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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 16 KB, 236x371, c53ecfa4d755b8259fa6fa5815e5ea20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2624603 No.2624603 [Reply] [Original]

Remember there was a thread talking about peoples historic erotic fantasies from history, both real and imagined things that got people hot under the collar and got me thinking...

Im an ok artist (slightly toon' im afraid) and basicly id like to draw some pornography for you all here involving historical character, sexy events or just plain period piece porn.

Id implore others to get involved though!

P.S: be as graphic as you like but ill be sure to post my work in /aco/-/i/ or whatever since this is a blue board.

>> No.2624604


Draw me as a mongol warrior on a mongol horse leading 2 russian qts to my yurt.

>> No.2624605
File: 217 KB, 850x1024, 1468588627724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats what im looking for man! noted it down and ill get started within an hour or so.

this stuffs inspirational for me, rekindles my interest in drawing and hopefullyit helps gets your rocks off, so win win.

shame im gonna probably be slid off to oblivion before i get a good load of suggestions...

>> No.2624606

A barbarian raider or pirate capturing some tower, manor, or ship, only to find a lovely and young noble lass holed up inside. Whether it's on demand or maybe a misunderstanding (i.e. our raider is a gentleman but our lass is a bit overcome and delirious) she starts to strip naked and offers herself to him in exchange for ____.

>> No.2624607

Why do I have a feeling that most of these fantasies are going to be some sort of rape fantasy?

Also, I want to force a qt3.14 Frankish girl choke on my Danish cock before we go make some Normans.

>> No.2624608

A qt Viking raider grill bullying a NEET monk, teasing him for being a virgin, for his stuttering on about women and sin, and for his collection of snail and rabbit memes.

It's the most common fantasy innit

>> No.2624609
File: 273 KB, 958x1440, 1456536596366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trace pic related (without the microphone), if you are bored.

It's from some beauty contest, I believe. Just gis it and something should turn up.

There was a thread about confirmed historical beauties (with actual sources) and someone asked if there were important women with breasts so big that they would be included in your typical chronicler/historian description of a person.

That did it for me. So, if you are really bored, draw Isabella of Castille with a few cup sizes more.

>> No.2624610

Draw Isabella sitting a Moorish shota on her lap, touching him and whispering all kinds of holiness to him so he'd be her good little convert

>> No.2624611


yes please!

>> No.2624612


You are the saviour of this board, OP.

Could you draw a busty medieval serving wench? She'd be in the palace's kitchens, looking at the viewer longingly, and would be holding a cucumber in a very suggestive manner.


>tfw I was probably the one who asked about big breasted historical women

This board is smaller than I thought...

>> No.2624613

Draw the first sex ed lesson of the young Louis XIV provided by Catherine-Henriette Bellier.
I know she was descibed as ugly but please make her hot instead, with a sexy eyepatch.
Here's a link for more innformation.

>> No.2624614
File: 2.59 MB, 3913x2015, 1468610594464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ok sounds intresting to do, like cheeky.

could you give me a picture as reference? im not too familiar with the time period but im assuming medieval.

Also it wont get rapey unless someone asks for that. im a man who respects requests and will honour descriptions, the better the description the better ill do though (pics appreciated as ive said.

ooh thats diffrent, would you like her to have her foot/axe handle/whatever against his groin, all the while her smirking and being rude to him?

Ahh, Isabella Castille! Thats one on my list of 'historical hotness to draw' bucket list so ill try to get you done.

lol that could be done quick and would be cute.

Thanks man. It occured to me looking at /co/ today, I just thought, 'man they have alot of specific draw threads, but non of these intrest me..but i like history!' and the rest came into place. Oh and yep that's doable my man, might make it a roling pin or carrot though, to suprise you x

I only draw sexy dude.

>> No.2624615

A sexy peasant gal with her skirt raised sitting on a Landsknecht's lap, riding on his codpiece suggestively.

>> No.2624616

>ooh thats diffrent, would you like her to have her foot/axe handle/whatever against his groin, all the while her smirking and being rude to him?
Anything goes. A foot or weapon to his junk while she's got him up against the wall or writing table, sitting on him as she flips through pages and angrily demands he explains why he drew a knight jousting with a snail, have fun with it.

>> No.2624617

>takes requests
>doesn't post something from their portfolio
>no indication of their own artistic skill whatsoever

How have you forgotten the cardinal rule?

>> No.2624618

Perfect then. I saw it in a movie about Louis XIV when I was young, the gal was sexy and "sex ed" lessons have been my fetish since then.
This probably explains why I love /ss/ so much. If you know that genre you should understand what I'm thinking of. Thanks in advance !

>> No.2624619
File: 168 KB, 500x694, 1607ki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute medieval girls doing cute medieval girl things

>> No.2624620
File: 187 KB, 1228x2048, toltec king THICC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting an illustration of the Legend of Huemac.

>> No.2624621
File: 45 KB, 564x765, frankish women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this for the Frankish lady. I wouldn't call it rape so much as feigned reluctance on her part.

>> No.2624622

A scene from that one medieval English trial about a divorce where several women experts examine the guy's junk to see if he's impotent.

>> No.2624623

Do this, but make it like that one orc x elf comic where the elf is this massive slut who wants to be raped like in her Japanese animes and the orc is a kind soul who just isn't interested at all.

>> No.2624624
File: 27 KB, 200x311, Let_Me_Stain_Your_Mountaintops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Mangum x Anne Frank

>> No.2624625

Loving that webcomic, I hope it updates soon

>> No.2624626

Please something about Saint Olga for example leading her beloved shota son during his first time.
Afterwards make her perform BDSM on the peasants who killed her husband.

>> No.2624627

OP could you draw something like an ottoman taxcollector coming to collect taxes from some random balkan village but one of the village women wants to pay in a different way.

>> No.2624628

You could make him completely oblivious and single minded.

"I got your taxes right here, Mr. Turk"
*That's an odd place for a purse. Safe place to keep it hidden? Back of the knee maybe*

>> No.2624629
File: 92 KB, 500x376, 1465856256829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to monitor the absolute shit out of this thread.

>> No.2624630
File: 427 KB, 1447x2039, 1468921426600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us your best attempt at drawing a cute girl in historically accurate armor reasonably fitted to her body. Hard mode: no plate armor.

>> No.2624631
File: 65 KB, 812x768, save.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2624632

>the Turk is a shotacon

>> No.2624633

Being a Shotacon is a Turkish tradition.

>Osman Agha of Temeşvar who fell captive to the Austrians in 1688 wrote in his memoirs that one night an Austrian boy approached him for sex, telling him "for I know all Turks are pederasts".

>> No.2624634

> /aco//
where is this board you'll post these in ? help me i'm retarded...

>> No.2624635
File: 8 KB, 304x225, 1423267295472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How new are you?

>> No.2624636

thanks m8. and very

>> No.2624637

you must be a mod /jan then

>> No.2624638

Surely OP will deliver!

>> No.2624639

Catharine the Great fucking a horse pls.

American occupation of Japan.

Conquistadors and qt Mesoamerican babes obviously.

Cecil Rhodes straddling Africa with the monster railroad cock just hanging between his legs.

Korea getting cucked again, alternatively the Chinese century of humiliation.

Third Partition of Poland.

I also have guro suggestions but I somehow doubt this is really what we're doing here.

>> No.2624640

Something with crinolines or panniers, preferably 18th century Versailles or 19th century London.

>tfw you find big skirts attractive

>> No.2624641

I know that feel man. Shame girls don't wear poofy gowns anymore

>> No.2624642

Please can you drawer a british regency mother/daughter combo seducing a ruffian/soldier and sucking/riding his fat cock until her blows a huge load over their faces and tits?

>> No.2624643

I know your feels brah.

>> No.2624644
File: 72 KB, 923x581, inglorious basterds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever since seeing inglorious basterds i had a world war 2 fantasy of a german occupier coercing a french woman to have sex with him. mind you not straight up overpower and rape but more like the german guy implying he can make life hell for the girl and her family so she'd rather just submit and hope he got bored with her

bonus points for a vindictive/bitter look during the act

>> No.2624645

Anyone have the link?

>> No.2624646
File: 35 KB, 600x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting patiently for OP to inevitably not deliver

>> No.2624647

Eventually someone must deliver. These boners are very ancient, and I'm patient.

>> No.2624648

like what
dying in childbirth?

>> No.2624649

There's a part 2 somewhere too. Enjoy, but no rape here.

>> No.2624650
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1000, 1463409447712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's neither cute nor especially medieval.

>> No.2624651
File: 79 KB, 550x285, elves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elves hitting on human girls

>> No.2624652

There is surprising lack of historicaly themed porn. But I suppose it's because the ambiance quickly disappears when they take off their clothes and they are just regular naked people.

>> No.2624653

A flirty noble girl in China trying to seduce a very serious Buddhist monk from his meditation

>> No.2624654
File: 20 KB, 283x400, scytian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you draw some female raiders (Scytians or norse) capturing a teen boy and use him as their sex slave. They spanks, Whips and pegs him.
I like girls with a bit of armor

>> No.2624655

I find it very weird too. It's a shame since a good context is important for me and history offers so many more possibilities than just a pizza deliverer. I guess it's because people are too uncultured.

>> No.2624656


What if /his/ wrote and funded one, then handed it over to a professional studio to make a pornographic film?

You know, like /tv/ did to get that meme-themed movie made where the girl pretends the guy's dick is Bane?

>> No.2624657

That was just meme magic infecting enough people that some porn writer/producer thought it'd be funny. Without lots of money changing hands don't bet on a porno, just wait for the next big historical movie or tv show and hope there's enough interest in parodies and similar themes for one or two to get squeezed out.

>> No.2624658
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1469899450618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad those movies are just boring normie porn

>> No.2624659

>look it up
>its fucking real

Was splitting my sides part of your plan?

>> No.2624660

A porno is just the wrong way to go about it. What's sexy about erotic historical themes is the set up, the attention to detail, the immersion, and the porn industry couldn't do any of that to save its life. There's already been some historical themed porn movies before, and they're almost all just normal porno gangbangs and modern dirty talk with shitty costumes that just end up riding up and revealing a tramp stamp or some shit.

Our best bet is an X-rated romance movie, the kind that's basically an adaptation of written erotica like 50 Shades of Grey.

That and Jap doujins and Western webcomics whose artists happen to like /his/ stuff beyond the normie GoT/RPG level.

>> No.2624661


>X-rated romance novel

There's already tons of smut on sites like Literotica. Most of it is terrible, DESU.

>> No.2624662

Yes I know. And that's normal really for a community that's mostly amateurs.

>> No.2624663

I like porn with high production values

Good editing, transitions, historically reconstructed music, credible actors, etc. I have to feel invested in these people, what are they like when they're not making the beast with two backs?

>> No.2624664
File: 87 KB, 620x465, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/his/ should make an erotic dating sim

>> No.2624665


>> No.2624666

...this could be either magnificent or horrifying

>you're a central asian oasis dweller who must choose between various potential brides

>> No.2624667

Just an Otoyomegatari sim would be fine with me.

>> No.2624668
File: 163 KB, 719x536, Minoan_palace_scene_enlarged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you draw some minoan women

>> No.2624669

Make a /his/-chan and put her in a variety of sexy historical costumes.

>> No.2624670

Fund it!

>> No.2624671

Seconding viking bondage blowjob.

>> No.2624672

>Victorian erotic dating sim
What's the reward at the end? A blush? A flash of ankle?

>> No.2624673

You're going about it the wrong way. A tightly-wound setting like Victorian England would be perfect for shit like subtle foreplay and cute romance in public, like hand holding and hand kissing, giving an arm to a lady, etc. Then you can break down those barriers in private with some crazy awesome shit. Finally you can court danger and excitement by taking the sex out into public areas, like sneaking into an empty church or library wing.

>> No.2624674

>He doesn't know about the intricate mental, physical, and emotional dance between Victorian era lovers

>> No.2624675
File: 227 KB, 455x768, AlixofDenmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people today have such shit taste? The Victorian era was the epitome of fashion.

>> No.2624676
File: 91 KB, 649x960, Luther-Katharina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me, somebody made a bodice ripper about Martin Luther and his wife.
>Katharina von Bora has seen nothing but the inside of cloister walls since she was five. In a daring escape, Katharina finds refuge with Martin Luther and seeks his help to pair her with the noble, wealthy husband she desires.

>As class tensions and religious conflicts escalate toward the brink of war, Martin Luther believes that each day could be his last and determines he will never take a wife.

>As the horrors of the bloody Peasant War break out around them, the proud Katharina and headstrong Martin Luther fight their own battle for true love, in one of the greatest love stories of history.

>> No.2624677

How obscene.

>> No.2624678

We have to go obscener

>> No.2624679
File: 382 KB, 1479x2048, 1463600061563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be a patrician in Ancient Rome
>tfw you'll never own your own harem of northern barbarians
>tfw they'll never tan under the roman sun like pic related
>tfw you'll never expunge them of their culture for your own

when will this suffering end?

>> No.2624680
File: 398 KB, 1000x1333, liang-xing-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a VN where you're a merchant sailing from port to port, but instead of just straightforward buying and selling you work out deals with other merchants, nobles, and artisans - who all happen to be cute girls of course.

>> No.2624681

>You're an early colonial English teenager (technically a man in this era) interacting with qt native & settler girls

>> No.2624682

This brings to mind unhappy midwestern women in unfulfilling relationships, "wholesome Christian erotica" disguised as historical fiction that their husbands will roll their eyes at and ignore because it's "chick lit" and not about the local college football team. Just depressing in general.

It's like going to a video game convention and seeing a Trump-voting boomer forcefully dragging his autistic grandson away from a Minecraft or FNAF booth. The drive home will be in a PT Cruiser with the flames from Guy Fieri's shirt painted on the sides, the silent tears of a youth narrated by Alex Jones on the radio.

>> No.2624683

Everyone wants some escapism now and then

>> No.2624684

>tfw you don't really have any erotic historical fantasies
>tfw your only historical fantasy is to be a qt rich and intelligent English girl born around 1845

>> No.2624685

>The closer and friendlier you get, the better your discounts and profits
>But the more involved you become, the more they expect the same in kind
>Balancing your ledger is practically tied to balancing your love life and friendships.

>> No.2624686


you sound like a fucking chick desu

>> No.2624687

No. I just write a shit-ton of history-themed ERP.

>> No.2624688


link that shit nigger

>> No.2624689

Sorry, no chat logs or anything, I only do play-by-post on forums.

>> No.2624690
File: 142 KB, 500x388, anor londo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so OP is ded ?

>> No.2624691
File: 205 KB, 1366x768, hB6VQGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hot Catherine the Great (think Civ V style) giving sexual favours to a courtier.

>> No.2624692

>A hot Catherine the Great (think Civ V style) giving sexual favours to a horse.

>> No.2624693

Fuck you

Repressed people have the best fantasies

>> No.2624694
File: 62 KB, 480x270, 1468596693962-his.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point in my life I'd be fine with either option.

>> No.2624695

What about both, with the horse cucking the courtier after he fails to measure up? Or the other way around, or a counterattack involving fisting?

>> No.2624696

Well I got here super late but you should draw a female WWII Red Army soldier seducing a naive German qt.

>> No.2624697

Literotica is 50/50 I might either be aroused or laugh my ass off.

Either way I win.

>> No.2624698

We already have, like, 2 /his/-tans. Problem is that there's no Drawfags on this board, so no one ever draws anything.

>> No.2624699

We do?

>> No.2624700

A young lady who's had a crush on an older guy since she was an adolescent and her attempts to make him see her as a marriageable woman, not the silly little girl who'd follow him around

>> No.2624701

>That guy who used cake as lube

Classic, you could tell it was written by a virgin 14 year old yaoi fan

The best part of Literotica are the wars between cuckfags and happy marriagefags

>> No.2624702

Check under the /his/ tag


>> No.2624703

I can't tell if the blonde loli is supposed to be /his/ or just /pol/. Either way we can do better.

>> No.2624704

2 /his/

Loli is history
Statue is humanities

But I do like the idea of the loli being how we see /pol/

>> No.2624705

>generic genki loli

Meh. A kuudere class rep type who gets triggered by anything not pure history, including politics, fantasy media, and humanities, would be way better.

Isn't there plenty of source on the bottom of the image?

>> No.2624706

>OP still hasn't delivered

Well, I guess that's the end of trying to incorporate crinolines into erotica.

>> No.2624707

So basically Rancettear?

>> No.2624708

I'm not OP, but I do writefag every so often and I used to be a drawfag years ago. I'll be keeping that and other ideas in mind if I find the time and will for some OC.

I don't think you can rape your way into a business alliance, but then again I'm no military genius like Rance.

>> No.2624709

a knight raping a village wench

>> No.2624710

But you can certainly CAPITALISM your way into a sexual encounter.
>I see that your father's shipping business that you were entrusted with is on the verge of bankruptcy. Perhaps I could help you with that, if I were properly motivated.

>> No.2624711

>"Is... is it over?"
>"Afraid not. I practice double-entry bookkeeping!"

>> No.2624712
File: 121 KB, 320x480, reddeadhooker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a request, I just want to know if anyone else has the same fantasy as me.

I have always wanted to fuck a prostitute in one of the following historical settings:
>Ancient Rome (especially in Rome itself, Pompeii or Roman Judea for some reason)
>Golden Age of Piracy
>Wild West
PLEASE tell me I'm not alone in at least one of these.
I don't care how rachet the girls actually were at the time, something about fucking a hooker in period dress (with myself as a Chaddius Maximus gladiator/legionnaire, Jack Sparrow/Edward Kenway pirate or Clint Eastwood/John Marston cowboy) REALLY does it for me.

To be honest, even the idea of paying for it with denarii, doubloons, or a fistful of sweaty dollars gets me excited.

>> No.2624713

I did spend a whole lot more time than I thought I'd would researching Medieval European and Middle Eastern prostitution. It's pretty hot, once you get past the regulations and tragic elements.

>> No.2624714

>Wait, this contract says that I have to live in a cage in his cabin!
>I'm sorry, my daughter, but it was the only way.

>> No.2624715

>All these people requesting rape

What the fuck is wrong with consensual sex?

>> No.2624716

You're suprised that people on 4chan have jaded tastes?

>> No.2624717

Man, how the fuck did I forget about the middle east.

Another fantasy of mine is being a Sultan and having a massive fuckoff harem with all my most fucked up fetishes represented therein.
And like a crusade happens and I go to war and fuck up the normie Christian Chads for the glory of Allah, then go back to my harem and smoke hashish and fuck qts.

I'm not even from a country/culture even remotely related to any of these settings, just any sort of sex/power fantasy in a historical setting like that works for me. Which I guess isn't really all that bizarre when you think about it.

>> No.2624718

A lot of people's historical fantasies are similar to post-apocalyptic or straight fantasy settings where they're not constrained by modern laws and can exercise unrestrained sexual power through violence. Hence a lot of vikings and pirates and knights raping princesses and peasants.

>> No.2624719

Everybody loves rape, dumbfuck

>> No.2624720
File: 335 KB, 500x491, 1467951334628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have consensual sex in missionary position and lots of hand holding for the sake of procreation with Anon!

>> No.2624721

>What is morality

On the other hand you're actually doing stuff with your fantasies.

>tfw my historical fantasy is >>2624684

>> No.2624722
File: 1.99 MB, 1900x1796, 1469379547574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, So sorry i broke conversation in this thread, I've been called into work (yeah, my fucking weekend, here right now actully) so thats the reason theirs been so little content from me..I mean, I Cant scan stuff ive done from my work scanner now can i?

HOWEVER, I have been getting started on requests when im alone at work so the ones mentioned to me at the top will be started first and ill make sure to archive this thread so EVERYONE gets something, possibly might be next sunday some of them but ill try to make this a regular thread on weekends so you can post requests and get links to lewd /his/related stuff-requested things.

Ones im currently doing/completing:


Should upload them (from home obviously) by 3rd & 4th of August, so monitor/save this thread!
If there are any other art anons in this thread feel free to pick up the slack of other requests.

Dont forget, the better the specifics of your request/adding a picture, the more likely i am of doing it for you

In short, Never fear, gentle anons, this is one anon who shall Deliver!

>> No.2624723

>file name
You killed me

>> No.2624724
File: 516 KB, 1032x1400, mjqp9aM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civilized roman women in togas and stuff taking BBC (big barbarian cock) during one of the sackings by gauls or goths. Pic obviously related.

>> No.2624725

>Anon why is your desk covered in sketches of a skeletal Jewish girl in a gas chamber surrounded by lusty Nazis
>I think you should come into my office immediately Anon

>> No.2624726
File: 251 KB, 1169x1371, David_-_Napoleon_crossing_the_Alps_-_Malmaison1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw Napoleon will never ride you over the alps

>> No.2624727
File: 963 KB, 3000x2000, 1468555931889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and ive done >>2624612 too now.

ugh.. tell me about it, I keep it in a leather folder with a buttoned strap so nothing would fall out and i put it away in my bag if im out the office but im worried someone might go snooping in my bag (where i keep it) whilst im not around.

Mind you, im alone and not up to much most night shifts and some dayshifts so its more something to do with the spare-time.

Ultimately, its worth the risk as its my hobby. some people knit, some people read, [spoiler] I draw pornography [spoiler]

>> No.2624728

You're doing God's work anon.
Wish I was talented enough at drawing to help but writing is my strong point.

>> No.2624729
File: 3.11 MB, 1536x2024, 77e758164313822216fb248fd1980e94bc35287d_s2_n1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2624730

>Qing-era Chinese qt's being bullied/seduced by British troops around the Opium Wars or Taiping Rebellion.

>A female Russian KGB agent defecting to the US and enjoying the vices of capitalism while subtly dominating her American fiancé.

>> No.2624731

Godspeed anon, thank you for even creating the thread

>> No.2624732
File: 52 KB, 500x462, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based anon. I loved the first thread, can't wait to see how your drawings will turn out.

>> No.2624733


Fucking hell, I'm in. I'm a good writer with questionable historical knowledge.

>> No.2624734

I'm in as someone who knows slightly more than most people about the Victorian era.

>> No.2624735

I have an idea! I just need someone to tell me how old Boudicca's daughters were.

>> No.2624736

I think they were around 13 when they died.
Don't trust me on this though.

>> No.2624737

I'm in, my specialty is age pf sail and the 30 years war

>> No.2624738

Bollocks. How about Bouddica getting fucked by Suetonius Paulinus?

>> No.2624739
File: 270 KB, 463x509, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having the power/sexual fantasy of forcing a defeated king to bend his knee to you while you sit on his former throne with his beautiful teenage princess daughter on her knees servicing your cock with her mouth.

>> No.2624740


They didn't die, they were just repeatedly raped by multiple Roman soldiers.

>> No.2624741
File: 1.33 MB, 1400x1820, 1426815995071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not stepping it up by having the princess walk past her groveling father wearing nothing but an open ermine cloak while carrying his crown to you.
>Not having her bow, shed her cloak, and rise naked as she places the crown beside the throne, next to a tiara you prepared for her, as she reads aloud to the audience your deeds and divine right to the throne, all while you check out her ass and stroke yourself.
>Not having her bend over, placing her father's crown on your head while the previous king watches, before she turns around and slowly sits down on your lap, yelping and trembling at the insertion, while you crown her with the tiara as your bitch princess consort.

>> No.2624742

I would've assumed they were executed.

>> No.2624743

Simmer down, rance.

>> No.2624744
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I love this place

>> No.2624745
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Programming and writing is the easy part, what we need is a competent artist.

If we all pool all our money together and create a fund, hire a competent artist, this could work. The art part should come last. We have to not follow in the footsteps of Breeding Season and how that fucked up because of disputes between the artist and the creators.

If we really want to do this, we have to make a specific thread for this to talk about the script/characters/funding.

This could be our Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.2624746
File: 131 KB, 816x900, Conrad-III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A German King is unsatisfied with his wife. He loves her dearly, but he just can't get it up for her. Thinking that what he needs is something different, he arranges for a son of a carpenter to meet him in his bedroom. When said peasant finally arrives, he is tied up and chained to the bed. The King grabs his mighty erection and pulls it through a hole in his pantalones. The peasant is forced to take the big boner into his mouth, and is not allowed to stop sucking until the King is finished with him. The young man wants only to appease the king, and as such he begins stroking and tickling his large balls, as they hang from his leggings like apples from a tree. In the middle of this fiasco, the Queen walks in, blindfolded, saying she wants to "try something new". She is blissfully unaware of the young man's presence, and, reaching around for the first cock she feels, begins to go to town on the young peasant's large erect penis, as said young man is suckling on the King's mighty flower, hoping to catch some nectar. And so they all go at it for almost an hour, all of them fucking and sucking and tickling and jerking and twerking and gasping for air, like a symphony of dicks and clits and butts and boobs, all of them shaking and jiggling. Each member has ejaculated at least thrice by now. The Queen already figured out what was really going on at this point, but she doesn't care. Discarded cum and articles of clothing lay on the floor in a circle around the three as they continue to fuck like rabbits. The Queen is such a slut, she begins licking the cum off the floor like precious dropped food. Her mouth is filled with cum, and she can barely contain it in her mouth. She begins to pour the sperm-saliva solution into the young man's mouth, as he takes it all and swallows it like the good servant he is. Suddenly, they all hear a knocking at the door, and they all stop. (cont)

>> No.2624747
File: 69 KB, 619x473, ss+(2016-04-26+at+04.31.18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The King walks backward in fear. The young man cries. The Queen begins screaming at the top of her lungs. The knocking becomes louder, and louder, and eventually turns into a rapping, then a pounding, and then the man at the other side of the door begins throwing his entire body against it as the king holds his wife in his arms. The boy, quite quick thinking, hides under the bed and watches through the covers. The door finally opens, and there he is- the man they all feared every day of their life. It was none other than Steve Buscemi, he who's name was spoken only in legend; he who has no fear, no catharsis, and no semblance of human empathy or reasoning- his only desire is for blood. The King tries to run away, but as soon as he knows it, his heart has already been implanted by Buscemi's large katana. He pulls it out, and the King drops to the ground, blood squirting out of his open chest. The Queen tries to jump out of a nearby window, but not before ol' Steve stabs her in the back and lops off her head with his bloody katana. He throws all three out the window, and begins moving toward the bed. The boy hears him and is drenched in fear. When the covers are pulled up, all the boy's crying eyes can see are the eyes of the murderer, looking at him. Steve decided to spare the boy, and he gives him a big smile and leaves the room, blood dripping from his clothing.

Do you think you could draw that?

>> No.2624748
File: 86 KB, 624x734, 4aOLrse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2624749
File: 868 KB, 800x1131, 564d35c63a0ab178d6eec94f7f818433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you guys read my mind

>> No.2624750

I slowly degenerated from normal 3D porn to futanari netorare mindbreak vore. Then I got bored of that, and nowadays I can only get off to sweet, loving, consensual sex. Bonus point if it's a married couple hoping to have children, and it ends with the woman pregnant.

I almost wish I was kidding.

>> No.2624751

>tfw you will never a military advisor to Japan or China, become a personal friend of the Emperor, and marry the qt daughter of an high ranking official that you had been courting for months, if not years.

>> No.2625066

fucking mods

>> No.2625082
File: 63 KB, 321x357, phpmnDOKf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no Drawfags on this board

You aren't on /his/...

... oh, never mind, you're still right.

>> No.2625102

This thread was moved to /ic/ because mods.

It was originally on /his/

>> No.2625156

This should be in trash not here

>> No.2625338

Blame the mods.

>> No.2625795

oh, that makes sense, while reading this thread I had to check on what board I am since this is not the salty d/ic/ks I know

>> No.2625797

>mods secretly wanting drawfags to make this real instead of /trash/ing it

>> No.2627366

Thread is dead thanks to the retarded mods.

>> No.2628691

No! I want my history smut gawd demmit