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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 856 KB, 1000x1144, skypegroup_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2597696 No.2597696 [Reply] [Original]

We're looking to add some new people to our four month old Skype group, which has been pretty successful so far.
We chat about art and give crits.

There's also a weekly assignment to keep everyone involved, and to keep the lurks away. Here's an example of what we made for a weekly, with the theme of "dragons": http://imgur.com/a/CKahl
Only requirement for you to stay in the group is to submit a weekly at least once a month.
If you're interested in joining, post your skype username and preferably an example of your work.

>> No.2597697

>joining a skype full of mentally unstable artists where nothing but drama awaits
No thanks.

>> No.2597698

I'd be interested in something like this, hit me up

ID: omgbearsrun

>> No.2597700

I dunno man, you usually see these threads fill up with dozens of skype usernames, clearly the rest of /ic/ disagrees

>> No.2597704
File: 533 KB, 876x1494, mei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds interesting; I sometimes draw furshit desu but I can keep that out of the group if it's not welcome. I'd love some motivation to improve for once; it's evident that I need it.

ID: bluelineanon@gmail.com

>> No.2597706

>Blind leading the blind

>> No.2597707

birds of a feather apparently

>> No.2597709


Oh look, another circle of friends jerk group where the admin probably is an underage faggot enforcing his gay rules and or never is online and never contributes himself. Then we have the pretend know it all waabo of the group who thinks they know shit. And then the off-topic twinkie eater who talks about their IRL to how many chicks they'll bang at the end of the week. And the one person in the group who has ethic (let me guess, coomi) who by the end of 6 months will be the one out of 3 people left posting art I bet your fucking ass. And then there is the stuck-up bitch who won't take any criticism and constantly leaves the group. And then, being the admin, the admin will open his asshole nice and wide and lax up his own rules because he is never online anyway. And then gives the admin powers to one of his friends who has been sucking up to him since day one and goes on a power trip making up his own rules, effectively killing the group by month 7.

I just saved you all the grief.

>> No.2597719

This is pretty much normal for any group full of artists. Ive been in quite a few and they are all terrible. You hit the nail on the head with underage mods being fucking faggots

>> No.2597721

I can assure you both mods here are of age.

>> No.2597724

just turned 18 doesn't count

>> No.2597740

>everywhere I go I need a superior to hold my hand and "lead" me

Not OP and I have never been to any /ic/ skype group, but faggots like you are unbelievably irritating.

>> No.2597744

>someone fell for it guys

>> No.2597750
File: 205 KB, 420x426, 1447122313278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that you're all not going to make it desu senpai.

>> No.2597760

im interested in joining but i havent really done any work digitally, since I noticed that most of the pieces that were in that imgur link were all done using some sort of program, is it okay if i do traditional work?
Skype ID: DankFather420

>> No.2597809
File: 6 KB, 270x368, gdztgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing you're right about, is that coomi is in the group

>> No.2597813

80% of what I said is right. It looks like either anon1313 or swayze/pleb is in the group as well. You'll be the only ones left by the end of the year.

>> No.2597814

Would you have to see my ugly face? This is probably the main reason why I have not joined one before

>> No.2597818

Nah, no face showing required unless you want to.

>> No.2597820

Is the imgur representative of the skill level? There was only 1 decent picture

>> No.2597830

neither of those 2 are in the group lol

were you referring to yourself when you said "Then we have the pretend know it all waabo of the group who thinks they know shit"?

>> No.2597832


Why not Discord? You could do so much more.

>> No.2597833

Fuck Skype. Make a discord group.

>> No.2597835

>neither of those 2 are in the group lol
shit group then
>ere you referring to yourself when you said "Then we have the pretend know it all waabo of the group who thinks they know shit"?

No, don't pick apart my posts, fag.

>> No.2597846
File: 307 KB, 427x559, ^A46C2BC3483316A3D0E6F136F6092329A37F450EB29AD74523^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit group then
idk who anon1313 is, but i know pleb and he wouldn't even make the weekly assignment
>No, don't pick apart my posts, fag.
i'm just saying that literally the only thing you've been right about until now, is that coomi is in the group
also you clearly have autism

>> No.2597849

>i'm just saying that literally the only thing you've been right about until now, is that coomi is in the group

......shit you're on to me......j-just shut up, okay? SHUT UP.

>> No.2597868

switch to discord

>> No.2597872
File: 84 KB, 342x459, efdrghb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you faggots giggle every time you see those sick meme references in the loading screens on discord

>> No.2597902

Out of all things that make this better over skype, such tiny, stupid detail, that doesn't even ruin speaking, bothers you the most?

>> No.2597918

i don't see what makes it better, they both look similar maybe few different things, but chatting and sharing images and groups and stuff are the same
just seems discord is more catered for video games

>> No.2597921
File: 16 KB, 261x163, 1448905546121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the discord's been up and running for a while

guess you didn't get the invite, enjoy the skype group

>> No.2597946

>talking to other people
Don't you know about my anxiety?

>> No.2597952

Sounds good
ID: haywood_jabiome

>> No.2598324

I draw.
ID: thirteenth.raven

>> No.2598355

Skype has little versatility and a huge RAM cost.

DESU we should be using mumble or ts since they have superior audio options.

>> No.2598365

Do you mind if a pooper joins.

>> No.2598378

woah who did the environments on the left

>> No.2598435
File: 436 KB, 723x1200, turtle cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skype ID: ljoudrey1

>> No.2598453


i draw as well
skypeid: beni.vasile

>> No.2598971
File: 149 KB, 612x612, 354tyh6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh ram
what do you only have like 2gb of ram?
you should have at least 8 gb of ram in this day and age, and if you have that, the part that skype uses shouldn't even matter
>since they have superior audio options
we only use skype for text, for screen sharing and voice chat we use google hangouts

>> No.2599370

skype: htmlgoth
i just need friends .....

>> No.2599374
File: 506 KB, 537x438, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also artwork if you really care?

>> No.2599379


>> No.2599381
File: 115 KB, 1037x583, IMG_20160712_111101413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to draw cute girls, can I enter?


skype: vidarr.vali

>> No.2599411


>> No.2599417

>just want to draw cute girls
Don't we all?

>> No.2599451
File: 37 KB, 429x410, 1288020343243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not Discord?

>> No.2599453

do you even read the thread

>> No.2599456
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 14627347475850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I did not

>> No.2599464
File: 51 KB, 574x380, 45tr6y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599489

Never use discord. niggas always playing video games and never drawing.

>> No.2599530

I think this is how any online group ever works

>> No.2600195
File: 2.59 MB, 4128x2322, photo_1462743299408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm game id:derpmaker11

>> No.2600277

Yeah. There's like over 30 people there and they all play Overwatch

>> No.2600283
File: 148 KB, 2550x3300, SpikeKightFinal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name: peter.weir64

>> No.2600288

ikr, people dont understand Skype sucks dick

>> No.2600467
File: 425 KB, 1067x795, watashi-valentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNYueto (very old handle)

>> No.2600478
File: 66 KB, 684x926, scream for me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im bored so ill join Skype: maustellerking

>> No.2600514
File: 209 KB, 441x435, doggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won't be adding people in that posted under this post, as we've already reached the cap.

However I will save your usernames, so when some space frees up we will reach out to you.

>> No.2600517

There's a cap to the number of people you can have in a skype group?

>> No.2600520

No, there's a cap to how many people we think are manageable.

>> No.2600531 [DELETED] 

Does that mean the above the post will be added shortly?

>> No.2600535

Does that mean the people above the post will be added shortly?

>> No.2600541

They have already been added.

>> No.2600546

Im just wondering cause i haven't been invited yet maybe i was too late, lol.

>> No.2600634

So in all seriousness what is it about these groups that get such a bad rep and how is it avoidable, if it even is? I was thinking about making a group but I don't want it to become like what >>2597709 said and based on other Skype group threads I've seen this seems to be a common theme. What are your thoughts about it lads?

>> No.2600640

Been part of a circlejerk-with-an-attached-srs-chat skype group for over a year now and it's not been dying so idk what other groups are like

>> No.2601747

add me to the group, birdsnotintrees

>> No.2601770

I will give it a try


A link to some of my works is in my profile

>> No.2601795

This seems cool, but I kinda just decided to learn how to draw today and I don't even have any materials so I wouldn't really be able to fulfill the weekly requirement. I'm really motivated right now, but I'm hoping that I won't lose my motivation to learn how to draw while I sleep, even though that is probably what's going to happen because I'm depressed and it happens with everything I'm interested in.

>> No.2601823
File: 164 KB, 471x655, SAPPH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID: mrfeast0

long time lurk

>> No.2601828 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that white people are dying out, enjoy a 20% white USA by the year 2100.

>> No.2601851


skype username: atombh


>> No.2601852


oops accidentally linked to your post lol

>> No.2601854 [DELETED] 

good, maybe the native americans will tribe again in their original land.

>> No.2601857

Karma is a bitch. Had their religion not mentally fuck up their heads beyond repair, they wouldn't have suffered that fate.

>> No.2601893
File: 1.33 MB, 1000x1082, unmasked_kayle_by_mesgart-da7d1ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID: mesgart

>> No.2601907

>white people dying out
>all white people share a single religion

The tip toppest of keks
Watch out humans, rabbits are outbreeding you every single day

>> No.2601984
File: 907 KB, 1196x526, Anything you like 2016-07-14 at 7.46.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID: LeftoverprawnRIP

>> No.2602160

I miss tora, sex voice ryan and chill latino guy...

>> No.2602483

ID: eravacre


>> No.2602493

My username is crimtione

I'm really new to drawing and I wouldn't expect much critique than study more, but i'd like to be forced to draw more.

That, or if we deported all mexicans and blacks.

>> No.2602494

This comment is partially a joke btw

>> No.2602573
File: 447 KB, 1297x1619, life drawing wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skype name is batchscript
>tfw i just cleared out all my old art yesterday
here's some life drawing i'm working on

>> No.2602782


>> No.2602826
File: 414 KB, 2335x3801, b4pN4Jq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also draw sketches. What I wish for is a good skill of anatomy drawing n shit. So, I'll be happy if you add me:)
I drew this in February and this is the best drawing I have on my phone atm. Nowadays I draw humans and I worK over my gesture. Need help see u soon

>> No.2602841

all depends on whenever you deiced to join one or not that's when you'll know when its either good or bad.

>> No.2603041
File: 494 KB, 1024x768, 4527800659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skype username: resshead

add me i guess

>> No.2605563
File: 169 KB, 459x505, +_Friend_+2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess i might as well join, i'd appreciate it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
skype username: pronightly

>> No.2605580

I'll watch this drama play out.
Id: br0den

>> No.2605586

Damnit you. This post is 5 days old, we can't hit this up. No one is watching it.

>> No.2606078

do you even read the thread?

>> No.2606172

what great taste

>> No.2606395

I didn't go through all the posts, thank you for clarifying senpai.

>> No.2606412

id like a drawing friend desu

skype: souxieswan

>> No.2606437

Why Skype? I'd join if it was on Discord since it's not 2006...

>> No.2606591

actually that's a good idea.

Here I've made a server.


>> No.2607413
File: 294 KB, 641x1175, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skype: hooniboo

>> No.2607443
File: 103 KB, 680x629, vulture_chick__view_1_by_cermaith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, please!

skype: melgore.

>> No.2607456

Good. Ty

>> No.2607459
File: 130 KB, 352x338, 1468476569293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add me pretty please


>> No.2610133

Can you repost the discord link, I rather have discord then Skype too.

>> No.2610163


>> No.2610171

it's because these groups are completely open and are big right from the get go.
the proper way to build a group is to make it with people you know and then invite people you want to invite, not just random strangers. make sure that people within the group actually get to know each other.

>> No.2610207
File: 77 KB, 500x389, thank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, good one. You're talking out of your ass, bud.

>> No.2610210


I didn't work :/


I figure the group might have these problems but nonart school artist will be a sweet relief

>> No.2610218

Not at all. The better groups i've been with were like that. the average skill level was higher too.
Maybe that's me but i could never stand these big groups where 80% of the users are eternal lurkers.

>> No.2610384


Can you put the group invite from discord, it doesn't work if you post it that way

>> No.2610478

we're starting a discord group if anyone is interested


>> No.2610853

What about telegram group?

>> No.2611013

Uhm what about the other discord?...

>> No.2611018

their invite link is expired. I guess they're either exclusive or don't know how to make a proper link that doesn't expire. So far mine has 9 active people so join if you want

>> No.2611057


>> No.2611089

shhhhh only for people who read sticky.

>> No.2611171

fw you'd love to join, but socially anxcious to a level where I cannot cope with people even reading my username :(

>> No.2611579

Skype is Xerroni

>> No.2612460

i draw
skype is ihateeverythinng

>> No.2612990


>> No.2613010

our link didnt expire, its in the sticky and strong.

>> No.2613037

Sounds cool, count me in!

ID: wixs

>> No.2613185


Are you the mod? Can you ban that repressed guy? He acts as if he's hot shit among the group.

>> No.2613264

Repressed for admin since he draws, not like....

>> No.2613270

piss off

>> No.2613281

Why such hostility?

>> No.2613457

bdn is the admin. He has a no ban policy. Repressed is hot shit. Fuck you you paki shit.

>> No.2613458


come and shit post and youll figure it out!

>> No.2613469


No ban policy sounds like a "I'm too lazy to clean up the trash" on my server policy.

>> No.2613532

I already do shitpost there, and repressed seems like an okay dude to me.

>> No.2613539

In this group there are atleast not that many good people

>> No.2613552

theres erek, cc, repressed, gin, sleepy and other blog? level artists. But if youre asking this question, youre probably not that good and would bring us down anyway.

Either way, just come and check god damn you

>> No.2613555


>> No.2613560

ya they have blogs.

>> No.2613569

post blogs

>> No.2613598

Why not I guess

Look for: parzivalreborn

>> No.2614025

>tfw still not added

>> No.2614035

Everyone here says I'm quite decent and I have not been added yet.

>> No.2614040

which blogs?

>> No.2614142

you're just fucking useless aren't you?

>> No.2614192

>shitmaster not on that list

How dare you even show your face here?

>> No.2616010
File: 2 KB, 309x137, An Invalid Argument Was Encountered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being 18 does not count as being 18
Nigu wat

>> No.2616017


If you're not old enough to drink (in the land of the free) you're not old enough to be bossing me around. Fuck outta here with that shit.

>> No.2616210


You seem like you have some masculinity issues. Have you ever thought of letting a nice cute shota boi with an oversized cock top you? It will get you over that.

>> No.2616217

You seem to be gay and like projecting.

>> No.2616224
File: 595 KB, 354x199, grillfreand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2616328
File: 240 KB, 1200x1600, Randoguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give it a shot. Hopefully I'm not too much of a noob.

Skype: Monster.Fukk

>> No.2616329

You want dick? Idiot.

>> No.2616948

The discord is a better place to use than this one

>> No.2618940

>generic moe shit
Neither are you, friend.

>> No.2621306
File: 67 KB, 1080x1080, 13549426_1816556148581124_535856212_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID: firmadii

Guess I'll be a dead meat

>> No.2621320
File: 60 KB, 531x787, 10906018_779401642133985_2008278301216781042_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id: thebmanx9
... old stuff btw

>> No.2621563

ID: dieschmutz

>> No.2622117
File: 3.00 MB, 1645x2430, 20140427_165158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not on skype that often but maybe a required submission once in a while will actually make me do shit.

id: ThePrincessCocks

I do mostly oils, not great at it but I'm trying. Pic related.

>> No.2622120

I mean im not gonna flaunt them.

>> No.2622142

I'm new to all of this
is it voice-based? can we stay text only?

>> No.2622166

As someone whose been in a couple groups like this before I can tell you it's probably not worth joining. Here's some reasons why-

1) /ic/ has a horrible mindset meaning you're probably gonna meet at least one or two toxic assholes who do nothing but deconstruct somebody's work to the point where they hate it. It's one thing to critique a work, it's another to bash on it and not use any tact. If you're on the receiving end you're not going to want to draw much anymore.
2) You won't necessarily get along with everybody, especially since we're all 4chan dwelling artists which means we likely have poor social skills. You'll probably have drama and you might have to deal with somebody you dislike but can't get rid of because either they're an admin or they're buds with the admin.
3) People have expectations they will improve just because they're around artists or it will push them to draw more, this is not true and you're gonna be disappointed. If you're not improving/not drawing enough it's lack of self-discipline. There's no secret, there's already shitloads of resources, mileage is the most important.
4) Sometimes people will have expectations the group creates daily/weekly objectives and then someone will have to do that, but if that person leaves it could mean the end of the group (do you want to do the work of organizing weekly objectives and checking whose turning their assignments in?).

>> No.2622167

5) These groups either are too lax and devolve into shitposting or are too strict. You'll sometimes see people splinter off and make their own groups (which will also probably fail) and if you're not invited well, you're out of a group.
6) You might end up getting sucked into the group and treating it more as a social outlet than a reason to draw (probably why drama is so frequent in these things).
7) Potential slackers in the group could make you start slacking too. Typically these people are shitposters.
8) If you somehow manage to find a group that's good it will eventually die one way or another regardless, at least in my experience. There's one group on DA that's super elite but it's still going but that's the only one I still know of. Every other group I know of has devolved or is super inactive.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to add some of these people as friends perhaps but joining a group? I dunno about that.

>> No.2622292

pretty much this

I know this is /ic/ and we can be complete jerks but then there are some people who are just straight up assholes for no reason who join this groups.
>you won't necessarily get along with everybody

But let's say you do just so happen to get along with all the active users. What usually happens is there is always this person who ends up forgetting they don't really know you and end up sharing too much info about themselves because they think you're their friend. You now know this bit of information and will mention it later which 99% of the time ends up in drama. Either this person grows to hate you or leaves the group with some made up excuse. Then there is person that prefers you not be nice to them etc. there is just no way to truly know someone on the internet.
This isn't completely true (see las).
I think daily/weekly objectives are stupid if it doesn't tie in to what you want to do. What is to concept art exercise has nothing to do with the fine artist to comic book artist. Again las had challenges and if the challenge just so was aligned with your skillset you may or may not join it.

The job of checking others assignments means you must be in the role of the top artist for X subject(s). But it is impossible to be well-rounded in all subjects and most homework assignments groups like these make are random topics. That is why these never work out.

>> No.2622299

I think it's just this board. Other boards have skype groups and they have a balance with both being lax and shitposting. They can control themselves and know when to stop and can have fun in moderate as everyone is mostly busy actually doing something.
Lots of us don't have much real friends and so this happens.
I don't know what you mean by slacking. This refers back to groups being too strict, what do you want?
Nothing lasts forever. It's like you play a game for years and all your pals you've made stop logging in. Or a website you frequent makes a complete overhaul and nothing is the same anymore.

>> No.2622533
File: 445 KB, 573x1074, TnL8wMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID: OwlofAesthetics
(or LegendaryMan123)

Add me

>> No.2622548
File: 162 KB, 640x480, somethingsomethingfilename.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join the discord
>see the user by the name of shitmaster talking
>a bird fucker and pedophile always arguing
>random weeaboos trying to work with "mauh style"
>nose bro
>only saving grace is that one guy making the weekly challenges

And yet, it's the best ic group.

>> No.2622552

what that pedo does not realize is that I actually work for the police department

>> No.2622583

>flaunt them
do you think my name is nosebro or something? i can look at good tumblrs without feeling inadequate.
now gimme.

>> No.2625356
File: 534 KB, 920x1427, chel booty 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im on discord, i drew this for example, my name is bluejayjunior#5756

>> No.2625366

Babby hands

>> No.2625498

are you gumbo?

>> No.2625507


I miss gumbo ;_;

>> No.2625513

what the fuck is this

>> No.2625567
File: 1.47 MB, 320x240, le respect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you r good with colors bro... i respect that a lot

>> No.2626151
File: 722 KB, 2001x882, lighting stuff final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sign me up senpai, i'm starting to paint again. was in /ic/'s discord group a while back, but I guess I got kicked for inactivity
skype is mad.vlad
I just hope you guys aren't underageB&