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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 509 KB, 924x708, baaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2623952 No.2623952 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last Thread >>2619903

>> No.2623954

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

>> No.2623957

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2623959
File: 45 KB, 396x494, 50145234_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2623961
File: 107 KB, 440x383, youremom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big throbbing benis

>> No.2623963

I hate moe blob posters like you. Pls stop
Youre almost as bad as him

>> No.2623973


give one to me too anon! :3

>> No.2623979
File: 184 KB, 665x662, nuclear matte pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2623983

name? ;^)
>inb4 susichoobychasca

>> No.2623987


>> No.2623992

urmummypasta ;^]

>> No.2623993

Santi must be the worst artist I've ever heard of

>> No.2623996

Obviously you've never heard of Richard Serra

>> No.2623999

>not kodyboy

>> No.2624000
File: 1.28 MB, 1709x2046, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you have heard of him?

>> No.2624002

Is it too late to enter this?

>> No.2624006

It's never too late.

>> No.2624009
File: 949 KB, 1600x1600, Smug caprice reaction meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2624027

tfw ill never be added to this list

>> No.2624029



>> No.2624030

Post your name.

>> No.2624036


>> No.2624039

This month I'll continue working through Huston's book. Even if I had paced myself and finished the challenge, there wasn't nearly enough time to do a thorough treatment. So now I'm moving very deliberately through each chapter to rack up mileage with all the concepts.

If I finish by the end of the month I'll go back to Hampton and continue where I left off there.

>> No.2624047

my line work and blocking has gotten better, but my colors got worse. hahaha

>> No.2624053


>> No.2624056

Ded thread
Ded streams

Please O great lava, bring us the death of a weekwunner to replenish our tired souls

>> No.2624060

Favorite LAS artists

>> No.2624061

I should probably get started on my mech challenge submission...

>> No.2624065

How do I practice perspective? Is it like anatomy where I just draw spheres and squares but have them at different sizes and all that or is there some other way to get better at this?

>> No.2624071


>> No.2624073

>no actinfutility
shit list

>> No.2624075

>my name nowhere to be found

>> No.2624076



>> No.2624078

>santi didn't get put on tribunal

all talk no walk!

>> No.2624079

List of most hated lassies when?

>> No.2624080

I think that's pretty much it, can't really think of any other lasses that are hated that much.

>> No.2624082

Ur mum

>> No.2624084

people hate boygivingup??

>> No.2624087

I do

>> No.2624089

oh, why?

>> No.2624090


>> No.2624093

>triplenigger only once
I'd put him in at least three times t b q h

>> No.2624099

What did thready ever do? All he does is make threads

>> No.2624100


>> No.2624109

>30 minutes in
>No submissions
LAS is O F F I C I A L L Y D E D

>> No.2624112

So apparently I'm being accused of deleting my image yet the link works perfectly. What the fuck is going on. Please explain.

>> No.2624114

fuck off, don't make this harder for me
I deleted it to draw a line, I'm done with LAS
I only get shit on anyway

>> No.2624115

>no submissions in first 30 minutes
More like Team Forza t b h.

23:30 club membership is at an all time high.

>> No.2624123

This is the link for my submission for day 204:
Does it work? Because for me it works perfectly.

>> No.2624130

Not working for me Santi.

>> No.2624131
File: 70 KB, 778x510, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell us, gaylord

>> No.2624138


It's dead jim

>> No.2624140

Alright I think I figured it out, it's a deviantart link error. I don't know what happened but you can just check the upload date on the 204th day submission anyways: http://santichasca.deviantart.com/art/Captain-Violet-WIP-625003786

I think that pretty much clears everything up, it was a deviantart error. It has happened before.

>> No.2624143
File: 148 KB, 960x960, blissful gondola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"because someone has to" edition strem

>> No.2624144
File: 355 KB, 876x493, 091614-national-prison-leaving-prisoner_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Santi, you're free to go.

>> No.2624151

I fear I'm gonna be ripped apart in the tribunal no matter what I do or if the accusations are not legit but okay man thanks. I appreciate it. I'm streaming the working link at picarto.tv/santichasca right now if someone is sceptic.
It's all been a misunderstanding although I understand that you want me to die at the tribunal.

>> No.2624152

Oh yeah, I forgot the accused gets 24 hours to write up an excuse, which is why I didn't see any new tribunal cases yet.

I'll bear in mind to punis- pardon you :-)

>> No.2624156

being santi is suffering

>> No.2624158

I just dont care anymore. If I get (unjustly) punished I'll depart from LAS with a clear conscience and continue submitting forever.

>> No.2624160

Don't worry santi I'll pardon you, I don't think many in LAS are vindictive enough to punish unjustly and win the vote, imo most of it is just a joke cause you're so cute to bully.

>> No.2624162
File: 20 KB, 400x400, pai_mai_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2624164

b-but sensei I'm a beginner D: ?!

>> No.2624167
File: 58 KB, 640x640, 1462920670002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kno dis feel.
I really want to crit but my opinions aren't worth shit yet and I wouldn't want to mislead any of you.

>> No.2624168

thanks dude. good gains

>> No.2624171

you see, here's the problem I have with this post.

If you're almost done, then you clearly have no intention of critting the other weeks. This sort of favoritism is one of the leading factors as to why we have the turnover rates we do, and why every artist post week 1 is practically ignored regardless of skill level. Honestly sensei I was rooting for you until you shat on the untouchables.

>> No.2624176

Do you really think LAS will survive past week 1?

>> No.2624178

If Lava comes back it should.

>> No.2624180

Do you really think LAS is going to disappear after you finish your week 1 critiques?

The fuck kinda logic you slinging, m8?

>> No.2624181

>If lava comes back
Well... that's the problem.

>> No.2624182

>complaining instead of critting
I originally planned to do it for longer but it looks like people are losing interest. Before people would get at least a couple crits but now they're lucky to get even one, and I'm pretty sure it's that same anon critting everyone. But if there is interest I'll try to keep it going for longer if that's what people actually want.

not me m80

>> No.2624188
File: 52 KB, 283x286, 1441550362397-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alm0nde, I'm interested in this challenge but can we get a massive ref dump when it starts?

>> No.2624189


>> No.2624190

I want to give quality crits but that takes a lot of time, so I've only bothered for a (random) few. Sorry all.

>> No.2624191

I... I think I'm starting to feel the form

>> No.2624192

I would if I could, but I am a lowly 2-3.

>> No.2624193

A. Lava is dead
B. Lava is literally dying
C. Lava has moved on and abandoned us

>> No.2624196

Are you in the gesture challenge? Share your secrets plz.

>> No.2624199


>> No.2624202

kinda sad the future of LAS is so dependent on lava not dying/giving up

he gave us such a gift but without him it'll gradually whither away

>> No.2624203

Lokki, that's gross. :(

>> No.2624209

Lava come back pls

>> No.2624214

I'm just using the figure drawing sites from the sticky.
Some lasses might be willing to contribute but there'd probably be more luck in a ref thread.

>> No.2624215

>gesture recognition
>less than 2 days left
>haven't started
so screwed D:

>> No.2624217

I'll keep critting everyone, though I have missed days when being away or working. Doesn't matter to me what day people joined.

>> No.2624224

Found a really nice in depth site on perspective if anyone wants it. Explains advanced stuff like how to accurately create and move vanishing points with the right relationship to each other, and much more.

>> No.2624230

I'm sure there are people here who know how to code and would like to help keep LAS thriving. I feel like Lava should give one of those people administrative access, in case something happens.

>> No.2624232

It's an absolute minimum of twenty gestures. You're fine.

>> No.2624234
File: 107 KB, 606x461, 1411323936450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perspective still intimidates me so much.

>> No.2624246
File: 6 KB, 265x400, 1389155142156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you keep up your motivation when you're so ill you feel like you could pass out at any moment, LAS?

>> No.2624247

Not stress about it and try to get better first, christ.

>> No.2624250

If you enjoy drawing then just draw. Forget about studies and all that just doodle. Just try to have some fun and stop thinking about progress or gitting gud until you're better/ feel up to it. If drawing makes it worse then maybe take some time off.

>> No.2624261

He's one of the stream crowd

>> No.2624264

by having a LAS drawing partner

>> No.2624267

I lurk streams all the time and I've never seen him.

>> No.2624274

He only showed up once and it wasn't even a real account

>> No.2624309
File: 450 KB, 1617x1261, 1469929860287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry anon, it freaks me out too

>> No.2624317
File: 650 KB, 540x381, kHiOUcE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i read this in Meow's voice
Thats fuckin dandy

>> No.2624361
File: 288 KB, 810x521, Screenshot_2016-08-02-03-57-08-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2624407

Had a nice dream! I hope lasses are having nice dreams, gonna sleep more and have even nicer dreams! =3=

>> No.2624408

>draw for 3 hours
>bed time
>shrink all my drawings, put em on a single image and submit
>literally 10 seconds after I submitted my computer blue screened, crashed and rebooted
PRAISE BE TO LOOMIS AND VILPPU holy shit I got lucky.

>> No.2624412

Nice! Good night senpai, sweet dreams!

>> No.2624415

Thanks senpai. Good night/morning to you too. And happy drawing.

>> No.2624474

tell us your dreams anon

>> No.2624483

Who's the single one lassie that you hate the most?

>> No.2624491


>> No.2624506

Today I watched dead man's chest and at world's end, then I went to sleep super stressed. I don't really remember what I dreamed of but it was a nightmare about a pirate battle or something similar

>> No.2624509


>> No.2624514

I was at a party in some dark lit mansion/theatre in the balcony with my family, there were some weird circus-like performances going on and I think I knew some of the other audience members, my sister and I were mucking about in some big clothes that were lying around while watching, we got into a mess and then we kissed.

>> No.2624540


>> No.2624551

I was sitting in a cafe with Donald Duck and Goofy and it was pretty chill but everyone around us were turning into giant cockroaches.

>> No.2624554

>tfw had one of "those" dreams
>wake up with thick semen in my pants

>> No.2624572

My parents got me to go check out what one last year of uni would look like, I graduated couple years ago so this would be for my masters I guess.

Had to sign up for open day then cancel enrolment afterwards if I wasn't in to it. It was awful. Same shit people were still there, everything was so fake among people and so expensive. I had all these people telling me I owed them like 130+ each for stuff years ago, and we went for lunch as a group and someone had me try their sandwich, then wanted £30 the next day.

I got more and more determined to not go back and felt utterly alone though surrounded by people pretending to laugh and have fun. Then I couldn't cancel the enrolment because I had no Internet or phone money, and couldn't use pay phone because university Jew had taken all my money.

When taking a group like year photo outside I turned and just started walking away. My parents and brother turned up, hadn't heard from me since no phone, but they made it there and so dad would help me cancel it all in time then go home, I felt so relieved it was like being released from jail.

On the walk back towards campus I was more aware of shit being beautiful around me, kept pointing out these gorgeous trees to my family with vines and lichen on them all lit from behind with those god rays coming through fog. All was good soon, troubles almost over.

Then my little brother got hit by a truck. Didn't die but broke at least his arms and maybe his pelvis. I spent whole time talking and distracting him, getting him to do tests like wiggling each toe in turn while I tried not to panic.

Then I woke up.

>> No.2624577

turns out all your dreams were reality! it's time to wake up anons! :3

>> No.2624585

>last entry on Lava's blog
Holy shit

>> No.2624587

being a lemur is suffering

>> No.2624593
File: 64 KB, 564x846, 833c4c7107c93de82f77cd1e20febd0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constant and stable recovery
>Nerves are regenerating
Soon Lava will join us again :3

>> No.2624598

got a link for those who aren't familiar with his blog stuff? I only know of his art posts which mention very little about his health.

>> No.2624602

http://lavaflake.com/ --> http://lavaflake.com/blog/

>> No.2624754

Only ever seen his art page which has no redirect links. Thought that was his whole blog site, honestly.

>> No.2624756

>Someone had me try their sandwich, then wanted 30$ the next day
Fucking kek

>> No.2624757

>Lava will slowly get better and gud at the same time
>At the LAS meet up in 20XX he'll be just fine
>You'll hug him and he'll finally feel it and your love

Actually makes me happy desu

>> No.2624761

>Loomis van crashes through the wall
>Runs over Lava
>Back to cripple again

>> No.2624762


>> No.2624765

Anyone planning to stream soon?

>> No.2624770

Stream will be up in 10 minutes

>> No.2624800

t-ten minutes r-right?

>> No.2624803
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_npvevxTtuQ1s39xfuo1_r1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2624805

Who animated this? It's super good.

>> No.2624808

Wait, nvm, didn't see the corner, my b.

>> No.2624809

What's the stuff at the bottom right?

>> No.2624849

just 20 gestures

20 gestures and I'll be free!

>> No.2624853

man shit got dark really fast.

>> No.2624862

My dad wanted me to turn on transformers 2 on Netflix but Netflix kept crashing. Then he got really mad and disappointed in me.

really weird dream desu

>> No.2624865

Hi thready

>> No.2624874
File: 43 KB, 500x667, 1460559911400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I delete my submission
I accidentally posted something I didn't want to post or didn't really put thought into my actions

I just want to let people know that I'll update with a study that I was planning to do now

>> No.2624877

Did you fuck?

>> No.2624878

Just update it with a new submission

>> No.2624879
File: 171 KB, 1051x893, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them are so fucking random
>driving a tractor on a farm
>look down at my crotch
>cum instantly

>> No.2624882


I really like the few finished drawings you have. I think you still have some getting used to on the binary brush. It seems like you're focusing more on line quality than construction and your faces are turning out flat. You know how you get smoother lines by drawing in short, quick strokes? The more details you have the easier it is to make those line breaks less obvious. It might be more beneficial to you to do your constructions and sketching on a different layer and then linework on top.

Also Sensei, don't give up after week one, it's not fair to other weeks. If you're getting too old for this you need to take on a final apprentice.

>> No.2624883

Your only option is to update your submission after you finish the study. If it helps, few to no people will probably look at it in the meantime.

>> No.2624884

Nf and slump are streaming

>> No.2624899

>Tfw school starts back up in a few weeks

>> No.2624901

Crit Saiyan popped up while Crit Sensei was AWOL, but Crit Sensei turned out to be alright

>> No.2624904

There can only be one Last Artist Standing.


>> No.2624914

sure hope it isn't an old submission friendo

>> No.2624925

Art classes? Just submit what you draw in those

If not then just make time man 30mins ain't shit

>> No.2624939

Not him but last semester I had to just take 40 minutes out of my sleep many days. Not in art school, but STEM. I managed.

That plus the topic challenge makes it difficult to actually get what to want to draw done though.

>> No.2624944

>he fell for the topic trap
My condolences senpai, must be hellish

>> No.2624968

>see poon stream

>> No.2624973

This tbqh. Last year was my first year and I prioritized drawing and shit posting which caused me to nearly flunk out. Never again.

>> No.2624975
File: 1.97 MB, 700x394, 1461147989539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open Poons ass
"Mmmmmmm Fuck Yeah "

>> No.2624976


>> No.2624982

I'm enjoying this way too much


>> No.2624984
File: 117 KB, 1266x858, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm streaming the fps class design challenge. Join if you want

>> No.2624989


>> No.2624993 [DELETED] 
File: 291 KB, 500x500, 1468827598468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open Susiparis ass
"Mmmmmmm Das some goooooooood shit "

>> No.2624999


>> No.2625023

no way kek

>> No.2625026


>> No.2625031

There's pretty low turnout for the draw 100 challenge. Is it the timing or the challenge itself?

If no one wants to do necks, I was planning on running this every twelve days with a focus on a different body part each time.

>> No.2625033

they just aren't the thing I'm studying atm desu

>> No.2625043

I would have done it if it was like 30-50 necks but 100 in the next 4hs? ill fall asleep after the first 20

>> No.2625046

it's over 10 days, so like 10 a day keeps the alm0nde away

>> No.2625048


It's 10 per day. Or 100 in one day if you can pull it off.

>> No.2625051

o..oh ok i might join

>> No.2625053

This is JMGNgate

>> No.2625067

Kek I'm actually enjoying it too. Jmgn seems like a chill dude.

Also las podcast when? I wanna hear everyone's stories.

>> No.2625073

I'd just prefer 5 a day or so, so I could focus on them more instead of feeling thirsty to rush it to make sure it gets done instead of tiring on the 5th day.

>> No.2625076

maybe after a few years

>> No.2625081

i didnt know he had a patreon

>> No.2625084

too bad I not a furry ;-;

>> No.2625091

I'm confused..

The general rule to being famous online I hear a lot is to post a lot but looking through JMGN's FA account he only posted four images and the last one was last year... er so what gives?

>> No.2625093

>furry "artist"
>no patreon
that's an oxymoron this day and age, anon

>> No.2625101

that was fun, wouldn't mind listening to other lasses getting interviewed t b h

>> No.2625116

Oh shit, Gave lives in my state. Is he one of the Seattle anons?

>> No.2625122
File: 256 KB, 567x609, 1469431366587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's only 24
That means I can still make it

>> No.2625124

tfw Jmgn had a friend to discuss drawing porn with ;_;

>> No.2625128

>He's only 24
What am I doing with my life?

>> No.2625129

anon-senpai doesn't have a tomodachi? ( ; へ : )

>> No.2625133

he's a year away to losing all of his memeplasticity and he's still not at master level, poor dude

>> No.2625137

I hope one day Lava busts the Neuroplasticity meme wide open, since he's been rapidly losing his Neuroplasticity for 4+ years if it is to be believed.

>one day

>> No.2625138

gotta make an account to see the nsfw stuff buddy

>> No.2625157

Every time jmgn submits, I grab my dick and double click!

>> No.2625162

Can't believe I listened to the whole jmgn thing. I'm gonna major in CS just for you gabe!

>> No.2625181

JMGN, can I commission you to finish Half-Life 3?

>> No.2625182


>> No.2625183

>furfuckers trying to act like they're normal people
absolutely disgusting

>> No.2625188
File: 35 KB, 394x547, 0b79d39d81d24821a94040ec83d16130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2625192

holy shit I never knew rylaifu was such a fucking qt



>> No.2625194

How do i join, do i need to wait til next week?

>> No.2625198

You just submit, you don't have to wait until next week.

>> No.2625199

red the faq fagit

>> No.2625278 [DELETED] 

>can't upload on imgur for some reason
What do I dooooo

>> No.2625282


>> No.2625301
File: 83 KB, 673x830, 1470140060310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does JMGN earn annually and how much time spent on each comission?

I'd like to start into comissions soon but I wonder if id be able to keep up.

>> No.2625314

the thing is furry bucks are a whole different world than normal commissions
they're willing to spend thousands of dollars just to have their specific fetishes drawn
you can't really compare their autism to "normal" clients

>> No.2625319

>i've never had a client

people are autismal universally

>> No.2625323

Good job chums.

>> No.2625324

>no eliminatinos
plateau is real

>> No.2625325

Just barely missed the deadline lol

>> No.2625326

>Santi is in the tribunal

>> No.2625327

Ha know, the concept of paying someone to draw something for you never made sense to me. I understand stuff like companies doing it for promo or to get the idea across but I don't get why people pay to get fan art drawn or something.

>> No.2625328

>I've never had a client
I did, only friends tho

>> No.2625329

>putting a full stop after you link

santi don't do that mate, almost thought the link was broken again

>> No.2625331

Full stop?
What do you mean

>> No.2625332

Burn Santi at the stake

>> No.2625334

What you americans call a period --> .

>> No.2625335

If you punish santi even though it has been proven that he was innocent you are an evil, evil person and deserve to burn yourself.

>> No.2625336

>They're deviantart link errors. No idea why they happen. Check the date on the bottom right corner: http://santichasca.deviantart.com/art/Captain-Violet-WIP-625003786..
It breaks the link if someone doesn't notice it and just copies everything after the :

Anyway, I read >>2624140 so I'll pardon you senpai

>> No.2625339

Santi will get his eventually, one way or another

>> No.2625343
File: 458 KB, 946x615, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2625346

>tfw punish santi anyway

>> No.2625347

don't worry santi I punis- err, pardoned you.

>> No.2625348

>claim I pardoned
>punished ;)

>> No.2625349

I hate every thing I create and I wish I could uncreate myself

>> No.2625350

>he will still be saying "give me two months and I'll be good"

>> No.2625351

don't beat yourself up senpai ;;

>> No.2625352

Are you me?

>> No.2625381

>tfw I finally surpassed lava

>> No.2625386

>tfw fibinochi surpasses lava

>> No.2625392

Does Lava's methods seem a bit convoluted to anyone else? Like there's so many shapes and lines. He should try simplifying a bit.

>> No.2625396

Don't do this to me again, Jerry.

>> No.2625398

how do you simplify a line

>> No.2625401
File: 19 KB, 274x184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2625405

Smaller line

>> No.2625409



>> No.2625412
File: 814 KB, 1280x720, cute animu girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2625413



yowch mang, that's not very nice. fibinochi tries hard mang. I will, if you post their link and maybe save the format or something for the next lass.

>> No.2625417

what is this crit thing? a challenge or something?

>> No.2625421

some retard trying to get attention

>> No.2625423

every day this old chinese dude waddles over here and badgers us to critique a lass, he's also very rude

>> No.2625425

There's no options for critique on the site, so every day we pick someone and give critiques in the thread.

Hello, Feng-poster.

>> No.2625427

>this is how the degeneracy began
I hope these people will never reproduce, they truly are soulless and could never be trusted around children.

>> No.2625429

a dot

>> No.2625433

>so every day we pick someone and give critiques in the thread.

hope i never get picked

>> No.2625436
File: 332 KB, 500x701, nightbuildings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dickbutt here. Can someone give me an honest critique of my stuff? I want to get better but I never really know what to focus on so I default to painting boring buildings and shit. If not, are there any general things I can do that are good practice? Thanks lassies.

>> No.2625437

It's ordered by challenge week so if you've just joined it's gonna be a while before it reaches you.

>> No.2625442

you kinda suck
suck less

>> No.2625446

can we make it a rule to not critique people who don't even bother to try learning their fundamentals

fibinochi, look up "loomis pdf"

>> No.2625448
File: 150 KB, 648x314, 1469707243864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streaming for abit

judging from your tumblr work on character art, your rendering is progressing nicely but some of the faces have quite long noses or look abit lop sided when flipped, at your stage i would spend more time into construction excercises like Michael hampton or the Reilly method. You use reference quite abit which can be great to help with rendering shadows tones etc but figures can end up looking static and lifeless, gesture studies with a greater focus on curved forms to give dynamic and life.

>> No.2625456

Link to the discord group you're in Vitamin?

>> No.2625458

They're rubbing it in our faces mang.

>> No.2625462

That's it, I'm quitting this shit show! AND NO, I'M NOT WEEK ONE!

>> No.2625464

Thanks guys, I appreciate it

>> No.2625465

I just want to join it because if las dies I don't want to lose contact with everyone

>> No.2625466

Don't thank the shitposter m8

>> No.2625469

We're all shitposters here :^)

>> No.2625473

Pretty sure Fibby doesn't even come to threads. At least that one time he didn't know he was eliminated until someone sent him a message on tumblr.

>> No.2625474


>> No.2625491

Mathias, did you draw all of that today?

>> No.2625499

n-no way! D:

>> No.2625501

I took a break to fuck you're mom too

>> No.2625509

nope, these were during the past 3 days

>> No.2625576

I have just submitted my magnum opus. Kneel before my skill, I have ascended to git gudhood and will soon leave this place like anon313 before me. For now you can call me anon314.

>> No.2625578


he lives in ohio now

>> No.2625582

I'm not sure if I should do the gesture challenge from reference or imagination...

I still have a lot to learn with gestures from reference, so maybe I should just do that.

>> No.2625623

Fuck what week number you are, I only care if I'm drawing a lot and improving each day, if your a week one and you haven't improved.

What are you doing...

>> No.2625648

>Bought a new chair
>Fan in the window pumping cold air into my room
>Dim lamp lighting the room
>Favorite camgirl about to go on
>Doing gesture drawings
I'm reaching levels of comfy I didn't even know were possible

>> No.2625662

>What are you doing...
You're mom

>> No.2625671

T. Week 2

>> No.2625676
File: 212 KB, 800x1202, 9d87e8c6fd063ef9fe81e316d692f840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do 50/50 like i'm doing. A few refs and then a few from imagination/memory based on them (maybe from a different angle?)

>Favorite camgirl about to go on
Rylaifu is back? :O

>> No.2625682

How do you time your gestures? It's so distracting to switch to the timer tab and reset it every minute.

>> No.2625686

I don't time them, I just try not to spend a lot of time on them. I don't think they're very good to be honest.

>> No.2625717

can we get daily las rankings again pls?

>> No.2625719

whats that? im new

>> No.2625722


>> No.2625761
File: 43 KB, 450x443, 1469765233282-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go buy ink for a printer you received as a present


>> No.2625786

>being gifted a printer

>> No.2625806 [DELETED] 
File: 302 KB, 429x476, 1397460076222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey goy! it's not us, it's because of Brexit! blame the eternal Anglo, Europe cannot survive without Britain!!!

>> No.2625813

anon I just got done doing research on printer, and basically unless you're printing for a small home company, or using a powder ink printer, you're gonna spend more money on ink that dries out (seriously, they recommend a minimum print of 20-40 pages a week to keep the ink flowing well on the printer head) than if you just went to kinkos or whoever whenever you need to print something out. Most ink cartridges cost about 8 cents per color page, or 4 cents per b&w; whereas most printing shops charge about 10 cents per color, and 6-8 cents per b&w. If you haven't purchased ink yet, I'd just "gift" it on down the line like a fruitcake at christmas. If the printer was one of the cheaper ones, it's almost guaranteed to have the most expensive ink per page too.

>> No.2625822

you are the best. the end.

>> No.2625835

zzz plenty of time

>> No.2625880

Too much sleep'll keep you weak senpaaii

>> No.2625897
File: 1.80 MB, 400x213, last artist standing.... or kneeling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we'll have to do that when LF inevitably shits itself.

Discord it up, 'cept that ragamuffin Leo, he can stay out since he's holding back the class.

>> No.2625904

i laughed my ass off when i first saw this scene

>> No.2625908


>> No.2625915

Whats this from

>> No.2625919

This is probably pointless, but Fibinochi if you're in here, this is a critique:

First of all, what exactly is your art goal? Are you just doing this for fun or do you want to improve? Your work is very disjointed, jumping around from painting to linework, from characters to landscapes without really understanding any of those things. Even in your Tutorial Time submission it looks like you didn't even bother to look up anything about color theory. If you want to go anywhere with this, you have to put in some effort and my first suggestion is to look anywhere outside of your own skull. Now, if you're just doing this for shits and giggles, do whatever, but why are you wasting time on the topic challenge? Go draw something you like instead.

>> No.2625956


Your work shows the basic understanding of line work and weight. You have an okay grasp of shading although you tend to go light on your works. You appear to be focusing a fair amount on cartoon-eque works leading me to think that's your goal or interest but your work never seems to refine your design or break down the structures to better understand what works and what doesn't with respect to caricatures/posing/weight/costume. You're taking art classes but you're not pushing yourself. Fix that. Maybe look into Zedig's works and his tutorials to get a better understanding about character creation from a cartoonist's standpoint.

>> No.2625959


>> No.2625963


all nighter stream leading to an eventual perspective epiphany.

>> No.2625965
File: 62 KB, 780x438, 1461148192523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2625966


>> No.2625995

I actually liked this movie. Seemed really stupid/amusing, but reading someone's interpretation of it made me think it was kinda cool.

>> No.2626023
File: 392 KB, 1280x1024, buh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have I gotten a bit better since I've started out?

>> No.2626029

3 weeks period is hard to tell, 3 months might be more reasonable

>> No.2626052

I hope las doesn't "shit itself". Without las and the streams I'd be by myself again. In the 6 months since this started my last handful of friends have finally drifted away completely, you lot are all I have.

>> No.2626053

lava senpai is dying ( ノ ﹏ ヽ )

>> No.2626095

Rubbish, he's getting better

>> No.2626111

>Tfw wanna ask if I'm improving but too much of a pussy

>> No.2626112

trips say you have to

>> No.2626119

What do you think makes a 'good' challenge? Like for the challenges in the past that you thought were successful, what do you think made that happen? And likewise, what are they challenge makers not doing, or what should they consider/keep in mind in the future?

>> No.2626121

challanges are almost as stupid as the topic feature. remove both.

>> No.2626122
File: 114 KB, 300x172, 9379383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw lava ignores the community he created

>> No.2626124
File: 81 KB, 1280x850, 1341498155732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collab challenges are the most fun ones. Any kind of social interaction makes them a lot more interesting.

I don't see the streams disappearing anyway, and they are by far the most fun part of LAS, together with Community Challenges. After 200 days i just don't care about the main challenge at all and the threads are unfortunately mostly filled with shitposting.

>> No.2626185

>neet is winning again
this might be where I drop the topic challenge

>> No.2626187

Faggot, look at the shit he has to go through daily.

>> No.2626192

could post my stream I'm afraid you guys might come in and well it would suck or freeze.

>> No.2626203

er, ok

>> No.2626204


>> No.2626208

>tfw the end is finally in sight

>> No.2626221



>> No.2626294

>Had a good art day yesterday
>know I'm still shot but still proud of what I've done
>wake up early to draw today
>draw for an hour and then hate everything I've done
>can't get myself to draw now
Why do I bad days always come after the good ones? How to fix?

>> No.2626317

I heard cutting of your ear helps

>> No.2626346

Was about to give up completely a couple days ago. Absolute shit for HOURS. Nothing clicked at fucking all.
Today and yesterday though has probably been the best submissions I've done thus far, out of the 200-something things I've submitted.

Just keep drawing. Some days don't work, and forcing yourself at those times won't do much good. Some days just click, though, and it feels great. Makes it all worth it imo.

Sycra said something in a video somewhere that I liked, something along the lines of every artist having a good picture maybe every 100 pictures they do, and as you get better, the gap between the good ones decrease and you get more consistently good, but you're always going to have those times and those drawings that are just god awful. Keep drawing and pray for those random good ones to boost your confidence, anon. They'll come around.

>> No.2626379

your start was d'va?

>> No.2626390

can we for the love of god limit the topic voting to topic entrants only already
neet is a shit topic and shouldn't even be in there

>> No.2626393

I doubt people who aren't a part of the topic even take the time to vote. It's probably just you fucks fucking yourselves over. Watch, the same shit will happen if voting becomes exclusive.

>> No.2626395

I doubt it and I'd like to try it regardless
until we've seen it happen with topic voters only I won't be fucking satisfied
and if it stops happening all the better

>> No.2626422


>> No.2626424

todays topic was very discouraging for me i had not the skills to make my idea shine, good job everybody!
sorry. im trying!

>> No.2626427

gj santi

>> No.2626429
File: 112 KB, 553x513, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gentlemen, you will always remember this as the day you almost caught Santi Chasca

>> No.2626437

Didn't submit my gestures in time :^(

>> No.2626446
File: 43 KB, 600x480, 9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whew, that was exhilarating

>> No.2626451

Thanks to everyone who finished the gesture challenge. I just took a look through everything and I liked seeing the actions and interpretations of them that you all came up with. Extra kudos to the guys who did more than one per activity (unlike me), and I hope you had fun with it.

>> No.2626456

It was good excercise

>> No.2626467

>playing vidya games
>playing MMORPGS
this kills the Feng Zhu

>> No.2626479

I can give a pass to the occasional gaming, but MMOs are a cancer. They can easily become so time-consuming and addicting.

>> No.2626483

lava please come back I promise I won't bully you again please come back

>> No.2626493

good night friends and family

>> No.2626504
File: 86 KB, 655x800, 1447748869328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gesture critics?

>> No.2626510

W did it last time but then he sperged and left.

>> No.2626511

Bold and Brash

>> No.2626512
File: 182 KB, 399x347, more like, belongs in the trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2626514

I still think his reaction was pretty retarded when it turned out to be 1 person bashing him, over a dozen people supporting him and everything had settled down anyway

>> No.2626516

>when it turned out to be 1 person bashing him, over a dozen people supporting him
I can say that it was at least two ;^)

>> No.2626517

hes back now so who cares. tear those gestures apart

>> No.2626518
File: 24 KB, 425x189, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.2626520

fuck off

>> No.2626521

>quiting after week one
youre the real failure

>> No.2626522

Oh yeah, 1 other guy came back to vote in that poll or whatever, god damn shitposters.

>> No.2626523

So another critkeeper bites the dust? Who'll be the next incarnation? Crit Saiyan?

>> No.2626525

I have done far more than the past Crit Keepers, it is the natural cycle. You will learn this to be true in time. But don't worry a new crit keeper will be sure to take my place. It is but the natural order.

>> No.2626532
File: 30 KB, 300x396, feng-zhu010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pssh, don't hate me old man, it was nothing.... personnel.

>> No.2626540

I will continue the legacy, fear not.

>> No.2626594
File: 498 KB, 1216x1181, MeMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 monster each break

>> No.2626768

I want to talk with lassies but you're all gone!

>> No.2626783


still some in pot's stream, but it's bedtime in most places anon

>> No.2626790

why should I bother talking to you

>> No.2626791

You don't have to if you don't want to.

>> No.2626848

https://picarto.tv/CraniumOverLord strim

>> No.2626911


>> No.2626912

gestures are good, but there's an almost total lack of knowledge in anatomy that keeps him back from actually drawing something from imagination other than exaggerated flowing lines. but if that's what he want to do who am I to tell him otherwise.

>> No.2626916
File: 82 KB, 500x786, 1470030363097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that guy from above Loomis?

>> No.2626922

>cgpeers.com domain name expired

>> No.2626986

Hey, Grouchybadger, is that Millie in the background?

>> No.2626992

Mathias, when will you ever do something that isn't a study?
If what you post is all you draw im concerned for you, for real

>> No.2627002

The guy's submitted to quite a few creative challenges. Get off his back, imagination police.

>> No.2627006

>imagination police
now that's a fun idea

>> No.2627010

could this be the birth of another EPIC meme?

>> No.2627013

I'll birth you're mom in a sec

>> No.2627020


>> No.2627055

hey bud, I'm conscious of this and try to do at least more than 50% from imagination. if you look at my last update, more than half of the figure drawings are from memory and I mentioned in the tags I didn't want to post the portrait I did from memory because I really didnt like it, and there's some other stuff that I don't post for the same reason. as for the still life, is that really a study?

I appreciate your concern though, somebody made the same remark a few months ago and it helped me a lot.

>> No.2627058

ok, let me ask you this ; do you plan to make drawing your future job, and if so in what field?

>> No.2627076

I'd like to, maybe concept art or illustration or something, probably more character-oriented than environment. it's more of an end goal, not something I want to achieve as soon as possible.

>> No.2627089

then why aren't you designing characters?

>> No.2627107

because I don't have my anatomy down yet and my lack of knowledge in drapery/fashion would make it pretty pointless. I have designed characters for challenges though and intend to do more, but getting my fundamentals down is what I'm focusing on atm.

>> No.2627109

>my lack of knowledge in drapery/fashion would make it pretty pointless
Not the anon you're talking to, but you really don't need that to start designing characters...
Silhouette, shapes, conveying context, personality, ideas > realistic drapery/anatomy for character design.
Limiting yourself to practicing fundies isn't gonna help you in the designing aspect.

>> No.2627111
File: 214 KB, 736x832, ff69f67698f3f47b73b76b316508fe46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I used to think that not being good enough was an okay excuse to not want to draw something. Then I saw this.

It doesn't matter if you're not good at something. If it's what you wanna do, then just do it. Get better while doing it, rather than waiting until you're good enough because, BOY, you'll never feel like you're good enough.

>> No.2627113

>implying that's badly drawn or that anyone here can ink at that level
sasuga duning-kun

>> No.2627117

Are you not seeing ANY of the anatomy on that bottom figure? That there is a professionally polished turd.

That's why he's saying you don't have to be perfect.

>> No.2627127
File: 85 KB, 592x780, klklklkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey, there's no hope for ya kidda :'(

>> No.2627130

Does anyone else have trouble promoting yourself?

>upload maybe 5% of what I draw.
>less than two tags per image if I even tag at all
>followers are all irl friends who don't reblog
>nuke blog and make a new one every year
>One day my magnum opus will be viewed by three people who will hit 'like' and move on

>> No.2627134

all i'm seeing is salty teenagers, familia.

>> No.2627136

sounds like its all your own fault

>> No.2627138

I know it is. I jut can't bring myself to put any effort into it. Why can't a super popular blog stumble upon my work and link back to me already?

>> No.2627145

gotta tend to it like a garden, water it regularly and don't nuke it

>> No.2627191

You've been uploading the same god damn studies day after day ever since you joined, if you still can't draw a decent looking figure at this point I have no idea what you're doing

>> No.2627193
File: 446 KB, 1600x1184, character_research_by_zedig-d5n111u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have and I draw characters often, as I mentioned. but I'm tired of doing overly-stylized stuff to hide what I don't know in anatomy, clothing etc. I see what you mean but I just want to get my fundies over with so I can do that without having to worry about stuff I don't know.

do you actually think these examples were done by people who just work from imagination all the time? you can't guess the shape of muscles without having studied them, both of these have solid anatomy knowledge behind them. what you could've given me as an example to prove your point is something like pic related, which I agree looks cool, but that's not exactly what I'm after.

>> No.2627205

Am I still on /ic/? Why are y'all suddenly butthurt that people are studying?

>> No.2627206


>> No.2627208

cuz thats the only thing he does, if he was doing 60% imagination and 40% studies he'd be golden

>> No.2627212

Wat. Unless you want to rely on reference for everything that needs to be reversed.

>> No.2627216

>he thinks a 60/40 split in either direction makes a difference

>> No.2627217

Cause they're jelly

>> No.2627220

wobbly wobbly

>> No.2627226

lava's legs?

>> No.2627228

knees weak

>> No.2627229


>> No.2627230

wheelchair's heavy

>> No.2627231

fundamentals shaky

>> No.2627232

There's needles in his spine already

>> No.2627233

not effective

>> No.2627234
File: 31 KB, 200x200, tumblr_inline_no8tweQ9Y91sc3gcc_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2627235

poon's spaghetti

>> No.2627237

Someone make this i beg you

>> No.2627332

Streaming for a bit, enter for shit art


>> No.2627343
File: 728 KB, 1165x1075, 1470242639730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are cruel but funny

>> No.2627345

Lemme git dat sauce homeboi

>> No.2627361
File: 235 KB, 640x300, 9ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I start drawing for myself and not for others?
How do I start living for myself and not for others?

>> No.2627362

Just do it, what are you waiting for?

>> No.2627364
File: 17 KB, 452x412, 1457453249010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dae actually learn from watching streams? I feel like watching people draw has taught me things about lineart and approaching drawings, but mainly a lot about pacing yourself and watching how other people go about solving problems without getting frustrated. I love seeing how other people think. What are good streams to watch for this kinda stuff, lassies or otherwise?

>> No.2627380


Taught me so much about how not to get frustrated at program and ram problems

>> No.2627387

>santi stream

>> No.2627394

feeling sleepy, tired, probably not gonna make it, sorry guys ;_;

>> No.2627395

I'll come take a nap with you. We can not make it together.

>> No.2627401

anon senpai is too kind (´ㆁ ᴗ ㆁ`)

>> No.2627402

ilu2, whizzard

>> No.2627405

You probably won't learn much from las streams unless you're a complete beginner. I'm pretty shit myself but I still don't think I've learned anything from las streams. Watching people who are light years beyond me draw does help tho, I'll occasional Dave Rapoza or Sinix stream and pick up some new tricks.

Also on that note, can you guys recommend some good art streamers?

>> No.2627521

stupid idiot baaakaa, I learn most from people near my skill level

>> No.2627524

maybe not learn in the strictest sense of the word, but seeing different approaches and thought processes in action interests me greatly and helps me a lot

>> No.2627555

RIP OrangeJuice, week 5 is still impressive for this long, what happened?

>> No.2627561

any new challenges?

>> No.2627562

why don't you take a look at the big fucking challenges symbol that says no new challenges

>> No.2627566

There are currently no open challenges. Go start one!

>> No.2627569


monthly comic challenge :^)

>> No.2627573

Where are the dudes that had challenge ideas but were holding off? Now is a good time.

>> No.2627594
File: 56 KB, 358x429, 1469478819046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made one, thanks for the heads up anon.

>> No.2627668

>tfw my views are dwindling down to an all time low
W-why aren't you guys looking at my submissions? Am I that bad? Have you given up on me? Pls no. Pls tell me it's cause las is getting smaller.

>> No.2627677

It's cause people are getting lazier, and las is getting smaller, and less exciting, and it's all cause Lava is unwell and hasn't updating in several months

>> No.2627688

does anyone have the link to the imgur album of the guy who did a lot of great redlines on ic a long time ago?

>> No.2627691


>> No.2627692

During the week I barely have time to do my own drawings much less look through others.

>> No.2627693

Is that Simon?

>> No.2627695

cool nazi batman lampblak, but try to keep your light source consistent and your materials shaded differently, that gun has so many highlights it looks like it was painted by shadman

>> No.2627697

i have learnt so much from streams, for the style im going for at least, i feel like im learning some nice lighting/shading

>> No.2627701

Yes, simon is teal.

>> No.2627705
File: 3.21 MB, 556x242, simonisteal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simon is teal
Holy shit... it all makes sense now.

>> No.2627711

Who is Simon?

>> No.2627718

thanks a bunch anon

>> No.2627719


>> No.2627723

>those comments
>all those normies nitpicking and calling it shit
I fucking hate when people who know nothing try to act smart by using vague statements.

>> No.2627724

just like /ic/

>> No.2627745

SubCryo and VitaminNeko strem

>> No.2627749

no thx

>> No.2627765
File: 380 KB, 1518x1121, Thehistorylover+used+roll+picture+thehistorylover+rolled+image+i+want+that+piggy+bank+_637e7d38d44f782558aae50047c15932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i have that problem of changing my light sources at the last finishing hop when i add or tweak the background.

I think this will make more sense with teh bg

>don't know who Shadman is
>google it
holy fuck all that ass

>> No.2627777
File: 11 KB, 392x243, unga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't know who Shadman is
it's been a while since I've last talked to someone who lives in a cave

>> No.2627784
File: 42 KB, 478x475, ss+(2016-03-31+at+10.52.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't know who Shadman is
You're gonna find some good shit boi

>> No.2627824

streaming for a little while

>> No.2627877

Shadmans art is so bad it's unfappable

>> No.2627959

how can we make las more of a community?

>> No.2627961

cure lava

>> No.2627965

It wasn't that much of a community back when lava was still active either so I don't think that would help.

>> No.2627968

it may not have been, but lava coming back and working on the site would lead to it better supporting a community

>> No.2627978

A non-anonymous place to talk like a discord server and a critical mass of people willing to use it.

>> No.2627979

How many discords have failed?

>> No.2627980

all of em

>> No.2627982


>> No.2627984

Exactly, it seems like there isn't a critical mass of interested people to maintain a lively community. We might be stuck on /ic/.

>> No.2627988
File: 124 KB, 600x439, here forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw forever trapped in /ic/
w-what about a skype chat, or irc channel?

>> No.2627990

I remember when I was so shit at drawing I actually thought shadman was good

>> No.2627993
File: 135 KB, 363x495, 1470089700743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's my inspiration

>> No.2627995

They are functionally equivalent to discord except worse because skype is complete garbage and IRC is text only. The problem is the people, not the program.

>> No.2627996

you're gonna make it

>> No.2628001

I'm in a pretty great /ic/ discord with 30~ artists, i haven't bebn invited to a LAS discord though, i like a some of the lassies here though

>> No.2628004

And I mean largely the people who created the discords in the past. I don't think I ever saw more than one invite link per server, and the most recent one got nuked after about a day of inactivity despite people having work and school and other shit. If the creators give up on them, it doesn't matter how many people want a community.

>> No.2628008

It needs a strong keystone, but who is?

>> No.2628035


>> No.2628046


>> No.2628069

>tfw your favourite artist has been making lazy art lately (〒︿〒)

>> No.2628072


>> No.2628083



>> No.2628099

Haven't you guys notice? Lampblak has cheated, he has submitted the same drawing he did months ago.

>> No.2628101

looks like he took away the cape and added nazi flags in the background

>> No.2628102

He updated it some more through the streams, grenade in hand, belts n zippers, packs, better lighting and bg.

Alekiel and Hman tend to do the same and update bit by bit.

>> No.2628103

What the fuck is a discord
Yes I googled it but why the fuck is it a thing
Why gives a shit the whole thing sounds retarded how am I supposed to get good with austists

>> No.2628105

https://i.imgur.com/7A6xpUp.jpg june something or another
https://i.imgur.com/kO1xluD.jpg today

>> No.2628106

dont worry, you dont have to join in, you can just stay here

>> No.2628109
File: 79 KB, 481x527, 1459036144835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly i watched him for more than an hour each stream editing that sexy batman picture, he hasn't done anything wrong here

>> No.2628110

>Why gives a shit the whole thing sounds retarded how am I supposed to get good with austists

nobody is asking you to go.

>> No.2628111

looks basically like skype

>> No.2628114

False alarm people nothing to see here. He streamed himself working on it a few times.

>> No.2628117


>> No.2628128

I will

I don't plan to, it's just one of these annoying trending things that don't really progress and won't go away

>> No.2628205
File: 18 KB, 238x241, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to falsely accuse lamp

>> No.2628209

it's skype but not retarded and with better voice quality

>> No.2628213

The votes are all over the place, looks loike LAS will die without ever having been a community

>> No.2628214

because it shows awful shit can make it because its lewd?

that's actually a good lesson desu.

>> No.2628216

Gonna go ahead and stream again while I work on a commission. If I finish it fast enough, I'll do a few request doodle things.

I voted for it depending on who's in it. If the people that hang out on streams join, then I would too, but then, we already hang out on stream.

>> No.2628217

the streams are quite voluble though, having a discord would feel like a true community and not a pub with random schedules and where people go randomly.

>> No.2628221

i agree with this

>> No.2628231

So it's more of a 'I'll join if my friends join' and not 'I'll join if someone I don't like doesn't join.' I wonder if that's the case for everyone who chose that option.

Well, let's consider our options outside of a chat group. What would grow the community? More art swaps? More art discussion/critique? Maybe if we all got to know each other better?

>> No.2628234

How can I tell if I'm improving?

>> No.2628239

ask someone else better than you and show them all your work

>> No.2628247

I dunno, I feel like people being on the discord would be just as infrequent.

It is for me at least. If somebody that I don't like is there, or somebody who doesn't like me, we can just ignore each other, or leave when the other gets on.

>> No.2628250

How about google hangouts instead fo discord
I like the feeling of drawing alongside other lasses

>> No.2628264

Yo Mathias are you attending art school and if not do you plan to?

>> No.2628274

That's still chat though. I know a lot of lassies are reluctant to join a chat group so it should stay a last resort.

>> No.2628275

>maybe if we got to know each other better?

Don't you realize that not everyone here shares the same viewpoints and that animosity and tension between said people will only cause more drama than is already present

>> No.2628278

what will the chat's policy be on /pol/ shit?

>> No.2628282

>So it's more of a 'I'll join if my friends join' and not 'I'll join if someone I don't like doesn't join.' I wonder if that's the case for everyone who chose that option.
I'll only join if Lava is in it.

>> No.2628283

What will he chats policy be on degenerate filth

>> No.2628284
File: 9 KB, 229x246, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why you have a set up like this so you dont taint the fucking pool

>> No.2628286

oh that's how discord works? reminds me of livechan

>> No.2628292

What will the chats policy be on emoticons and smiley faces

>> No.2628294


>> No.2628296





>> No.2628310

Then keep it art related or don't give controversial details. And if someone just has to tell everyone they're a neonazi or a SJW they just have to accept that they might be attacked for it.

But we can see each other's drawings already anyway. You can guess a lot about a person from that.

>> No.2628311

pretty onegai desu? :3

>> No.2628314

>You can guess a lot about a person from that.
So like, Choob and Lampblak are neonazis?

>> No.2628331

yeah and you're a faggot anon shitposting in a cave painting clubhouse

>> No.2628333

Let's not go there.

If one kid is determined to drag other artists through the mud to fill the hole in his miserable life, then report and move on. We shouldn't be avoiding each other because there might be a troll among us.

>> No.2628360

Low quality b8

>> No.2628366

>you can only get on with people who share all the same opinions and viewpoints as yourself

That sounds really boring anon. You could never discuss anything and learn different perspectives, it'd just be you all agreeing with each other.

>> No.2628392

>You could never discuss anything and learn different perspectives
implying this ever happens

>> No.2628423

>discord discord discord

yeah but consider streams, they actually work and have worked for months

>> No.2628427

i guess some people just want to be closer to others

>> No.2628431

>IMs in general
This'll go well.

>> No.2628432

they'll just split up in super sekrit groups again, so fuck that

>> No.2628434


>> No.2628438
File: 1.91 MB, 1472x1829, 1469317987988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like some better way to tell that lassies are streaming, like an on site thing showing who's live or something. I find out by looking at the picarto follows thing but a bunch of anons don't know unless it's posted in thread, and most streamers don't like doing that since it's kind of attention whorey.

>> No.2628445

>and most streamers don't like doing that since it's kind of attention whorey.
Reason why i dont do it, i dont wanna be "That guy".

>> No.2628447

>set notification by email

>> No.2628448

there's the super sekrit streamers discord for instance

>> No.2628453

We're talking about something more uniform that everyone could be part of. Streams are pretty disjointed just because they happen at random times and under different URLs. A discord (or skype or google hangout or IRC) would be one place where everyone could talk.
And then there's this >>2628445 phenomena where no one wants to attention whore or spam the thread so it unintentionally ends up being a secret club for streamers.

I think if we want to do anything group related it's going to be limited to community challenges and these threads. I like all of you collectively and want to get closer individually, but there's not really a perfect method for that yet.

Let's hope Lava can heal up and get this site in gear.

>> No.2628466

I can look into adding a tab on the tools site with a list of the streamers and if they're online or not. Maybe embed possibility, idk what api picarto offers yet. Probably none.

Gotta draw today first though.

>> No.2628471

make one like that permanoobs one

>> No.2628474

Link me or a picture. Never been on there.

>> No.2628475


>> No.2628481

This. You can follow the folks in the list at the top of the thread and be notified whenever any of them are online. The drawback is that the stream chats create a disjointed set of places to talk whereas a centralized chatroom is more organized and always there.

>> No.2628482





>> No.2628514

Yeah I know, and I said I find things out just fine by looking at the picarto mainpage. The point was
>but a bunch of anons don't know unless it's posted in thread, and most streamers don't like doing that since it's kind of attention whorey.

>> No.2628533

Man what I'd give to live in a lala land like yours

>> No.2628754

I'll look into that, thank you!
I'm trying to improve both character and landscape designs, although it proves I lack everything to even come up with something decent. If I stick with one subject for too long I tend to get bored and stop, I should just keep pushing like you suggested. The topic of the day does help me by giving me a variety on what to draw instead of the same old stuff I used to do, which was crappy disfigured cartoon characters.
I want to do both cartoon and realism...? if that makes any sense. I work more with cartoons because I feel that every mistake I make I can craft something out of it; whereas if I tried to draw my friend "realistically" I would worry more on my mistakes. I'm scared of tackling anatomy fully but I know I need to get over it IF I want to improve/make anything good. As for colouring, I've talked to my teachers and some students who work with colour and the conversation tends to end the same way. Yes they recommend me some books but in the end they say to just have fun with it. Since then I just pick colours I like and try to make them look good. Even looking up youtube tutorials practically say the same thing. Here are the rules, follow them but remember to have fun. Also, thank you for suggesting Zedig; I'm going to be looking more into his work and tutorials.
Thanks everyone for the critiques, I hope to improve by the end of this year. Maybe then something good might come up.