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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 540 KB, 2948x600, sasasaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2597270 No.2597270 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last Thread >>2593281

>> No.2597272

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2597274

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Las_streams@twitch (multistream for twitch)

Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

>> No.2597279

How can I tell if the way I study is good?

>> No.2597288

You will know when you notice that you're getting better. I think most of the time you'll be able to feel it to some extent, like starting a piece just feels more natural, but that's not always the case.

>> No.2597290

Are you seeing improvement? Aside from that you could post your name or post some of your old and new works and people could help you out.

>> No.2597291

Keep drawing every day goyim

>> No.2597310

The imgur beta interface is garbage. The image page doesn't have views, it takes several extra steps to get to the pure image link, and even single images are getting uploaded as albums.

>> No.2597318

I'm in love with a lassie

>> No.2597326

please share anon everyone wants to know what appeals to normies

>> No.2597327

you too?
I can't stop thinking about you're mom.

>> No.2597329

>it takes several extra steps to get to the pure image link

>right click
>view image

Where are the several steps?

>> No.2597330

The circlejerk image for the circlejerk general
Keep it up lads

>> No.2597332

>Tfw lava doesn't even come to the threads anymore

>> No.2597333

>tfw even the kikes want us to make it
W-What does it mean?!

>> No.2597334

Earlier I almost got myself in trouble because "copy link location" when right clicking on the image gave me some weird imgur link with "undefined.png" at the end, and I almost didn't notice in my rush to submit.

>> No.2597336

Watch out laddie!
*spurts cum on your silly face*

>> No.2597337

I just right click and press "copy image address" unless you're talkin' about something else...

>> No.2597338

That's why I always do view image to be sure the link actually works.

>> No.2597339

look at the videogames industry, they make shit ton of money and they pay peanuts to the artists

>> No.2597341

If I recreate a photo with a very realistic study, then use it for photobashing, is it still photobashing?

>> No.2597342

Copy link location and copy image location should give the same address when right clicking on the image, but that was a weird bug or something. It also sends me to an album page link instead of the single page link even if I only upload one thing (it has the imgur.com/a/stuff format), but that album doesn't appear in my list of albums and the image doesn't appear in my list of non-album images. They really needed to test their shit better before rolling out a public beta.

>> No.2597345

what the heck

actual answer: who cares??

>> No.2597350
File: 238 KB, 620x653, 1459367877039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as you keep drawing you get to hang out with someone as cute as me!!

>> No.2597355


>> No.2597375

shut up susi

>> No.2597378
File: 34 KB, 267x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only drew for 3 hours today
Night lads :(

>> No.2597380

susi quit

>> No.2597382

>tfw I rarely get to draw for more than an hour or two each day.....
Not gonna make it, but I am gonna slowly get better at a turtle's pace.

>> No.2597385
File: 184 KB, 500x500, 1371530473517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw drew for exactly 30 minutes (if at that) because I can't seem to be capable of drawing or studying anything lately

I'm in such a rump, help me lassies.

>> No.2597386

wait wat, why?

>> No.2597388

>tfw only drew for 20 minutes
Come at me gestapo fuckos

>> No.2597399

Do some draw roulettes or challenges. Force some simple creativity.

>> No.2597431
File: 93 KB, 1280x862, tumblr_oa4g4bTp7D1sr14nqo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand your character, vadstart, what does it have in the back? looks like another different insect.

>> No.2597433

Lava is working a lot on the site, thank god.
But where arE MY BADGEEEEES?

>> No.2597434

Dont forget the feet anatomy challenge guise :S.
Also nice submission Mathias

>> No.2597435


>> No.2597439

wha... what about mine?

>> No.2597440

Depends on who you are family

>> No.2597452
File: 83 KB, 1024x817, NecroChemist2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character is called a Necrochemist and she's from a magitech fantasy world. It was supposed to be just a tech backpack with different alchemy concoctions and clockwork hands which injects mutagens in her and toxins/corrupting agents in her enemies (and also quickly refills the rifle).
Maybe it's actually made from the husk of another insect.

>> No.2597454

>enter stream
>just as they enter they end
someone stream I'm dying without background noise

>> No.2597458

>More challenges have opened and closed before I even saw them
Are the deadlines to get in on these an hour or something? Goddamn.

>> No.2597460

Favor I'll submit a character today I swear !! ;__;

>> No.2597461

They're usually set to 1 or 2 days I think

>> No.2597467

>wake up early
"Oh boy I'm gonna draw lots today! :D"
>procrastinate for 3 hours

>> No.2597472

>wake up early
>procrastinate for 3 hours

>> No.2597488

I don't see how could you miss them, they always appear clearly at the main page.

>> No.2597504
File: 23 KB, 698x644, 1465279720543-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wish to keep us motivated in order to git gud, thus casting away our social time with our friends, family and loved ones in order to destabilize our relationships and sow further alienation amongst ourselves within our nation.

>> No.2597510


>> No.2597511


>> No.2597514


>> No.2597515


>> No.2597517
File: 54 KB, 604x453, 1454965878952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we get so good that our art causes us to gain hundreds of friends, our parents become proud of us, and we all get married to beautiful Aryan women and birth 5+ white children who all love us very much?

What if the kikes finally end up keking, not us artfags, but themselves?

>> No.2597518

but I'm black

>> No.2597520
File: 106 KB, 438x350, 1464366422993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not qt asian gf who will support you and lend you her exceptional racial discipline.

>> No.2597521
File: 36 KB, 709x765, tbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2597522


why do I bother with these threads anymore

>> No.2597524

No more Eliot Rodgers pls

>> No.2597528
File: 400 KB, 640x480, 1296152332456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having childern
>more than one

>> No.2597530

2 children is best
a boy and a girl
I'll name them Rover and Stella

>> No.2597531

good goy etc.

>> No.2597533

Rover is a dog's name and Stellas are sluts

>> No.2597534

I'll name them Anon313 and UltraBondageFairy

>> No.2597536

>Taking the memes seriously and basing life decisions on memes

>> No.2597539

Anon313 is not an actual name
If I have two boys I will call them Nile and Santi

>> No.2597540

I'll name them Choob and Susipari

>> No.2597542

Hey family, I'm going to be away on a short vacation (10 days). I'll try to post something traditional every day, but I can't guarantee anything yet...

Have fun drawing and I'll be back soon enough~

>> No.2597543

I'll name them Cath and Lokki

>> No.2597544

I'll name them You're Mom and Fuck YOU

>> No.2597545




>> No.2597546

please be week one!

>> No.2597547

If you're on LAS then you base your life decisions on memes every 24 hours. It's not like your hurting from it.

>> No.2597552

Poor kids :'(

>> No.2597553


>> No.2597556

Why Nile as your username?

>> No.2597557

Lava where the fuc are you

>> No.2597562

Nile's short for Nilefar which is a nickname I was given in 6th grade for being the fastest sprinter in class

>> No.2597567

that just makes me more confused

>> No.2597584

But what does nilefar mean, literally?

>> No.2597586

BECAUSE NILE CAN GO REALLY FAR so they called him nilefar and he shortened it to nile

>> No.2597589

Theres 2 parts, Nile which just is the Nile river, and far meaning father in swedish. So basically Father of the Nile
Nilefar sounds better when said in swedish so I shortened it to Nile to make it sound better

>> No.2597590

>they called me father of the nile river because I was the fastest sprinter in class

I don't understand

>> No.2597593
File: 33 KB, 500x378, 1468214549918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he ran so fast he pissed himself
>he pissed so much they called him father of the Nile

>> No.2597599

This is official now.

>> No.2597603

I think the first one with a big gauntlet or blunt weapon would have the most charming silhouette

>> No.2597604


>> No.2597614

fucking kek

>> No.2597632

Cool idea man, I'd play as them in a game or something

>> No.2597633

I feel like I know all of you really well just by looking at your submissions everyday

>> No.2597634

>raciar disciprine
>marries gaijin


>> No.2597638


>> No.2597639

You know nothing Jon snooooow
I get what you mean though and it's pretty comfy

Also why is there no Get Well Soon Lava challenge yet lads, someone said they'd make it

>> No.2597642

whole site needs a revamp desu
wish there was a few dedicated people working on it

>> No.2597661

Someone said they were going to, but then decided against it. They didn't want to make a get well card for Lava and not make one for other people who are ill and have them feel left out. It's a shame that so many people are in need of get well cards... it would be nice if we could make some for all of them.

>> No.2597662

Kekked 4/4 times I read this

>> No.2597675
File: 537 KB, 732x763, HURRY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sucking-at-las strem

>> No.2597676

Is there a masterlist of all lassie tumblrs I can follow?

>> No.2597681


>> No.2597682
File: 349 KB, 350x233, go back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2597683

>watch someone else paint
>realize how convoluted and strange my painting process is
fug, this is depressing

>> No.2597684


>> No.2597689

>Lokki's character is a boy

>> No.2597693

a qt boy

>> No.2597708
File: 7 KB, 250x236, 1424925136434s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neko ill have your character up in a couple of hours, sorry...

>> No.2597726

good morning friends and foes!

>> No.2597727

reminder that we will all make it
except for you

>> No.2597729

Well, why can't the card be for all of them?

>> No.2597730

>all of these people only doing one side of the leg
You guys know the muscles are different on the inside and outside, right? What are you doing?

>> No.2597735


>> No.2597736


Essentially the inside muscles can be simplified so much it's not even worth it.

>> No.2597739

That's literally tumblr tier shit

>oh no we can't do get well cards because THINK OF THE AFRICAN CHILDRWN TOO THEY NEED CARDS AS WELL

>> No.2597742

this, we can't write get well cards for all the jerrybreems in the world

>> No.2597745

>being considerate of others is now considered tumblr shit
>he doesn't realize that a fuck ton of artists on /las/ use tumblr
Suicide yourself my dawg

>> No.2597746

Dunno why you're telling ME that... I'm just telling you what they said in the other thread (or maybe even this one, I'm not scrolling up to check). There's nothing stopping either of you from making the challenge to produce a card or cards with whatever specifications you want.

>> No.2597747

>yfw by the time someone makes the get well challenge lava will have died

>> No.2597749

>he doesn't realize that a fuck ton of artists on /las/ use tumblr

This is not something that anyone should publicly acknowledge

>> No.2597759

Top ramen for breakfast lassies
my green onions went bad and my chicken is frozen, so I couldn't elevate this at all unfortunately. After this sodium bomb, it's a full day of drawing for me.

>> No.2597766

you ain't sweepin this one under the rug friend

>> No.2597773

I only use tumblr cause it's more convenient than imgur imo, I don't subscribe to tumblr's prevailing beliefs, it's just a service for me

>> No.2597776
File: 15 KB, 200x154, ss+(2016-07-11+at+06.53.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UHHH, i think i'm skipping this one. In late twenties we still have p-plenty of time, right?

>> No.2597780


please talk about neuroplasticity pleease

>> No.2597783

pleeenty of time

>> No.2597786

Ligameme degradation!

>> No.2597789

>tfw after 25 you begin to rapidly lose your ligameme

>> No.2597790

fresh /ic/ memes

>> No.2597797

it's actually not that onegai desu boku wa baka senpai

>> No.2597799

>tfw hang out with all you over 25s and reading all this discussion about over 25s is making me feel like I'm over 25

>> No.2597817

I'm 20 and I feel like I've passed my prime :')

>> No.2597823
File: 592 KB, 637x464, 1435079529377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only a few months till turning 20
Gotta quit if I'm not landing deals with AAA game companies or Magic the Gathering or get scouted by my favorite Japanese animation studios by then.

>> No.2597825


>> No.2597837

I'll probably kill myself before I hit 30 so it doesn't matter that much

>> No.2597840

How old are you now?

>> No.2597844

Somebody please stream!

>> No.2597850

Same. I like the archive and new posts feed better than stuff like blogspot that I used to use. Quick and easy to measure feedback too.

Also its perfect for when we're giving crits to someone and crit sensei guy can just link their blog archive, so much faster to see it all than having to click through LAS links one by one.

But ofc going on Tumblr means you subscribe blindly to all their views, just like going on /pol/ for news makes me a white supremacist nazi. Bad luck f a m.

>> No.2597854

Mid 20s

>> No.2597855

don't kill yourself man, you got plenty of time

>> No.2597871

>tfw still didn't start on muh animations
P-plenty of time right?

>> No.2597873

plenty of time senpai, plenty of time

>> No.2597878

>tfw still haven't started on the mech challenge

>> No.2597879

who else giving up art so they can catch more pokeymans?

>> No.2597881

I use tumblr because I hope someone will talk to me

>> No.2597882

I can talk to you, anon, who are you? (◕‿◕)

>> No.2597883
File: 14 KB, 320x246, 1459747956728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people talk to me asking for tips and tutorials and i redirect them to books, they never respond back.

>> No.2597884

Joe Pesci

>> No.2597886

Should i join this? will it help me to stay motivated so i can actually fucking improve for a change?

>> No.2597889

It's fine, I don't have my character up either. I'll be working on it though.

>> No.2597894 [DELETED] 

To me it has been a huge help, months ago I was so fucking lazy, now I'm getting close to 200 days drawing, I can't help Lava enough.

>> No.2597896

To me it has been a huge help, months ago I was so fucking lazy, now I'm getting close to 200 days drawing, I can't thank Lava enough.

>> No.2597897

it does help in making drawing and painting a habit, it's still up to you if you want to use that time to practice or just doodle around.

>> No.2597899

>>2597894 same, before this I drew at most an hour a week, now I'm around anywhere from 1 to over 4 hours a day depending on whether I'm in a rut or on a roll

>> No.2597904
File: 22 KB, 798x205, X55mylU[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to join and I can't even figure the site out

How do I join this?

>> No.2597907
File: 378 KB, 534x486, 1455236372499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my stream isnt there anymore

i have been forgotten.

>> No.2597908

looks like you lost too much neuroplasticity to learn anything

>> No.2597909


>> No.2597911

Once you've registered you just have to upload your first submission on the main page when you wanna start, and the ride begins.

>> No.2597912
File: 839 KB, 450x402, its on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2597930


>> No.2597933

Some anon made a new list because a lot of people went inactive. I can add you if you still stream.

>> No.2597937
File: 184 KB, 559x381, 1446159647023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok, its not like people watch anyway.


>> No.2597941

I'll watch you senpai! What's the link?

>> No.2597943

Banana? :D

>> No.2597947

Lokki? :V

>> No.2597950
File: 433 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20160604-155253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2597960

>tfw had nightmare

>> No.2597963
File: 187 KB, 900x1262, tumblr_nj7ri5vzqS1u54l7wo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choob, when are you gonna attempt to create something? I dont think I've ever seen you come up with something original.

>> No.2597971

Dudes thanks for the advice.this will really help then, i've been looking for some way to improve before i head off to college.

>> No.2597975
File: 30 KB, 405x322, 1454885303373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was only Loomis
why raise my hopes

>> No.2597978


I asked to be taken off about twenty threads back because I don't stream anymore.

>> No.2597979
File: 6 KB, 79x89, 1463611801894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2597988

>tfw the only person in the world who isn't playing pokemon go

>> No.2597997

I'm not! :3

>> No.2598012

how do i make a submission?

>> No.2598018

learning disability is REAL

>> No.2598020

I played for like a day. It's kinda cool at first just cause there's very few augmented reality games out there and it has fucking Pokemon in it. But after the initial excitement wears off there really isn't much there, you just walk and catch Pokemon and then level them up with candy. Boring

>> No.2598023


>> No.2598026

read the faq, youll get shit flung at you for asking basic questions like that.

post somewhere like imgur, copy link, paste into submit box on dashboard and upload a thumbnail.

>> No.2598031

alright. thanks

>> No.2598032

shit's so basic I don't think the FAQ actually covers it

>> No.2598034

That's all well and good but do you swear?

>> No.2598040

its literally the second thing on the list

in fact, the first thing is just lava's contact info so its really the first thing

>> No.2598043

My desktop will make it impossible to do some digital for today. Guess it's back to pencil for me today.

>> No.2598044

How long should I be averaging for the rendering/coloring phase?

>> No.2598046

so dow you guys discuss ideas here? give pointers that sort of thing? just made my first sub and would like some info if im going to compete in this

>> No.2598049
File: 442 KB, 500x281, 9b39a304dd38217257d605901ecbd3af.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the FAQ even covers how to submit

>> No.2598050

It's not a competition. We're just drawing.

>> No.2598053

the threads are complete cancer
meme spouting, circle jerking, sekrit klubs

>> No.2598054

shut the FUCK UP nile

>> No.2598055


>> No.2598056

oh i know, but what is gitting gud if not competing against ones self

>> No.2598057


No matter what I find it very hard to hate you. You're just a pipsqueak asian boy. Really can't stand that santi guy, though.

>> No.2598060

you'll come to hate me anyway
I'm like tripfag, only not as fucking old and bitter
and also not as shit at drawing ;^)

>> No.2598071

>meme talking shit about other meme

look out we got a new susi vs choob chowdown going on

>> No.2598077

was there a susu v choob fight ??

>> No.2598087

As long as you need, don't worry for being too slow, remember that you are learning.

>> No.2598091

lmao have i said something that offended you anon?

>> No.2598140

yeah, the loser had to leave LAS

>> No.2598145


Wait, what happened between susi and choob?

>> No.2598149

don't spend more than a few hours, just start a new one instead and you'll learn more
polishing for days is a huge waste for a beginner
I'd recommend do one big full effort piece every now and again just to see your progress, keep to shorter ones in general

>> No.2598153

Santi, what's with you and all this challenges about drawing our creations fighting.

>> No.2598159

I've decided to take all of Choobs submissions and make daily improvements on each. This should be fun.

>> No.2598162

Susi is a massive liberal, while Choob is very conservative. Any time Choob brings up his views, susi spergs out.

>> No.2598170

when did stella die?

>> No.2598172


Oh gee, is that REALLY why susi left?

>> No.2598174

I'm not Susi nor a massive liberal. I just think hes a boring cunt.

>> No.2598175
File: 20 KB, 210x247, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she never did

>> No.2598177

No people are just Mekong both of them. I think they had a disagreement in a stream once but aside from that they don't really talk.

>> No.2598178

so a regressive lefty got triggered by the truth?
nothing of value was lost :^)
i actually thought everyone in the art community was super liberal and progressive

>> No.2598181


Over what, the current election? Brexit?

>> No.2598189


We disagree on most political/social issues, have argued over stream chat a couple of times, usually get along ok if neither party is trying to be edgy, mostly get memed as I doubt neither of us shitpost one another.

And I quit the las main challenge because I'd rather focus on community challenges, not because of populist views.

>> No.2598205
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gossiping like teenage girls
Anons, you're better than this, aren't you?

>> No.2598212

>where do you think we are.mp4 (with sound)

>> No.2598213

there are literal teenagers on las, what did you expect?

>> No.2598214

sorry sensei ;_;

>> No.2598223

Anything said here is irrelevant, in the end it comes down to who draws better.

>> No.2598230

yeah and I draw better than you, bitch

>> No.2598232


>> No.2598238

post work slut

>> No.2598240

Fuck off Poon

>> No.2598241


>> No.2598243


>> No.2598245

right here http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/submissions/

>> No.2598248
File: 20 KB, 184x184, 1430430573481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2598250

no! what?

>> No.2598255

Good. You're next Neko

>> No.2598257
File: 2.90 MB, 3000x2000, 1464173030735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mememan is back!

>> No.2598259


>> No.2598268

Nile, don't take the bait it only gets worse

>> No.2598276

i'd rather wait for sun and moon

>> No.2598277

I just like to stir shit up please bear with me

>> No.2598281


>> No.2598283

fucking imposters I swear

>> No.2598285

I'm sorry now please
J o i n m y C h a l l e n g e

>> No.2598293
File: 31 KB, 223x310, Image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels weird to see oneself.

>> No.2598294

to me you are the evil twin

>> No.2598300
File: 2.57 MB, 2480x2681, 5641f3871c0d08c64863345c2bf0a497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's everyone doing?

>> No.2598303
File: 113 KB, 480x270, vlcsnap-2012-11-10-23h17m10s248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2598312
File: 5 KB, 320x180, highground, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, faggot
I have the high ground

>> No.2598315

guys please stop it hurts

>> No.2598317

Don't lie to me, anon.

>> No.2598322
File: 16 KB, 353x446, jump03 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2598326

oh my god stop

>> No.2598329

Please stop impersonating me

>> No.2598332 [DELETED] 

Does anyone else use the filter? I'm using it for the fist time and it won't work. Does it not filter posts that were made before the filter was turned on?

I've been trying to figure it out for 15 minutes and it's cutting into my draw time.

>> No.2598335

I cannot be filtered. My meme powers are too strong for you.

>> No.2598336
File: 10 KB, 480x216, HIGHGROUND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't try it!

>> No.2598338


>> No.2598339

>tutorial challenge
straight to the cringe thread

>> No.2598340

Haha very cringe worthy indeed am I rite fellow redditors? Haha memes for life :^]]

>> No.2598341
File: 574 KB, 1024x576, motherfucking highground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2598342
File: 34 KB, 480x270, giphy-facebook_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2598344

>tfw been drawing for 2 hours and still haven't drawn anything submittable even by my low standards
Sorry In advance...

>> No.2598345

ugh =_= stop it guys

>> No.2598351
File: 967 KB, 245x225, I told you about highground bro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*drops mic and leaves*

>> No.2598354

now what? :/

>> No.2598357

now we draw

>> No.2598361

now do value studies of all the screenshots

>> No.2598362

Until it's done or you've learned something

>> No.2598363
File: 473 KB, 500x202, 7EZ52ek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Turns into Darth Chasca*

>> No.2598375

Hey to the lassies that are in the streams and the discords (all the choop, vitamin, susi, ubf, etc)
What are you and your group like?
I've only lurked the streams for about 10 minutes total and you seem to all be having a lot of fun, being productive and generally making friendships
Can I join you guys?

>> No.2598388

No. Only weebs and autists allowed

>> No.2598390

Yeah, just sign in to the chat with your las username and join the conversation, it's as simple as that anon-chan

>> No.2598393

Invitation to the discord please

>> No.2598397

I was talking about the streams really, who even uses discord

>> No.2598398

I do.

>> No.2598399

>tfw want to stream but feel that you'll attract weirdos and they'll stay

>> No.2598400

Yeah, of course, anon! I always like it when new people join.

>> No.2598402

>tfw attend streams but think I might be the weirdo that everyone wants to leave

>> No.2598403
File: 1.52 MB, 1280x1102, happening watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while Choob is very conservative. Any time Choob brings up his views, susi spergs out.

People assume my views without asking. Susi was angry ages ago because I said I'd prefer Trump over Hillary, but literally anyone is better than her. Even turtle man Jeb! would be less bad.

Likewise massive butthurt over the Brexit thing, which is understandable since she probably didn't get a vote in it despite living here for a while, but again people assumed I voted leave which I didn't. And yet again with the BLM vs cops thing lately, I don't support cops shooting any unarmed people, but pointing out that Tamir Rice pulled a gun on the cops as they pulled up apparently makes me a white supremacist who thinks "1 white life is worth 1000 black ones".

My political views really don't matter, and I'm more interested in things on a global scale. The BBC doesn't report on things that might upset the narrative too much or make our allies like the Saudis look bad, the same as German and other EU news outlets. American news is owned by a handful of corporations, and news from Russia and China is owned and controlled by the state. /pol/ is filled with shills, counter shills and people trolling for (you)s, but there's also a ton of sources for news there that the BBC and such would never report.

Monitoring that board though apparently means I follow every troll post blindly, meaning I'm ofc a white supremacist neo nazi who hates women and race mixing but secretly craves an asian QT gf.

I don't have a problem with susi except when she assumes my views on something or uses me as a scapegoat for anything political: see Brexit. Vast majority of shitposts against me though are some samefag who hates me for idk what reason. I don't think the problem is even my art, if you hated someone's posts then why would you view them every day to make yourself mad? Also I never post politcal stuff here, I just post quietly on my blog but people repost stuff here for easy baiting.

>> No.2598405

I'm getting a bad vibe from these comments. Can somebody give me a rundown of what the group is like day to day?

>> No.2598406

>tfw this happened to me and cause I had a "nice guy" vibe in all my streams I couldn't do anything to him without it being really awkward

>> No.2598407


>> No.2598413

I'm >>2598400, and I'm one of the streamers (not as regular as I would like) but generally we just talk about random shit. We talk about art occasionally, like resources or critiquing. There's banter, too, but generally I find the chats comfy and chill.

>> No.2598417



I always cringe whenever this gets pulled up into discussion, because discussing opinion with people on this is like dipping a thin strip of litmus paper into a cackling cauldron of very acidic or very basic liquid. Everyone takes it to one extreme or another and is ready to flip out, preach or otherwise rage at a perspective that is even just slightly misaligned with their own.

People suck at looking at the whole picture or even just considering the possibility of a different viewpoint.

>> No.2598420


>> No.2598422

Choob, we have never once discussed Trump (I know because I don't even support Hilary/have strong opinions on American politics), I think you're confused and should probably have a little snack and possibly an early night. There was no need to go off like this, you're fueling the bullshit.

>> No.2598423


depends on the stream. sometimes they are very pol and sometimes there's lots of drawing with minimal chatting

>> No.2598424

fuck you lokki is bae and everything they create is great

>> No.2598426

santi what the fuck does a burning book have to do with the topic peak?

>> No.2598429
File: 547 KB, 258x206, 1460349918423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choob ur a nazi
>no im not

>> No.2598432

>i talk about literal politics
>on /ic/
anon, I get this retard vibe from your posts, just a hunch though

>> No.2598433

anon313 draw more qt redheads pls

>> No.2598440

choob I literally have nothing against you, alright? I honestly think that there's a difference between people meming and b8ing about politics and you writing paragraphs about shit that no one even brought up. It feels like you're sperging out over here even though you're trying to play it cool. If you do wanna defend yourself next time just make a short comment instead of going off on a long tirade and then playing the victim. You can believe in whatever you want, and I don't claim to know your beliefs or who you are as a person. Just ignore it my man.

>> No.2598446

hi choob

>> No.2598448

It's at the peak of its burning.

>> No.2598468

cant we all just get along? :(

>> No.2598475

Wait hang on, can a challenge submission not count as your daily LAS contribution?

>> No.2598477

:D We're all friends here!

>> No.2598478

please shut up.

>> No.2598480
File: 96 KB, 300x300, wT9CnRi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2598482

This question should be added to the FAQ to be very honest :?

You can submit your community challenge submission as your daily submission.

>> No.2598486

Good to know, thanks.

>> No.2598491

yo, some of you guys have been saying that we need to update the faq for a while now so just reply to this post with stuff you think should be added and it'll be in the next thread.

>> No.2598492

no, it keeps retards out

>> No.2598499

>Can a challenge submission count towards your daily LAS submission?

Yes, you can include it in or as your daily submission to the main page.

>> No.2598506

You scared they're going to out last you, senpai?

>> No.2598507
File: 213 KB, 1547x1509, las_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner newfag here
I hope this submission doesn't look too loweffort.
I took atleast one hour on it but had to rush somethings because I fucked up and misread the time zone/signed up at the wrong time

potato diva

>> No.2598508

being almost 200 days in, hardly

>> No.2598510

when you are in doubt, leave everything from the process in
roughs, sketches, all that good shit
if you're not gonna finish it before submission anyway, no need to make it look all clean and risk being tribunal'd

>> No.2598511

cute dude

>> No.2598513

This, just save then make all the layers visible and move them somewhere to the side of your submission to show the process.

>> No.2598516


> see life through op's eyes
> this is what op perceives

Just kidding. Keep at it. I'm probably worse than you.

>> No.2598521

I had an account long ago and want I to start again, but I've forgotten my password.
My email is not bound to the account.
Do I really need to sign up again?
I liked my username.

>> No.2598525

Email the lemur.

>> No.2598526

Email Lava, he might help you out.

>> No.2598542
File: 215 KB, 640x566, tumblr_ns9gt0CK3t1uctt42o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join tutorial time if you know whats good for you >:-)

>> No.2598548

it fine, skill level here is laughable anyways.
good luck, and may it last

>> No.2598550
File: 1.10 MB, 782x493, 1466647662359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the chance you actually are susi, then sorry if I got things mixed up. It was months ago, someone asked in stream if I legit thought T was better than other remaining candidates and I said yeah. Then the
>he's just a poltard nazi
stuff started up. Pretty sure you were there, though might not have been you who asked.

Nice try with the early night suggestion tho, you knew I hadn't submitted yet huh. Cunning.

Streams are comfy, depends on the time and who's streaming though. Multistreams have more people and chatting, but picarto needs a premium member for that, so only bondagefairy and namefag are able to host I think. If you're not sure then just make a dummy account and lurk the chats. Most streamers are willing to explain how they work and things too though, like Neko's taught perspective and shit before.

I don't want to talk politics, just trying to explain people shouldn't assume stuff and that it's mostly just one shitposter trying to meme me as an unimaginative nazi who can't draw and hates susi etc.

I ignore most of it, especially the "chub u cant art pls quit" tier stuff, but if you repeat something enough people start to believe it, and since I'm legit not a nazi and don't spam the threads with politics and stuff I want to defend myself and say so. I'm sure most lassies know how to identify samefags and shitposters, but our new members might get the wrong idea. They were asking about fights and stuff and gossip might be fun but there's legit no drama, people just shit stirring.

Lava's contact deets are on the FAQ, send him an email or tumblr message or something, he's not in threads atm.

>> No.2598567
File: 182 KB, 500x706, ie57lIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the two on the left are really nice asleepy. the others are too I just like the greeny blues more.

>> No.2598569

I'm tired and I want to go to sleep, but I'm going to make sure I finish my picture first

>> No.2598571
File: 35 KB, 696x785, 1451042005474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>politics topic

>> No.2598572
File: 28 KB, 353x500, 1459247950515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2598573

>make a tutorial
>skill level doesn't matter
Sorry Slump, seems like a cool challenge and all, but I don't have the skills to teach anything. Even if I spend a week learning it. I'd argue skill level does matter.

>> No.2598574

fucking KEK

>> No.2598577

grach ;_;

>> No.2598578

Grach and lampblak
no more heads and sexy hips

>> No.2598582

Teach how you don't know how to teach and what kind of person would be a better teacher.

>> No.2598593

I did.

>> No.2598595

The challenge is about strengthening your own knowledge on something you know or something you learned by breaking it down in tutorial form. You could make a tutorial on being a 100% beginner approaching art, the structure to how you plan to teach yourself, the principles that you need to keep in mind, etc.

I very legitimately believe that you could draw some sort of value from this challenge no matter your skill. Do not let that be an excuse.

>> No.2598599
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 173010[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2598601

I guess I can't really argue against these.

>> No.2598602
File: 29 KB, 500x347, 486cede996f7c04b40faf7552ec1eec2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going in order!?
Y-you skipped me!

>> No.2598608
File: 30 KB, 1374x533, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure? I'm going by pic related and skeletonjelly is the first day 2er (yossy was the last day1). Post your name and I'll get you tomorrow.

>> No.2598612

They might have been eliminated from LAS 1 but still joined early. Just have to keep going off the weeks like this, other crit keeper was off the join date.

>> No.2598613

that's it, if grach doesn't come back. im quitting.

>> No.2598614

please be week one!

>> No.2598615

Hes too good now, let him leave.

>> No.2598616

would join date be better or is week one the way to go? Don't wanna skip people.

Also could someone link me the join date thing pls. I lost it.

>> No.2598618

it's true. wish he streamed more.

>> No.2598624

other crit keeper was doing exactly the same
weekly not join date

>> No.2598630


It'll matter more later on since a bunch of people dropped out of week 1 and rejoined in a later week. All I was saying is whichever system you're following now, keep to the same one and we won't skip people.

>> No.2598638

This sounds kind of fun, but do you need to be professional level to do it?

>> No.2598640

No, it's for amateurs to build discipline. It's not for pros at all. It hurts pros more than it helps really.

>> No.2598641

Not at all.

>> No.2598643

Only choob and susipari are professional level so no

>> No.2598644

Go look at the level of work being put out. Vast majority are super amateur (myself included).

>> No.2598647

beginners welcome

>> No.2598651


First impression is that you're submissions are aimless. You do a few gestures, maybe a head or figure construction, a few abandoned face constructions, an object all in the same image, and then a completely different set the next day. They're set up like studies, but they feel more like doodles. If you want to improve you should really focus your studies more-- It looks like you were doing this before but haven't been recently. As a reminder, move from area to area and do a little review each day. If you only draw one anatomical model of a leg every other month, that information isn't going to stick. You might as well devote that time to drawing things you like or more of the same subjects. If you're feeling burned out, do some fun drawing. It's more effective than mindlessly drawing what you think you should be drawing.

And in case you're curious:
>you're improving

But don't let that go to your head. You've got a long way to go, keep it up.

>> No.2598652
File: 174 KB, 744x652, KneesWeakTitsAreSweaty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whens the next cycle?

>> No.2598654

How do I cheese today's topic?

>> No.2598657

timed gestures

>> No.2598658
File: 107 KB, 551x600, 1457376954311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tutorial challenge
>how to force a meme

>> No.2598659

You can join any day of the week, if that's what you mean.

>> No.2598662

Good man! Also more people should comment on whether or not someone's improving. That's probably what people are most curious about themselves.

>> No.2598668

Oh neat. So just sign up on the website and deposit the links from tumblr for the image?

>> No.2598670


>> No.2598672

should I scratch my how to shitpost tutorial and go with this one?

>> No.2598673

Well sure.

>> No.2598674

Just make sure they are fresh links anon. The idea is to draw everyday.

>> No.2598678

Well yes, if you go to a link and see it says "posted 16 days ago" it kind of leaves you open as being a plonker

>> No.2598701

I wonder if lava's still dying

or if he's dead ):

>> No.2598753

made me first submission :D

>> No.2598762

Congrats, anon! I hope you have a fun time!

>> No.2598777

Oh, no, probably not

>> No.2598792

I remember giving crit for him already

>> No.2598804


>> No.2598811

>Tfw my name is about to come up for crits
Fug I'm scared, Idk what I've been submitting for the past few weeks and I don't wanna git bullied. Pls be gentle and look through most of my submissions pls ;(

>> No.2598817
File: 59 KB, 600x760, 1455570404501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy team ain't feeling so comfy now, huh?

>> No.2598858


>> No.2598861

Scratch that: https://picarto.tv/UltraBondageFairy
Slump and poon

>> No.2598883

That's more pathetic than the overwatch and dark soul faggots

>> No.2598898

D: I-It's actually kinda fun occasionally, and this is coming from a robot.

>> No.2598929
File: 176 KB, 815x649, whatever man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2598933
File: 2.46 MB, 720x405, 1381624211302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no smartphone
>tfw I'll never be a real pokemon trainer

>> No.2598937


>> No.2598944

Bet I can tell you what Hman's submission today will be

>> No.2598963

>20 fucking 16
>No smartphone
What kind of third world shithole do you inhabit, anon?
Or are you 80 years old?

>> No.2598965

Hey, I live in the third world and fucking everyone here has a smart phone. I even saw a homeless dude with a smart phone once. Probably stolen.

>> No.2598966
File: 377 KB, 538x377, 1458276538455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw windows phone

>> No.2598969


Fifth worlder here, can confirm everyone here has a smartphone

>> No.2598970

It's okay brother, Pokemon go isn't even fun desu

>> No.2598984

He might be underage, I couldn't get a cell phone until high school and I only got a smart phone when I graduated

>> No.2599001

>didn't get a cell phone til I was 19, only because mom forced one on me
>didn't get a smart phone til I was 25, only because I sometimes needed wifi for LAS

It's a luxury shekel trap for normies. A lot of people on 4chan don't have them because they're a waste of money.

>> No.2599009


>> No.2599012

They are incredibly useful tools that have an insane number of uses. Every person I've ever seen diss smart phones are hipsters with (undeserving) superiority complexes and people who've never actually owned an smartphone who believe the previous people.

>> No.2599013

nah, they're totally nonessential unless you're in some kind of office environment. You're just justifying some kind of weird vice and projecting insecurities

>> No.2599021

I didn't say 'essential', I said 'useful'. You know, like a car, or more than 4 gigs of ram, or a fleshlight.

>> No.2599030

They're useful, but not $100+ and a monthly bill useful. But that's my opinion.

If you're sociable, travel a lot, or have a job that requires communication (ie you're a filthy normie and need to leave right now ree) it's probably incredibly useful.

>> No.2599045

This phone camera has saved my life

>> No.2599059

And it will also end it.

>> No.2599087
File: 30 KB, 499x456, 13442350_948952361883619_4964719285464072407_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys for participating in the anatomy challenge guys.
Goob job, very nice submissions from every one of you. If I don't die suddenly I'll make challenges for every body part.

>> No.2599088

Double guys, cuz i love you guys. guys

>> No.2599089

no problem mona lisa chan!

>> No.2599091

good job on the challenge guy, I didn't join this one guy but I might join the next challenge guy if I have enough free time guy. Anyways well done to everyone guy who finished the challenge guy, I hope all you guys have learned something guys.

>> No.2599113
File: 252 KB, 800x450, sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you become proud of what little improvement you've made
>tfw you try to do something above your skill level
>tfw you fail horribly

>> No.2599117

keep fighting anon senpai!

>> No.2599127

The only people who don't fail regularly are people that don't try to do new things.
Good job, Anon.

>> No.2599130


>> No.2599167
File: 83 KB, 639x595, 9or0xDZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599205

Fuck off aliens, nobody asked for your input

>> No.2599215

Choob pls

>> No.2599223

Stop bullying choob already

>> No.2599238

zzz too sleepy, but must draw! =w=

>> No.2599241

Me too anon good luck
I'm just ginna have one last hour sleep then I'll join you

>> No.2599271

>Draw yourself challenge

>> No.2599274

Susipari you have to go back to you're own country, your race only serves to destabilize European countries and it's people.

>> No.2599278

But what if susi is white?

>> No.2599285

Susi is my waifu

>> No.2599289

>probably lives in gated community amongst high trust white people
>never once set foot in a neighborhood with mostly blacks or arabs.

never said she wasn't, she has to go back, Britannia is for the Anglo not for outsider parasites that seek to leech of the British.

>> No.2599290
File: 124 KB, 315x293, token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 days to draw portrait of yourself
Surely nobody is pathetic enough to join and NOT complete this

>> No.2599293
File: 108 KB, 615x766, Daily-Mirror-front-page-2782014-Rotherham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she could be Polish, """Slav""", Nordic or whatever doesn't matter, she has to go back and Hadrians wall must be erected once again. The Scots they can rot.


I get the feeling that Susipari may be half caste Indian i think, maybe a Rotherham Paki rape baby

>> No.2599295
File: 1.33 MB, 236x161, ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sis, I work. Do you?

>> No.2599315
File: 66 KB, 453x640, d142060322687979c39839d3c0b71d87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back up

>> No.2599316

you can stay susi!

>> No.2599354

Choob pls

>> No.2599365
File: 623 KB, 1536x1536, 1463464808891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

susi plz

>> No.2599378

Susi is finnish you fucking retard.

>> No.2599389


moved. Slump, Susi and Cath stream.

>> No.2599393

Confirmed ethnicity on LAS

Lava Canadian
Chipboard British
Susie Finnish
Ionku french
Nile Swedish
Santiago filthy Mexican
Ubf Australian

>> No.2599394

Jmgn Romanian
Anon313 USA
Stella Swedish

Post if you got more

>> No.2599398
File: 80 KB, 640x610, fnYYrMPl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2599378 then she must take her mongoloid ass back to china

>> No.2599399

How did you figure out Anon313 is American?

>> No.2599400

All the ones I've posted was mentioned before, but correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.2599404
File: 45 KB, 640x444, images(10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poon is a Pinoy Flip

>> No.2599407


I think Jerry is British too, but the way he spoke in these threads he was probably a foreigner or a downy

>> No.2599408

My favorite LAS is Russian. You'll never guess who she is.

>> No.2599410

you're mom

>> No.2599412
File: 31 KB, 425x420, images(12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nile is Swedish
Like nordic swedish or somalian swedish? Ive never met a white swede before.

>> No.2599413



>> No.2599414

I had an ex who was Swedish and she was white
But not blonde, brunette and v cute.

>all this pol

>> No.2599416
File: 64 KB, 640x480, images(13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nile: swede
That little swedish trap wants dat bbc bad up dat boi pucci

>> No.2599418

Nile had his pic posted once

He looked like a 13 year old edgelord, truly befitting of his name of father of Nile pisser

>> No.2599423


>> No.2599425
File: 41 KB, 573x313, skansen_negress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz post pic, I wanna see if he can pass as trap

>> No.2599428

Not really trap at all. I think he had a bieber haircut too
The look of someone who spends their time on DnD and runescape

>> No.2599439
File: 49 KB, 574x648, mexico_taco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm spanish, but I can pretend to be your little mexican slut if you want anon
Ayyy quieren tacos señores?

>> No.2599441

all the same t b h

>> No.2599442

nah he's not a nerd

>> No.2599444
File: 64 KB, 900x696, NO_Racism_by_Feiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599450

he did a 4th of july submission

>> No.2599452

[Muffled "Skyrim belongs to the Nords" in the distance]

>> No.2599455
File: 117 KB, 1600x1200, highfiveHDWallpapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice find anon, now we can confirm almost all the Americans by checking 4th July posts

>> No.2599459

Why does your country still do bullfighting
Shits retarded man

>> No.2599461

Nationality =/= Ethnicity

There's lots of Chinese who emigrated to Canada, likewise Indians living in Britain, Somalians in Sweden, Turks in Germany, etc. UBF could be abo and chugging stolen petrol while she draws.

>> No.2599463
File: 166 KB, 895x1000, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't

>> No.2599465


>> No.2599466

doesn't look like it to me https://imgur.com/eiRkPGL
http://lavaflake.com/draw/submissions/?offset=8 ?

>> No.2599467

There's a lot of retarded traditions in the world, I'd support it if they didn't harm the animals, but it will probably eventually either disappear or transform into something else. It's not like anybody watches it apart from old people anyways.

>> No.2599469
File: 12 KB, 400x225, hehehehehe_duck-gap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just said it so you would check it for me.

>> No.2599470

god damn you sneaky fucker

>> No.2599471

Dammit I was hoping you would but I am also lazy

>> No.2599475

T b h this is 4chan, just assume that everyone is a late teens-mid 20s American male until you have anything to suggest otherwise. American is default, like playing Mass Effect as bland default Shepard instead of making your own character.

Pls teach me slavrunes and sing tili tili bom to make me fall asleep each night

>> No.2599479

>bull hugging
>bulls released to the arena while you have your arm wide open ready to embrace
>the harder it hits the higher the affectionate points

>> No.2599485


>> No.2599493

>the bull is not an actual bull, it's just a somalian fella

>> No.2599494


im okay with bullfighting risking his life

but this shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0__-_JtwyE
makes me shake my head

>off topic i love the font at the start anyone kknow what font it is?

>> No.2599497


You're actually afraid of black people aren't you

>> No.2599498

shut up choob

>> No.2599503 [DELETED] 

A compilation of LAS memes so far. Enjoy.

>> No.2599507
File: 177 KB, 1352x900, recortadores-azpeitia-24[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if people wanna risk their lives doing cool dodge moves against bulls in a ring that's fine with me, but the killing seems like pointless cruelty.
Hopefully bull leaping will become more popular.

>> No.2599509

A compilation of LAS memes so far. Enjoy.

>> No.2599513
File: 3.10 MB, 5000x5000, portrait study lewd, pls fix u fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw in there

>> No.2599515

>dat pic

>> No.2599516

Wew uploaded the wrong resolution one

>> No.2599529

>posted something embarrassing
>hope no one talks about it

>> No.2599533

Im also streaming if anyone is up

>> No.2599538

have you got the one that made jerry a meme?

>> No.2599548
File: 839 KB, 965x594, chode and bipolar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean susi?

>> No.2599556
File: 641 KB, 719x472, fresh las meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599558


>> No.2599565

what the hell is that i am not dead one?

>> No.2599567

dont forget


>> No.2599577

>my drawing is the first saved meme
I'm proud

>> No.2599588
File: 154 KB, 1182x451, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you were mentioned in a lassies farewell post and you just noticed it now

>> No.2599598

who is this? JerryBreem?

>> No.2599599

>as well as everyone with the draw everydar lava flake group


>> No.2599601

>tfw will never be mentioned by anyone
>tfw will never be remembered
>tfw will fade away like condensation on a window

>> No.2599608

w-we're all gonna make it...!


>> No.2599609

>tfw didn't meme hard enough to make the meme folder
next time I guess...

>> No.2599610

it wasn't a meme artist, someone who posted for about three weeks, followed me on tumblr and asked me stuff like my inspiration and others general stuff, they were very nice and wish them all the best

>> No.2599614

There are two kind of people

>> No.2599617

Reminder that Leslie is a cute name for girls AND guys

>> No.2599622

Those that get remembered and I forgot the other one?

>> No.2599630

Oh, I found them. Sad they should've stuck with LAS at least

>> No.2599645


>> No.2599662

There's some recent pics of me somewhere in the /fa/ archives, if you really want to know how I actually look.
u dnt kno dat

>> No.2599665
File: 195 KB, 965x594, chüb and jewsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599666

Im actually on piczel with slump and susi (who's currently experiencing some technical difficulties) come chat


>> No.2599667


>> No.2599672

let's do it lasses

>> No.2599673

>tfw in there multiple times
Atleast my memes are top tier

>> No.2599677
File: 199 KB, 500x634, TOTALLY ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599680

*ethnical difficulties

>> No.2599682
File: 228 KB, 867x928, STUDY STREAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599683

Is Susi cute?

>> No.2599686

we've come a long long way, LASses

>> No.2599687


>> No.2599688

cuter than you can imagine

>> No.2599689

Is that a challenge?

>> No.2599692


>> No.2599698

>tfw all the old memes are being forgotten
I actually forgot about the c drive incident as well as some other stuff. Gives me a weird feeling knowing that I've been here for so long.

>> No.2599700

who gives a shit

>> No.2599702


>> No.2599703

I do. Why have you been here for so long if you don't give a shit?

>> No.2599705

because im getting better and found a couple of great people thanks to lava and the site, who gives a shit about retarded forced memes

>> No.2599706

Finally the LEGO pieces I ordered came in the mail :3

>> No.2599709

>found a couple of great people
are we browsing the same website?

>> No.2599711

ooo what did you buy anon?

>> No.2599713
File: 1.01 MB, 1440x2560, IMG_20160712_211123116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We use Lego for our D&D miniatures so I ordered my lvl 3 Bard

>> No.2599715

>tfw haven't found anyone
>tfw all I have to show for my 6 months at las is shitty forced memes
:( you win

>> No.2599716


>> No.2599717

No, sorry

>> No.2599718

that's what you get if all you do is spew shitty memes

shitty, shitty memes

>> No.2599721

thanks :3 his name is Ibycus

>> No.2599723

could we kick out all adjectives and only leave nouns in the topic challenge list, lava?

>> No.2599724


>> No.2599734


>> No.2599737
File: 86 KB, 935x157, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, we have to do this.

>> No.2599764
File: 799 KB, 961x832, AND THEN THERE WAS ONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all-by-myself-strem on, this time just myself :<

>> No.2599774

I dunno what to draw anymore

>> No.2599779


>> No.2599780

Piczel sucks tho. The interface is garbage

>> No.2599781

mom?! D:>

>> No.2599783

Weeell I can change to picarto if there's demand, we went to piczel so we could multi earlier.

>> No.2599785

Her hair looks like a wig flying off her head

>> No.2599786

Piczel is superior to picarto in every possible way.

>> No.2599791
File: 5 KB, 50x50, 1465651412507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599792

true, now that I look at it

>> No.2599794
File: 243 KB, 424x378, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and where is this helpful crit when I'm in the sketching stage, huh????!!

>> No.2599798

ALMOST every possible way

>> No.2599800

aaaaaahhh D:

>> No.2599801
File: 86 KB, 800x800, Chucky_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599807

Dat forehead tho

>> No.2599808
File: 282 KB, 603x430, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop bitching, come chat

>> No.2599809


>> No.2599817


>> No.2599821

penis not femenine enough, to be perfectly frank with you famillia

>> No.2599828

aaaaaand unfollowed

>> No.2599837
File: 1016 KB, 616x2030, E8K1i0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599839

hahaha go run along you little white wimp before I shoot you in the kneecaps

>> No.2599840


>> No.2599849
File: 1.66 MB, 480x270, 1450269821390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not white but I'm glad at least I was not born a nigger, you guys are a cancer on every country and its people in the world.

>> No.2599851

that's racist!

>> No.2599853
File: 126 KB, 308x302, 1459125052039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599856

I really think lava's died, it's been like what, two weeks?

>> No.2599858


Lava still posts every day.

>> No.2599863

he must be really sick

>> No.2599865

So did Fmmood ;_;

>> No.2599866

I'm a nigger but I'm glad at least I was not born white, you guys are a cancer on every country and its people in the world.

>> No.2599867

Sick of us.
Sick of the memes.

>> No.2599870

Why the fuck is their so much race baiting /pol/ garbage in these threads? This doesn't happen anywhere else on /ic/ except for a handful of threads every now and then yet it happens consistently in these threads. What about /las/ makes people wanna discuss their political bullshit? You can be as racist as you want or sjw as you want, I don't give a fuck just keep it in /pol/ you god damned faggots.

>>>/pol/ and pls stay go

>> No.2599871

you didn't want it

>> No.2599873

this retard >>2599871
and a couple of idiots are pretty much the source of all that shit.

>> No.2599878

de ja vu

>> No.2599882

It's just bait, it gets a response. Choob responds if you call him a nazi, santi responds if you call him Mexican, susi responds if you pretend to be choob or lampblak or another pol guy trolling her.

Don't respond and there's no (you)s, no response, no fuel for the fire, just like depriving a flame of oxygen. People make the same mistake every day by angrily telling tripfags to fuck off, but they just feed off the attention.

If you want the threads to be about crits or some art thing you're struggling with, just say so and since the majority of people here are lurking quietly, you might stand a chance.

I want to talk about architecture desu, I've looked through books like the Scott Robertson ones but they're more aimed towards industrial designs. Anyone know a good book specifically on how to draw different kinds of buildings?

>> No.2599884

both of these points are strangely accurate

blame choob for starting this shit http://dailychoob.tumblr.com/post/146440109633/it-would-seem-that-my-last-submission-triggered-a
all he did was escalate the situation

>> No.2599886

>jp drawing on people again
At least these looks like 30 minutes

>> No.2599887

I don't think he ever low efforted, it was reuploading old submissions

>> No.2599892

it's retards engaging in it
they see a hobo in the streets wearing a tinfoil hat and feel the need to argue, clearly knowing this won't go anywhere
especially on a fucking board dedicated to pretty indonesian cave paintings

>> No.2599898

have you actually tried doing the stuff in how to draw? I think the perspective drawing tech and grid stuff should be a good foundation for that if anything, considering buildings are literally just cubes and bricks stacked on each other, and if you wanted to do something with other forms then you're just gonna have to know how to use those forms anyway

>> No.2599904 [DELETED] 

>Niggers and their victim complex

The way things are going you'll be deported back to the congos soon enough, i think maybe 5 more years will do it in Europe.

>> No.2599905

I can do cubes and bricks yeah, and I like drawing facades of cathedrals and things from imagination since a lot of it is repeating symbols and shapes in a nice way, but the base underneath all the veneering is pretty simple still.

I'd just like to learn more complex things than just blocks with then windows and pillars and shit added. I do have a little How To Read Buildings book that's pretty cash and goes through all different styles of building and different ceiling types and everything, but it's not really aimed at learning to draw them, just identifying.

I know there's a few architect d/ic/ks, was just asking on off chance there's a good place to learn how to draw that stuff better.

>> No.2599908

Bat is a retard

>> No.2599909

you misstyped Eurabia

>> No.2599910


>not including links and references to the studies and statistics collected at the bottom of your infographic made of only two images

Even if this was true whoever made it shouldn't be trusted with graphic design or research. Hell, you could adjust those same numbers the other way without even changing any of them—there are 5x as many caucations in the US than African Americans, so of course they'll have 5x as many victims of violent crime.

>> No.2599912
File: 136 KB, 416x438, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599916

it tells you the study at the top of the image, and it doesn't matter how you break it down blacks commit far more crime than whites. Are you a nigger or just a cuck?

>> No.2599917


too cute :3

>> No.2599918

sad but true.
tempted to paint myself brown claim refugee status and steal me a german qt pie.

Goodbye German, France and Sweden

>> No.2599923

please have this discussion somewhere else :)

>> No.2599930


anyone can say they're taking information from the DoJ

According to a study from the DoJ, 50% of Americans are actually robots! Who the fuck knew?

It's not a cited source if it doesn't at least mention the year of when the data was published, and you'd be hard pressed to get "DoJ, 2016" passed a high school teacher, let alone someone who actually works in data analysis.

This could be about anything, it's just made with the assumption that anyone reading it isn't paying attention, and that's insulting.

>> No.2599932

>gloriously fuck up the proportions
>keep going anyway
fug da police >:)

>> No.2599944

can you read nigger? Read the top of the image again. google "2010 ncvs" it's the first link that comes up.

>> No.2599954

choob please refrain from posting thank you

>> No.2599968

so, art, huh? pretty tough, yeah?

>> No.2599971

>6 new challenges
Holy shit guys, wait until there are fewer, no one has time for all of this.

>> No.2599975

Check out "Brian Edwards: Understanding Architecture Through Perspective" and "Perspective a guide for architects and designers" by Gwen white. I haven't used them personally but I have them bot laying around and I think they might be on the book thread. Give them a try, they might be helpful. Good luck anon

>> No.2599976
File: 155 KB, 1000x1000, 07-13 resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't easy. I feel like my studies lack direction.
My line drawings are loose and imprecise and I don't see a path to fixing it.
I thought it was a thing I'd just pick up along the way, but it doesn't seem to have happened. How do I train this?

>> No.2599977

Choob wouldn't even be here begging for attention if he was halfway decent at drawing.

>> No.2599978

Did you even read the image. Links are at the top and it explains how your very point against it is wrong.

>> No.2599981

there you go adding fuel to the fire again

>> No.2599982

I predicted LAS 1 would end day 186.
I was wrong.

>> No.2599987

Thanks anon, I'll check them out. Found a pdf of the first one already and it looks good.

>> No.2599993
File: 108 KB, 379x349, 3f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in the thread type Choob is a fucking nigger

>> No.2599996

you're a fucking nigger

>> No.2599998

>I feel like my studies lack direction
Try to identify the most significant flaws in your art. What do you want to draw, and which holes in your knowledge are the greatest hindrance to this goal? Then study that.

>My line drawings are loose and imprecise and I don't see a path to fixing it.
Don't just throw down lines mindlessly in the vague area you want them. Take time to consider the image in your head, and make your lines carefully. It looks like you do a lot of short strokes, and they're rather messy. I recommend doing quick gestures on one layer, and then final lines on another, and make an effort to keep those neat. A good few people here have started using a binary brush (no pen pressure) because you can't feather your lines or noodle around without it looking extremely messy. You should try that, it forces you to limit the amount of lines you use and you learn to be more decisive and neat with them.


>> No.2599999 [DELETED] 

you're mom is a fucking nigger

>> No.2600001
File: 19 KB, 818x684, 1463511112746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600003


Namefag Loomis and Choob multi

>> No.2600005
File: 94 KB, 489x540, 1424392282776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone added about 1/3 of my gallery on DeviantArt to their favorites
>didn't watch me

>> No.2600008

Choobs mom fucks niggers while his inept father pushes there buttcheeks and cries.

>> No.2600011

oops theyrere

>> No.2600012

phew, made it in time :)

>> No.2600013

where can I get the Huston figure drawing book?

>> No.2600014

it's in the art book thread

>> No.2600015
File: 226 KB, 1200x1600, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choob copies photos like those kids who cant afford to go to art school, I expect him to start airbrushing t-shirts at some point.

>> No.2600020

found it, danke

>> No.2600021

>Don't just throw down lines mindlessly in the vague area you want them. Take time to consider the image in your head, and make your lines carefully
I'm afraid to ask, but this means the gesture/sketch, too? Not just the final lineart?
I'm so used to just putting down lines or colors and seeing where they take me, it's going to take a lot of unlearning to start thinking of an image before I draw it.

>a binary brush (no pen pressure)
Not for size, either?

>> No.2600022


>> No.2600025

>scheherazade submits once before dying.

That's not how the story was supposed to go.

>> No.2600026
File: 55 KB, 807x807, 10494865_741475115909867_5070861287492780411_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For painting things from life and from ref I find it helps a lot to start with blocks, like solid straight lines. You can always add in all the little iterations later, getting the original angle and length right is most important. You see it a lot with oil paint lay-ins, but it works plenty fine for other uses too.

It's not as good for imagination work unless you do a solid base kind of layer first, but it's worth playing with. Your lines are wandering and vague sometimes but some solid straights might help you block out forms better.

Pic related is kind of the straight line blocking in.

>> No.2600027


>> No.2600030

yeah everybody knows this shit, shut up.

>> No.2600031


>> No.2600032

>I'm so used to just putting down lines or colors and seeing where they take me
Yeah, you'll probably be more satisfied with the result if you do some planning first. Your sketches that won't be seen in the final product aren't obligated to be neat, but I find that I waste a lot of time when I just noodle around with it, rather than thinking, doing some very loose gesture- or thumbnail-type sketches, and then going straight to final neat lines.

>Not for size, either?
Nope, You can adjust size manually if you need to, but the point is that you're made totally incapable of chicken-scratching. I'm not saying you need to use a binary brush forever from now on, but it's a good exercise while you work on your line confidence.

>> No.2600033

don't be a cunt, being a cunt isn't nice

>> No.2600034

Fuck off mate, there's nothing wrong with giving advice to someone who's asking for it. Have you been a master of sketching since you first started drawing? No.

>> No.2600039
File: 95 KB, 350x350, 1459203450646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one more day of Achilles' Heel and then I can return to my comfort zone

>> No.2600040
File: 16 KB, 210x191, pls.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys pls stop

>> No.2600042

you'll join the next one won't you? :3

>> No.2600043
File: 207 KB, 1101x1300, wSJKUQF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good stuff Choob, nice to see you trying new things. Looks like you improved some since pic related.

>> No.2600045
File: 19 KB, 169x243, sadjo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, probably.

>> No.2600046

maximum bully

>> No.2600050

Alright, I'll try to keep things mostly straight.

Okay, well, guess it's time to unlearn a lot of bad habits.

>no pressure sensitivity

Well, that should keep me occupied for a while. Thanks for the tips guys.

>> No.2600053
File: 166 KB, 900x675, 1433578499648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the eliminations and token losses are from people who joined rather recently
Don't give up so early, guys! Don't let the faggotry in the threads turn you off!

>> No.2600054

good anon, good, it's all for you own good! :)

>> No.2600060
File: 98 KB, 768x1024, DSC02750[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600061

Somebody Crit Choobs imagination drawings.

>> No.2600062

How do I know which ones are from imagination?

>> No.2600064

they suck.

>> No.2600070


>tfw no overview of all submissions
I wish Lava would add submission thumbnails on the user profile pages, going through users that only use imgur, pomf.cat and the like is hell

>> No.2600073
File: 998 KB, 500x264, 1439451695393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother dealing with all this shitposting and spam? If there were ever people interested in talking about art they probably left long ago when they saw all this faggotry.
Your community becomes exactly what you allow it, and what I see is one or two people still desperate to talk about art/critique and the rest are the kids spewing memes. Apparently even the site creator doesn't come here anymore. I'll just find another group to draw with, good luck.

>> No.2600076

save us lavaaa

>> No.2600080

More like 3-5 kids spam the thread with shit and drama while the silent majority leaves the tab open waiting for someone to actually talk about art.

>> No.2600082

True, true.

>> No.2600085

And nobody reports anything? If there are people that want the threads cleaned up of shitposting then actually do something, all of it breaks 4chan global rules but I've never seen anything get deleted.

>> No.2600086

Your proportions and linework have improved a lot since you started this. I think you could benefit from more in-depth anatomy study though, like muscles and the skeleton. Your limbs are often a bit too thin and sometimes the figures look too simple, as if you know the general shapes but not the underlying anatomy that causes it and other subtle changes in form. But what's most pressing is faces, study head construction and do full-value studies of heads to help you to understand their forms. I don't quite know how to put it, but your stylized faces still look odd, especially your noses. And now that you're doing digital and colored stuff, some painting wouldn't hurt.

>> No.2600087

Yeah enough of the political bs, Choob really fucked this place up.

>> No.2600091

The anon who egged him on is equally at fault for bringing it into the threads, he should have just ignored submissions he didn't like rather than rally up a shitstorm about it.

>> No.2600093

Yeah, making fun of Choobs shitty art is still art related but talking about politics isnt art related at all, then again some would argue that copying photos isnt art either.

>> No.2600094

I can see that. Thank you so much. Now that I've adjusted to this whole job thing, I should be able to put more effort into drawing, which means less doodles. Your crit has really inspired me to do more, and put in more. Thank you anon.

>> No.2600101

But that means I would have to be an active crusader for justice instead of just scrolling past all the piss.

I really doubt Choob is the one responsible for all of the /pol/ bait above. Even if he participated, he couldn't have been the only one.

>> No.2600111


This >>2600086.
It looks like you put special detail into the holes, but then the faces, legs, and feet will be half-assed. Holes aren't all there is to porn, otherwise there would be a lot less varieties of it.

Your faces turn out pretty masculine too. Go for smaller noses and chins and that should help.

>> No.2600113
File: 56 KB, 364x271, 1454962286817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going blind in both eyes
Someone mercy kill me please

>> No.2600114

When I joined LAS I genuinely couldn't believe that people weren't posting submissions in here that they wanted feedback on or talking about each others work, what is even the point of the threads if you don't?
You have such a good setup here with everyone putting up work every day and big progress timelines but then you do nothing at all with it, like just posting the drawing to the website is somehow enough. Every serious artist out there already draws every day, that should go without saying.
Looking through the submission pages it looks like lots of you are just drawing anything for the sake of not dropping out the competition, this is probably detrimental to you. It makes you feel satisfied when your goal is just posting to a random site and that's it done for the day.
Uploading should feel like way more of a big deal to you, not just a routine. It should scare you into working hard to improve or impress people.
I can see users that really needed basic advice 6 months ago and they're still stumbling around in the dark making minimal progress because I presume nobody actually told them any better.

>> No.2600115


>> No.2600118

After this week I am gonna ask for feedback on my submissions. Maybe we can be the change that LAS needs. I'll be counting on you, anon!

>> No.2600119

dank pasta

>> No.2600122

This is what we don't need: retards discouraging others from trying to improve the community.

>> No.2600127

this is what we don't need
newfags trying to take over a community because "I WANT IT THIS WAY, MY WAY!"

>> No.2600128
File: 785 KB, 364x288, ruff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's nothing wrong, with just wanting to win. :3

>> No.2600130

Fuck off. I'm day 1 and regularly try to fix this shithole.
Just because you think it started shitty doesn't mean it has to stay that way.

>> No.2600131

the threads since day one would disagree with you, double nigger
>and I regularly try to fix this shithole
exactly ma point, we have a case of "WAAH DO IT MY WAY"
nobody is discouraging you from posting your shit and ask for advice, you'd prefer to bitch at others instead

>> No.2600132

I... I only lost a token because i had a shit ton of anxiety for my new job, so I triple checked to make sure everything was good and didn't have time to draw, I'm quitting today though so no more missing days for me :')

>> No.2600133

>I can't do both
wew, pathetic

>> No.2600134

fluff here. I almost certainly qualify as one of the aimless-looking users, but I usually don't post my work in thread because I don't like how the overwhelming majority of my submissions turn out. They frequently wouldn't warrant anything more than "it's shit, next". That said, I am always open to comments and suggestions, but for the time being I feel like I know what my most pressing weaknesses are. I don't mind putting myself out here though, so maybe posting my mess would make others more comfortable to do the same?

>> No.2600136

I'm another day 1er and it sounds like you're the one crying "WAAH DO IT MY WAY". Almost everyone I've talked to since the start of las has agreed it's a shithole and wanted things different and all the polls showed that you are in the minority.

>> No.2600137

I don't post my stuff here because nobody else does and I feel like I'd be coming off as desperate

>> No.2600138

>Almost everyone I've talked to since the start of las has agreed
and what a difference you've made, just look at all those people talking about their art and giving criticism!
if you force this, nobody is going to go along with it
start it off nice and casually and stop being such a tremendous and demanding faggot

>> No.2600139
File: 93 KB, 800x657, blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was streaming a little while ago with loomis and namefag, it's probably what caused someone to spam even more than usual. If you watched the stream though my only posts were the ones asking for architecture books and this one. >>2600026

The pointlessly aggressive response is probably because they saw me make that post on stream. None of the pol tier shit is ever me, but I'll stop streaming in case it helps the threads.

I second the post saying this is such a shame though, and that even Lava doesn't want to sift through all the shitposting now. It's just a couple of anons who spam Feng to try stop crits, or baiting with pol shit or trying to make drama, but it means the decent people stop posting and there's no art discussion here.

>> No.2600141

the crit keeper gimmick was just pathetic
do it seriously or leave it be
in general someone wants to be shown what they need to improve on instead of hearing it
I can talk big out of my ass, too, but I'd have a hard time giving a visible critique and that's what I'd personally want the most

>> No.2600142

Because of people like you getting pointlessly aggressive and argumentative for some reason. Just look at you, dumping all your pent up anger here.

>> No.2600147

>dumping all your pent up anger here
funny enough as we speak I am drawing, improving
I'm not waiting for someone to give me the answer when I can find it myself as well
as I said, no one is discouraging you from posting your work and ask for help, but you could also do this in the threads that were specifically made for that purpose
this is a LAS thread, there is no written rule no how those should be, you trying to make them into strict "post work and get crit" isn't going to do a fucking thing

>> No.2600148

it'll get better as lava works on the site and it gets less /ic/ focused
there's actually zero point to completely anonymous crit, you can't even trust it to be correct when you have people like nosefag redlining things in the draw threads

>> No.2600150

>it gets less /ic/ focused
hey tumblr, how's your dyed armpit hair doing today?

>> No.2600151

>as I said, no one is discouraging you from posting your work and ask for help
bullshit and you know it, you're literally doing it right now
>this is a LAS thread, there is no written rule no how those should be
actually there are, go read them
>you trying to make them into strict "post work and get crit" isn't going to do a fucking thing
and you're trying to turn it into a chatroom with no relation to las. I bet you're the same type of person that complains about streams and outside contact, when the reason they all left was to get away from you

>> No.2600152

What's the point of even coming to the thread then?

Just because there are no rules doesn't mean it should be full of shitflinging. No one's trying to force any behavior, we're just trying to improve the threads. Discouraging that is worse than doing nothing. You're making people afraid of posting just so you can stroke your dick as you moan that you won an argument on the internet.

>> No.2600154

did I tell you not to do it? point me to it then
the rules apply to LAS, not LAS threads
I dislike the idea of a chatroom and I am definitely against tripfags and sekrit clubbers, with all the time you've wasted you could've posted your work but you're talk and no walk, aren't you?
scared of what's to happen, maybe?
I wonder why

post work, walk the talk
this is the fucking internet, you are free to do whatever and so am I
I'm engaging in this talk because I feel like it, just as you throw out your opinion, I give you my piece, a piece of your beloved criticism if you will

>> No.2600157

>sekrit clubbers
why tho? thats where the actual good stuff is happening

>> No.2600158
File: 401 KB, 900x1503, 12a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm back at my computer. I'm starting to work through Hampton's book, and so I've been doing these "slow gestures" where I take 3-5 minutes to analyze the reference and capture the S, C, and I curves that characterize the motion. I wasn't doing myself any favors by treating gesture drawing as rushed figure drawing where I try to scratch out ugly forms in a minute. I still need to practice it some more, so I'll be sprinkling it in along with various challenge-related drawings.

Also, I failed badly at the anatomy challenge, so I'm making some flash cards to learn it properly.

>> No.2600161

>the rules apply to LAS, not LAS threads
The rules are global to 4chan and board specific. Including off-topic posting, shitposting and unconstructive art criticism.

You sound like an angsty teenager projecting hard and lashing out. Stop trying sodesperately to fit in.

>> No.2600165


Probably half of my friends said this from High School up through to their thirties. They all decided life was pretty nice. Even the genuinely suicidal girl, who's doing much better now.

You probably won't kill yourself either. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.2600166

I'm not the one trying to put a leash on everyone
there is also threads that do the same thing you're asking for, do we need multiple of those?
either way, break the curse by being the first to start posting your art then, you keep talking around the issue for the sake of talking about it

>> No.2600170

No one's putting a leash on anyone, you inbred fuck. People are saying what people should consider doing and you're sperging out at everyone just because you don't like being told what to do.

By the way, you have to be 18 to use this site.

>> No.2600171

Don't reply he's just going in loops and being obstinate.

>> No.2600172
File: 126 KB, 640x1136, 1446475129977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys whatsa goin on

>> No.2600174

>People are saying what people should consider doing
and I say what I think that is going to accomplish
you being able to talk doesn't make me unable to do the same
but that is all you do, talk
and it won't change a damn thing because that's all you can do, you cocksucker
you don't have to be 18 to kill yourself, consider it

>> No.2600183
File: 29 KB, 500x583, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it anons, we're supposed to be united by a common pursuit

>> No.2600192


It's a somewhat amusing photoshop until you realize that this is probably a fetish for some people.

>> No.2600194


m8 thats a guy who legit dresses up his dick

>> No.2600197
File: 2.94 MB, 170x144, 1420864384199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600199


What. Why would you whip out your dick in public to take this photo? Or does he just have photo backdrops?

>> No.2600202
File: 8 KB, 262x263, Kermut HAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600208

Looks like you're realising "how" to learn a lot better recently, it's good that you're finding focus. It's easy to draw aimlessly or grind without actually taking things in. I can see serious attempts at studying anatomy, etc. scattered as far back as your early submissions but you don't actually apply them, your next submissions will be a figure but you've gone back to drawing the bodypart you studied the same way you did before studying it.
It takes a lot of effort but make sure you put knowledge into practice, straight away, not the next day or in the future but while you're studying it. Never study something by just copying a diagram without then trying it from a different angle or in a context, or try animating it in motion to really understand it. I find it's also helpful to practice as if you are teaching somebody else, it makes you break things down logically in your head.

Hampton is a great start, it will be hard not to improve if you just work that. You've improved substantially in general since the start but I think if you stop and think after every drawing and ask what needs work and how can you work on it then you'll see much faster improvement.
Look into color, I think you are just picking arbitrarily at this point. Your recent thumbnails look like you have a general sense of how to frame a scene but have a little look into drawing the eye's attention, it's basic stuff that once you know you can apply everywhere, look into creating focal points.
Post too long making another.

>> No.2600211

Putting dark values and light values next to each other creates points of contrast so use that to pull the eye rather than just making x dark because it's a rock. Work in large areas of value to start with and go into detail later using subvalues that are closer to the general value of that area, your mech images are a bit of a jigsaw of values uniformly across the whole image, nothing stands out and everywhere wants attention. Good job adapting that orthographic view of the mech into the 3d scene though.
Your cast shadows aren't nearly intense enough, don't be afraid to make huge movements on the color wheel. Your tank painting feels very scared to make aggressive choices and you probably just threw some soft shadows in with opacity or something. Explosions are intense, be dramatic.
In general try to get out of the habit of scribbling for texture, like the ground and background water in those animal sketches a few weeks ago. Think about the form of the surfaces and resist the urge to throw down symbol-drawing type lines that you think describes waves or mud. Get a reference and adapt it into lines, and then you'll know how to do it forever. Sorry if this isn't helpful, I'm not sure how long the post has gotten. Keep it up anon.

>> No.2600243

for the love of fuck where can I find anatomy of the inner thighs

>> No.2600246

a mirror.

Unless you're a fatty.

>> No.2600253

Thanks for taking the time to look through my stuff and giving such a insightful reply. Now that I'm working full time, I have to be a lot more thoughtful and disciplined during my drawing time. It's absurdly easy to fall into the trap of just copying shit once, and I've wasted a ton of time doing that. The animation idea is really interesting because I feel like that will heavily tax my sense of form and get away from only thinking about anatomy from three angles.

My thumbnails were all referenced, so there's not much to say there. I got a couple of books on composition to read before bed since I know almost nothing about it (that should be clear from the mech scene), so hopefully that'll start showing up in my submissions in the near future.

The master study I did for the Study+Application Challenge at least made me aware of how dramatically the values can shift even if I didn't execute it well in the application (I added stronger shadows in a revision I never uploaded). I've been thinking a lot about relative colors and values and large hue shifts when I'm out and about, but for the time being I probably won't make any huge strides in my rendering while I work on my base figure drawing.

>> No.2600301


>> No.2600332
File: 94 KB, 277x248, 1464130345205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck why didn't I join this thing sooner
I'm doing a lot better in general, criticizing myself better, seeing better and just everything is amazing

I'm going in for the one month streak fellos

>> No.2600336

That's wonderful, Anon.

Keep it up. You're in for the long haul now.

>> No.2600337
File: 504 KB, 1920x1088, vlcsnap-2016-07-12-22h40m58s327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2600340
File: 730 KB, 1080x1620, get gud scrub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the spirit boyo

>> No.2600371

>tfw join a tough looking challenge but you know it'll make you a better artist
t-thanks AAphk

>> No.2600406

>tfw animation challenge is too hard
Fug mang. How's it going for the rest of you?

>> No.2600410

The past couple days have been rough, but I made a breakthrough tonight.

Go for a walk. Walk to the closest store and buy ice cream. On the way back, visualize the movement you're trying to make in your head. See if that helps.

>> No.2600420

Sending a daily prayer to lava-sensei today...

... you fuck! Give me my badges ReEEEEeE!!

>> No.2600429

>Stella Swedish
she's French

and didn't we have a Russian or two?

>> No.2600434
File: 3.10 MB, 600x496, 527d25a95ba8e31f0f422cdf81616799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600437
File: 195 KB, 141x283, 1427509310891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digging the volume of her heelies, Leo! Neko's character looks absolutely adorable in your style!

>> No.2600446
File: 188 KB, 1217x1920, 80e11648-0049-4b73-8f26-82cb0a69d800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late stream

>> No.2600452
File: 1.71 MB, 500x281, 1450195983121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, there's still plenty of time to start :3c

>> No.2600454

I fucking hate moe blob garbage

>> No.2600457

I've also only heard negative things about the actual story of that anime, and that character specifically.

>> No.2600462


>> No.2600466


>> No.2600468

shut down!

>> No.2600487

good night!

>> No.2600491

I dribbled all ober my pillow =∩=

>> No.2600493

Don't worry, favor's otou-san looks fun and I'll start draw him soon :^)

>> No.2600495

You have to go back.

>> No.2600497

Back, back to the past, samurai Jack?

>> No.2600516 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 292x308, tintin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame triggered Brexit remainers professional victims (susipari), they literally started this whole baiting shit and in the ended attracted /pol/ here.

...or maybe they were here the whole time, the silent majority.

Just wait till November with the election in America, there will be Trump tribute submissions and lefties will chimpout just like their nigger pets.

>> No.2600528


>> No.2600533


>> No.2600556

Here we go again, and you aren't even Choob, why are you doing this?

>> No.2600558

No choob started it by drawing brexit shit in LAS, otherwise no-one wiuldve been triggered

>> No.2600562

Who fucking cares who started it you goddamn children fuck off both of you.

>> No.2600569

I bet Hitler would have kept /pol/ out of this thread if he was still alive ;_;

>> No.2600575

Does anyone have an artisul or a cintiq?
What are you experience with it

>> No.2600578

We must save ourselves

>> No.2600598

I have a cintiq 13HD, and while some people complain about it being too small I've never had issues. It improved my line quality (tho it needs to be said that it's not equal to the precision in traditional drawing, it needs a bit of practice) and generally I feel more comfortable and motivated to work. I had massive issues coming from traditional to drawing with a Intuos tablet- if you are at a point where you honestly feel like the upgrade would take you to the next level with your digital drawing, i'd go for it, but if you're shit don't expect miracles.

>> No.2600611
File: 22 KB, 330x381, oldmeme..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600613

worst meme

>> No.2600620
File: 281 KB, 610x504, shitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600621
File: 928 KB, 400x243, 4e3ff069bd296dc313f35b0ae7a6c36c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600630
File: 26 KB, 480x314, 662c5a12551b0a5d06a1e0b910717747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can whatever the fuck you want, You libcuck SJWs are too easy to bait professional victims.

>> No.2600635

*Le "you fell for my bait" meme*
Ebin :^)

>> No.2600643

he did that brexit submission because of getting reported for the post before that being offensive, when it was just a uk flag in the background somewhere

And another reminder
these anons post political bait BECAUSE YOU RESPOND TO IT
just like with attention whore tripfags there is no negotiating and any attention or response is what they need

>Do not reply to bait
>Do not feed the trolls
>Do talk about art and whatever LAS stuff you want

just filter a few words, the choob/susi/trump/brexit shitposter is all one person so they're easy to filter

>> No.2600646

you did it again! hehe!

>> No.2600647

he would have deported Susipari and any commie lefties as well.... ;_;

>> No.2600657

>>just filter a few words, the choob/susi/trump/brexit shitposter is all one person so they're easy to filter
this t b h

>> No.2600658 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 486x806, 1466680345181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ch0ob, Su5pari, I3re><it, N1gg4z

\o/~~==7RUMP==~~ \o/

>> No.2600661


>> No.2600662


>> No.2600663

*je voudrais sigh* ¬_¬

>> No.2600685


>> No.2600689
File: 924 KB, 320x226, 133bd127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we all just... get along?

>> No.2600710

Choob at what stage do you think you will learn how to draw stuff?

>> No.2600712

why are you such a bully?

>> No.2600715

Loving my cintiq so far

>> No.2600736
File: 440 KB, 186x186, 1462388481375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nile has a cintiq

>> No.2600745


>> No.2600747

It's just a really nice toy tbqh

>> No.2600760


filtered, hidden, reported. next

>> No.2600761
File: 47 KB, 623x482, ccs1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I switched to Cintiq Companion 2 recently, after owning tiniest Bamboo for ~3 years and i absolutely love it. Lineart is easier to do and i can finally draw with big flowing motions. The painting process is more or less the same (even though people say that it's harder to do on cintiqs compared to regular tablets).
That said, there's nothing too dramatic about it and if you are a beginner you'll probably be better of with Intuos. Also you can usually do a "test drive" in Wacom stores and see if you like the process for yourself.

>> No.2600767

Most pros still prefer the Intuos.

>> No.2600768

A lot of people see them as some kind of upgrade to normal tablets because of the price, like when you can afford it you move on to a cintiq, but that's not the case at all, they're just a different tool.
You have to find out which works better for you. Love my cintiq and I would never go back, but I miss a few things about my old tablet. The surface texture, how lightweight it was, not having hand/pen in the way at times, etc.

>> No.2600771

Is there anything hotter than loose tank tops?

>> No.2600773

There's no stats we can provide to prove one point or another, but from what i've seen and heard its completely the opposite. Although some of them do switch between Cintiq and Intuos sometimes to keep things fresh.
This anon got a point though - >>2600768 , cintiq is just a different tool, not better or worse than regular tablets.

>> No.2600779

No tank tops.

>> No.2600782

choob-tier opinion

>> No.2600792

>Liking bare breasts is choob tier
I... guess?

>> No.2600797

Choob has no imagination, he needs nudes.

>> No.2600802
File: 298 KB, 586x867, a890f4c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop the choob bullying!

>> No.2600815


>> No.2600817

Just some light memeing to start the day

>> No.2600849

I should erm, probably start drawing or something, yeah :/

>> No.2600855

Who was the anon who linked a tank top shopping page as their submission?

>> No.2600858

rylaifyusomething iirc

>> No.2600862

tit posting to stop bullying is the new sensei posting to get crits, I like it

>> No.2600867


>> No.2600868

oh yeah, silly me mixed then up for some reason

>> No.2600882 [DELETED] 
File: 2.16 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an artisul D13

Good price, great screen, nice portability (powered by USB) and a good upgrade to my bamboo small

>> No.2600887
File: 26 KB, 640x360, otWnEG2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an artisul D13

Good price, great screen, nice portability (powered by USB) and a good upgrade to my bamboo small

>> No.2600888

Choob will never learn..

>> No.2600889

https://www.amazon.com/Mighty-Bright-37401-Fold-n-Stow-Holder/dp/1891747401 damn this shit is so helpful

>> No.2600913



