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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 66 KB, 600x600, 1468217877607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2601535 No.2601535 [Reply] [Original]

How do I achieve god tier lineart like Inoue Kiyoshirou
What is it that makes his work look so loosely done yet well put together?

>> No.2601550

Just hold out and keep asking and the perfect technique will be bestowed upon you.

But the real answer is mileage, you knew that though.

>> No.2601559

Stop being a lazy fuck, do studies, and practice line weight.

PS: No one really cares how much you gush over some random japanese smut artist.

>> No.2601571

>loosely done yet well put together?

as lord vilppu put it: it takes a lot of effort to make something look effortless

>> No.2601574

There is technique to art, little principles as to what makes things look good, for example exaggerating your sketches because lineart will stiffen it.

>> No.2601576

Anime smut is the highest form of art

>> No.2601582

If you're an autistic sexually repressed virgin, sure.

>> No.2601597

>he isnt autistic, sexually repressed, or a virgin
Then why be an artist posting on a Mongolian horse milking website instead of a football player or doctor like all the other normies?

>> No.2601631


>> No.2601681

Perfectionism. I once worked 16 hours on a single line drawing. I just couldn't let it go, because I was so obsessed with getting perfect lines everywhere.

>> No.2601914

kek. That is the polar opposite of how japanese artists work. They have insane deadlines where they can't afford to waste any time at all obsessing over a single drawing when they have like 15+ pages to finish per week. Which leads to them usually developing a very confident, accurate yet loose inking style

>> No.2601926


Weebs have no idea how strenuous the life of a mangaka is when you work with a publisher and actually want to make a living off of it.

>> No.2601951

Im pretty close already

>> No.2602101

mmmm, bait

>> No.2602102

draw comic books for 5-10 years, for at least 8 hours a day. there, problem solved.
now stop asking retarded questions please.

>> No.2602117

Mmmm, jelly

>> No.2602119

mmmm, dunning kruger

>> No.2602144

Mmmm, projecting

>> No.2602149


>> No.2602153
File: 333 KB, 850x1206, __drawn_by_inoue_kiyoshirou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is great, post MOAR
I can barely find stuff on him online
stop taking the bait you fucking retard

>> No.2602166
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1468480096514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being impressed by anime drawings

>> No.2602168

kek you're not. i bet you're not even close to me.

get rekt nerd

>> No.2602173
File: 150 KB, 726x1061, __cynthia_lane_overman_king_gainer_drawn_by_inoue_kiyoshirou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2602175
File: 320 KB, 877x1250, p0047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy is insanely good

>> No.2602178
File: 3.19 MB, 6022x8542, 1461961653097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we ants?

>> No.2602182

Where is the light coming from?

>> No.2602183

From the light source.

>> No.2602186


>> No.2602198


>> No.2602202


>> No.2602249

>when you're trying to pee but only poop comes out

>> No.2602256

mmmm, even more bait
soooo good

>> No.2602260

>being unable to tell that somebody is truly a master even though they draw anime
>being this much of a retarded scrub

>> No.2602294

>No twintails aka best girl

>> No.2602303

>truly a master
>they draw anime

chose 1

>> No.2602312
File: 2.95 MB, 390x357, 1468448593937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602339

if you think OP image has impressive lineart you have a long way to go

>> No.2602340

>truly a master
>not drawing everything

Not. Gonna. Make. It.

>> No.2602350

when I'll reach that kind of skill I'll be where I always wanted to be.
no I'm not interested in realism or painting. I'm interested in dynamic stylized comics. that's all that matters to me.
I guess I'll reach my goal sooner than you or something.

>> No.2602353

stop being so butthurt that someone that draws anime is that much better than you. your dumb elitism won't help you git gud as kiyoshirou any time soon. instead try to learn from someone that really know what they are doing.

>> No.2602369

He's old work is better it's most badass thing ever saw

>> No.2602371

ITT: Autism the thread.

Kiyoshirou doesn't have shit on Yoh Yoshinari. You faggots have terrible taste. Animation is the highest form of art. Hentai art is for sex deprived degenerates. Kiyoshirou's work isn't even close to impressive compared to Yoshinari.

>> No.2602378

>fat on the back of the rib cage
0/10 dropped

>> No.2602382

Enough of your gook cocking sucking. Yoh doesn't hold a fucking candle to Glen Keane. Anime is the lowest form of animation.

>> No.2602385

Check the 'overflow' in 1999

>> No.2602392

>doesnt know the teres major and minor

>> No.2602400

what kind of retarded argument is this, captain autismo? of course there are better artists than him. newsflash, there are also better artists than Yoshinari. what a fucking joke.

>> No.2602512

theres something about the way Inoue draws vagoos that works really well

whenever I draw them they just look gross t b h

>> No.2602515

>Art Medium determines how good you are
you fucks are the worst. Its like being some fedora tipper on reddit and saying Michelangelo was shit because he helped the church

>> No.2602545
File: 148 KB, 500x730, 1468347835943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than me

>> No.2602672

>such butthur

>> No.2602817

the opposite

>> No.2602832

Either that or we're all manlets

>> No.2603261
File: 440 KB, 1010x1530, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Wife was one of Kiyoshiros best works in lineart and gesture

>> No.2603314

Only thing I can suggest for long lines is to work only from the shoulder and elbow. Keep your wrist stiff.
Another think would be to practice lines for their own sake - fill out 5-10 pages with long flowy lines, circles, straight lines, hatching etc.
Watch brush and pen inking videos.

>> No.2603316

Forgot to say that the 5-10 pages should be before every drawing session.

>> No.2603514

No one does this. It's a waste of time

>> No.2603521


Bahi is better

>> No.2603527


>> No.2603659


>> No.2603665

Is it really?

>> No.2603717

post your work

>> No.2603719


>> No.2603759

cant even see what the fuck is going on yhou cant be serious

>> No.2603770


The realist faggots only care because so many people don't care for realim anymore so it gives them a feeling of superiority for being so interested in a static and snoozing art.

Not saying you shouldn't learn things like proper anatomy and the foundations of a good drawing, that should be a given, but no one cares if you can't or won't draw like a renaissance artist.
That's not the mark of an amazing artist, that's just preference.

>> No.2603977

Clearly looks like some animu chick getting fucked.

>> No.2604072

the level of scrub in you is astonishing

>> No.2604140

ever think the good ones get good before they jump into mangaka life?

>> No.2604152

This is almost never the case.
When you compare a good number of long running series from it's starting point to it's current point, the art is almost always mediocre to ok in the beginning and gradually gets better, more sleek, and confident as the series goes on.

>> No.2604167
File: 1.43 MB, 2097x2961, 1463890900454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get good before they jump into mangaka life
They get fast, anon, not good
gitting good comes later

>> No.2604173


He didn't get good. He just started photobashing backgrounds and patterns.

>> No.2604191
File: 468 KB, 616x1127, 145261455076950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you say that to this hunky exorcist

>> No.2604196

My post got deleted? wat

>> No.2604431

so in order to draw just like my japanese animes I need to rush the shit out of my art until I get good at it 15 years later?

>> No.2604432

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.2604436

>those different width lines

is the artist using a marker??

>> No.2604444
File: 492 KB, 1055x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 2 be inoue kiyoshirou
>have quick but controlled brush linework
>use really dynamic perspective and poses
>lots of rape and chubby chicks
>make your panels really confusing with too much going on and action lines everywhere

>> No.2604449

>make your panels really confusing with too much going on and action lines everywhere

This is the part of his work that I find obnoxious as hell.

>> No.2604453
File: 715 KB, 1088x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It adds to his dynamism in away but can also look offputting
Maybe if he didnt do it on every page

>> No.2604459

Oh it also fun to notice almost all of his panels use diagonal lines

>> No.2604714


>> No.2604717

Well, it works for me.

>> No.2604779


>> No.2605136

uhhhhhh.... nice baito m8o?

>> No.2605139
File: 54 KB, 640x395, red_kangaroo_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you bro

>> No.2605190

shamefully simple analysis for a quads post. commit sudoku immediately.

>> No.2605270

Its simple yet its true.
If you look at Kiyoshirous work without his inking style and panel tricks, it looks like any other generic animu artist

>> No.2605322
File: 150 KB, 868x1234, inoue_koyoshirou_black_market_065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His older work is better.
He took a break (or didn't draw porn) for a while and when he came back all his face were post-Keion uguu faces, flat even for animu.

His line work improved but his face became worse, though I guess he is just following market trends.

>> No.2605556

I really don't find those shiny bug eyes preferable to the ones he draws now. Or the way the body just seems... empty, in comparison to those he does now. It looks like it was drawn in the ninties. Opinions though.

>> No.2605604

it's amazing how bad you understand dynamic stylization. his old stuff was stiff and had a lot less life to it. even the faces which are basically copies of Katsura's.

>> No.2605643

Katsura >>>>>>> modern uguu face

At least he had facial structure.
As improved he now it feels like a nebulous blank toon face attached to gorgeous figure art.

>> No.2605679

Less is more. Dynamism isn't dynamic when you see it all the fucking time in every page. He needs to learn moderation otherwise, it's easy to get bored of his work. That's the main thing that always bugged me about his work, aside from his stylization and lack of facial features on his girls.

>> No.2605681


yeah okay andre

>> No.2605682

>his face became worse

His stylization for faces just followed the anime trend, which got worse. Modern anime faces are fucking retarded compared to the stylizations used in the past.

>> No.2605707

he means tracing

>> No.2605780

it's all about him trying to find his own unique style and being trendy.
even though he is stylizing the faces much more, it is obvious how much better his perspective and gesture are on the faces as well. if you can't tell this I have some bad news for you, anon.

>> No.2605791
File: 127 KB, 509x246, Dat face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss his badass male face anyway

>> No.2605806


Is there anything more annoying than the jap shit where they won't show the genitals? Get a grip, Japan, it's the current year.

>> No.2605829
File: 416 KB, 1200x1693, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would rather have modern animu faces in porn than uncanny valley as fuck ones like that.

Older anime styles work good for actual shows, but suck for porn. In contrast modern anime is good for porn but cant be used in anything besides the generic run of the mill Highschool girl show

Also speaking of style here is Kiyoshirous work without all the dynamism. Notice how you cant tell it apart from any other animu porn

Overdone as fuck dynamism is basically his trademark

>> No.2605901
File: 668 KB, 1400x2000, 1e30741cd3b6994baf44bb8458e918af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i would rather have modern animu faces in porn than uncanny valley as fuck ones like that.
Modern animu faces are obnoxious, flat, and lazy. It's not good for porn. It's not good for anything but animation due to it being easier to animate.
Sounds more like a gimmick. And it gets old fast.

>> No.2605931
File: 76 KB, 600x714, 1461954535226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk man I think the faces in that pic look strange, especially for a simple cartoon drawing, which is all anime really is

for example, do you want to see the faces above in porn or the ones below? Im sure Star is more attractive than Dan Backslide

>> No.2605938

Most old cartoon girl designs were hotter than the newer ones tbqh.

>> No.2605939
File: 454 KB, 886x756, 1468701199520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly dont see a difference in those panels aside from stylization

Pretty obvious the artist just learned to do more with less time, not ignore the fundies and wait for them to come later

>> No.2605940

>Older anime styles work good for actual shows, but suck for porn.
Shit opinions of the decade, famalam.

But I guess you prefer to jack off to literal babby faces.

>> No.2605942

>think myself a huge weeb
>drawfag on /a/
>everything I draw these fags complain of manjaw
>why are you drawing a dude, that's not cute

>> No.2605947

>a young girl is more hotter than a green old villein dude
No fucking shit senpai

>> No.2605987
File: 251 KB, 1200x1200, 461867_273970719362966_1686342693_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of those old cartoon drawings are good drawings, but they are not appealing at all.

I'll take one of the endless Stephen Silver/Glen Keane ripoffs over those any day. Those old cartoons are oddly horrifying imo.

>> No.2605992

Most of the examples are from cartoon meant for a general audiences or with intentional shock/comedic faces.
Things that are funny tend not to overlap with attractive/cute.

>> No.2606100

not only /a/ has shit taste but also lots of drawthread dwellers are the worst kind of scum

>> No.2606309

some of the requesters and lurkers can be thr worst annoying and pretentious fucks ever

>> No.2606320

Flat stylization of faces simply looks better and cuter famicom , which is why it's more popular than uncanny valley shit that you posted

>> No.2606324

>uncanny valley
>uncanny valley shit
You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2606327

i know that it looks ugly as fuck my man, which is usually not what you want if you want to draw attractive characters

>> No.2606328
File: 2.54 MB, 2128x1449, b94c9dfa233dd222945ee0854c07c26d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flat stylization of faces simply looks better and cuter famicom
To who? Autistic otaku? You've got shit taste, familia. I like my women to look like women and not like underaged children in the face,

>> No.2606338

to literally everyone who got functioning eyes, the industry and my man Kiyoshiro obviously agree, and things that look younger always look cuter, that's like the universal law of life and applies to everything, even animals.
Also you can't really tell me that those fucking faces in what you posted look anything remotely close to attractive

>> No.2606340

the more stylized you make a face the more you leave to imagination and the broader the audience you'll be able to satisfy. yes, it's just as simple as that.

>> No.2606343
File: 769 KB, 1400x2000, 238272207db9a7bd2318fe5fccfa4c4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to work on your bait bruh. You're really bad at making yourself look like you're actually this dumb.

>> No.2606347

I think you mean the more featureless you make the face the more likely you'll drag in the crowd with pedophile tendencies.

>> No.2606353

>Counter argument is posting more men with big tits
nice one
oh i see you're just insecure

>> No.2606361
File: 11 KB, 256x192, 110293987428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling women with facial features "men"
>not the one insecure
Nice autism

>> No.2606368
File: 141 KB, 1280x853, 1456005945513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>features that look chiseled out of granite
aren't you supposed to be an artist? it's time to read some books about gender differences, and try actually looking at cute girls

>> No.2606409

If you are this brainless, I really can't help you. Sorry dude.

>> No.2606413

>actually posting bible black as an example of what appealing art looks like
Good joke anon. Really funny.

>> No.2606414

>ITT people that don't understand the simple rule of less is more and good less (Kiyoshirou) is even more.
>Fucking scrubs all over the place.

>> No.2606485

>Less is more
Nauseatingly overdone dynamism is his thing

>> No.2606536
File: 233 KB, 636x565, kIFaLJ8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bible Black is far more closer to real photo that your posting than modern moe face where eyes takes up 2/3 of the face and nose/mouth have disappeared to Ayy Lamo levels.

Also Bible Black was sold as dark erotic sexy, and was unusual for it's day as well.

Clearly it's just fashion, and what you are used to, the Bible guy is just ~10 years older than you are grew up with 90's shit.

>> No.2606571

talking specifically about his stylization
he can be to chaotic, I agree on that.
also, love how pretentious you are scrubby. keep it up.

>> No.2606577

90's stylization is better; I don't think Bible Black completely fits that mold, though.


>> No.2606578
File: 73 KB, 559x598, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>featureless = pedophile

>> No.2606581

>90s stylization is better
90s stylization imo is better only to people with less imagination. a.k.a. normies who want to have an artistic eye, but fail at it.

>> No.2606588


>> No.2606590
File: 103 KB, 939x570, ayeka6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's dumb as hell. I'd tell you to never breed but that's probably a foregone conclusion at this point.

>> No.2606592

Its his opinion. Autistic people have opinions too you know.

>> No.2606594

modern stylization has even less construction than the old one. in other words it gives the viewer the ability to fill in the gaps by themselves.

>> No.2606596

Anime art is only good in book form.

>> No.2606598

By that logic, stick men are superior to everything.

90s is better because it's more interesting and alive than that dollface bullshit that we've all seen a billion times.

>> No.2606602
File: 389 KB, 1284x980, cosmickek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts an image of a real woman with actual features
>Facial features that are represented in Bible Black's stylization
>is actually dumb enough to think she looks anything like modern anime flat face.

>> No.2606604

>all this stylization talk
I just wanted to know what makes Inoue's lineart look so magical

>> No.2606607

There is nuffin wrung wit stick, I sed it

>> No.2606621

>talking specifically about his stylization
His stylization isn't "less is more". He literally just follows the shitty anime trend of drawing flat faces on females. Making his girls effectively look retarded and lifeless in the face.

>> No.2606677

He got GUD.
When are you gonna GIT GUD, anon?

>> No.2606683
File: 21 KB, 593x409, IMG_20160705_020513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if I draw these Loomis boxes for 50 more hours im sure to become a masterful artist

>> No.2606696

better than posting here

>> No.2606725
File: 2.94 MB, 2571x3461, Range.Murata.full.410903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely subtle features that blend into each other in a very soft manner
>looking anything like the hard edges wood sculpted faces of bible black
bruh you're not gonna make it in art if you're both retarded and blind
Also i did grow up with 90s shit, and in terms of pure animation i prefer a lot of it to modern stuff, but the modern faces are just better and prettier, which is why they sell more and are more popular, and why you don't see that awful shit anymore >>2606590

>> No.2606734

>flat face moe trash
>"subtle" features
Not gonna make it. Murata's faces are trash. Keep admiring and drawing shit anime stylizations as a crutch for your inability to understand form.

>> No.2606746

You can't actually draw features properly (even flat stylized features) without understanding from tho, but you're obviously too shit at art to even understand the concept of soft edges so that might be hard for you to understand.
But you can keep jerking off to chiseled manfaces and cry on /ic/ about how everyone else but you has shit taste, meanwhile all the good artists have already moved on :^)

>> No.2606747

This style is so ugly for humans.

>> No.2606750

>but the modern faces are just better and prettier,
>which is why they sell more and are more popular
Nah, they sell to a hardcore smaller but more reliable, thus lucrative market

It's just fashion kid, get over yourself.

>> No.2606753

Toonies are children and autistic adults, just like animu fans!

>> No.2606761


Let's not forget demographic reality either. While Japan's total population hasn't changed much, In the U.S. there were like 80 million less people in 1990 than there are now, and very few of them had been exposed to anime. Anime "selling better" (if that's even true) could easily be happenstance.

>> No.2606763

>You can't actually draw features properly (even flat stylized features) without understanding from tho

Drawing flat faces requires minimal aka amatuer level knowledge of facial structure to pull off properly. That's why amatuers do it. It's a crutch and is what leads to a lot of shit artists like you being limited to the typical same face syndrome found is every amatuer "anime" artists. Those faces are only really suited for children, since children have minimal facial features that are still developing. People who have an affinity toward faces like that have pedophile tendencies or fetishes. But everyone knows 4chan (specially faggots on /a/ and /v/) obsesses with loli and shota so that's no surprised.

>> No.2606765

Memeing aside, you can argue they look cuter since they are intentionally pushing neoteny, but not that they are drawn better since they are also intentionally designed to be far easier to draw to churn out animation at a lower level cheaper and faster using far less talent.

>> No.2606791

actually drawing them in different poses reliably and fast requires a solid understanding of form , and its effect on spatial relationships, doubly so when you're drawing cute girls.

This why 80% of the stuff you see is uncanny or just plain ugly or deviantart tier when you see amateur anime. If you actually saw the process of animation in a studio like kyoani who specializes in that shit, you'd see the amount of erasing and probing they need to do to get the faces right within every frame.

But then again this is /ic/ and i know that if i asked every one of you to try drawing proper cute flat faces in different angles you'd fail miserably despite being masters of "form"

>> No.2606805

>actually drawing them in different poses reliably and fast requires a solid understanding of form

That's factually incorrect, you're just another /a/utistic moron trying to pretend you know anything about what you're talking about. Animators have been on record saying the stylizations are used, particularly for the face, because they are easier to understand and animate, ie it's leeway for the newbie/amateur animators to not fuck up. Because you're dealing with such small amount of facial features, it's a hell of a lot easier to understand them in rotation while making them still look passable, since you have less features to actually account for visually. You can take your /a/utism back to /a/ where it's welcomed.

>uncanny valley
There you go again using that term incorrectly. The school education system has failed you.

>> No.2606815

I'm not talking about passable intern shit for low budget shows though, since you obviously have zero understanding of the actual requirements to draw beautiful girls, whether it be stylized or realistic. the two things that are of utmost important in drawing them are always soft edges and PERFECT spatial relationships, which relate to solid construction.
since the shading is out of the question here then the construction is the only thing left, and since you have very little to help you space things out because the features are mostly floating, you need an innate feeling for construction, if you're even off 2 millimeters it will look uncanny (i suggest you google the definition since you don't seem to understand the word) and you'll just end in QUALITY frames

>> No.2606819
File: 131 KB, 368x264, smugslut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually going to make a point or are you going to keep going on a /a/utistic tantrum and not actually say anything of value. Simple faces require simple construction. It's why they are used in animation and why amateur artists can draw them. This shit isn't rocket science, you are literally just autistic. Go back to /a/. You aren't going to sound intelligent here.

>> No.2606843

>zero counter arguments so i'll just repeat even though i've just been proven wrong
it's ok my man at least you tried, i'm just gonna go study bruh have fun with your inferiority complex, you might be shit at art and english but at least you can shitpost

>> No.2606852
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, 102920348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely ignores simple logic cosigned by animators in the industry
>goes on an /a/utistic tantrum that doesn't even present a real argument
>calls it an argument
/a/'s mentally retardation is comedy gold.

>> No.2606854
File: 52 KB, 363x272, shut up you fucking cunts yelling bird qc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both cunts.

>> No.2606856

Uguu is super serial tho

>> No.2606861
File: 21 KB, 205x223, 192390328283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2606862
File: 653 KB, 1456x1030, 1348840212960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the worst one. You added nothing. You could have done something with your life.

french art student is obviously the most superior animatino auteur style.

>> No.2606865
File: 153 KB, 823x1200, [Yoshiyuki Tomino & Kiyoshiro Inoue] Overman King Gainer v04 [Japanese].zip-OKG_v004_p178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please complete the translation of Inoue Kiyoshiro's attempt to be mainstream.

and here's a link to HnO

>> No.2606866

>You could have done something with your life.
Like argue on 4chan? Okay.

>> No.2606890

wait, wasn't this translated already, I remember reading it...

>> No.2606903
File: 54 KB, 417x417, 1428218712786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your work

>> No.2607151


Link for the raws?

>> No.2607161
File: 1.06 MB, 211x203, 1445224530596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not good for porn
>posts Bible Black

Get better taste in porn, m8.

>> No.2607200
File: 38 KB, 338x322, 1459515798915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>168 / 39 / 62 / 1
All this weeb samefagging is hilarious

>> No.2607206
File: 80 KB, 274x327, 1450066697892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, almost 3 posts per person in a thread where people are arguing with each other.

>> No.2607207

>triggered samefagging weeaboo

>> No.2607215
File: 9 KB, 200x200, Hiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2607216


>> No.2607337
File: 202 KB, 436x576, 09 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2607339

>a man that draws hentai where women are raped is trying to make it big.

wew lads

>> No.2607363
File: 732 KB, 1000x1648, 37463402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling someone to get better taste
>posts Turtle.Fish.Paint

Nice b8. Turtle.Fish.Paint is trash.

>> No.2607388

the fuck is turtle.fish.paint? thats asanagi

>> No.2607401

>By that logic, stick men are superior to everything.
a good balance between realism and minimalism is what creates good stylization. kiyoshirou nails that. that's what scrubs in this thread seem to be unable to understand.


>> No.2607403

? in japan is doable, no one gives a shit

>> No.2607405

yep, this guy gets it.

this guy is an idiot that probably draws like shit.

>> No.2607407

>the fuck is turtle.fish.paint?
the artist circle name.

>kiyoshirou nails that
He doesn't. His female faces are plain, dull, and lifeless. They are the WORST aspect of his work, aside from his obnoxious page layouts and use of speed lines. Scrubs will see his work and think it's perfect when it's far from. He has technical skill that you can respect but that alone is not enough to continue to make appealing artwork that doesn't end up getting boring to look at because it's all the same shit.

Faggots like >>2607405 are scrubs who are easily impressed from technical skill alone even though it's applications aren't impressive because there is no variety to it.

>> No.2607409
File: 1.22 MB, 1300x1599, 11289396_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats asanagi
You actually might be mentally retarded.

>> No.2607421

>He has technical skill that you can respect
exactly. he has technical skill you can only dream of. that's all there is to this discussion. end of story.

>> No.2607426

Kim Jung Gi's technical skill and and compositions are leagues above the shit Inoue chuns out, so if technical skill is all that mattered, Inoue is already completely irrelevant and not worth studying. His female faces are straight trash.

>> No.2607429

>I'll be where I wanted to be
That is the >>/trash/
Fucking idiot weeb

>> No.2607431

>Kim Jung Gi
what the fuck makes you think I'm not taking his art as an inspiration as well, captain autismo?

>> No.2607433

>unable to see the skill behind the genre
gtfo normie.

>> No.2607434

>implying there's a problem

>> No.2607435

He does everything Inoue does but better. It's a waste of time to study Inoue's work unless you actually want to draw those shitty and lazy female faces.

>> No.2607465

KJG doesn't draw porn afaik.

>> No.2607512

The sketchbooks he sells (the really big ones) are literally 50% women giving men blowjobs in strange places/situations

>> No.2607622

Its so good though. You can just casually flip from cute stylized dogs to a guy fisting women at once.

>> No.2607651
File: 131 KB, 529x484, 1465322652444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2607702
File: 1.07 MB, 1470x2169, 067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they both have their strenths, kjg draws a ton of porn but it's not nearly as dynamic or attractive. would you really fap to one of his girls? Inoue is willing to sacrifice the "serious/credible" aspect of his faces to make them look sexually appealing.


>> No.2607730
File: 36 KB, 393x297, 1454470511605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i'll join your autistic discussion, faggots.

guys can we not defend kiyoshirous faces? they're not that good and definitely not his strongest point.
another good thing about kiyoshirou is his use of black, as well as his framing. most good manga/doujinshika that really stand out actually stand out with their framing, in addition to their good drawings.

speedlines are nothing special you scrubs. it's not something that defines kiyoshirou, holy shit.

>> No.2607799

>would you really fap to one of his girls?
I wouldn't fap to Inoue's. His flat faces aren't attractive. It's only appealing to autistic weebs. That image you posted is a perfect example. That shit's isn't fappable with that retarded expression. There is nothing hot about it.

>> No.2607825

>Speedlines are nothing special
Kiyoshirou overuses them to the point where its one of his gimmicks
just about everywhere theres shit tons of them

>> No.2607831
File: 669 KB, 1033x1521, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autists on /ic/ think they can do better than this guy and knoe all his tricks because they read fun with a pencil and draw 5 loomis faces per hour
its this attitude that causes this board to be perpetually not able to git gud

>> No.2607834
File: 1.09 MB, 1061x1500, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ only looks at the faces

>> No.2607878

There are better artists to study and learn from. From composition, to appealing stylization, to general flow. Studying Inoue is a waste of time. Everything element of Inoue work, there is an artist that does it better. So why bother studying his shit?

>> No.2607888
File: 18 KB, 364x360, 1468592439422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah anon gotta study those Renaissance masters because they totally knew how to do anime porn comics and were way better than Kiyoshirou or the likes could ever hope to be in composing comics and drawing with ink.

Lets not forget those cartoon Loomis heads, just a few hundred more and hopefully I'll know how to draw a vagina

>> No.2607901
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 1020923893283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job not refuting my point since you can't.

>> No.2607914

Modern anime stylization is fashion, not inherent superiority. 'Sticker faces' is a pejorative for a reason and plenty of anime exaggerate to the degree I no longer find cute and the people that introduced me to anime consume less of it in part because the current aesthetic sensibilities don't appeal to them. It was born out of a desire to animate quickly and cheaply, and perhaps t was easier for new animators to acclimate to. Taste followed that.

What we find cute/appealing is partially conditioned. My mom and grandmother for example, think anime looks ugly and bug-eyed and don't get why people find it appealing. 'Cute' stuff in their youth looked very different though. Look at 80s Care Bears or Strawberry Shortcake or Precious Moments figurines/illustrations, they have very distinct and different aesthetic sensibilities.

imo current trends aren't the worst but I'm getting tired of them and I hope new trends and stylizations take root.

>> No.2607919

Yeah its almost as if I like Kiyoshirou for his stylization, which is entirely subjective, and want to do something similar in my own work. All while studying my fundies from artists who's specialty is to set those down like Vilppu.

Please shut the fuck up with your elitism, anon. Im not stopping you from studying your Bible Black faces

>> No.2607923

I'm not sure if it's possible for a new anime style to take hold. Animes that are even a little out of the norm like Samurai Champloo, Gangsta, Afro Samurai, Ergo Proxy, etc. never seem to do too well. They made obtain a cult following but never reach the popularity to warrant a string of sequels or other media.

It's kind of like any other medium these days such as movies or games, once this norm has set in people tend to stick to it because it's familiar.

>> No.2607924

Isn't Inoue's recent stuff composited digitally in Manga Studio from panels done by hand

>> No.2607927

>doubly so when you're drawing cute girls.
why doubly?

>> No.2607945

>exactly. he has technical skill you can only dream of. that's all there is to this discussion. end of story.
check this angry fuck right here

Take a break

>> No.2607976
File: 779 KB, 1188x846, 2015-12-25-A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turtle is ok. I like Fishine's style but often it looks a little flat and lacks persoective.

>> No.2608269

>rape is bad

>> No.2608272
File: 115 KB, 251x251, 14553281240045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2608306

>angry fuck
not even the slightest.

>> No.2608353

its okay buddy

>> No.2608355

I wonder if it really is a matter of art style though. There seem to be lots of different factors at play affecting the monetary success of an anime. Right now the obsessive Otaku market buoys much of the industry, so they have to pander to that niche even if a larger (less profitable) demo dislikes the Otakiu-oriented products.

>> No.2608358

Anime scene is just like American comic books and their Direct Market.
Up the same tree chasing the specially market and can't come down

>> No.2608665

he tried and but it failed, it was a joint project with Tomino the gundam guy.

manga-zip(dooooooot)net (slash) archives (slash) 4621.html
if it isn't working I'll upload it later when I return home.

>> No.2608807

Yes? Porn artists making it into the mainstream is nothing new in Japan.

>> No.2608826

Not that guy but Takeda Hiromitsu never should have been allowed to make an anime. It was trash.

>> No.2609958
File: 276 KB, 631x462, I_came_here_to_laugh_at_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Animes that are even a little out of the norm like Samurai Champloo, Gangsta, Afro Samurai, Ergo Proxy, etc. never seem to do too well.
I'm so glad anime is a Japanese thing. Western shit taste will never reach them, those type of anime will never succeed and anime will forever be outside normies' reach. What a time to be alive.

>> No.2610493

wasnt this over 10 years ago

>> No.2610983

>art isn't subjective you retard!!!! obviously inoue's stuff is inferior in every aspect REEEE

>> No.2610990

>it's not your opinion unless you specifically say "IMO"
Kill yourself

>> No.2611070
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>> No.2611742
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>> No.2611757
File: 369 KB, 1600x990, Nurarihyon.no.Mago.full.1208113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shiibashi Hiroshi

kek familia

>> No.2611835


Yeah, that's not what uncanny valley means at all. It's a technological term and irrelevant to illustration.

>> No.2611859
File: 116 KB, 728x1064, kinggainer03_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really well drawn manga
with how shit the anime adaption was, its no wonder he went back to porn

>> No.2611902

why do straight men like it when women cry so much

>> No.2611982

do they get vacation time where the magazine doesn't run their series for a week or two?

how do they not suicide. imagine that work schedule for 40 years.

>> No.2611985
File: 2.47 MB, 200x200, Euphoria.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominance and power.

>> No.2611999

You know that Pokemon manga that got published even if censored in the US in the nineties and was the best sold comic even outselling X-men 1 (more than 4 million issues sold)? Well, that wass done by a hentai artist, a futanari artist none less, also Highschool of the dead was created by Inazuma, two famous hentai artist. Japan doesn't give a fuck about that shit.

>> No.2612015

>Highschool of the dead
Shoji Sato neither wrote the HotD manga nor did he direct the HotD anime. His involvement only went as far as illustrating for the manga and general character design. HotD was a all flash no substance ecchi show anyway. You're better off just looking at Shouji's actual porn works.

>> No.2612278

Why would anyone want this? I can see why artists like Mogudan rarely make a manga now. This is hectic!

>> No.2612342

The only day that seems like its to much is monday.
Aside from that 5-7 hours of sleep isn't really a big deal and they would pepper in small breaks.
Just because they don't have a designated shitting hour doesn't mean they save it for Saturday.

>> No.2612388

my schedule
>2 hours of studying
>8 hours of drawing random shit that wont help make my art better
>10 hours of shitposting on 4chan

Im gonna make it big like these mangaka right guys

>> No.2612447

This is probably a japanese thing and because of anime and globalization you end up seeing it in the works of western artists sometimes. No idea why though but I'll take a guess and say it's because they think t's cute to see a woman cry.

>> No.2612451

>source: my ass
>reasoning: my ass
>thinking: my ass
You're quite the smartass anon

>> No.2612454 [DELETED] 


>> No.2612596

>You're better off just looking at Shouji's actual porn works.
Agreed. Never said it was good though, just that it was popular and nobody cared about him being a porn artist.

>> No.2612607 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9619-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try doing bargue line drawing master copies, they did wonders for my work. Pic related

>> No.2612616

That's some pretty fuckin' excellent contours there m8

>> No.2612967

Those are some pretty sexy lines anon.

>> No.2613036

If that is the only difference you see you need to get your eyes fixed.

>> No.2614464

The manga is the adaptation.

>> No.2615206

That actually explains a lot, especially the dude's sudden change of style.

>> No.2617197

Blame the backwards censorship laws.