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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2595208 No.2595208 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of modern art?

honest opinion plase

>> No.2595239

Modern as in "art of today" or modern as in modern art movement? Because some people have been using them both around me lately and it's been confusing.

As for either? Meh. Seems like shock art is too popular today (which really just makes art less seriously taken because it attracts all the talentless "edgy" kids.

>> No.2595249

It's shit, next.

>> No.2595257


I like the classical painters AND the abstract expressionists and 90% inbetween. I have seen very few conceptual artworks I thought were actually intelligent though.

I enjoy a work by Millais or Rembrandt as I would Shakespeare or Melville, and I enjoy a Pollock like I would a poem from John Ashbery. I have far more respect for the former but the latter has a time, a place, and a mood where I can enjoy it immensely.

>> No.2595278

Try shitting on the floor, they will think it's art and start taking pictures.

>> No.2595282


Do you need to make such thread every week? The topic was discussed to fuck and back.

Also it's not clear if you mean contemporary or modern or if you mean modernist in a sense "whole modern art including cubism, fauvism, art nouveau etc." or only abstract expressionism, performance art and minimalism in the years 1950-1970, maybe to early 80s.

Really, they say "there aren't stupid questions, there are only stupid answers" but it's obviously not true because you don't even know what you are asking for.

Modern art is broad and complicated topic, contemporary even more so because there's everything there from photomanipulations, manifestos, fluxus, artistic installations, performance to hyperrealism.

So, what do you really mean OP?

>> No.2595283


>> No.2595339


this. you could dress up as barney the dinosaur, walk into the gallery, open up a little trap door at the back of your costume, squeeze out a big steamy turd, and walk right out. people would gasp and wow and take pics and then your shit would probably end up in a glass container being handled by fancy dudes wearing silk gloves during an auction. and some stupid fuck would bid 10k on it.

>> No.2595346

sad but true

>> No.2595358


>> No.2595365

Most of these threads are just a way to validate the opinion op already has. To disregard non-figurative art.

>> No.2595366


Yeah, I guess I know this, but still I don't know why I reply. I really should start ignoring people.

>> No.2595376

Modern Art isn't about shit
It's just an expression in an other way
By art experimentation or parody
I like it when we understand the things quick

french lol

>> No.2596303

It's like that guy who left glasses on the floor in an art gallery to trick people into thinking it's art? I believe art isn't defined only by the creator, but by viewer's response. If someone sees value in a pair of glasses just lying there, I've got no problem with that. I think what causes confusion is people who don't really 'feel' the art and look at one exhibition after another, already assuming they won't understand it.

On a lighter note, I'm also not a fan of literal pieces of shit being exhibited.

>> No.2596324

No need to overcomplicate. He obviously means anything that isn't realism.

I for one dislike it.

>> No.2596326

It's meh but you can decorate a house to look super aesthetically pleasing with pieces like this.

I plan to with mine but i'm not paying no where near that for it.

>> No.2596368

If you find that aesthetic you've got a problem, shitter.

>> No.2596373

Hey little buddy, that's not how you use "aesthetic" in a sentence.

>> No.2596375


I'm pretty sure a lot of people would lump romanticism or symbolism also into realism which is totally not the case.

Or maybe you mean "everything that isn't figurative painting"?

But figurative painting often has at least partial abstraction, so...I ask you again, what do you really mean?

"Pure" abstract, non-representative art of 50s-70s(80s)? You need to be precise, even Whistler made few highly abstracted "impressionist" paintings.

>> No.2596475

"everything that isn't figurative painting"
Hope it helps.

>> No.2596552

its boring most of the time.

>> No.2596683


Cubism, futurism, art nouveau, lyrical abstraction, symbolism, expressionism, neue sachlichkeit, surrealism, abex, and land art are all "boring" to you?

There's no pleasing some people

>> No.2596845

Get with the program A E S T H E T I C

Do you even vaporwave?

>> No.2596856

Go destroy some art galleries and parks why dont you

>> No.2596888

Literally meme thread with meme replies

>> No.2596892

I could make these gradients in half a minute in flash.

>> No.2596894

Meme trips.

>> No.2596896
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>> No.2596919

Ah I meant to quote the OP.
I'm saying that if it was all "No rules just tools" I could make 100 pieces of "Art" in the time it takes me to fap.

>> No.2596923

ok, gotcha

>> No.2600677

>Do you even vaporwave?
I'm confused now

>> No.2600693
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Reality is subjective

>> No.2600843
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I just read pic related and it was illuminating on which artists are worth further exploring and which aren't. It deepened my appreciation for the abstract expressionists like Pollock, Motherwell, and de Kooning. Made me hate most of the rest other than land art. Ad Reinhardt sounds unbearably pretentious, jasper johns and John cage and Andy Warhol are just as retarded as I thought they were, and the photorealists are just as uninspired and useless as I knew they were. I guess I kinda came to appreciate color field painting more but not by much. The only section I liked was the one on abstract expressionism, which I think personally was basically the last time galleries put real art in the contemporary exhibits.

The problem is that it left out all the cool figurative painters or the good modernists who were less groundbreaking like my favorite, Herman Maril. The whole book stank of that uneasy and depressing air one feels when one has to share a bus seat with an uppity 20-something who votes for the Green party.

Kinda like galleries in Victorian times showed neoclassical works well after that became passé, galleries how play it safe by showing redundant and uninspired abstract or purist or conceptual trash.

>> No.2600954
File: 97 KB, 640x427, 2016-02-04-sala-e1454555655567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anri Sala, my nigga hol up, so this nigga on tv playing sax and my nigga walks in front of the screen playing sax my nigga hahahahahahaha

>> No.2600962

I don't mind the art itself, I do mind the effect it has on the community. Young artists visit art schools and galleries filled with this experimental stuff and then they'd decorate themselves as living works of art rather than learn some useful marketable skills. The world needs illustrators, animators, entertainers and storytellers, not those smug cunts that pour out of art institutions.

>> No.2601251

don't be silly, you'd have to build up a semi-decent artist CV first

>> No.2601271


Zero skill
Would not give a single dollar for their work, if people do, its their problem, people can waste money on any shit they want, like porn drawings of their waifu
The difference is, people like us who draw the porn, at least practiced a month

>> No.2601319


>> No.2601322

Its eh in my opinion. If you can make a living iff of it, then good on you. Just know its shit, but dont be afraid to cash it in. Dont lose your way

>> No.2602225

Thoroughly lacking in technical skill.

It's more about the way the observer views a certain element about the work; such as the materiality, the meaning and space around objects and so on.

I'm at an art school where our lecturers aim to turn us all into contemporary artists. I'll never forget one students work; she described the folds in cloth that resembled a wave in one of her sculptural installations as the rise and fall of opinions in society and was praised tremendously for it.

Fuck contemporary art.

>> No.2602266

It's hilarious. If a person's able to convince a museum to buy easily-produced garbage under the pretense of "it's modern art" then they deserve as much money for it as they can get.

>> No.2602269

aesthetic's a noun and an adjective

>> No.2602438

I'd absolutely spend a dollar, and then turn around and sell them for lots.

>> No.2603811


Then do it. Go make your millions. What the fuck are you wasting time on this website for if it's just that easy?

>> No.2603825

It's not

>> No.2604093


does sothebys pay you to shill on this website or do you do it for free?


it's a money laundering scheme, thus the "easy to make" paintings. the art market is pretty much completely unregulated, thus making it easy to move 'dirty money' around by changing titles of artworks. for everything else, transactions of more than 10k have to get reported, but in the art market, you can spend as much as you want and it won't get listed until the gallery has to do their taxes at the end of the year, which, even then, isn't required to list individual paintings and their prices unless requested by an auditor.

basically, the reason art has become so bad is because people with lots of money realized it was an easy way to move around money without anyone noticing.

most of the time these paintings never leave the warehouse.