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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2615957 No.2615957 [Reply] [Original]

>using reference is bad, you should learn construction and work from imagination
>draws anime

Thanks for the advice /ic/

>> No.2615959

please be week one

>> No.2615962

flash your work

>> No.2615973

>>using reference is bad

That doesn't seem like /ic/.

>> No.2615989

i was just thinkin that....

>> No.2616012

Those two different signals you are getting from /ic/ is because /ic/ is (thankfully) not one person.
Therefore anything you see that conflicts with what you find to be true in your persuit of artistic mastery, can easily be excused with "That guy's dumb".

>> No.2616020

Really hate the pretend philosophers of art on this board. Whats the kicker is that they draw anime and it's not even on par with the sites outside of this cesspool.

>> No.2616032

me too.....

>> No.2616042


People say that stupid shit all the time. Half this board idolizes drawing 100% from imagination and anything short of it is shit on as "any hack can copy reference."

>> No.2616105

>Not drawing anime
because there's such a huge market for classical genres such as "faceless nude women posing that I made in my Atelier with charcoal" and "generic car design that I shat out in 5 minutes"

Especially on the internet

>> No.2616116

>worrying about a market
There is your problem; always thinking about money and not the technical aspect of being proficient at your craft. Shitting on Ateliers I can already see you're a pathetic weeaboo with pateron fantasies of living in borderline poverty at your parents house drawing rehashed cartoon porn of the flavor of the month 'best girl' from rehashed, carbon copy, low budget chink entertainment. You have no interest in bettering yourself and choose an artform where you can cut corners as much as possible to make the same paycheck a burger flipper takes home monthly in the city.

>> No.2616117
File: 370 KB, 827x1223, beito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So not only you're in this for the money, you think that drawing anime is a good way of making money

>> No.2616122

Before Patroen and other kike-scamming sites, I'd agreed with you, but now he's prolly right.

>> No.2616126

Stay mad /pol/ faggot.

>> No.2616127

Sure anon, everyone can be Sakimichan

>> No.2616128

Noill can charge 80 bucks for his comissions despite drawing shitty Tumblr style

People will pay for this shit more than "muh pure and classical art!"

>> No.2616129

The fact that you think $80 is good money is hilarious. $80 a day is the equivalent of $10/hr.

>> No.2616130
File: 10 KB, 292x215, pika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being in art for the money

>> No.2616133

Using reference is good. Copying is bad.

>> No.2616134

An actual good artist can make way more, especially patreonbux. And its not even that much about talent.

Anime and smut are the 2 best ways for a self trained artist to make money

>> No.2616135

>Learning a valuable skill not many people have that takes years to refine
>Not using it for profit

>> No.2616137

>learning a skill to make money
>instead of learning any other skill that would make 20x money

>> No.2616139

>Slave away at some normie job to get a few more dollars than doing what you love

Plus if youre not autistic and know how to spread your name and hit the right market youll be making a lot more than you think.

>> No.2616141

An actual good artist wouldn't sell away his pieces for $80 like a desperate whore. A good artist actual *gasp* goes outside and talks to people and sells his artwork in the open. Option 2 is they actually get hired to do art, (which won't happen if you're an anime faggot).

Option 3 is you can continue pretending to live in your fantasy land living off pateron while the rest of us sensible people already have rewarding careers without having to depend on doodles.

>> No.2616144

>just do what you love man fuck dad he doesn't understand maaan
Spoken like a true millennial.

>> No.2616145

>train skills for months developing self-hate until you get barely good
>drawing fur porn and dealing with mentally deranged people daily to barely make minimum wage

Keep telling yourself it's what you love

>> No.2616146

>if I luck out it'll be profitable maybe!
This is not what having a huge market means

Anime shitters damage control is hilarious, honestly

>> No.2616167

Since fucking when? I've been on this shit for over a year and most of the time people are saying to use reference THEN when u git gud you work from imagination.

>> No.2616193
File: 59 KB, 634x634, 0mLKlFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh PURE art! Muh GOOD art! Fuck dat anime porn stuff I wanna be like the old masters!

Keep telling yourselves that, you pasty white /pol/tards. You're never going to make it.

It's not that hard to exploit a few autists on the internet, you just put yourselves in a position of moral superiority because you're too retarded to figure it out.

>> No.2616195

Yes anon better keep drawing those generic nude poses and Loomis diagrims so you can make the big $$$

And I'm sure there's lots of fun to be had from copying the same nude poses that people have been doing for hundreds of years now. Nothing like good, pure, Christian values just like on /pol/.

>> No.2616204

If you dont like anime you seriously shouldnt be on this website at all. Enough said

>> No.2616208

I've never drawn a Loomis diagram in my life

If any it's animeshitters the ones who obsess on diagrams, construction, imagination, and saying that references are the devil


>> No.2616212


I find nothing wrong with anime, in fact I love anime art. The issue here is that most of the people on this board (including you) draw the most uninteresting, unappealing pin-ups that amount to nothing. The quality here is far inferior to any other art centric website. This board is utter trash, and you're delusional.

>> No.2616219


I feel people always underestimate the work to get a good job. To do either a good art career or be an engineer lawyer or some shit you're going to have to slave away at work you hate in almost either case. Telling people a good job will pay more than an art career is a bit silly, as the effort to get a decent job requires qualifications and years of college. In most cases it's not fun or easy, and it's generally uninteresting and irrelevant to what you'll end up doing.

That being said, It's definitely better to have that as a backup to your art then just rely on that one medium, but at the end of the day you should just be good at what you do and put forward effort. If you're shit at either things you're not going to end up anywhere desu.

>> No.2616267

lol mad @ animes

>> No.2616292

>Le animu is shit. Delet it.
>Le human photocopier. Delet it.

Nigger... How are you going to learn how to draw a fucking face if you don't fucking know how faces are?

Imagine a face. That's easy.

Is a man or a grill? Skin color? Is old or young?

Now i'll ask you something really easy, something you could answer with no problem. You're picturing that face in your mind... It's so fucking real you can almost touch it.

Now tell me, while you look at that face. Tell me. Don't show me. You're not allowed to draw.

Which size is the nose in relation to the mouth? At which specific height are the eyes? How much distance is between one and the other? (no, "one eye" is not specific) Describe the chin as accurately as you can.

Now describe EXACTLY how is the haircut. Every wave, every form... Paint the fucking haircut with your words...

You will find out it's too fucking difficult to make a decent picture solely from chunks of imagination.

Yes nigger, you may draw like an autistic fuck until something "pops up" magically and seems good enough for ya, but I guarantee it will not look anything like real life. That's why you need reference.

>You draw something from imagination.
>You spot the mistakes.
>You use reference to correct mistakes.
>Repeat until good.

Congratulations, you're not a faggot.

>> No.2616398

You don't have a varied mind
Theres fantasy, theres nature
Theres furry.

>> No.2616401
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, 1455586158607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime is special xD the only non classical art!

Art is not only anime

>> No.2616416

Why is the bath water green?

>> No.2616424

OP is literally on the side of using references anon

>> No.2616460

Russian plumbing. Shit explains itself.

>> No.2616665

water is green
grass is wet

>> No.2616680
File: 19 KB, 284x297, 1468351059868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art is not only anime
except it is

>> No.2616743

I am tired of this autistic shit.

>> No.2616789


lol so mad

>> No.2616793

>using reference is bad, you should learn construction and work from imagination

Last time I checked that is step one on how to fuck up.

Maybe not fuck up entirely but a its a bad start if your're a beginner.

Whoever said that to you is a retard, anon.

>> No.2616809

You are so pissed you backhand me with an lol.

>> No.2616820

Why not work an actual job with a good resume and draw on the side

It's not art if you are expressing other people and not yourself

>> No.2616865

>There is your problem; always thinking about money


>> No.2616919

*raises paw*

Me three...

>> No.2616951

Because believe it or not, most professional artists actually enjoy drawing and are paid a lot more than what they would make at a normal job.

>> No.2616953

Most professional artists use reference and avoid drawing anime

>> No.2616958

>It's not art if you are expressing other people and not yourself

So all masterpaintings that were commissioned by the catholic church or the nobility are not real art? I suppose Michelangelo should have just done some proper masonry work and done sculpting and painting on the side so he could have been a true artist like you.

>> No.2616961

>Sakimichan is Michelangelo

>> No.2616962

Yes and what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.2616967

We all are.

>> No.2616970

Are you retarded?

>It's not art if you are expressing other people and not yourself

That's what I replied to. Nothing in that post mentions anime or anime artists. It is a general statement about all art. Are you trying to backtrack now that you realized what utterly idiotic shit you just wrote?

>> No.2616982


Still from an american film about americans.

>> No.2616985

Read the op