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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2628904 No.2628904[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no major Art community on Reddit? I'm actually surprised. I mean, you can go to like r/art or something but it's complete shit, just random crappy drawings amateurs are shilling.

>> No.2628906

That's because reddit's for amateurs, retard.

>> No.2628910


staggering insight, thank you friend

>> No.2628915

>just random crappy drawings amateurs are shilling.

It's almost like you're on /ic/

>> No.2628922


please, there's tons of good resources on /ic/ if you're willing to look

/ic/ is not shit and is a better community than a lot of art online places

>> No.2628923

good art is forged in the fires of negativity, which reddit lacks

there's a point of diminishing returns though, just look at this place

>> No.2628924

why don't you fuck off back to lereddit with your faggy dog posts?

>> No.2628927
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waaah gee wizz sorry mister

>> No.2628938

This, OP. Even /r/learnart is full of coddling
Personally I've found that /r/sketchdaily is good for developing a drawing habit, and /r/redditgetsdrawn is great for portrait studies

>> No.2628970

art communities are usually based around a group of artists/art appreciators with similar tastes or goals and/or a long term commitment in terms of community interaction, both things reddit is distinctly designed to avoid

subreddits are centered around showcasing the most popular content of the moment (and it's most popular comments) around generalized and easily defined themes, as decided by a mass of people up/down voting posts. things like twitter/tumblr/pinterest work a lot better if you're looking for art because you can just directly follow the creators you like along with curators who's tastes are similar to yours. if you're looking for feedback, sites and forums based around such are much more efficient.

/ic/ is obviously an outlier because of how little commitment 4chan demands in combination with generals as well as the overall organization threads allow for

constructive critique is not inherently negative therefore negativity is not necessary. it's not too difficult to accept compliments while still knowing you can always do better. plus i doubt if you lack the self control to not insult someone while giving written feedback you probably lack the discipline it takes to properly study art. if you actually cared about people taking your feedback to heart, they're a lot more likely to believe what you say if you say it kindly rather than it being some annoying attempt to impose your personality disorder upon others.

>> No.2628989

>rather than it being some annoying attempt to impose your personality disorder upon others

Kinda like how you are trying to seem like some kind of snotty philosopher on art? These kinds of people are the worst.

>> No.2628991

You just proved him right

>> No.2628994

Dogs aren't faggy fuck you

>> No.2628997


I don't care, I got my point across to him (you).

>> No.2628999

Because of the way reddit works. You can't bump a submission like a thread, so chill threads where people post refs, inspiration, and their work are not possible.

Voting also makes it turn into a popularity contest, and attracts those that just want to shill their work, or that of their friends ("my dad deserves more recognition").

>> No.2629003

What are some good subreddits on reddit?

I browse r/sketchdaily and r/fundamentals.

Is there a figure drawing subreddit?

>> No.2629004
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>if you lack the self control to not insult someone while giving written feedback you probably lack the discipline it takes to properly study art.
If I lack the discipline for holding piss for 2 hours in my bladder do I lack the patience to cook?

>> No.2629008

Your point is stupid. Everything that he posted was valid.

>> No.2629009

I said idgaf kiss my ass.

>> No.2629012

nice thread 8chn mod

>> No.2629330


cancer killing /ic/ right here

>> No.2629331 [DELETED] 

You aren't helping.

>> No.2629408

Because the subreddit format sucks for anything that isn't quick discussions/link sharing typically related to current events surrounding a specific subject. Any active subreddit will drop threads off of the page faster than /b/ does unless they're being constantly upvoted for several days straight.