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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2601969 No.2601969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you eat /ic/?

Things that are quick and efficient so you can get back to work? Ultra healthy stuff to keep your mind keen? Whatever is cheapest to save up for that new graphic tablet?

Do tell!

>> No.2601970

Buy this thing:


Saves a ton of time on cooking and cleaning and turns out exactly the same. And of course it's ramen, so it's like 25¢ a pack.

>Ultra healthy stuff to keep your mind keen?

>> No.2601973

fallin for the carbs symbol drawing japan jew

>> No.2601974
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I buy the shit that I happen to have money for. Usually I refrain from cheap ready-made stuff, because doing it from scratch is even cheaper and healthier. And I do at least 4-6 portions, so I can eat twice, saves also time. But the truth is that I'm skinny af and I'm not eating enough.

>> No.2601976

I honestly just eat alot of spicy food and spaghetti thats it nothing else.

>> No.2601977

That's pretty neat. I used to eat mostly ramen and my skin started to get nasty though, that stuff can't be healthy

>> No.2601994

I'm not good at it, but try to keep some legumes, potatoes, oatmeal, dairy, fruit and veggies on your menu and go running or cycling often. If you keep it up you'll notice a less suicidal mood and fewer art blocks.

>> No.2601999

Ricecooker and tons of jasmine rice, then throw in vegetable or some meat depending on money and taste, plain rice with sriracha and some canned vegetables i pretty good

>> No.2602018







Basically just pasta

>> No.2602019

I eat a lot of vegetables, rice, pasta and dairy products.
Don't avoid spending an hour on cooking and eating. Rushing your meals isn't healthy and you can take that time to let your mind rest a little bit.
Don't buy a lot of meat, fish and other food that's pricey in your country. Vegetables in season and food that can be bought in bulk like rice and beans are often the cheapest options.

>> No.2602026


>dairy, legumes, potatoes and oatmeal

Did you learn nutrition in the 70's?

>> No.2602031

those are cheap and healthy options, what's the problem with them?

>> No.2602075
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Oatmeal and milk for breakfast
Ass-loads of rice, steamed green beans on the side.
Eggs and tomatoes for dinner with leftovers from lunch.
It's all rather yummy and fast, I also add a lot of olive oil to stuff when I want to spoil myself.
I'm afraid of cooking chicken since I can get salmonella from it, beef is too expensive and fish is too smelly (though I love it and it's cheap, just the landlord not wanting me to stink up the place) so I just take protein shakes to make up

>> No.2602087
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>Ricecooker and tons of jasmine rice, then throw in vegetable or some meat

>> No.2602100

Surprised with the amount of people saying they eat pasta, I also eat a lot of pasta/rice since it's so easy and quick to cook.

I also make homemade soup (quick and easy to make also, will last for 3 days if you make it in a big pot), in between I have a lot of tea/coffee and for breakfast it's usually eggs or microwave porridge (oatmeal).

>> No.2602127

You're right, I forgot that legumes and oatmeal stopped being healthy in the early 90s. We should all live purely off of protein shakes and solar energy now.

>> No.2602132

this is not /ic/ thread

>> No.2602133

WHy is this lil animu gril crying

>> No.2602143
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>Slow cooker
It's pretty funny you made this thread since I changed my own diet recently. My problem before was just that I was lazy and thought it would be difficult to learn how to cook but not really. Take smoothies for example. All you do is buy some berries and shove 'em in a mixer and you're done and it tastes great. Haven't eaten fast food in a month.

>> No.2602155

tear of joy because of the american soldiers generosity

>> No.2602167

this. specifically the fruit, oatmeal, dairy and cycling. also make sure your vitamin d levels are right.

>>in the 70's
don't talk shit about the 70's man, their food and music was and still is amazing.
i can understand if you hate brown wallpaper and beads, but come on.

that sounds like you were ONLY eating ramen.
still need to eat other things like fruit and veges.
gotta find that balance.

she forgot the pickles.

>> No.2602255

Yeah I ate nearly only ramen. Two ramen packets a day, every 3 or 4 days maybe a chocolate bar or some crisps

Lost a lot of weight back then, but made a lot of art gains

>> No.2602257
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>> No.2602258

What you eat affects your art. Take caffeine for example, gives you a shaky hand.

>> No.2602292

>breakfast oatmeal errday

>lunch 1 apple, carrots, celery, and pbj sandwich/bagel/quesadilla with guac
>sometimes only fruit lunch 1 banana, 1 apple, 2 kiwi, 2 mandarin oranges

>dinner 3 eggs any style, w/sateed spinach and/or baked mini potatoes...

>snacks fruit or yogurt

>occasionally inhale entire burger

Yoga up to 3x/week
Bodyworks 1x/week
Spin class about 2x/week

I basically can't draw if I don't exercise. Exercise is good for your brain.

>> No.2602328


I eat either fast food or fried eggs for breakfast, some vegetables and cheese and meat for lunch (cheap -- a broccoli head, some turkey lunch meat, some sandwich cheese or if it's on sale some fresh mozzarella), snack on bananas etc. And something healthy for dinner. Tons of coffee

>> No.2602336

pls tell me youre a girl
or at least a very very homosexuel man

>> No.2602367

why spend 10 dollars on a single purpose instrument that makes something you shouldn't be consuming en masse anyways? just go to your local store, and buy a ziploc sandwich tupperware container. works probably as well as that ramen only piece, and you get 5 for that price.

>> No.2602377 [DELETED] 

Why not gogurt though, you can eat that one the move?

>> No.2602398

whatever's in the reduced aisle usually. lots of tea and cigs.

i'm unemployed (but don't want to be) so i'm very frugal w/ food

>> No.2602484

I cook at home, and I think I spend around $150/month including bathroom and laundry stuff. I usually shop at the Chinese and Armenian/Russian stores. I do too much shit to mess with the fuel that drives me by trying to scrimp. I go to school, work a physically demanding job, hit the gym, and spend the rest of my free time drawing. I need a lot of calories.

I set aside a couple hours a week to cook all at once.
I roast my own chicken, beef, and pork with curry and prepared spices. Prep some veggies and rice, oatmeal, or buckwheat on the stove. When it's done, compartmentalize them into little packets for the fridge and freezer so I can just warm them up throughout the week.

I keep a lot of side dishes in the fridge, like pickled veggies and marinated fish.

Leftovers I fry on the cast iron skillet with bacon grease. I save the scraps of vegetable tips, onion skins, and the bones of the roasts. Then I throw them all in a pot to make soup. Roasted bone soup is godsend and can fill you up quick when you're in a tight situation.

I make sure to have enough protein and will supplement with whey every day.

I also eat little snacks throughout the day - fruits, nuts, whey shake, eggs, jerkies, kefir. For drinks, I get a little bit of hot water, add coffee or jam to it, then dilute the rest with milk to make a sweet beverage. I don't drink soda or juice or buy junk food. I don't crave them because I get enough calories from my cooking.

Momma taught me well.