day" and naturally you think that's bull, but there really isn't a secret. It's just a lot of hard work.

>> No.2646742

That's a lot, I think I can barely manage like 25 a day. /ic/ is too dead for 100.

>> No.2646770
File: 20 KB, 292x326, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and the hard work isn't even that hard!

>> No.2646774

You must not be doing it for very long then because you just burnt 600 to 800 calories in one exercise.

>> No.2646801
File: 104 KB, 875x657, CZS8I0_WEAAVrGD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being a NEET this year so idk if this is helpful.

my schedule is like this:

>warm up (30 min)
>one skill evaluation painting (2 hours)
>pdf reading (2 hours)
>break (30 min)
>1 academic study (2 hours)
>30 sketches from reference (2 hours)
>break (30 min)
>1 quota painting (6 hours)
>skill/flaw assessment (30 min)
>sleep (8 hours)

if I don't have 5 quota paintings done by the end of Friday, then I need 7 done before Monday.

The weekend is dedicated to building my visual library (watching movies, anime, game cutscenes, reading books, lectures on everything, talking to people, taking nature walks, etc.)

I'm not god tier, but I got to work on a few Japanese IPs (Dark Souls, Street Fighter, and Metal Gear)

>> No.2646967

Damn I'm impressed anon, thats easily twice the workhour recommended by Feng Zhu. Care to share your progression? I will have plenty of spare time after few more months and i probably should aim to put more hours into getting gud like you do.

>> No.2646983

a level up retard filled 1k copy papers drawing shitty cubes with random perspective, shit like that makes you even worse

saitama's training is posible except the running part, 10km every single day is a lot of risk, it's viable if you distribute the workload in digestable tasks around the day

doing random studies help you get gains, but not as much as studying to actually suport your current personal projects out of your confort zone

>> No.2646986
File: 1.40 MB, 2448x2448, c4a9469b140903007a1a519d7c5436ca47b8d6a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the best hentai manga style you prefer, and copy every single page of the whole volume poses and perspective drawings.
10 panels per day.

>> No.2647010

>still do gestures
I'm a beginner but I thought gestures studies was an everyday exercise.

>> No.2647011

You just need to eat more, famiglia

>> No.2647736

what do you mean by quota paintings?
Also how to do you go about doing the skill/flaw assessment and the skill evaluation, or what sort of things do you look for/ask yourself when doing those?

>> No.2647739

hnng muh dick!

>> No.2647747


OPM workout would be an intermediate-level fitness program. i doubt any of you fucking neckbeards can do a hundred pushups.

>> No.2647751

>Still doing push-ups

Say it with me: Not going to make it

>> No.2647775

You'rre fucking fat huh?

>> No.2648761

>still using an aero bench press for caffienated reps

never going to clambake it

>> No.2648787
File: 145 KB, 732x799, honest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> out of your confort zone

In the extra story in volume 3, he professes his belief that strength is limitless, and that we can always progress by working harder than we did today. He's basically always going outside his comfort zone.

While it's unrealistic in his case, he does have a point: if we give ourselves difficult but attainable goals, we can avoid both stagnation and burning out. It's a fine equilibrium to find and we all know people who are good but stopped making progress years ago.

>> No.2648814

>1k copy papers drawing shitty cubes with random perspective
In a day? Wew lad. That's pretty good. Getting that mileage. I doubt I've drawn that much in month.

>> No.2649005
File: 54 KB, 612x612, 1471638078775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2649167

It is. It not only gives you the natural ability to tell a story with only a few lines, but also helps you draw proportions correctly without thinking much about them. You can't train either of these things enough.

>> No.2649184
File: 220 KB, 813x1024, CTNVFEtUYAEQzNs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one has posted it yet

>> No.2649185

Didn't mean to respond

>> No.2649196

i bet you never break your schedule, and i also bet that it isnt the ideal day as it should be of yours and not one which you can rarely if ever reach.

>> No.2649201

you have a point but you write like a dumb bitch

>> No.2650204

>a six mile run is nothing
>I'm still fat
Doubt a fatty could run a mile much less 6. There was a personal trainer who did the OPM routine and his legs gave out after a couple of days because the lack of rest your muscles receive doesn't lead to gains but can cause damage.

>> No.2650446
File: 29 KB, 393x346, 1461253791936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go, OP.

>> No.2650461

>Before doing this routine you should already be proficient with the basics
>Before studying you should have already studied enough to study

>Do basics like perspective
>But don't draw boxes

>Do basics like anatomy
>But don't do gesture

If talent does exist, you certainly have it for shitposting.

>> No.2650516

you would be surprised on the endurance of fat on people working hard.

>> No.2651305

one thing is I can say, NEVER get a "real" job.

Be a NEET until your portfolio gets you work, absolutely do not "settle" for a day job if at all possible. You will burn away your hours and have literally nothing left. I have 4 hours a day for EVERYTHING let alone drawing, and I still only work "part time" according to my hire status

>> No.2651337

Everybody keeps saying things like
"100 studies" and "100 sketches." Don't you guys think that's a bit... high? I'd say. 4 a day each. MAX. I don't think that more art always equals better art. You have to balance your mental sanity and overall life. Do what challenges you, but don't waste your time doing the excessive. 100 sit-ups would take no more than 15 minutes for just about anybody, if in sets of 10 starting every 1.5 minutes (bare minimum ofc).

100 shading studies, though? Sounds more like 4 minutes * 100 = 400 mins = at least 6 hours of grueling, somewhat boring work. After an hour that somewhat boring work becomes overbearing. What is wrong with you people?

>> No.2651397

What the hell is the point of that workout?

>> No.2651405

To be gay

>> No.2651526

ur not gonna make it

>> No.2651618

who is that?

>> No.2651620

I was going to reply to him just to say just that but /ic/ came through for me once again

>> No.2651624

>After an hour that somewhat boring work becomes overbearing.
Not. Gonna. Make. It.

>> No.2653288


>> No.2653309

There is a maximum level of advancement you can achieve each day. Your muscles/brain/nerves need time to recuperate and adapt - thereby learning, you can't cheat on that.
Secondly, due to the logistic function of learning, it'll get progressively harder to improve as time goes on. Thirdly, quantity beats quality. One well-made study is better than 3 hastily made ones.

In short: focussing for 2 hours/day for a month will give you better results than focussing for 8 hours/day for a week, unless you're a complete beginner.

>> No.2653363

Cutting off your hands because that's about as useful as that workout routine

>> No.2653378


If you split one long session into multiple subjects you work around the problem. After 2 hours you switch to a different type of study. 2 hours anatomy, 2 hours colour study, 2 hours perspective, master studies, etc. There are enough unique subjects within art to justify a session of practice longer than 2 hours which does not produce diminishing returns. You couldn't even cover every subject with a daily routine, you'd have to do a split.

Yes, quality does beat quantity, but a quantity of quality is what you really want.

>> No.2655418


Thank you so much guys, I want to give that in contribution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3Al7QAS89s

>> No.2655419

Feng Zhu

>> No.2658655

>When did you last do 100 pushups in a day?
when I was working out every 2-3 days was pushups it was about a sixth of my workout
I did 350+ not including other exercises.
100 really is very little once you become fit.

>> No.2658657

well done anon
where can I follow your full breasted endeavors

>> No.2658687


Why do the Japs always make white, strong, tall men into fucking Neo-Nazi fetish punk rockers?

>> No.2658718

post your work famalamily

>> No.2658720
File: 148 KB, 1523x1007, BlogSchedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


one more

>> No.2658721

>Thirdly, quantity beats quality.
>One well-made study is better than 3 hastily made ones.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.2658724

any workout where you don't take break days is completely and totally stupid. do your research kids.

>> No.2660356

Did loomis became bored of being too good?