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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 849 KB, 1000x791, may-15-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2593750 No.2593750 [Reply] [Original]

just gonna post what ive done the past 2 months

>> No.2593753
File: 864 KB, 734x1000, may-25-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got models now

>> No.2593755
File: 824 KB, 747x1000, june-2-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did some landscapey stuff

>> No.2593756
File: 600 KB, 950x624, may-30-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold this one

>> No.2593757
File: 776 KB, 774x1000, june-19-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying a lot of different stuff

>> No.2593759
File: 409 KB, 733x1000, june-29-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my longer drawings are a lot better. i still draw hands too

>> No.2593760
File: 763 KB, 1000x729, july-6-2016-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did some more traditional landscape stuff too

>> No.2593761
File: 737 KB, 749x1000, july-6-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2593762
File: 398 KB, 750x1000, july-3-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still do self portraits

>> No.2593764
File: 529 KB, 845x1000, june-13-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still draw people at coffee shops

>> No.2593766


These ones are shit, rest are interesting at least

>> No.2593768
File: 583 KB, 701x950, june-6-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot this one. i did an abstract figure too you'll probably find this one interesting too

>> No.2593773

bro just post these on a blog and link to it. if it's feedback you're looking for, i think your self portrait is the strongest piece here. your models look super bored.

>> No.2593777

Are you still stalking the camwhore?

>> No.2593779

I really like the geometric thing you have going on in these ones. More?

>> No.2593780


>> No.2593781

Ask her if she wants me to be her bf

>> No.2593786

Honestly, not great. But good on you you sold something!

>> No.2593787

Fuck off Brian

>> No.2593788
File: 781 KB, 745x1000, june-17-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got one more like that one. i should do more cause they sell they just take a long time

>> No.2593795

Hold up. Are illustrat and Brian the same person?

>> No.2593812

you have improved a fuckton. I'm really impressed by this stuff.
sorry for talking shit about you brian.

>> No.2593815

>your models look super bored.
what kind of critique is that? he isn't family photographer in a mall.
at least he's interacting with girls and making art and showing consistent improvement.

>> No.2593824

What is this shit man? I mean good stuff, but where's the weird funny shit you used to make? Is art school killing your creativity?

>> No.2593828
File: 486 KB, 1000x1000, MorningWood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was only in art school for like a year. ive been lazy with that stuff though. hard to be motivated to balance that many plates.

that being said. this is a recent one called "Morning Wood".

>> No.2593829

We'll whatever mang, keep it up. What's the end game? Fine art or what?

>> No.2593836

do you ask or like how does that work brian?

>> No.2593844

i ask. that girl was a professional model and she was very polite about maybe sitting for a painting but as soon as she saw i couldnt match her 70k+ twitter followers she probably lost interest.

the models im painting right now are a friend of mine from high school and a girl i met at the coffee shop. i also have a friend who says she'd pose nude with her other friend in the same painting but she's working all the time, so for the time being im only doing clothed models and people at the coffee shop.

>> No.2593868

I can't believe it, but you somehow got worse at figure drawings, nice painting gains though

>> No.2593871

mastered the techniques, but you shoud work on the creative side

>> No.2593904

i'm liking your stuff but i'm noticing that the level of intensity in the edges and values and saturation of colour which is a little garish

if you can try to get more sensitivity in your paintings i think you'll improve

>> No.2593907

Check em

>> No.2593969

Great improvements imo. keep it going Brian!

>> No.2594454

no, for me the intensity is the selling point here

>> No.2595373

Dat Cézanne, Braque, Van Gogh, and post impressionism in general. Good job OP, I really like where you're going with these. I bet they sell like hotcakes too. Are you classically trained?

>> No.2595384

Do you think people would feel okay with me being autistic and asking people to take pictures of them for reference? Sometimes there are some really good singular features and it's a shame I can't save them to my hard drive.

How do you ask? Does that entail asking for permission to post? Do you give credit? Did you get commercial permission (selling rights,etc.)

I'm genuinely curious as to how I can be autistic and socially acceptable at the same time.

>> No.2595387

if you're going to be a portrait painter you're going to have to know how to capture character and emotion. lucian freud talked to his models throughout in order to get to know them and see how their faces moved

>> No.2595509

Go down that route
They are the most unique pieces of yours

>> No.2595660
File: 205 KB, 893x894, trailerparkmaintenece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kick ass, how long did you go to college and where?

I got respect for you now man, I'm the guy that mades this sort of thing

>> No.2595667

these are really cool op. also much better than the photo studies that inundate this board

>> No.2595707


did you have to go neon green for the background here

>> No.2595964

I like your style but hate your brushwork. It looks horrible and sloppy. especially in background. The tree picture works really well but the background in blonde-on-chair is an eyesore.

>> No.2595974

Really loving your work personally i love everything bout it mang.

>> No.2595987
File: 417 KB, 752x1000, july-9-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew my friend today too might as well post it here. the proportions seem kinda wonky as it goes farther down the page but the face came out good

>> No.2595990

Ya, right arm seems fucked.

>> No.2596003

You aren't improving because you're stuck in 'developing' your style and calling it a day, instead of training your eyes like you're supposed to when doing life drawings

As a painter you guide yourself way too much by lines too. Lips don't look like that

I know you won't take any advice because you're insane but w/e maybe it's useful for someone else

>> No.2596008

>As a painter you guide yourself way too much by lines too
Many painters have a non tonal approach, nothing wrong with it.

>> No.2596033

I'm not talking about the non tonal approach -if you're referring to his lack of shading or w/e-, I'm talking him sees lines almost exclusively, instead of shapes. Not many painters would draw lips like that for example

>> No.2596069
File: 383 KB, 675x900, july-9-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its tough. when i draw my hands i can really feel the weight of them and measure as i shade extremely convincingly, but when i have to draw the figure i have a hard time capturing that movement. I usually revert to basic sight size measurement especially if it's someone i don't draw a lot and feel uncomfortable being experimental with.

I don't think the answer is less line in my paintings i think it's just more and better lines.

id like to translate the type of drawing i did with these hands in a full figure drawing. im just afraid ill lose the likeness of the person if i draw this way rather than what i did for that drawing which was practically symbol drawing.

>> No.2596070

>signing your work


>> No.2596399

nice imaginary work
stay beginner brian

>> No.2596425

how much time took you to get at that level?

Because i dont want to spend time drawing and end up like you

>> No.2596454


>> No.2596464

About 2 months

>> No.2596504

The answer is to measure better because there are some clear mistakes when you draw persons

Drawing hands should've helped you tons with measuring by eye, why don't you try different methods of construction or something? Besides blocking stuff or going from the gesture. Like making an eye or a mouth and constructing the most of the person you can measuring from there

>> No.2596508

>Like making an eye or a mouth and constructing the most of the person you can measuring from there
i find that works better with certain models than others. if someone drifts a lot or has a hard time keeping their body still there's only so many times you can correct them before you just give up.

the other two girls i painted in this thread are exceptional at staying still, so you can get away with just starting a line somewhere and measuring off of it, but it didn't work as well with the last one i posted.

With someone like that I think I NEED to do what I did with the hands, and make it more about movement and less about likeness. They are moving more, I should find a way to incorporate that into final drawings.

>> No.2597114

Well good luck mate, don't forget to always try for new things. There's a reason your paintings are better measured than your drawings, just a matter of time until you find out

>> No.2597124

Seems extremely derivative desu. But you'll probably be able to sell them which is more than I can say. Good luck.

>> No.2597131

>some other artist did something so its codified law

>> No.2597134

mad cuz bad

>> No.2597140
File: 142 KB, 800x800, 1465655085768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not true senpai. Loomis has a great line in Drawing Heads and Hands where he says capturing emotion and life isn't about soul searching or mind reading, it's about technical mastery of proportion, form, and values.

>> No.2597143


Loomis was a technical draftsman who is famous for instructing, not his finished works. He's not an authority on portraiture.

>> No.2597149

>character and emotion
lmao dude it's just shapes of color and aligning them properly

get the fuck out

>> No.2597151


>> No.2597859

this would be perfect if the apples didn't look like strawberries.
it's just the positions of the intense dots of color, it almost looks like they're aligned to a grid, like the pattern on a strawberry.

nothing against the creative idea of apples textured like strawberries, but i honestly can't tell if it was intentional.

>> No.2597874

It's a way of avoiding becoming a human Xerox. If you understand their emotions and facial movements, you can predict how their faces would shape up when they changed position or posture — helps invention. Blobs of colour work only for photographs and photocopiers

>> No.2597877

Calm your ovaries and open the book and search for it yourself?

>> No.2598799
File: 62 KB, 396x500, richard schmid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blobs of colour work only for photographs and photocopiers
sure anon

>> No.2598958

nigga i dont read books

>> No.2599174

That explains a lot

>> No.2602097

I like your self portrait in the mirror.