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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2612626 No.2612626 [Reply] [Original]

Black people who draw.

>> No.2612628

Alphonso Dunn, LeSean Thomas, Wesley Louis (the guy that did Super Turbo Atomic Ninja Rabbit).


Pretty much the only ones I can think of.

>> No.2612645


>> No.2612648

He said draw, not vomit on a canvas.

>> No.2612652

Oresegun Olumide

>> No.2612655

mc ride

>> No.2612657

wow racist much?

>> No.2612661

It's pretty sad that these are the same people I can think of besides literal nobodies who aren't in the industry yet. And then when you find some brothers they can be the most stuck up jackasses you've ever had the chance to talk to.

>> No.2612662


>> No.2612664


>> No.2612673

You mean nearly every artist?
Ego basically drives ambition in the competitive field.


>> No.2612685


Hardly competitive if there are barely any black artists to compete against. I mean the ones who make it turn around and shun their own race that look up them. It isn't just black artists who draw but black content creators in general who have this stick up their ass. Not saying all of them are like this but the majority (which is barely in the first place) are. I can see why, though.

However I would rather someone with a hard ego than someone who is 'humble' and acts as if they love all their subscribers. Humble people are the biggest liars.

>> No.2612689
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>> No.2612694
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Travel Foreman is awesome.

>> No.2612710
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The field itself is competitive.

Who besides Micheal Jordan and hood rappers shunned their people/those who look up to them?
Some like Lesean and Robaato gives allot of support/advice to aspiring artist, some of these named are Africans/Nigerians who are happy they surpassed the odds and the rest are just living with their skills. Even on tumblr there are allot of black people that work from Disney to cartoon network giving their experiences and advice.

Most are see are those pathetic black nerds who were so scarred they turn on black people because some kids said they talked white or beat them up in middle school that turn into uppity shits.

>> No.2612730

How is that racist at all

>> No.2612754


>> No.2612757


Dun, dun, dun, another one Bites the Bait.

>> No.2612779

/pol/ joke yada yada but why do you care tho, or how is it relevant?

>> No.2612796

there's probably plenty out there, personally I don't really think about the person's skin colour when they draw... but hey apparently that's important to you or something.

>> No.2612799

>being this pompous

>> No.2612802


>> No.2612831

>Black people who draw

There are loads of them.
Drawing skill isn't totally dependent on intelligence, but it is dependent on dedication.

>> No.2612833


Oh yeah, a couple others I've thought of are Saskia Gutenkunst, the "Flash Me" guy and Anthony "the Mischievous Mystery Meat Mud Man" Jones.

>> No.2612837

>isn't totally dependent on intelligence

Kek, passive aggressive diet-racism.

>> No.2612845

>Drawing skill isn't totally dependent on intelligence

>> No.2612865

Wow sure got me good....

>> No.2612867

That's the faintest praise I've ever seen.

>> No.2612873

say what you want about his music, his art is some good shit

>> No.2612904
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Not that anon, but I have a lot more respect for LeSean than Robaato. Granted, LeSean is older and has a lot more experience than Robaato anyway. Chase Conley is another pretty sick artist, pic related.

Most of the no-name randoms I encounter on tumblr are hella coonish, so I just keep my distance from them. A lot of black nerds are pretty coonish in general tbqh. It's annoying.

>> No.2612947


>> No.2612953

Felipe Smith. Although I think he writes more than draws nowadays?

>> No.2612955

Literally who gives a shit about the color of the skin of the illustrator? This annoys me so fucking much with black people, or gay people, or any minor group of people. Stop this shit.

>> No.2612956

He's black?

>> No.2612957


>> No.2612958


I thought that he was white? I saw pics of him at a furry con.


Probably for networking reasons, but I dig the works of creators that aren't like me. We dig Hong Kong cinema and animu too.

>> No.2612960

I wanna see the pics. I thought he was a latino FTM for some reason.

>> No.2612970
File: 495 KB, 1280x1599, tumblr_o1u2m4z4Ni1qkc1mwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco Nelor

>> No.2613002

>Literally who gives a shit about the color of the skin of the illustrator?

How old are you? 10? Grow up. White illustrators are a dime a dozen, that's why no one asks for them specifically. Stop getting upset over minorities trying to find like minded minorities. Shut up and draw faggot.

>> No.2613015

The fact that you still give a shit about skin color like means that you are mentally the younger. Sorry, let me rephrase so you'll understand:

lol faggot

>> No.2613017

It's deeper than just skin color. Different minorities have different experiences growing up. Experiences that some people from other groups will not understand because they are ignorant cunts like yourself. Get cultured and stop living in your box of "color-blindness". You sound like an inept fuckboi who grew up in the suburbs.

>> No.2613021

ronald wimberly, has a neato cartoon style and palette
Damon Moran, does a lot of cars with a lot of personality
Eliott Lilly, really technical concept artist

>> No.2613023

Fuck off racist

>> No.2613025

Your shades are too dark imo

>> No.2613030

Pretty sure that isn't that anon's work. It's Mattahan's.

>> No.2613130

My nigra, thirsty or not that brother can draw

>> No.2613132
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>> No.2613138

It would be a hard sell to anyone with a brain to convince them he's not a clear racist. "Stop talking about race" is racist mantra 101. They don't have to deal with it at a systematic level and the conversation makes them uncomfortable so of course they wouldn't want to talk about it.

>> No.2613140

That dude who made boondocks

>> No.2613166

Wait what
What are you talking about?

>> No.2613190

Who cares about black people.
Anyone know ginger haired people who draw?

>> No.2613191



>> No.2613231


Van Gogh?

>> No.2613274

will you ever recover?

>> No.2613288

kalen chock is one of them there afro-rapstar-mericans. I think he even. teaches environments for cgma.

>> No.2613312

>Literally who gives a shit about the color of the skin of the illustrator?

You should give a shit if you are a minority when the industry is dominated by asian and whites. It's not as satisfying to look up to Feng Choo Swan or John Mc Sawyer based solely off their art when they don't come from the same background as you, share similar hardships, and had to put up with the negativity and destructive resistance by being black. Role models are very vital to anyone regardless of race, but it is especially important for us blacks because there aren't many in the industry. If there is proof and support within the black "community" (I put this in quotes because I don't believe in the fictitious community meme) of hard working, strong ethic members who didn't give up, that would help tremendously for aspiring black artists to not give up and push themselves.

>> No.2613334

>It's not as satisfying to look up to Feng Choo Swan or John Mc Sawyer based solely off their art when they don't come from the same background as you

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and realise how retarded that both sounds, and is. If you can't have someone as a role model because they aren't your own skin color, then you're the racist, not everyone else, sorry to say.

>> No.2613339

Where did I imply racism in my post? Can you take the /pol/ cock out of your ear for just a second?

>> No.2613344
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top kek

>> No.2613364

fuck of my board dumm nigger. am black and i could give two shits this. so fucking so sick being reffered as POC by you cunts too

>> No.2613365

Yeah I'm sure afro-american first worlders had it so much harder than everyone else in the rest of the world

Fuck off

>> No.2613366

Anthony Jones

>> No.2613370

thats fucking stupid. so i am black. therefore its not satifying fro me to look at feng or katsuhiro ottmo?

you niggers keep getting dumber by the day

>> No.2613372

You should probably look up "afican art", dude. Because I'm afraid that you're looking for token black artists who draw in a western/asian style. But why would they? The only black people who would do this are the ones who grew up in a mainly non-black culture; which is why they are bound to be the minority.
Many artists were stimulated in interesting ways by african art. If you want to explore your background that's where you should start from, IMO. Everything else is just parroting white people like a well trained monkey, desu. Not that there is anything wrong with that, what I'm trying to say is that there's nothing black about drawing in the "classical" style.

>> No.2613380

why dont you just see yourself as an individual. you dont believe yourself to have less capabilities than a white person do you?

>> No.2613394


>> No.2613430

>Says nigger completely destroying and losing his own argument by showing his clear bias and outright efforts of not trying to see thing in any other viewpoint than their own..


>> No.2613431

That passive aggressive racism though.

>> No.2613433

>Literally who gives a shit about the color of the skin of the illustrator?

White people.

>> No.2613434

>when the industry is dominated by asian and whites

>implying the amount of Asians can ever compare to sheer amount of whites in the industry

There's like maybe 3 Asians for every 50 whites.

>> No.2613437

>am black

Sure you are Tom.

>> No.2613474
File: 113 KB, 460x288, kingdom-of-ife-4_1588111a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the concept of mimesis is European

everyone has eyes, some have different agendas.

>> No.2613481

Yeah nah. Black people do. What color of skin do you think the OP of this thread has?

>> No.2613488

>am black
And clearly a fuckboi coon.

>> No.2613522

I've never really understood why people cared so much about the gender or race of roll models.
No ones race or gender dis-values their ability or achievements, so why care about it?
Aren't their abilities and achievements the reason people look up to them or are they just so shallow that hey only care about their race or gender?

>> No.2613543

>Because I'm afraid that you're looking for token black artists who draw in a western/asian style.
>But why would they?
Because they grew up with seeing the style from asian cartoons.
>ones who grew up in a mainly non-black culture
You're going to need to define what black culture is. Are we talking about hip-hop/thug culture?
>The only black people who would do this are
Not every black person in this country is African American and the majority of non-African Americans hate our guts and or there is a superiority complex. Why the HELL would we look at African art? Especially as a kid? I know the Egyptian kangz we was queez image macro memes on /pol/ have enriched you on your thinking but you won't know any of this shit if you're black.

If hip-hop culture and the street lyfe doesn't take root in African Americans then they turn to what distracts them from it and it just so happens to be cartoons, games, asian interests--otaku culture by in large.
>if you want to explore your background that's where you should start from
And here you are picking apart my post and reinterpreting what I meant by 'background'. But I'll play along and would rather not make this post longer than it should be.
>Everything else is just parroting white people like a well trained monkey, desu. Not that there is anything wrong with that
I find nothing wrong with drawing school girl panty warrior wielding a magic katana #82945x8. Did you, as a white male (assuming) grow up looking at white girls wearing typical Japanese uniform wielding a magic sword on the way to school? No? But you (assuming) draw anime influenced by Japanese culture anyway. Why do you draw it? Because it's cute. Because it's appealing to the eye.

>> No.2613546

>I've never really understood why people cared so much about the gender or race of roll models.
You don't understand and you never will because you live in a fantasy world where people don't have different hardships and struggles by and large due to race alone. You might want to get out more.

>> No.2613551

People have different hardships and struggles because they're different PEOPLE and have different lives.
I've never pinned any shit I've gone through just because I'm black, just called it a bad hand and tried to improve it.
You need to get over yourself and accept responsibility.

>> No.2613561

>People have different hardships and struggles because they're different PEOPLE and have different lives.
No one refuted that and no one said anything about not accepting responsibility. But, race is a social construct that's integral to "western" civilization and how it operates.

>I've never pinned any shit I've gone through just because I'm black
Give the cooning a rest m8. Living in a fantasy world isn't going to negate the reality of the world around you and how it's run.

>> No.2613563


Is that why you are where you are right now? What did being an Uncle Tom get you? All you did was swallowed any little pride you had left and convinced yourself that it was all a bad hand. You bend over and take it from the rear, lowering yourself on the hierarchy of society just so you can get by. By ignoring whats apparently around you, you have successfully created a mask for yourself so that, in the back of your small little cranium, white people would finally accept you--but only gradually! As it works on a points system. And the more you continue to behave on this points system the more good boy points you can rack up on your good boy rewards card. But where does it get you? Why are you not pro yet? That's right, you're being delusional.

>> No.2613571

If anyone is curious about those vertical facial markings in ancient Ife sculptures, this paper is pretty interesting:


>> No.2613573

Also, y'all are being retards. You should be studying.

>> No.2613574

>Get cultured
It's hilarious how white people are considered cultureless. Kinda like when non-whites are referred to as "ethnic" to contrast against whites. Implying white people don't have their own ethnic groups. I don't know how living in the suburbs is supposed to be an insult. "Hey fucko, you're probably not even poor and don't live in a polluted overcrowded shit hole! Take that!"

In summary, you're retarded.

>> No.2613578

I know one black chick that bills herself as a "fine artist" and does nothing but post shitty sketches of black people making out.

>> No.2613588

>It's hilarious how white people are considered cultureless.
There's a clear reason for that. They're allowed to be completely oblivious and ignorant to other cultures and hardships and still live perfectly functional lives, so long as they never leave their bubble (ie the suburbs), which isn't a problem because they never have to. You're just proving my point.

>> No.2613591

What exactly is your point? What is your issue with him? How is he an "Uncle Tom"?
>Why are you not pro yet?
Oh I think I know the answer. It's because of whitey! Isn't it? Fuckin whitey...

>> No.2613600

>July 23, 2459
>White artist thread

>> No.2613605

White people aren't oblivious that it sucks to be black. It's driven into our heads since kindergarten. People living in their "suburbs bubble" are probably more aware of the world, and various cultures, than people living in say... the projects. Obviously. You're not making a whole lot of sense.

>> No.2613607


He's got 2 hands to type, let him answer. Damn white people oppressing the black man by speaking for them!

>> No.2613608
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>> No.2613609

Muslim people who draw.

>> No.2613612


>> No.2613616

>White people aren't oblivious that it sucks to be black. It's driven into our heads since kindergarten.
This is literally false. The public school system and curriculum takes extra effort to sugar coat Western civilizations retarded history and don't even try to explain who it's shitty past relates to it's current state of affairs. You're full of shit m8. The suburbs is the central hub that breeds ignorant white folks, it's also boring as fuck to live in and a dead zone for any entrepreneur trying to make a name for him/herself.

>> No.2613633

The only difference between ignorant hood shitheads and ignorant suburban shitheads is the suburban shitheads make for good wage cucks for corporations. See STEM. Both are still uncultured retards.

>> No.2613668

Now THIS would be more interesting!

Sycra might not even be muslim, we're not allowed to draw because it's frowned upon so we don't make it big as easily.
Fucking sucks.

>> No.2613669

Yes, they pay taxes instead of taking welfare. And usually have some form of higher education. And had some disposable income for things like music lessons. And maybe a little work ethic developed from having to mow lawns growing up.

>> No.2613675

I see Alphonso Dunn and Robaato but no Caleb Thomas I personally love his work's dynamism and forms the most
>inb4 boo weaboo

>> No.2613677

>Yes, they pay taxes instead of taking welfare.
Who cares? Most of the people who make up welfare recipients are white anyway. And those whites weren't systematically disenfranchised for the entirety of US's history, so they even have less of an excuse for being there.

>And usually have some form of higher education.
It never does them any good and they tend to still be uncultured morons. It just makes them better wage cucks who are still very much replaceable. That's nothing to be proud of, but they are fooled into thinking that's an accomplishment.

>And maybe a little work ethic developed from having to mow lawns growing up.
>suburban kids
>any real work ethic
Nice oxymoron. Those faggots tend to let their parents do the heavy lifting when it comes to landing them a job, and from there they just go through the motions. I have friends in the STEM field and all I ever hear is how there's some inept fuckhead who still has a job even though he's an inept shithead who shouldn't still have his job.

>> No.2613679
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I thought I put a picture.

>> No.2613683
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Does JP Targete count as black? I mean he's pretty light skinned. And he paints faggy white boy shit like dragons.

>> No.2613685
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>tfw extremely racist but don't want to be
>Was calling blacks niggers in my mind when I was 7
>My mother is a black hispanic
>Dad is a racist white guy

Help me nigga

>> No.2613687

>My mother has none of the facial features of a black person aside from the melanin
>Don't even consider her black because of this
>She doesn't consider herself black
>She calls other black people niggers
>Real black cranial structures freak me out

>> No.2613701

Saskia's black?

>> No.2613716
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Robaato is as much of a weeb if not more than CT though. I like his stuff regardless. Pic related is another good one. His style is also clearly anime inspired but I think it works.

>> No.2613740
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>tfw you're always talking shit on nigger but keeps finding out the people that makes allot of your favorite shit are black

>> No.2613767

Man... he sure knows how to make cute waifus.

>> No.2613786

what is with black girls being obsessed with white guys and black guys with white or asian girls????

>> No.2613794

some people just want to make grey goo

>> No.2613801

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.2613802

To kill the white race anon

>> No.2613803
File: 55 KB, 456x810, tumblr_o8vkv1IkNp1ri16p6o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's easy, self-hatred. Western civilization makes sure to represent white men as the standard of wealth and success and white women as the standard of beauty. It's constantly portrayed that way in western media. I used to think the same way when I was younger, but nothing gets my dick harder than a black girl now. But that's not saying there aren't cute white and asian girls tho.

>> No.2613807

Oh shit, I saw this guy at Phoenix comicon

>> No.2613822
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>Self hatred

>> No.2613825

Man this style reminds me of Samurai Champloo so much. I never heard of his artist so thanks.
That's what I switched to when I found out my white:black character ratio was very unbalanced for a black guy. Not literally goo but I gave them grey skin...
>MFW I realise I check most of the stereotype boxes

>> No.2613840
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Yeah, his stuff is pretty good and I like his way of stylizing his faces. He draws mostly black characters, which I don't see that often from other black artists even.

>> No.2613853
File: 145 KB, 1022x680, LyKU0e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks in western society are raised to be coons, of course it's self-hate.

>> No.2613858
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preferences != self hatred

>> No.2613861
File: 3.21 MB, 3040x4560, Fp2ePoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're talking about the "obsession" of white folks. Can you not read? That "preference" was breed through a biased media.

>> No.2613863

>"obsession" with

>> No.2613867

Nope. Don't think so...Stop speaking for everybody for fucks sake. You can be proud about yourself and prefer other things that are different from you, or have we agreed that we must only like one thing and that thing only because of how or were we were born?

Semi related:
>watches porn with every other race except black because they eventually remind of mother and sister.
How do y'all do it???

>> No.2613871

You are full of shit anon.

Who told you that and why do you believe them?

>> No.2613873

>You can be proud about yourself and prefer other things that are different from you

I wouldn't call it authentic when that "other thing" is constantly portrayed as higher than you on the current social hierarchy.

>> No.2613879
File: 51 KB, 486x330, HelpAbrotherOut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp that proves it

>> No.2613881

Black girls never seemed very interested in white guys to me. Haven't had a black girlfriend since high school. Dodging a bullet probably, particularly these days. Blacks just whine about white people all the time. Who wants to listen to that shit.

>> No.2613882
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>still implying
Whatever helps you sleep at night, bruh. You can keep chasing white chicks. I can't stop you.

>> No.2613887

Mods can you either delete this thread or clean up the off topic posts? I'd prefer if you delete it.

>> No.2613903

Not sure if you're a retarded BLM nig or a retarded white faggot with deep insecurity issues. Either way, STFU

>> No.2613905 [DELETED] 

1400 years of Shari'ah permitted paedophilia, inbreeding and education/culture based in mindless tradition, rather than productivity or progress, has damaged Islamic intellectual capacity and hormonal balance to the point where they've become a violent moronic savages.
Predominantly Muslim countries such as Iran have an average IQ of around 84, which is about one standard deviation and 14 points below the USA who score at 98.
Cousin marriage, which is considered prestigious and pious in Islam, causes genetic damage that impairs mental function and concentrates genes that lead to schizophrenia.
You know schizophrenia, the illness that often causes people to become violent and isolated and suffer from religious delusions?
The kind where they might believe a racist, slave owning, war mongering paedophile was the last great messenger of some super magic sky man?
Aisha was 9 when 59 year old Mohammed had sex with her.
That's sick and he was a sick disgusting man.
People of other faiths want to grow and change and contribute to the world, Muslims only want to preserve their ways and do not care at all about improving technology, culture or quality of life.
Even most moderate Muslims advocate a shari'ah world caliphate.
The psychological damage of paedophilia and genetic damage of inbreeding mean their children can't live happy normal lives and don't have the necessary brain power to develop a realistic and reasonable worldview.
That's why Muslims need to believe in 'Almighty Allah' who has power over everything, because will power and self responsibility is too much effort and hard work for them.
They become Imams, welfare queens, gang members and religious figures because real work and innovation is too hard and they need to live off handouts and crime.
They are literally just the dumbest and most emotionally weak people on the planet and that's why they can't handle science, objective reality or attempting to seduce and not rape adult women.
They're all too scary.

>> No.2613908
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Good shit not refuting my point. And I'm neither. Stay mad.

>> No.2613910

You didn't make a point, you're just shitposting, as indicated by your ebin P&S reaction image

>> No.2613911
File: 25 KB, 640x464, 7C6F0ED27AF32DE1E0347B1DEC37A3CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitpostin' this hard

>> No.2613914

All of you are terrible and retarded.
He say's some dumb shit, but instead of coming to common terms all of you just bashed him with your narrow, and baseless viewpoints.

Literally tells him to stop talking for others which is right but then attacks with broad statements that project on all black people like this shit that has spanned decades to centuries can be solved by your basic bullshit.

But it is 4chan, it's only bitching inadequate neets here.

>> No.2613917

Go fuck yourself. :D

Go to Japan work alongside gooks and tell me that you feel right at home.
You see, when you're the only black guy attempting to do well in a scientific or creative industry your immediately discouraged because there is a sense of familiarity that comes off of seeing another person of your race.
Its human nature. You will feel uneasy when you're the only one of your race in a room. Even one other person makes a huge difference.

Look, mon. Im not trying to make excuses for the high rates of illiteracy, and drop outs among the Black "community". For women and minorities alike you can persevere even in solitude. Its hard... but if you don't make it its your own damn fault.

>> No.2613919

>implying that being a nigger is not a disadvantage on itself.

>> No.2613920

>Avoiding the theme of race makes you racist.

I think you should stop avoiding the theme of being a huge faggot or you'll become one.

Nevermind, maybe it's too late.

>> No.2613924

Everyone has hardships anon. Its life.
Your hardships will differ depending on where you were born, status, religion, etc. Race is just another factor that builds distance.

Congratulations, you're a true empath if you find your self relating to other people of races, status and religion as much as you do your own.

>> No.2613942

I don't think white males usually define themselves as white or male. They define themselves with things they've chosen or achieved. That's where the friction comes from. People who do define themselves based on skin color, genitalia, sexual preference, etc come across as self obsessed narcissistic skill-less passion-less navel-gazers.

>> No.2613948

>People who do define themselves based on skin color, genitalia, sexual preference, etc come across as self obsessed narcissistic skill-less passion-less navel-gazers.
Europeans created the construct of race via white supremacy to try to rationalize their want to treat people who didn't look like them as subhuman.

>> No.2613949
File: 91 KB, 278x362, oc-avatar.jpg.320x320px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian people who draw
"hmm yes I do quite prefer Mr. Yoshinari and ummm the dear gentleman Kim Jung Gi."

>Black people who draw
"Why do you care about the color of their skin?!?!"

>> No.2613951

>man, this thread is stupid. Better bump it

>> No.2613953

I was going to post him earlier but he looks pretty white in some pics so It's hard to tell.

>> No.2613957

>Literally thousands of cartoons/animes spanning decades
>Less than 30 shows have black main characters "Not supporting/side characters"
>Literally was mainstream classic cartoons that portrayed them as retarded stereotype monsters.

When there's
Tommy, TJ Detweiler, Timmy Turner, Jimmy Newtron, Peter Griffin, Rudy, The Red guy, Cartman, Bart, Jimmy Neutron, B, Dexter, Johnny, Eddy, Barbie, Popeye, Mario, Fry, Shaggy, Fred, PPG, Max, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, like 17/20 disney princesse. Doug, Woody, Charlie B., Billy, Arnold, Ginger, Aliza, Otto, Dib, Kim, Ben10, Woody, Fanboy, Finn, Etc.

I can name
Huey, Static, Filmore, Little Bill, Penny, Cleveland, 1 Princess, B.Dynamite, Korra?? and Fat Albert.

I just can't cry it's PC outrage or cast racism when they try to make more black main characters in the mainstream.

THIS, They either never notice this subconscious difference or are blind to their bias.

>> No.2613961

Well gee whiz we better keep defining ourselves with stupid useless shit because some dead fuckers thought it was clever hundreds of years ago. Derp. Thanks for the history lesson though, Tyrone. *raises fist* Fight the power... by buying into it.... or something.

>> No.2613969
File: 213 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_3412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he's pretty light. Still bro enough to steal a blonde bitch from some cuck ass cracka. Look at that big cuddly bear bod.

This is /pol/ right?

>> No.2613971

>Don't by into it.
>implying Tyrone and his entire family doesn't live in a world that doesn't label them as a separate race via black/africa-american in a Country full of racial controversy.

Christ anon, you're smarter than that or are you really that sheltered?

>> No.2613975

This is such a bullshit argument that is constantly spewed by utter retards from all walks of life who all seem to be convinced that the MSM has way more power than it does. The media simply reflects what people prefer way more often than the other way around. In fact these days the media goes out of their way to give black people an unearned spot light in the name of diversity or some bullshit.

Black people are just ugly, that's all there is to it.

>> No.2613978


>> No.2613980

When the entire history of the US was founded on treating people who didn't look "white" as subhuman, do you honestly think throwing away those labels is -suddenly- going to fix generational disenfranchisement via law and media propaganda? You might as well be mentally retarded. History doesn't exist in a vacuum. You're that white suburban kid who's dumb as a brick.

>> No.2613983

>The media simply reflects what people prefer way more often than the other way around.
The media reflects what the people in control of it want to represent. They don't paint the full picture, they cherry pick. Those are facts and should be common sense, but you're clearly just another retard.

>> No.2613988


Black girls can be just as beautiful. Unfortunately the majority are fat and wear the tackiest fashion on the face of the earth. The media heads need to promote cute clothing for black females--CUTE clothes--and with that, better health and fitness will follow after it.

>> No.2613995

It's easy. Save $100. Buy a shitty used guitar and amp. Learn to play. Now you can define yourself as a guitarist.

Just don't write music about how black you are and muh ancestors and muh oppression. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.2613999
File: 7 KB, 168x178, 293982717827482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you still posting when you don't have a point to make? Do you enjoy making yourself look mentally challenged?

>> No.2614001


The US also treated you as human and granted you civil rights way before other countries did.

Call me a coon or Uncle Tom, but there's no way you would be posting on /ic/ if you remained in a country like Haiti, Zimbabwe, and Nigeria.

For all the problems white society has, it's way better than being a living human target for Boko Haram, village vigilantes who kill on rumors, kidnappers who ransom you or family members, and thieves.

>> No.2614010

My "point" is simple I don't know why it is so hard for you to grasp. Race is uninteresting. If that is your preoccupation, then you are a bore. Simple.

>> No.2614011
File: 7 KB, 243x207, 493885854782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The US also treated you as human and granted you civil rights
>school to prison pipeline
>prison industrial complex
>the innocence project even being a necessity
>stop and frisk
>multiple police shootings with no real repercussion.
>the origin of the police force in the US being rooted in slave patron
>treated as human

>> No.2614012

>but there's no way you would be posting on /ic/ if you remained in a country like Haiti, Zimbabwe, and Nigeria

You're also implying you you had a choice to be a nigger. Almost as if you stood at the foot of Gods golden throne after death and told him "I want to be a nigger in my next life." There's no way you would be posting on /ic/ if Hitler got his chance to gas EVERY single Jew (which includes Moot). Etc etc etc.

>> No.2614014

You don't have a point. Shut up and draw faggot.

>> No.2614015

>Has to run all the way to other and third-world countries to justify why someone should just take mistreatment here.

Your points are weak as shit and even I'm gonna call that some coon shit.

Accepting the punches over here because they're kicking that guy over there instead of trying to not get hit period is the most cowardly thing I've ever read.

You've never read about a coward progressing the world, it takes risk and efforts pussy.

>> No.2614020


I'd argue that STEM is more cultured than the humanities actually. You get a lot of Indian and Asian professors who speak really broken engrish and talk about their past lives in their home country during lectures. Sometimes, they don't understand you as well. They're talented, having published papers, but they're kinda hard to listen too. I'm a double major and it ain't fun.

In the humanities, you have fluent white or brown english-speakers teaching you.


STEM is mostly about how good you network as opposed to merit. I spoke with those people and they aren't really stupid, they're just unpassionate people who chose STEM because they want to earn a livable wage. One friend of mine wanted to be a screenwriter, but his parents weren't supportive of it because they found it embarrassingly juvenile.

>> No.2614024


I'm not saying that white society is perfect though, I'm saying that black society is worse than any white society ever. Go to Nigeria to see what I'm talking about. Everyone heads to white countries for a reason, and that's because they encourage our success.


Name a first-world African country with a black majority.

>> No.2614026

I love you anon

>> No.2614027

>I'm not saying that white society is perfect though
You're excusing their bullshit and unethical treatment of their citizens. That's why you're trying to deflect. So essentially, you don't have a real point. I don't know why your posting.

>> No.2614028

>systematic racism
>existing in America
Pick one

>> No.2614033

It doesn't matter what you """define""" yourself as.
You're still fucking white and relate foremost to whites. Its fucking instinctive shit. We ALL see race.
>Wahhhh wahhhh
Stay the fuck away from women, don't go to jail and don't be an illiterate fuck.
Its <current year>, there are quotas to fill and Affirmative Action. There is no excuse not to do well in America. Especially if you stay the fuck away from women.

Wigger, Nigger, doesn't matter, stay the fuck away from cops. Our justice system is far from perfect, it never will be. Its still your own damn fault if you smoked a blunt and got 15 years. The fact that whitey got away with rape is none of your concern.
If you want to get away with shit like that go to Africa where other black men get away with worse and whitey gets his livelihood taken away and killed while the police watch.
He has a real point. Im a mullatoe so I can't speak exactly for you but I'd rather live in Leith, North Dakota than most of sub saharan africa.

Its not perfect, but its the best we've got. If you want to complain go start a career in Politics. Even if you do, you wont solve shit. All you've given are a list of problems, you don't even have a clue as to what a solution would look like.

>> No.2614037

You typed a lot just to say a whole lot of nothing. He didn't have a point and neither do you. You're just posting as if you have anything insightful to say. You're not going to fool anyone though.

>> No.2614038

I always thought the artist was a girl

>> No.2614039

>Im a mullatoe

Your whole post discarded.

>> No.2614042

>Name a first-world African country with a black majority.

Kek, couldn't debunk so bring up a stormfront topic point .
Nice job missing the point, your retarded issue is.
Black AMERICANS have an issue in AMERICA.
You have to bring up an entirely DIFFERENT third-world country they have NOTHING to do with to tell them they shouldn't complain if something unfair is happening to them.

Keep making baseless excuses but as time goes on real honorable people who actually did more than "trying to stay in their place unlike you" will risk their necks for their and your kids for a better future while you rot without contributing to any progress to the country.

Go read a book or something kid.
Look at this shit, the one thread about black artist that pops up and it's turned into a cesspool of controversial banter from cowards like you and diet-/pol/ racist.

>> No.2614043
File: 230 KB, 598x792, 4HgSpk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't have a point
Do you?
All I heard was "Black lives matter" and "He dindu nuffin" on repeat.

Face it. There isn't "Systematic Oppression" and there hasn't been for a century. The only real oppression is this governments obsession with making minorities meek.

>> No.2614044

I went to art school with two black dudes whos skills I admire.

Not posting their names in this shit thread.

>> No.2614045
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, 9293298734723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never forget what Jews have done to White America
>but Blacks should forget how Whites disenfranchised them and help Jews continue to do it.

I kek at the hypocrisy every time. /pol/ is a circus.

>> No.2614046

Its not a stormweenie argument.
His point is that your dream land where Blacks are enjoying security and wealth in large numbers only exists in one place. The US of A.
Its still the dream for millions of Africans to make there way here.

>> No.2614047

Pretty sure his point is that your gripping about imaginary oppression is retarded because blacks can't do anything productive without being "oppressed"

>> No.2614049

>never forget
Its more about what they are doing now.

With Jews you lose.

>> No.2614050

Well according to that other anon, since other people have it worse than you, you have no place to complain. Let the Jews fuck you sideways.

>> No.2614053

illastrat sucks

>> No.2614054

>black artist
>only 2/8 images are black characters
he a self hating racist

>> No.2614056

You can always make society better. /pol/ has one idea about how we could make society better. Getting rid of le jooden.
You've given nothing. Its exactly like occupy wallstreet or BLM.
Offer solutions and let them be heard.

>> No.2614057

But I'm not talking about Africans, I'm talking about Black people who are Americans of your US of A.
This isn't new, there's always been little shits like you kid. Every era or progression there was assholes like you saying it's all fine now and they need to stop complaining and when you have no talking points to stand out you spew about how it's better than Africa but every time America was in turmoil like the depression you didn't see white people running to Europe because things were fine there for the moment because they don't fucking live there, they don't know shit about Europe and just because it's other white people there doesn't make it their country just like Africa is to black americans.

>Random racist statement based from MY FEELINGS.

>> No.2614058

>There isn't "Systematic Oppression" and there hasn't been for a century.

There are books, studies, and documentaries that state otherwise. And generation upon generation of savage oppression and disenfranchisement via law from a corrupt government (that's still corrupt btw) and media propaganda doesn't suddenly vanish over night as if history exists in it's own vacuum. You're living in a dream world.

>> No.2614059
File: 389 KB, 1284x980, kekintoorbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks /pol/ isn't as useless as Occupy and BLM

>> No.2614063

I'm one of those uppity shits, desu. Wouldn't say I'm emotionally scarred, though. People are just shallow af and just suck in general.

>> No.2614065

/pol/ is all fun and games. they dont incite looting for their cause.
BLM takes negative points, because its equally useless, but serious.
I'd love to read all these studies about the white man holding the nergoe down. Especially when an african american president has made nearly 250 executive orders. I won't get a source for that study that wasn't published through buzzfeed.

>> No.2614070

At least they're doing a fine job feeding the Trump shills.

>> No.2614072

>all fun and games
>easily triggered
Pick one.

>> No.2614074

>trump shills
Only sHillary has shills anon.
Actual, legitimate shills.

>> No.2614087

>STEM is mostly about how good you network as opposed to merit.
So it's literally like every other profession in today's society.

>> No.2614121
File: 2.72 MB, 240x234, 1454293874873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best post itt tbqh familia.

>> No.2614229

>wants anime to have black main characters

>> No.2614230


>be me
>be me again but be average run-of-the-mill black person
>i remember not giving a fuck about race when i was little
>i remember liking static shock not because of ''muh race representation'' but because it was literally about a kid who shot lightning out of his finger tips cuz that shit be cool bruh
>i liked stuff like xiaolin showdon just as much
>be me but older
>starting to give a fuck bout race now. making race jokes would get me that cl@$$ cl0wn status (nothing offense, elemenary school teir shit)
>get older again
>start really giving a fuck about race
>start thinking in a ''all the races are different breeds'' sort of paradigm that many decent people think unconsciously and shit people scream adamantly
>get a bit older
>look up the word ''nigger'' on the internet, i wanted to see what it actually ment
>apparently it doesn't mean anything, it's just a word used to verbally express your dislike of black people
>i shouldn't get offended when someone uses nigger, i should just acknowledge they are a piece of trash and move on, the word it's self didn't actually mean anything, and even if it did it's no different than some guy you don't know calling you a ''faggot''
>get a bit older
>a boy i just met 5 seconds ago is making ''black people jokes'' at me in lunch line
>i make a ''white people joke'' back at him
>he shuts the fuck up
>when you be racist you R inadvertently speaking to the entirety of that race. just because one white person is shit doesn't mean you should disrespect all of them for the sake of shutting one up
>get older again
>giving a fuck about race at to the max
>i didn't fit in with blacks because i was ''to white'' i could hang with whites but they ironically thought i was really weird also because i was ''to white''
>this starts to fuck with me on a deep psychological level

>> No.2614238
File: 40 KB, 650x533, All thug,no hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after what seemed like forever i finally got another lightbulb.jpg
>why am i weird for ''acting like a white person'' but Asian,Hispanic,native Americans and any other person is fine for ''acting like a white person''?
>it's becuase of the Iconic Blackpeople Personality & Mannerisms that the world has come to know and love/Hate. if you don't have them then your living in UnceTomopolis in other people's eyes, despite the fact that asians,hispanocs,indians,and native Americans can ''act like white people'' and on one will ever bat an eyelash.
>be me but keep getting older and keep getting lightbulb.gif moments
>at the end of the day just believe in yourself, and try your best and don't let anyone dump there arbitrary bullshit and subjective view of reality dominate your mind
>mfw people try to call me niggerany or use any slur in general to offend all there doing is showing that they are edgequeen faggots and that there opinon is most likely trash
>tfw i discover that most of 4chan operates through edgequeen posts

>> No.2614240

>am black

[citation needed]

>> No.2614241


>The US also treated you as human and granted you civil rights way before other countries did.

A certain Latin American country abolished all forms of slavery when you started fighting your civil war.

Also you're talking like it was some kind of favour or a generous thing to do. It is your obligation to treat humans like fucking humans and judge humans for their acts and not for their race.

Your point is weak, that is all.

>> No.2614257


summary of these 2 posts: /pol/ really made me think

>> No.2614263

congrats, you've realized that it is actually black Americans that are the most racist people in America. They're homophobic too. Probably because they're super christian for some reason.

talking like people today have responsibility for slavery. kys.

>> No.2614336

>vastly miss representing my point

i don't know if your trolling or not, but how did you come to that conclusion? the only time i mentioned how black people behave is
1.when i said that black people think i was weird for acting ''white''
2.when i said The Iconic Black People Personality & Mannerisms

if you think that this means that i said black people are racist than that means you blatantly ignored when i said that ''ironically white people thought i was weird for acting to white''
>so basically your here to project and spread your propaganda

>/pol/ really made me think

never really thought of it that way, but yeah. The funny thing is that if racist people were racist more sparingly then i would still get ''muh triggered'' about it. but /pol/ EdgeQueen faggot type people would spam me with that kind of humor to to the point were i acknowledged i had to either become desensitized & wise up or continued getting ''muh triggered.'' now nigger is literally as offensive as calling someone stupid (on 4chan at least). I just sounds childish, like those children who were raised think cursing all the time was okay and made them K00l Kidz.

>> No.2614377

The fact that you can't name a successful black country kinda proves that it's based on a lot more than just feelings desu senpai

>> No.2614390


>> No.2614391

>name is Caleb Thomas and it's on his Tumblr, dA and Ig
DAMN senpai. Somehow I knew he was black for some reason
He made an OC for a contest and stuck with her, plus every main character in that universe either respects or loks up to that black woman. But I get whaat you mean in his defense I'll say it's some involuntary thing we do after learning from white artists, the media and studiies.

>> No.2614417

1. It's not unfathomable, though sparse there are a couple animes with black and white mc's.
2. But you missed the point as cartoon/animes made up a large part of people' childhoods so it's no surprise why they may wish it were, concentrate.

> Discussion was why black Americans have to take shit in america and randomly brings up other countries.

Proves you don't have substantial support for the shit you claim and you'll keep walling with off-topic gotchas to protect your bias.

TOPIC: Why should Bob accept and get less food than Ted when they both can eat equally?
You Answer: >Name a poor kid is a third-world country who eats as much as Bob.
Me: What' does that mean, why should Bob get less food than Ted?
You: >You can't therefore your topic i meaningless.
^ This is how retarded you are. ^

>> No.2614425

>still wasting your time arguing with mentally challenged /pol/tards

I don't know why you bother, anon. They are shitposters and feel compelled to post even though they don't have a point.

>> No.2614434

>sees this thread
>"oh cool some more black artists to follow"
>thread is filled with /pol/ stupidity and people using the word coon as a description
Let's see if we can get this thread back on track.

I don't think anyone mentioned melmadedooks or misterode on instagram.

>> No.2614540

You're still not getting it. Blacks are not mistreated by whites in america or europe, and you can tell this by how blacks treat themselves in countries they supposedly rule. If you think that black oppression is real, show us an example of black freedom, otherwise eat a dick and stop whining about conspiracy theories.

>> No.2614544

Because white people accepted you even though you "acted white". Whatever that means. While black people banish black kids that don't conform.

>> No.2614554

I think it is pretty clear that cops are generally more violent towards blacks. In America at least. Can't speak for Europe. So they are not treated equally there. Then there is affirmative action and quotas, which is trying to fight inequality through inequality. Black Americans poor and uneducated because of country's white supremacist past. But Black Americans don't try hard in school. Hard to help people who don't care. Liberals constantly treating them like retarded helpless eternally victimized children probably doesn't help their psyche. Whole situation is a mess and will never be solved. Fuck it.

>> No.2614556

>Blacks are not mistreated by whites in america or europe
see >>2614011
>conspiracy theories.
There is no conspiracy about it. It's pretty fucking obvious when you actually know your unfiltered history and how it lead to the current events now.

>While black people banish black kids that don't conform.
This is literally false.

>> No.2614562

>Black Americans poor and uneducated because of country's white supremacist past.
>white supremacist past
It never went away. It's a foundation of the country.

>> No.2614579
File: 2.07 MB, 1421x2570, 1468768558360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it is pretty clear that cops are generally more violent towards blacks.

See pic related. When accounted for crime per capita, you're actually more likely to be shot as a white criminal than a black criminal because cops are now terrified of being seen as racists when their sole duty is to uphold justice.

>see >>2614011


>school to prison pipeline

The name itself is evident of an unfounded conspiracy theory and the practice it describes is actually extremely necessary to prevent chaos from erupting in public schools with large black populations. If you want you could try and find an example of a black school that isn't flooded with cops and isn't a shithole, but lol good luck with that.

>prison industrial complex

this is not an exclusively racial issue but a by-product of crony capitalism. Believe it or not, non-black criminals don't receive special treatment.

>the innocence project even being a necessity

It really isn't, it only ended up finding 342 innocent prisoners out of MILLIONS. Yeah mistakes are going to happen in a justice system this large, that is not evidence of a racially based conspiracy to keep the black folk down.

>stop and frisk

stop committing crimes at abhorrent levels and cops will stop being suspicious of you, pretty simple.

>multiple police shootings with no real repercussion.

refer to my first reply in this post and pic related

>the origin of the police force in the US being rooted in slave patron

No shit? The definition of a slave is human property, and property is upholded by the law, so in a time where the majority of blacks were slaves, this makes sense. That doesn't make cops of today evil racists, numbnuts.

>treated as human

Whatever level of humanity you are treated with here is an order of magnitude greater than what you are treated as in black countries, some of which still practices slavery RIGHT NOW. We've even given you the freedom to move back there, if you so choose, as a human.

>> No.2614592
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 2030238478224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally nothing but deflections with no real points presented.
Good shit typing a lot to say absolutely nothing. Learn the history of the US and it's corrupt government, shithead. You aren't going to have a leg to stand on in this topic until you do.

>> No.2614598

Throwing out buzzwords, telling me to "lol read moar history shithead" and posting a bugs bunny reaction image is not an example of actual argument.

>> No.2614605

I'm not here to educate you. You should want that for yourself. But the school system did a great job making sure you came out as a confident moron.

>> No.2614612

Again, telling me that I'm not "educated" is not an argument. You can read wikipedia articles and BLM propaganda all you want, but if you are incapable of constructing that info into a valid retort then it doesn't mean anything. If you think I'm wrong, prove it. This should be very easy if you're more knowledgeable on this topic than I am.

>> No.2614629

It's an observation. And no one is reading wikipedia articles or BLM propaganda. There are multiple books written and documentaries made on the topics of general government corruption and black disenfranchisement long before those black queer women were funded to make that BLM movement. But it's evident that you don't actually read books. Again, I'm not here to educate you. You aren't knowledgeable about anything and it's because you don't read.

>> No.2614640
File: 10 KB, 220x255, ChT_A5LWYAAuT7G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has this thread become...

>> No.2614647

>There are multiple books written and documentaries made on the topics of general government corruption and black disenfranchisement

Ok. Instead of telling me to read those books, try to take the info that you learned from reading those books and construct it into a valid retort to anything that I just posted. Until you're able to do that, I will have to logically assume that me reading those books would not change my opinion or make me agree with you, and that you're just spouting baseless assumptions about my character and level of knowledge to protect your fragile worldview.

>> No.2614651

> m-muh BLM

Ye, BLM started 3 years ago is the big issue and the cause of racial tension that has spanned centuries and we're the propaganda sheep.

>stop committing crimes at abhorrent levels and cops will stop being suspicious of you, pretty simple.
46+ Mil. Black people
3-4 Mil. crimes committed a year.
2 Mil are usually traffic offenses.
1 Mil. Are theft/violent
10-15k are murders.
>Black people commit extreme amounts of crime. Around to less than 50% per year.
50% of Murders = like 7k
7k is less than 0.5% of Black people which is like 200k.

Reminder that even if 1% of black people were violent murderer the US would seem like the purge and if racist rhetoric and their hyperbole to make it seem like 80% of black people were violent animals we'd all be civil war or dead.

>6 times more white people than black.
>Black people are shot over half as much as white people.
>Means Black people are 3 times more likely to be shot.

Basic math is too hard to racist morans and they only take number that help their bias and throw away the rest., thanks for telling me.

>> No.2614654

Nothing you posted actually retorted what you replied to. So how about you just actually want to educate yourself for once in your life? Read a book, cunt.

>> No.2614665
File: 1016 KB, 616x2030, facts aren&#039;t racist 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew that's some pretty terrible math fampai. See pic related.

>Nothing you posted actually retorted what you replied to

give an example

>> No.2614671

>still posting /pol/ stock images
>still won't read books
This is why millennials are a joke.

>> No.2614672
File: 20 KB, 816x199, facts aren&#039;t racist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, wrong pic

>> No.2614674

refer to

Not a stock image, promise

>> No.2614678

>You can read wikipedia articles all you want
>goes on to post >>2614672
Nice. I already knew you were a moron, but thanks for confirming.

>> No.2614680

I never discredited that act of reading wikipedia articles, just the inability to comprehend the provided info and turn it into a valid retort.

>> No.2614686

>turn it into a valid retort.
Which you have yet to do, nor can you do. So it's time to shut up and draw anon.

>> No.2614688


>Post a pic of white people getting shot by the cops more but ignores the population rate.
>Pot pic that adds the population rate only when it shows white people being victims.

>Ignores why he helps in blaming around 40million black Americans for what less than 1% do a year.
>Says wiki is incredible bullshit.
>Post wiki info cause it helps his rhetoric.
>Everything's fair, it's all bullshit.
>Post statements claiming white people are the one' being mistreated so it's only unfair if you can portray white people as victims.

Does your biased bullshit know no bounds?

>> No.2614689


>12% of population
>27% of arrests
>37% of arrests for violent crime


>> No.2614696

>>2614689 see >>2614629
Read a book, you worthless millennial.

>> No.2614698

>counts total population numbers that includes every man woman and child as if that makes any fuckin' sense whatsoever, especially when considering the percentage of people killed by cops, especially the 100~ "controversial ones" exclusively compared to the tens of millions of people in the white and black communities respectively isn't dick to begin with

Convincing black people (and white people) that black people are being hunted like dogs by the police is not only factually wrong, it's fucking immoral.

>> No.2614699 [DELETED] 

Let me try and simplify it for you


>blacks commit 52% of all crime in America
>yet they are much less likely to be shot by a cop than a black person
>somehow you still believe that the system has a shooting bias against blacks

stay deluded

>> No.2614704

Let me try and simplify it for you


>blacks commit 52% of all crime in America
>yet they are much less likely to be shot by a cop than a white person
>somehow you still believe that the system has a shooting bias against blacks

stay deluded

>> No.2614706

>>2614699 see >>2614696

>> No.2614707

Not an argument

>> No.2614710
File: 23 KB, 276x366, 2932347834782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to waist my time arguing with a moron who can't even be bothered to educate himself and read books.

>> No.2614713


You can't read statistics away, fampai.

>> No.2614714

>read books
Those would be sociology books. Everyone knows sociologists are full of shit. Garbage profession of nutjobs, just like psychiatry.

>> No.2614719

And art.

>> No.2614726

>implying statistics ever tell the full story
Are you a feminist too?

>> No.2614731

>muh feelings

What statistics tell me is that blacks commit over half of all crime in America but are still shot way less often than whites by cops. I don't know how you could interpret it any other way.

>> No.2614737

Statistics are malleable and never give full context. That's why feminists love using them. You're just like them. You're on the "muh feelings" bullshit and you refuse to actually fucking read documentary books on the subject. kys familia.

>> No.2614743

>That's why feminists love using them

When feminists give out statistics like "women only earn 77 cents for every dollar a man makes", anyone could immediately counter with the factual statement "that statistic accounts for total income of all men and women throughout all professions", and the statistic "women generally take more time off of work for maternity leave and do less risky work", in which case their entire argument falls to pieces. That's the beautiful thing about debating, no matter how uneducated that other person is, you can prove them wrong if you have the appropriate knowledge. I have yet to see you offer any kind of rebuttal similar to this other than "read a book faggot".

>> No.2614749

>anyone could immediately counter with the factual statement
So you cite government sponsored statistics from a government with documented corruption throughout it's entire history? Yes, that makes a shit load of sense senpai. You're actually mentally retarded.

>> No.2614753
File: 237 KB, 950x942, 2gsprih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, statistics don't tell the whole story here, either:

Hispanics who make up 17% of the population and are not white, are nonetheless hidden away in the white category in arrest rates statistics, but they are included as a victim class in police shootings. So you've been led even further astray than you think.

>> No.2614756

See, now instead of trying to bend statistics to suit your worldview, you're just outright resorting to conspiracy theories to dismiss statistical info that you don't like. You're actually worse than /pol/tards in this regard. When a /pol/ack is presented with the info "over half of all chess champions are jews", he might respond with "makes sense, jews love to control pawns". But you're not even trying.

>> No.2614761

>government corruption is conspiracy
Maximum kek. How is it conspiracy when the shit is documented? You're seriously mentally challenged, just like the rest of /pol/.

>> No.2614762
File: 2.85 MB, 445x247, kekingcunts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hispanic is a race

>> No.2614772

I don't deny that the government lies. However, the amount of people that would need to be kept quiet to skew the statistics in a government census and the amount of non-existing government efficiency needed to keep it unfalsifiable to accountable amounts of much more efficient opposing factions is so unbelievably impossible to keep under wraps and so unequal to the supposed reward of "keeping the black folk down" that you would legitimately have to be either retarded or suffering from extreme insecurities about your race to actually believe it.

>> No.2614774

*uncountable amounts

>> No.2614778

>I don't deny that the government lies
You clearly do when it's not convenient to the narrative you want to believe. So it's pointless to even have any kind of discussion with you. You're willfully ignorant. Hence why you don't fucking read books.

>> No.2614781
File: 2.53 MB, 200x200, RRFDRDTC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black people? Half statistics! It's all them, not us!
>Feminist statistics in rape and wage gap? Propaganda! Your stats are false mine are the only one's that are real.
>Global warming evidence? Lies, yesterday was cold.
> Documented centuries and modern cases of racial oppression? Yesterday my friend got robbed by some blacks, we're the victims now!
> Not all cops white people for a "few" "lone wolf" "bad apples", I saw a black guy on the news earlier. Why won't they all stop committing crime!?
>Government stats are final, Yes the Government lies but stats that don't suit my agenda is propaganda!

>> No.2614785

Holy kek. This is you throughout the whole thread:

>statistics show that cops have a shooting bias towards blacks
>oh wait that's wrong?
>statistics can be interpreted in many different ways
>What's my interpretation? Uh....
>the statistics are lies
>read a book

>> No.2614789

refer to

>> No.2614792

>gets called out on bullshit circular logic
>n-no u

kys senpai

>> No.2614793

That's not me fool.

I'm the guy who you keep dodging or trie to deflect with random statements that don't pertain to the debate.

Reminder this whole shitstorm started because some poltard got triggered by the word black.

>> No.2614805

>circular logic

prove it.


Ok, let me respond bit by bit.

>Black people? Half statistics! It's all them, not us!

This statement doesn't make sense. Reformat and try again.

>Feminist statistics in rape and wage gap? Propaganda! Your stats are false mine are the only one's that are real.

Strawman. Never said that the statistics were lies, the fact that women as a whole earn 77% of what men as a whole learn is just that, a fact. What is a lie is that way feminists try to interpret it, so I used it as an example of an argument that can be easily debunked with proper info for the purpose of showing that "read a book" is not argument.

>Global warming evidence? Lies, yesterday was cold.

Stop strawmanning, nobody is talking about global warming.

>Documented centuries and modern cases of racial oppression?

Cherry-picking "cases" does not debunk statistics.

>Yesterday my friend got robbed by some blacks, we're the victims now!

Strawman. Again.

>Not all cops white people for a "few" "lone wolf" "bad apples", I saw a black guy on the news earlier. Why won't they all stop committing crime!?
Again, more strawmen.

>Government stats are final, Yes the Government lies but stats that don't suit my agenda is propaganda!

The government lies about what it can get away with, like using ambiguity and tiny in the language of the law. That doesn't mean that they're hiding lizard people in their closets or completely erasing easily confirmable/falsifiable census reports.

>> No.2614807

and tiny loopholes

>> No.2614810

Are you racist?

>> No.2614813

>he continues to post pretending he actually has counter points
>implying anyone said anything about lizard people or believes the retarded bullshit Alex Jones spews
You never add to the discussion, why are you still posting?

>> No.2614814

Failing to conform to your echo-chamber mentality doesn't mean that I don't have counter-points. I again ask you to show where I "deflected" from the central issue.

>> No.2614825

>Failing to conform to your echo-chamber mentality doesn't mean that I don't have counter-points.
I never said this, you just literally never have counter points. Government corruption and it's sponsored disenfranchisement of a group of people throughout it's entire history throws your worldview (that's based on the statistics by said corrupted government) into the trash. You have no counter point other than "I'm going to completely ignore said government corruption pertaining to THIS topic". So you ultimately have nothing to say

>> No.2614834

>Bringing up random third-world countries to justify issues in the USA when the topic doesn't pertain to them is fair game.

>but omeone bringing up the fallacies of logic and hypocrisy by like-minded individuals like yourself of the same or similar political spectrum is strawman.

>Huge parts of US history that lasted generations is cherry picking.

> Can't debunk so randomly talks about lizard people to make the evidence of someone's claims appear childish because they can't bring themselves to converse on their level past posting stormfront memes.

Kek, you're pathetic.

>> No.2614836 [DELETED] 

Hispanic is a misnomer, yes. What's your point? 90% or more of american hispanics are not white, including them (as well as "north africans) in the white category of offenders but including them as a victim class is disingenuous sleight of hand.

>> No.2614841

Hispanic is a misnomer, yes. What's your point? 90% or more of american hispanics are not white, including them (as well as "north africans) in the white category of offenders but excluding them from whites as a victim class is disingenuous sleight of hand.

>> No.2614844

>tfw nigger-worshipping white cucks and mentally challenged stormfags will never vanish from this place

just end it fampaitaichi

>> No.2614847

meant for

>> No.2614857

>you just literally never have counter points

show one instance where I failed to use counterpoints.

> Government corruption and it's sponsored disenfranchisement of a group of people throughout it's entire history throws your worldview (that's based on the statistics by said corrupted government) into the trash.

Except that it doesn't, if you would actually read what I posted you would know this. The government lies about what it can get away with the majority of the time, like unfalsifiable historical details or vague concepts like "keeping order". However, as an example, it is reasonable to believe that 2 + 2 = 4 even though the public education system has you believe that this is true, because this is an easily confirmable/falsifiable fact. It's also ok to trust C-SPAN when it tells you which congressman voted for which bill even though it's sponsored by the government, because independent research could easily falsify or confirm that information. This same logic also applies to census reports, which could be easily falsified or confirmed through independent research. The fact that I have to explain all this to you shows how absolutely insane you are.

>Bringing up random third-world countries to justify issues in the USA when the topic doesn't pertain to them is fair game.

That wasn't me. All I said was that I believed that the point of that post was to show that blacks aren't being mistreated in the US or Europe nearly as bad as they are in their own countries which devolved into a separate argument.

>but omeone bringing up the fallacies of logic and hypocrisy by like-minded individuals like yourself of the same or similar political spectrum is strawman.

It literally is. You have no knowledge of my political allegiance so you're making one up, that's strawmanning.


>> No.2614865

>Huge parts of US history that lasted generations is cherry picking.

We're not talking about history though, we're talking about the current day, and you have completely failed to prove that blacks are being unjustly targeted in the current day other than cherrypicking supposed "cases".

>Can't debunk so randomly talks about lizard people

But I did debunk it, and used lizard people as a comparison of your retardation for believing it.

>> No.2614876

>The government lies about what it can get away with the majority of the time, like unfalsifiable historical details or vague concepts like "keeping order". However, as an example, it is reasonable to believe that 2 + 2 = 4 even though the public education system has you believe that this is true, because this is an easily confirmable/falsifiable fact.

We aren't talking mere math you retard. We are talking about what the state and it's corrupted government does, gets away with, and count as "criminal". History speaks for itself. Seriously, read fucking books. I can't stress it enough because the documentation is all there, but you REFUSE to educate yourself and keep pointing to retarded statistics sponsored by a corrupted government that was built of the very foundation of white supremacy in the first place. You're retarded enough to think that magically changed. As if that corruption pertaining to that vanished (news flash, it never did) and has no effect on the data gathered when they are the ones defining what is or isn't criminal. You are want to remain ignorant. This is why arguing with you is pointless. You're insane.

>> No.2614886

No fampai, you are insane Your entire post is just "muh feels" and "muh slavery". Every single step of the U.S. census is extremely well documented and confirmed by a post-enumeration survey. You can investigate any part of it that seems suspicious to you OR EVEN conduct your own independent census. There is no excuse for being this delusional.

>> No.2614892

>What is war on drugs.
>Why are there more black people in prison for weed when white people use it at the same rate.
>Why are half of people falsely accused black.
>What are all of these videos of cops expressing obvious biased and or racist shit.
>What is the point of racist posting false and negative stats of black people if you don't want others to unjustly prejudge them.
>Why is every time some black family are upset about someone they love getting wrongly killed are told they can't complain because some random black guy shoots another random black guy.

It'll keep happening, more cases and more info will come out debunking your shit then you're gonna call it propaganda and ignore it.

>Thinks everything about racism and racial tension is simply slavery.

>> No.2614898

Can somebody please nuke America already?

>> No.2614900
File: 20 KB, 600x350, facts aren&#039;t racist 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is war on drugs.
A failed attempt at ending public hysteria
>Why are there more black people in prison for weed when white people use it at the same rate.
White people do their best to not get caught while being a criminal is part of black culture
>Why are half of people falsely accused black
Because over half of all crime is committed by blacks
>What are all of these videos of cops expressing obvious biased and or racist shit.
Cops are human, some humans are racists. You're trying to cherry pick to disprove statistics.
>What is the point of racist posting false and negative stats of black people if you don't want others to unjustly prejudge them.
Because A) you're wrong, and B) your retarded mindset is getting cops murdered
>Why is every time some black family are upset about someone they love getting wrongly killed are told they can't complain because some random black guy shoots another random black guy.
Because pic related has been the norm for decades and all that you care about is blaming cops for some mythical cop-inflicted genocide.

>> No.2614901


>> No.2614906

>n-no u
Maximum kek. People like you are what make the millennial generation a joke. Keep refusing to actually read books and keep ignoring the documented facts in those books because of "muh feels" and "muh world view. You're pathetic familia.

>> No.2614908

Cool shitpost, famalamadingdong.

>> No.2614910

A reset button is needed for this entire planet.

>> No.2614911
File: 41 KB, 500x365, warnabrother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sparse anecdotes of black individuals being abused by individual police officers in a continent-sized nation of 330 million people prove that there is a bias against blacks by a uniformly white police force

>the government arrests black people for violent crimes, primarily against other blacks to 'keep a brotha down.'

>american society is so 'anti-black' that black crime rates are largely unknown to the public at large and would even be considered racist to bring up in polite society to provide context to an argument

>the american government is so 'anti-black' that the president and many other public figures have come out to legitimize the media-created perception that black people are being hunted down like dogs by the police based on these aforementioned sparse anecdotes

>2.43 million blacks arrested
>barely over 300 killed by police, even including ones that were armed and/or otherwise attacking an officer
>tons of articles are being written as we speak about how black people are terrified of going outside now because the police will kill them



>> No.2614916

Your shitposting needs work m8.

>> No.2614921
File: 44 KB, 321x500, 518lS5g5o9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't say anything substantive in this entire thread to me or the other people shit talking you except "read a book (what book?)" and "you're insane"

Here's a book for you, family man

By the way, blacks kill more blacks in one year than whites killed in 80 years of extrajudicial violence lmoa


>The Tuskegee Institute has recorded 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites being lynched between 1882 and 1968, with the annual peak occurring in the 1890


>> No.2614923

>I'll just call it the war on drugs something it wasn't!
>Whites are just too great at smoking pot so they're never caught!
> Don't give me the supposed cases I mocked or you're cherry picking!
> N-no you're wrong! The term BLM is wrong and racist but Copslivesmatter is perfectly fine!
> I wouldn't be pissed if a cop wrongfully shot my dad or brother and told me to just except it because whites kill whites over 80% of the time!


All racist feelings and biased opinions.

>> No.2614928


All strawman arguments

>> No.2614929

self proclaimed oreo here

from my life expirenece i have come to see that the sterotypical ''ghetto acting'' black people tend not to ''click'' with me. interests are generaly not in sync (example; i love art in all forms, including anime which already comes with it's own social stigma. the most i could talk with a ''sterotypicaly ghetto'' black person about art is rap and dragon ball z)
but i get along fine with other ''black people who act white''
>tfw your black but have no black friends

''ghetto acting'' black people just label me as an oreo and moved on

white people on the other hand have gone out of there way to point out how ''white'' i am throughout my life to the point were i would get a bit angry when it was brung up. it wasn't THAT often but often enough. at least the blacks had the decency to just keep there shit in their heads and judge me silently, i had to literaly sit done and think about the logistics and ramifications of race a couple times because of how much whites would say ''i'm not a real black person''
but then i went through this>>2614238
and got over it, you can't let people push you done with blind subjectivety

i have seen plenty of ghetto acting black people with 100% white acting friends and acquaintances. the reason they ''shunned'' ME was because i was ''wierd''. in their heads black people act black and white people act white; i was a black person who acted ''white'' and that set of some uncanny valley type shit in there minds, as if they heard a cat barking, or if Iggy Azalea actually made a decent rap song for once in her life

but dude, your need to chill wit that lite kkk propaganda, black people aren't evil

>> No.2614939

You're trying way too hard to pretend to be black with this posting style. I can't tell who is shitposting who anymore.

>> No.2614941
File: 1.99 MB, 540x304, Your&#039;re boring.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /pol/ scouts can't help but show their true colors

i'm not surprised, it's in your dna

>> No.2614946

Not everyone who is sick of nigger shit is a /pol/ack. You can stop role-playing a nazi hunter at any time.

>> No.2614950

>he's still siting Wikipedia
>he thinks all Europeans were originally classified as white
>he refuses to note how those "whites" were classified as non-white at the time they were lynched. Only to later be classified as white when the home country of that group of people were about to step in for what America did to their people.
Fucking millennials. Yes, keep citing Wikipedia you dumbfuck.

>> No.2614954

I grew up in the suburbs most of my life and was called oreo by a lot of people. I had white people saying I'm not really black all the fucking time. The moment I was able to move out into city life and meet other black people I felt right at home. Fuck off. Suburban life is boring as shit. I don't miss it or the white people there.

>> No.2614957

I bet you'd feel even more at home in a black country

>> No.2614962

>tells me to stop roleplaying as nazi hunter
>you blatantly roleplay as a doubleagent

pro-tip;no one ever in the history of the universe as ever made a benign and noteworthy change to someones way of thinking and behavior by calling them a nigger-worshiper/mentally challenged

are you here to reason or has /pol/ sent you on a suicide mission?

>> No.2614963

>I bet you'd feel even more at home in a black country

Not him but this comes to the point I made earlier; true black people would eat US blacks alive like a wild pigeon in a chicken coup. A race of dogs that don't get along.

>> No.2614966
File: 1.98 MB, 441x298, 250eef68e4a75f8a20a647499a92b4f633383ba4_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about successful black artist.

>Racist enter the scene to randomly bitch about black criminals, and cry victimhood.

Poltards and Stormfags utterly triggered when the word black is mentioned turning /ic/ into a high traffic popular board, but yea racial tension is caused by black people....uhuh.

>> No.2614967
File: 21 KB, 335x366, reaction well said.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, whats with the hostility, i'm just giving you my personal experience. yours is just as valid as mine kuro-kun, wish my life path was as fortunate as yours

>> No.2614969

>true black people
Kinda like how the true white people used to lynch the Italians on US soil?

>> No.2614970

>are you here to reason or has /pol/ sent you on a suicide mission?

Neither because that poster wasn't me, I'm just bored. I should probably be drawing but the same could be said for everybody in this shitshow of a thread including you.

>> No.2614973

What's that got to do with anything?

>> No.2614975
File: 73 KB, 960x600, 555-CON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what peole say i'm not a real black person
>black people say i act white
>you say real black people would chw up and spit out USA blacks
>meanwhile i've been waiting all my life for someone to pretty please describe to me what a ''Real Black Person'' is

>mfw i know i'm never going to get that definition

>> No.2614977

i ment white people not what people

>> No.2614978

Not him but.

You lost that right when you admit there are different experiences than yours but spread your story as if it's the standard experience with generalizing.

Your story gives the impression people should have negative assumptions about you if they don't know you even thought you see yourself as an individual.

It's the basic "I'm not one of them" tale, which hurts you and your loved one's as well.
Preach that shit to your family and see if they agree with you on the matter.

>> No.2614980
File: 49 KB, 456x376, le basketball face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'll cite a $50,000 a year law university instead


>According to the Tuskegee Institute figures, between the years 1882 and 1951, 4,730 people were lynched in the United States: 3,437 Negro and 1,293 white. 3 The largest number of lynchings occurred in 1892. Of the 230 persons lynched that year, 161 were Negroes and sixty-nine whites.

>he refuses to note how those "whites" were classified as non-white at the time they were lynched.


Okay so if we added these supposed non-white whites into the total of lynched individuals over an 80 year period, most of whom were convicted of brutal crimes like rape and murder with few anecdotes to the contrary I might add, I guess slightly more people were killed via extrajudicial violence in 80 years than are killed in a single year by blacks today.

By the way, just because people shit on Irish or Italian immigrants that doesn't mean they weren't considered white. It just means they were considered sub-human

>which they are


>> No.2614982

>pretending that double agents don't have allies on the same mission

>> No.2614984

refer to>>2614946

>> No.2614985

>All acts of violence by blacks against whites are commited by blacks!
>Holy shit and all the victims are white!
>How can you tell they're being oppressed if all white victims of black violence are white?

>> No.2614987

Information that hurts your agenda

>Muh cherry picking, m-muh red herring, muh strawman

So many deflect words to escape what you can't debunk.

>> No.2614989

refer to

>> No.2614990

was the story a bit melodramatic? of course, it's a habit i should break. was i trying to spread propaganda? hell no, ive had great white friends and black friends, the story sounds like i'm over generalizing because that's what i did, not for a sob story but because Stephen king is my uncle and therefore i have gained his amazing /lit/ skills. I MUST INVOKE DRAMA IT'S IN MY BLOOD

>> No.2614991

>By the way, just because people shit on Irish or Italian immigrants that doesn't mean they weren't considered white
But they literally weren't. They were classified as non-white. If you actually fucking read books you would know this. Again, you're a moron and your stance is just falling apart at this point. Eat shit m8.

>> No.2614992
File: 211 KB, 746x715, more to life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i even get the ''your not a real black person'' treatment on 4chan

well fuuuuuuuuuck me

>> No.2614993

Not him but how is the classification of Italians as non-white in the past relevant to the topic of modern day black oppression?

>> No.2614994

refer to >>2614928

>> No.2614995

This is why race mixing is bad, it leads to identity crises.

>> No.2615002

>tfw i'm 100%

your attempt to troll me is blatantly lame and yet i still feel potently trolled (plus i even managed to through in a dash of /pol/ propaganda, nice job but you need to try harder)

>> No.2615005

>oh, i ment 100% black

>> No.2615007
File: 139 KB, 960x877, 1453880067480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a shit thread finally hits bump limit

>> No.2615009

I'm not trolling, that was actually my first reply to you. I'm honestly saying that your ethnic-based identity crisis is the result of irresponsible parents who have no qualms about tossing out lineage from both sides.

>> No.2615010
File: 142 KB, 828x974, ztaJYc7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every racist shit that has to ruin every thread about black people.

>> No.2615011

>Thread is finally autosagging
Thank fucking god

It's not, but it's relevant to his inability to make a solid argument on the matter because he doesn't know a damn thing about the government who's statistics he takes as absolute fact despite the clear corruption that's been documented on how it loves treating it's non-whites like shit throughout history. The very construct of white supremacy and race is a red herring but that doesn't stop it from being the foundation of America. That's partly why the country is shit.

>> No.2615012
File: 158 KB, 1600x900, le inquisitive negro face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irish or Italians being treated as second-class citizens has literally nothing to do with the tangent I'd brought up, though. You're acting like I included the white totals as part of some sinister agenda, when the fact that even including them as black in the way latinos are included in the white total today wouldn't have changed the point of what I'd said in the slightest.

That point being:

Black people kill more black people in one year than white people killed in "lynchings" (the "specter" of which are still brought up as relevant today) in 80 years.

>> No.2615013

>censor bars
>imgur filename

b8 harder

>> No.2615015

>your propaganda
>but asian and hispanic and any other race of kids can act ''white'' and no one gives a fuck


>> No.2615016

>the foundation of America
>implying everything is made of cotton

>> No.2615020

I don't understand your post at all desu

>> No.2615027

Not that fucking hard to grasp.

Black people that don't use full slang and isn't a human sitcom get's told:
Why do you speak so white?
You're not really a black person.
You're not a REAL black person.
Wow you speak so well!
You don't act like other black people.
Why don't you use slang?
You're not as scary as other black people.
No offense, you're different.

Most I've seen Asian or Latino people get if it's not blatant racist stereotypes is surprise that they don't have an accent.
No one ask an Asian what doesn't he talk like a Japanese delinquent or ask a Latino man why he doesn't talk like a cholo gangster.
No one feels compelled to give them a little congrats for not using slang.

>> No.2615032

With Asians, it's never direct. It's always backhanded or behind their backs. But the ridicule does happen. You're full of shit m8.

>> No.2615061

Same could be said about whites or literally any group of any kind. Quit being a bitch.

>> No.2615063

>stance is falling apart
>because some barely coherent ingrate thinks that denial, moving goalposts and referencing books he refuses to specify the names of when he justifies his delusion, denial and persecution complex constitutes an argument


>> No.2615070
File: 406 KB, 744x416, face the facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actulay no, your full of shit. you single out ''asians'' as a cop ot because what your saying MIGHT be true for them but you interestingly ignore how all the other races never get that treatment

>dude, just quit it. you're never going to get your segregation of races utopia

fun fact; because of japans declining birth rates they are forced to immport legal immigrants to help fill in for the adults that SHOULD have been born. in other words, the poster child for the ''race mixing is evilz'' sentiment has to race mix to survive

>> No.2615074

>you interestingly ignore how all the other races never get that treatment
But they do. You're just lying and hope it sticks.

>> No.2615075

Japan is not in any danger of underpopulation. In fact, that little island is so densely populated that mass depopulation is literally the smartest thing that they can do. It's only presented as a legitimate issue because liberals need some sort of criticism of Japan's policy of ethnic hemogeny to put a smoke screen over the economic and cultural powerhouse that is Japan.

>> No.2615077



>> No.2615080

Nice meme senpai

>> No.2615082


>> No.2615085

''muh liberals'' boogieman


>> No.2615087

But in all seriousness, Japan has been homogeneous for thousands of years, thinking it's suddenly going to cause underpopulation when the country is at its peak of overpopulation is ridiculous

>> No.2615088

Knew someone would post this. Replace liberals with "open borders believers"

>> No.2615095

yeah yeah, lets be serious. so...
r we gunna talk about how japan citizens has to buy more adult diapers then baby ones because there are more old people than young ones? you can't just blame liberals for everything dude, the japs aren't making babies yet they have one of the highest life expectancy rates. do the math

>fair enough

>> No.2615099

>but they do

[citation need]

>you're just lieing and hoping it sticks
>wtf you're the one who is lieing, stop promoting ''muh race mixing is evil''

okay, i know your not from /pol but i know that if you really want people to agree with your particular sentiments you should probably spend more time there than here tbqh

>> No.2615101

That is a result of a very dense population in a very well educated area. Japs have less babies because there's less resources to go around and much greater competition. When the population evens out, so will the economy, allowing for more mouths to feed. The answer is not to INCREASE the population by making the natives compete with foreigners that breed like rabbits. They've been doing just fine for thousands of years without turning into India, where everyone fucks like mad no matter how bad the social and economic landscape is.

>> No.2615109
File: 49 KB, 500x375, no cause.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2615111

I'm sorry f@m I'm just very protective of the purity of nippon qts

>> No.2615236

Reminder that immigration is redundant in 2016


>> No.2615487

this is good, nice job with this find anon