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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2579069 No.2579069 [Reply] [Original]

Are you rapidly losing neuroplasticity?

>> No.2579074

Your learning goes to shit after 22, but you can still learn

assuming you don't let your skills atrophisize, you will retain skill until you become senile. Then, you art becomes alternative.

>> No.2579083

>tfw over 25
>tfw beginning to rapidly lose Neuroplasticity

>> No.2579084

Stop spamming /ic/ with your stupid threads.

>On the next chapter of "OP is a faggot": Do you have le spark?

>> No.2579085

>don't have the spark
>don't have the ligameme
>don't have any Neuroplasticity left
>at least I saved my virginity and became a wizard
a-am i gonna make it? :(

>> No.2579091
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I didn't have a whole lot to begin with so I'll be alright

>> No.2579102

>Even in old age, the adult brain retains neuroplasticity and is able to change its structure and function. It turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks!"

So, did you not even read the very infograph you were posting?

>> No.2579111

o-oh shit >_>

>> No.2579115


What part of rapidly losing do you not understand? You only retain 'just enough' so you don't revert to using less than 10% of your brain. The younger you are the more plasticity you have.

>> No.2579128

What about brain surgeons who study well in to their late 20s? If you're able to become a neurosurgeon how is it difficult to learn to draw in your late 20s?

>> No.2579129

>What part of rapidly losing do you not understand?

The part where it's backed by any scientific research including that little infograph you yourself posted.

>New research: neurogenesis may continue to occur throughout human life span.
>Neuroplasticity: New thoughts and skills carve out new pathways.
>Repetition and practice strengthen these pathways
>old pathways get used less and weaken
>with repeated and direct attention towards a desired change, we all have the ability to rewire our brains.

Maybe you don't understand the difference between neuroplasticity and neurons? Nowhere does this say anything about rapidly losing neuroplasticity, as in the ability to learn new things. Only that throughout adolescence, 50% of neurons don't survive because rarely used synapses are eliminated.

>> No.2579132


>> No.2579134


>> No.2579141

>If you're able to become a neurosurgeon how is it difficult to learn to draw in your late 20s?

Tell that to the people who quit drawing to do programming/engineering/any other sciencey field because they think more logically (as seen on /ic/ every week). Everybody can learn to draw, but not everybody can become a living professional at drawing. If you are asking how difficult it is to learn to draw in your late 20s you are clearly underestimating the level of commitment art takes. By the time you're 30 it's too late for the common male. That is the age when a man has a family unless of course you volunteerly decide to end your gene pool to have more time to focus then by all means.

And if you're female in your 30s and don't have kids and still can't draw worth a lick you both failed at your purpose in life and art. But statistics show that women get a knack at art faster than men.

>> No.2579147

>Tell that to the people who quit drawing to do programming/engineering/any other sciencey field because they think more logically

Yeah, but how many of those do you think will actually become successful programmers, engineers or scientists? People like that don't fail at art because they are "too logical". Being logical is a huge advantage as an artist. They fail because they are lazy and when things get hard, they look for an excuse and quit. Those kind of people will continue to do that with anything they pursue, not just art.

>> No.2579148

What about people who don't think logically and are creative? Let's say a person did impressive art for their age at 7 years old, stopped for years and started again in their late 20, they have an artist brain but it hasn't been trained; are they screwed?

>> No.2579152

>people still finding more excuses in why they are not drawing

>> No.2579153
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>hey fail because they are lazy and when things get hard

And why is it hard you ask? Because they can't grasp the concepts in books they read. And why can't they grasp the concept? They lack the sufficient amounts of neuroplasticity to get good at what they seek.

I'm glad we've have reached a conclusion here; it only had to take a little break down of your thinking process because you, too, lack plasticity but it all worked out in the end.

That's called talent and is something completely different. Yes talent exists but I'll save that for another thread.

>> No.2579157

>tfw I will never get good at art because I just don't have the natural talent/spark/ligameme/Neuroplasticity for it.


>> No.2579163

>They fail because they are lazy and when things get hard, they look for an excuse and quit
>They lack the sufficient amounts of neuroplasticity to get good at what they seek.

kek. Thanks for proving my point, you moron.

>> No.2579221

If this makes you sleep better at night OP I'm glad.

It's good you've found an excuse for being shitty at art. Enjoy the rest of your life, with an attitude like this you can achieve great things!

>> No.2579235

I don't need to take sleep pills like you, old man; my mom reads me bedtime stories instead.

>> No.2579299

>the people who quit drawing to do programming/engineering/any other sciencey field because they think more logically
Never met people like that, on the contrary i've seen a lot of people who abandoned programming to do art because it was way too boring and methodical (myself included). And all of them are logical people who enjoy drawing a lot. When did this meme appeared that logic has no place in art?

Also there are a lot of people who either started late (like 28 or later) and become pro or have families with multiple kids and still manage to work shitton of hours on their work and personal projects. Listen to Collective Podcast, there are literally tens on examples like this (and they only include the friends of the host).

>> No.2579307

I've lost braincells reading this thread

>> No.2579446


I take cap of krill oil every day.

>> No.2579921

my bb firez tho

>> No.2579934
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>I don't want to be responsible for being shit.

Next people will be yelling check your artist privilege.

>> No.2579988


See that last paragraph?
> Bilinguals come down 4.5 years later (...)

They don't have more neurons to lose: they have more connections between the remaining neurons. By learning a new craft, you're creating millions of those connections.

Only reasons adults learn slower:
> most always do the same things everyday so it gets harder when they try challenging stuff (kids learn new things everyday... but so could you)
> life gets in the way (work, kids, problems,...)

Hey don't believe me Anon, try it for yourself. Draw with your left hand, see if it improves in 2 weeks top. Such is the wonder of the human brain.


If you cut the ligameme, you'll lose the spark rapidly.

>> No.2580265

This is a very autistic post.

>> No.2580273



>> No.2580280

>he thinks talent exists