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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 46 KB, 960x720, shitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2627901 No.2627901 [Reply] [Original]

So I went to art school for a year and dropped out.

May people will say good things about art school but I think this picture illustrates what art school was like for me.

This is a photo from where I studied.

This is a second year art student's assessment work.

Most of the students there spent more time talking about drugs, feminism being vegan and how evil capitalism is than actually discussing art work.

>> No.2627909

Looks like you went to one of the many sad "art" schools that are really just a sham.

>> No.2627915

Would fuck

>> No.2627920

By virtue of being an artist it's easy to fall into the special snowflake trap.
It becomes a "Us free thinking intellectuals smart enough to not have a 9-5" vs the common folk who are inherrently sheep in the eyes of these supposed goats.

I'm probably like this in many ways but the world is broken and every last one is juat trying their best to survive. Vegan or capitalist.
Maybe if those artists spent less time trying to drip feed the poles ice water to stop global warming their art would be worth buying... That would mean that they are infact supportinng a capialistic economy. Perhaps they could donate the proceedes to a middle class home to help the economy...

>> No.2627930


Simillar experience and it wasn't even a art school but graphic design.

Out of the 32 student's and over 30 more that I've met through out the 4 years I've spend there only 5 still persue/hold a career in anything art related.(including graphic design)

They made it look like the little bit of homework that they gave you was a massive amount, so that you felt that you've worked hard ect.

Also it was almost impossiable to fail, one guy in my class only had 60% of the needed grades to pass and barely followed any classes but still advanced to the next year.

The only thing the school was good at was self advertising and inflating people's ego.

>> No.2627934

As an arts student myself I can confirm that literally everything said on this thread so far is true.

>> No.2627937
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, 011 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "experience" is one the students parents are paying for, so no whiplash yelling at students and because they're little shits they do less and less every year is there anything they won't tolerate "I won't tolerate hate" TRANSLATION "I will tolerate anything." when i was in school something like 90% of them did not want to be artists or make anything, its actively difficult to find any student to represent the school because theyre all incompetent and inappropriate failures with zero social skills PIC RLEATED was one year of senior work

>> No.2627939

The girl in your picture can't care less about it. She will marry a guy working in IT, let him pay off her college debt and maybe find a job (if she feels like it) where she can spread around one of her many victim narratives.

>> No.2627940

My first thought also

>> No.2627943

I bet that looks pretty cool in person. A year though? Whew.

>> No.2627963

I knew someone that couldnt draw, like, at all, and finished the 4 years with a triple distinction and went on to do absolutely nothing with it, while someone who could draw incredibly well finished with just a pass, their grades were pulled down bu the fact that they didnt do written theories and process documentation, they were just making art. The problem with alot of art schools is they dont actually get down and teach each individual how to improve, but just create a checklist of things that encompasses what people should do to improve, its not personal, or even about the quality of work, its students meeting a checklist to progress to the next year, could be a stick figure for life drawing, it still counts as criteria filled even if they clearly learned nothing.

>> No.2627971

sad, what a waste of time and money

>> No.2627976

>marry a guy working in IT

Even in /ic/ neckbeards still fall for the STEM meme. o i am laffin

>> No.2627977

i think she just memeinterpreted some other artist's work

>> No.2627985

Did all the girls dress like whores?

>> No.2628016

Reminds me of OCADU, god what a load of shit that place is

>> No.2628086

You made the mistake of going down the fine art route. At my artschool we had the choice to study illustration and the people there were 10 times as skilled as the degenerates in fine art. I had a year of that conceptual bullshit and it nearly drove me insane

>> No.2628096


I had the opposite problem. I'm from Slovenia, went to study architecture and out of 150 students I was the only one with any building industry experience. All of my classmates were from middle design school or middle art school and everyone that I talked to said their reason for being an architect was "I like to draw".
To make matters worse out of 10 classes only 2 were technical, others were supposed to be different but it was all abstract drawing homework or drawing chairs and items.
That, coupled with a sea of hipsters with macs made me lose all motivation. Plus, in our small country there is no way to get any kind of success when schools push out 300 architects a year and you need to grind for 5 years of school + 5 years of low paid job to officially sign your own blueprints.

>> No.2628138
File: 293 KB, 633x758, 1467006040919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar retardation in Poland, seems to be a local meme. Every decent architecture school requires you to take entry drawing exam where literally thousands compete for few dozen spots.

Result? Undergrads are full of pro tier concept artists and almost nobody with any relevant engineering knowledge. Most of architecture grads end up working as gamedevs or fucking web designers. Actual buildings are all outsourced to western companies staffed with 50y old german engineers.

>> No.2628143

>be from poland
>want to become gamedev/ web designer
>go to architecture university

>> No.2628167

I predict one of two things for her future.

1. She is delusional about her abilities and applies for an MFA program. She either doesn't get accepted or some state school accepts her and she is rejected after one year without graduating. She still thinks she has passion for her art, so she takes art-related jobs like gallery assistant. She slowly stops enjoying making art because no one seems to appreciate what it communicates. She marries an upper middle-class white guy about 5 years older than her before she is 30 years old. She stays home and takes care of her kids and never manages to set up her dream studio. Her life is a mixture of fulfillment and quiet desperation and longing for something that never existed.

2. She is much more practical about life, or at least has been conditioned to think so by her parents and friends. By her mid-20's she marries and sort of falls in love with a man around her age who will earn a solid middle-class income in some very boring white collar profession. She tries very hard to be a good mother to their children, although they have behavioral issues that require medication. She tries to be a good, emotionally supportive wife to her husband, but he's fairly boring, irritable, and kind of demanding. He ends up having an affair or two but she'll never leave him. She is very angry about life in her 40's because she never really had a go at living the life of an artist, and everyone around her treats her like crap.

She's pretty cute though.

>> No.2628178
File: 88 KB, 800x566, IMG_0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excepts engineering
Well no shit. Architects design stuff and engineers filter the retarded shit

>> No.2628252

Am the only one that doesn't see a problem with this? The good artists will acquire new ways of thinking about things and it'll influence their art for the better while the shit artists embarrass themselves and continue being shit

>> No.2628254

I'm about to go to OCAD, is it really that bad? Tell me more about it

>> No.2628257

That's not what architecture is. Most of architecture is technical.

>> No.2628261

I would recommend taking a walk through it's corridors at some point, see if you can handle the liberal hipster atmosphere.

>> No.2628269
File: 3.68 MB, 1752x6197, ASK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's that time again

>> No.2628271
File: 3.55 MB, 3262x4982, ARB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2628272

I have a huge hard on for hipster girls though and I know I'm gonna hook up with a bunch of them. I'm sure that'll get me over how annoying the place might be

>> No.2628280

>what is sad and deep
>lol i know how about DARKNESS

She seems confident about her work though, I'm jealous. I wish I could have gone to art school.

>> No.2628281
File: 355 KB, 712x1019, 1470251915608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards always going in shit art schools. It's just natural selection. You can find good art school in every shithole you live. It's your fault.

>> No.2628291


Not everyone lives in California and has the privilege of rich asian parents.

>> No.2628299
File: 256 KB, 840x760, 1470305064847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why instead of atelier/courses you choose shit art school? Because of degree lmao? Or because parents force you?

>> No.2628317



>> No.2628463

Even California is shit, mate.

(((new ways of thinking about things)))

>> No.2628490

>lol just go to an atelier school
almost as expensive as art school

>> No.2628592

>complaining about capitalism
>doing drugs

It's funny because you can't do drugs unless you have enough capital to afford them. You did good dropping out, OP.

>> No.2628602


Should have just wen't to a college and got a legitimate degree in something you don't hate vs. attending a shit art school. Even the military would have been a better option.

>> No.2628613

Dude, she's wearing a dress that a baby doll would wear.
She could be a whore though, I don't know.

>> No.2628618

Why do you make me feel for a non-existent hypothetical person, anon?

>> No.2628620

*tips katana*

>> No.2628627

What should I take in college if I still plan on being an artist at some point? I'd like to just take the shitty fine art program at my local community college and use all the time to practice, but if I can take something practical and have a real degree to fall back on, while still having significant time to practice during college, that would be best.

Is there something even somewhat related to art worth taking that would allow me to practice many hours a day?

I already asked my parents if I could just stay home and practice, but they're dead set on me getting some sort of degree, so I have to take something.

>> No.2628628

joining an atelier and doing fine arts on the side could work

>> No.2628659

I have a BFA in Computer Animation. The school I went to was understaffed, underfunded, underquipped and the staff they did have were underqualified.
Every comment I've read in this thread is accurate. Art Education, is more or less a sham. Most of the stundents have special snowflake syndrome and just "don't *do* a normal lifestyle" or work, or whatever bullshit excuse they have.
I was guilty of it, I couldn't see the forest for the trees and ignored the several red flags that I should have caught.
I think that out of the 10 people in the program with me at my school, 0 of them have gone on to have jobs anywhere remotely related to art.
I had a very short lived stint as an animator at a start up that tanked because the owner was stealing money and selling literally nothing to clients that got wise, and I think I'm the one that made it the furthest so-to-speak.
We were told about all of these multifaceted jobs we could get with our degrees yet the college had no relationships with any local companies (because there were no local companies), didn't help with internships, nothing. Many classes boiled down to "google a tutorial."
I think the best thing I ever did was get a blue collar job at a factory where I moved up the ranks in the sales room, and it wasn't even because I was educated, it was because I'm not an idiot and can use a PC and I'm on track to break $40,000 his year gross with my 2nd year at the company.
Many people in my generation (millennials, gag, I'm 28) think jobs will just come to them by applying online, I did.
What I got out of the deal was a very healthy does of being jaded and bitter, and $75,000 in debt from taking 6 years to get a useless undergrad.

I guess the hilarious irony is I'm going back to get a mental health counseling masters degree. At least there's jobs in that.

>> No.2628663

This. Having an Art Degree has me to the point where I basically can't stand other artists. Most of them are so fucking pretentious it takes over their entire personality.

>> No.2628669

Does anyone have experience with MICA?

>> No.2628674

I basically dated this girl. Not THIS girl but someone just like her. Super pseudo-intellectual femnazi that thought she was hot shit but has meh-midtier looks
Harsh truth is that her art was mediocre, and after over a decade she has not really improved and produces early-college level artwork that most people think is "oh sooo good" in a small town in BFE where art is seen as alien, any trained artist sees it for what it is, tired ass passe attempts at being unique.

She'll end up a single mother from dating some piece of shit 3edgy5me douche that will leave her in the dust, move back home, and end up working as a cashier.

At least she was good in bed.

>> No.2628678
File: 12 KB, 200x219, 842922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Architecture is supposed to be a balance of aesthetics and function. Engineers work with architects on large buildings or solo on structures that requires a lot of mechanics. (bridges, dams...)

>> No.2628708

Sounds like a story anon
you could write decent characters

>> No.2628714

I've heard good things about MICA, had a friend who went there for graphic design and came out with design jobs shortly after.

I've got a BFA in cartooning from SVA. There were a few classes I was unhappy with, but on the whole everyone in the department was being worked to death and generally nobody was bullshitting around or vegan-hipstering their way through.

>> No.2628751
File: 564 KB, 1920x1080, legion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to state school for art
>majored in studio art
>professors were knowledgeable and personable
>Learned a great deal
>make friends with professors
>Small oportunites arise
>Have great references
>Learn about myself as a student
>Learned how to teach self effectively

>> No.2628772
File: 75 KB, 600x849, krenz-cushart-160513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of my art school

it's a lil different, because I study something close to graphic design
the way the school works is that you are mixed with students from other courses, like fashion design, industrial design or interior architecture to learn the basics of "design" , which in itself is a fucking joke
(every week you have another subject, like photography, working with clay or making abstract shit from garbage for the sake of training your "abstract thinking")
you rarely meet a student that draws regularly, they just doodle pseudo-rebellious stuff on the walls and tables, how we need gender-equality now and hatespeech should be a crime
everyone wears 90's-fashion, they always talk about party and what person xy was doing last night, everyones vegan or walks around barefoot, they all seem to lack some sort of ambition to work for every day, they just live day in day out, following the dumb tasks our tutors give us without asking questions

I mean, art is subjective and you should do what the fuck you want, but these guys build a society where skill isn't worth anything anymore and self-expression is the key to success
maybe it's my inner d/ic/kweed speaking, but I feel like actual "skill" and self-improvement are washed away by false creativity, individualism and being expressive and alternate

maybe I should just drop out and study illustration

>> No.2628778

what does she draw? facebook-tier portaits of famous people? or bad watercolor-paintings of birds? some weird abstract shit about "teh deepness of muh soul" perhaps?

>> No.2628790

>6 years
shit anon, why didn't you quit after the first year? I mean yeah, you were kinda blind for the "truth", but keeping up with a shitty school like this for fucking 6 years is pretty hard

>> No.2628822

Drop out and join an atelier if you want to be able to draw like the picture you posted

>> No.2628835

Business classes would be helpful also anon.

>> No.2628849

I literally asked one of my teachers to pass me even after I didn't finish a final essay worth most of my grade, and didn't contribute to any class discussion throughout the year etc etc, and she passed me. Granted it was an academic course that I didn't have to but could have explained to her why it had literally nothing to do with what I knew I was going to be doing with my life but still…

They are incredibly lieanient as to what constitutes a pass because since "art" can't truly be defined you can just about do anything and get away with it. The teachers talk to you about your future art practice and how you're going to merge seamlessly with the art world but it's all a load of ego boosting garbage. Art schools are 90% for hobbyists who will most likely drop their artistic endeavours eventually, and for the other 10% the school serves as a place to get like minds together and foster talent through interaction with similarly driven artists. A few from this group actually go on to get meaningful jobs, even fewer have meaningful gallery practices or art related jobs outside of practical art-work (animation, illustration,design etc)

All that said, I went to Emily Carr University in Vancouver and though it was incredibly flaky and most classes were utterly forgettable if not for their comedic value (I took a WHOLE FUCKING COURSE vaguely devoted to "water" where such events as "a moment of silence for earth" and a lecturer crying about her dead husband [who allegedly died because of the horrors of the native residential schools {when in reality he just slipped and fell down a cliff}] it was a shit show worth remembering) I do value the time I spent there, you meet a lot of people and you do have those pivotal moments where you truly do learn something important you just have to really squeeze the proverbial lemon to get anything worth while out of it.

>> No.2628851

UUGH this was the most obnoxious thing: classes or assignments meant to provoke abstract thought or "generate new methods of art-making" Most people going into these schools know what they want to do or know what they want to improve yet there are so many courses you are forced to take that are vague and put too much onus on the student to think outside the box without giving reasonable incentive to do so. They treat you as though you're directionless children.

>> No.2628863

exactly dude, and every tutor thinks his fucking course is vital for succeeding as an artist/designer
they are so far up their own asses, it's unbelievable

>> No.2628918

It's a good thing to experience, watch and try different stuff. Even if it's awful, you'll at least be completely sure to avoid doing it

>> No.2629053
File: 12 KB, 645x773, 1462769117610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really hitting close to home and triggering all of my anxieties about my future... fuck

>> No.2629161

>watch and try different stuff
Might as well do the same for buttsex and hard drugs. At least you'd have fun or it might turn out so horribly that you know not ever to do it again in the future.

>> No.2629183
File: 20 KB, 307x512, feels-good-live-wallpaper-1-1-s-307x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when your art university is actually helping you get gud

>> No.2629184
File: 391 KB, 900x823, 1470074811298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're in so deep you've lost sight of what good is and think you will git gud at art school

>> No.2629186

>when a pleb is giving you a (you)


>> No.2629213

I'm a software engineer and about 85% of my coworkers are married

>> No.2629218
File: 29 KB, 412x430, 1469770725613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stem meme


Are you calling It a meme because you know you will never be able to graduate from one but still don't want to believe you're not stupid so you alter your reality?

>> No.2629220

Remove the "not"

>> No.2629351
File: 244 KB, 1600x1084, teacher 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're talking about art college scam, I've got some works from one of my college's teachers and I would like to hear what you guys think of them.

>> No.2629353
File: 168 KB, 1500x1004, teacher 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2629356
File: 167 KB, 1600x1091, teacher 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They cost about $500 dollar each

>> No.2629388


>> No.2629391

the first one is somewhat okay, it's an abstract representation of a boring scenery, the colors are muddy and lame
skillwise it's trash, but the artist is probably one of those people who value abstraction over skill

the other two are utter bullshit, I don't even know what they're supposed to be
it conveys no emotion at all, it's just ugly, $500 my ass

btw, does this person even make money selling them? I find it hard to believe someone is willing to pay for shit like that

>> No.2629397

Is 500$ cheap for paintings? The one local gallery I occasionally check out has some pretty nice ones that are between 1 and 2 thousand dollars

>> No.2629401

One of my favorite Steven Silver videos


>> No.2629511
File: 202 KB, 679x489, teacher 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if he sold these 3 works exactly, but yeah, he sells other works that have similar "quality". I think people will just swallow anything someone with a master's degree throws them.

Btw, one more.

>> No.2629538

Post some more this is hilarious, he's so bad

>> No.2629588

he took 10 minutes to say that if you price your work at a respectable price, people view your work at a greater value and those who are into art collecting will be more willing to purchase.

it's good advice though. i wish i could sell my paintings for straight cash for 50k-100k. (canceled my bank account)

>> No.2629614
File: 261 KB, 1600x1076, teacher 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, okay these are the last ones I have. I was pretty shocked when I first saw his works. He was supposed to be an experienced college teacher with shitty amateurish works like that.

>> No.2629617
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>> No.2629618
File: 124 KB, 371x495, teacher 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman

>> No.2629624


>> No.2629626

I go to BCFE in Ireland for Animation and none of what Ive read in this thread is true for me.

Everyone is very critical of their own work and everyone hates modern and abstract art and love classical or classically trained painters and draughtsman.
The teachers are all no nonsense and give out a lot of work. They are also very harsh and sometimes even decent artist will be thrown out for not trying hard enough.

I personally have to give up my part time job to keep up with all the work but its great

>> No.2629676

No fucking way...what? Really?

>> No.2629700

I honestly kinda like this one. The others are shit, tho...

>> No.2629774

yeah ripping off cezanne like a boss

>> No.2629804


>> No.2629820

What the fuck do you expect? Even if it is ART university doesn't mean it wont get flooded by shit people. Every other different major also gets flooded buy shit people. It's always 80% shit people and 20% good people. EVERYWHERE and ALWAYS. Getting accepted into art school doesn't mean you are special just by admission you have to work on it. University will give you exactly what you will be able get from it with your own hands. This is not high school

>> No.2629832

its way better take online classes, a lot of great artists give them for a very low price... the rest is practice

>> No.2629853


The problem is that they don't even attempt to teach drawing or painting skills and fundamentals. It's just 'how to express yourself' and 'paint how you feel about [popular left-wing talking point]". It's the blind leading the blind.

The poor naive idiots who go into these things don't have a chance, and they don't know that they're not being given a proper education. As far as they're concerned they're giving all this money to a college so it must be legitimate. I've seen actual intelligent people go into these courses and come out with no skills at all, they can't draw anything. They come out of it, can't get work, realize they didn't learn anything, go online and get real information, and make more progress in a few months than they did the whole time at college. These courses actively harm people trying to learn.

Yeah, someone who has already spent a while studying their fundamentals is going to know what they actually need to do to get good, but then why are you giving this college 20k a year to teach yourself and have them waste your time with useless assignments? It's just a scam all around. At least you have a chance to not be an idiot flunk in a real major.

>> No.2631169

The last few pieces I've seen were bad portraits and landscapes done in pastel.

>> No.2631170

I did 2 years at a Baptist school that was basically a high priced church camp. Got conned into it with a sports scholarship.
First year I was pressured by my parents to so athletic training then switched to psych when I didn't make it.
Transfered to school 2 ad went into animation. Comedy of being a naive millennial idealist and bad decisions really.

>> No.2631294
File: 30 KB, 804x446, stefm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to art school

>> No.2631347
File: 33 KB, 500x320, 1453796525778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to art school,

nobody knows how to paint or draw.

everyone is literally an "aspiring" Basqiuat.

>> No.2631349


Well.....what do you do, Anon?

>> No.2631427
File: 1006 KB, 320x338, 1452737206053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main job is stonemason.
We occasionally deliver marble slabs to some rich kid who studies at the art academy.
All she does with these expensive door-sized stones is paint mandalas on them.

Every time we wander through the corridors my co-workers and me openly laugh at how terrible the art there is.

I'm talking cement-block-with-dildos-in-it-terrible.

Mfw I'm a better artist than 99% of the students there.

>> No.2631450

daily reminder that people like Clint Cearley made it thanks to good parents:

he did homeschooling, personalizing his own education early towards his own goals, not relying on current education institutions (private or not)

how could a kid know what to pick when he's missing all that critical info and he just fall to trust the authority of the institutions
absent parenting is the main cause of that bad choices, it's not just the kid

>> No.2631489

what a waste of marble

>> No.2631500

BCFE is the only school in Ireland this holds true for I'm afraid and it is not one of the major art schools in the country.

>> No.2631515

>how could a kid know what to pick when he's missing all that critical info and he just fall to trust the authority of the institutions
>absent parenting is the main cause of that bad choices, it's not just the kid
victim to such a case, can confirm, and right now working to compensate for my wasted years

also ty for the shoulders ref

>> No.2631523

I also like the colors, the construction is shit tho

and you have to think, who made the color choses? him? or the shoes designer? and then he just repeated the color palette in his background

>> No.2632343

Probably just gets a crappy job at a coffee shop and then stops making art once she graduates.

>> No.2632349

You sound like you draw manga.

>> No.2632363

not that guy, but he's right.

I once took a class called "Ideation and Process" where, during one class period, our teacher found an industrial-sized roll of white gauze, which he made us run around the courtyard with and wrap around trees for about 3 hours.

He even created a poncho out of it, he looked ridiculous.

This wasn't out of the ordinary at all.

>> No.2632364


Anyone have stories like this?

Care to elaborate on the quality of your professors and assignments?

What schools?

>> No.2632371
File: 374 KB, 703x1227, Got my BFA did, fam!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're mostly right, however...

Do not blame the parents, in fact they often bear a large portion of the burden of their children's debt. Both the parents and their children are victims of the school's misgivings, not any other way around.

These schools see thousands of students pass through their halls each year and they know full well that with few exceptions these kids are completely fucking their entire lives up financially to make edgy macaroni pictures, and the admittance staff actively choose to encourage them to do so without so much as a portfolio review being necessary for entry.

Many of these students graduate completely brainwashed, with a high opinion of the school and staff despite its heinous transgressions against them, their future and their career.

Here's a great video on art school from a pro animator on youtube. I messaged him personally and he was nice enough to give an hour long response to my inquiry. Worth a watch if you have the time or want something to listen to in the background while you're drawing. He's very diplomatic about the subject at the beginning and in the end. "It depends on you" is his conclusion, but in reading between the lines when it comes to his anecdotal experience you might come up with a contrary view.


>> No.2632418

I know a guy that went to university and quit during the 3rd year, thing is, he doesnt have a permanent job, how is he getting away with not paying those fees? He goes on holidays VERY frequently which is what makes me raise an eyebrow, I always assumed the fees were something heavy hanging overhead that fucked you at every opportunity when it came to money,

>> No.2632440


found your teacher. http://www.luizcarlosbranco.com.br/

>> No.2632491

You dont go to university to learn art

You go to university to learn shit that makes sense, Biology, Electric shit, Languages for translation, and all sorts of engineering

If you wanna learn art, go to wikipedia and learn art history and do the art yourself

>> No.2632516
File: 72 KB, 412x550, spgeti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I have an unrelated question for any architecture students or anyone who works in the industry in this thread.

What are your thoughts on the viability of architectural visualisation? Is it possible that someone could focus heavily on improving archviz skills during their Bachelors/Masters in Architecture and find work in a firm solely as a renderer?

>> No.2632517

>how could a kid know what to pick when he's missing all that critical info and he just fall to trust the authority of the institutions
For real? Are you kidding?

>> No.2632532

It's like refined shit. How do you draw for so long and not realise you're still basically a beginner.

>> No.2632536

How rich is that guy and/or his family? Which country are we talking about?

>> No.2632561

His family is dirt poor and he got loans to pay for it, the uni was in Falmouth. Hes a good friend but its infuriating to see that hes doing these things when Im working my shit off and cant afford holidays and days without work, hes out partying weekends and going abroad every other month and Ive no idea how hes doing it.

>> No.2632566

he has rich gay lover

>> No.2632568

Not them, but at my uni there is a life drawing class which isn't mandatory for illustration or fine art (I'm in illustration my flat mate is in fine art) but it's mandatory for architecture students, textile designers, animators and jewelry students.

I was pissed about this when I entered the course. I wrongfully assumed they were going to teach you how to draw or at least give you resources to learn yourself.

I started talking to the life drawing lecturer and he let me sit in all the classes I wanted to. So I started skipping my main module and just going to them then catching up at night. My friend got along with the life models and he spends all day painting them in a 1 to 1 class as long as they aren't busy.

The main module, I just used as a reason to learn what I wanted to learn at the time, so if I wanted to do more perspective drawing, I would do the illustration module around drawing or designing buildings etc. The uni does have a great library, 7 copies of Vilpu 5 of which were always on the shelf the other two me and my flat mate took out. Basaquit and other abstract expressionists have an entire bookshelf to themselves, while I've only found 3 Sargent books.

I would be devastated if I had to pay for this course, luckily it's free in my country, but I may as well use the free life drawing and the library since I'm here, and I've made some great friends who are the first people I've met that actually have a passion for art. It's also pretty easy to get your hole.

>> No.2632571

I worked in arch viz for a year, you don't need to know anything about architecture to do that, just learn 3ds max and vray. The job is pretty easy and the standards are low. It's often seen as a stepping stone to get to other 3d jobs such as vfx, which is why I went into it. But in the end I view it as a waste of time, no potential employers ever gave a shit about my experience there, they were far more interested in the 1 month internship I did for a company that did 3d stuff for advertising. The job was utter shit too (the arch viz one), my boss probably had an iq low enough to be considered mentally retarded and I'm not even exaggerating, plus he knew absolutely nothing about 3d or design of any kind so that should tell you just how low the standards there are. Most of my coworkers had very little grasp of design as well, and a big chunk of the work was being outsourced to China where the employees there were even less competent. Often times the ad agencies we worked with were pretty incompetent as well, considering you don't need to be smart or capable to sell a condo in a major city. We weren't working on some insignificant projects either, these some pretty major buildings being built in Toronto and elsewhere.

This field isn't a stepping stone to anywhere, it's more of a field where people who couldn't make it anywhere else go. I also don't get how hard you think the job is, all you're doing is making decent looking buildings with very simple shaders applied, it's the kind of job that interns at vfx studios do and learn absolutely nothing from. And where the hell could you possibly apply your architectural knowledge? the building has already been designed. It's a completely saturated field too, because like I said, it's full of people who couldn't hack it anywhere that requires legitimate skill.

>> No.2632575

What can you take out of art school that you can't just teach yourself in your spare time with studies and self-assigned projects?

>> No.2632581

>I've made some great friends who are the first people I've met that actually have a passion for art.
My experience with college was people didnt seem to give a shit about what they were doing and acted like they were in highschool, where they were just trying to get to the end of the day and hang out with friends and get the brief finished in on night. Any discussion about work or art was met with "youre way too into this" and a change of topic, usually to where they were going on the weekend, it was unsettling to be frank, why the fuck are you even there if you arent interested in it, you can go piss money up against a wall outside of college, why even take the fucking course if your going to do that.

>> No.2632584

I phrased my question wrongly. I was asking if it was possible to make a living off arch viz for a decent firm, and whether or not the archviz industry is going to grow and be more valued by firms/clients in the future.

>> No.2632588

> I was asking if it was possible to make a living off arch viz for a decent firm

Not a good one

>and whether or not the archviz industry is going to grow and be more valued by firms/clients in the future.

It's going to grow to China lmao

>> No.2632592

I mean the piece in your pic looks cool, but honestly that shit shouldn't take a whole fucking year. couple days or weeks max depending on how easy its to get those TVs and even then you should be able to do other projects at the same time too.

>> No.2632597

These are the sorts of things his student's should be ashamed of producing, for normiebook likes.

>> No.2632598

>one person made something I didn't like so I'm going to use a pic of her and post it online
You're so triggered OP lmao. Most art schools are bs yeah, which is why you got accepted to a shitty one- you suck probably.
But still no reason to be a cunt. Abstract and design art can still be cool if executed properly.
She could also be lazy and brilliant and made that in like 30 minutes.
>complaining about feminists
Ooohhh right... you're one of those guys.

>> No.2632599

There is people like that on my course as well, I enjoy going out and getting drunk but drawing takes priority. For some reason they are quite lax about hand ins at my uni, but I know it's better practice to get it done in time. At the end of each semester people who I forgot were even in the course turn up in the class and scramble about to get 4 projects done in a few days. It's pathetic.

There's a few girls that have complained to me they don't think they are good enough at drawing so I suggest books and tell them that life drawing is free to pop in at anytime. They go to life drawing once and the suggested books are back on the library shelves within a week. One even gave me the excuse of not going to life drawing because she "wasn't good enough already."

The passionate people I was on about are two that are in my class and my flatmate who I knew before uni, the one in fine art. We share books, share new artists, new techniques and influence each other, I would definitely of left if I hadn't had these friends and it is by far the best thing to come out from my uni experience because I know we will keep in touch for years.

I reckon since uni is free here, they just take anyone on board and reduce the quality of study so more people can pass. The life drawing class I was on about, is actually in discussion to be cut out completely from the uni, the reasoning behind it is, "It's cheaper to buy manikins and get the few students who want to do life drawing to draw from them." The head of the uni said that in a board meeting which the life models and teacher were present who told me about it.

>> No.2632600

hence why they are students. Get off your high horse

>> No.2632601

When I started uni there was 4 life models, 2 male 2 female, now it's just the 2 guys. It's a joke, the students don't want to learn so don't care about these things being cut. Me, my flat mate, and the other 2 in my class are the only students that even complained about this.

My uni's student populace is 99% "I don't know what to do with my life, so I'll go to art uni for free and take drugs." Which makes us complain on an anime image board why art isn't taking seriously anymore.

>> No.2632604

>tfw people who went to school for neuroscience, physics, math and got a bachelor's didn't manage to find jobs.
I literally know people who had a hard time. Too qualified for retail/low level, under qualified for their field.
Meanwhile my friend with her english BS is making dough as a regional manager and she's not even 25 yet.


>> No.2632609

to be fair that seems like MOST fields/college majors.
PLUS you see beginnig students. Of course you'll think it's shit.

>> No.2632615

I'm going into 4th year, the last year, most peoples work hasn't improved.

>> No.2633035


>hes so bad
>I live by momy and will never sell something
>b-but hes so bad

>> No.2633038

He's probably spending excess student loans on frivolities which is not only retarded, but I think illegal too. I'd keep an eye on him because he's probably going to crash hard and be suicidal. assuming >>2632566 isn't true.

>> No.2633048
File: 1.96 MB, 600x600, 1465239796001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped out of artschool after 2,5 years.
Only after that did i started to develop my own ideas so maybe i should have stayed longer.

>> No.2633078

I dont know man, hes currently in Iceland traveling and before that he was in India, doesnt sound like hes having a hard time of it or ever will. It maddens me, this is a year after he got booted out of uni, Im sweating it out to get to do those things and hes just doing it with no hitches or effort, I didnt go to uni myself because I knew I couldnt afford it. He told me something about that I should apply for bankruptcy, and I think that may be related to what he is doing but Ive no idea how any of that shit works. Im not ashamed to say Im jealous of what hes doing, If I could borrow thousands of funds, party for 2 years and have no need for a job and could just lark about care free, Id be doing it.

>> No.2633174
File: 18 KB, 600x450, 72c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> MFW im a med student that draws regularly between work and see that im a better "artist" the the special snowflakes from art school circlejerking themselves in the local "vegan" restaurant(they arent vegan, they sell some mad burgers)

>> No.2633633

I chose to go to an art school because I knew i would get feedback on my work from teachers while i'm working on studies and i always appreciated feedback , even more from somebody who drew for over 10 15 years . Teachers don't have anything against digital art,plus , i always wanted to be educated when it comes to art history. Here , they focus on basics alot but also abstract, composition etc. , and in my country university it's free i don't pay for anything besides rent, food and materials .

For me it's a win. Sorry for my bad english tho.

>> No.2633760


>> No.2633793

Nothing in CG, really? I spent 5 years on an animation degree from a small college but there are no animation jobs in my city. I thought if I learned CG I would be able to find something at least?

2 is me. No need for children though. I will always be there to wake my husband up at 3am, crying about my failures.

>> No.2633804
File: 1.21 MB, 1988x1512, nsio_pose_practice_6__morisawa_sachiko_2_by_nsio-d7zj490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your story (which is cool btw) reminds me of Nsio (that guy who makes a lot of tutorials), he's an architect by trade but a pretty solid weaboo artist; he gives a lot of NEETs and artiste types a run for their money.

>> No.2633808

Funny thing, i was an engineering student who started to animate in my part time since i always enjoyed it and got a following on youtube which resulted in job offers at actual animation studios where I now work. I have never taken an animation class, everything i know is from the net.

>> No.2633820


Wait. Why would you order marble just to paint on it?!

>> No.2633840

>artists use marble right?
Same reason people use canvas boards before they actually learn to draw.

>> No.2634073


I was about to say why don't they use plaster to sculpt

Doing a marble piece takes 6+ months though, of course these people would never tackle something like that

>> No.2634131


responsibility, reprocussions

you can live off a student loan for a while and focus solely on getting better instead of working full time

>> No.2634293

What country are you from? How possible is it to sudy for international students there?

>> No.2634366
File: 18 KB, 548x420, tumblr_mcqq79kIDB1rnelu0o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm that first comment you replied too and im surprised that this thread is still up but here's my experience with "art school"

I went to a state school in NH for graphic design originally. All students in the art program (including GD) had the same first year of classes. Intro drawings classes, up to figure drawing, intro sculpture classes, and intro art history courses. From there the second year would branch out into more specific disciplines. By then, I had felt limited by graphic design and taken a painting class and knew what I had to do. At the end of four years, I had 5 semesters worth of painting classes done, three semesters worth of figure drawing, two semesters of drawing and advanced drawing, two semesters of sculpture (learned welding). That is on top of semesters of ceramics and printmaking. And on top of all that, I got a minor in Art History with about a semester of classes outside the requirements for my major in painting.

In the end, I can paint well. I can teach myself how to paint better. I can email any of my professors and ask for an expert level crit.

The assignments are what you make them. You can do them in an hour and barely pass or you can put work into them and get an actual crit from the professors who know that you are serious about what you do. There are people who will bullshit their way through and even during class crits you're going to have people bullshitting or people who are just delusional, but when you just sit through that formality, you can just talk to the professor after class and get them to say exactly what you need to hear.

My advantage was that the students around me weren't serious and the professors valued my contributions. They recognized the work that put in and were willing to reward me for it.

The professors themselves weren't extraordinary artists, but they were excellent teachers.

>> No.2634378
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160810-194425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attached is a pic of my first oil painting ever, done during my first year at art school. I'm proud of it except the anatomy/form but I was motivated enough to make it work. Professors are helpful if you use them, same with surrounding yourself with motivated students. There are definitely students like the ones you posted about, but it's easy to weed them out & grow on your own

>> No.2634382
File: 2.02 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160810-194554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I learned from that painting and am now taking a one week painting from life course that's helping me learn form/process! It could be just me but an art school setting has helped me so much

>> No.2634410

I'm from the East Side of Europe so if you live in a rich country for Europe it will be easy for you (compared to the West , East tends to focus more on the basics so you don't have nothing to lose in my opinion). It's cheap living here , so i think you can afford it ,i think you need an English certificate to study.

I recommend these countries , i've heard good stuff about their schools. But don't exect the teacher to help you with everything desu , most of them explain the basics and tell you what you did wrong and how can you improve what you've been drawing , but as long as you don't work harder , don't expect to get gud.


>> No.2634412

you have nothing to lose *

>> No.2634724


i'm loving this whole post, thanks dude

>> No.2635833

If you're good, original, and know what the fuck you're doing, you'll probably be fine. Just worry about practicing and getting better now, and prepare for your future. Don't waste your time worrying about it.

>> No.2636906


>> No.2636929

You're aware that schools like this often take on lesser talented people, especially rich ones, at full tuition to keep money flowing, right?

>> No.2636955

I went to an art school with extreme favoritism; professors would pick a couple students from each year and would only give a shit about those students. Basically, if you weren't one of the golden children with natural talent, you had to find your own motivation and glean the lessons practically on your own. I stuck with it and graduated and got a job in games despite all that shit, because I love making things, and I felt like it's what I'm FOR. I've met a lot of other artists with diverse backstories, and learned good artists can come out of any environment as long as they can motivate themselves. OP, you blame college liberalism that you would encounter no matter WHERE you went to school, but in truth, ya fuckin pussied out.

>> No.2636961


I dropped out of an animation program halfway and got offers within a week of applying to studios in LA.

This isn't to brag, but to point out that if your skill level is there and if you seek out enough job and network opportunities, you'll likely get something. It's far easier if you can go on site, but did you never consider freelance?

>> No.2636998

yep! same here. You get out of it what you put into it. In my state school theres a TON of terrible artist, but theres a lot a good amount of great potential artist with solid fundamentals. At the end of the day the teachers cannot force you to be an atelier tier artist cause "fine art" is so vague.

>> No.2637001

>Also it was almost impossiable to fail, one guy in my class only had 60% of the needed grades to pass and barely followed any classes but still advanced to the next year.
>The only thing the school was good at was self advertising and inflating people's ego.

>"I won't tolerate hate" TRANSLATION "I will tolerate anything." when i was in school something like 90% of them did not want to be artists
>Any discussion about work or art was met with "youre way too into this" and a change of topic

Sounds a lot like the problem I had when searched for classes in my city.
Nobody actually wants to learn and the instructors are apathetic. They dodge questions and simply tell students they're doing fine and they don't need to worry because "art is subjective".

It is impossible to get good critique because the majority of the classes outright forbid it. If they don't, instead they require students to talk about what they liked about each others work. No negativity allowed.

I have exhausted the options for public classes in my are and I'm certainly not skillful enough to get into any colleges that would require a portfolio.
Currently I'm putting up ads seeking a drawing teacher. I tried looking for people who were willing to teach before but all I could find were ads placed at the art stores. The people who placed said ads were just as bad as the classes in the area if not worse.

>> No.2637006

my friend is heading to SCAD in Atlanta soon.
I hope he didn't fuck himself with student loans. (he's going for photography)

He's a good kid. but this other girl I knew my senior year of high school, she's got a ton of scholarships and has been trying to get the most brownie points to get into the school since her sophomore year.
and holy shit her work is trash. it's, like, some kid you knew in 8th grade who really liked Sonic the Hedgehog and doodled his OC's.

it's really bad. Like, damn dude if she can get in, I could get a full ride.

but really who wants to live in Atlanta and be surrounded by "art students" all day.

>> No.2637024

Who gives a fuck anon baka

>> No.2637032

post your work, schoolfriends

>> No.2637073

only ONE of those guys is any good. Everyone else is making that cliche/boring as fuck 50-60s style illustrations.

I like that kind of art. In fact I like it a hell of a lot more than the soulless as fuck magic the gathering bullshit. But I could shit out one of those graphic stylized flat characters in 10 minutes without even trying.

That type of art is much more reliant on the idea or writing than the art itself.

>> No.2637083

and it looks like he also browses /ic/

>> No.2637134

That explains the sharp decline in the quality of American cartoons in the 90s.

>> No.2638017

Yeah scads isn't a bad school but they have a super high acceptance rate also have heard it's real expensive

>> No.2638058

Yes-and-no. The Atelier near me is $8,000 for full-time enrollment which isn't cheap (well, relatively it is but that's beside the point). However, you can pick and choose what classes you choose to attend, too. I can't afford to take full time, so I take a two and a half hour basic drawing class every friday morning which is $170 for 10 weeks. I recently found that a more informal art studio nearby has $10 life drawing sessions every sunday too, nearly half the price.

>he's 'better' than 6 out of 7 of those professional artists
>he's never applied for an art job
>he probably never will apply for an art job
>he's complaining about people who did apply for an art job
>he won't post his work


>> No.2638061

>/ic/ is full of close-minded nitwits
mmmuh figure studies

>> No.2638067
File: 200 KB, 1000x750, le low ceiling face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmuh entropy
mmmuh superiority complex
mmmuh debt

>> No.2638148

mmmuh abstract work
mmuh special snowflake
mu-muh feelings
b-but art is not about technique, is about muh fee-fees

>> No.2638207

Could a kind Anon post that side by side comparison of, I think, West schools vs chinese school?

>> No.2638266

I'm going there as well, the biggest problems are a massive lack of funding and facilities, I would kill for the college to have the funding ncad gets.

>> No.2638276
File: 168 KB, 1000x1250, 2e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because it's meme picture for trolling. Like this one

>> No.2638302

Most poorly drawn anime on here is worse than any abstract or abstract expressionist work...

This coming from someone who hates modern art.

>> No.2638304

Not him but I refuse to post my art here because as a professional artist I would look like an idiot arguing and talking to a bunch of anime drawing 15 year olds.

>> No.2638528

I don't think it was trolling since I tend to agree with the point it was making, but fair enough.

It was a picture comparing final year students projects or some such.
I looked in the other thread but still can't find it.

>> No.2638542

You can post gestures. But you can't draw anyway

>> No.2638548

Gesture battle!

>> No.2638550

I went to art school for about 2 years. The first year was dedicated to teach different techniques in drawing, painting and sculpting. We could paint/draw/sculp almost whatever we wanted as long as it was technically good.

Second year we still learned techniques but it was mostly so that we could start on a portfolio and explore different styles and do whatever we wanted.
There were some SJW cunts in my program, and the more SJW they are, the shittier they get.

anyway my last project was a huge painting of Pepe and I had to explain to my teacher what memes are.

>> No.2638552

It wasn't trolling, but as the creator of the image I deleted it because I wasn't sure I agreed with the assertion it made. The picture contained an image of a scottish art student who was a woman sitting on a couple of chairs with some text crudely scrawled on the wall behind her, and an image of the selection process of at a chinese art school beneath it and said something to the effect of

>West: Emphasis on creativity at the expense of fundamentals

>East: Emphasis on fundamentals at the expense of creativity

The images were pulled from the same article; it might not be too hard to find.

>> No.2638560

Where did you study, anon?

>> No.2638570

In what we call a Cégep here in Québec, you go there after high school and then you go to university

The one I went to was cegep Limoilou

>> No.2638577

All these paintings tell me is art school is a waste of money.

>> No.2638608

Do those burgers compensate for their pretentiousness?

>> No.2638616

>>decline in the quality of American cartoons in the 90s.
>Tiny toons, animaniacs and alike are shit, hanna barbera was top noch m8

>> No.2638647


Anon I could do this after a year of self study while working a full-time job not putting nearly as much time into it as I would like. I have no doubt art school has some value but you aren't getting it.

>> No.2639007

Ever tried to paint?

>> No.2639071

Get some standards buddy

>> No.2639231
File: 56 KB, 500x375, 8737.Disney_2D00_Afternoon.jpg_2D00_500x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'd like to argue that what Disney did in the mid 80s to mid 90s (Disney Afternoon) was pretty good

>> No.2639576

Reading this thread has me back where I started. I want to be in an enviroment where I can sprouse up my fundamentals and absorb information, but I know I can ultimately make that enivroment across the web. I kept going back and forth between scholastic and non-scholastic routes for my art education and honestly... might just switch to something else and minor in painting. My community college art classes pretty much drove home how these classes focus more on coddling and psuedo-creativity rather than aiding in developing skills I can get on my own.

Does anyone have any GOOD experiences though? On my way to a state school that doesn't necessarily have my desired major (illustration).

>> No.2639578

That's why you go to an atelier

>> No.2639626

Noah Bradley: I don't regret going to art school, but you shouldn't go, because here, have my garbage online art school that is even worse than a real art school

>this freelancing audio book is only $70, totally not a ripoff like art school

>> No.2639627

>be me in art school
>75% females, very few of them are actually attractive, the rest of the men are either creepy gays or never even talk
>none of the hot girls are actually dating guys from the art school itself, instead are dating guys they met in their general ed classes
>the school itself sucks, i'm not being taught anything, just being told "do this assignment" with no actual technical training or anything
>one more year left
>don't want to drop out now, might as well get my degree
>sadly still going to go into 1 more yr of debt

sigh. i'd rather have a degree than not. i know it makes my friends jealous and envious for outcompeting them.
i know it makes women more attracted to me for the status having a degree brings and it shows that i'm actually trying, unlike 90% of this generation. but still, i feel like i've been ripped off by my art classes. at least the general ed courses were interesting and i got to have the "experience" of going to college, which is valuable to a point.

>> No.2639629

at the time he wrote that article he wasn't teaching if I recall correctly and/or he listed a lot of resources which he definitely wasn't involved with.

>> No.2639631

lol then he was planning on it. having the personality of a brick, it's no surprise that he's more of a businessman than an artist.

>> No.2639632

and he was clearly being manipulative, not every art school is $200,000 to attend the way he portrayed them. i'm sure the one he went to didn't cost that much or anywhere near it.

>> No.2639654

seriously, how easily duped are you.
any chance you don't have a penis?

>> No.2639708 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 500x318, tricky mickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The article doesn't mention his own ill-conceived teaching apparatus at all, you're grasping at straws

>not every art school is $200,000 to attend the way he portrayed them

A lot of art schools are, particularly the ones that would otherwise be worth attending. Even the non-profit atelier where I take classes would be $8,000 a year if I'd not chosen to attend week-by-week, piecemeal. Something like that still represents both a cost and an "opportunity cost" many can't afford.

>i'm sure the one he went to didn't cost that much or anywhere near it.

He attended RISD for a year after getting a $20,000 scholarship and left after still having accrued a sizeable debt


>But the financial realities of staying for another two years were coming to the forefront. Tuition was rising and my scholarship was not. To stay would mean ending up with over $100k in debt. So I left.

>Soon after graduation, I moved back in with my parents. I was doing well enough with freelance work that I could have made it on my own. But I had $40k in student loans that were weighing me down. So I humbled myself and moved back home.

Duped by who into doing what? Nothing? You're so mad you can't even think straight, fat boy

>> No.2639709
File: 29 KB, 500x318, tricky mickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The article cited doesn't mention his own ill-conceived teaching apparatus at all, you're grasping at straws


>not every art school is $200,000 to attend the way he portrayed them

A lot of art schools are, particularly the ones that would otherwise be worth attending. Even the non-profit atelier where I take classes would be $8,000 a year if I'd not chosen to attend week-by-week, piecemeal. Something like that still represents both a cost and an "opportunity cost" many can't afford.

>i'm sure the one he went to didn't cost that much or anywhere near it.

He attended RISD for a year after getting a $20,000 scholarship and left after still having accrued a sizeable debt


>But the financial realities of staying for another two years were coming to the forefront. Tuition was rising and my scholarship was not. To stay would mean ending up with over $100k in debt. So I left.

>Soon after graduation, I moved back in with my parents. I was doing well enough with freelance work that I could have made it on my own. But I had $40k in student loans that were weighing me down. So I humbled myself and moved back home.

Duped by who into doing what? Nothing? You're so mad you can't even think straight, fat boy

>> No.2640342

> tfw I was accepted into SAIC and decided to just go to a traditional liberal arts university instead

whew. I'm in the class of 2017 SAIC student facebook group and boy do I get glimpses into this kind of shit from time to time.

>> No.2640353
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I was wondering what happened to you, SAIC guy.

>I decided to just go somewhere to fuck my life up just as bad or worse

wew, nigga

>> No.2640413
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I went to a community college for my Graphic Design degree, and it was awesome. I learned a shit ton and I'm certain I have a strong grasp of the fundamentals. There were some really weird, shitty holes (I have no clue how to use InDesign and I've never taken a life drawing class in my life), but reading this thread I'm grateful for the education I DID get, and kind of glad I didn't have the money to attend a proper art school like I wanted to when I was in high school.... I currently work in a design job, and I doubt that would be the case with an education like some of these.

>> No.2640455

you're an idiot if you're going to debt just to show off and find validation in other peoples thoughts about you

>> No.2640486

Go 2 russia.
Study will be cheaper, youll get lots if technical expertise, but design... Better study cases by yourself.

>> No.2640665

>going into an american art school for anything other than a commercial art.

enjoy your student debt

>> No.2640780

Oh wow hi there fellow slovenian!

I dropped out of 2 university programmes because they were utter shit and full of clueless professors and students. Going to college is considered a must in Slovenia, yet no one can get a job.
After dropping out I studied on my own and got a job in Austria

Also, architecture isn't what it used to be, it's mostly just design nowadays, so don't be surprised by the few technical classes, that's normal. The problem is that all of them are bad because our education sucks ass

>> No.2640912

This art school looks like they would spend time writing slam poetry instead of learning art

>> No.2641306
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>tfw recently graduated from SAIC

Before you ask I'm doing a design gig that evolved from an independently-sought internship (good work and salary). But the school is well-connected and would've gladly hooked me up with something.

And yeah I think OP pic is actually at SAIC, I'd recognize those goddamn floors anywhere. That's the kind of bullshit that goes down in first and second year kids but they usually drop out or end up dead somehow. There's a lot of talent at that school but >>2640912 is it in a nutshell.

It's also quite literally the most expensive school on the planet right now but ya boy got scholarships so

AMA. I don't come to /ic/ often.

>> No.2641319

>Going to college is considered a must in ex-yu, yet no one can get a job.
At least anyone half-competent can get a scholarship, and the competent people actually get money for studying.

Imagine if you had to pay for that shit.

>> No.2641462

What's the point though? Instead of wasting money, you're wasting 3-4 (or even more) years of your life instead of actually working on getting gud

>> No.2641531

So you can claim intellectual superiority over your father in law when the whole family gets together for the holidays and the evening innevitably goes to shit because everyone starts shouting at each other over local politics, duh.

Such is life.

>> No.2641550

Something to put on your CV that makes you look more like a legit artist.

This can help you when applying for government funding and arts grants.

Not that those things really matter to people who just want to draw anime characters.

>> No.2641762

Holy dicks is this tafe qld? I saw this last semester walking past and it made me want to fucking kill myself

>> No.2641773

Yes, it is.
(OP here)
They teach art degrees there now.

>> No.2641778

What course are you doing?

>> No.2641782


I did the diploma of fine art there but they were not really teaching anything.

drawing class involved cutting up magazines and news papers and sticking them back together for example.

It was enough to make me no longer want to do an art degree...

Maybe Griffith across the road would be a better place to do the degree.

>> No.2641791

Maybe 90% of this generation knew better than to get in debt for something that is inherently useless. I make my friends slightly jealous (most people don't really care about drawing skills desu) just by showing them my sketchbook once in a while, you didn't have to go to art school to make people envy you.

You are the 10% that fell for the "any degree is a good degree" meme, I'm sorry anon

>> No.2641792

Nice, I'm doing diploma of visual art but I hate it too. The teachers are pretentious dickbags (I don't know if you had David as a teacher but if you did you will understand) if it weren't for me having to pay for this shit already I'd have dropped out ages ago. I'm only really hanging in to get credit to do something that isn't art at uni next year.

Fuck me, all those collages we had to do in first sem were the worst. And half the people in my class are hairy sjw try hard indie chicks that paint shitty abstract vaginas and say it's feminism.

I feel like Griffith would be somewhat similar desu.

>> No.2641800

>arts grants
Do you have a resource for getting into this? What are the chances of getting a grant without a degree? Will a good portfolio help?

>> No.2641803


This is the attitude of people who think learning is all about making money.

I'd rather earn 50k a year and be well educated than to earn 100k a year and be dumb as shit.

This is coming from someone who's parents didn't care much about how well they did in school.

>> No.2641805

I was actually going to say david is a dick head in my last post but I thought it would be too long.

David the stupid cyclist prick.

He actually told me that when he finished his art degree he gave up on art and worked in a surf shop because he wasn't successful at anything but missed art and studied teaching to become a teacher.

Know he is telling others what they need to do to be good artists, even though he doesn't know himself.

Chris is a super talented and awesome teacher though.

>> No.2641809
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You mean this david?

>> No.2641811
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He's the biggest dickhead.
>"sculpture is the only true form of art left"
Get fucked

I haven't had Chris as a teacher, all my teachers are clones of David.

>> No.2641813

Do some googling and try find your government website about them

A good portfolio and strong resume help. You don't always need a degree.

>> No.2641817 [DELETED] 

Man, I hate the SJW's though...

In one class presentation they said my art was sexist because I always paint females and rarely guys.

I said I paint women because women are beautiful and I find the male form boring in comparison and I don't consider it sexist

All the SJW's in the whole class were triggered "It's not up to males to decide what is sexist"

David's like "You are frustrated but just don't understand".

I understand that you think you have to parrot every popular left wing opinion to be an artist.

Also the same SJW feminists always wear shirts with old rock singers that wrote highly sexual lyrics about women...

No idea why they say my art is sexist but aerosmith can write a song about blow jobs in an elevator and they are your idols.

>> No.2641824

It doesn't make sense because they're degenerates that want to be offended by everything. My class is crawling with girls like that, with the super short fringe, coloured hair and crescent moon stick & poke tattoos.

David doesn't know what he's talking about either. He's probably just sucking up to the girls who got offended so he can grope them in the storeroom (you've heard about his sexual harassment past, yeah?)

>> No.2641825
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>> No.2641828

Anyway I feel like if I was there any longer I would have snapped and punched an SJW in the face.

I'm not a violent person but I could not take being surrounded by them 5 days a week.

They think they are challenging the norm and being artistic but they are really just parroting popular left wing opinions... They don't even really understand what they are talking about..

Most of them anyway..

To me they just make artists with left wing opinions they thought of themselves look bad.

Fuck that place is full of idiots.

>> No.2641832

No, please tell me.

>> No.2641834

how big is your dick bby?

>> No.2641840

I've come very close, believe me. I wish I could drop out but I can't bring myself to when I've come this far (I graduate in October)

A guy I met at tafe who had been there for a few years told me there was a scandal about him going on a class trip to New York last year and had charges filed against him by 2 girls for sexual harassment. Apparently tafe covered it up and didn't fire him which is why he still works there. I wasn't really sure if he was bullshitting me or not but recently a girl in my class told me she knows the 2 girls that accused him. He's seedy as fuck.

He often jokes about how much he hates his wife, and openly said he would let her die in a house fire.
Gets pretty uncomfortable desu

>> No.2641842


I was thinking about applying for that trip but didn't end up doing it.

I wonder if I have met you before in real life?

>> No.2641845


>> No.2641847

When did you drop out? I have probably seen you around before. I don't talk to many people so most times I people watch, I know most people in art courses by observation.

>> No.2641853

Bullshit. You clearly have never done art professionally.
The only thing that makes you look like a legit artist is good art.

>> No.2641854

I graduated about a year and a half ago and was glad it was over.

>> No.2641856

That works for certain clients but the government likes people to have art degrees.

>> No.2641860

I dunno if retarded or generalising too much. Architecture graduate here. North of Poland is oversaturated with architects, and that is the reason many need to look for employment elsewhere eg game development or illustration.

>> No.2641863
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>mfw that "piece" has been on display for 2 years

Oh, I only started going to tafe this year.

>> No.2641868

Nah, I just found it on fb.

I was wondering if their degrees are as bad as their diplomas and did some searching to see.

>> No.2641877

Or you might just end up making 50k a year and still be dumb as a brick.

>> No.2641880

Maybe, but reading books, watching documentaries, going to uni or anything else is sure to help make you at least a little bit smarter.

>> No.2641995

these fucking suck.

>> No.2642143

I just think digging yourself further into debt for a degree that amounts to nothing since you actually never learned anything is insanity. Anon admitted this. I understand you can sacrifice energy for a paper that lets you earn more money sure, but going through the motions and getting a degree just to say you have one? Might as well go to school for something else.

I'm lucky enough to have parents who after a night of drinking fight over who gets to keep me after the divorce even though I'm 24, no matter what I do I'm in. They have accepted what I want in life- by the time they started to care about my education it was too late. I'm not some STEMfag who basks in money and glory (fucking wish I was that smart) just saying you don't have to get 80k in the hole to impress with your drawings.

>> No.2642614

I kind of agree with you to some extent but I have to respect any pursuit of knowledge...

Even if it does end you up in a lot of debt.

>> No.2643176

Where on Facebook did you find it? I couldn't see it on the regular tafe fb page, I'm curious if they took any photos of me/my artwork.

>> No.2643186

It's called art degree 2016 or something.

>> No.2644473

I'm at one of these stupid schools in the UK, it's surprising how engrossed you can get into the whole thing. Not only do they beat out classical painting/drawing, they actively discourage it. There's this strange bubble you enter where almost anything is plausible, then when degree shows/public views come about - or you actually have to show your parents what you're doing - you realize it's just inaccessible and embarrassing.

I'm going back for my final year, I'm really unsure about what to pursue. Any advice?

>> No.2644483

fuck I actually like this shit, what have I become

>> No.2644589
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I am currently in an art school and like one tenth of people there actually want to do arts and rest are there just because they are there

Today we made coloring on photoshop, I kept polishing my work for 5 hours straight, listening to some dumb sluts talk about their facebook pages and gay people

the school itself is good, the teachers know what they're talk about and they're great people
but damn are the students fucking RETARDED

>> No.2644702

because she associates marble with greeks&romans&renaissance art, aka white people colonialism. mandalas she associates with the pure and simple buddhist brown people. so she covers up the marble with the peaceful mandala.

>> No.2645086
File: 148 KB, 1024x576, baltimore cia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who MICA lads here? :^)

>> No.2646309
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Not using your Art Degree to get into AirForce Officer School. For shame.

>> No.2646444

This thread is just worrying me about my future, I thought it was a meme to not go to uni and NEET yourself to gud, and now this. I guess theres no real answer and you just find knowledge wherever. But does anyone have experience of good uni's in the UK? I decide my whether I should this year

>> No.2646586

>I thought it was a meme to not go to uni and NEET yourself to gud

No, no, no. It's still a meme, the best thing to do is to get a job and do art on the side until you get at a good enough level to be able to support yourself through your art.

Most people need that structure in their life. I was NEET for about a year and honestly, I just locked myself in my room and didn't draw for most of that time. I'd recommend going NEET only if you already have the discipline to draw 7-9 hours a day.

>> No.2646659

Anyone have that screencap of art teachers talking about the stupid shit their students did? Saved it years ago but lost it when I reformatted my hard drive

>> No.2646672

Are the attendants at MICA actually nice (compared to the other top US art schools) or is that just some propaganda?

Also, I visited your campus for a portfolio review couple years back. Seemed pretty nice!

>> No.2646819


>> No.2647018

That is the stupidest concept I have ever heard.

>> No.2647543

YEs all college girls do they all want that attention

>> No.2649280

Pretty much this.

I was sitting once with my former TA and we talked about university and stuff and she said ''What we teach you guys there it's just beginning of the alphabet. We give you the first letter. It's up to you(students) to work on your art''. It's fucking amazing how many people enroll in art school expecting to come out extra artsy and skilled, when in really they do fuckall work overall to achieve that. My uni was far from perfect, but I managed to learn something from it.

Great example is one girl who went with me to art school AND art uni, so that's 8 years total in education. We basically had same classes during those years and in the end she still asked me to draw some stupid shit for her. When I asked her why she doesn't do it herself, her only answer was ''But you know how to draw''. Girl, I've sat on my ass almost on daily bases and draw shitload when you couldn't bother and then you wonder why you can't draw simple shit. It's actually kinda sad, because then I realized how she tried to keep up with me but she didn't bother to go lengths that I did for my art.

>> No.2649548


In other words just teach yourself a bunch of stuff and have a degree while you are done.

That will be 50 thousand dollars thanks.

>> No.2649705

>and how evil capitalism is
Funny because they only places that ever had true freedom of speech and expression where capitalist countries, communism and censorship go hand in hand.

>> No.2649708
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>$50,000/year anti-capitalist art schools

>> No.2652035


Similar experience too.

Basically, just learn on your own, or take a few classes on basic drawing 1 and 2, and maybe figure drawing or painting and go for a diff. degree in college.

Know a grill who has her bachelors in Fine Arts, she draws DA-tier OC do not steal my char. MLP stuff really badly. Her pap and mam want her to go get a med degree, but she says she has some projects she wants to get into. I consider myself a mediocre artist and I draw better than her. I got an AFA (Associate in Fine Arts), was going to go into Graphic Design or Web Design. But decided to say fuck it and do art as a major hobby and past time. Am going into Computer Science now.

A lot of what I learned was on my own, not in college, especially when it came to digital art.

If you wanna learn to draw traditionally or digitally, it's easier than hell with today's technology and with the help of the internet.

Just pirate or buy "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" and do all the exercises in there and then continue to repeat them.

For figure and life drawing, where I live in the middle of bum fuck no where mid-west, there are like 3 to 4 figure drawing sessions in my city, not classes but sessions and I try to hit them up when I can.

Majoring in art, if you are not highly self-disciplined and motivated is a joke, might as well go into med. field or computers.