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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2638464 No.2638464 [Reply] [Original]

My queue is behind by about a year, I've never closed commissions and I keep taking them.

Problem is I really only work on recent commissions that I get money for NOW because I'm pretty broke. And I'd rather make money now then commissions that were already paid for. None of the older commissions that were paid for have emailed me and asked where their work is. So I keep ignoring them, I know it's morally wrong but if they aren't worried about their work should I even care anymore?

>> No.2638477

yeah you should care you retarded dipshit thief. If you don't take care of that asap its going to come back and bite you in the ass hard and you'll never recover from the vicious fucking your reputation will take. idiot.

>> No.2638478

If this is true youre a thief and a scumbag. If I knew who your older clients were of advise them to file theft on PayPal.

>> No.2638479

Keep ignoring until they ask, then if they do ask, offer to do two pictures as a way to say sorry about forgetting.

How many are you putting off?

>> No.2638483

I was going to do them but again I'm broke and I need to make money NOW. And again they aren't emailing me asking me for my work. I don't the time to stop taking commissions and making money to do some old work unless they ask for it.

>> No.2638486
File: 78 KB, 216x366, 2f3ac5ebf1d0d429589c222b156beda0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is you being broke supposed to make us pity you or something? Your attitude will dig your own grave. Just because people aren't harping at you because you took their money and ran doesn't mean they've forgotten. I can't imagine what kind of mindset you're in if you honestly think that its the fault of the people you've stolen money from that they aren't getting what you owe them. I advise you to get your head out of your ass before its too late.

>> No.2638513

You are probably shit at drawing and will never make it anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter if you ruin your reputation for being a crook. Do whatever your morally ambiguous brain tells you to.

>> No.2638521

How is 5-6 commissions a year behind, that should be a month or two at MOST. You should be working 12 hours a day until you catch up you scumbag.

>> No.2638527


You're just asking for trouble. If one of them ask for a refund, what will you do, tell him you're broke? Put him on ignore list?

Just begin working on them on the side while doing the new ones, this way you'll finish them eventually and send them with some excuse about forgetting about it, and if in the meantime one of them ask for his art, you can make it a priority, finish his quickly and apologize.

Don't tell me that you're working 12 hours a day on commissions, just take half an hour a day to work on those 5 pics and they'll be done before you know it. Even if it takes you 2 months, they'll be done eventually.

It's still bad work ethic but far better than not doing anything about it.

>> No.2638535

Pretty much this. You are either trolling or a retard.

>> No.2638554

if you cant make commission deadlines, then get into adaptables business

I see alot of people selling character, and weapon designs and doing well on Deviantart and Furaffinity

>> No.2638694

It's not my job to make deadlines, it's the clients. If they don't make deadlines it's not my problem.

>> No.2638696

How much money was put into those 5-6 pics?

>> No.2638710

You're a straight-up thief. 5-6 commissions is nothing. You should be able to finish all of them in a week or two. They probably aren't e-mailing you because they don't want to be rude or whatever, do you seriously think that somebody who gives you actual money for a service will be ok with not getting that service, which they already paid for? You're never going to make it with this sort of behavior.

>> No.2638805

>there are dozens, maybe hundreds of retards like this taking commissions

>> No.2638829

Dude you're a huge cunt, are you mentally impared? Be honest

>> No.2638862
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This made me mad a f

OP you give a bad name to artists doing commissions, I hope this is bait.

>> No.2638994

How do you even get commissions?

>> No.2639421

Kill yourself.

>> No.2639447


You're either baiting hard or just plain retarded senpai. Even an incredibly egotistical person like you should be able to see the shortcomings of your behavior. Sooner or later people will stop coming to you with work if you don't actually work. It's just not in your best interest to screw over your clients.

>> No.2639878

I love how people are telling me to kill myself without my my financial and day to day situation.

I'm broke, I have zero money I need to worry about making money NOW and doing the people willing to pay now for commissions.

>> No.2639883


Have you tried giving up your boy pussy on the crags of listing?

>> No.2639888

Keep up the good work. Let the thread burn

>> No.2639893

nobody cares how poor your are. you're ripping people off, do you not understand that?
unless you're telling me that you're waiting on their mails and it's taking too long, in which case i might understand.
otherwise finish your fucking work before taking on new clients.

>None of the older commissions that were paid for have emailed me and asked where their work is. So I keep ignoring them, I know it's morally wrong but if they aren't worried about their work should I even care anymore?
and what if they're just waiting and don't want to disturb you with unessecary emails? when they contact you one day what are you gonna tell them? you'll start working then?

>> No.2640476

If people already paid you for their commissions and you just dicked around, never did them and spent the money anyway, why are you looking for sympathy for being "broke"? It's your own fault for not doing them when you were supposed to.

>> No.2640497

>get paid to do something
>don't do it
>spend money
>still don't do the work you took money for
>but guuuuuuys, I'm broke, I need money, can't you see how sympathetic my situation is?
Yeah, nah, you go fuck yourself.

>> No.2640555

>accept money to draw
>for some retarded reason, don't deliver the drawings for an entire fucking year
>b-b-but i'm so poor and need money NOW guys, pls feel sorry for me and my non-existant work ethic!

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. A million times, fuck you.
You know there are people who practice everyday want to live off of art, right? You know staining the reputation of EVERYONE who do this shit for a living, right?
You disgusting, lazy piece of shit. I don't care you're poor, you're just giving yourself an excuse to be the lazy piece of shit you are. YOU HAD AN ENTIRE YEAR.
You ashame artists everywhere. You're disgusting and i hope you starve on the streets so you learn a fucking lesson.

>> No.2640715
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x971, cL8nSRa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have fallen down the tragic pit of needing money to finish commissions but the only way to get money is to take on more commissions
The fault is that you're charging 100% upfront and there is no incentive to finish the work other than your reputation
But once your reputation is destroyed you will have no more money and no more clients

You need to find another source of income and NOT TAKE ON ANYMORE COMMISSIONS because if you do your situation will only get worse

Finish all your current commissions and from now on charge a percentage of the price upfront and the rest after the image is complete
You risk getting conned but the truth is you're conning people even worse right now.

Go to the job center or something and get dole money, the most important thing is that you need to put an end to the vicious cycle you're in right now because it's going to cause you even more pain and pain for more people the longer it goes on

You're not to blame here OP, I've known many people to fall down this pit before, some even multiple times, you have to recognize the signs of it happening early and stop it from progressing or it will spread like a fire becoming harder and harder to put out the longer you leave it

>> No.2640761

Other people have asked this multiple times already, but since you haven't answered I'll ask again:

How the fuck did you fall a year behind? Why did you not start on those older commissions when you got them?

And if you have no money then just get a regular part time job you little bitch.

>> No.2640844
File: 35 KB, 400x569, 1444989794940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time flies when you're dead inside

>> No.2640852

>It's not my job to make deadlines, it's the clients

How is it not your job? How can the client meet the deadline if you're the one doing the commision?

>> No.2640903

he's just trolling. don't be stupid, cmon.

>> No.2640948

>/v/irgin is a slimy cunt

Color me surprised.

>> No.2640986

what a fucking cunt you are
I hope you starve