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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 483 KB, 375x237, YNMlg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2639778 No.2639778 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>2607983

Bring us your roughs, your storyboards, your pencil tests etc. Talk about industry, schools, the hopelessness of it all, how we all gonna make it etc.

If you're gonna post animation that isn't yours give source or state that it isn't yours.

Keep shitposting to a minimum. Don't feed the trolls.

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc

>Reference stuff you can find with a simple google search


Japanese style animation tutorial: http://listeningside.net/a_side00.html
Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame

Lastly, if you've got some good animation resources, contribute!

>> No.2639790
File: 801 KB, 834x519, thumb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've begun to do clay animation recently.
This is my top piece so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT73sKjpgzM - my fourth video. There's a certain progress if you compare it to the first one but well... yeah.

I just want to get to the point where I would be able to tell stories through my videos.

>> No.2639917
File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, 1471187246568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be on around 8 pm est

gonna do some practice frame by frame


(add .)

>> No.2640026

What program do you recommend for video game walk cycles and animations?

>> No.2640031

Is it a good idea to do "master study" type stuff for animation? Like if I find a piece of animation I really like, go through it frame by frame (while analyzing stuff) and draw every frame myself? I did it a little while ago and I think it helped me out a bit but I don't ever see anyone else doing this type of stuff so I was wondering why. I usually just scrub through animation I like and look at it frame by frame but I think I retained more info by physically drawing out every frame.

>> No.2640038
File: 360 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nljjawdxW51r6b37wo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it a good idea to do "master study" type stuff for animation
some anon a while ago said its fine to do an animation equivalent "master study"

Ive done it a few times, but never got into it. For me, Im too busy trying to git gud at drawing. But if I find a nice animation piece i try to emulate it.

>but I don't ever see anyone else doing this type of stuff
Post a cool animation worth studying, and maybe some anons will join you

>> No.2640059
File: 661 KB, 600x436, QcTEXDM[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to git gud at drawing
yeah that's mainly my goal atm too but I still try to animate when I can.
>Post a cool animation worth studying
I tried my hand at the bahi space dandy scene recently and I think I learned a lot. I did it kinda quickly and used flash so it's super rough.

Here's a link to the scene if any of you guys wanna try. (start's at around 2:24 I think)


>> No.2640064 [DELETED] 

>that pic

If someone diagnosed with autism grows capable of interacting with people and presenting themselves as normal functioning humans then doesn't that pretty much debunk the premise of autism as being a genetic social deficiency disorder that can't be cured? How socially deficient can you be if people actually think that you're lying/were misdiagnosed when you tell them?

>> No.2640327

thats really nice anon, definitely better than me.

>> No.2640396
File: 587 KB, 332x410, 14030613_1068752159845995_1581967989_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did half of a muybridge study and then went over it in water colors

>> No.2640450

I'm about to start a 3years long cursus at Supinfocom Valenciennes.
I still believe that animation will allow me to earn enough money to pay debt due to school

>> No.2640454 [DELETED] 
File: 482 KB, 960x540, gitup small.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good, keep it up.

>> No.2640460
File: 481 KB, 960x540, Gitup small.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good practice, keep it up.

>> No.2640463
File: 698 KB, 1280x720, Gitup small.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slight frame positioning fix

>> No.2640467
File: 495 KB, 960x540, zoom-test-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey that's pretty slick.

I'm experimenting with an animation of going down a road.

>> No.2640472
File: 46 KB, 900x506, miyazaki run cycle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing a master study of a Miyazaki run cycle

>> No.2640478
File: 2.21 MB, 640x360, ezgif-1587316828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just discovered the tom and jerry direct to video movies and the ones around 2010s are boring as a sin (except the giant adventure, I liked that one but that unfortunately is probably the less appealing from the around 2010s) but boy those are beautiful. they are movement and color porn, there is no still frame or that repeats twice. they are a 10/10 for references but shitty in the story. (just like I said, I only liked the giant one).

Probably going to dump some webms later.

>> No.2640479
File: 884 KB, 1223x1184, hazmat-v3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking over those after they were posted on tumblr. I should probably do some studies too.


Here's an animatic of something I'm working on when I have the time. I've posted earlier versions before. Still a mess but I think I can dedicate more time to it now.


>> No.2640485
File: 120 KB, 422x455, ezgif-678130161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a two-parter. Here are the "key frames" (using that term loosely because I'm still trying to figure out which of these frames is significant movement or pivot points).

>> No.2640487

wow what program did you do this in?
how long have you been animating?

I've only ever worked via paper so stuff like this really blows my mind.

>> No.2640488
File: 322 KB, 422x455, ezgif-2260577755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the "first pass" (that's what they call it, right?)

There are a few frames I'm happy with, and the overall thing isn't diarrhea awful. I can see where I need work. Sizing, timing, and consistency are definitely an issue still, but not as bad as my very first attempts at animating anything.

>> No.2640489

Lookin' good, mate

>> No.2640848

Thanks guys.

>> No.2641019
File: 277 KB, 1000x1000, slot girl shaking hips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on this

>> No.2641029


>> No.2641544
File: 270 KB, 552x788, blood-moon-leak-test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experimenting with some icky effects animation.

>> No.2641560

Neato! That's really sweet

>> No.2641615


Thanks! I'm going to add a bit more to it tomorrow or the next day. Been doing a lot of animation tests in preparation for a short I'm trying to make.

>> No.2641684
File: 174 KB, 640x200, combo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just messing around

>> No.2642103

doing a capoiera animation


(add the dot)

>> No.2642372

Really like the motion and fight choreography. Keep it up.


Doesn't loop to well but I don't know why. Maybe try adding more frames, slow it down a bit and refine the loop?

Also I dig the whole black and red set up you've got going, it's a cool aesthetic.

It's a bit fast and I think the hair should probably be moving a bit more, but I haven't seen the original miyazaki thing so I might be wrong. Looks nice tho.

fug mane. I wish we still had this type of quality 2D animation. now a days if we're lucky enough to get 2d stuff it's usually super stiff and limited.

>> No.2642409

If that example you posted is a 10/10 to you then you have no hope

>> No.2642434

Can you guys link any good animation talks you have? This skull girls one was pretty good.


>> No.2642489



>Doesn't loop to well but I don't know why.

Unfortunately it's not actually a loop. The way the trees are gridded out I'l have to draw another 20 or more frames before they line up again. I will probably do that soon, but it's very tedious and I have to work on some other stuff first.

>Also I dig the whole black and red set up you've got going, it's a cool aesthetic.

Thanks. I'm planning a scene based around night driving, so I'm figuring out the best style for it right now.

>> No.2642717
File: 1.12 MB, 438x504, GM_20160810_145928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another muhbridge study

>> No.2642753

preface by saying that i'm not an animator, however, it kind of looks like they're speedwalking, and their legs are always bent, it doesn't look like there's much spring to the step

>> No.2642914

Put it on 3s and you'll be more in the ballpark. Long torso is long. Practice your proportions

>> No.2642916

Anywhere you post your work or WIPs?
I keep missing your streams

>> No.2643026
File: 472 KB, 552x950, blood-moon-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Added a bit more to this.

>> No.2643037

>Really like the motion and fight choreography. Keep it up.

thanks anon. i'll post more soon

>> No.2643211


Thanks a lot guys. Really appreciate the advice.

I used an app to take pictures of it and turn into a gif thuswhy it moves so fast and is sideways. But if put the pictures in it again I should be able to fix the timing easily. I'll upload the slowed down verision later today.

>> No.2643291 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 2400x1350, a00028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it's TVP and Paintman, with compositing in AE. I did it more to get used to doing proper in betweening in TVP, so it was actually a lot harder finishing than it would have been traditionally.
four years

>> No.2643293
File: 131 KB, 2400x1350, a00028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it's TVP and Paintman, with compositing in AE. I did it more to get used to doing proper in betweening in TVP, so it was actually a lot harder finishing than it would have been traditionally.
>how long have you been animating?
four years

>> No.2643534

If you got torrented paintman can you remember where you found it? Ive been looking for a copy for years.

Great work btw

>> No.2643546
File: 3.03 MB, 386x272, filthiestmoefoe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for this

>> No.2643571

what do you guys think about tv paint

>> No.2643577

Anons prefer it over ToonBoom. Because TVP has a better drawing/painting/art function.

It might be cheaper than TB?

>> No.2643586


The teachers at Calarts love it. Haven't had a chance to play with it myself.

>> No.2643588
File: 488 KB, 1640x1460, TB_TVP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2643596
File: 1.59 MB, 480x270, tumblr_o0fqvdRKhi1u6xzq9o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be French


>> No.2643606

It's a pretty great animation tool. The program offers multiple brushes you can customize, giving you easier control compared to OpenToonz and Adobe Flash Professional(haven't tried Animate CC yet). You can try out the full version for free forever when you download it from their website. The only downside is that you can't save/export anything.

>> No.2643661
File: 830 KB, 943x611, 1471213526449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is suffering until you die

>> No.2643691

You're making an anime when?

>> No.2643698

this is expected, the old give way to the new. till eventually spike won't be visible at all, behind blob shapes and doodles from people who have egos larger than their abilities. Such is the way of the world!

>> No.2643708

Kill yourself, that comic is offensive

>> No.2644044
File: 565 KB, 246x205, 1459017854683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to use and navigate fucking OpenToonz

>> No.2644112
File: 165 KB, 878x856, Opentoonz_Save.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you do ANYTHING in Opentoonz, change/remove the configure shortcut for Save Scene. Go to File>Configure Shortcuts>Menu Commands>File and set a shortcut for Save All instead. Doing this should keep your Level Palette, Columns, sound, and etc from being mysteriously deleted once you reopen your file(Save Scene would require you to save everything one-by-one).

>> No.2644129
File: 45 KB, 601x747, Frames2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, while in configure shortcut, I recommend setting keybinds for then Cell's 2's, 3's, 4's, and the Steps. This should give you more control down the road for the fast and/or slow actions in your animation. This should keep you from copy and pasting everything slowly.

>> No.2644164

Oh, and just a heads up. Once you're ready to export your project as separate frames or a avi file, don't leave the folder you're exporting your things to open. If you do, sometimes OpenToonz will freeze/crash and the files that are exporting might become corrupted, especially if you're not using the compression settings.

Speaking of compression settings, you might want to have an advance video editing program(ex. Sony Vegas) to help compress your avi files down. Without a editing program to compress your video(s), your file size is going to be so damn huge you're not going to be able to upload it anywhere. Hell, sometimes attempting to play them on media players is impossible because OpenToonz's uncompressed setting is bulky as hell. I would drop an image to easily show you how to work with the settings, but I'm not near a computer atm.

>> No.2644186
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1470800681617.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thing to note, as shown in >>2644129 , you'll be working from top to bottom with frames instead of left to right. Just play around with the frames and columns for a while, It shouldn't take to long to get a hang of it. If you wanna dive into the advance tools after playing around with the basics, you could check out some tutorials online or lurk on a couple of animation forums. If you have any technical isssues, you could probably check out their Google group for assistance.

>> No.2644254
File: 1.08 MB, 480x270, faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think

>> No.2644258
File: 887 KB, 766x423, gifff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on R&M animation (line size is unequal due to work mode, just a quick gif cap).

>> No.2644302
File: 2.11 MB, 956x535, rmw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually gifcam is skipping frames in recording, odd. Here's a webm

>> No.2644307

holy shit lmao. speedo is that you?

>> No.2644482


If you get hired because of this I will kill myself, reminds me of that guy that made the really shitty fan episodes of South Park and Family Guy

>> No.2644487

OpenToonz is a fucking mess.
My advice is pirating something better.

>> No.2644535

I clicked the thumbnail without realizing and thought this was from the show. 10/10

>> No.2644537

I think you didnt make that

>> No.2644692

Nah, I'm not Speedo.

>> No.2644743
File: 124 KB, 500x500, anim-blink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not very good. But i though i should share it anyway. It's my first "animation" ever

>> No.2644744
File: 29 KB, 445x298, my ding-dong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2644749

You have to let your reality inform your animation. You won't likely see somebody who almost takes a full second to blink.

>> No.2644856

Honestly Justin Royland was in my stream and tweeted to me about it ahaha. SiR got hired in a similar way.

>> No.2644885
File: 408 KB, 680x566, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at animation, only wanted to focus on the hair. No onion skinning. I'm thinking about venturing further into animation, but I'd like to make the foundation of my art as strong as possible before that.

>> No.2644910

P good anon, i have no complaints. Very smooth.

>> No.2644916
File: 924 KB, 1828x1028, fistpumpredo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total beginner to animation here. I was actually messing around with tweening in flash (not shown here) with vectorized shapes for all the pieces (hair, head, etc.) but it's driving me crazy. Random new vector points are showing up every frame and there are so many technical oddities, like how you have to lock all your layers to erase on just one layer, or how you have to make a new frame with f6/f7 instead of just drawing on the timeline. I did a free trial of harmony and it was great compared to "adobe animate," but so expensive for a beginner... anybody got software recommendations?

>> No.2644973

Why doesn't she have eyelashes on the top lid?

This guy's right >>2644749 a blink (on twos) takes five frames. Open, half closed (favoring towards open), closed, half open (favoring towards closed) and then open again.

>> No.2644975

Are you still homeless?

>> No.2644981

where is this from?

>> No.2644988

what are you animating in, toon boom? Are you the dude who was working on the Rick and Morty rig earlier?

It's coming along nicely mang, glad to hear you got some recognition from Justin Roiland too. Keep it up!

>> No.2645001


>> No.2645023
File: 748 KB, 1371x970, display.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep all toonboom harmony, and that's me from earlier. For puppeted animation TB is really great. Also the display feature is a life safer. You can add display tags to whatever areas (a layer, a whole group, a whole group with bg, etc), and then it will only display the timeline/view of what you have selected. So if you have a really heavy scene you can isolate what you want to work on and it will also speed up performance.

>> No.2645045

Oh shit, is this about the Georgia case?

>> No.2645069
File: 119 KB, 876x620, rough_test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't animated a single thing since Feburary (lots of depression and emotional abuse from father, I moved away from that shit.).
I've finally got enough confidence to start doing it again. Wanted some thoughts that weren't from friends.
I use macromedia flash mx for those who want to know, and have been animating off and on for 3 years but that's mostly been furry porn.

>> No.2645070
File: 51 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have there been any good tutorials released on using Opentoonz yet?

>> No.2645076

Looking at this again, I think if I were to lead with her head, and make her twist more, it'd help sell the girl's turn.
I'm waiting on a migraine to go away before I dive back to it again.

>> No.2645114

This is coming from someone who knows next to nothing about animation but I'd say yes, start by turning the head, then the torso (just a little bit), then the legs.

>> No.2645116

I would exaggerate her twist. Dude falling looks passable though

>> No.2645323

>All that fishing for compliments
Wow anon you are very talent. So good.

>> No.2645344

Mac user.
I'm trying to learn animation, but right now all I have is Photoshop. What softwares should I check out that are available for free on the mac?
My current method is just drawing frames by layers and uploading each frame separately to a gifmaker website.

>> No.2645354

cs6 has a timeline feature, I think cs5 does as well. I use that occasionally.

>> No.2645362

Try Pixen. It's for pixel art, but it's free and for macs.

>> No.2645365
File: 307 KB, 1243x703, Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 11.49.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to do some fighting game animations. Trying to feel out how a combo and idle animations would feel.

>> No.2645410

As someone who did those types of animation as a kid (Like, legit middle school) i have to imagine it only helps depending on what you're looking to learn from it. It can be good for studying a certain kind of motion (Like comparing japanese animation to american animation, some techniques are different) but overall you won't learn much by copying the same way as with normal master studies. I think it'd be better to watch the sequence and try to copy it without copying each frame (So playing it in slow mo, even frame by frame, but drawing each frame yourself without studying the frame you're on if that makes sense).

but everyone is different so if you felt it helped, keep doing it.

>> No.2645412

It's a little fast and the sameness of the trees and spacing are making it unsettling (But considering the red on black, if that's your intention, keep going in that direction).

I think ultimately though the spacing of the trees is what's throwing this off for me as well as maybe too few frames.

>> No.2645413

Rotate it so it's horizontal?
Looks like someone speedwalking on their way to take a shit.

>> No.2645415

Make it the tiniest bit slower on the big drop before it releases and I think it'll look better. I like this though this is a neat study everyone should be doing

>> No.2645417

honestly if it hadn't been pointed out i might not have even noticed it.

also why was spike spegal's designer at CN? did he do guest animation on AT or another show?

>> No.2645420

Exaggerate the twist and give some stretch on the boobs during the turn to really exaggerate the force behind them (study some anime scenes that do this same scene and see how they did the frames).

>> No.2645431
File: 368 KB, 1000x1000, slot girl shaking hips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2645438

That slut better be black

>> No.2645468


Yes I think this is a good idea. Some others have suggested the same thing. I'm going to try and make this part of a larger sequence so when I go back to it I'll make those changes.

>> No.2645670


>> No.2645687

>that gif
Windows don't work like that.

>> No.2645772
File: 299 KB, 1487x1150, 1451011360467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys want me to post Paul Felix' notes here? they are 21 in total and range from basic perspective to notes about Tone & Value. I just saved them from an unofficial blog, so you can look them up yourselves too.


>> No.2645775

hell yes!

>> No.2645782
File: 142 KB, 1600x1035, PF_notes001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buckle up!

>> No.2645783
File: 251 KB, 1600x1035, PF_notes002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2645785
File: 241 KB, 1600x1035, PF_notes003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2645787
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>> No.2645788
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>> No.2645789
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>> No.2645791
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>> No.2645792
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>> No.2645794
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>> No.2645796
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>> No.2645799
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>> No.2645801
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>> No.2645805
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>> No.2645807
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>> No.2645811
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>> No.2645813
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>> No.2645815
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>> No.2645817
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>> No.2645820
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>> No.2645826
File: 231 KB, 1600x1036, PF_notes021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go, that's all of them. I didn't miss #15, it seems like the blog missed one, so there are 20 in total here.

>> No.2645849

Why does his nose blood fall with him?
As it sprays out, it should fall on it's own accord, some staying back, some spraying forth, some trailing as the kid falls

>> No.2645851
File: 129 KB, 500x500, Boots.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idle animation test WIP

>> No.2645878

You might find all of the sprites on;


Interesting. They're mostly 4-6 frames.

>> No.2646149

That's definitely not what I'm doing. Unlike you I'm sure, my constitution isn't so fragile that is need to fish for compliments on an art board where there are certainly people better than I am. I was looking for feedback. But you certainly can keep your negativity and not making it self over there in your corner.

>> No.2646523

You should onion skin. Your forms are all over the place and the jitter is strong with this one. Get 3 or 4 keys with consistency and motion together at first and then go into in betweening.

>> No.2646547
File: 429 KB, 1280x720, coming for you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2646882
File: 39 KB, 700x499, random136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2646963

Get a proper copy of photoshop. It's 10 bucks a month. Then you can use the timeline.

>> No.2647333

Not sure if this is considered animation but here

>> No.2647889
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, explosion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying to improve my, you know add a little exaggerations to it. Can someone help?

>> No.2648046

You need to improve your drawing skills.

Anyways, make the bomb bulge before it blows up, instead of delaying the explosion so much. Also study explosions. Try and keep Chuck Jones words on slapstick comedy in your mind as you animate (about how your should hold back on something just to the last moment in your animation), it works very well on most things one animate, not just comedy.

>> No.2648107

cute as fuck i like it

>> No.2648131
File: 411 KB, 480x540, Leland-sip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2648167

What do you guys think about Live2D?

>> No.2648347
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, explosion exaggerated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, ok i think i got an idea of it, thanks

>> No.2648384

Oh you.

And yes, it's kawaii.

>> No.2648395


>> No.2648746


>> No.2648820
File: 263 KB, 500x500, output_E9Kwg8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2648891
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, Comp 1 (0;00;01;28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experimenting with lighting effects in Photoshop and After Effects.


>> No.2649133
File: 144 KB, 720x480, nunchuks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From the other day's stream, going to hop in here in a bit

>> No.2649163

I think it might use a bit more Loomis

>> No.2649202


>> No.2649267
File: 483 KB, 552x1007, blood-moon-leak-test-6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I tinkered with the timing a bit.

>> No.2649381

The way the remaining liquid on the ball just retracts into the ball seems unnatural. The moment the big drop snaps, there should be a smaller drop forming from the liquid connecting the ball and the drop or something like that.

>> No.2649433

God, I have such a passion for animation but I'm so far off being able to do anything. I've been heavily invested in the medium and industry since I was a child, but I've only just started learning the fundamentals of drawing, and the fact that it'll probably be a decade before I can animate anything is just depressing.

>> No.2649454

it took you 10 yrs to get to 4th-5th grade. you have time

>> No.2649470

The hop feels a bit floaty, giving the branch a little wobble would help I think.

>> No.2649484
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, Vintage test from Ollie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to animate as you learn to draw. There are simple animation exercises that will only compliment you as you learn to draw.

Learning to draw a circle? Make it a bouncing ball.

>> No.2649577

this isn't necessarily animation strictly speaking, but there are a huge number of very small details I've put into every second of this.
Sorry about the quality, the file needs to be around 200mb to retain its quality in mp4, (30gb for raw avi), so the webm (which is still about 1 mb too large for this board. I'll post it on /wsg/ in a dead bump limited thread or something) >>/wsg/1259504

Here's a google drive link. GD doesn't like to process videos past 360p, so if you'd like to see the full quality video you'll have to download it. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7_kzLTEqElgemFmNGtaYVd4SlE

>> No.2649578


>> No.2649582

Oh, well it actually did process it up to 1080p, but the compression still killed it and made it look like shit.

>> No.2649686
File: 154 KB, 747x420, Unti3tled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something quick, not sure if i should finish it

>> No.2649698

thanks a lot, these are r cool!

>> No.2650117

Hoo boy I'm all hot under the collar
When someone catches a ball on their finger to spin it they have to move their hand down with the ball as it makes contact to cushion the ball's change in momentum. Without that cushioning the ball will hit the finger too hard and bounce off.


If you add a nice down to it you'll also have more anticipation for when he throws it up to catch it.

>> No.2650341


You think that's bad? I studied animation and then didn't animate anything for ten years because I'd lost the passion and became interested in other forms of art.

Now I'm in my 30s and in the last 2 months the bug has come back and bit me HARD. I feel like I'm trying to make up for 10 years lost time.

Fortunately, I've built up a lot of artistic skill over the years so I can put that towards my animations, which means it's a lot less troublesome than it was the last time I tried to animate.

>> No.2650483
File: 144 KB, 546x516, The-Kid-Head-turn-v2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head rotation for a character design. I hate doing these.

>> No.2652076
File: 721 KB, 854x480, Sombun punches bag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi again.

I've finished a new piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi3Ou_IG52w This time I made an attempt to add a story to the whole Muay Thai thing and started to develop characters. Also, 10 per second became a standard. Hope it gets better.

>> No.2652133

I think the hop looks good actually

small birds are light as fuck so they don't cause too much effect in their environment when they move like that. the wind caused by the flapping of the wings would cause more reaction from that branch than the weight of the bird

>> No.2652216
File: 559 KB, 1000x1000, succ-test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough keyframing
Yes I know the neck needs to be fixed

>> No.2653087
File: 101 KB, 1050x613, storyboarding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here knows where I can torrent some cracked Storyboard Pro?

I am out of it and might be fucked because I was invited for some really big project.

>> No.2653273
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, Weight and volume.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to work on weight and volume , any suggestions or tips?

>> No.2653290

learn to draw first

>> No.2653299

Conservation of momentum, mainly.

>> No.2653321


I have this dumb question, but, are this rendered with graphite pencil or charcoal?

>> No.2653481

Only ever seen cracks for really OOOOOLD versions, and Toonboom hates backwards compatibility for some reason.

>> No.2653484
File: 128 KB, 960x540, lookup-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing some effects with basic animation.

Added some lighting effects in After Effects here:


>> No.2653485

why are you drawing aang sucking dick

>> No.2653665

looks very much like pencil

>> No.2653934

Young animator Naoki Kobayashi's account. There's a bunch of nice doodles in there.

>> No.2654044

Anyone in Portland/Vancouver/Camas area interested in forming a group where we meet up and just talk about animation and shit, do case studies together shit like that?
Kinda like book groups that old people form, but not about books, and way radical bro.
If you are, contact me at fgk.l2076@gmail.com

>> No.2654082

how did you find this yung nigga fresh off tha block?

>> No.2654150

Okay, I'll definitely try that out. I want to try and work exclusively out of sai for all of the drawing process, so I'll try to figure out what the best way to onion skin in program is. Probably just gonna flip between transparent layers manually or something.

>> No.2654230

really cool man I would love to give feedback but I gtg but keep it up really neat.

>> No.2654806
File: 282 KB, 1000x1000, MillyAni2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, nice, needed a laugh for a while now.
I doubt I'll have anymore time to put anymore work on this for the next 2 days, upon already lack of free time on top of that, so this is all I'm going to do til later.

>> No.2655084

>starts an animation project
>whole lot of running
>I've trained for this
>takes 1 week to finish the run cut
>still doesnt feel right

Is it best to take time and focus on making a quality anmation? It feels like im procrastinating; when I take a long time to finish a cut.

>> No.2655108
File: 8 KB, 147x185, whaaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for giving out this useful info. I'm a complete dumbass when trying to figure out that program.

pic is me on OpenToonz

>> No.2655537
File: 78 KB, 911x666, Error_and_Onionskin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np. But there is one thing I should've brought up earlier. When you save your project, be sure to save a copy of the file somewhere every time. If you don't, when OpenToonz randomly crashes and you attempt to open your scene(s), everything will be deleted after becoming corrupt. I mean, there is a small chance of that happening though, 3/4 of the time when OpenToonz crashes you'll be able to reopen the file without any issues. Better safe than sorry.

Oh, and if you need to activate Onion Skinning, just right-click the canvas and click the option, or just click the red/green ball that's to the left of your frames.

>> No.2655554
File: 80 KB, 638x296, 2ca47af1b722051ba6d6dd6049222f68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Opentoonz do this? I've been looking for software that fills over colored lines like this, I know Paintman HD has it but I can't get that so I'm looking for an alternative.

>> No.2655681
File: 427 KB, 1410x2143, FT_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kind of. There's two ways(that I know of) to go about that. You can use the Fill Tool(F) after setting the mode to Lines and Areas and check mark the Selective box, or you can modify the Level Palette and switch between any color you desire.

1. Fill Tool - Like any Fill/Bucket tool, you just point and click the area to fill it in, but if you wanted to to fill the area and a specific colored line, there's two options you would need to activate. One, click on the Fill Tool, look up to the tool bar and set the mode to Lines and Areas and make sure the Selective box is on/checked. As shown, once you fill the area, you can choose which line you want to match the Fill Tool's colors while ignoring the other colored lines. Pretty straight forward, but it would require you to color the same lines every frame.

2. Palette Modification - Assuming your colored lines are loaded in the same column's level, you don't have to repeatedly color them once you change them the first time. As shown in the image, any color can be loaded in your palette with the New Style button. With every new color implemented, they're given a specific number to help you identify what you would want them to signify. For example, say you want number 2 and 3 to outline your object by having the same color(black), you can left-click the numbers and use the Style Editor to modify their color. Or another example, number 2 and 3 can represent cyan.

It's a pretty useful way to change your colors without having to redraw your lines or filling them in every layer.

>> No.2655730
File: 36 KB, 925x370, tvp method.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the detailed answer. I don't think that 2nd method would work for me because I'll need the colored lines to be a number of different colors and cant just change them all, unless of course i make them different colors but that sounds like too much work. The 1st method is similar to how i currently color in Tvpaint but in that I paintbucket with the line color to merge it and then color it again.

Anyway I wish this tool was in more programs it makes adding shadows to animations faster and anime studios have been doing it for years.

>> No.2655756

Yes. Put in the time.

Otherwise when you get more comfortable animating, the flaws will be very obvious to you and you won't want to put it in a portfolio or a blog. Animation takes too long to be polishing turds. Make something you can be proud of later.

>> No.2655796
File: 648 KB, 633x599, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'll admit, the 2nd method could be difficult if you were to create a lengthy animation, due to how many colors you are going to be working with. But like I said, those are the only ways that I know of so far sadly. Hopefully another anon that has a different technique on adding shadows in OpenToonz could chime in their method.

>it makes adding shadows to animations faster and anime studios have been doing it for years.
Makes me wonder how Studio Ghibli went about doing this in OpenToonz.

>> No.2655915

whats the best animation software?

>> No.2656066 [DELETED] 

Thanks. I buyfagged it, but I thought there was a link for the english version in the OP.
Whenever I git gud.
Read this or any of the past threads.
It's in TVP 11
This first method is literally the same as what's in Paintman.

>> No.2656091

I buyfagged it, but I thought there was a link for the English version in the OP.
Whenever I git gud.
Isn't that first method literally the same as what's in Paintman?
Read this or any of the other threads.

>> No.2656147

Any of you guys have the time to tell me the pros and cons of 2D Vs 3D animation ?
I'm wondering about time efficiency and learning curve mostly.

>> No.2656167

>Side note.
I'm a programmer so I know how to work with computers.

>> No.2656404

2D: Animation takes a long amount of time, but it's very flexible and controlled.
3D: Creating models takes a long amount of time and requires a lot of varied knowledge, but animation is faster and models can be reused easily.

3D's more efficient in every aspect. The most effective, but longest method is to create a 2D animatic and put the 3D models over it.

>> No.2656406

3D animation is easier imo and less tedious but I prefer 2D because I feel its easier to create your vision and what you want its a bit trickier with 3D animation.
>3D animation for 6 years
>2D animation for 2 years

>> No.2656407


>> No.2657808

that walk/jog he's doing barely has enough easing, his arms shrink when he's attacking. Before he does the second kick after the spin kick that redirects the momentum backwards after he does it(???), he looks like he's about to do a punch. not to mention how awkward the position of the kick is. There's almost no flow in the combo and the reactions of the grey stick are lifeless. Youre probably not here anymore but this needed to be said.

>> No.2657858

>tfw anon got on adult swim

>> No.2657870

wtf is going on? feels a little stiff but maybe it'll be awesome once it's done. Still tho, looks a little weird.

>> No.2657966
File: 1015 KB, 500x267, tumblr_mxvjqlEtQe1s5tlxzo5_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm pretty new to animation. I picked up After Effects because my workplace needed more people who could do After Effects. But I've always loved traditional animation, and I want to get better at it.

Something's been bugging me, though, and since I'm sure there are people in this thread who are way more knowledgeable about animation than I am, I figured I'd ask.

There's something very...different about the way that anime moves, and I'm not sure if it's as simple as anime having a lower framerate or it just being a different drawing style or what.

I mean, you look at TMS, who's animated "western" shows like Tiny Toons or Ducktales, but you see something like Akira, and it's a different kind of movement, and I can't quite put my finger on it.

Granted, Akira is waaaaaay smoother than your garden variety harem shit, but there's still a very different feeling to the movement versus, I dunno, Aladdin or something. You isolate a chest-high shot of a character talking in each film and there's just a different sensibility to it. I don't particularly favor one style over another, though my work strives to be super smooth, probably because I was raised on Disney and only have a passing interest in anime, and I realize it's not just an anime vs. Disney thing (a lot of 2D western cartoons I see now have an even different sense of movement in now that we're in a ToonBoom world), but I was wondering if anyone could maybe expound on this? I feel like some of it might have to do with framerate, but also things like build-up/anticipation. I'm still really new, so any examples and resources would be rad.

>> No.2657979

Any hints I would give to anyone learning, is to cover the 12 principles of animation, and before you start to draw people or anything, start with a ball, make it bounce, mess with the weight etc, but use the 12 principles of animation.

>> No.2657982

I like it

>> No.2657997

Anime always tries to be as realistic as possible, while western animation always exaggerates the motions. So yeah, western animation has a lot more anticipation and overlap than the east does. Even "western" shows animated in the east know that they should maintain that exaggeration.

>> No.2658001

A lot of traditional disney shit, and western shit in general is animated so that every part of a character is fluid and can be used for vector expression.
Eastern animation relies more on writing and scenarios for expression, and characters take on a very rigid form. While their individual stylings may deviate, things like Akira are made with the intent of maintaining the described form. Lower framerates help in conveying that idea to the viewer.
Eastern animation such as Akira rely on subtle changes to expression and form to portray emotion, while western animation relies on exaggerated changes to expression and form.

>> No.2658002
File: 649 KB, 500x282, DayandNight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everything in Western animation is really over exaggerated and theatrical. Characters move like they would in a stage play from the 1950s, theres no chance the audience could misinterpret an action because its so clear, I think they treat the viewer like a child because most of the time it is.

Eastern animation is more subtle in its movements and things act like they would in real life or a live action movie.

Obviously theres loads of exceptions to this but it's what i've observed.

>> No.2658180


live again

>> No.2658217

Its not Speedo, its Vimhomless

>> No.2658323

You weren't live for very long apparently.

>> No.2658676

>unironically posting Cyarin

>> No.2659079
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x768, 1451757948510.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akira had a very high budget which allowed them to animate to a much higher standard. This meant that it became the first animated film to be almost entirely animated on 'ones'. Akira was remarkable for it's animation so it is difficult to fairly compare to other animated stuff.
This guy is correct in saying that western animation tends to exaggerate motions a lot more. I wouldn't agree on the point that "anime tries to be as realistic as possible". This is because the style of anime doesn't always suit the subject to be animated and just ends up making the subject stiff and unrealistic. This is where 'western' type of animation becomes advantageous due to it's exaggerated movement and looser feel. An example of this (which is probably not the best) would be the gif here: >>2658002 . The gif I've provided is probably a better example (noting the looser feel to the movement).

The two styles would work great if combined. Using the most suitable style in the scene that suits whatever style most. But this is sadly rarely used in films and such.

This is just my opinion, you think what you want.

>> No.2659164
File: 439 KB, 300x168, cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Megalizer

>> No.2659166
File: 111 KB, 300x171, jumpin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2659170
File: 245 KB, 300x168, energyBall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2659218

This discussion comes up every now and again but I think Akira was a unique case, and Katsuhiro Otomo had a more specific vision than most directors adapting a comic to animation. Up to that point (and for the most part since then still), Japanese animation adaption adaptions largely defaulted to anime cliches of its time. Akira was kind of a perfect storm of an industry that was right in the middle of its golden age, and a comic artist with a particularly unique vision and refined style (which happened to draw a lot of influence from western comics, interestingly enough).

In my opinion "cartoons" and "anime" seem a lot less distant than they did then, so much so that I find it almost pointless to use such terms if it's not a question of the work's country of origin. The East and West have been borrowing from each other since the beginning (Tezuka did it in the '50s) and if anything are doing so more openly now than ever.

In the end, the medium, animation, is the same, just a sequence of drawings. How you choose to employ the various techniques ultimately come down to personal preference, and while certain expressions and techniques betray a particular cultural background, you're always going to be adding your personal touch to whatever styles and archetypes you've come across as you perceive them. To more specifically answer your question, I think that the unique kind movement you see in Akira was dictated as much by cultural influence as it was by the creator's personal decisions and, above all, the theme of the movie's story. sorry for fuckhueg post but this is a topic I actually really enjoy discussing.

>> No.2659549

I'll keep it short

akira animated realistically in 2s with very kinetic action and effect at 1s.

Also good storyboarding help create dynamicism and a sense of space.

>> No.2659564
File: 1.41 MB, 384x216, ducktales.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is a very good question that has been bothering me for years now.
it must have something to do with the timing. I think the japanese tend to hold some keyframes a bit longer than the americans. the japanese slow ins and slow outs can be much more extreme
I think it's a product of a mixture of traditional japanese acting (exaggerated gestures) and good animators with a keen eye for natural, dynamic positions of a body in motion.

look, I instantly recodnized, that DuckTales must have been animated by a Japanese Studio. How could this be possible? maybe it's the cel shading, but there is just something about the timing I tell ya.

>> No.2659654

I want to make an animation for a project I'm working on, but I've no previous experience. Well, I don't even know how to draw properly.

So, I'm thinking in rotoscoping; I'll use a model (maybe a maniquin) and make it make all the different movements and just draw it.

Will this work? It seems the easiest way to do it.

>> No.2659682

Your rotoscoping will be utter shit if you know nothing about animation principles let alone stop motioning a mannequin

>> No.2659741

This. And tracing /= drawing.
Your stuff is going to look shit if you just trace without knowing the proper human body/fundamentals of it. I'd suggest learning from the start, as everyone has.

>> No.2659965

Lookin good fambalaya

>> No.2660002
File: 1.70 MB, 500x281, WIPgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying an undertale animation because the sans fight and its music are super cool to me

>> No.2660086

I thought Akira was all literally ones?

>> No.2660164
File: 742 KB, 1280x720, gone_insane.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything look odd at a first glance?

>> No.2660195
File: 884 KB, 1280x720, going_sane.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh oops the framerate went weird, this should be right

>> No.2660371
File: 340 KB, 1276x1532, waefjalwekf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody in the Los Angeles area?

I am thinking of going to CSUN or SMC to build up a portfolio and then apply to cal arts. Does this make sense?

>> No.2660477


>> No.2660483
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, lookup 30050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ehhhh... I'm very wary about advising anyone to go to art school. It's very expensive, and many who go don't ever make it professionally.

Calarts is a good starting point, professionally, but it comes with a huge financial burden.

Anyway I'm basically done with this. I've learned everything I can from it.


>> No.2660487

Right, but what other option is there. Even the cheaper community colleges will help you build up a fat portfolio and sets you up with internships.

>> No.2660493



I don't know. I went to a very mediocre art school, myself, but I've learned far, FAR more studying on my own.

I guess my best advice is don't study art with the intention of getting a degree. A degree in art is WORTHLESS.

*Training* in art is not. Clients and employers will NEVER ask about your degree, only your portfolio and resume.

>> No.2660502

*nods respectfully towards (You)*

I already studied for a degree, got one in architecture from berkeley.

I'm definitely studying now to get more training. I'd LOVE to be able to look at myself in the mirror and say I am perfectly capable of learning it all by myself in my parents room. I know this is not true.
I'd also LOVE for calarts to not fucking cost 35k a year with little option for financial aid as I milked the grants already at berkeley.

Nobody goes to art school for the degree. They go to be surrounded by other artists at a similar level, get advice and critique from established teaching artists, to work at a structured pace, and to abuse the resources that become available to you as a paying enrollee.

>> No.2660524

how does paintman work in combination with TVP in your experience?

i like it, i just wish i knew more about composition and environments so i'm not drawing figures on empty plains all the time.

jesus christ, how sad.

>> No.2660609

should i get better at 2d animation or should I start getting gud at 3d?

I feel a bit at a loss atm. I haven't done anything cool in 2d but i feel i need to learn some basic 3d animating before i continue getting better at 2d.

But I feel like Im wasting my time learning 3d...

>> No.2660613


Frankly if I was starting over I'd look at much more A La Carte options than a traditional degree program.

If you're in SoCal you might consider some classes from the Animation Guild. They're dirt cheap.


Otherwise you might consider taking individual art classes from say Gnomon (though I'm not sure that's what you're looking for in art)


I don't know man. If you've already gotten a degree, doesn't that mean you've got a lot of prereqs out of the way and can focus purely on your course of study? Does Calarts take transfer credits from other schools? I'd look into that.

>> No.2660616


I'm confused. Do you want to work in 2D or 3D professionally?

>> No.2660620

What is this racemixing shit.

>> No.2660647

perspective of the room doesn't match the perspective of the character, their head should get waaaaaay bigger when they pass in front of the camera.

holy fuck, thanks for bringing these guys up. i can't afford something crazy like calarts but these guys would be great for something to do while bumming around LA. thanks man.

>> No.2660649

>2d profesionally

Is that even still a thing....?

>> No.2660654

>what is cn, nickelodeon, disney, commercials, storyboarding

>> No.2660698

You mean jobs that are only available in LA or are all taken/not in demand?

The trend seems to be that 2d animated commercials are becoming more of a niche and the industry is switching to faux 2d. Where they add toon shading to 3d models.
Sure there are still a handful of studios that do 2d work, but they are not limited to 2d.
Most studios give the option to clients to present 3d work.

Just saying that knowledge of both is mandatory hence my question of should I get in on it asap or should I stick to my guns and continue getting better at 2d even though i will remain unemployed for a very long time or have to move countries...

>> No.2660722

i was just pointing out that it still existed.

you're right about everything though, and that's the depressing part. i'm trying to get to LA myself just for the opportunities it has.

you should definitely continue getting better at 2D, but make it your side project and continue working on 3D so you can get a job working in that field. that way, if you ever move up in a 3D studio and they let you work on something you can try and push it to be 2D or psuedo-2D.

>> No.2660728


>jobs that are only available in LA

Try Canada.

Anyway the vast majority of TV cartoons are still 2D. Maybe often cheap flash based puppet 2D, but still 2D. And all the storyboard work is still in 2D.

Nobody I know in the animation industry works in 3D.

>Just saying that knowledge of both is mandatory

I hate to say this, but my personal opinion is, you're either going to be good at one or the other. There isn't enough time in one lifespan to exceed at both.

What do you want to work on? Movies? TV? Commercials? Games? What?

>> No.2660734


No Problem. I was going to recommend Concept Design Academy as well but then I saw their prices and I was like SCREEEEEEEEEW that!

>> No.2660751

Here's a short animatic I made at SVA last year, part of a story I wrote called "Teeny Bopper and Donna Prima".

And forgive my voice on the scratch track, I know it sounds like Elmer Fudd with his mouth full of cotton balls.


>> No.2660777

>what do you want to work on?
Dis little nigga just wants to make money with art.
At the moment the best options I've gotten are small indie companies with tiny budgets. Not a lot of those around...
So yeah, advertising is my best bet.

>try canada

You mean move continents? Sounds great, I'll get right on that after I pay off my debt and die broke.

>push for 2D

*IF* I ever get in a company I'll doubt I have any creative input HAHAHAlife is horrible

>> No.2660781

>youre right about everything and thats the depressing part

So continue making art on my own while I slowly kill myself with booze and create more debt?
Got it.

>> No.2660936

mind if i join you in that endeavor

just checked them out. holy fucking shit. those prices are insane.

>> No.2661005

you have good taste in music, nice stream

>> No.2661123

Insane indeed, and for classes that are the exact same length of the Gnomon classes.

I've heard a lot of good things about CDA but 6,000 dollars for a painting class is madness.

>> No.2661161


Buddy I rode a train for 48 hours straight with no bed and no shower to get to L.A. because I couldn't afford a plane ticket.

Where ARE you located?

>> No.2661167

not a big fan but that looks pretty cool.

>> No.2661169

There are other options between "learning it all by myself in my parents room" and wasting money for art school. Connect with people IRL.

>> No.2661225

I think anime just tends to rely on keyframes and not bother with as many in-betweens.

>> No.2661270
File: 818 KB, 852x480, grodd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2661277

>tfw decent illustrator but poor animator

Can I still work in the animation production pipeline without literally rigging models?

>> No.2661281


Can you storyboard? Can you do character design? Can you paint BGs?

>> No.2661283

I can do all of those to some extent. I just find the real animation part of animation tedious.

>> No.2661290

I don't know if we're supposed to ignore the cub in the background or if he's part of the animation but his perspective should change while the camera is moving to the left

>> No.2661293
File: 773 KB, 640x360, walkSmall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My animation doll (Linux: Beta). Here is another example: (https://www.youtube.com/embed/cS4yoNvwJLg))[https://www.youtube.com/embed/cS4yoNvwJLg]. Ask me for a osx license.

>> No.2661299

can you do every aspect of the drawing as well as animating in toonboom? i work traditional pen and paper and i usually work in photoshop after that but i hear toonboom can do that as well as compiling and rendering everything so i might make the switch. i just dont want any technical restrictions down the line.

>> No.2661331

Solid advice.

>> No.2661368

I just missed the reservation deadline.................................. thats what i get for being a clueless fuck

>> No.2661466

Belgium. Competition is fierce here.

>> No.2661504

First of all, adorable
That said, I think you should slow this down a bit. With so much movement going on it's hard to see all of the actions at once when them going so fast. Either stagger them a bit (so tentacle B starts moving when tentacle A is stopping etc) or just slowing it down should help.

>> No.2661506

Needs some inbetweens but otherwise the form looks good and believable. Add some more frames to make it smoother, right now it's super choppy.

>> No.2661508

Watch Aaron Blaise's videos, specifically the squash and stretch one. The reason your ball doesn't seem to have weight is that we can't feel the acceleration watching it. Adding stretch to the ball as it falls will give it that sense of weight, like it's falling rather than gently floating to the ground.
How can you judge someone's drawing ability from a bouncing ball exercise lmfao retard. Ignore this anon

>> No.2661580
File: 61 KB, 620x296, uca_logo_old_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long shot but are there any d/ic/ks starting or are in animation at UCA Farnham this year?

>> No.2661663

Then go into storyboarding. That's where most of the jobs are nowadays, at least in the U.S.

>> No.2661670


Well I don't know about Belgium but Traditional Animation seems more alive in France than it does in the US.

Move to France, I don't know... or just do 3D if that's what you're really interested in.

>> No.2661671


Well I really just did that turnaround for reference. I'm trying to get my ducks in a row to start making a short film.

>> No.2661934

Competition is even harder in France and even they are switching to 3D. There's indeed a few studios that still rely on toonboom and the like, but a lot of it is turning CG due to costs.

>> No.2661963

Thanks senpai! I'll look for more new music though, although i like the same stuff it will annoy most peple aha.

>> No.2661990

Ireland has a lot of animation studios

>> No.2662071

Then why did Chris O'neill leave to americah

>> No.2662183

>im plagorising frames from ghibli


>> No.2662184

How is it so smooth?

>> No.2662185

if you don't like where you live you'd move too wouldn't you

just play a ton more tenacious D, stuff's great.

>> No.2662211

Neck yourself thats pathetic, and if you dont neck yourself maybe your Father will do it for you

>> No.2662213
File: 1.51 MB, 452x640, foxrain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this so I can stare at it while listening to chill music.

>> No.2662219

The structure is good, but it lacks appeal. It looks like something made by Jazza.

>> No.2662231

So bad theres no form or anything what a fucking mess wheres the fluidity in the motion? Whats even happening?

>> No.2662257


What a terrible opinion.

>> No.2662274

Wow. That's a... That's a low blow man.

>> No.2662366
File: 1.25 MB, 998x911, hammer-swing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to bother cleaning this up. Just wanted to do a little animation/timing test.

>> No.2662845

I'm not even the guy you're replying to and even I feel offended by that.

>> No.2662934
File: 7 KB, 95x90, output_icx9dO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been making pixel sprites and anims. for a project my friends are thinking up. Here's a guy getting shot

>> No.2663030

his fall is a bit fast, you need a frame in between him lying on the ground and the moment prior.

>> No.2663488

I like how old Disney toons never had shading. The focus were the character movements.

Anime takes itself way too seriously, no humor at all.

>> No.2663584

feels as if he's dropping the hammer on the rock rather than bringing it down with force

>> No.2663705
File: 47 KB, 800x515, Wikipedia_BouncingBall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please refer to the bouncing ball my friend. more frames at the top than at the bottom. and since its a fall, put it on ones.

Quiet you moron

>> No.2663708


Also add some overshoot and anticipation.

>> No.2663713

looks more like snow (you did a decent job too) try speeding it up if you want rain.

>> No.2663715


>> No.2663729

Blink in the middle, ease in and ease out. try using the ears to convey emotion as well

>> No.2663732

Stronger line of action

>> No.2664189

>Quiet you moron
uh... okay? also, why?

>> No.2664208

Again look at the fucking bouncing ball dumbass. why the fuck would you want to add more drawings at the bottom of a fall?

>> No.2664222

Samefag here. Also add squash and stretch when he hits the ground.

>> No.2664254

because it feels like it has no gravity, the figure just sorta slaps to the ground instead of actually falling. it needs something to make it feel like his body is toppling over. maybe there's not enough room for it since it's not even 16-bit though.

>> No.2664293

Like I said in my post above use squash and stretch. If you add more frames at the bottom you'll fuck up the gravity even more.

>> No.2664314
File: 78 KB, 1920x1080, Fall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an extremely rough example to prove my point. (Thanks for making me work tho)

Note that there are more frames at the top and there's squash and stretch.

>> No.2664345

the thing is the resolution is so small it might not be possible to give it a squash and stretch, so the solution would have to be an inbetween or something.

this still means there needs to be a frame before the guy's on the floor though, doesn't it? since for there to be an actual stretch, he needs to hit the floor and go out, then snap back in on that last frame.

>> No.2664386
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, Fall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't. I do however agree that squash and stretch on such a low resolution would be a challenge. But adding more frames at the bottom will ruin the motion. It will look weightless and slow.

>> No.2664410

it looks weightless already, but it might be easy to exaggerate if the hands flew out a bit more, sort of imitating a squash and stretch but not actually being one.

>> No.2664441

And like I said in my very first post to remedy it >more frames at the top than at the bottom. and since its a fall, put it on ones.

>> No.2664446

Ohshit I can't greentext!

>> No.2664447

Also you're right about the arms.

>> No.2664457

you can greentext, it just has to be it's own paragraph

>more frames at the top than at the bottom. and since its a fall, put it on ones.

aren't most of the frames already on the top? the falling motion only has 2 frames, the one before he's on the ground and the one actually on the ground.

>> No.2664463
File: 21 KB, 552x171, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2664506

11 hours is impossible for anyone who does other things with their life. Do not hold this to a standard unless it becomes your actual job.

>> No.2664516

japs are infamous for everyone working 12-16 hour workdays

>> No.2664519

11 is on the shorter side for Japan. I do 13-15 usually.

>> No.2664535

i am op, thanks for feedback!

>> No.2664660
File: 1.34 MB, 350x420, SimalonoSamurai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this today, how did I do? I'm really new to animating.

>> No.2664667

Stop lying

>> No.2664745

I've recently learned how to do gesture drawing, and it has helped me so much.


I couldn't animate in 3D prior to doing it.

>> No.2664867

Yes, but the original gif is on two's mine is on ones. Thanks for the reply tho.

>> No.2665345
File: 6 KB, 255x331, big boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am
working on a run cycle for this guy

>> No.2665349
File: 1 KB, 21x29, output_anXkRC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am degenerate and made individual frames in paint.net, what needs to happen before i go further with this?

>> No.2665369

Always next year. Enough time to plan out what you'd like to do next.

>> No.2665443

The left shoulder jitters, fix that before you upscale it, but that looks really nice. The easing works well.

>> No.2665445

Thinking about it... Does seem good there though.

>> No.2665515
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, 30 frames.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this.

>> No.2665518
File: 372 KB, 720x405, vampsmall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really add more frames. But I want to move on and make other things.

>> No.2665533

Add anticipation and a blink when he moves forward.

>> No.2665566
File: 362 KB, 720x405, vampsmall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2665626


Judge me bros

>> No.2665693

You have no obligation to believe me, but I have no reason to lie.

>> No.2666046


fuck /ic/ if this post works. its not letting me post my wip gif

>> No.2666048
File: 2.05 MB, 720x405, primeape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2666184

Even more anticipation. make him squash down and pull his shoulders up then make him come forwards. the blink is also too early it should be in the middle.

>> No.2666187

This guy is literally a bouncing ball with legs.

Here's what you have to keep in mind>>2664314>>2664222

>more frames at the top than at the bottom

>> No.2666392

How does this amtlib think work for Animate CC

What must I do?

>> No.2666872

Wait for the next thread?

>> No.2666914
File: 2 KB, 25x40, output_ao2Z1V.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2667028

It's very charming. Good job, anon. Just one question. Are you gonna add follow thru on his helmet plume?

>> No.2667080

good idea, i'll see what i can do

>> No.2667318
File: 163 KB, 700x393, Untitled 44.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been a while