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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 47 KB, 547x700, Ca2dYXSUcAAY4Qj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2598995 No.2598995 [Reply] [Original]

How does this person get lines like those? I hardly looks like they use line weight

>> No.2598997
File: 140 KB, 1627x700, nurzhan-bekkaliev-ajjzqfzebhn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So jealous

>> No.2598999
File: 156 KB, 1796x800, nurzhan-bekkaliev-arwtblyvl09l282424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2599010

experiment and see what suits you , it's not a tutorial for literally everything.

>> No.2599023

low opacity, erasing out a lot.

>> No.2599025

Why is this the default answer when someone talks about brush calibration? So you don't know, is that it? Is that why you chimed in with such saved advice? Like nobody would have ever consider experimenting beforehand hand and after getting frustrated then go somewhere online and ask?

>> No.2599029

Not him, but it's the default answer because there is no secret to those lines. It's just simply mileage.

>> No.2599037

It's no secret you missed the question.

>> No.2599048


>> No.2599049

pressure setting is set almost exclusively to opacity but not entirely, there is a slight bit of line weight variation. the brush "tip" is also a flat line or square of some sort, the rest is fine tuning pressure curves/min-max percents on settings and maybe throwing some tilt/stroke direction in if that suits the way you lay down lines aka what >>2599010 said. next question

>> No.2599085

>Like nobody would have ever consider experimenting beforehand hand and after getting frustrated then go somewhere online and ask?

People who ask don't ever really bother experimenting. They want a quick fix and answer to something that's simply a result of experimentation and mileage with mileage being the most important factor. And then faggots like you get cranky when you don't get the answers you want to hear. You're part of the problem with so many digital artists in this day and age.

>> No.2599086

>I hardly looks like they use line weight
Also, you're fucking blind.

>> No.2599121

This person uses line weight, both with thickness and with darkness. Darker and lighter lines are also types of line weight.

>> No.2599142

why is everyone drooling over this artist all of a sudden? he's doing nothing new

>> No.2599153

Nobody's doing anything new, people are — oh the horror — enjoying something for once! We all die and it's irrelevant

>> No.2599156


It looks fucking good, also hot girls

>> No.2599175

>hot girls
His girls are pleasant to look at but they aren't giving me any boners. He does make good use of shapes.

>> No.2599176

Not him, but calm the spergio, friendio.
>It looks fucking good
Link to his/her work?
>also hot girls
So muh waifu pandering. Typical.

>> No.2599179

Boring anime drawings

>> No.2599180
File: 171 KB, 1200x800, 1466598841713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related, my work.

>> No.2599194
File: 197 KB, 500x520, tumblr_inline_nq4h1wJbDK1rkzf13_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599196


>> No.2599202

It's a meme, don't read too much into it.

>> No.2599227

Further cementing my point, amigo.

>> No.2599229


>> No.2599261

Right back at ya.

>> No.2599267

>this is considered the best /ic/ has to offer

I like the guy but you guys are just silly.

>> No.2599269

because the style looks very appealing? they are stretching all the right things while still including them, seriously those are some nice bods.

>> No.2599275

Shitty amateurish anatomy. Deviant tier artist

>> No.2599279
File: 47 KB, 410x303, 1444278336763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this thread is a fucking tackle shop
anyone coming in just grab the first 3 pics and go, nothing worth seeing here

>> No.2599284

post your flash

>> No.2599292

What? This guy has never posted on /ic/

>> No.2599297

Isn't he not poon? If not someone from /jp/? A few guys from /jp/ all draw similarly for some strange reason.

>> No.2599303

>muh anatomy
>not even good enough to notice the difference between conscious stylization and anatomical mistakes rooted in lack of knowledge

You're not going to make it buddy and no amount of time spent on memorizing latin muscle names and insertion points is going to change that.

>> No.2599313
File: 116 KB, 1920x998, 1411425291394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a russian illustrator mostly known for his weird stylized figures. I've seen his work posted on /ic/ sometimes but that doesn't mean he himself posts here.

>> No.2599314

found the one that skipped anatomy

>> No.2599318


Huh well if I mistake him for some /ic/ artist then he is no one super special.

>> No.2599319

kek no way, try reverse image searching next tome

>> No.2599329

no one ever said that he was, you insecure little faggot.

>> No.2599333


Hey, back the FUCK up?!

>> No.2599335
File: 190 KB, 431x442, 1468020251425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get so butthurt, weeb

>> No.2599420

hes extremly good.

>> No.2599427
File: 168 KB, 961x499, lazyfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did I have to do this myself? Fucking artists nowadays ...

>> No.2599429
File: 109 KB, 900x1291, lines1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here, this is why im jealous

>> No.2599430
File: 239 KB, 900x1096, lines-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2599431
File: 724 KB, 900x1096, 6-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2599434
File: 103 KB, 1200x812, nurzhan-bekkaliyev-yjb6ydwjczm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599435
File: 169 KB, 1260x1486, nurzhan-bekkaliyev-tr1mins7-4567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2599446
File: 34 KB, 484x429, 1468226565489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op here, this is why im jealous
Because he's been practicing for like, 2 months?

>> No.2599448

You're jealous because you're shit. We already knew that anon.

>> No.2599457

yeah and i wanna know what im doing wrong

>> No.2599460

We won't know what you're doing wrong if we don't know anything about you.

>> No.2599462

>>2599023 this is the answer to your question OP

>> No.2599476

Is there a way to send my brushes to show what im using?

>> No.2599483

Normal brushes are fine. Read the read me and check out youtube videos to learn photoshop.

>> No.2599486

Show everyone you can do better.

inb4 you're worse than them lel #rekt #buttdevastated

>> No.2599490


Yeah, thanks, I also can't stand how fucking lazy faggots they are. Every second pic I see looks unfinished.

>> No.2599525

its stylized you retard. Oh my god the cancer in here these days.
Hes obviously super skilled to be able to pull this shit off.

>> No.2599542

that pillow shading. am i right guys? huh?

>> No.2599555

>yeah and i wanna know what im doing wrong

You don't have the same confidence in your lines or the same understanding of form in 3D space. It has everything to do with your fundamental knowledge and nothing to do with brush settings. There is no quick fix to this. You just have to keep doing studies until you get on his level.

>> No.2599557


No, they have a very clear and defined lightsource. It's literally the opposite to pillow shading

>> No.2599561
File: 144 KB, 605x1015, nurzhan-bekkaliev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this

>> No.2599569
File: 25 KB, 244x294, 1468175328146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599570


Stylization, deliberate exaggregation of form and shape

>> No.2599575

>People who ask don't ever really bother experimenting.
People who assume that of others assume the wrong idea about people. So you think everyone else is usually lazy or to stupid? The problem isnt with you?

>> No.2599587

>So you think everyone else is usually lazy or to stupid?
9/10 times that is the case. There are dozens upon dozens of helpful and accessible resources out there and people STILL ask retarded questions all the time.

>> No.2599596

So anytime someone asks a simple question about something you automatically assume the worst and refuse to answer? Why the fuck are you even here?

>> No.2599600

something from 2 years ago

>> No.2599634

>So anytime someone asks a simple question about something you automatically assume the worst and refuse to answer?
On 4chan? Of course.

>Why the fuck are you even here?
To trigger morons like you who get upset when people don't hold your hand.

>> No.2599659

does it hurt than even when he fucks up (the ass fold in this case is too exaggerated), his art is still 10 times better than yours?

>> No.2599676

ok that's generally what i thought would be the issue

>> No.2599679

what's the "read me"?

>> No.2599708 [DELETED] 

please, go away already
anon here >>2599659 explained everything you need to know. now gtfo!

>> No.2599710

please, go away already
anon here >>2599555 explained everything you need to know. now gtfo!

>> No.2599784

This. It's a bit too accessible for me. I want to amplify the difficulty for better results.

Btw OP it's really the form that's helping sell these drawings.

>> No.2599834

9/10 times that is the case.

10 out of 10 times you THINK that is the case. You only give that 1 out 10 off chance as insurance not to sound too full of yourself.

>There are dozens upon dozens of helpful and accessible resources

Not ever Photoshop brush has a dedicated blog.

>people STILL ask retarded questions all the time.

This your fall back excuse when you know you don't have the answer.

>> No.2599836

I'm glad this became a meme

>> No.2599855

I think it's lazyiness. Using myself as an example. Say I have to do dishes which I hate. Or draw, which has become something I love to, now I have to grind to get back to loving it.

I ended up doing the dishes. Fuck me man... On the bright side, this thread made me experiment with photoshop brushes more, so THANK YOU OP. Indirectly you helped me get something going.

>> No.2599948

You really are a fucking moron.
>Not ever Photoshop brush has a dedicated blog.
Nor should it. The brushes aren't fucking important. Only amateurs who have no idea what they are doing think which photoshop brushes you use actually matters. They don't. The standard brush is all you need.
>This your fall back excuse when you know you don't have the answer.
The answer is always lack of fundamental knowledge and lack of understand of objects in 3D space. Always. Nothing will cure that other than more observation and more study. There is never any other answer. People are just lazy and want there to be easy quick fix answers and those people ARE lazy and retarded.

>> No.2599957

A brush turns into a different tool for the job. I would not dismiss it's importance. I of course agree with you.

>> No.2600017

>hardly looks like they use line weight

Lines that are light, dark, thick or thin fall under line weight.

>> No.2600098

>The brushes aren't fucking important. Only amateurs who have no idea what they are doing think which photoshop brushes you use actually matters. They don't. The standard brush is all you need.
Wow, just wow! Way to dodge the whole question. Nobody said brushes are overly important. The question was about brush setup. You are a fucking idiot plain and simple.

>> No.2600124

>Nobody said brushes are overly important.
No one needs to actually say that you dumb fuck. Asking for the brush set-up implies that it's of any importance. As if knowing is going to get you anywhere. It's not. Only amateurs ask those type of questions. There is a reason people ITT have been saying to just experiment and it's because it's nothing but a brush with opacity. It's literally nothing special. The OP even went on to say "hardly looks like they use line weight". That statement alone should give anyone with a functioning brain enough to know OP has no real idea what they are talking about and is very much an amateur. There is CLEAR line weight in every single image he posted of that artist's work and yet OP can't even see that. Special brush settings is the least they need to worry about. It's not even worth asking. The issue is the simple lack of fundamental knowledge in general.

PS:Kill yourself.

>> No.2600164

he's from kazakstan iirc
Link to his artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/nbekkaliev

>> No.2600215

You got issues

>> No.2600219
File: 70 KB, 800x400, Borat_Flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600231

Hardly. I'm deliberately an asshole whenever I'm on 4chan.

>> No.2600238

That's the issue
For the sound of it your not the type that is humble and hardworking, so I doubt you have good skills

>> No.2600240

>No one needs to actually say that you dumb fuck
Apparently you did. Because asking about a look drives stick up your ass. Do you bitch this much when there is a brush sharing thread? I bet you got an awesome portfolio filled with shit made entirely from one hard round brush.

>> No.2600268

>this upset about someone saying simple truths
not gonna make it

>> No.2600274

you couldn't make it even if you tried

>> No.2600295

i came here for art stayed for fap

>> No.2600345
File: 173 KB, 1920x998, nurzhan-bekkaliev-girlzddsd7-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saying...

>> No.2600456

>use low opacity
>go over lines
>they just get dark when i went them to stay light

what do?

>> No.2600461

You could have the same exact brush calibration as him and never make the lines look as good as you think they look here, the problem is the drawing itself looks really good

>> No.2600472
File: 32 KB, 456x315, 1468398808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the "Greater" blending mode on your brush, that way the opacity on the canvas won't increase unless the brush's opacity is greater. Pic related is on krita, the blending mode might go by a different name on other programs.

>> No.2600494

How to do in photoshop? That always annoys the shit out of me

>> No.2600636

it's a new think even for krita, I don't think cs has or will ever have it, those from adobe said they don't want to take cs in that direction of digital drawing, but remain a photo editing program

that might change in the future tho, if they see a market in this too

>> No.2600668

can't you just paint 100% on a layer that has 50% opacity.

>> No.2600673


Source? That's retarded, why wouldn't Adobe want Photoshop to be the industy standard for digital painting and line based artwork?

>bohoo adding a stabilizer and a system for organizing brushes is sooooo much work

>> No.2600721


>> No.2601523

Oh my heart, i fell in love.

>> No.2601525

You would think that if you set the opacity to 50% that a second layer would just make it 100% but it doesn't.

>> No.2601676

What has Adobe even added to Photoshop since they switched to subscription?

>> No.2601689


Nah, I see what he's talking about even though he's wrong. It's just a different kind of use of lineweight, probably something he's never seen before. Something that achieves softness not through bold or fine lines, but through opacity.

>> No.2602281

Its called darken in photoshop I think

>> No.2602291
File: 15 KB, 231x147, 543345345353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, it's main feature of photoshop. Just look at asian painters. Also you can do same in CSP/MS5. Picrelated makes your brush work like in PS
He's krita marketeer.

>> No.2602296

>Also you can do same in CSP/MS5
Thank you based anon.

>> No.2602381

Square shaped brushes? because that's what it looks like. Doesn't look like he has size pressure on though.

>> No.2602459


how does he combine the layers?

anons version looks the layers were just set to multiply mode whereas bekkalievs version looks like some layers are set to overlay/softlight or some other variant?

>> No.2602470






>> No.2602487
File: 189 KB, 620x320, 1434653735658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If these honestly impress you, you have a long way to go.

>> No.2602501


Vilppu can't top that, you have 10 seconds to prove me wrong with an image.

>> No.2602506

Please show me better stylized forms than these!

>> No.2602508

>tfw when that very artists feels vilppu is much better than them in every way

People share a lot of personal info on their twitter.

>> No.2602516

>Vilppu can't top that
What's there to top? What you're idolizing is the stylization of those forms, it's nothing special. You have to actually like that stylization to think they are anything special. You're clearly just a weeb considering the proportions used are obviously anime inspired.

>> No.2602519
File: 28 KB, 613x533, questionmarks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602522

The artist you're gushing over idolizes Vilppu, as he should because Vilppu is a legend. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.2602524

no nigga look what you wrote, it's not fucking english

>> No.2602532

I didn't even write the original post you replied to. You're just a moron. You're also a degenerate weeb if you actually think Vilppu's forms aren't better than what's showcased here.

>> No.2602539

I'm not that person who said shit about vilppu retard

>> No.2602560

Vilppu is shit.
More like Vilpooh

>> No.2602570

Fampai is the jpg photoshop UI? I cant find it in my CS6 and its driving me nuts.

>> No.2602577

wtf that doesnt work on ps

>> No.2602590
File: 12 KB, 235x279, 1449462925349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stylized forms

>> No.2602596

i giggl

>> No.2602599

thats manga studio

>> No.2602698

I'm simply baffled by how many scrubs that can't tell if someone has skill /ic/ has

>> No.2602753

post your work

>> No.2602803 [DELETED] 

I'm simply baffled by how many scrubs that can't tell if someone has skill /ic/ has
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.2602822

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.2602851


>> No.2602854
File: 32 KB, 703x631, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close enough. On SAI.

>> No.2602904


>> No.2603246

kill yourself

>> No.2603255

Well that's certainly an efficient way to admit you're garbage at art

>> No.2603352

flash me.

>> No.2603369

you have one chance to apologize you filthy misogynist

>> No.2603373

Malaysia and Firez sittin' in a tree...

>> No.2604073

doubt I'm worse than people posting here (you)

>> No.2604793

Brush doesn't make you better, but they can help you comfortable, and he coincidentally uses a brush that is very similar to mine and I think its great

Just get hard round brush and squish it (roundness down to ~30%). or get a square brush.

Add any kinda even texture to it.

Add slight pen pressure size. not much at all.

Tie angle jitter (set to 0%) to "initital direction".

Add very slight opacity/flow pen pressure, not much.

And most importantly, turn down the flow from the options bar at the top to ~40%. it makes the texture pop out less and this way your strokes build up on each other nicely.

Optionally add just the tiniest amount of scatter to break the hard

>> No.2605058

christ was he the art director for big hero 6

>> No.2606794

Why are you so defensive about someone you don't even know?

>> No.2606878

is that ambient oclussion?

>> No.2606882

you shouldn't be jealous about that, everyone have their own pace of draw. and practicing what? line art ? because studiyng anatomy takes lots of months or years...etc so don't get exasperated

>> No.2607396

I'm defending good art. I'm defending myself.

>> No.2607468

bottom left, yes

>> No.2607727


>> No.2607785

> filename
> No image in that post
fys m80.

>> No.2608622

Where does he work? Is there any personal information about him on the net?

>> No.2608792

ambiamt uhclusheon

most worthless concept in art. enjoy your new.

>> No.2608813

>Brush doesn't make you better
Good tools makes your better

>> No.2608815

I always wonder just how much of a moron you have to be to know this little, yet be completely full of yourself to write shit like this.

>> No.2608842

Good tools make you more comfortable.

>> No.2608874

And that what you need to get better. There is no point to torture yourself using for example H8 pencil for rendering

>> No.2608965

This only works for me within a single stroke. If you go over the first stroke with a second stroke, it will get darker no matter what. What am I supposed to change in the MS5 brush settings?

>> No.2609028

post your myspace

>> No.2609050
File: 61 KB, 610x647, 543536546546464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's make your brush works like in PS. If you don't need PS style brush turn this option off and check density settings.

>> No.2609056

low spacing, low flow brushes are very pleasing to the eye imo.

>> No.2609066
File: 29 KB, 578x395, 4324323424242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSP/MS5 has shit tons of pressure curves. This one is "main". You can find it in main menu. And all brushes have individual curves over this one. You can set absolutely crazy stuff. But you need to do some work first. Even "PS style" brush will feels very weird compared to PS because CSP use wacom pressure at full potencial

>> No.2609487


>> No.2609555
File: 61 KB, 353x368, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2609654


andrae pls stop teasing me

>> No.2610291
File: 96 KB, 1280x796, tumblr_oamhnvf8eS1u54l7wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the artist just put this out specifically to make you look like a dumbass

>> No.2610292

dat forehead

>> No.2610307

That explains a lot of things about that movie

>> No.2610323

Krita can afford marketeers now?

Shit if thats true then they are on the fast track to becoming an industry standard. I'd be happy asf if adobe gets their shit kicked in by FOSS.

>> No.2610950

Looks like a fivehead slut. I love it. Blog?

>> No.2611593

The one on the far left looks like an after thought, but another good one.
He was not

>> No.2611843

Just in case anyone is wondering the brush he's using, it's literally zedig's brush, maybe he modified the shape of but it's entirely the same otherwise, I've been using it for years.

>> No.2611882



>> No.2611996

i think you're right, thanks for the tip. zedig's brush with low flow looks just like it.