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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2616671 No.2616671[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright d/ic/kheads, be honest. Do you draw because you're an attention starved nerd with no friends or do you honestly want to get better at the trade? Are you only in it to draw trendy/popular shit to get attention and make "friends" or do you have ambition to make a product or brand of your own? What are your goals? What are your motives?

>> No.2616675

I don't want friends.
They take up drawing time.

>> No.2616687

both. there's a lot of things I want to say and art is a means to do it. I wouldn't say being an artist is a good way to make friends, it's usually a very lonely endeavor. I haven't made friends from my art desu senpai

I was lonely anyway just working and drawing all the time I quit my job and ended up becoming a prostitute so I can hermit more with my art but I ended up making friends with a lot of my clients. I think being an artist was a selling point and kept them sticking around.

>> No.2616689
File: 8 KB, 199x200, Get+a+load+of+this+guy+_10dc1d79054d02c353a287f7c603400c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>le follow your dream mey mey xD

>selling anus for money

>no kids

>no future

>doesn't own property

>l-look at my shitty uninspired """""art"""" guys

>pls follow my blog

When will you faggots learn...

get a real job, and do art on the side. Art is like videogames, just masturbation that no one cares about except you.

Unless its hentai, in which case...

god speed to you anon

>> No.2616693

>get a real job.
wage cuck detected.
>unless it's hentai
literally a wage cuck.

>> No.2616695

To each their own but i'd much rather be a bit more poor than others while doing what i truly love doing for a living.
Plus if you manage to get good enough and land a "permanent" spot at a big studio you will earn more than needed to live comfortably.

>> No.2616700

I don't like being around people very much, don't like socializing. I think that's one of the things that lead me to art. A way to entertain myself, and something that I can do alone.

I want to make a product/brand, yes. I like world creation. Was hugely inspired by movies and games that present a new world to learn about.

>> No.2616709
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>getting paid more in a day for easy work than you do in a month


>still drawing pictures of fruit on /ic/ in a homeless shelter at the age of 45

yeah, such a wagecuck xDD

>unless its hentai

literally no one cares about your shitty "le ebinn 2deep4u ;_;" artsy fartsy bs.

The only way you will get people to appreciate your art for longer than 5 seconds is if they can masturbate to it.

Any other art is mostly boring, and also signifies a boring and pretentious personality.

You're not Picasso or Dali m8. you're a NEET retard with delusions of grandeur.

It's like those autistic amateur "bands" that think they will one day "make it"

top kek m8

>> No.2616710

I just want to draw cute girls fucking each other, I could care less what other people think.

>> No.2616716
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>Plus if you manage to get good enough and land a "permanent" spot at a big studio

good luck with that. do you really think the jews that work there will give you the spot, or their cousins friends brother?

Its all nepotism these days m8.

the only way to get any money from art is to draw furry fetish porn. And even that will probably end soon.

Personally, I work a job that pays, and do art in my spare time. Art is a pipe dream, somewhat akin to "i want to design ideas for vidya gaymes xD" career

but honestly, i wish you luck. It's nice to be able to do stuff like art and get paid loads.

The thing is in this world no one wants to pay you to do "fun things". unless you have huge tits and a cute face.

>> No.2616721
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>I'm afraid of risk and have no business sense
>I'm a proud wage cuck
>porn is the only art that matters
Be sure not to bitch too much when you get cucked out of a job and laid off.

>> No.2616724

Here we have a perfect example of someone who had as their dream to make it big in art, but failed because they werent good enough. So now they work a shit job, get home at nine, too exhausted to draw so they visit 4chan and respond to people whom he thinks he's greater than with truly, truly epic reaction images he found by google searching "epic bait reaction images".
And lowkey, working in retail isnt a job "that pays"
So sorry you didn't apply yourself enough to make it buddy :/
Wish you dont regret it later on when you've had enough of beeing a wage cuck :(

>> No.2616726

To be honest by the time we're all 45 universal basic income would be implemented everywhere and we'd all be living in shoe box sized apartments like cattle, plugged in to HMDs 24/7 being force fed advertisements.


On the other hand if you have a well paying job and have no responsibilities, in your 20s, you can get good faster than any delusional neet here because you can afford better education.

>> No.2616731

>you can afford better education.
For what? To be a better wage cuck?
If you're talking art, degrees are worthless in the majority of the art field. Most of the jobs that actually give a shit about degrees are the jobs that don't really require solid artistic ability in the first place. Solid portfolios are always more important than a degree in most art related professions and it's because ANYONE can get a fucking art degree. You don't need to be a solid artist to get one of those.

>> No.2616736


I'm not talking about going to college/art school. There is always that one juicy class you can't get off CGqueers because it's too expensive. While you wait for a year or 2--or never in most cases--the 'wage cuck' can take the class no problemo whatsoever while filthy NEETs like you scramble and beg by making forum posts/threads on how much you want something and can't get it. How much wasted time the NEET has to go through because they can't afford to pay for a substitute school setting by funding their own education. The NEET wanders aimlessly with hopes that he'll 'git gud' by his pirated material with no regime, no path to walk, no one telling him what's wrong from whats right but to rely on his fellow worthless d/ic/ks to tell him "the anatomy is off" or "it's shit, read the sticky." If you are lucky you might get a redline >here< and there but lets be honest, those that redline are only doing so for their own practice and aren't truly skilled.

Also about the wagecuck meme, if you're seriously working in retail or some low totem pole job for illegals and you've been on 4chan for years then something is wrong with you. Especially if you're white. Whatever did happen to that superior intelligence? The memes contradict themselves on this site.

>> No.2616746
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> projecting this hard

> being poor all your life

> thinks sketching grapes 12 hours a day will make him end up working in a big art studio

kek m8. Another NEET dreamer.

You will never work at any studio, and you will never make more than £10 a day with your furry commissions. If you're lucky.

The mere fact you are on /ic/ is proof that you will never make it.

The difference between me and you is, I draw for fun, i realize no one cares about anyones artwork, unless it is sexually appealing, and i realise a well paying job is what will make your future comfortable and happy.


Pls dont use negroid language like that again. This is not reddit.

I know you probably think that only retail jobs exist, as it is all you are capable of, but you are mistaken.


> talking about being cucked out of a job

artists are permanently laid off. there is no jobs for artists. the only "full time" artists are hipsters with rich mommy and daddy, or people in the industry already through nepotism.

Let me know when you start working at disney though :^)

>> No.2616754

>and i realise a well paying job is what will make your future comfortable and happy.
That's what make YOU happy, sure. Is it what makes me happy? Fuck no.
If you're capable enough to not only work in retail i'd be surprised honestly

>> No.2616764

I like drawing and I already did not have friends, too ugly to get date but unfortunately too old to have the time I need to get better

>> No.2616766

Jesus Christ. It's not even /pol/. Looks like /b/

>> No.2616768


Intelligent people think of the future. Art will get you nowhere financially.

It's all fun and games when youre a 19 year old NEET... then at 25 you might still think

"hmm i might still make it, j-just need to git gud"

then when you're 35, still poor, can't get a well paying job, no family, no house, no money, it's going to hit you.

You just wasted your adult life doing the equivalent of watching tv or playing videogames.

such amazing life ! much dreams! such artist! xD

>> No.2616773

I draw because I want to make more porn of the kind that I like. [furry tc]
I want to be good at it, so I do practice and studies when I can.

Summarily, I'm drawing for me. If others want to come along on the ride, that's all fine and dandy.

>> No.2616776

Who wants kids ?
Who has a future ?

>> No.2616778


20 year old manchild detected.

im sure you will still enjoy drawing all day in your parents "mancave" when you are 45 :^)

>> No.2616922

>being such a shit artist that you need to work at burger king
I made $200 today so far, how about your minimum wage self?

>> No.2617162

>Art will get you nowhere financially.
Only if you don't know how to advertise or market. You're inept in how business and entrepreneurship works. We get it, you gave up because your impatient or too socially inept to know how to advertise and now you're stuck working a job you merely deal with. The one who sounds miserable in this thread is you. Hence why you're lashing out like a triggered autist.

>> No.2617178

>LeSean Thomas' advice
>arrogant faggot

Yeah no. Why dont take advice from someone who does not victimize themselves, put themselves on a pedestal and glorifies himself?

>> No.2617213

If art is your passion, you're talented, have insane work ethic, and know how to market yourself (+ have connections) you should by all means dedicate yourself to being a full time artist for a few years. If it doesn't work out you're still in your 20s and can learn something else. Or do art on the side, then if opportunity knocks you go all in.

If you're a lazy fuck, not really that talented, never cause a stir, and dream about being a full time artist as the easy way out of getting a "real" job, then you're not going to make it 99.999% guaranteed. Unless you want to draw assets for mobile games.

>> No.2617384

>lying on the Internet
Wew lad

Post proof you made this $200 from art then I might humor you


Wrong. I never even considered art as a career, because it's not something that will earn you good money. Come back to me when you can afford a house with your 1 commision a month, lmao.

And how is pointing out the truth being 'angry'? Seems like the ones who are angry are the autistic NEET artists, who are replying with much butthurt to simple truths.

>> No.2617395

Everything I said is true. You're projecting based upon your own failures. That's on you. There are multiple ways to earn money as an artist and flip it so that it's constantly doing something for you. You don't have any business sense, that's why you don't know how to use the trade to make constant flow of income from different avenues. You are angry. It's pretty obvious.

>> No.2617641


Don't be silly rofl. You are very delusional if you think artists make any money or there is a big market for art. You're not going to make anywhere near enough doing freelance art, unless you want to struggle paycheck to paycheck and rent a shared apartment all your life.

Why would I be angry? I make stupid money doing little to no work, enjoy my job, have lots of spare time, money, etc

I draw for my own personal pleasure. Unless you've been training from child and have built up contacts or through nepotism there is no way you will be making more through art than even the lowest tier job. And in that case you wouldnt be on /ic/ in the first place.

Face it, youre going to end up working a real job anyway, the only thing is you're going to be a 30 year old neet starting at the bottom after all those years wasted on trying to make money off the equivalent of playing videogames.

Actually I take that back. I'm sure twitch streamers have a far bigger chance of making it than 'artists' xD

That is also the reason you won't give me even a shred of evidence that you have made any money through your 'art'. Because you haven't and never will.

Deal with it :^)

>> No.2617642

post ur art

>> No.2617645
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>> No.2617647

Art used to be fun before I visited this board.

>> No.2617653

>wahh wahh teh meanie said scary words abloo bloo

>> No.2617659

case in point

>> No.2617660
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I love how you just go one a meaningless diatribe since you can't refute a single thing I said.

>Why would I be angry?
You'll have no real legacy. You didn't build anything. You literally did something everyone on this planet is capable of doing. Anyone can get a solid paying job and pop out children. Being a wage cuck has never been a difficult task and most smart people only put up with it until they can build something of their own. But you've given up. Probably because your artwork is complete trash and no one would want to buy it, even if it was porn. So now you're just bitter. Sad for you.

>> No.2617755


>> No.2617774

i want to create
everything else is a plus

>> No.2617853
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>ad hominem instead of refuting the facts


> no real legacy

you're still just a kid, so you may not properly grasp the idea of being 35 and not owning property, having a family, or having a well paying job.

>Anyone can get a solid paying job and pop out children.

Apart from you of course :^)

Those things are far more of a legacy, than being 45, still living in your parents basement, and still scribbling pictures of women sitting on chairs, dreaming of trying to one day "make it" in the fictional art world.

> you you're just b-bitter!!

bitter about not being poor? doesn't make sense to me..

Now post your "art", and what you currently make from it, so firstly i may laugh, and secondly so my point is proven. :^)

>> No.2617860
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>All this projection
>still hasn't made a single point
Are you done or are you going to continue to sit here and excuse yourself for being a lazy sack of shit and not building any business for yourself or your family?

Have fun raising your kids to be worthless wage cucks like yourself.

>> No.2617866
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>this whole thread

i love u ic

>> No.2617870
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> projection

do you know what this word means? or is this your first week on 4chan? learn to use words properly

>still hasn't made a single point

I've made more than one. I'll spell them out for you again, since maybe it takes multiple attempts for you to comprehend facts..

you're still just a kid, so you may not properly grasp the idea of being 35 and not owning property, having a family, or having a well paying job.

Those things are far more of a legacy, than being 45, still living in your parents basement, and still scribbling pictures of women sitting on chairs, dreaming of trying to one day "make it" in the fictional art world.

artists are permanently laid off. there is no jobs for artists. the only "full time" artists are hipsters with rich mommy and daddy, or people in the industry already through nepotism.

You wont be able to refute any of these points, because i'm objectively right, and you know it.

All you can do is use the usual ad hominem of "y-you're just m-mad!! you're just p-projecting!!"

pitiful tbqh. I guess the truth always hurts, and 20 year old manchildren dont like the harsh truths of life :^)

> have fun raising your kids

i will, feels good to be financially successful enough to start a family.

I'll probably encourage them to work in my field, nice and young, so they can retire by the time they're 30 :^)

You have fun with your NEET "artist career" though.


>> No.2617874

just because you suck at drawing doesn't mean the rest of us have to as well.

>> No.2617877

Dude, in the end it doesn't matter what somebody wants to to with their life.
But we just have one.
Better follow or passion than just going for the big Money.

>> No.2617897


time is the most valuable resource anyone has. It trumps money, loved ones, stability, family, whatever imo.

You can argue with this and say "well if you have a horrible life than why would you want more time? If you don't have money you're just gonna be depressed and poor and therefore having more time doesn't matter"

But from my experience I don't think that's right. Having to give away 50 hours of your week almost every week to something you don't care about is a much greater hell to me than not being able to eat out as much as I want. When I was earning a reasonable wage I was the unhappiest I've ever been and my happiness was always inversely proportional to the money in my bank account. You get addicted to using other people for pleasure, "oh my kids are happy, oh my wife is happy, oh I can buy someone a nice present" or things "oh now I can buy a nice meal, oh now I can go stay in a nice bed when I travel, oh now I can get drugs"

All these things just made me feel empty in the end. Solid improvement at a skill. Clean living. And living within one's means is much more satisfying to me. But its all subjective really. If you feel too insecure or uncomfortable being relatively poor (although you're not REALLY poor if you live in a first world country) then good for you. I hope you can still do what you want despite the time sacrifice.

Personally, I would prefer to do what I want. I am not harming myself or anyone. I am in the best emotional and physical shape of my life.

And I don't think its unreasonable to say someone can make a living wage as an artist. I imagine very few people will make enough money to truly affluent. But financial independence? That's not at all ridiculous. I think it only seems unlikely when you factor in the failure rate from people who don't even really try. If you work hard and have some small business savvy or good work then you will be able to make a living.

>> No.2617904

Coming from experience poor people usually have a happier home life if there isnt abuse or something extreme

>> No.2617918

ITT delusional /ic/ NEETs get B T F O

>> No.2617920
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>Having to give away 50 hours of your week almost every week to something you don't care about is a much greater hell to me
I felt that

>> No.2617925

I draw because it has always been my outlet.
I come from an abusive home and drawing was one of the few activities I could engage in without getting punished, as it mostly involves sitting in a corner being quiet. I am in a good place now, but the endless drawing in my childhood got me a good start in developing my talent and I really "need" it. Whenever I am stressed I start drawing or sewing, to the point where it gets unhealthy. I also diy a lot, fix home appliances, as long is it requires silence and concentration.

>> No.2617947
File: 18 KB, 414x459, 1468779482763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this thread.
>autistic /b/tard spending hours pressing F5
>It's probably Malaysia

>> No.2617958
File: 135 KB, 500x701, 1461407010913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is pretty shit, it's just fishes and fishermen at this point
But regarding making a living off-of art, it's very easy with good networking if you're widely skilled and can learn things quickly.
Though my main career is in engineering I know plenty of artists/designers who 'made it'

Nigga can you not space out your text so much? Your choice of smug reaction pics isn't very good either.
>I haven't made friends from my art
If you sell shit at cons it's really easy, it's also a great way to land small-time jobs
>>It's probably Malaysia
How do we even know that it's Malaysia? It probably started with that one Porn thread a while a go but /ic/ doesn't get flags.

>> No.2617959

stupid dumb, smug anime poster scum. because /ic/ is 1 person, am I right? But if it alleviate the pain from your ass then by all means, continue to point out your boogeymen.

>> No.2617967
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>> No.2617974

kek, malaysia spotted.

>> No.2617978

I'm not that oriental kid, seriously.

>> No.2618008

>you're going to be a 30 year old NEET.

The voice of experience is talking.

This isn't the 70s. I thought the same shit a while ago, I thiught that art was for teenager idiots like starting a rockband, but times are changing and you just need to try.

Gitting gud isn't too difficult. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice and hard work. If you aren't willing to practice or work hard then I understand why you're so jealous of people who actually do and enjoy doing it.

>wanting to live the good life from art.

That's your mistake from the beginning. You don't need a fucking house. All you need is a flat and some art supplies.

You don't need to be a hermit to make art. That's just a fucking meme like 99% of /ic/.

And raising children? Haha! Children are a burden. I have seen almost all of my family having children and getting short of money really soon. And I'm talking about lawyers and STEM graduates.

Ye, if you want to make enough money to start a family why are you posting on the 4chan? Shouldn't you start working right fucking now? Come on! Just do it!

At least in my fucking country you can sell paintings for no less than $1500 dollars and you don't have to be a named artist nor have to be at an art gallery. Shit! Even beginner tier artists have space in the subway cards or small museums!

All you need is to go to the suburbs and impress rich normies. If you aren't shit, they'll pay you for what the canvas measures.

If the hard work that implies making art for a living is too much for you, then don't excuse yourself with bullshit. Or better, leave the real artists willing to keep trying.

>lol I'm a hobbyist.
>lol I'm actually not trying.

Looks like you don't even draw. Is your "real work" taking too much time off you? Anyways, why are you here if not for drawing?

You have some quality bait here.

>> No.2618033

please marry me

>> No.2618038
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Why do NEETS get triggered so hard when people try to educate them?

>> No.2618041
File: 36 KB, 711x400, Aku_no_Hana-Crowd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz they get annoyed

When an autistic manchild like yourself

Post cringy reaction images

And try to educate them on topics you yourself know nothing


Quite simple


>> No.2618044
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> I wanna draw all my life hee hee xDD I don't want friends. They take up drawing time.

> wage cuck detected. Dude, in the end it doesn't matter what somebody wants to to with their life.

>And raising children? Haha! Children are a burden.

> autistic manchild

oh the delicious irony.

>> No.2618047

Why do you faggots?


Like this?

For real niggers?

>> No.2618052
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>> No.2618057






>> No.2618059
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you're the one

That got triggerd

to begin with.

>hehe you NEETs will never make it xD

>haha face reality buddy im earning six figures a year doing no work xP

>you will never have money and bithes xDDD

Truly we're

the autists.

Face the fact

that you didn't make



and move on


>> No.2618067
File: 195 KB, 369x354, feodra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hehe you NEETs will never make it xD

>haha face reality buddy im earning six figures a year doing no work xP

>you will never have money and bithes xDDD

but thats true... do you want to be 45 and still ""drawing"" in your parents basement?

I'd rather have my own home, family, retire early.

But its okay, you're still a manchild.

I can see from your use of 9gag-tier images and posting style, probably not a day older than 19.

It's okay m8. Let me know when you start work at that "big art company" :^)

>women and kids are gross eww xD artist 4 life dude!!! im gunna make it one day !!!

>*living in parents house intensifies*

>> No.2618070


I'd rather be a single neckbeard who draws all day in a basement at 45 than be some kind of family man

>> No.2618105
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>> No.2618114


So you'd rather live in a nice suburban house with a picked fence and a shitty wife and some ungrateful kids than git gud? What the hell are you doing on this board then

>> No.2618120

If I wasn't a waifu faggot like yourself I'd love to have a faithful wife and kids. When you are in your 20s your means of success is just to get a 'living', a furnished apartment, your first car, eventually a nice job or in our cases 'making it'. But your definition of success might change when you hit your 30s and realize life isn't all about drawing bust shots of cartoon children. You will yearn for sharing your legacy to offspring, it's in your fucking genetic code and you cannot escape from it unless you cut off your balls. You'll be a lonely man and die alone in your 1 bedroom apartment.

>> No.2618121

>he's going all out

remind me never to quit drawing, else I turn into some bitter family man.

>> No.2618122

>projecting a persons age like he has a crystal ball at its desk

I'm most definitely older than you but not older than the cut off age for the brain. I just have more sense than a retard such as yourself.

>> No.2618123


couldnt have said it better myself.

glad to see theres at least one person on this board who's not a delusional neet manchild.

>> No.2618126

stop samefagging malaysia

>> No.2618127
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try again

>> No.2618128
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>> No.2618129

great photoshop skills malaysia

>> No.2618135


I chased plenty of girls from 24-30. As nice as it is to get your dick sucked and have some cutie stroking your beard while giggling women aren't as satisfying as producing art is to me. If I had to choose between never drawing again and having a family or never having a family but draw for the rest of my life it's pretty clear what I would choose. If you feel that building a family is more important than creating art you probably aren't a artist at heart.

>> No.2618143


Wow a literal 30+ year old living at home. And I thought the memes just can't get any better than this!

>> No.2618144
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I don't see why you can't do art for different industries if you're good enough while doing personal artwork or projects on the side.

That is if you're good enough

>> No.2618146
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Not everyone

wants the

same thing




Hope this


eye opening




guy ;*

>> No.2618149

good thread, great discussion, thanks /ic/

>> No.2618152

More like thanks Malaysia

>> No.2618154
File: 509 KB, 454x642, 1468902782111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just


that you're


30 year old +

fucking loser

holy SHITE

my cheeks somebody

pinch them!

>> No.2618160

>pinch them!

I can.

Post your


>> No.2618169

haha holy fuck you're one sad wage cuck

thanks for the laughs dude hope you'll be happy with your 9-5 and hope your job brings you many good memories!

>> No.2618170

Is this real? People on this board thinks that you're loser if you rate drawing higher than having a family? What is this, normie hour?

>> No.2618171

It's /pol/


>> No.2618172
File: 54 KB, 600x600, 1462277273565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

41 yo loser virgin here.
You´ll smalltime.

>> No.2618173

What is this thread about anymore.

>> No.2618175


that would


singling me out


being anonymous


>> No.2618187


NEET virgins getting b t f o

>> No.2618189

Depends on what kind of family

Not everyone is an american who settles for a fat bitch

>> No.2618191


I don't care if you marry a super model with the best personality in the world. It's still not going to be as important as your art. I am NOT against having a family or dating. I'm just saying women aren't all that important.

>> No.2618245
File: 61 KB, 505x600, 13592443_1778423549043723_2954191751535433565_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I entirely agree with OP's image. With being a professional, full time artist, you get to manage your deadlines, to a degree. It's definitely possible to keep up some semblance of a social life while doing art.

For me, the dream is a more bohemian lifestyle. Relaxed, but dedicated to perfecting my craft, surrounded people that may not understand me, but will be supportive.

>> No.2618253

i draw because i like cute anime girls and i want to make them myself

>> No.2618273

You'll get bored of drawing girls eventually. A phase that will come to pass.

>> No.2618287
File: 23 KB, 276x366, 143928377457632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've made more than one.
You've made none. All you've done is project a narrative that isn't even close to true to cope with the fact that you're a failure as an entrepreneur. You've made that crystal clear and you're pretty terrible at playing that off as "being wise". All I read is bitter from you. You will never amount of anything and that attitude of yours is the reason why. So yes, keep shouting "NEET" like an autistic moron. You're not going to will it into existence. Have fun wasting your money on porn and anime figurines like the rest of the socially inept STEM faggots that browse 4chan.

>> No.2618288


I am 28 and live with my parents and have zero friends.

I can only manage to do 7 hours a day. I do 14-16 hours a day on the weekends.

I'm pretty much all in with art now. Being a 28 year old virgin it would be impossible to get a gf. I've put on weight as I given up exercise as it might take time away from art.

I've also stopped listening to music as that is distracting.

Hopefully in three years time I will have enough skills to get a patreon that can support me whilst I make a game for a living. I do programming for about 3 hours a day also.

But, I'm pretty much all in now. I feel like the person in Whiplash. If I didn't suppress all my emotion I would probably kill myself. Looks like having no friends during childhood and watching Star Trek everyday helped.

>> No.2618291

The difference between you and him is that you are struggling to buy the very figurines you mention with your welfare check and 2-3 commissions you manage to pull in a month, if any.

>> No.2618293
File: 11 KB, 256x192, 1403928992743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>him is that you are struggling
This shit is exactly what I mean with "projecting a narrative". You do it because you have no real arguing point. You faggots are so insecure it's almost cute.

>> No.2618296

This thread is not real and all of you are broccoli.
Prome me wrong.

>> No.2618307

I'm not projecting anything if what I said is true. All you can do is post EPIC reaction images to soften the wounds.

>> No.2618315

>I'm not projecting anything
You are. It's literally all you're doing because it's all you can do.

>> No.2618320

lmao fag

>> No.2618325


>a neet telling me what I can and can't do
I >can< theoretically have sex with your mom. You can, in theory, get a job and leave your mommas basement so I an fuck her in the kitchen without you needing to microwave tendies every 2 hours. "literally" you lost this argument if there was ever one.

>> No.2618338

I started because I wanted to draw what GR 15 restricts but now just getting better and drawing more things consumed that original drive. Cute to lifelike is a real trip and I'm having fun with it.

>that guy

>> No.2618341

*tips fedora*

>> No.2618357

Kill yourself mang.

You've wasted your life anyways. You have nothing left to lose.

Make room for the most prepared.

>> No.2618502

> spending your adult life drawing anime in your parents house

> not wasting your life


>> No.2618506

> he thinks he'll be making games and living off his 'art' in his parents house at the age of 31

I've got some bad news for you son...

>> No.2618511 [DELETED] 

> all this butthurt from a poor neet

> thinks his loli drawings make him an 'entrepreneur'

Oh how I laugh

>> No.2618619

I wanna make animated movies and tv shows. I know it's pretty much an impossible goal, but a man can dream, right?

>> No.2618674


Not all of us are hideous /b/tards like you.