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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 286 KB, 1280x640, asgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2576687 No.2576687 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last Thread >>2572842

>> No.2576689

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2576694

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Las_streams@twitch (multistream for twitch)

Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

>> No.2576700
File: 142 KB, 849x1000, af71d4186afc57f40b304c1176f88e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here is what's called a love live.

>> No.2576703
File: 80 KB, 872x960, 1463315605720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your mecha, lasers?

>> No.2576706
File: 182 KB, 333x333, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for, "We are all gonna make it".
Good luck LAS.

>> No.2576721
File: 172 KB, 906x871, ss+(2016-06-25+at+01.42.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2576728

>tfw not on a single one of these

Y-you'll see! you'll all see! I'm gonna be big! I'm gonna be great! I'm gonna make it!

>> No.2576730
File: 75 KB, 633x758, 1454709709746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my face

>> No.2576735
File: 10 KB, 172x232, 1463847938691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's ok friend, I'am not in a single one either, I'am not even that bad, I'am fairly competent and give my best, may it's not enough, maybe I'am that fucking bad.

>> No.2576746


>> No.2576747
File: 1.40 MB, 736x552, reality.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been here since day one yet no one follows me. i was never worth it.

>> No.2576753

>be sleepy
>put on German Digimon openings
>not sleepy anymore

>> No.2576755

>be german
>there's no joke or punchline

>> No.2576761

>tfw gave up on gittin gud and just play vidya all day now
I feel a lot better family

>> No.2576762
File: 56 KB, 500x385, 1466655278727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2576767

zats rood

>> No.2576770

German humour is no laughing matter

>> No.2576786


>> No.2576798


>> No.2576816

help im not gonna make it :(

>> No.2576817

i'm about to break and do the same
halp ;-;

>> No.2576821

>tfw can't save a lass in distress

>> No.2576825

Because "it" is a pronoun that can refer to pretty much anything, if you have made something you have made an "it." Assuming you're partaking in LAS, you've made many things, at least one thing per pay for as long as you've been doing this. Therefore, you have made it.

>> No.2576838


>> No.2576854
File: 739 KB, 500x526, 1466639613872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we make it every day

Last Artist Standing
Make It Every Day

>> No.2576874
File: 859 KB, 684x850, moleskine_jason hong_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do so many LASsies have hatred in their hearts?

>> No.2576879

i don't

>> No.2576881

i don't

>> No.2576884

You mean choob?

>> No.2576886

He means you.

>> No.2576887

too much videogames

>> No.2576889
File: 22 KB, 300x213, loveyourlasneighbor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't

>> No.2576890 [DELETED] 
File: 407 KB, 800x841, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the cockpit views, I have to do the pilot, mecha illustration and the image of the pilot inside the cockpit.

>> No.2576893


>> No.2576896

Just finished the cockpit views, I have to do the pilot, mecha illustration and the image of the pilot inside the cockpit.

>> No.2576905

i do but i hate myself more than anything, thats why i voted for trump, i want hatred and death to happen while i get to watch.

>> No.2576909
File: 317 KB, 875x736, hateful goblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>> No.2576911

I hate you Choob I hate you so fucking much!

>> No.2576919
File: 10 KB, 249x188, 1369110759142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on it. I finished the mecha and the character, I'm working on the cockpit. The cockpit is gonna be an evangelion rip off, desu

>> No.2576927

holy shit lava uploaded traditional stuff :O

it's actually not that bad! :)

>> No.2576938

I hate this community and a lot of the people in it. I wish I never joined this dumb circle jerk since I was already drawing daily before it started. Really thought it had potential too.

>> No.2576940

gee im feeling lazy today! hey lava can you give me an extra token? help a nigga out?

>> No.2576949

maybe we should just do away with these threads for a bit?

>> No.2576950


These threads are absolute shitholes. Mods should just delete them.

>> No.2576951

that sounds like a good idea, all in favor say "AYE!"

>> No.2576955

Oh thanks, they're actually pretty bad but I've got big plans to be "good" within 2 months. I'd post more traditional stuff but it's a pain in the ass to take pictures of it. It's all just practice of the stuff I've studied but I guess there's a bunch of no erase, construction lite attempts that might be worth sharing. I'll get a scanner some day

>> No.2576967

>good with in two months
Pls explain lava. You said the same shit 2 months ago and then you got memed. I'm not even fucking with you, what do you have planned for the next two months?

>> No.2576972

just disappointed that las and the people in it aren't what I hoped they would be

>> No.2576977

Larva give us the FUCKING BADGES.

>> No.2576979

I actually met the group of artists I'm gitting gud with through LAS, they seem like great people. Just seek lasers you feel like you share interests and/or goals, and set up a discord with them or something.

>> No.2576980

I just made an account. Have I already started or do I start once I've submitted something?

>> No.2576982

Choob, what happened with the submission you're talking about?

>> No.2576983

>>2576905 (you)
i personally hate his positive "hey guys we can do it" attitude but thats because i hate myself more than i hate him.

>> No.2576993

You start when you submit

>> No.2576994

I'm curious about what you thought the people in it were gonna be given that this is a site that came from fucking 4chan.

>> No.2576995

Okay, cool.

>> No.2577000

last time it was 3 months :^) I'm 65 days away from the 1 year mark since I started. The original goal was to be good by 1.5 years and pro at 2 but I bumped it up to good by 1 year pro by 1.5 just for fun. I'll fail but I like the motivation and pressure. The plan is to absorb the powers of Scott Robertson and Michael Hampton in 2 months. The 6 months after that will be rendering focused (while still working on drawing.)

I'll fail but I know that a 2 month deadline is making me work harder than an 8 month one is

I finished the leaderboard and I have a couple of the stats lined up but I won't lie I got sidetracked by a little project called the "neet tracker." It's a productivity tracker where you press a button to tell it what you're doing. But yeah I can have badges out in maybe a week if I stopped dicking around

>> No.2577014

How old are you lava?

>> No.2577017

all of 4chan isn't this bad you know, even the drawthreads on most other boards are calm and stay on-topic

>> No.2577018

someone post show me your tokens pls
I need it.

>> No.2577019

oh shit time to start drawing

>> No.2577023

I'm gonna fap my way to number 1.

>> No.2577025

what boards? pretty sure all generals degenerate into this kind of shit

>> No.2577026

29. I'll get good so when a 20 year old has an identity crisis and asks if they're too old to start learning people can point to me and say a 30 year old cripple did it you can too

>> No.2577027

The site is coming along so slowly, are we allowed to be outraged? Do you need some help coding or something?

>> No.2577029

>4 years of rapidly losing Neuroplasticity
i-impossible, you can't possibly make it!?

>> No.2577031

When in the week does the challenge week start?

>> No.2577034

The day ending in 9 minutes is the first day of week 25, and you'll be able to enter this week until next Friday at 23:59.

>> No.2577037

Huh. It literally said I can already submit for week 25, despite it not being time yet.

>> No.2577038
File: 121 KB, 500x500, salute the leemur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577040

My art is still beginner tier and I do mostly gestures, and figure studies, can I still join this to make sure I practice daily?

>> No.2577041
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577042

fuck OFF Choob

>> No.2577043

Yes sir. They've been days where Ive only submitted cubes, as long as it looks like it took 30 minutes you're good

>> No.2577045

It is time. You're on the hook forever after the first time you submit.

>> No.2577046

Alright, just gotta make sure I join at a time that isn't 5 minutes before the deadline.

>> No.2577047

holy shit.

>> No.2577049

This image gave me cancer, thanks asshole.

>> No.2577054

testicle anon no!

>> No.2577055

You're welcome. Do you want some HIV as well?

>> No.2577059

>uploading thumbnails that trigger my vietnam PTSD



>> No.2577061

punished him bro
we can do this :^]

>> No.2577062

a week 7er dying is pretty big I guess, considering it's been 24 weeks, what happened squidywiggy?

>> No.2577063
File: 121 KB, 258x245, HAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a side note, I do not believe a single one of your submissions was even close to 30 minutes

>> No.2577065

>that fucking superiority in his defense
Is he a fucking edgelord? I was gonna pardon him too but fuck it, PUNISHED.

>> No.2577069

What? Torrents, brah.

>on a side note, I do not believe a single one of your submissions was even close to 30 minutes

That's nice, though I'm also really not good enough to work any faster. I should stream some time for the shits and giggles.

>> No.2577072

>I should stream some time
It won't work. A poor beginner artist that went by the name of fuckyoumang streamed his entire process for 30 minutes and these fake still reported him. They eventually drove him out of las, poor lad just wanted to get good.

>> No.2577073


>taskbar on top like a retard

wew, off to a good start there newbie

>> No.2577074




>> No.2577076
File: 9 KB, 505x505, 0outof10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577077


>> No.2577078

Sounds like a good time to be had, then.
I'll see what I can do.

>> No.2577082

punished choob and didn't vote for the JP stuff because it's so retarded

>> No.2577084
File: 50 KB, 728x546, ChrDxKZVAAAuVOf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even today his existence still haunts us

>> No.2577086

punished this choob prick
is he week1?
will he get eliminated if he gets punished?

>> No.2577090
File: 16 KB, 560x407, 1405541159488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pardoned both.

>> No.2577092
File: 166 KB, 626x700, 1401161182111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577093

if he gets punished he'll get a low effort warning, which'll probably mean he loses a token if he still has one, and gets eliminated if he doesn't

>> No.2577095

>low effort warning
But he's on trial for an "inappropriate thumbnail."

>> No.2577097

he should just get a warning to stop with his nationalistic stupid memeing

>> No.2577099

oh, then the thumbnail gets changed, no real punishment

>> No.2577104

I don't see how memeing or nationalism have anything to do with the goals of LAS, tbqh. Would you mind elaborating on the connection?

>> No.2577105

It's inappropriate.

>> No.2577106

that's the point, this isn't the place for politics.

>> No.2577107

Dude, this is just a fucking challenge to draw every day. Subject doesn't matter. Just because you're unhappy with the Brexit doesn't mean he should get any sort of punishment. The only thing he did wrong was upload a thumbnail that doesn't depict the submission.

>> No.2577111

So stop bringing up politics in the thread and don't look at his submissions.

>> No.2577114

How so? How do you evaluate whether it's appropriate or not?

Irrelevant. As long as there is effort and something to show for it, it's correct within the scope of the rules.

>> No.2577115

Choob dick suckers please leave

>> No.2577119

what's wrong with drawing your countries flag? i don't understand why people are so mad at choob for his drawing it seems innocent

>> No.2577120

I'm looking through jp's old submissions randomly to get an idea if he's improving and happened to click on day 49 and 50 which are identical drawings that he uploaded twice separately. They even have a missing day inbetween them where he used a token. What happened jp, did you reuse the picture to avoid getting eliminated and hope nobody noticed?

Is this how we strike the first name off the battle royale pic?

>> No.2577121

exactly, and he is being overly political (it's not his first submission). the voting is ongoing, we'll see what the majority says
that's like a guy throwing trash on the street saying "hey man, just ignore it and step over it".

>> No.2577122

People draw grotesque furshit every day, and it's a political drawing that triggers you? Laughing to be honest.

>> No.2577123

Trying to reason with an overly-sensitive retard =/= sucking dick

>> No.2577125

okay okay enough of the Choob bullshit for a second please

>Is this how we strike the first name off the battle royale pic?


>> No.2577126

at least jmgn puts a NSFW tag so we don't have to see it

>> No.2577127

>overly political
Kill yourself. Any drawing is fine as long as it won't get our lemur overlord thrown in jail.

>> No.2577128

I know he's drawn political stuff in the past. I don't like Trump either, but I'm not going to throw a fit over someone drawing him. Tell me where Lava has ever said that you can't submit anything related to politics.

>> No.2577129


>> No.2577130

No one is triggered you fuck, stop trying to shill this dumb narrative and get choobs cock out of your mouth. Either way, choob submitted an inaccurate thumbnail so he should be punished. Those are the rules right?

>> No.2577132

top kek, m8

>> No.2577133

hi choob

>> No.2577134
File: 107 KB, 282x451, peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this thread's getting heated.

>> No.2577136

>No one is triggered
Nice joke. Inappropriate thumbnail is supposed to be for NSFW not correctly marked.

>> No.2577137

>tfw just sitting back and watching the shitflinging
wew lads

>> No.2577139


>> No.2577140





we need to kill someone

>> No.2577141

The FAQ says nothing about thumbnails that don't preview the submission. It's annoying, but is it even actually against the rules?

>> No.2577143


>> No.2577144

pardoned :^)

>> No.2577146

If it's not mentioned, it's fine. That's how criminal law works.

>> No.2577147

the rules is no thumbnails that misrepresent your submission
there is a reason you can report inaccurate thumbnails

>> No.2577148


>> No.2577149

>lassies this thirsty for wk1 blood


>> No.2577151

>tfw will never suck the blood of a week 1 lass

>> No.2577152

Kek. Does choob still have a token? He'd still be in if he has one.

>> No.2577153

Is there any forgiveness for old errors or is this stlil fair game?

>> No.2577154

I think it was decided a while back that the thumbnail should represent the actual drawing to get rid of all the people posting memes or clickbait. The site just doesn't say anything about anything in general, needs a better FAQ.

>> No.2577155

inappropriate thumbnail tribunal cases do not lead to token loses :(

>> No.2577156

I think you can still go back and report old submissions so if enough people went back and reported it he would be on tribunal.

>> No.2577157


>> No.2577158

we're on a bold new frontier

let's set the precedence

>> No.2577161

Wouldn't cheating in old submissions just get you removed from everything up until to that point, so he'd still have a 110 day streak but no longer be in week 1-8

>> No.2577162

I know we were complaining about it, but did Lava say anything about it?

Lava, if you're here, what should inappropriate thumbnail be used for? Unmarked NSFW or non-representing thumbnails?

>> No.2577163

>future of las
>week wuns have thousands of submissions
>no one will give up ever
>the only way to get rid of a week wun is to get them on tribunal
>people scrub through thousands of posts to find something to report
>trials are Televised globally with Millions of viewers
I-it seems like a dark future.

>> No.2577164

this is the hell I signed up for

>> No.2577166

Incorrect NSFW is a separate report option. If Inappropriate Thumbnail isn't for reporting thumbnails that aren't the actual drawing then I don't know what it's for:

"Report a submission for Inappropriate Thumbnail if you find the thumbnail doesn't accurately represent the submission.

If found guilty by the tribunal a new thumbnail will be generated for the submission."

>> No.2577167
File: 237 KB, 604x858, (you)s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I painted something with a British flag in the background because my country's just had it's biggest change in 50 years. I didn't even vote Leave, and can't vote at all in the US elections, so I don't get why you're so mad. I never post any political stuff in the threads either, even the old Trump things were just copied here by people looking for easy angry (you)s. I rarely post at all now, since if I ever respond to anything it's just "haha I was baiting u fell for my ruse"

But if blaming everything in politics on me and shitposting constantly in the thread makes you feel better about things then you go right ahead. The past few threads of you samefagging all the time have given me the biggest jump in Tumblr (you)s since I joined LAS, so thanks for the free advertising I guess.

Just a thought, but maybe if you'd campaigned as voraciously for Remain as you have for getting me reported and punished then you wouldn't be so butthurt about things right now.

>> No.2577169

haha I was baiting u fell for my ruse

>> No.2577170
File: 72 KB, 670x503, 670px-Pet-a-Dog-Step-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577171

does anyone else have a tablet that alt tabs into page selection sometimes? i really dont know how to stop this shit because i dont know the cause.

>> No.2577172

good night friends and family

>> No.2577173

nigger just keep irrelevant shit out of your thumbnails and you're good to go

>> No.2577174
File: 380 KB, 1200x800, Windows-10-final-8-1200x800[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like a touchscreen that brings up windows aero?

>> No.2577175

Good night familia.

>> No.2577179

Are people really getting autistic over an anime picture and now claiming that he's a huge fag because of it

>> No.2577184

Yeah thats the one, and i have no clue as to what the trigger is, the only thing i do knnow is that it happens sometimes after i click my ctrl+z and then go to continue drawing, but ctrl+z is nothing near alt+tab

>> No.2577198

these threads give the impression that people find anon313 to be the best painter in las, so who holds the lineart spot? Guess you could think about it in multiple ways, line weight, flow, and efficiency

>> No.2577200

lordslump maybe

>> No.2577201

yeah he's great with line weight. so precise

>> No.2577207

if you have a cintiq or a surface, swiping from the left corner to the right will bring it up. other than that, skipmetrosuite will disable it, but it's kinda clunky. If it's a hotkey, idk what to recommend other than changing it.

>> No.2577211

If you don't desperately need to draw every hour of the day because nothing else is as great as it you're never going to go pro.
Have you considered a different hobby?
Not a troll just want to tell you the truth,
Get some self discipline and stop making excuses.

>> No.2577218

i dont really like lordslump's line work, it just tends to be messy lines and hes like scared of colour, not that messy style is bad, just not my style

>> No.2577221

don't be so conceited, you are too young to be giving life advice to other people.

not a troll, just the truth.

>> No.2577222



>> No.2577223
File: 56 KB, 579x567, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you mean to quote someone there bud?

Here's your (You)

>> No.2577225

whats your username, let me check your progression.

>> No.2577229
File: 52 KB, 218x218, 7471534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do as I please, fag!.

>> No.2577230

how is precision admirable in digital work? All everyone does is
>sloppiest sketch imaginable
>a billion layers over it with lines slowly crafted at 200% zoom

>> No.2577231

kek, no.

>> No.2577234

it was a joke. he doesn't use a brush with pressure sensitivity

>> No.2577238

I'm also very "traditional" and my lines are clean as can be but looking at his stuff is very refreshing because of that imo. kinda like looking at zedig's colours

>> No.2577252

Different guy, how does he sketch then, a layer in a lighter color? I cant really grasp what his process is looking at his stuff

>> No.2577253

he draws and erases a lot. there's no sketching or other layer. watch his stream some time it's the same name on piczel and picarto

>> No.2577330

Trying to find a different pen to use for lineart is making me want to quit

>> No.2577346

traditional i assume?, have you checked the STAEDTLER Permenant marker range?

>> No.2577358

Thoughts on Sknives?

>> No.2577360

He's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.2577403
File: 1.03 MB, 3000x1977, eroeffnung-des-reichstages-im-weissen-saal-des-berliner-schlosses-durch-wilhelm-ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politics, Nationalism, religion and science make for the best paintings. Cheer up and be happy for the Brits m8.

>> No.2577404

Digital actually

>> No.2577409

what software you use and what kind of stuff do you draw or style, i might have some brushes you may like

>> No.2577411

I don't see any inaccuracy, i see a girl and a flag.
Get your eyes checked you faggot and go back to Pakistan.

>> No.2577413


Have you tried an elliptical brush? I'm still pretty shit, especially digitally, but that feels the most like a physical felt-tip to me for some reason. I just squash Photoshop's default hard round with static opacity and pressure size turned on.

>> No.2577415

His thumbnail is inaccurate, the girl and the flag isn't his actual submission, therefore it's misleading. Now stop arguing about choob and get back to shitposting

>> No.2577417

At this point, we're just shitposting about Choob.

>> No.2577419

Sai and mostly random shit. Can't find a brush worth a shit using that makes it easy to use for lineart and coloring

>> No.2577427

nice thumbnail alekiel... it would be a shame if someone were to report it :^)

>> No.2577430 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 573x385, 1466912429207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope looks alright to me, dunno what you're talking abou, you're just bitter and salty.

>> No.2577439

Fuck off back to /pol/ you racist edgelord

>> No.2577444 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 600x338, 65T7ja1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh /pol/ boogeyman
>muh racism

>> No.2577447

What do you guys use to animate? i have all the assets to use in my little pixel art project but PhotoShop CC isnt wanting to cooperate, the frames move in previous frames and then previous frames will move art from the next frame, is Sai any better?

>> No.2577449

>Can't even reply to the right post
My point has been made dumb ass

>> No.2577451

Check out the pixel art thread, they'd probably be able to help you out. I don't know much about pixel art but I doubt programs focused on traditional animation would be able to give you pleasing results.

>> No.2577453 [DELETED] 

what's so racist about this?
>Sikhs being anti-muslim bro-tier

>> No.2577457

yes yes we hear you, everything is racist and evil isn't it?

>> No.2577461

Lol the other dude deleted his post, are you the same guy? Whatever, I don't really care about your backwards beliefs anymore. Can we stop shitting up the thread pls? If you want to reply and get the last word in then go ahead. Just stop debating politics on here.

>> No.2577464

you keep getting baited just stop and the thread will go back on track, keep your SJW victimhood out of here and the other will stop trying to bait you for replies. You're the problem.

>> No.2577470

Choob did you get bullied in school?

>> No.2577475
File: 158 KB, 624x810, _77183433_mir27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel most Brits are by "asians" in most schools

>> No.2577477
File: 493 KB, 664x1103, British Caliphate Soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pmt tbhfam

>> No.2577479

this is gonna change

>> No.2577481
File: 37 KB, 356x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling that Choob has a ginormous chip on his shoulder.

>> No.2577482

Not particularly, why? There was always the being the only English kid in a Scottish school thing though when I moved here, but they're all taught to hate the English by their parents, who were taught by their parents, etc, and it's somehow never seen as a bad thing. Treat the fat kid nicely, the ginger kid whatever, the nerdy kid sure, but treat the English kid as if we're Israelis and he's from Palestine.

I'm in Scotland, and rural Scotland at that. Only non whites for the next 40 miles or something are the Pakistani family who have a shitty corner shop in the shittiest part of town, and the chill asian family who run a pretty nice Chinese restaurant. I've seen 2 black people here in my entire life, and they were sisters.

And yeah there's a reason London voted overwhelmingly for Remain and a muslim mayor, likewise I have family in Leicester and that city also had a huge amount of muslim refugees about 40 years ago, so there's a strong population there too, no surprises. They tend to have more kids than the native Brits too, so after a couple generations of course they'd outnumber them in schools.

N.B. It's easier to say muslim than try figure out the mix of nationalities in London and Leicester. I know the local family is from Pakistan, but don't have time to list all the ones down south.

>> No.2577484
File: 56 KB, 201x214, url (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck cut the welfare off or something, Save London, Save LAS, MAKE LAS GREAT AGAIN!

>> No.2577487

Congrats and good luck with your country
Hopefully it serves as an example and mine also exits Eu

>> No.2577489
File: 268 KB, 1200x918, 1464037080426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really family, though I do detest the Welsh for always playing so dirty at football and rugby. Ireland should have won today.
None of the /pol/ shit posts are mine, >>2577167 was my last. I don't want to namefag so you'll just have to try judge when it's someone trying to make me look bad or whatever.

Thanks. It's a mystery what will happen for the next 2 years as we get ready to leave, but generally agreed that 5 years from now we'll be better off than we are now.

Good night lasses.


>> No.2577496

I think it's mainly the Remain voters that are flippin out over the whole ordeal and trying to fervently target their frustrations on anyone.

Give it a week and they'll simmer down back to normal and we'll be back on our normal less shitposty selves.

>> No.2577500

Netherlands? France?

>> No.2577511

So wait, we cant post anything to do with our country if it has a British flag?

>> No.2577516

/las/ wouldn't be this shit if rover or fuckyoumang never left

>> No.2577520
File: 244 KB, 1920x1200, oMvVej4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we needed this

>> No.2577523

>stopped drawing for a year because got a job that paid well and took all my time
>things finally calming down, time to start up my artistic dreams again
>lurk /ic/ for a while
>pull the trigger and join LAS
>I suck but now I'll have a record, cause I usually delete my shitty work cause it's shit

Weekwunner checking in. I'm gonna survive the first 7 days it looks like. Yay I guess. Only forever more to go.

>> No.2577525

>Weekwunner checking in
>survive the first 7 days
you must be confused, newfriend

>> No.2577526
File: 670 KB, 1412x836, Brooks-on-Nixon-40-years-later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nixon victory pose

>> No.2577529

y-y-youre right, I'm too high for this shit
>it's what I get for trying to be a cool newfag

>> No.2577530

Enough shit talking artistits, do you guys like inverted puffy inverted nips or popped out nips?

>> No.2577534

um, racist much?

>> No.2577535

weekoner means that you have participated in LAS since the very first week it was around.

>> No.2577538

I want /pol/fags to leave....you always find some way to shit up the threads

>> No.2577539
File: 83 KB, 366x549, 1466788726705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GO REPORT JP'S SUBMISSION RIGHT HERE http://lavaflake.com/draw/submissions/?offset=114


>> No.2577540
File: 21 KB, 790x399, ss+(2016-06-26+at+08.37.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puffy and inverted my nigga myyyy niggaa

>> No.2577541

nah he seems like a chill dude, pipe it down popo

>> No.2577543

I prefer them popped out.

>> No.2577547

This. Idk if I'm ready to lose another weekwunner =(

>> No.2577548

Brown chewy nips on small boobs

>> No.2577551

You are my g**d*** hero.
(I'm not allowed to say the g-word.)

>> No.2577552

Already pardoned him today without looking and ready to pardon more, we weekoners need to stick together.

>> No.2577559

I want some flawless virgin blood too desu

>> No.2577561

man idk i think almost all nipples are fine

>> No.2577565

yes I figured that out, but thx for the clarification friend.

>> No.2577573


>> No.2577577

>Loli and VitaminNeko posting the same drawing

>> No.2577578

>the same

>> No.2577580
File: 85 KB, 1103x814, ss+(2016-06-26+at+08.37.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


with 2 dicks and 2 tits

>> No.2577581
File: 1.69 MB, 6144x3584, 1464569331797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't have started if these SJW professional victims wouldn't have acted like such faggots being triggered all the time over a flag.

>> No.2577584

why does jp draw on himself?

>> No.2577588

What's the deal with picarto? What's it got that twitch don't? Is it just that picarto was around before twitch officially allowed creative streams?

>> No.2577590

picarto won't ban you for drawing tits, is that so hard to understand

>> No.2577600

Nope, that's not hard to understand. Thanks for explaining

>> No.2577602

because you cant draw nsfw but yet i see furry and mlp streams all the time

>> No.2577604

Yeah that was the source of my original confusion. I've drawn tits and dicks on twitch before. Guess maybe people report and it's against their tos or somethin. Good to know though, I guess I'll make a picarto acct

>> No.2577625

Are there really posts that just take a picture and paint over it?

>> No.2577629

what did he mean by this?

>> No.2577673

There's no wrong way to make art

>> No.2577680

t. Irakli nadar

>> No.2577681



>> No.2577683 [DELETED] 


>> No.2577684


>> No.2577688

jp ;-;

>> No.2577723

jp is the definition of Lawful Evil.

>Drawing: The art of representing objects or forms on a surface chiefly by means of lines.

>Technically, skin is a surface
>He's representing forms using lines
>Claims he spent 30 minutes doing it

He followed all the rules, and still managed to do something unacceptable.

>> No.2577725

cool tattooists in LAS uploading each day a new tattoo on someone's body when?

>> No.2577730

I would but then i would be known and i do no want that.

Also if he needed help, why not go to a picarto stream?, there are so many based artists there.

>> No.2577731

that's where the problem actually comes from

>> No.2577733
File: 57 KB, 327x289, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard You Were Talking Shit

Like i wouldn't know.

>> No.2577740


>> No.2577743

Is this the end of the Doomclock?

>> No.2577746
File: 1.70 MB, 2719x1100, Doom Clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577766

amoi ur just painting over images now arent you.

>> No.2577769


>> No.2577770


so? as long as it took 30 mins then who cares

>> No.2577771

it matters greatly

>> No.2577774


no rules just photos

>> No.2577776

Well it really aint my business. Hes not going to improve from that tho. Just saying. If it makes him happy thats fine. Also go fuck yourself whiteknighting faggot

>> No.2577777

I did not even want this get.

>> No.2577778

way to fucking waste 7s

>> No.2577780
File: 10 KB, 441x408, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577787


>> No.2577789

Checked now check these

>> No.2577790

Reported :^)

>> No.2577791

gg, everyone's gonna come now

>> No.2577792

23 days of making it every day :3

>> No.2577794

I've been using opentoonz. It was a pain to get setup but it works well


This video has pretty much everything you need to get it setup

>> No.2577812
File: 182 KB, 800x999, 1457870961925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks my dood

>> No.2577824
File: 23 KB, 453x136, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you use filter and post, for why?

>> No.2577834


>> No.2577851


Both are good, puffy non-inverted ones are more biteable tho

>> No.2577853

>puffy non-inverted
My nigga

>> No.2577856

Do any of you guys draw architecture? I want to work on my perspective and building sets from imagination more and think combining that with love of architecture is a good way to do it

There's so many different kinds to learn though, I have a How to read Architecture book and it's thicc for such a little book man and so many different types and eras I don't know where to start

>> No.2577873

>Do any of you guys draw?

>> No.2577879

Nipple self portrait challenge when
I'd legit try draw/paint my own nips, something I've never thought of doing before, but don't know if anyone else would join

No girls allowed since censorship taught me girl nipples are the devil incarnate but boy nips are pure

>> No.2577886
File: 27 KB, 380x435, 1286917214682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nipple self portrait challenge

>> No.2577895

tfw you start growing attached to certain lasses and feel happy when you see their submissions each day

>> No.2577903

Seriously, Loli and VitaminNeko, what are you doing.

>> No.2577928


>> No.2577930

im thinking about coming back

>> No.2577931


>> No.2577940
File: 32 KB, 600x446, dont youuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have ugly nipples, don't you family

>> No.2577962

If some days I just post stuff from my figure drawing class, is that okay?

>no girls allowed
Fine, I'll make my own clubhouse :'^(

>> No.2577967

please note that you are allowed to post you nips portrait on las only if you are not underage

>> No.2577968


>> No.2577969

Of course, how wouldn't be ok?

>> No.2577971

I don't really care, just joking around.

Didn't know if I was expected to do something specifically for the challenge or not. Thanks.

>> No.2578000


Make sure the model is cool with it, too. Some at my figure session weren't down with the drawings of them posted in public blogs and the like.

>> No.2578016

I know two of the models already, and they're both cool with that. I'll be sure to ask any of the new recruits.

>> No.2578036

yo FS, what's supposed to be ancient about this

>> No.2578038

Is that a dinosaur in the distance?

>> No.2578053

>I added a t-rex in the fog


>> No.2578084

dinos are prehistoric and or Jurassic, not ancient.

>> No.2578118

wheres my shitposting? aussies asleep?

>> No.2578121

It was a reference to an old thread where someone wanted crit on some foggy scene. The anon giving crit goes on for a while with good points and explaining the need for there to be some kind of storytelling and narrative to a piece, all very poetic, then at the end he says "so I added a t-rex coming out of the fog" or something

>> No.2578123

Stop what you're doing with those submissions I know you're reading this

>> No.2578131


>> No.2578132

please explain.

>> No.2578143

I've been watching a lot of tv series because of LAS, I used to watch anime but I can't watch that while drawing.

I was wondering what do you guys watch? my list is mostly random as they're either recommendations or old series that ages well.

so far while being in LAS I've watched:


-Orange is the new black

-Breaking Bad

-Game of thrones


-Mr Robot


>> No.2578149

>dinos aren't ancient
Old One detected

>> No.2578159


>> No.2578160


>> No.2578161

Cute as fuck
I feel you, we're in this together

>> No.2578175

>tfw no one gives even half a shit about you or your work

>> No.2578177


> Breaking Bad

Watch Better Call Saul. In some ways, it's actually written better than Breaking Bad. With a smaller scope overall, each character is incredibly complex and three-dimensional.

>> No.2578209
File: 358 KB, 1280x828, tumblr_mt8bq1xirK1rm4wgqo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been watching children cartoons as of late, regardless of what I watch it takes a lot for me to outright dislike something, so you can assume I watch most of them.

>> No.2578248
File: 151 KB, 1200x800, mariano_rajoy_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of these first results on the presidential elections, lasers?

>> No.2578252

fucking shit

>> No.2578253
File: 19 KB, 646x290, pabloiglesiasr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578258

I can't understand how so many people keep voting a political party that is basically a criminal organization.
It's deppressing.

>> No.2578260

Which political party?

>> No.2578270

Partido Popular.

>> No.2578272
File: 60 KB, 620x456, rajoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think being retarded is a crime

>> No.2578281

>Lampblak is following me
Ho-holy shit, thank you senpai, I will try my best not to disappoint

>> No.2578288

hey guys when do I start drawing?

>> No.2578292

One, two, three, start!
Don't stop, no-no!

>> No.2578296

w-wha!? okay senpai!

>> No.2578298

How do you know whose following you?

>> No.2578299
File: 114 KB, 266x199, Fuckyourshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking wish it was.

>> No.2578347

hey ladies, I'm back ;^)

>> No.2578350

Rover? FmMood? Katiesmafuu? fuckyoumang?
Nile? Hélio?
Wait... No. It's just another shitter.

>> No.2578357
File: 131 KB, 470x706, bane loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are your batemans going, lasers?

>> No.2578358


>> No.2578394

Virvajodhar that reaper is fucking hot
well done with his mask

>> No.2578402

I would, my nips are pretty good

>> No.2578454

You'll get reported for that thumbnail CyanidePill

>> No.2578506

fug da tribunal!

>> No.2578511

I like your picture coomi. Is it shovel knight?

>> No.2578513

abc I love your poison Ivy! ganbare

>> No.2578515

nice picture, larrex
hearthstone is still gay tho :^)

>> No.2578517

time to start drawing!

>> No.2578519
File: 15 KB, 200x200, snail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2578520
File: 41 KB, 500x380, last policeman standing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578521


>> No.2578522

so it really was a vocal minority

>> No.2578529
File: 2.03 MB, 350x206, epd+swat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578530
File: 31 KB, 720x540, 1438979495775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going to die anyway because of the cheating so I pardoned him for his hand drawing, no need to make him feel worse.

>> No.2578531

if we're not going to enforce the rules, might as well break them all
loli and underage should be a topic too then
oh, how about we all use meme thumbnails now?
why even bother drawing 30 minutes at all if the rules mean jack shit apparently

>> No.2578533

ah I forgot he gets 24 hours to write up his defense

can't wait for tomorrow, or rather, the day after when we learn the results of this groundbreaking case

>> No.2578535

i bet this is the thought process of a terrorist

>> No.2578536

good night friends and familyyy

>> No.2578542

Not really, I complained in the thread but still pardoned him.

>> No.2578545


>> No.2578548

>23:30 the fuck out of my submission
>enjoy short aftermath
>suddenly lose all will to draw

>go to sleep
>wake up
>procrastinate until 23:30

>repeat all of the above
>every day

>> No.2578550
File: 1.70 MB, 2719x1100, Doom Clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578553


>> No.2578556


>> No.2578557

First submission is pretty meh. Could have gone a lot better, could have been a lot worse. Art is hard when you're fighting Nicotine withdrawals. I fixed some of the mistakes that I noticed after I uploaded it though, and if anyone wants to feel better about their own art, here you go: >>2578541

>> No.2578560

if only someone cared...

>> No.2578561

Didn't expect anybody to really, just figured that I should post about it or something. My mistake.

>> No.2578563

it's ok anon

>> No.2578565


>> No.2578567

If you upload your stuff to a tumblr or whatever blog first then you can post about things there. If you link to the /image/ url then people will just see the pic, if they click back to your blog then they'll see the text with it.

Welcome to LAS either way

>> No.2578571

Okay, thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to do that tomorrow.

>> No.2578579
File: 65 KB, 412x584, 1386463892920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with the withdrawals mate, I'm glad you're quitting.

>> No.2578580

Thanks, I'm less glad at the moment. I'll be glad when I've broken the habit though.

>> No.2578594

How many of you still haven't started your mecha? Be honest.

>> No.2578608


>> No.2578614

inktober challenge pls

>> No.2578617

I wish I never joined it.

>> No.2578618

Someone tell me why I keep clicking on jmgn's posts? I always regret it right after but do it again just the next day.

>> No.2578621

Idk it's like sasori's nsfw you just get that strange curiosity

>> No.2578622

Make it if you want it breh
That's how I feel about the challenge, las in general, and my life.

>> No.2578623

How could it be organized on LAS?

LAS is actually a perfect platform for that as a community challenge, but with the CC feature as it is we'd either have to make a new one every day, or have one span the entire month then everyone submits their dailies at the end (which would be kinda lame and exploitable).

Unless lava extends the CC feature to accommodate for daily submissions over a time period or something

>> No.2578633

I miss saucys sonic posting

>> No.2578637


M 8 0

>> No.2578645

it's how degenerates spread their mental disease

>> No.2578650

Meme thumbnail is trivial and only requires a warning, to be honest most people don't/skim over the rules.

There's no need go baying for the blood of a weekoner to make yourself feel good, or a nationalist for another example.

>> No.2578655

I mean, if you get punished for having a meme thumbnail all that happens is that you have to change the thumbnail. You still keep your token and you don't get eliminated. If we're going by the rules, then choob should've been punished and then all he would have to do is change his thumbnail. All of you guys are making this a much bigger deal than it is.

>> No.2578656

I think the "punishment" is just getting the thumbnail changed, though I could be mistaken.

>> No.2578663

Debunk me don't delete me

>> No.2578687

I miss you anon.

>> No.2578693

part of a weekly theme I do with friends,
"Knight protecting a child"

>> No.2578695

Meme thumbnails should be punished by replacement with worse meme thumbnails.

>> No.2578696

Furries usually also come with other mental problems mostly family related, not the kind you can trust around children or to even have children of their own (if they even managed that).

Cancer on society and genetic dead ends.

>> No.2578702
File: 51 KB, 253x293, 05ef3f297eaf1c5e991316360ebdbe6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want to see me get better. you're rooting me on, thank you.

>> No.2578719

gave you're already really strong but in all of the time here you've barely if at all improved do you feel its harder to improve as you get better? how do you do to get even better?

>> No.2578725

He's been getting faster/more efficient I think, I watch him draw occasionally.

>> No.2578726

this desu. joing challenges will just place me in competition with others im trash and already suffer from actuall depresion, the cute one with the color pills and being forced to realize i suck will take me over thr edge.

>> No.2578728

He still has definite weak areas. Like rendering fur, for instance.

>> No.2578730

Hey man, could you tell me how you went about thinking up your slug character? What was your thought process? There's this challenge up on the site where you have to draw a character or creature that represents you as an artist but I cant think of anything.

>> No.2578731

Lava, I'm going to need to skip a couple of days because of travel and training/certification bollocks, with no internet access, is there a way I can submit some hours up front?

>> No.2578732

get someone you trust to post for you?

>> No.2578733

because he is actually a slug

>> No.2578737
File: 59 KB, 576x507, OVERKEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking guy, I swear to god
better luck next time, faggot

>> No.2578740

>with no internet access
You aren't trying hard enough

>> No.2578745


But yeah, if you don't have internet access the best you can do is have someone else upload stuff for you. Sorry mane.

>> No.2578748



>> No.2578751

>I'm too retarded to think ahead before joining LAS
lad, don't blame me for your shortcomings

>> No.2578755

Do you get just entertainment value out of watching streams or do some of you do it as a learning tool? In which case, what do you think you get out of them, and can you get that kind of value from any or most artists, or just a few?

>> No.2578758

I usually learn stuff when I watch them, especially when the artist is better than me and/or they're painting. Most of the time I just use them for music and occasionally checking in rather than actually watching the process, though.

>> No.2578760

I've never learned anything from watching a stream unless the artist is actually trying to teach something. Usually just waste time on there desu.

>> No.2578763
File: 34 KB, 442x525, ss+(2016-05-05+at+09.34.54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the problem, he started like a week ago, and has real stuff to do, hes just letting lava know.

>> No.2578765

i will watch and repeat a specific technique and then incorporate it into another section, although the streams i watch arent from this thread, i wouldnt share em here, the people are to pure to be tainted.

>> No.2578766

>spent 2 hour doing lines for a single person in clothes
I'm not gonna make it

>> No.2578768

Personally i cant really say i've like seen an artist use some technique in a stream and try and replicate it, but i have 'learned' from streams in the sense that they have widened my frame of reference for the ways that people approach drawing. Made me realize that all things i do when i draw are not inherent to everyone.

>> No.2578773

If you can't post then you can't post, just take the hit and start again when you're back, that's the point of the website. It's to see who can post the longest, not who can draw the longest.
You're only going to lose a week anyway, that's nothing. Also don't talk about yourself in 3rd person it's really obvious.

>> No.2578779
File: 42 KB, 478x475, ss+(2016-03-31+at+10.52.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also don't talk about yourself in 3rd person it's really obvious.
So you think im him? k lol

>> No.2578780

nobody gets special treatment, there's people who actually had shit happen to them that made them miss a day, so let this be a lesson for him, of the harsh LAS reality

>> No.2578782
File: 62 KB, 310x200, CTNPT_507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hearthstone is still gay
It is, but my wifu Laurel isn't :3c

>> No.2578783

https://picarto.tv/artscrub Ill be streaming for a few hours probably.

>> No.2578785
File: 17 KB, 680x489, anon, I ....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is, but my wifu Laurel isn't

>> No.2578790
File: 25 KB, 228x239, 1446420658556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously, everyone that's been here more than a few days knows how stupid it sounds. Also don't just drop the capital letters to try and hide it, especially if you suddenly use them again in your next post and give yourself away. Drop the 3 comma sentences too, you have a lot to learn about samefagging.

>> No.2578792
File: 478 KB, 1280x664, tumblr_o9aewgTRls1v4cbmwo3_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lokki you cheeky cunt

>> No.2578794
File: 143 KB, 1876x993, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tHaNks SeNpAi I hAvE lEaRnD To MucH 2 DaY

>> No.2578796
File: 38 KB, 499x338, 1462494558806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578799

Would you guys recommend hamptons book or vilppus?

>> No.2578801

id recommend you look into them both and decide for yourself:asking a random stranger on the internet is the same as just picking one of the two at random

>> No.2578803

>random stranger
eh, there's plenty of people on this board who know more about learning art than me so it's not really random. But yeah, just looking for opinions, obviously I'm gonna make the final decision on my own.

>> No.2578810
File: 47 KB, 496x708, 1465943079534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn off computer to go to bed
>realize I never saved my mech work
>ps didnt recover it
was almost done too :/

>> No.2578811

Thank you, I've never thought that someone would like my work.

mfw sempai noticed me

>> No.2578813

>not hosting all your work files on dropbox so you can retrieve any older version of them anytime.

>> No.2578814

use krita instead
even if it crashes, it creates a save from before it crashed

>> No.2578818

Truly epic.

>> No.2578831

friendly reminder that most of the dudes (around) your age should follow your lead. Keep on keeping on lil dude.

>> No.2578834


>> No.2578845

Is the subject of the day optional? i started with a pal a week or so ago and didn't really know, i just read draw for at least 30 mins and i been doing really well just getting into a routine of drawing.

>> No.2578855 [DELETED] 
File: 1.69 MB, 2745x2160, egpzut[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 minute police?

>> No.2578861

looks about right for skill level, you are probably a shitter if that triggers you

>> No.2578868

You delusional fucking retard

>> No.2578872

kek you're probably not even tier 5, calm down kid.

>> No.2578874

he's right tho. Lava said the same shit a few months ago and look where he's at. He's improving but I think he's seriously over estimating his ability. I hope he proves me wrong but I doubt it.

>> No.2578881

If you only knew

>> No.2578916


>> No.2578924

I would prefer if lava completed the site with badges and all the changes and then gitted gud, if he tries to do both at once he's not gonna achieve any of the two

>> No.2578928

tb.h im nothing special, theres someone in las rn that's as old as me, working way harder and is miles ahead of me. You know who you are

>> No.2578929

>almost 6 months into LAS
>nothing has been crossed off the to-do list

>> No.2578931

Don't worry, the site will be "good" in two months, it'll be professional level with in the year.

>> No.2578933

Do you mean Santi?

>> No.2578934
File: 1.14 MB, 500x256, Youve-Got-Kidding-Me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578939

No, i think me and Santi are at the same skill level, and i don't want to name the dude out of respect of privacy or whatever

>> No.2578941

Just name him, you're giving him praise not insulting him or anything.

>> No.2578944

i bet its jmgn

>> No.2578945

you cant make me~

>> No.2578946

just say it dude, I'm curious now

>> No.2578947

the dumbass already said too much and blew it, anon 313 is a kid

>> No.2578948

jmgn is like 30 or something

>> No.2578949

If anon313 was 18 I would quit art.

>> No.2578951

go watch some videos of early starting pros showing their old work, what some of them achieve by 15-16 will make you want to die
age doesn't mean anything it's just about how long you've been drawing

>> No.2578953

Miles Johnston was featured in ImagineFX at 16 I believe

>> No.2578955

fuck me
fuck art
fuck this
I'm never gonna make it

>> No.2578956
File: 22 KB, 338x487, 44e6a8de8ffa6a08ada2a4ca9148940c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Hampton, the construction is more simpler and easier to understand.

Vilpuu is great though but might be abit more advanced. I kinda wish hampton was about when i was much younger since i was using Burne Hogarthe methods, great for foreshortening but not so good for burning the construction into the subconscious.


>> No.2578960

With that mindset you wont.
Am i the only one that gets motivated after seeing people younger/around my age being way better than me?

>> No.2578961

Google Akiane

>> No.2578972

That's cause you're like 5 years old. Once you get older and start facing your mortality, you'll understand.

>> No.2578975
File: 121 KB, 736x446, legs_study_by_miles_johnston-d3aig9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I get that too, but out of anger and jealousy. this is Miles Johnston' work at age 17.

>> No.2578978

>Am i the only one that gets motivated after seeing people younger/around my age being way better than me?
nope, me too, i end up adding a lot of people on skype for 1on1 art jams and they turn out to be so much younger than me but know so much

>> No.2578985 [DELETED] 

>devart say he's 23

shiiiietttt.... oh god all my wasted years.

>> No.2578990

Witnessed lil bro

>devart say he's 23

shiiiietttt.... oh god all my wasted years.

>> No.2579000


make follows public

>> No.2579009

tfw no one is following me, maybe one day

>> No.2579010
File: 94 KB, 649x654, 1430709187046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 28, rank 2, and the whelps are whimpering about being too old

>> No.2579019

Lokki is older, so can't be him. So who the fuck is it
Nile confirmed cocktease

>> No.2579023


>> No.2579028

don't post my girlfriend, bro

>> No.2579030


>> No.2579037

>Nile is actually a swede qt
would fuck

>> No.2579039

And 7 years later he's still drawing the same few things; slowly rendered pencil girls with warped anatomy and then just random blobs swirling around in the background.

I love Miles, but what's the point in being babysat by pros from age 13-14 onwards if you then don't even use your new powers.

>> No.2579045

Post your work

>> No.2579046

He's chosen to use his powers for that, and I respect him for his decision.

>> No.2579049

also lewd, pls stop
like >>2579046 said, there's nothing wrong with drawing what you enjoy, thats what you should be doing tb,h. And if im not místaken he's now a full time teacher at the school im probably gonna attend after hs, which is nice.

>> No.2579050

At 27 i just fail to see how age matters at all. People better than me motivate me a lot (that's why i love our challenges so much), no matter if they are 16 or 40. Also, i think older artists have much cooler designs and shapes, probably because of years and years of experimentation.

>> No.2579052

Actually I would fuck you anyways
no homo

>> No.2579056
File: 27 KB, 472x398, epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2579060

It's optional, it an additional challenge.

>> No.2579064
File: 216 KB, 345x445, 1461850782286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2579065
File: 40 KB, 492x492, FU0NIW6I8FR85EN.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the "Ounce of you" challenge or have regrets forever for missing out.

>> No.2579066

Please be week one!

>> No.2579072


>> No.2579076


>> No.2579079

Whats your work schedule like

>> No.2579090

>Wake up
>Cry self to sleep

>> No.2579092
File: 63 KB, 653x506, schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point, here's the school schedule i had up untill 2 weeks ago.
But why does that matter? you will make it eventually just as long as you work hard enough, albeit a bit later than some. Just keep on chuggin dudo

>> No.2579094

A hard choice to be sure. I don't even know what I'd make.

>> No.2579097
File: 1.78 MB, 960x1365, lava - Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lava made it into a japanese manga

>> No.2579106

You've got 8 days to think of what to make, but just today to join.

>> No.2579113
File: 27 KB, 297x157, 2PeMcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know you actually were swedish. Be my sweet boipussi.

>> No.2579116

I guess I might as well. Worst case scenario I drop the ball, do nothing, and lose nothing.

>> No.2579117

ur studying art? fokin top kekkerino m8990

>> No.2579122

i should probably draw today... huh :\

>> No.2579123

mostly 3d shit, the only art lesson i had were those 3 hours at the end of fridays

>> No.2579130

Hmm, interesting, "historia" is written the same in spanish and swedish

>> No.2579137

Quick question. Should I mark my submission as NSFW if there's a panty shot? I wouldn't think so, but I figured that I should ask.

>> No.2579139
File: 84 KB, 242x323, 1461202414618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I post this?

>> No.2579142

panty shots are too meager to count as NSFW imo

then again, I don't have a job :^)

>> No.2579143

Think if It's something you would be comfortable to show in front of your family.

>> No.2579146
File: 61 KB, 310x310, 1460665571945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does your work space look like LAS?

>> No.2579150

I'm working on it at work oddly enough. Then again, I probably wouldn't if my boss was here.

They've seen highly rendered dicks in my sketchbook, so this wouldn't be that bad.

A messy desk with a Lenovo laptop in front of a Mac desktop.

>> No.2579168


Well, for me it's not so much "you have no time left", because unless I die in a freak accident, I'll probably make a good amount of progress but the longer it takes:

> the less socially acceptable it will be to satisfy my more childish urges (ex. drawing video game fanart)
> the less proximity to friends who can share in your excitement of your accomplishments, especially as they get older, get married, have children, etc (yeah, sure, we have the internet, but you'll never have the close knit group you excitedly shared various things with in high school / college)
> the less opportunities to indulge in what is relevant now (I missed my kid dream to make a name for myself when the internet was young and Flash and websites like Newgrounds were huge because I was too lazy and too afraid and I will NEVER get that back)

I have wasted my youth and will lament it forever. That's why I have to work now, to avoid the same pitfalls.

>> No.2579200

Who are the most inspirational /las/ members?

>> No.2579212

It's 2016 bruh, it's socially acceptable to follow your childish urges until you die. Haven't you heard? We live with our parents until we're 30 now.

>> No.2579213

Jmgn fosho

>> No.2579217
File: 60 KB, 575x334, 1444218494894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking multi-generational households weren't common or even a cultural norm before millennials

>> No.2579224

Oh sure, they were a cultural norm. But are you really gonna make the argument that it was by choice instead of by necessity?

>now it's by choice because we're a stunted generation of internet memes packaged in meat aged to adulthood.

>> No.2579232
File: 17 KB, 539x539, 1459991164240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you even know that without the thread finding out? If someone in las was consider pretty good and people found out they were 17/18 it would cause a fit, but you know this ;)

>> No.2579241
File: 66 KB, 550x412, 1435104982848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw one or two years too old to attention-whore

>> No.2579254

That sounds incredibly comfy, I feel at peace looking at this picture.

I wish I was one of them.

>> No.2579273

who streaming

>> No.2579275

Checked to see if anyone else was and it looks like no one else is, so:

>> No.2579279

A messy desk with an acer laptop and a shitty beaten up bamboo tablet

>> No.2579285
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to give myself a "break day" and only draw for 30 minutes
>want to draw anyways

>> No.2579294

Lokki, your submission is freaking hilarious

>the less socially acceptable it will be to satisfy my more childish urges (ex. drawing video game fanart)
Who cares about it though? Your audience for them is internet and irl artist friends anyway, no matter your age. A lot of mature pros still draw fanart frequently.

>the less proximity to friends who can share in your excitement of your accomplishments, especially as they get older, get married, have children, etc (yeah, sure, we have the internet, but you'll never have the close knit group you excitedly shared various things with in high school / college)
As you move on in life you just meet new cool people and bond with them. Imagine that you are accepted at Blizzard or other company with great inhouse atmosphere, suddenly you have lots of amazing people around you with geeky interests that are bound to overlap with yours.
Another example is D&D group, i've met mine when i was 25 and they are way closer and comfier now than my old school/university friends. We meet every week and spend a great time together, i even infected one guy with the will to do art and he's now training to be a 3d artist.

> the less opportunities to indulge in what is relevant now
How are there less opportunities though? There is waaaay more stuff appearing nowadays, you can jump straight into VR for example and be remembered as one of the first great artists for it. Stuff like Newgrounds appear and dissappear *constantly*.

poon and andrae

>> No.2579323

Welcome and good job DIV.

>> No.2579334

hi poon

>> No.2579367


> you can jump straight into VR for example

I will concede your other points, but I never had the fondness for VR or the like that I had for Flash movies when that was huge.

>> No.2579374

I'm looking forward to seeing the submissions to the ounce of you challenge, it seems like a fun one.

>> No.2579431
File: 26 KB, 500x281, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can people outside of those using lavaflake see my image even if I don't press share with community?

>> No.2579437

Rub it in why don't ya

>> No.2579440

it wasn't even that good, I mean, it was probably my best piece out of all the ones I drew, but it's still fucking garbage compared to most others here

>> No.2579474

What animal should I draw for anthromorphic?

>> No.2579478

Draw yourself

>> No.2579482

A cassowary.

>> No.2579483

A watermelon

>> No.2579484

you're mom

>> No.2579487


>> No.2579489


>> No.2579490

He lowkey mentioned it one thread a good while ago, he's either as old as me or one year younger

>> No.2579491

Do a cassowary kickboxer/martial artist, that would be great.

>> No.2579520
File: 1.06 MB, 2477x3609, 1465021881675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today i painted for 6 hours and procrastinated for 6.35 hours. How productive was your day so far, LAS?

>> No.2579530

Almost done with the lines for my submission, still got 3 hours to go, should be plenty of time to do some quick shading. Thanks for asking.

>> No.2579532

erm... err.... D:

>> No.2579534

Sorted files for 7 hours, haven't drawn yet

>> No.2579538

Usually I cook and clean and bullshit around until 2. This post has motivated me to start 10minutes early.

>> No.2579539


I did not draw yet.

>> No.2579540


>> No.2579541
File: 287 KB, 720x709, can you not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worked on random stuff all day to have someone go in the electric box and turn the switches to off, lost it all, started again in an anger filled state

>> No.2579544

Drew for ~20 minutes. Cleaned for ~1 hour. Read for ~4 hours. Fucked around for ~3 hours. Was just about to start painting and decided to check up on you guys first. Will get some nice music on and start working now.

>> No.2579548

Sadly, yes. I emptied 5000+ files from my ipad mini into my PC, currently sifting through memes from years ago when I browsed /b/ all the time instead of studying. The cringe is unbelievable.

>> No.2579552

>tfw keep forgetting to turn off pressure opacity
next time I swerr

>> No.2579555

Just woke up family

>> No.2579557

How long did you spend sleeping?

>> No.2579563

Went to bed at 6:30ish am and just now woke up at around 3:00 pm, so about 8 and a half hours.

>> No.2579597

LMAO engcuck got rekt by viking dentists

>> No.2579609

eating, cleaning, and personal hygiene aren't procrastination anon.

>> No.2579639

Do you even know how he looks?

>> No.2579643

Like a human swedish 18 year old male

>> No.2579649

New challenge! :3

>> No.2579678

Hour and a half

>> No.2579680

fuck i just started drawing what do

>> No.2579682

Gonna have to low effort it today, sorry lads

>> No.2579689

I'm interested in seeing how differently people design their self-insert and though voice.

>> No.2579690

anyone streaming?

>> No.2579691

>hour and a half
nigger that'd be past the deadline
don't let me stop you though

>> No.2579708

your mom is on chaturbate

>> No.2579710


>> No.2579712
File: 508 KB, 1881x637, vincent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice challenge ideas lads. The inner critic one reminds me of Jason Hong, who draws his inner demon/critic as a creepy ass mandrill called Vincent, pic related.

>> No.2579719


>> No.2579723

Inner critic is tulpa level autism

>> No.2579725

>tfw still haven't improved
>tfw still shit
Just en me now.

>> No.2579728


>> No.2579729

I thought of joining inner critic and drawing my tulpa for it, but I chickened out.

>> No.2579734

so it's just a thinly veiled draw your waifu challenge? neat

>> No.2579735

Oh, so the "An ounce of you" challenge is perfectly fine, but an exercise proposed by Iain McCaig is autistic.
Okay then.

>> No.2579739


>> No.2579747

what's is your dream job LAS?

>> No.2579749

drawing food for vanillaware

>> No.2579752
File: 50 KB, 594x669, 1405469538453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plant ecologist!

>> No.2579755

a police car

>> No.2579757

I'm usually told that this is cringeworthy, but I've always wanted to work at Nintendo. Something like a promotional artist would be cool, making posters and stuff.

>> No.2579758
File: 59 KB, 366x252, 1394072473627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character designer and/or general visual development. Preferably for video games.

>> No.2579760

will anybody from LAS be as good as moebius?
I'm serious

>> No.2579761

Filling up a pine box underground.

>> No.2579762

So many people want to do this, but so few of the position are actually needed. Good luck.

>> No.2579763

why wouldn't you want to be something more important than just another concept artist in a big company?

>> No.2579764

Yeah, I've been working towards my own thing rather than trying to break into the industry, to be honest.

>> No.2579769
File: 3.24 MB, 1080x1240, demonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just want to get so good that i am satisfied with my drawings.

>> No.2579771

do you guys think your emotions seep into your art? Like whenever I see people doing faces, the expression is usually always happy and smiling, neutral or for a couple of people, frowns.

>> No.2579772

I've always loved Nintendo, so I'd love to work for the company, besides, I just want a steady 9-5 that will let me live comfortably.

>> No.2579773


>> No.2579777

Found an animation studio with like-minded individuals.
I wouldn't even want to be a director or executive. Production manager or key animator would be fine.

>> No.2579780

You should gang up with the folks who are doing the animation challenges.

>> No.2579782

so basically LAS is filled with no ambition deadbeats.

>> No.2579786

If I said what I wanted you guys would laugh at me so I prefer not to

>> No.2579788

The highest positions don't draw.

>> No.2579793

You're anonymous, you pussy.

>> No.2579797

oh come on, it's not like we have your name or something.

>> No.2579800


Okay then.
I want to be really really good. Like, so good that I can draw anything from imagination without it looking like shit.

Oh and also have a job that pays well.

>> No.2579802

I will never forgive LAS for making me draw a furry.

I wouldn't say that I have no ambition, and there are things that I want beyond just a job, but those things tend to cause a shitstorm on 4chan, so they're better left unsaid.

>> No.2579804

I'm pretty sure that's what most of us want.

>> No.2579806

I wanna make short animated films and comics, just tell dope stories with my shit. It'd be nice to maybe get some sort of studio going but that's not realistically going to happen. Also my art is no where near where I need it to be so have to focus on that for now :(

>> No.2579807

Yeah but feng said it is almost impossible and that I will have to slave away 8 hours a day or I'll never make it.

At this point my dreams of becoming a fantasy illustrator have faded, I'll probably end up working for shit pay or doing boring gd stuff
never gonna make it

>> No.2579809
File: 361 KB, 1600x900, sparth-midship-sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to Sparth

Art director for Halo and he's still the one who does the initial concepts for a bunch of the maps and weapons and ships and shit, has his minions work on them for a bit and then goes in and paints what he thinks looks better, and they then fix and implement that.

>> No.2579808

I only care about a job in the sense that it'll provide me with food and a roof for me to spend all my free time jerking off and watching taiwanesse nickelodeons and playing video games.
So yeah, I guess.

>> No.2579811

Bitches? A family? 4chan isn't a hivemind. Everyone wants something different.

>> No.2579813

what a specific example that surely does represent the majority of people who work in that position

>> No.2579814

It's none of those, and trust me, it's not something that most people seem to be even remotely okay with on this site. Just drop it.

>> No.2579815

I would like to be a film director, drawing is just for keks

>> No.2579817

you cna become the kojima or art then

>> No.2579818

Just say it and I guarantee you it isn't that bad. Your fucking anon dude, it doesn't even matter

>> No.2579819


>> No.2579821

As soon as one drops from the BR chart, the rest will follow.

>> No.2579826

I want to get sexual reassignment surgery. Every morning that I wake up with a dick is another that I want to just take a knife to it.

>> No.2579828

yeah, the fear of being the first to die is acting like a water dam

>> No.2579829


Don't be a degenerate.

>> No.2579831

Told you so: >>2579829

>> No.2579832

Key animator or director. Maybe video game designer

>> No.2579833

Cut dairy out of your diet. It's loaded way up with estrogen, so you might feel better.

>> No.2579834

might as well kill yourself and prove transsexuality to be the mental disorder it is

>> No.2579836


>> No.2579837

It's alright, anon. Be you. Be cool. Make the choices you need to do for yourself in order to get by. Stay safe.

>> No.2579838

>"it is my personal belief that the majority of people in the highest positions don't draw."

>> No.2579839

yeah, you were right, fucking kek

>> No.2579840

Why isn't jp eliminated for cheating?

>> No.2579841

It isn't really bad at all, if that's how you feel then that's how you feel. Obviously your gonna get people giving you shit but does it even matter? Your anonymous right?

>> No.2579842

When your dick is gone you'll just want to take a knife to your throat instead. Surgery or titty skittles will not make you a happier person, only you or finding a good SO will do that.

>> No.2579844

Because not enough people reported that submission, I suppose. I reported it, but I think it needs at least two.

>> No.2579845
File: 914 KB, 200x150, 1457150297900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, anon. Hope you can find a way to reduce or resolve your dysphoria. Shit sounds rough.

>> No.2579847

>it is my personal belief that the majority of people in the highest positions don't draw nearly as much as that one faggot anon made it out to be

>> No.2579848


>> No.2579849

how'd someone find the submission to report it? people are probably too lazy to dig through the past

>> No.2579851


>> No.2579852

you're mom :)

>> No.2579855

Holy fuck I wanna work there

>> No.2579856
File: 273 KB, 1200x1126, those are my balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>titty skittles

>> No.2579858

I just played with the offset and looked at the submissions' dates until I found the right date. I just found it again, it's on offset=116. Fucker submitted pretty early in the day, too.

>> No.2579859
File: 1.70 MB, 2719x1100, Doom Clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2579860

I'm not trans and I don't know any trans people (not that I know of) but i hope you can get what you want anon. People are hostile towards this sort of thing yes but you gotta remember people are hostile towards most things they've never experienced themselves, even things like depression or homosexuality. There are people out there who will support you, but you're right that wont likely find such here.

>> No.2579864

>like depression
>implying most people here haven't experienced depression

>> No.2579865

Hi ubf

>> No.2579867

I was speaking generally, but there are still a lot of people today who believe depression is made up, or it's something you can just "willpower" through.

>> No.2579869

They don't type like ubf.

>> No.2579871

I drink Soy. It tastes better and helps with the transition. I'm actually slightly lactose intolerant.

It's already a mental/physical disorder. That's why I have to see a shrink. You're a real genius.


No shit.

This thread just got derailed hard, hence me not bringing it up. I don't give a shit about the opinions of bigoted, toxic fucking anons, it's just easier to stay quiet.

I went with hanging when I tried actually. It would have worked too if it hadn't been for my damn little brother.

Titty skittles have actually made life a lot more bearable, and I'm pretty sure that surgery will make it even better. A little surprised that you used the term titty skittles though. hang around /lgbt/ much?

Hence me not wanting to say anything.

Who the fuck is ubf?

>> No.2579872
File: 1.82 MB, 300x264, qqwe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you know how other lasers type?

>> No.2579874

Idk, depression just tends to make people more jaded or hostile, everyone being anon also adds to that. explains why las is such a toxic environment.

>> No.2579876

I pay attention to the threads.

>> No.2579877

They don't but people like to play detective and act like they recognize people's typing patterns.

>> No.2579880

oh shit totally forgot about this ! and that 20 inch penis, typical of the NZ fauna

>> No.2579882
File: 508 KB, 1393x976, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who am I, then?

>> No.2579883

>It's already a mental/physical disorder
the sad thing is that there is people who would disagree with that, so I try to remind them of reality

>> No.2579889
File: 49 KB, 456x600, UIBvHyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These autists probably know color of your mom's panties already.

>> No.2579896
File: 359 KB, 641x368, Werdum-Encarada[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trick question, His mom's not wearing any panties

>> No.2579899

I really don't know who this ubf person is, but they aren't me, and I'm not them.

Most people here mental disorder and think that it means that the person would normally be institutionalized. They don't realize that there's a scale to this sort of thing.

Having your brain develop as "female" and your body develop as male in the womb isn't something that gets people institutionalized these days, but people like me do have to see a psychologist and an endocrinologist, so it fits the actual criteria of being abnormal/a deviation from a normal brain and body combination.

>> No.2579903

>I really don't know who this ubf person is

>> No.2579905

Dickbutt, are you ever going to stick around for more than a few days?

>> No.2579906

>I really don't know who this ubf person is, but they aren't me, and I'm not them.

>> No.2579908
File: 331 KB, 700x394, 45696924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a great challenge, santi.

>> No.2579912

」( ̄▽ ̄」)

That song always makes me laugh.

Seriously though, I'm not ubf. Are they trans too, or you guys just being dicks?

>> No.2579913

no we're not being dicks ubf really is a trans you'll get along well with him/her/it/they

>> No.2579916

Glad you like it familia

>> No.2579917

That remains to be seen, but okay.

>> No.2579920
File: 1.98 MB, 1360x768, all 4 u.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hang around /lgbt/ much?

A couple of times, wanted to see the reactions to that Orlando thing and before that wanted to see if there would any good threads about coming to terms with being bi. Of course it turns out to be such a hate filled board, and there's always a few gay threads, one or two lesbian threads, and a bucket load of ones for all kinds of confused people popping pills or wearing rainbow colored thigh-high socks, but not much for just being slightly less straight that normal.

Whenever I see people post about it they just get shouted down as being "biscum" and only mentioned when talking about how they're detested by everyone, so I never post, just lurk occasionally.

>> No.2579922

Can you tell what LAS I am by this sentence?

>> No.2579925


>> No.2579927


>> No.2579929

which las am i? :3

>> No.2579930


>> No.2579931

Ooooo wouldn't it be nice if week one ended, wouldn't it be nice if Rover came back...

>> No.2579932

How about now? Which LAS am I?

>> No.2579935


>> No.2579938


>> No.2579941


>> No.2579942

thats a pretty cool challenge santichasta almost had me hovering over the challenge choice too bad i suck and wont join it like all other challenges, shame. noticed fibinichi joined it too, nice.

>> No.2579945

Good luck with your transition! I can only imagine how hard it is but try to be patient, you'll eventually be in the body you were meant to be in hopefully! Be strong if you can. I wish you the best!

>> No.2579947

Come on join nobody's going to bully you

>> No.2579951


>> No.2579959

nobody should join any challenge just study and stop following those who can already express themselves, 90% of the submissions are from people who should never have stopped drawing anatomy studies.

>> No.2579961

Can't I do both at the same time?

>> No.2579965

you're wasting time with one of them but hey its your life, i dont even post here anymore i'm just here for the memes.

>> No.2579972

and I'm wasting my time?

>> No.2579978

>tfw I submit and still know I shouldn't stop doing anatomy studies

>> No.2579979

UBF claims to be female, but because "there are no girls on the internet" people think she's trans. She showed her hands in a stream and they look pretty feminine, though.

>> No.2579982

Hey anon, this may come as a surprise, but it's okay to have fun with art too.

>> No.2579986
File: 54 KB, 325x971, she.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a fucking guy, there's plenty of pics of his fag body, there is no way that is remotely female

>> No.2579987

She looks cute as fuck too. A few of her pics have been posted in this thread before. The one of her in ropes is <3

>> No.2579991

i've seen a lot of female bodies like that in person, so i dunno, it's not always that simple

>> No.2579994
File: 168 KB, 640x463, ubfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no way that is remotely female

>> No.2579996
File: 78 KB, 600x450, explain further.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone repost these images?

>> No.2579998

In whatever thread the pics were first posted in, ubf said something about having preferred pronouns. That means "they"' have at least something fucked up going on with their gender/sexuality/whatever things are called now.

Why does it matter, none of us will ever meet each other, let alone mash genitals.

>> No.2580001

ubf specifically said they don't care what people call them, boy/girl/they because they just don't give a shit and they have no preferred pronouns. Best way to deal with people trying to cause shit imo

>> No.2580002

wtf how tall is she

>> No.2580004

I think she said 6 feet in a stream some time

>> No.2580007

Well then, I believed it until now but that is most likely not a true female.

>> No.2580009


a messy, cramped desk. assorted clutter taking up a sizable chunk of it, two monitors, one of which is actually a somewhat old, tiny tv, and lots of eraser shavings.

>> No.2580010

tall girls exist anon

>> No.2580012

uhm, no?

>> No.2580018

Someone thought those hands were feminine? Looks like guy hands to me.

>> No.2580022

Yeah, that board is just as bad as /pol/ when it comes to the amount of shit flinging. People are always saying shit like "People who are bi always end up choosing one or the other, so it's just a phase," as if finding a partner and marrying them somehow made it so that they were only attracted to that person or at least only that person's gender. People are fucking dumb.

>confused people popping pills or wearing rainbow colored thigh-high socks
Yeah thanks anon.

By the way, what did you mean by SO in your last post?

>> No.2580025

Honestly a lot of people wanting to cut shit off themselves don't have a healthy mind. I'm not gonna postulate on how sound your head is, but I support the fact there's a set of guidelines in place for these doctors and surgeons who'd benefit and profit from these operations.

>> No.2580026

Significant other. I could have said bf or gf but who knows what the genders would be.

>> No.2580029

I fail to see any logic behind cutting off their dicks to begin with, it may be gone but you're still male and never will be a woman
this wishful thinking, people around you who "support" you, saying you should totally do it is all fuel to the fire that is a brain disfunction
I really hope we will find a way to help these people someday, until then therapy and the proper people to have around are a must

>> No.2580030

Any streams going on? Im getting the sinking feeling that most of the streamers are on the other side of the world from me. (Im pacific time)

>> No.2580034
File: 2.81 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me?

>> No.2580050

slump, for the family photo challenge, are we supposed to submit one family photo, one drawing of each member, and another drawing of a scene, or is that all a description of the first one? sorry if the answer is obvious but I really can't tell

>> No.2580057


My desk is bigger than that. Also the computer is a tower and there's more clutter. Maximum clutter. Except for the square where my sketchbook fits.

I keep a clean house, but somehow I can't keep a clean desk.

>> No.2580061
File: 466 KB, 3264x1836, desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2580064

As do I. There needs to be a barrier of entry so that nobody makes any huge mistakes. I've known that I was this way since I was a child, but the fact that some states are willing to have informed consent clinics is honestly a little bit terrifying. Hormones should not be taken lightly.

Significant other works for both of us then. Being with them doesn't make me feel better though, not in that way. Especially not when they want to have sex.

It's not logical. But here's the best example that I can give. If you had a large, very noticeable mole, you would want it removed. That's how I feel about my unfortunate appendage. It's a blemish, a disgusting, festering boil, and if there was a way for me to have SRS without having to use the pieces, then I'd want them burned.

I get that it won't make me truly female. I'll still have an XY chromosome makeup, I'll never be able to carry my own children, and I'll always have to deal with people who call me a degenerate, a faggot, or whatever else.

>> No.2580065
File: 70 KB, 800x450, desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot how big my phone photo settings were...

>> No.2580075

>That's how I feel about my unfortunate appendage. It's a blemish, a disgusting, festering boil
one that can grant life, something that will be lost forever when removed
because the alternative is just a mutilated man
and I don't mean to be an asshole, but feel free to call me such and not answer this but did someone twiddle you in your childhood?

>> No.2580082

Fuck you :^)

>> No.2580085

Actually, it already can't, anti-androgens make the user sterile within a year. Besides, I would never want to be somebody's father, and lucky for me, I get to make sure by getting the "life-giving bits" removed soon.

Yeah. I get it. I'm not a "real" woman.

You are an asshole, but not for asking that I guess, and don't act like you don't mean to be one.

When I told my older sister that I didn't like being a boy, and that whenever I saw that disgusting appendage I felt like I was going to puke she told my older brother. He decided that he should show me what women have to deal with. So no, I wasn't molested, just your regular ol' run of the mill raped. Guess that he thought it would set me straight, really wish that I didn't still remember what his unwashed dick tasted like though.

>> No.2580092

Youll need to submit a scene with the family you designed doing something (eating diner, on a picnic whatever), and submit something showing off their designs. You could draw each family member individually or together in a standing group, family photo style. Sorry that wasn't clear.

>> No.2580093

I'm no therapist but I've seen enough cases where a child's fantasies have been manifested as "truth" after an event like that
anyway, I am an asshole and sorry for bringing something unpleasent like that back into your mind
hope you get the treatment you need and get better, whatever that better may look like
and take a good look around yourself, and the people in your environment and what they think they know you should do
stuff like that can bring the worst colors within people to the surface

>> No.2580094

Nice fanfiction m8

>> No.2580102

I'm not really sure what any of that means, but I'd really like to drop the subject. To that end, I'm out.

Thanks for the review, be sure to share it on facebook. Take your (You) and fuck off, I'm not in the mood.

>> No.2580103

Go blog somewhere else faggot

>> No.2580105
File: 109 KB, 1324x666, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frog this is just yesterdays submission with a gray background...

>> No.2580107

He cleaned up the edges on the colors too, but that is most likely not 30 minutes of work.

>> No.2580109

>cleaned up the edges on the colors
friend that is literally a few seconds of work

>> No.2580111

More like literally a few minutes. But still not 30 minutes.

>> No.2580116


>> No.2580119


>> No.2580120
File: 59 KB, 415x423, Fuck nice things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to do my B Animals entirely.

>> No.2580129

Lava there's something wrong with the site. I've been submitting since week1 and I still haven't gotten gud yet, how long is this supposed to take? Pls fix this bug because it completely ruins the site. Thank you

>> No.2580133
File: 1.79 MB, 250x180, 1464159307395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been almost a month since challenges were introduced, thoughts so far? Any things lava could add to make them better? Have you found them helpful? Have the challenge makers been doing an awful job and should all be shot in the kneecaps?

>> No.2580138

I love them, they're so fun. Only adjustment I've been thinking of is to allow us to join or leave the challenge even after it officially starts. Maybe allow the creator to choose whether they want that or not, in the case of challenges where you're supposed to resubmit daily or are dependent on the other lasses (like the collab challenge). On one hand it would reduce the pressure of joining and thus make people more likely to join, but on the other hand it might make them more likely to flake out. So I don't know.

>> No.2580139

I've put in 450-500 hours since day 1, and while I've definitely improved, it doesn't feel like enough progress for the time put in. Maybe by day 1720 I'll be gud.

>> No.2580143
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 1466363483278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it so you can join for the first few days
but NEVER leave

>> No.2580151

How do you guys keep your books open so you can draw at the same time as reading them? I tried putting loads of paper weights and stuff to keep the pages down and all but it's all quite annoying to setup, and still unstable

>> No.2580154

by pirating scans.

>> No.2580156

>spent 4 hours fucking around with a sketch by constantly deleting and rearranging the picture
>could of spent that time studying stuff and actually improving
drawing is gonna fucking ki

>> No.2580159

You also could have* spent that time learning English.

>> No.2580168

Fucking around with a sketch is where you really learn anon, don't sweat it. Doing a few hours fucking around and a couple studying is the best combo, or one day study, one day personal, etc. Ignore the anon saying doing challenges is a bad idea and unless you're studying anatomy 24/7 then you're wasting your time.

>> No.2580175

It's the best thing about LAS and I get alot out of it. It's a more fun version of homework and if you join several at once, it feels like school (esp if they have a mere 7 day timeframe). Im apprehensive about making my own challenge, I don't want to make one that seems boring to the other LASses.

Being able to drop out of the challenge sort of defeats the purpose because it takes out the pressure. Be honest anon, whats the likelihood of joining a challenge that's outside your comfort zone and actually committing to it if you had the option of leaving 1-2 days before it ends?

I pirate scans, xerox pages that I know I will reference often and hang them on my wall, or buy this

>> No.2580199

>5 days till mech challenge
>still haven't started

>> No.2580201

5 seconds is plenty of time

>> No.2580217

If I draw a Mech in space tomorrow, I could fill all of the challenges at once, right?

>> No.2580221

I'm just gonna pull a Lokki and do half

>> No.2580229

>tfw can't sleep because tummy hurts

>> No.2580239
File: 59 KB, 616x299, ss+(2016-06-28+at+07.42.19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ywn get to colab like these bros

>> No.2580242
File: 68 KB, 300x300, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli and Neko
sitting in a tree,

>> No.2580244

admiiiiin they're doing it agaiiiiin

>> No.2580248

I regret scrolling up.

>> No.2580250


>> No.2580251
File: 83 KB, 1016x502, 1404325792152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First comes love,
then comes marriage!

>> No.2580254

how much was your cintiq? im thinking of grabbing one

>> No.2580260
File: 510 KB, 800x986, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2580264

on the internet, no one knows your a cat

>> No.2580266


>> No.2580267

you're a fucking cat o.O

>> No.2580268


>> No.2580270

Can you check who is following you or has lava not added that feature either...

>> No.2580271
File: 956 KB, 841x849, 1442839454374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REPORT HIS SUBMISSION HERE http://lavaflake.com/draw/submissions/?offset=116

>> No.2580275

r... e... p... o... r... t... e... d... ;^)

>> No.2580279

it was like $900 used it's one of the older models.

>> No.2580283

ah fuck me in the ass, im gonna sell my sister and buy one

>> No.2580284

It's not been added on purpose.

>> No.2580286

>tfw lucky enough to have a job that pays well and supports my art dreamz

>> No.2580293

i got the funds but i dont know how much use ill get out of it to justify the purchase you know? my line work is really tight at the moment but i know a cintiq would raise it that touch more, im betting it costs a lot because it comes with a lot of software too right? like photoshops etc

>> No.2580300

They're nice, could use some customisation though, and some features/options to turn on and off when creating them.
Throwing out some ideas:
-daily check in requirement
-shuffling join order when challenge begins
-voting for winner at the end so we can have competitions (open or closed to non-participants, or only host judges)
-allowing late join
-multiple submissions like the roughs in the comic challenge for multi-part challenges
-permanently ongoing challenges? for people to go back and do ones they missed and catch up like animation exercises, etc

-thumbnails for submissions like the main submission page
-hyperlinks work in challenge rules/description
-embedding images in rules/description
-visible challenge # isn't really needed
-allow longer start delay than 3 days, enough time to have traditional art supplies delivered from amazon for medium-based challenges
- upload display picture for the challenge
-highlight for challenges you created, like the green bg that shows ones you've joined
-no bullet point for blank lines in rules
-remove filler text that appears when the description isn't very long or something?
-integrated comments/discussion? always a shame when a challenge ends and nobody says anything

-add capital letter to the one character nine outfits challenge and eliminate lordslump from LAS as punishment

>> No.2580311 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 1385x909, B.VA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best skin?

>> No.2580323

what have been the best challenges so far?

also this is good >>2580300

>> No.2580330

photoshop you can pirate easily enough, or just give in to CC and pay the small monthly subscription.

or just get krita.

>> No.2580331

Agree with all the points except:

>daily check in requirement
Please no, i don't want it to turn into another chore. The system is fine as it is.

>-shuffling join order when challenge begins
Does the order mean anything? I guess only for stuff like Sketch Swap, but people already join in semi-random order, you can't really predict who will join and when.

>-voting for winner at the end so we can have competitions (open or closed to non-participants, or only host judges)
How about selecting 3 best entries (gold, silver, bronze) based on the number of votes? Also an opportunity to plug in badges in the future,

>-permanently ongoing challenges? for people to go back and do ones they missed and catch up like animation exercises, etc
I would prefer them to have an end date so you'll fell accomplished when done. There will always be new opportunities to do old stuff, like how Animation Challenge 2 is structured right now.

>-integrated comments/discussion? always a shame when a challenge ends and nobody says anything
If no one comments in this thread, no one will in integrated comments. Better way to fix this is to encourage discussions about results here, which some anons do (there were a lot of great feedback from Animation and Gesture challenges for example).

lordslump's design challenges were the most useful for me, hopefully he'll continue adding them. Sketch swap was the most fun one.

>> No.2580333

my tummy... (◡ ﹏ ◡ )

>> No.2580337

lava pls punish jp he deserves it

>> No.2580340

Only meant them all as optional settings that you could enable based on the challenge you're making, eg if it's a challenge where you do something in the order people joined (like each person adds 30 mins work to the same painting until everyone has gone) you could tick the shuffle option so that the creator doesn't always have to go first.

>> No.2580352

>tfw no qt drawfriends like loli and neko

>> No.2580353

>tfw all alone irl
>tfw thought joining las would help me meet like minded people
>tfw still all alone

>> No.2580355

thats the thing, with cintiq you're mainly paying the extra for the added software licences no? my bamboo tablet came with photoshop and 3 other art software that i felt made the thing cost more.

>> No.2580361

there is no software that comes with a cintiq, the price is just the price
also don't buy one with touch support, it's a shitty gimmic you'll never use that costs hundreds of dollars extra

>> No.2580403

wanna be drawfriends??

>> No.2580406
File: 307 KB, 480x270, nanana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf, i do like the LAS chatroom though, poon and susi are cool dudes

>> No.2580408


>> No.2580413

Okay guys, time to stop hiding my powerlevel

>> No.2580417

Fibinochi? Lava? Rover? Loomis? fuckyoumang?
Oh wait... No. It's just a shitposter.

>> No.2580419

All of these names don't have a powerlevel to hide. They are b-e-g-i-n-n-e-r-s. All they have are ridiculous critiques coming from a point of no experience.

>> No.2580421

I reported it just now. I wonder what the deal was since he lost his token right before and the second submission was uploaded as an album despite being a single image.

>> No.2580428
File: 143 KB, 1052x722, 1447461660859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that makes sense.

How about we also do a small collab? What themes do you guys like?

>> No.2580429

Let's do a collab!

>> No.2580430


>> No.2580439
File: 993 KB, 540x540, 1465791944269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% off

>> No.2580441

loli, neko, artscrub
could you at least get your moonrunes right, please?

>> No.2580445
File: 34 KB, 442x525, Sadnessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one will ever colab with me

>> No.2580450


>> No.2580452

what's your username?

>> No.2580453


>> No.2580472

beat me to it

>> No.2580477

i dont draw enough cute anime girls.
tfw i wont make it cus of lack of cute anime girls.

>> No.2580479

Just enlarge the head and eyes and you've got an anime girl, boost up contrast and saturation and add chromatic aberration too

>> No.2580486

i had a nicd dream, i think ill wleep more and habd eveh nicer dreams =3=

>> No.2580490
File: 997 KB, 160x160, 1461168305445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight, anon

>> No.2580492


>> No.2580503

This topic challenge made me realize that the humans did something great by sending a man to the moon

>> No.2580507

Well, If you are so easily impressionable...

>> No.2580545
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 2701b398-9bdf-460e-ace5-b21f6cf30095_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the real Santichasa please stand up

>> No.2580561

Alright, the coffee and comfy music are ready and i'm starting my version, will post in an ~hour.
Last digit of my post decides the palette: 0-4 = cooler colors, 5-9 = warmer.

Why am i not surprised..

>> No.2580611

I did the inner critic thing. Is there a way that I can submit it and then make a separate submission for the other stuff that I do today?

>> No.2580618

submit it to the challenge and your other stuff to the man LAS dashboard

>> No.2580619

Thanks anon.

>> No.2580659

I only have placeholder images for them but badges and stats will be ready in a couple days. I wanted them done sooner but last week was busy with doctor stuff. One more appointment this week then I'm good to go for a while

>> No.2580667


>> No.2580673
File: 132 KB, 1649x931, 1465790312312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2580676




>> No.2580685

What does it matter? You're still not a week 1

>> No.2580692
File: 332 KB, 643x480, 1466563776889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like i care about your cancerous weekwunner circlejerk.

>> No.2580709


>> No.2580716
File: 1.70 MB, 2448x1836, tablet is on the folding chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2580720

stay hydrated friend

>> No.2580733


>> No.2580736


>> No.2580741

Cause I'm SantiChasca, yes I'm the real Santi
All you other SantiChascas are just imitating
So won't the real SantiChasca please stand up,
Please stand up, please stand up?

>> No.2580744
File: 446 KB, 1452x809, collab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, time is up, so this is it. I'll define my character some more and will add her in the final version (if anyone joins at all, lol. Please don't leave her alone, LAS ;_;).
Anyone is invited to join in, feel free to add your characters and modify the image however you want, hopefully it's abstract and unsaturated enough. We could include our versions as our submissions for today/tomorrow, might be fun to see who did what. Maybe even plagiarize LoliNeko more and add our names above characters.
https://i.imgur.com/rA1hCc0.jpg - here's the perspective i used if anyone wants it, totally optional though.


>> No.2580748

Cool, gonna do mine thanks anon

>> No.2580749

I want you're mom.

hey, if 00:00:00ers are Timelords, then are 23:59:59ers Edgelords?

>> No.2580760


Pretty sure edgelord is in the list.

Title for people in the 23:30 club have "crazy" themed names like Daredevil whereas the forza team have speed themes like Fast and Furious etc

>> No.2580778

>Im apprehensive about making my own challenge, I don't want to make one that seems boring to the other LASses.
I made a challenge, someone almost immediately shat on it in the thread, but then a bunch of people ended up joining it. If you think the idea seems fun or interesting, chances are others will too. Follow your dreams, mate.

>> No.2580780

Lava, could you tell us what achievements have you choosen to be?

>> No.2580787

Probably the ones that he left on the spreadsheet after cleaning/refining it.

>> No.2580795

I hope the Dragon Dick Badge survived the refinement :3

>> No.2580803

Yeah like >>2580787 said it's the spreadsheet plus a bunch of dumb ones that will probably be removed. I'm going to call it the badge beta and I can come back later and change them around and add/remove them.


>> No.2580805

link to the spreadsheet, please!

>> No.2580806

D-': but they're so beautiful

>> No.2580810


>> No.2580818

those combo ones are gonna be hard D:

>> No.2580819

Lava, since some of the badges are for negative things ("Irresponsible", "We trusted you"...) are they gonna show like shameful bad badges or something?

>> No.2580821

Those look great.

>> No.2580822

If you achieve the "Wombo Combo" badge would that automatically give you "Combo", "Ultra Combo" and "Multitasker"?

>> No.2580827

negative badges should be violet-blue, and positive badges should be orange.

>> No.2580831
File: 4 KB, 303x243, Wario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like what LAS is becoming
I love you guys

>> No.2580838

We're gonna be the next CA.org when lava puts the forum section!

>> No.2580844

>forum section
haha :3
hehe :3

>> No.2580846

has lava implemented crits yet?

>> No.2580857

Yes, just type /summon critkeeper in the search bar and hit enter

>> No.2580858


>> No.2580859


Can you screenshot and show me? It doesn't work when I try it

>> No.2580863

*muffled sniggering*

>> No.2580867

no ofc not, badges are more important :^)

>> No.2580872

Hot damn do I love these colors.

>> No.2580876

We're gonna have a problem here

>> No.2580901
File: 263 KB, 1366x665, critkeepr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go buddy

>> No.2580910

I'm tired of critkeeper, he's starting to say the same things at each request
Lava, when are you going to fix it?

>> No.2580911

Thanks! Found it!

>> No.2580913

lava high level shitposting

>> No.2580940

I think susis a bit mean tbqh
then again I'd not be surprised if there's a few autistic people in LAS, and they sometimes go too far with banter and it becomes bullying

same, just keep troopin trooper ;_;7
when we're down to only 10 people left in LAS we're bound to get noticed

>> No.2580944

>when we're down to only 10 people left in LAS we're bound to get noticed


>> No.2580950

nice books m8

>> No.2580956

>I think susis a bit mean tbqh
Because susi is a girl and girls are spiteful and talks shit whenever shes in a picarto or piczel stream.

>> No.2580958

>tfw I would unironically become the critkeeper and crit any requests each day

helping people feels good

>> No.2580965
File: 207 KB, 697x940, ngmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats the joke

>> No.2580990

Susipari is a total cunt. I used to go to the lassie streams or whatever, his constant bragging and entitled attitude is awful, pretty much the only reason I don't go there anymore. And you guys thought choob was a dick.

>> No.2580996
File: 454 KB, 1132x960, d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lava are you the CripKeeper? the Crippled guy who gives crits?

>> No.2580997
File: 442 KB, 500x246, mmhm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone mean or harsh on the internet? NO

That being said, strem (as long as my internet connection permits).


You're welcome to come scold me and stuff if you have feelings that need to be let out.

>> No.2580998
File: 199 KB, 796x717, 1462494835961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night she was being an asshole over brexit and im sure she was the one that put choobs British picture on tribunal because no one wants her in England :^)

>> No.2581007


>> No.2581014


>> No.2581019

i doubt he cares about this highschool drama shit

>> No.2581021
File: 1.06 MB, 1452x809, snow collab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't let such a cute /las/sie play out in the cold all alone.
Here, for your snowman.

>> No.2581059

i hate susi so much

so fucking much

>> No.2581061

Who doesn't

>> No.2581082


>> No.2581216

help me learn!