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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.52 MB, 1280x1760, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2600908 No.2600908 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last Thread >>2597270

>> No.2600909

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2600910

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Las_streams@twitch (multistream for twitch)

Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

>> No.2600914

Should I bother coming back?

>> No.2600915


>> No.2600916

Where are my badgers lava?


>> No.2600917
File: 5 KB, 236x228, RUUUUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600920

Are you Lava?
Then yes.

Are you someone else?
I dunno. Do what you want.

>> No.2600921

stop picking the same artists all the friggin time

>> No.2600929

Sure, come back.
so fucking soon
Name? ;^)
This is the first time I used this artist, it's only his second post. Who do you think I should use? I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.2600932

There's a giant wasp in the house.
I've barricaded myself in my room.
Now I'm forced to draw all day.

>> No.2600935
File: 30 KB, 618x338, Not Important.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600937

Why would you use a new artist instead of somebody who's been consistently posting for months? are you trying to be an asshole?

>> No.2600938
File: 3.45 MB, 2503x2500, A E S T H E T I C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600945

plz beh wek 1n

>> No.2600947
File: 133 KB, 900x1179, follow_your_leader_stencil_by_killingspr-d4moil6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2600955

Is crit keeper dead?

wtf I was a bit more than a week close to get my crits. not fair

>> No.2600963

Replaced by Crit Sensei who pops in a little after 00:00. We're on week 1 day 2.

What day were you?

>> No.2600971

you mean week 2 day 1 right?

>tfw rejoined after dropping out of wk2

>> No.2600976

Nope. There were so many on day1, and with all the disappearing critics over time, we've only now moved on to day 2.

>> No.2600977

>tfw lava transformed into a giant wasp and is now wasting his time making this anon draw every day

>> No.2600980


>> No.2600983

oh boy this is gonna take forever

>> No.2600988

How do I draw atmosphere?

>> No.2600991

by killing yourself

>> No.2600993

anon please

>> No.2601003

Damn people on imgur are edgy

>> No.2601006


>> No.2601007
File: 85 KB, 1920x1080, but only one of you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2601008
File: 30 KB, 499x456, 13442350_948952361883619_4964719285464072407_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all good familyman

>> No.2601010


>> No.2601011

>Not wasping his time

>> No.2601014

It's clearly Bane, the mercenary, not santi

>> No.2601018
File: 79 KB, 716x768, CIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2601022

Get them on board I'll call it in

>> No.2601051

the masked man?


>> No.2601052


this >>2600937
i feel insulted

>> No.2601055

Crayne, your heads improved significantly, good job man.

>> No.2601056


>> No.2601057
File: 19 KB, 214x234, 1429845879889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are all of the animator friends

we're supposed to be in this together guys

>> No.2601064

sure anon, sure :)

>> No.2601066

I've given up already on all challenges, I gotta get my shit together and start a study plan.

>> No.2601074

Thanks... wasn't able to complete all the aspects of the challenge but I'm definitely gonna keep trying to follow along with it. Will likely spend this next week trying to tackle value studies while still working on head construction. My ability to do stuff without reference is still really shitty, but it's slowly getting better.

>> No.2601075


>> No.2601079

I wish I was as relaxed and without worry as fibinochi

>> No.2601081

Well, I quit for good /las/.

I just don't see the point. Art is too hard. You would think it would be easy.

If you think about it logically people have been doing art from the dawn of humanity. Art is too brutal, going to stick to programming and maths. Maybe, I can earn a living with programming.

Bye /las/

>> No.2601085

nothing of value lost ;^)

>> No.2601089

Should we be uploading them as we do them?
I was just gonna dump all of them at the end.

>> No.2601090


>> No.2601093

>You would think it would be easy
Who would possibly think that?

>> No.2601096


>> No.2601097

You're making a big mistake and you're going to take it to your grave. Good luck anon

>> No.2601098

>giving up when the going gets tough
Never gonna make it.

>> No.2601099

I too realize I can do far better in programming and maths but every time I attempt to jump into it the calling to draw again comes back and I can't make up my mind.

Just an idea, you can pull a zun and just make art for the sake of using your own assets for a game you can make. It's kind of what the MoatDD guy did.

>> No.2601101


>> No.2601107

>tfw this will never be SantiChasca

>> No.2601111


Whoa I didn't expect to fish this many (you)s, thanks anons!

>> No.2601112

>tfw it IS already santi

>> No.2601114
File: 261 KB, 865x690, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroys the (you) market
>gets quads

>> No.2601116

fuck off wait you know what nvm you're pretty much contained in this thread

don't make me catch you outside this filth pen

>> No.2601117
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, you need a pretty big IQ to do Mathematics or Computer Science or Physics.

Most art people or people who study art have low IQs.

Also, do people even find this stimulating. Grinding drawabox exercises, then drawing from Loomis. Just seems like you are just copying from nature.

>> No.2601118
File: 15 KB, 193x200, EUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be retarded
nigger just crashed the thread

>> No.2601119 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 470x706, bane loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. You'll never get dubs while I'm in charge, remember?

>> No.2601121

Grinding is step 1

>> No.2601122

>*Unsheathes katana*

>> No.2601123

I've literally never studied Loomis or any of those drawing books. I'm not the best, but I'm better than some. Art doesn't have to be a dry, boring grind unless you make it one.

>> No.2601124

>copying from nature
you mean like science?

>> No.2601126

Then comes the blowjob, yes?

>> No.2601127
File: 1.37 MB, 320x240, 1458177916829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2601129

oh look, another fucking retard.
I'll let you know I have a physics major so you better shut the fuck up boy. I'm doing this as a hobby while I earn more than twice what you will ever earn in your whole life drawing like a slave for a company.

>> No.2601130


But, grind for how long. I can't grind 5 hours of drawabox or Scott Robertson or Loomis.

This is so fucking stupid and autistic. You would think doing calculus problems would be boring, but at least you have to think.


Feng Zhu says the opposite. Thousands of hours of grinding.

>> No.2601132


>> No.2601136


> IQ

I'm not doubting the findings of this graph, because IQ is strong at evaluating a person's overall ability to identify patterns, do abstract thinking and analysis.

But intelligence is deeper than a single arbitrary number. There are many forms of intelligence, from motor ability and muscle memory (useful in athletics/gaming), social intelligence (picking up on queues, understanding interpersonal interactions, articulation), visual acumen (inherent ability to quickly break down visual stimuli), auditory acumen (ditto for sound), and so on and so forth.

The brain is fucking complicated as fuck. You can't just categorize an individual's mind by a number that evaluates only one facet of its "skillset".

>> No.2601138

t. butthurt with low IQ

>> No.2601139

If it takes you a thousand hours to learn something, you need to re-evaluate how you're studying.

>> No.2601142


I'm a studying engineer and I find both art and engineering stimulating in different ways. Grinding itself isn't fun, but a real, observable sense of your own improvement is immensely satisfying. Art is compelling because it's so much harder than everything else, even if you're smart. You can't learn art the way you learn math or programming. It's like exercise. It technically hurts, but it's challenging and makes you a stronger person, so you just keep doing it.

>> No.2601145


Quite the opposite actually.
I'm a computer scientist struggling at art. Math is second nature to me. Something as simple as Loomis is fucking intimidating as shit.

> no such thing as talent

Yes, I understand, but specialized intelligence does play a role. If you grind ANYTHING hard enough, though, you'll probably end up decent at it. Hence why I'm here.

>> No.2601151

Anon313 hasn't posted yet and he was last seen 17 hours ago.
I think we're gonna have a casualty today, gentlemen.

>> No.2601155

No way, Anon313 is the God of Flawless, there's no way he'll fall.

>> No.2601157

are you retarded? It takes countless hours to get good at anything.
>I can't grind 5 hours of drawabox or Scott Robertson or Loomis.
Then you're not gonna make it. And what do you mean you have to think for math? It's literally following the same pair of steps just with different numbers every time. If you can't grind at something for a couple hours then you're just not gonna make it famalam.

>> No.2601160

Since we all seem to be sharing: Another programmer here trying to learn art. I got into art because I found myself doodling and drawing stuff in my free time. I enjoy it, but also was a bit frustrated that I couldn't achieve what I imagined in my mind on paper or in a painting program. So I decided to start actively learning art.

It's funny actually, the things I learned through programming apply really well to art. Take a big problem (how do I make shit I want to make?) and break it down into smaller parts. Keep doing that until you get to a level where the parts are manageable. Do those parts. Eventually you'll have enough built up that you can finally tackle that major problem and solve it. The grind isn't always fun (neither is programming), but I do enjoy applying what I've learned and knowing I'm one step closer to my goal.

>> No.2601162

I'd say it's better to upload them one by one. That way people can see as you progress, right now the challenges feel a little dead because you just get a burst of submissions at the last second so you can't really take them all in.

>> No.2601170
File: 5 KB, 117x94, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2601172

>Everyone is allowed ONLY 1 single post

>> No.2601174

less than 3 posts per person

>> No.2601175


For a thread about getting better you same few people sure do shitpost a lot.

Damn right it should be 1 single post. Probably per day.

>> No.2601176


>> No.2601179

>making 2 posts
Really blowing past your daily allowance fucko :^)

>> No.2601180

Because this >>2601170
Sure is a quality post
Here's you (you), now kindly fuck off.

>> No.2601184
File: 86 KB, 405x540, 19170643._SY540_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not allowed to have a conversation in a forum

>> No.2601187

man, las always feels so much bigger than it really is. That's probably partly because everything is anon so you don't realize that you're talking to the same handful of people every time.

>> No.2601189


This isn't a forum unfortunately. You have discord for conversation, no? (-:

Last time I checked this board was called artwork and critique and I see no artwork in this thread nor critique. Just a couple of samefriends talking to each other.

>> No.2601191

Around 90-100 people average post in the threads (check the last thread) and around 100 people are active on LAS, it's pretty bang on consistent.

>> No.2601193

>a forum
literally kill yourself :^^^^^^)

>> No.2601195


>> No.2601196


>> No.2601198

The problem is the last thread max at 700ish replies. The 70 people that come to this thread eventually probably don't hang out here as much as the same 16-18 people who make up the majority of the posts--the vocal minority so to speak.

>> No.2601199
File: 56 KB, 869x907, annoyedoreo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 posts each average is pretty good for these threads tbqhfamilia.

Though of course a bunch will be the shitposters filling the thread with samefag, and then a few people who only post once.

What do you guys think of our lovely new /las/sies? We've got 16 new recruits so far in this week and last. I usually use the active page to check out fresh faces since it's hard to spot them in the tons of thumbnails. http://lavaflake.com/draw/active.php

Candycone and ukanon have some solid life drawing in already, and I feel like solyomkuu is yet to reveal their power level.

Also we just passed 500 people who have signed up, GG. Even though most are already dead, it's the thought that counts.

>Anon313 has been posting in every thread since the start
>He was the STELLA poster
>He now pretends to be Santi

>> No.2601200

>This isn't a forum unfortunately. You have discord for conversation, no? (-:


>muh imageboard

>> No.2601201

This thread's only been alive for 4 hours to be coming to conclusions on how many are regulars and irregulars.

>> No.2601202
File: 246 KB, 1800x1198, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you do your 3x5 squats yet today, dear anons? You better have!

>> No.2601207

The stats are there, don't be an idiot.

>> No.2601208
File: 2.03 MB, 245x275, 1363167626167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't even posted one drawing yet ;_;

>> No.2601209

>don't be an idiot.
Like you are being?

>> No.2601211

Man, there's a lot of red in my challenge page now :/

>> No.2601212


I'm being your father cuming in your sister and mother.

>> No.2601213


>> No.2601217

>not "wives daughter"
ONE job.

>> No.2601219

How is the gym treating you today /las/?

>> No.2601224
File: 43 KB, 438x294, 1423106010155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i have a gym membership but im doing scooby's home workouts until im able to do a full set of pullups

it's been two weeks and i can almost do one

>> No.2601227


>> No.2601229

Not him, but would that work with soy milk as well? I'm lactose intolerant.

>> No.2601231
File: 90 KB, 635x662, 1362528174367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't use LAS to upload and instead use it as a glorified viewer for other peoples work

>> No.2601234

>lactose intolerant
not gonna make it

>> No.2601236

I don't really work out for mass anyway. I'm a runner.

>> No.2601238


I dont really recommend GOMAD unless you're finding it really impossible to gain weight. It'll get you the protein and calories you need but it's much better to just have a normal diet. /fit/ says soy milk isn't great for muscle mass because of estrogen or something.

If you're a runner then holy shit no eat good carbs vegetables and lean proteins

>> No.2601239

it's just a meme. Get enough protein a day it doesn't matter how you get it. Soymilk is fine and has a good amount of it.

cow milk can sometimes cause bad acne in people anyway. I know a couple bodybuilder friends who got off it and their skin cleared up perfectly in around a month.

>> No.2601240


>> No.2601242

>/fit/ says soy milk isn't great for muscle mass because of estrogen

It's funny because studies have conclusively shown there is no correlation between soy and increased estrogen but they HAVE shown a correlation between dairy milk and estrogen.

>> No.2601244


>> No.2601246

>join Huston Figure Drawing challenge
>don't realize I somehow need a book for it
>it's not on libgen

>> No.2601247
File: 64 KB, 218x155, tumblr_o84cgdE9dn1vu0bb8o1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to draw and a paint for a few hours
>this isnt going well maybe I should nap for a little
>mfw 5 hours later
sleeping in the middle of the day is never the solution

>> No.2601248

I've been having trouble keeping my weight up though, thought it might work. Thanks for the info.

Thanks anon.

No, NoajT

>> No.2601249

its ok slump youll make it

>> No.2601250

>I don't really work out for mass anyway. I'm a runner.
why tho. Being able to produce force through strength is great. You don't even need a gym membership for cardio.

>> No.2601252

If only there were people here who's art was worth viewing ;^)

>> No.2601253


>> No.2601254

it's in the art book thread

>> No.2601256

check the archived art book thread

>> No.2601264
File: 326 KB, 900x1188, ienS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2601268

yeah, Everyone gets their cardio in from pokemon GO anyway

>> No.2601269

Rylaifu, it says its a seven day challenge but you put the duration at 5. I don't understand.

>> No.2601270


>> No.2601272

>tfw JerryBreem became JerryBeen

>> No.2601273

>he doesn't have a hyperbolic time chamber
Not gonna make it

>> No.2601275
File: 281 KB, 380x400, swagger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me kek, good job

>> No.2601276
File: 35 KB, 361x417, achilles-tendon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With apologies to AAphk and Lokki respectively, I'd like to hear your feedback on the challenge I made.

Was it useful to you? Did you end up learning something valuable, or drawing more effectively/productively? Did you get some insight in how people perceive your weaknesses? Or was it ultimately a waste of your time?

>> No.2601279

Holy shit, thank you based Lava

>> No.2601280

I don't have a scanner, can I submit a photo?

>> No.2601282

I can't restart it on the same day it ends

>> No.2601284

yes, make sure it's well lighted and not dog shit quality
oh and make sure it's not actually someone else's art ;^)

>> No.2601286

fuck you, I'm submitting pictures of my dead brother's art and you can't stop me!

>> No.2601287

I was on track in community college, and sprinters need tone, not mass.

>> No.2601288


what does this mean

>> No.2601289

>storm's coming is winning
I really wish only topic entrants could vote
that topic is shit as balls, m8s

>> No.2601291

draw the sister castle to storm's end

>> No.2601292
File: 101 KB, 232x280, top fam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2601293


>> No.2601296

Muscle that, while strong and hardened, isn't excessively bulky. Think Bruce Lee.

>> No.2601299
File: 171 KB, 1200x800, 1465745036724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'm gonna make it guys, My ligament is consistently feeling worse and worse each day that goes by that I don't draw. Watching others who have the spark pass me by only compounds onto the fact that my Neuroplasticity is constantly draining as well.

Not only that, when others ask me to show them my work, this is all I have to flash them.

>> No.2601300

>memer goes too far

>> No.2601302

>my Neuroplasticity is constantly draining
>not "I'm beginning to rapidly lose Neuroplasticity"

>> No.2601303
File: 860 KB, 600x313, u64q.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey rylaifu, are you reposting old work? stop that

today's submit 7/13:

from 7/2: http://kirakirakami.tumblr.com/post/146817425610/6-comic-challenge-concept-and-roughs-for-first

>> No.2601305

top kek
top reported

>> No.2601307

so sprinters wouldn't profit from being able to squat 4 plate?

>> No.2601308





>> No.2601309

You're right, luckily it's only the first draft :^)

>> No.2601310

aw shit

why'd you do it man

>> No.2601313

guess he can tell his mom that this is hpw he died in LAS :^)

>> No.2601315

>it's evolving

>> No.2601318


Here's a tip from a pro. If you're going to upload something old, at least put a color overlay filter on it next time to make it look like you did something new. :^)

>> No.2601320

maybe this sacrifice will make lava come back?

>> No.2601321

I know that storm's coming was topic of the day before, so why vote it again

>> No.2601323

They were all topic of the day before.

>> No.2601325

there is no such thing as tone, what Bruce Lee has is low body fat

>> No.2601327

when was mysterious topic?
might have been too long ago

>> No.2601329

36 days ago, hover your mouse over it.

>> No.2601330

rozzle: the flower girl's eye needs to be moved down and to the left more.

>> No.2601331

nigger I hope you are pretending to be retarded
that indicates when it was last seen, not when it was last the topic of the day

>> No.2601333

So why do we give text emoticons a pass in these threads?

>> No.2601335

It was topic of the day 143 days ago.

>> No.2601336

now that I look it up storm's coming was the day before
what a coincidence
still shit topic

>> No.2601337

art means tumblr means normies

>> No.2601339

Holy fuck anon313 hasn't submitted yet. If he leaves LAS I'm gonna leave too

>> No.2601340

Santi, you fucking loser, you didn't do your crit challenge so you upload this shit so the little box stays green?

>> No.2601341

because we do it ironically ;^)

>> No.2601342


>> No.2601344

fucking KEK

>> No.2601345

Newfag here, what does this mean?

>> No.2601346

>tfw my greatest opponent finally dies out of no where
pssh, too easy

>> No.2601348


>> No.2601349

Fucking fantastic Santi, you're improvement is astounding!

>> No.2601352

he didn't do the challenge and submitted that in place of his submission

>> No.2601355

We need some kind of report for challenges, so people don't avoid SHAME.

>> No.2601356

I get that, but I have seen that pic posted before in these threads, and google doesn't give me anything. Is it another meme?

>> No.2601357


>> No.2601359


>> No.2601360

santi's submission today for topic is basically the one from yesterday too

>> No.2601363



>> No.2601369
File: 3 KB, 217x21, Selection_198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2601371


>> No.2601373

10 minutes left and anon313 hasn't submitted.
Get your red pens ready boys, today is a red day.

>> No.2601374

is grach beck?

>> No.2601375

>Is it another meme

>> No.2601376


>> No.2601379

he still has a token right?

>> No.2601381

So how would I go about camping while also submitting my drawings?

>> No.2601383

It served its purpose. Forcing me to do shit I don't wanna do so I at least get some practice at it.

Going back to comfort zoning now that it's over.

>> No.2601384

He will no longer be one of The Flawless.

>> No.2601385

do you still get 3g or 4g there? If not then you're probably fucked. (or have someone submit for you)

>> No.2601386
File: 7 KB, 222x256, 1467502096460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't.

Enjoy your camping trip.

>> No.2601387

Build a fire and use smoke signals to show Lava your submission

>> No.2601389

I don't know what four plate means, but at the time I weighed 115-ish, and squated with around 200 on my shoulders at max.

That's part of the toned look really, but I'm talking more about the way that you can see definition, and his muscles were hardened, but they were torn down rather than built up.

Basically, to work towards tone, or strength without bulk, I just did more reps per set than somebody who wanted to gain mass/bulk.

>> No.2601391


>> No.2601392


>> No.2601395

>have someone submit for you
are you implying that I would prepare drawings ahead of time and not draw every day? :^)

Really though I might just have to go somewhere with service and submit a picture. I bet I can make it.
inb4 plsbweekone

nice meme kek'd real hard

>> No.2601396

I really wanted to do traditional for that one anon but i couldn't find those damn peg bars.

>> No.2601399

holy shit I don't believe it loomis actually got to anon313?

>> No.2601400

RIP anon313

>> No.2601401

no he's safe, damn.

>> No.2601402

there he is you morons
with a whole 30 seconds to spare

>> No.2601404

>Anon313 submitted with 1 minute to spare
fucking hell

>> No.2601405

He was a good flawless, but Loomis got him.

>> No.2601406

so i posted 3 things over the course of the past week and unfortunately, my computer completely bricked itself. i'm doing traditional art and stuff now but i'm not sure how often i'll be able to upload and if i'm even able to do it through my phone.

>> No.2601409

RIP pixel

>> No.2601411

>I'm too retarded to double check
also fuck that, how did storm's coming win it was tied with mysterious

>> No.2601412


>pixel died in his place

>> No.2601414

We do get to use our pens! I was disappointed for a minute.

>> No.2601415

>tribunal 0

>> No.2601417



>> No.2601418

He did it on purpose to frighten us the bastard.

>> No.2601420

so anon313 either forgot the time or he was too invested into his forza submission

>> No.2601421

It probably breaks ties by picking the first one in the list. Shit sucks.

>> No.2601422

Pixel taking one for the team

>> No.2601423

No I didn't. I spent 5 hours on the book today so fuck off. Where's gif guy?

>> No.2601424

>SantiChasca lives in a 3rd world country with unreliable internet so they have been eliminated from
>Topic Challenge #2-21

>> No.2601426
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, week nyan down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name was pixel

>> No.2601427

>5 hours

>> No.2601428

Dammit, I thought we were a little closer to escaping.

>> No.2601430
File: 80 KB, 625x637, waw led.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 hours
it actually looks less finished, fuck off

>> No.2601431

>tfw forever stuck in topic challenge hell where my autism is my greatest enemy

>> No.2601433
File: 2 KB, 121x98, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, day 6 is REALLY getting lonely

>> No.2601435
File: 135 KB, 1000x1000, 14-07 resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get told to try drawing with decisive lines instead of scribbling everything
>try it

Anons couldn't you just have let me live in bliss.
All this time and I never knew how bad I was at drawing.

>> No.2601436

How deos it feel santi to be out of topic challenge hell?

>> No.2601441
File: 1.01 MB, 1141x1141, HsqcpNR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how you plan to make it, Santi?

>> No.2601442

I don't know why it says 2-21, I joined topic challenge for 2 days. I haven't been in topic challenge 2 ever.

Fuck off. I didn't spend all day trying to make fire for you to say my submission is low effort.

>> No.2601443
File: 281 KB, 1000x799, SantiChascaBook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spent 5 hours on the book today so fuck off. Where's gif guy?

>> No.2601444


>> No.2601446

>weekone dies
>everybody talks about anon313 taking too long to post
this will also happen to me, that's why I'm never quitting.

>> No.2601449

It doesn't look good.

See? I messed around with this for hours, actually spent more time than yesterday.

>> No.2601450

pixel ;_;

>> No.2601452

It goes back further, his last 3 submissions are all practically the same, I think they might actually be going backwards.

>> No.2601453
File: 177 KB, 670x503, 670px-Laugh-Step-1-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See? I messed around with this for hours, actually spent more time than yesterday.

>> No.2601454
File: 39 KB, 320x320, trump card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally the same, holy shit you're not only going to get reported but also deported

>> No.2601456
File: 780 KB, 1600x925, 4down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2601458

That's because if I don't like a layer I just delete it, I did one of them with all the layers turned on to show what wasn't being seen, this last submission was all detailing and edges.

>> No.2601459
File: 252 KB, 900x506, 11111111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.2601460

Oh okay, it's just a meme. I thought you were being serious.

>> No.2601461

To be fair I could see half an hour at least being spent on the lighting, maybe an hour if you keep changing your mind. But 5? 5 hours if you're playing games at the same time or marathoning the lord of the rings films or some shit.

>> No.2601462


>> No.2601465
File: 88 KB, 768x768, 1358246065993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'll never be in week one ;_;

Why even start?

>> No.2601466

Fibinochi is still in.
Don't get o anxious. His time will come.

>> No.2601467

I was looking at ref, and binge watching a movie. Granted it wasn't 5 hours of extreme work but I can assure you I spent all evening working on the damn book and it's infuriating to get accused of low effort when I've worked more than usual. It was also mostly messing with the layers, tweaking things, experimenting, etc

Fuck off dude are you telling me Hman and fibinochi are going to get away and you're going to report something that isn't even near low effort

>> No.2601468

>tfw qt pixel died
why ;_____;

>> No.2601471

Don't know why he's in there then, my bad.

To git gud. There's plenty of higher level people in the later weeks, week 1 is mostly beginners.

>> No.2601472

>Crit Sensei overpowering Loomis

>> No.2601473

oh so its just you trying to be epic again, more reason to report

>> No.2601474

I reported both of those and advocated anons in here do the same
but nothing has happened yet

>> No.2601477

It's really crazy how Fibinochi got like a dozen of his submissions punished for low effort and still survives.

>> No.2601478

People probably getting tired of the bloodthirsty tribunal posting desu

>> No.2601479




>> No.2601480

he's a cockroach you can't fucking kill the bugger

>> No.2601481

Probably because your claims are ridiculous and you're just trying to stir up shit.

>> No.2601482


>> No.2601483

kilos or pounds?

>> No.2601484

Fuck off, the Santi meme is dead

>> No.2601485

we have visual evidence
so fuck off, fibinochi/hman

>> No.2601487

>makes meme low effort submission
>"if they do it s-so can I"


>> No.2601488

Jesus this is getting tense. Starting to wonder why no1 has accused me of low effort yet

>> No.2601490

ignore it santi. I don't think it's 5 hours of work but it meets the 30 min requirement imo. Most people aren't gonna report you so the sooner you stop replying the sooner this blows over.

>> No.2601491

Yeah working on a WIP commission is now a meme apparently, okay

>> No.2601492


>> No.2601493

see, you love this shit
if you were actually serious follow this anons advice >>2601490

>> No.2601494

holy fucking shit, kill yourself

>> No.2601496
File: 122 KB, 439x443, 1443258083010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so what, all I gotta do is just upload an image each day?

This will be easy!

>> No.2601497

I am getting worried because I felt like some retard was going to comment about low effort after hman, but I don't want to go through the trouble of proving all the changes I made.
Fuck off
Fuck off

>> No.2601500

I will never as long as I live ever let you live this down
buckle the fuck up, nigger

>> No.2601502

>tfw will never have this innocence again

>> No.2601505
File: 322 KB, 420x420, 3399372271bc1a17500e84e50099393f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2601506

you can see definition because there is no fat in the way, there is no such thing as tone

>> No.2601511

I think this got buried in all the santi

>> No.2601539
File: 325 KB, 718x1041, 1434426475582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Anatomy is your biggest weakness. If you want to keep drawing figures, learning anatomy is not optional. Your figures are coming out flat and cartoony because you don't know how the underlying muscles work. You have some head studies in your gallery but it doesn't come across in your imagined work. Make sure you're actually applying what you're studying and not just copying.

If you're still working on that commission, refer to pic related. Have a solid foundation before you start any color work or you're dooming yourself from the beginning.

I'm not sure if you fully understand the concept of symbol drawing. You berate yourself for symbol drawing in the past, but you continue to do it. Chances are, if you don't have to think about the placement of something before drawing it, you're probably symbol drawing.

>extra advice if you're still in school
Learn the fuck out of everything while you're there. Forget your other hobbies. Continue studying outside of your regular assignments or you'll never get anywhere. Best to do it now while you have people who are paid to help you succeed.

>> No.2601544
File: 17 KB, 209x272, 1444628051235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step 1 angles
>step 2 proportions
>step 3 draw a swastika

>> No.2601553

You need utilize the swastika in your construction to properly portray the Aryan beauty ideal. It's like using the golden spiral.

>> No.2601566

why are you giving advice? you fucking suck mate.

>> No.2601569

What's wrong with that?

>> No.2601584


Do you think it merits a second challenge about a month or two from now?

>> No.2601604

Do it as soon as the current challenges have mostly finished, don't let them slink back into their comfort zones!

>> No.2601611
File: 163 KB, 1006x706, paintin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy multi stream with pet bird

>> No.2601633

good night friends and family!

>> No.2601637
File: 46 KB, 1200x1000, 1466195449287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night famalam!

>> No.2601649

>portrait challenge
>tfw have long eyelashes even though am a guy
>dunno how to draw eyelashes without making the entire portrait look extremely feminine

>> No.2601652

>don't know how to draw something gay and make it look not gay

>> No.2601653

but it doesn't look gay irl

I s-swear

>> No.2601655

Send me a pic anon and I'll help you ;)

>> No.2601656

okay but like should I send pics of my boipucci as well? y'know, as a joke? haha, just as a joke though, haha

>> No.2601657

But South America sucks

>> No.2601662



>> No.2601672

Fucking drawing today went from a cool 25min to an hour because FUCKING HAND ANATOMY

>> No.2601714

Well, I guess I have finally been eliminated from week 1. I drew today too, just forgot to post.That's how I lost just about every token too. I'll rejoin when the week 28 starts up.

>> No.2601728

Did you upload it anywhere? You can ask Lava for his most gracious forgiveness.

Either way, gllad to hear you're sticking with it.

>> No.2601730

how come only one or two of you post crits? More of you fucks need to pitch in.

>> No.2601732

In exactly 4 hours, I'm going on vacation for basically a month and a half. During all that travel, I'm gonna do my best to keep drawing everyday, and attempting to upload it to LAS.

It's been real. Thanks for all the help and shitposting.

>> No.2601733
File: 25 KB, 228x239, 1414015816741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, anon, 1 month vacation?
Good luck and pbwo

>> No.2601742

>tfw w left
>rover left
>Stella left
>dopamine left
>jerry left
I-I miss them. Atleast eldritch started posting again

>> No.2601743

I don't think anyone should try and force themselves to crit something the're not knowledgeable about just for the sake of it, there doesn't seem to be a shortage of replies to people that directly ask for feedback.

>> No.2601749


>> No.2601756
File: 40 KB, 720x480, IMG_3024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, can I join LAS if I'm a shitty beginner that can only post shitty construction and gesture studies?

>> No.2601758

90% of the us are shitty beginners that can only post shitty construction and gesture studies.

>> No.2601761

That's good, then.

I guess I'll join.

>> No.2601763
File: 539 KB, 551x1100, turtle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does week 10 have more participants than week 11?

>> No.2601768

I don't think I improved very significantly, but it did force me to study something that's made me uncomfortable in the past, and I'm definitely more comfortable with it now. So yeah, I think it was useful.

I would do the challenge again, but like the other anon said, wait until there's a dearth of challenges so people will be more able to give it their full focus, and will be more inclined to join it.

>> No.2601786

Looks like a display bug. If you open up the challenge and count everyone in week 10, it is one less than the challenge overview page suggests. Also, it says choob has 250 submissions for that week. Maybe he ate someone and absorbed their work.

>> No.2601820

No, I didn't. It's fine though I knew it was inevitable, this is like the third time I've done this. I just didn't have a token this time. I have been kind of lazy lately so I'm going to take a couple days off and reevaluate my art goals and make some changes to how I've been studying.

>> No.2601836

>getting out of w1 actually helps you improve
There it is ladies and gents. Lava is making you all stagnate and repeat the same mistakes over and over again so he can cut down on competition. How many times has he been eliminated? Exactly, he doesn't give a fuck about w1 because he knows the truth. Quit now and you will see massive gains my friends, massive gains.

>> No.2601850

Thank you very much for the critique, I'll study more.

>> No.2601855

Why is there so much petty fag-drama in these threads? Are you all women or what? Why can't you just draw and leave each other alone? You're anonymous for Christ's sake, how could you even get antagonized by anything?

>> No.2601856
File: 26 KB, 527x409, I think this is bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2601863

You're just proving my point

>> No.2601866

>Are you all women or what?
wow really?

>> No.2601871
File: 66 KB, 500x491, bait just for me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point was that you're spewing shit trying to bait people into more "petty fag-drama"?

I don't see much drama in these threads. Take your bait elsewhere please.

>> No.2601874

Funny enough from experience I found women from LAS to be rather mature and chill compared to some guys.

>> No.2601892
File: 139 KB, 538x925, las_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does las like traps

>> No.2601903
File: 193 KB, 992x992, fufufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our cutest member *is* a trap :3c

>> No.2601921
File: 1.39 MB, 3000x3000, Female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, what the fuck happened when i was sleeping

>> No.2601924
File: 54 KB, 632x626, thefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong picture

>> No.2601929

you made it anon, congrats, no need for las anymore

>> No.2601939

Why do all the comments say you were bitching and whining about something?

>> No.2601942

I sperged about getting downvoted like a motherfucker recently in the description. I removed it tho

>> No.2601947
File: 169 KB, 960x1408, 1467852156425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>executed by a fellow anime
I thought we were gonna make it together ;~;

>> No.2601953
File: 476 KB, 1901x1660, Stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2601968 [DELETED] 

>I don't see much drama in these threads

You must come from a bad home to have standards of drama that high

>> No.2601971

>join las
>have trouble drawing everyday
>watch fzd vid where he talks about self teaching
>says you should punish yourself if you don't draw enough
>says to take away something valuable
>hmmmm...all I do is draw and fap
>decide I can't fap unless I draw for 3 hours
>6 months later
>have a gf
>in bed in the morning
>haven't drawn yet
>can not get it up at all
>same situation a week later but I drew for 3 hours before bed
>everything goes fine
W-what have you done to me? Am I cursed? How do I fix this? It happens if I try to fap early too, I just don't feel anything unless I've drawn for 3 hours.

>> No.2601988

Damn dude, sounds like a dream come true.

>> No.2602005

I'm sorry, I love you, but there can only be one.

>> No.2602011

I remember last year I went abroad in a third world place and I stayed in a place where the toilet was a hole, so for two weeks I didn't poop.
I still wonder how that was remotely possible, when I eventually went back to a hotel and was able to poo at my luxury, it wasn't even a lot.
Anyway, those are my thoughts of the day

>> No.2602015


>> No.2602035

I have a hard time coming up with things to draw, so I've made up a fake game that I'll never make, and now I'm making concept art for it. How autistic am I?

>> No.2602037

Who knows, maybe one day you're gonna make it.

>> No.2602040

I can, with 100% confidence, say that I will absolutely NEVER make it.

>> No.2602048

That's good practice, a lot of people do that kind of thing.

>> No.2602050
File: 71 KB, 278x340, QRiOg8A_zpsbf86a987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602051

Oreo's a TRAP?!

>> No.2602053

Loli's a TRAP?!

>> No.2602057

Loli's CUTE?!

>> No.2602059

Loli a cute :3

>> No.2602074

true ;3

>> No.2602105
File: 131 KB, 304x362, tumblr_o8r1y4dcW71vu0bb8o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602114

Thanks, I'm out of town but I'll take a look at it when I get back.

>> No.2602141
File: 527 KB, 1267x956, f406d253a4dc03703fbb7a9da4032c09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll ask you guys too; Any tips on thumbailing / practising environments?

Really starting to feel like I don't know what I'm doing with these..

>> No.2602172

That's not autistic, that's smart.
How better to train concept art than by doing concept art?
Of course it would be better yet if someone else was telling you what to draw.

>> No.2602177
File: 565 KB, 500x624, 1461220850625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, please I really need advice on this

>> No.2602179

Are these yours? The top left is absolutely gorgeous.

>> No.2602184
File: 111 KB, 368x396, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you need to do the arts but you're not feeling it and work pressure is making it hard to focus

>> No.2602187

It sucks, next

>> No.2602188
File: 254 KB, 1600x1104, noah bradley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not his. Do you really think someone in this shithole could make something like that?

>> No.2602190

They are. the two in the top left are master studies tho, from Moran Thomas.

>> No.2602191

You can make it anon-chan! Don't give up!

>> No.2602196

Thomas Moran*, first is called "Cliff Dwellers the other is "White Mountains.

>> No.2602200

Why do you think I'm asking.

>> No.2602210
File: 26 KB, 236x405, bbe2c1f61938c4fcdf1ed17d10e4712e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're focusing on details too much. The main purpose of thumbnails is to find cool shapes and compositions. I recommend using only a few values first (3-5) and work without zooming in, so you deal only with the big picture.
Look at those examples and squint your eyes - they all have a clear and simple value read:

One fun way to generate ideas is to work from abstract - you can use a couple of textured brushes and make lots of quick random strokes with them (using different values). After that look at what you've done and you'll see lots of cool shapes and ideas there (one seemingly abstract part will resemble a castle, the other one a bird, you get the idea. It's like how people see different animals and such in cloud shapes).
Here's an example of this method using blurred and transformed photos instead of textured brushes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-l9kNXAeGQ

Top left is a master study.

>> No.2602216

Exactly the kind of advice I was looking for and more. Thanks a ton man, I have a lot of weird brushes saved so I'l get started right away.

>> No.2602217
File: 244 KB, 841x1200, 1466009183492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about the Achilles' Heel challenge. Are you happy of how your assigned user worked? did you find your own assignment useful?

>> No.2602224

I can't wait to paint my self portrait today to be honest

>> No.2602234

I miss Tatara :^(

>> No.2602237

>do huston challenge
>constantly think his writing style isn't as good as Loomis'

>> No.2602241

My challenge was useful, it definitely expanded my comfort zone.

My user didn't put in quite as much effort as I had hoped, but I did get him doing things that he perhaps hasn't done before, and it looks like it was still useful to him.

So overall, I'm pleased with the challenge's outcome.

>> No.2602244

muh diccckkk!!!

>> No.2602280

anywhere I can get Figure Drawing for Artists free?

>> No.2602285

Check the archives for the old Book thread, someone kindly uploaded and linked it there iirc

>> No.2602286

Not really, he didn't actually do what I assigned. I had a ton of stuff suddenly come up too, so I couldn't do more than a few perspective studies. They were okay, but really really basic, and I don't think that I learned all that much from it.

>> No.2602289


>> No.2602320
File: 92 KB, 295x229, 1465690655864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ill still post what i did later i guess

>> No.2602329

How long ago did it close? I just uploaded it, do you guys think if i asked lava he would add the link to the challenge? Its not like i uploaded it like two days later.
I wish I had spent more time on my stuff desu my assignment were surprisingly mentally draining

>> No.2602331

asleep confirmed grill

>> No.2602332

90% of animeposters are girls

>> No.2602333

>tfw part of the 10%

>> No.2602347

I still consider you a girl.

>> No.2602348
File: 222 KB, 562x754, 6f10fe9e66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And 50% of those girls have cute penises :3

>> No.2602356

Anyone know why photoshop brushpacks suddenly all get their settings reset to the same settings on all of them? Keeps happening and I have to replace all of them to get their settings back.

>> No.2602374

Fuuuuck this is annoying. I load up some brush packs and they all have individual settings, but after using them for a tiny bit all of the brushes just copy whatever settings the brush I used had. Not even loading the brushes in again works actually, I have to reset photoshop and THEn reload to get their settings back. Fuck this shit how am I supposed to work. Google isn't helping either.

>> No.2602388

Nevermind, didn't know you actually had to click the brushes in the "brush preset" panel and not in the brush panel.

>> No.2602414

noice lighting

>> No.2602415

>Tfw I was in a sleep deprived haze last night
>proud of what I submitted
>check today

>> No.2602436
File: 75 KB, 1024x607, las-charswap-lokki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, can you please critique the foreshortening/proportions of the figure on the left? I'm happy with the pose in general, but it would be great to get it right anatomically (as much as it's possible with stylized character).
Can't wait to jump to painting as soon as possible.

>> No.2602443
File: 106 KB, 830x839, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

streaming studies

thanks buddy

>> No.2602445

Dont ask Choob, he can only draw with a photo in front of him.

>> No.2602447
File: 127 KB, 260x267, 1452042987548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe something like this

>> No.2602450

Threadly reminder:

- filter tripfags
- report cancerous posts
- don't respond to bait or drama
- give crit to struggling lassies
- ask for crit when you're struggling
- discuss challenges or the struggle of drawing every day
- have fun!

>> No.2602452

>don't respond to drama
>discuss the struggle of drawing every day
you're making it pretty hard

>> No.2602453

fuck YOU I won't be penned in like a pig, I am a human being!

>> No.2602455

>- give crit to struggling lassies
But this always whips up huge shitstorms with the picture of that asian bitch who doesnt play video games.

>> No.2602457

I'm not really sure if I actually did the assigned challenge correctly or not and didn't want to ask for clarification since I wanted to see if I could figure it out in the end. Did learn a couple of things with what I did do for my submission so it wasn't a total waste

>> No.2602458

crit sensei's been pretty much unopposed by the feng zhus this past week

>> No.2602468

>tfw accidentally scrunch paper up

>> No.2602473

>rasing too hard
>accidently fuck up the page
I don't even want to draw anymore

>> No.2602474


>> No.2602477

- no politics.

>> No.2602495

Wasn't able to fully complete the assignment I was given due to time constraints but I learned a lot and will be trying to continue with it.

My user completed the assignment as written, but seemed to have missed the entire purpose of it.

>> No.2602535

Well then tell them. The point was then to understand their weaknesses so might as well help them out of they had trouble

>> No.2602538

Depressing blog.

>> No.2602558
File: 3 KB, 833x94, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602559

why do people make blogs? I'm genuinely asking, not trying to antagonize anyone. I know lava has one and he shares a lot about his life on there but maybe 1 or 2 people will read it. Is it just therapeutic to write about your day? Why post it online? For real tho, I'm just curious cause I dont understand it not trying to bully

>> No.2602562

Going through peoples facebook accounts its clear to see why you faggots suck so hard. You niggers play waaay too many video games.

>> No.2602563

because a diary is nothing new, even if noone reads it.
this is dumb

>> No.2602564

save me lava, you are my only hope

>> No.2602567

Its a way to get attention, just like the shitposters in these threads.

>> No.2602571

I had to make a blog for my uni course, part of the end of term marking would be the tutors going through your blog to see if you tried new things and made regular updates, kind of like showing your working in maths.

Imo Tumblr is better than Imgur for LAS uploads because you can still link straight to the image but if you want to see the past few posts you can just scroll through them instead of having to open each one in a new tab.

>> No.2602572

>instead of having to open each one in a new tab.
this, much prefer the archive overview to having to opening several dozen tabs

>> No.2602578

It's Santi. Those numbers looks like a date, 27th April 1998, possible DoB, though don't know why you'd change your username to private information like that.

>> No.2602579

He posted his full name and drivers license before. Either he's a naive idiot or he doesn't care.

>> No.2602581

Same here, plus if you miss someone's updates for a few days then you can catch up on them in like 30 seconds of scrolling.

>> No.2602583

I'm gonna go with idiot

>> No.2602589

When you have no one to talk to, sometimes you want to just share your feelings to the void.

>> No.2602592

I feel you ChoobyD.

>> No.2602593
File: 47 KB, 480x422, 1463517733009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602595
File: 162 KB, 600x3031, 1462423416022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602602
File: 353 KB, 429x564, 1458150359670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602622
File: 137 KB, 1885x267, lonely daddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Artist Feeling

>> No.2602627

why are you going through people's facebooks you creep
if you're looking for qt girl /las/sies you're wasting your time

>> No.2602630

Anyone that's been uploading to an imgur account could just give you a direct link to their entire history of las submissions chronologically on one page that you could scroll straight through, if they wanted you to see it. It's a lot more convenient than tumblr, especially tumblr without a decent custom theme.

>> No.2602639
File: 22 KB, 512x384, 1456287445085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm feeling it

>> No.2602644

That's if they wanted you to see it, whereas all tumblr pages have an /archive page which is unaffected by custom themes.

>> No.2602646

I want to wake up now.

>> No.2602650
File: 117 KB, 498x246, b74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(can't wake up)

>> No.2602659

And it's pretty bad. The rows get jumbled up, it only shows the first image in the post and you still have to open them all in new tabs like you were complaining about. Even deviantart has a better gallery.

>> No.2602666

that's pretty wordy for a child.

>> No.2602669

Man up and come back to the threads already Lava

>> No.2602678

But at least you get a preview, naturally Deviantart is a better art gallery, Deviantart > Tumblr > Imgur if we're talking about previewing art, but Deviantart doesn't allow multiple upload like Tumblr (multiple attachment) or Imgur (album).

>> No.2602715

how do i trace over Old Masters if I don't do digital?

>> No.2602719

tracing paper
a lightbox
a window
be resourceful

>> No.2602720


>> No.2602725

use your mouse family man

>> No.2602726

is this an actually helpful thing to do?

>> No.2602729

paper over your screen?

>> No.2602736


>> No.2602744

yee boi

>> No.2602761
File: 513 KB, 1199x892, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602772

thirding this

>> No.2602774

Get yourself some tracing paper, head down to your local library, make some photocopies, tape photocopy and tracing paper to a window, go nuts.

A little. You get practice following the exact contours of the body without worrying about whether or not your proportions are correct.

>> No.2602786

good for muscle memory, but be careful what you trace, be aware of perspective, lens distortion etc

>> No.2602793

Lol did you forget to remove my name after shitposting?

>> No.2602804

yeah, sorry
I'll go kill myself now

>> No.2602823

If you please, be a person registered in the website "Last Artist Standing" since the first week it was created.

>> No.2602831
File: 608 KB, 958x553, d3bd17c996f633b1f4ba9457ce66a816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No by all means, continue helping people with my name I don't mind ;))

Okay so I used a bunch of random brushes and stamps until I saw something interesting in it, and I kinda love how it came out. Could not get into the same process using textured chalk brushes at all though. I don't struggle with "seeing" cool shapes in something, but I fucking suck at creating my own from scratch.

>> No.2602837
File: 1.13 MB, 2592x1944, azknkb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did it now, but how do I keep my arm from falling off? Is this what they mean by tracing?

>> No.2602840

Don't put a paper over your screen. Print it out or something.

>> No.2602843

Think I just need to get used to drawing good compositions into few values. Anyone got some good movies for landscape or environment shots to do movie still studies of?
Looked through a bunch of movie stills earlier but couldn't find any interesting environments, either just closeups of people or extremely simple landscapes.

>> No.2602850

I'm a fucking faggot ;)

>> No.2602853

>squared paper

>> No.2602858
File: 16 KB, 326x326, 3531d50984bfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, my good reputation already tarnished

>> No.2602859

you want an ashley madison profile? You can be a trans fuckboi

>> No.2602860

That was gayer than SubCryo anon. If you want a family so bad just quit LAS and marry a cow it's not hard.

>> No.2602862

What are YOU listening to LAS?


>> No.2602864

Ayyyyyyyyyyy lmao get btfo faggot

>> No.2602865

is imgur having a stroke today for anyone else?

>> No.2602866

I like SubCryo to be honest, he seems like a nice person.

>> No.2602869
File: 181 KB, 1243x834, roamin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The news tbqh family.
60 dead in Nice from a truck ploughing through people celebrating Bastille Day, but you're right, I'm sure it was the nazis.

>> No.2602870

Human Revolution Soundtrack

>> No.2602871

cool, if only there was a board you could go to to discuss this in detail

>> No.2602877




>> No.2602885

>>2602869 The Hate That Hate Made

>> No.2602888

>tfw haven't studied in two weeks

>> No.2602892

Sauce? Is it any good?

>> No.2602894
File: 70 KB, 720x507, the poor guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602900

Audiobook on the Romanov family/Russian revolution.
Nothing fuels drawing like rage.

>> No.2602909

You will never be magicoreo

Is this good or bad?

>> No.2602916
File: 36 KB, 840x402, oreo cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602919

Oreo is so damn cool and cute. Looking at Oreo I can't help but wonder why someone as mediocre as me continues to exist.

>> No.2602923

good, I'm not a paedo.

>> No.2602929
File: 415 KB, 661x600, 1380180796717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I..I can be magicoreo if I really wanted to...

>> No.2602938

I'm sorry rylaifu

I'm so sorry ;_;

>> No.2602939


>> No.2602943

holy fuck cyan mentioned she was in nice for a few days

>> No.2602946

>all these elliminations
this can't be a coincidence

>> No.2602947


>all these tokens lost yesterday and today
>dataizm out of topic challenge #1

b-but why

>> No.2602948

Don't joke about that lad

>> No.2602951

Are you actually serious?

>> No.2602952
File: 386 KB, 1200x732, halfway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2602953

I'm 100% serious she told me

>> No.2602954
File: 976 KB, 1024x752, topic challenge frontline 2016-07-15 update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602955
File: 218 KB, 584x720, 1456871260236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cool anon ;_;

>> No.2602957

Eldrick was redeemed.

>> No.2602960

On February 29th, yep. And then lost his token properly on May 15th.

>> No.2602961

she was driving the truck.

>> No.2602962

He was. And then he dropped out for good.

>> No.2602963

>tfw SantiChasca STILL isn't dead
how has he outlasted so many fellow Flawless

>> No.2602969
File: 102 KB, 1016x803, 1467696638190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to everyone that participated in the expressions challenge!

>> No.2602970

Who's santichasca? search bar in the site doesn't give me anything

>> No.2602973

a miserable pile of memes

>> No.2602974

what's his username

>> No.2602975
File: 282 KB, 1024x752, 1468116556810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602978

Fucking KEK

>> No.2602979


>> No.2602981

hi santi, why did you change your username? and why are you trying to bring attention to that fact?

>> No.2602982

fuck off stop attention whoring, nobody cares

>> No.2602983

Damn, that's spooky.

>> No.2602984

The faggot fucking changed it to 270498

>> No.2602986
File: 349 KB, 900x549, flawlessanimated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a gif to show the order people fell in and the dates. Make your predictions and bets for the next to fall accordingly.

>> No.2602988
File: 616 KB, 816x1563, santi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602989

>lol rad

For some reason I really like Mathias' submission, even though it's not really the best drawing wise.

>> No.2602990


>> No.2602992
File: 256 KB, 325x537, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too soon

>> No.2602993
File: 11 KB, 640x272, 3143844-3969512460-79715[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(also pls dont bully him)


>> No.2602994
File: 42 KB, 720x609, 1460778336517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602995
File: 54 KB, 1142x990, 1463512226157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602996

>pls dont bully him
fuck HIM

>> No.2602997

Don't worry crit sensei, we'll be real Nice with him!

>> No.2602999

He sucks, next

>> No.2603000

Better than me. Don't know what to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.2603003

nixw akwrxhbook jgmn

>> No.2603011

kek, linked the wrong post

you do some cool shit but stop being lazy and work on your proportions, if you want your characters to look goofy it must be by choice.

>> No.2603012

nice typing

>> No.2603017

literally what
it's a comic meme, what are you talking about

>> No.2603018

it's got a nice style, one of my favorites next to Lokki

>> No.2603020

Lokki's outside comfort zone drawings are really shit though.

>> No.2603027

>only 1 week 6er left

>> No.2603035
File: 71 KB, 488x233, Mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon313, your color palette looks like a fucking Mario my man.

>> No.2603039


>> No.2603046

>only two bronze left

>> No.2603049

>10 days left for animation challenge
>too daunting
>too scared to even start
JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP. Why the fuck is this shit so hard? Even my drawings look worse when I'm animating.

>> No.2603056

Each drawing will only be on the screen for a fraction of a second. The movement is more important than the individual frames.

>> No.2603061


>> No.2603084
File: 234 KB, 508x604, selfportrait1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are those self-portraits coming along lassies?

>> No.2603097

hey choob

>> No.2603107

choob is the penguin???

>> No.2603113

ol' assface.

>> No.2603124

Buy a tablet

>> No.2603139
File: 58 KB, 447x630, John-astin-447x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you John Astin's grandson?

>> No.2603163

When you guys draw do you have anything on in the background besides music? Is it okay to have a tv show or anime playing while you draw or do you think it's too distracting.

>> No.2603167

Listening to streams or utube videos is completely fine for me, actuallly helps me zone out and just work, but I can't talk with people while working at all.

>> No.2603172

I listen to feng zhu talking on loop
if you listen to every video 100 times while drawing continuously you will make it

>> No.2603202

Find some chilling music on youtube and just hit the playlist from there. I've never had a problem with drawing while music is playing.

>> No.2603211

I find it a bit more distracting if the show/movie that's on is something I'm trying to follow. Movies and shows that I've seen a million times are okay though.

>> No.2603220

Anything with visuals I find too distracting, because I'll be tempted to watch it and not just listen. Anime's impossible for me since I don't know Japanese and need subtitles, so either the art or the show gets my eyes. Something like a podcast is okay, since there isn't anything to watch.

>> No.2603222

Your brush is delicious.

>> No.2603244


Thanks to the people who gave me some crit, I really appreciate it (but haven't been checking the thread, and just saw this)

>>you know the general shapes but not the underlying anatomy

I think due to doing gestures/quick sketches and then fleshing them out a bit more, I haven't been focusing on the underlying anatomy enough. Basic muscles like shoulders/legs/knees I have a basic idea of, although I haven't done any studies focusing on the actual muscles and defining their shapes, I'll put some time aside to focus on defining muscle groups on figures.

>>But what's most pressing is faces

Faces have been a constant weak point for me, and I do need to focus more on constructing them. Since I'm aware they are a weak point, I tend to avoid doing too many out of shame (which hurts in the long run)

>>It looks like you put special detail into the holes, but then the faces, legs, and feet will be half-assed

Ironically I usually half ass the holes and focus on getting the hips looking nice, although I have no excuse for halfassing the rest. Hands are something else I tend to skip over, but I'm not inclined to do much study on them.

Recently I've been focusing on understanding stylisation a bit more, playing around with some different techniques, line weight, shading styles, characterization, colour picking, clothing, and drawing a specific character (since I mainly used to do just straight up naked bodies), might go back to some more anatomy studies. Thanks again to the people who provided crit, I super appreciate it.

>> No.2603254

Looks like lots of smudge and sharpen, trips-kun.

>> No.2603297
File: 360 KB, 500x375, 1441265153324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2603312

strem pls

>> No.2603315

bondagefairy is streaming with some lewd person

>> No.2603320
File: 30 KB, 225x350, Ara~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listen to music most of the time, but sometimes I'll listen to MTG podcasts or youtube videos. I don't like doing movies or TV shows, those distract me. Youtube videos only work for me if they're just sound.

>> No.2603335


>> No.2603356
File: 500 KB, 1280x1707, 1467548486771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/las/sies are excited for the weekend streams

>> No.2603361

>tfw care less and less about what people think of my submissions
>tfw not stressing over what I'm submitting anymore, just drawing whatever I want
Is this good or bad?

>> No.2603362

Depends, are you improving?

>> No.2603367

I think so, but I might just be deluded.

>> No.2603370

>my little pony
what happened, las?

>> No.2603374

People saw how good jmgn was so they thought drawing flurries would help them get there.

>> No.2603404
File: 152 KB, 1065x1393, Self portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck on the mouth, can't seem to find a good smirk/grin/frown etc to match the eye expression

>> No.2603420

If it's a self portrait, use yourself as the reference.

>> No.2603421
File: 334 KB, 1065x1393, no need to thank me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2603427
File: 312 KB, 1065x1393, 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2603433
File: 283 KB, 1065x1393, self-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2603435
File: 287 KB, 1065x1393, 1468565231084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2603455

fucking hell, thanks for the help lassies

>> No.2603512
File: 3.87 MB, 600x338, f138d8e291dbf35ec78630d9cffc2f30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ordered some gains a few months ago and they still haven't arrived

>> No.2603526
File: 64 KB, 960x720, stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late stream

>> No.2603541

>Outside of comfort zone drawings are shit
Can you specify, so I can grind the subjects until they're decisively not as shit?
Unless you mean every topic submission. Topic submissions are past saving.

>> No.2603557

How's your character swap challenge going /las/sers?

>> No.2603560

10/10 would participate again

>> No.2603567

ubf you're a premium picarto member can you enable last stream recording so I can watch your stream after it's over?

>> No.2603591

Better and more consistent than 90% of /ic.
That is all. You cucks have a problem with him because his work is stylized.

>> No.2603593


>> No.2603597

holy fuck

>> No.2603610
File: 67 KB, 600x800, 1421852620837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun. One of my favorite challenges, thus far.

>> No.2603611

Mr. Fantastic? Is that you?

>> No.2603629
File: 5 KB, 389x62, dfgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow fuck you man I just wanted to watch your streams because I can't catch them live during the day

>> No.2603630

Sure anon. I don't really do anything interesting but they should save from now on.

Speaking of streaming, streaming:

>> No.2603632

No bully!

>> No.2603635


>> No.2603642
File: 17 KB, 650x366, noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I made you a necklace anon! Try it on!

>> No.2603644

why would you do this ;_;

>> No.2603647

senpai is too hidoi (;へ:)

>> No.2603648

>wake up
>Dozens dead in france
What a nice way to start the day

>> No.2603650


>> No.2603653

>Wake up
>Dozens of lassies aren't dead

>> No.2603655
File: 2 KB, 22x32, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I felt embarrassed that an anon wanted to see my streams so I laughed...

>> No.2603657


>> No.2603661

I live in Nice (a few blocks from where it happened) and seeing these low effort puns all over 4chan is literally worse than dad jokes

kys petit bonhommes

>> No.2603663

I'll forgive you if you make a video of yourself cumming into a martini glass

>> No.2603670

Anon that's lewd!

>> No.2603671

Nice meme

>> No.2603676

Kek smiles upon the faithful

>> No.2603678
File: 14 KB, 188x252, loomis5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you up for the job of eliminating the vermin in las?

Join Loomis today!

>> No.2603679


>> No.2603690

Keep this shit inside the cancer streams please.

>> No.2603691
File: 6 KB, 293x71, ergergrer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JMGN a challenger appears

>> No.2603692
File: 7 KB, 396x69, ubf y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2603693



>> No.2603695
File: 132 KB, 735x982, Doom Clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock

>> No.2603696
File: 2 KB, 47x42, getg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2603702
File: 67 KB, 580x777, 1438584663557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2603723


>> No.2603741

podcasts, creepypastas and other audio conversaions.

>> No.2603780

good morning friends and family!

>> No.2603788

Fox news

>> No.2603789


>> No.2603810

this man sickens me.


>> No.2603858

sasori you could have at least drawn young anna instead you sick fuck

good work on everything else though

>> No.2603864

Choob why do you need 6 different blogs?

>> No.2603979

>both france and las lost lots of people today
When Loomis goes too far...

>> No.2603986

Kaiji. It's okay if you enjoy constant rambling about human nature

>> No.2603989


>> No.2604009


Real Nice of you.

>> No.2604029

One for every extra chromosome

>> No.2604038
File: 39 KB, 599x325, coup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope there aren't any Turkish /las/sies, good luck getting online

>> No.2604039

Loomis just evolved into Isloomis

>A/las/hu ackbar!!!
*Drives white Loomis van into a crowd*

>> No.2604041

tfw sit at my desk for several hours thinking, "I should start drawing now" but never start

>> No.2604042

Fucking KEK

>> No.2604043
File: 128 KB, 1240x874, 1449604390209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for people being influenced by other lassies styles and techniques is fun

>> No.2604046

>twitter, facebook, youtube
nothing of value lost

>> No.2604048
File: 188 KB, 670x473, bunker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more important because the military is cutting off the public's access and having a coup right now m8

Literally tanks at the airports and bridges, jets and choppers flying low over the cities
Police fighting the military

>> No.2604050

I'm trying to emulate anon313

>> No.2604052

What is up with all these happenings and /pol/ shit happening lately?

>> No.2604053

WW3 soon anon

>> No.2604054

When will the Loomis Nation attack?

>> No.2604058

/pol/ opened Pandora's Box by worshipping Kek.
>worship the god of chaos
>worldwide chaos ensues
>chaos candidate about to become emperor
What were you expecting to happen?

>> No.2604061
File: 50 KB, 540x631, 1456319008092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many lassies would recognise you if they were shown just your submission with no name?

>> No.2604064

>tfw Loomis couldn't figure out how to kill the remaining Flawless so he had to start WW3
save us Lava

>> No.2604065

you say that like it's a joke

this is probably just an attempted coup, but if it's more serious then other countries will have to get involved, Turkey is a NATO country

You can bet your ass the russians are moving into position right now

>> No.2604085

it was lots of fun, i wouldn't draw at all if not the challenge
rad smug otou-san best 'tou-san ;D
and suzi thanks for setting me on the pass of thick thighs, wish i could do them better justice

>> No.2604103

how many lasses are from Turkey or surrounding countries?

>> No.2604122

thank you anon

>> No.2604131

Jerry beeaaann
Hai Hai

>> No.2604179

w and eldritch are back. How many lasses do you think will come back? Rover pls

>> No.2604195

another day of thready not picking my drawing

>> No.2604200
File: 301 KB, 643x636, 1456573760323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who lost their tokens or were eliminated yesterday?

I was just thinking if Loomis got any /las/sers while visiting Nice.

>> No.2604209

State your name and you will be the op

>> No.2604212

Loomis World Tour begins

>Nice, France yesterday
>Ankara, Turkey today
>your house, tomorrow

>> No.2604214


>> No.2604218

was Sekko Boys the most /ic/ anime last season?
Also Loomis is trying to go for the turkish lassies now. Nice is old news now.

>> No.2604226

I'm losing my fucking mind

>> No.2604227


>> No.2604229
File: 199 KB, 600x610, 1461195944746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf man

>> No.2604230
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sekkou Boys - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.39_[2016.01.09_00.41.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2604231

>tfw actually regressing

>> No.2604232
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>> No.2604246
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>tfw following LAS' advice for practicing and I'm slowly getting gudder every day

>> No.2604249

What is LAS advice?

>> No.2604254

stop memeing, start drawing

>> No.2604257

thats the opposite of las

>> No.2604261


>> No.2604267

I asked how to make my lineart less messy, and the gist I got, aside form the ol' "draw from the shoulder" advice to make my lines straighter, was to draw with an unforgiving, pressure insensitive brush so I'd be forced to have to plan every line.
I'm less than a week into it and I'm by no means where I want to be yet, but I really feel like I'm making progress.

This too.

>> No.2604277
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I'll never be as good as ukanon

>> No.2604279


>> No.2604281

you'll never be as good as a beginner?

>> No.2604282

what's the point of las when grach already won?

>> No.2604284


>> No.2604285
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>topic #1 elimination

>> No.2604286

is it me or is the countdown timer on the website fucked?

>> No.2604288

>all these people killed in turkey and nice
holy shit

>> No.2604290

I can't see it either, was just about to post about it.

>> No.2604291

VitaminNeko what happened?

>> No.2604292

Now Lava HAS to come back! :D

>> No.2604293
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please crit lonku today. Go on, get to it...

>> No.2604295


>> No.2604296

>Computer crashed before I could submit
Top ebin

>> No.2604298

so you think your so tough huh? gettin real cocky huh? we killed crit keepers before, fucko, well do it again you know?

>> No.2604300

tfw all of your beloved rivals are falling

>> No.2604302

I really do hope that he's okay.

Lonku's more cartoonish style is cute, maybe a little generic, but I like it. He's obviously making stylistic choices with it though and he doesn't seem incompetent to me.

I much prefer when he does things like this though.

>> No.2604307

feels sad man

>> No.2604308

Your studies are really hard to look at jmgn

>> No.2604313

lava please come back I miss you so much ;_;

>> No.2604314

tfw you will never be someones beloved rival

>> No.2604317
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iktf famalamadingdong ;_;

>> No.2604319

I-I'll be the Gary Oak to your Ash Ketchum, if you want me to... a-are you a beginner too? Smell ya later!

>> No.2604320
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Everyone in LAS is a beloved rival. I want to see all of you succeed. Your successes push me to achieve more. Your progress encourages me. I want us all to push each other to greater heights that we could never achieve alone. When any of you quits, even if you were only here for a single day, I feel disheartened. So please stay here with me. Let's improve together!

>> No.2604321


>> No.2604322
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You're just trying to get me to greater heights so you can just push me off the cliff.

I'm onto your tricks, I will be last lassy.

>> No.2604325

how do you crit dog shit

>> No.2604331

I like Lonku, he has a very characteristic style, cute and easy to look, can't say anything much to him. Keep it up!

>> No.2604333

Fuck it's WW3 this is it this is how Loomis wins

>> No.2604334

There are currently no open challenges. Go start one!
There are currently no open challenges. Go start one!
There are currently no open challenges. Go start one!

>> No.2604335

Kek may really be the one true god.

>> No.2604337
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Character swap #1 ended! are you happy with how it turned out?

>> No.2604338

this heals the soul (*´▽`*)

>> No.2604339
File: 279 KB, 512x384, patrickwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the soul
the what now?

>> No.2604340

Guess I'll actually make that anime style comparison thing I talked about a while ago.

Never made one before, any tips as far as rules?

>> No.2604342

gestures forever

>> No.2604343

it's a next level happening m8


>> No.2604354
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>> No.2604355

We get 1 token / month, right?

>> No.2604357



>> No.2604358


It doesn't come across in your simpler work, but you clearly know what you're doing when it comes to anatomy and portraiture. A couple suggestions for things to improve on:

Figure out how to work perspective into your style. It's not really noticeable at first because everything is stylized, but for instance here: http://67.media.tumblr.com/54b71d2b19efe961ae608dc1f2ff0a53/tumblr_oa7qt1ib641s0gwy2o1_1280.png the table and chairs are flat but the rest of the room is steeply curved, as if you're looking at it from a high angle. Same for the middle panel here, http://lonk.tumblr.com/image/144540013083 Either the foreground platform should be more round or the background scene should be more flat, if that makes sense. Read up on some perspective and you'll get it.

secondly, you're gestures and expressions in your comics are very anime-- like over-the-top 90s era anime. If you want it that way fine, but it comes across kind of kitschy and dated. Check out some theater showings or sit in on an improve group. Stage actors know how to project emotions with their body language since facial expressions are hard to read on stage. That would give you an idea of different ways of communicating exaggerated expressions.

Hope that helps!

>> No.2604361

I want to do some master-studies of complex landscapes or environments since I struggle whenever I try to adding complexity to my own compositions, anyone got some good masters to recommend?

I think Lonku is very good at creating convincing characters for his cartoons and obviously has a understanding of anatomy to back it up, but I would like to see him do the same for environments. Having simple environments is good for his style, but imo the comics where he put some more effort into unique environments are so much better than the ones with blank backgrounds.

>> No.2604368

Jerrybreems on my mind

>> No.2604372

Lonku's designs have pleasing shapes, but I feel they can push themselves a lot more than they are doing. The colors are often simple and kind of bland, and the designs never go past simple shapes. Playing around more with color and detail would be nice to see.

Also the inorganic shapes and perspective seem to be lacking like in http://i.imgur.com/42FXRtk.jpg or http://i.imgur.com/Oj3hmZH.jpg

I really enjoy the character interactions in the comics though as they are handled quite nicely.

>> No.2604387

good night friends and family!

>> No.2604391

Good night roaches sleep safe

>> No.2604398





>> No.2604402

I didn't even realize we were on page 9

>> No.2604499

the person that drew mine did a great job, but I'm a bit disappointed in the one I drew for someone else