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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1348438236249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2578089 No.2578089 [Reply] [Original]

>Been drawing for 7-8 hours today
>No more drawing today, need to rest
>Realize I have nothing to do besides playing uninteresting Steam games

>> No.2578092
File: 38 KB, 610x356, Neanderthal-610x356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a book or something.

>> No.2578093
File: 24 KB, 155x155, 1326549323990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been drawing 8 hours today
>Finish, roll a joint, go to my backyard
>Blaze it while looking at the sky

Life is great

>> No.2578102

um overwatch?

>> No.2578124
File: 609 KB, 764x605, PolnareffLamentsTheLossOfHisEarring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw too slow
>Do gesture studies to improve speed
>Everything is an unrecognizable mess
>Try to be patient
>Oh God I'm going to be 25 this year
>Not gonna make it

>> No.2578144

>been working all week
>worked all weekend at second job
>realize I smell a bit because I haven't showered this weekend
>decide to make a cup of coffee and doodle around instead
>tfw no gf
It's a good feel though

>> No.2578158
File: 29 KB, 412x430, 1466542756106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


25 is still young, I know how to make you improve faster, just read the new Steve Houston book or Michael Hampton, seriously.

Also this

1: Read Perspective Made Easy and do all the exercises.
2: Read How to Draw by Scott Robertson and do all the exercises and watch the videos.
3: Read Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis and/or Michael Hampton and do all the exercises.
4: Read Drawing the Head and Hands by Loomis and do all the exercises.
5: Read Force by Michael Mattesi.
6: Read How to Render by Scott Robertson and do all the exercises.
7: Read Color and Light by James Gurney and do all the exercises.

There you go, with 4 hours of focused practice a day (don't check your smartphone every 30 seconds) this training will last a whole year or a bit more. Also you need money to buy the books and a cintiq or intuos pro and ellipse templates etc.

After you complete that just do what you want for a while, explore styles, what you like to paint and such. THEN make a list of the things you are not good at and you want to learn and get to it.

>> No.2578176
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x900, Th-thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2/7 of those books. Thank you sir. Screencapped.

>> No.2578199

Just keep on doing 30 second gestures, anon.

You'll learn efficiency eventually.

>> No.2578215
File: 40 KB, 600x412, 52758a064cc7df45a34e8cb360d3d77f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First draw a curve that represents the spine, then a ball for the head, an egg for ribcage and ellipse for pelvis, then connect those masses accordingly, that's it, gesture pose

take a look at pic related and think what the artist was trying to do here

>> No.2580550


but hamptons gestures are utter shit

>> No.2580553

>going to begin rapidly losing Neuroplasticity
feels bad man

>> No.2580555

Hoping that I gonna make it.
>turning 23
But I'm still utter shit at doing gestures.

>> No.2580556

Post some good gestures famalam

>> No.2580578
File: 304 KB, 436x4625, f372821305c5d8914820ccdb0710d8ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few sure. I really love gesture.

>> No.2580579
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>> No.2580584
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>> No.2580585
File: 51 KB, 564x466, 796e72843d8daf39ecf585d3c5177030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory yoh

>> No.2580588

these are moreso quick gestural sketches than gesture drawings

>> No.2580591
File: 67 KB, 564x933, d0965971584f3c2bea49adda366b8496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2580600


One and 2 are of the same. A gesture can be 10 seconds to find the line of action, 30 seconds to find the general flow, a minute to get flow and indication of expression, 2 minutes to get the action and indication of major shape, 5 minutes to indicate anatomy but not fully drawing the anatomy to hinting the areas of light. It all depends on the goal of the gesture and what gesture means to you, nobody patented what gesture truly means, especially not hampton.

>> No.2581205


>people talk shit about /ic/
This place is fine. Thankyou based anons

>> No.2581211

>This place is fine.

You haven't been here long enough.

>> No.2581213

>doing anything but working on art
You fucked up

>> No.2581233

>work intensive for a deadline
>disconnect from social life and spend all my free time in the studio
>it's done
>get post-child depression
>don't want to paint, but have nothing left to do in my free time

I really need to find more balance in my life

>> No.2581243
File: 41 KB, 500x388, impslive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the longest time I have been afraid of getting into drawing properly. I convinced myself I was too old. That none of the stuff that I'd create mattered. That there are so many amazing artists out there that I'll never stand toe to toe with, so why bother?

This is a toxic line of thinking. All of those fears are completely idiotic. I've got ideas in my head that want to be drawn, that is all there is to it. If I'm going to let myself get held back by all these inconsequential anxieties then I might as well kill myself. I live for these ideas and let them take form into the world. Sure, they may not be the prettiest or most noteworthy, but they're there for me to look at, free from the confines of my mind, no longer linked to my mortality.

I love creating things for the sake of it. Sure, I'd love to improve, and I'm working on it, but the point for me is not to be the best. I just want to bring my ideas to life alongside the arguably short life that I'm going to live.

I'm sure that's the same for many people on here. There are all these people with beautiful worlds inside their heads that are begging to be let out, to come to physical shape.

Worry not about your anxieties, it is afterall way better to waste pencils and paper than it is to waste time.

>> No.2581264
File: 44 KB, 740x738, 1459713732309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally draw smut for a living
>Live with girlfriend, doesn't know what I do for a living, tell her it's graphic design
>pull in $1000-1300 a month roughly
>sometimes i get non-smut work but it's pretty much 80/20 smut.
>I enjoy what i do but i want to be like those guys on deviant-art who make amazing landscapes and cool character designs and live off that.
>paycheck to paycheck
>draw 11 hrs a day,

>> No.2581268

post work? Just curious to see what level you're at.

>> No.2581275
File: 239 KB, 631x719, sheeeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't post my smut because of reasons, but have this.

>> No.2581277
File: 1.35 MB, 200x179, 1432837458592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be internet artist
>try to converse with other internet artists
>9/10 of them are just hyperactive/over sensitive manchildren who obsess over nothing but porn and memes.

Why is it nigh impossible to find other chill artists on the internet? Most of my friends aren't artists and it seems like it's better this way. Most of the other artists I run into online I can't stand as people.

>> No.2581285

cool, looks like you're at about an intermediate level. Hope things work out for you dude

>> No.2581311

>makes living
>has gf
normie pls

>> No.2581450
File: 385 KB, 579x651, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practicing figure drawing
>get tricky pose
>continually fuck it up
>can't draw anything right for the rest of the day

>> No.2581456

go to galleries and shit. fucking meet people

>> No.2581458
File: 19 KB, 500x404, 12206196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just above rock bottom, guys

>> No.2581460


>> No.2581466


Rock bottom would be quitting but I don't have the guts to finish the job and push myself into the trashcan

>> No.2581493

I was specifically talking about the online scene. Offline isn't an issue as the few artist friends I do have I've met offline. But the online art scene is toxic as fuck. I'd assume it has to do with it being mostly fan-art based and I hate fandoms in general.

>> No.2581543


>tricky pose
>simplify body by using boxes and cylinders

>> No.2581714
File: 453 KB, 400x300, karo kano.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I alway feel the very same way in drawing in general.
>Draw something decent
>Would always think some 14 year old in Korea could draw better
>Would lie about my age to other artist
>Practice a very strict skin care using up to 14 products a day
>Improve my drawings while researching skin care ingredients, ph, order, etc.
>Exercise so I can say to myself "Hey I maybe be a meh artist for my age but at least I have something artist want, a six pack
>My incredible competitive nature successfully took down artist in my field saying "Oh my God you have an nature talent in illustration." or "Man I would kill to be good in graphic arts like you!"
So far I'm turning 23 but confused for being 18-20 and lie to other artist that I'm 16-18 just to see them internal scream.
Hell at 13 I thought if I didn't reach to my standards I need to kill myself at 25 because I thought you are suppose to be at your peak by then. I know its stupid know but that shows how even at an young age, I was drowning in my pride and would always be embarrassed of my age. Even if I reached to my peer's level when they were say 15 and I was 17 I thought it was a lose cause because they would already reached to ethereal god mode and would look upon me as a peasant.
I always wanted people to like I'm way better than them in almost every way; being humble and modest on the outside but really thriving on them secretly crying on the inside from jealous.

I'm a horrible human being that might needs help.

>> No.2581726

Holy fuck I just realize how retarded my grammar was.
Goes to show I shouldn't of water bong my weed before posting
Sorry guys hopefully you understand my stoned rambling since it was pretty honest.

>> No.2581758

also retarded for not realizing were all lying about our ages, I'm not 14, im actually 41

>> No.2581761

you got issues man. Try meditating, helped me. Free yourself from validation addiction.

>> No.2581767

This is where I'd make a joke about you seeming like you were 12, but I have to say Nose, you've gotten better. Not at drawing, but at being civil.

>> No.2581769

Is that even the real one?

>> No.2581797

I relate a lot, except on the being fit part.

>> No.2581801

stay home and cut off ties from friends
become a stay at home neet and you'll eventually learn to not depend on others' thoughts

>> No.2581816
File: 57 KB, 724x417, 27 years old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was NEET for 2 years and would compare with younger artist online. If /fit/ has thought me anything, I rather to compare to improve than sucking on my own dick and never progress.
You can never escape the madness

>> No.2581817

>be 24
>want to draw fetish smut for a niche crowd on DA
>been drawing for about 3 years now, still noticeably beginner

I swear one day I'll have those autists on DA eating my smut out of my hands one day

>> No.2581818

Fuck I'm horrible today

>> No.2581831


>> No.2581839

same senpai, I tell normies i'm 18
I'm actually 27
helps that I'm asian though

>> No.2581844

Black don't crack
Asian don't raisin
Sadly I'm white so I have to buy all my skincare from Asia since they would have better skincare since they have centuries evolving a culture to never turning dark or crack

>> No.2581947

You've put so much pressure and meaning on the things you do that it is starting to block you eventually. Of all the things /ic/ gets wrong it is one of the major ones: the more you build up something like this:
>I must and shall do this and do it perfectly with research and hours of sweat because this one thing represents all I am worth as a person better kill myself if I fail
The least likely you are to do it.

>> No.2581949

What skincare? I have to write a "3" in front when I write my age and it is starting to show.

>> No.2581961
File: 1.34 MB, 2191x1233, luftwaffe dads finished yah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How many people on here actually lie about their age?
I'm 21.

>> No.2581963

Dangit. I meant 20. I'll turn 21 next February.

>> No.2581966

>wage cuck with a 9 to 5
>have 6 hours to come home, eat dinner, draw, & lift before sleep
I'm gonna be 28 this year.
Who /notgonnamakeit/ here?

>> No.2581970

I do that regimen too (except only have 4 hours) + extra studies to fuck off from the job in question and get a better one later.
I'm 30 and I didn't make it, but that doesn't mean I enjoy drawing less. It will just never bring me money.

>> No.2581990

Ah similar work life balance - I'm the poly sleep guy, I'm 29. No plans on making it. I decided it was too stressful to attempt to live off your artwork. Drawing does make for a nice hobby.

>> No.2581998

What if I want to be as good as someone who made it but am perfectly fine making money in my stem job.

>> No.2582010

I'm the 30 dude
Tbf I don't think you can be as good as someone who made it if most of your waking hours are invested in something else, but how important is reaching that level to you? And do you know why? Do you want validation, to at least hear people tell you " oh anon you could have been an artist"?
Also the whole "you need to be at your peak at 25" is bs. Just take an art class with old people and watch them progress.

>> No.2582027

I want to be able to draw whatever I want and not have it be hindered by my skill. It's a personal thing, I want to get gud even if progress is slow. If I throw a drawing up online somewhere and people want to throw money and praise at me so be it. But I also realize that's unlikely and am fine pursuing what I consider an equal passion: programming, as a career.

But I get that nagging voice in the back of my head telling me to drop everything and draw all day every day or I'll always be shit.

>> No.2582042

>draw all day everyday
That's how you burn out of your passion very fast though

>> No.2582076
File: 143 KB, 683x1024, skincare 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must use makeup remover if wearing makeup

Cleansing water if I'm wearing sunscreen (oil cleaning if makeup)

Foam cleansing (ph must be 5.5) with a clarisonic

Ph balancing toner
Sulwhasoo products are my favorite but buy samples on eBay since the jar could rack up to $200+

Love the C-ster High Performance Powder lately but a bit drying mix with an essence and wait 30 min if you are gonna apply anything with niacinamide (would create hydrogen peroxide on your face, canceling both products and reddening your skin if you don't wait for the powder mixture to adsorb first) or retinol (which would also cancel if you don't wait)

Retinol for wrinkles

Then I finish with the rest of my Sulwhasoo skincare with their eye creams, oil, cream and sleeping mask

This is amazing for 30-50 year old skin but even in my early 20's its easier to prevent than to treat

Pro tip:

>There is no solid evidence on food causing breakouts however 4 bottles of water (2000ml) with benefit the skin
>NEVER USE A BAR OF SOAP ON THE FACE. Will disturpt your pH and destroy your skin
>Sleep with a cool mist humidifier for hydration
>If you have acne ask your doc for antibiotics and spironolactone (if hormonal)
>If you are having a bit of a break out use Cosrx Acne Pimple Master Patch or CNP Laboratory Acne patches when you do to bed
>Use the PMD device once a week for getting rid of dead skin
>Try sheet masking three times a week since they are so concentrated that everyday use could clog pores
>Use a physical+chemical suncreen everytime you go near the sun since UVA and UVB rays will age you and create dark spots.Cosrx Aloe Soothing Sun Cream is what I personally use
>Never neglect the neck, collarbone, and hands
Any questions?
I feel like I could get an dermatologist license if I tried hard enough. God I'm really autistic with skincare

>> No.2582088

You're a grill?

What is cleansing water even. Foam cleaner Clarisonic what?
Heck what is half of what you said.
I just apply sunscreen in summer and stop at that, then wash my face in the shower with whatever shower gel I have. So I shouldn't?

>> No.2582090

Or you can get off /ic/ and practice. Come on anon I know you can do this.

>> No.2582103
File: 36 KB, 663x579, rlm_mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw with pen
>fuck it up with a texture
>can't go back or the fix would look worse

>> No.2582108

>Draw whole life, hit brick wall
>Finally try constructing the body from boxes
>suddenly have better understanding of form in general
Things do get better, bros

>> No.2582114
File: 456 KB, 480x361, 1415050214327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too fucking impatient while drawing
>don't think through my drawing enough before drawing
>turns out to be a shitty symbol drawing every time
I need to relax and I can't
I doodled too much when I was younger and now its become a horrible habit that I can't break

>> No.2582122
File: 255 KB, 1600x1068, IMG_2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try bert dodson keys. it helped me a lot.

>> No.2582132

Literally still recovering from this after a month

>> No.2582144


>tfw you're much better than this guy but work shit job because you're too insecure to put yourself out there.

>> No.2582149

No grills don't research, only gay men (which explains why /cgl/ only buys for packaging than ingredients)

Cleaning is the most important process in skincare. Because it will help you remove dirt, oil, and excess sebum is on your face and help you absorb your products better.

Cleasing water helps remove sunscreen since sleeping with it on can clog pores. Afterwards use cleansing foam to get rid of remaining gonk on your skin you accumulated over the day.

Do your skincare twice a day and after you shower. It is maintenance, but it is really worth it to prevent wrinkles and having clear skin.

A Clarisonic is a device that is optional however greatly helps giving your skin a deep clean buy removing dead skin cells

Product recommendation for the bare minimum
>Cleansing Water: Dr.Jart+ Dermaclear Micro Water
>Cleansing Foam: Cosrx Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser
>Toner: Benton Aloe BHA Skin Toner
>Serum: Sulwhasoo Capsulized Ginseng Fortifying Serum (buy samples on ebay)
>Mosturizer: Sulwhasoo - Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Cream (buy samples on ebay)
>Sunscreen: Cosrx Aloe Soothing Sun Cream

>> No.2582151

See >>2582149

>> No.2582159

this basically dude

ic needs more pot

>> No.2582162

>tfw eurofag an have none of that here
I'll try to look up some stuff on eBay. I'm rather concerned about parabens though

>> No.2582265

>implying that drawing well matters more than attitude and marketing skills

>> No.2582276

>need to rest
not gonna make it

>> No.2582297
File: 80 KB, 243x247, vilppumeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you on 4chan instead of studying volume, faggot?
not gonna make it

>> No.2582302

2 week vacation.

>> No.2582627

You know Amazon exist right
Well parabens aren't super bad since do make great preservatives. I think Sulwhasoo's creams have some but their ingredient list is so big that it has .02% parabens. A lot of the listed are Korean but they are pretty based ingredients and worth a try man.

>> No.2582646
File: 273 KB, 405x514, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>need to rest

>> No.2582671
File: 89 KB, 960x927, trigger discipline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to try oils
>can't assemble a good palette of colors
>colors mix like shit and turn orange when they dry
>they actually never dry because they're oily as shit
fucking 3rd world I swear

>> No.2582702

I think it's too expensive for what is in it. I'm not wowed at the composition of the cream. Second ingredient on the cream is butylene glycol, first actually moisturizing one is glycerine, you got dimeticone (you know that seals off your face right? and hair shaft in shampoos), then you get a bunch of emulgators (and let me tell you, you don't need that much of those to make a cream), then only do you get vegetable oils, and then some more meme ingredients. If there was resounding proof about ginseng being that good, yeah, but now I don't believe the hype.
Vit A and C, and a good sunscreen are the only things we can reasonable assume have an anti-wrinkle effect.

I'm a more positive on the serum but it's lots of resounding plant stuff and then again massive butylene glycol and alcohol. I don't know. If I had samples and I was positive and felt like splurging, why not the serum. Some really crappy "high fashion" brand stuff is way worse for more money. I wouldn't bother with the cream.

it's repeated exposure that is rumored to be bad, so doesn't matter how little there is, it's in the combination of loads of different products that the devil hides.

so far it's animal studies that suggest stuff and only on some parabens, not all. If you live in a city toxic fumes are probably killing you faster, if you eat red meat it's worse. I'd only really start worrying about parabens if you had a hormonal imbalance of some sorts and even then that's just to err on the cautious side. When they take out the 'bens they replace them with other preservatives that are more allergenic and often in larger doses so it's not an advance. Only true "preservative free" stuff comes in vacuum packaging and you'll pay for that.

t. pharmacist

>> No.2582769

>age 27 getting closer and closer
>it was fun a couple years ago but now it seems like i will stay a chris no matter what
will you guys read my mlp/undertale comics about applesans?

>> No.2582857

Yes I was skeptical on the Sulwhasoo cream at first after seeing ingredient list as well but surprise that it was better than the meme Benton. It just absorbed better for my normal skin type and never really broke out. I know when I researched the cream I got this:

So ginseng wasn't as bad as I thought now the serum really is great, better than the gifted SKII I had to use. SKII is so fucking garbage I will never understand the hype on that. The TimeTreasure Renovating Cream might be worth a try actually

>> No.2582886

I'm 23 and I have been looking like I'm 30 for two years, whenever I'm out with my dad he has to explain to people he is 23 haha
I have given up on the world, I was born to be a monster but my drawings can look nive

>> No.2582974

How long does your routine take?

>> No.2582982

>tfw you spend more time planning than practicing

>> No.2582994

15 to 60 minutes its really worth it though
I try to multitask like I'll draw while wearing mask or something

>> No.2583286

I wish you had a throwaway so I could write out all my questions without derailing this topic further.

>> No.2584355

I'm turning 28 in 10 minutes

i haven't caught up to anybody. my peers are already veterans. and i haven't made anything of myself.

>> No.2584366


You could be really good in five years if you have the time and work ethic. In five years you'll be 33, which isn't that old.

>> No.2584393

Happy Birthday anon. I turned 28 earlier this year too and I'm still playing catch up. We can do it m8. Just gotta put in the time. 28 isn't that old and when it comes to art, age doesn't mean much of anything. As long as your work is solid that's all that matters.

>> No.2584396

>It's july
>that means in 6 months I'll be 23
>and still not pro

>> No.2584470

are you born in december? 1993? so am I

>> No.2584644

yes anon, /highfive

>> No.2585647

>start out, complete shit, but try drawing things and have fun
>make enough progress to have your lack of skill prevent you from trying to draw things
>stop drawing because of how shit you are at it

I used to really like drawing, but now I never feel the urge to do it because I know nothing I try to create will turn out well. I've always wanted to be good at drawing, and I feel like I'm finally having to let that dream go.

>> No.2585762

I'm the same too. I'm 25 though. I only have 2 hours of drawing time after work, dinner, and working out. My life is so comfortable I don't want to do art as a job. But sometimes I like to daydream. Am I wasting away my life?

>> No.2585773
File: 11 KB, 600x600, bronzecatworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you have over 80 pages of badly drawn anime fanart for a cult status book and you don't know what to do with it. you dont know where it's taking you but you still keep drawing more pages and you never know when this is all gonna end

>> No.2585778

>plan to draw for at least an hour
>start with some quick gestures
>they suck
>quit after 10 minutes
>don't draw for another few days
>try again
>rinse and repeat

pls help

>> No.2585795

> tfw good enough to get into art center ed, my lifelong dream
> tfw I dont even want to anymore because I like money too much

>> No.2585798

>80 pages of badly drawn anime fanart for a cult status book
I'm intrigued. Post project link plox

>> No.2585814


CWC related I presume from the totem?

>> No.2585823
File: 37 KB, 500x353, 3ce2c79e77983d54aa4a83de3f6fd1ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make a page for it yet though I posted some pictures online. Now it's very google searchable with a couple right keywords and I am on the front page. It's only a matter of time until my stuff ends up on /b/ and becomes a meme because of the sheer volume of it all. But I can't stop, I keep going. It's like an itch. At least it keeps me drawing and I improved a lot. I even wrote theme songs for the characters and battle scenes, which is exploitable if you know what book I am talking about.

If people demand to see more (I already talked about it a little on another forum and got teased, in good spirit of course) then I'll just compile everything into a zip file with html pages and make it downloadable.

(I had to look up what CWC was) No, not related to cwc at all. The pic is unrelated, I just thought it was funny because of how lost sanic looked.

>> No.2585855
File: 457 KB, 3000x3000, caligula 2 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me /ic/

I was just casually browsing through my old images and found my old drawings, not even a year old

What the fuck? how did I think this was ok?
I always felt like I was dealing with some kind of blindness when looking at my own art. It was frustrating and made me 'quit' on multiple occasions. It just always seemed to me that I could never truly see my own art for its objective qualities and always had to sort of edge it into a comfort zone. Why was I so afraid of thinking I made something bad?

How could I hold myself back like this? How do you become able to 'see'?

>> No.2585888

>If people demand to see more
You can't pique are curiosity like that mane. Just tell us the project name and we'll google it ourselves

>> No.2585921
File: 207 KB, 910x910, 1439756040685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like an absolute pleb for asking, but what is so bad about the image you posted? It's not amazing, but I don't really get what's so horrible about it.

>> No.2585927
File: 150 KB, 2810x800, 12837167_10205487805183980_799619409_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lack the fundamentals. It's more clear to others, don't worry. But I just kind of put a mental block over my nubbishness and rationalized a lot of my noob moves. Like the murkiness and the small scratchy hatching? I thought they were aesthetically pleasing.

Pic related, someone fucking blew me out of the water a little bit after.

>> No.2585951

whoever fixed it has about the same skill as you

oh wow he used broader brushes instead of lines to imply value! you were so awful oh my god...

>> No.2586174
File: 30 KB, 590x331, Im laughing for real right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to throw away my money and enrol at university
>Media Production because fuck getting a BA
>Take a gap year so I'm fully prepared, work, save money, practice art etc.
>hear stories of people going to uni thinking they're hot shit and getting BTFO by the other art students
>scared shitless


>these people look like this is the first time they've opened Photoshop
>everyone is beyond terrible
>the stench of tumblr is in the air

>visdev paper
>good shit
>last third of the paper is making a website to show off the previous 2/3rds
>I've already got my own portfolio website so I'm done with the paper about a month early
>on the handin date we showed off our websites
>about a third of the class is done
>about a third of those done are using tumblr to host their projects
>we're supposed to be building websites and these people think tumblr is ok
>fucking why

>Animation paper
>big project worth 100% of the grade
>forming groups
>fuck these people, I'm going solo
>prof is hesitant but allows it
>smoke weed and laze around all semester doing sweet fuck all, working on projects occasionally
>due date rolls around but gets extended three days because...
>I'm the only one done
>I'm the only one who made and rigged their own characters (4 unique characters and rigs)
>everyone else is using premade characters the prof provided
>did I mention I did this alone?

I'm not even sure if I'M good enough to even get a job. These chucklefucks are throwing their lives away

>> No.2586182

family those schools are for retards just so they can get a degree
your first hint should have been the name "media production"

>> No.2586183
File: 26 KB, 610x396, 1466992961197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have all the books I could ever need to become a good artist. Be it Entertainment, Illustrator, Fashion, Transportation Design, etc etc.
>Have all the resources I need to make pretty much any art piece.
>I just waste time here on /ic/ and some light games on Steam. Most of my time is wasted on Youtube.

How do I fucking stop this madness. I am in art school, I've gone to a few live figure sessions.

Something just stops me in my tracks and I'm not sure what to do. I have carpal tunnel, but I've been able to get that under control. I have a nice drafting table with all my supplies on it, I have paper, canvas, paint etc etc. It's all there, I just have trouble focusing, and I feel horrible because I could be so much better if I just kept drawing. Too many distractions.

>> No.2586187

no more fast internet for you

>> No.2586188
File: 1.22 MB, 900x1195, tumblr_o9k8baOIHw1v2z03bo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is 16 years old. Enjoy reality.
>whoever fixed it has about the same skill as you
No. You're delusional

>> No.2586197

My studio is in my bedroom (first mistake)
I have my laptop in there, and I usually take my phone too.

Should I just take my laptop out and then maybe keep my phone out of my room too?
Idk, Feels bad man.

>Spend so much time drawing that you never worked on your social life, so you only have a few friends that you can still hang around with...For now.
Anyone else feel me?

>> No.2586201
File: 51 KB, 657x527, well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least we've got people from real movie and game studios coming in every second lecture. Hopefully I can get one of them to give me a job so I can escape.

>> No.2586203


am I supposed to be impressed?

>> No.2586209

Yes. You can't draw like him.

>> No.2586223
File: 45 KB, 376x387, okabe2025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you have friends that hang out with you. I guess I'm such an aloof person, no one really cares about what i'm doing.

>didn't see anyone since 2 months or is it 3
>drawing is the only thing that gets my away from depression and self-loathing for a while
>decide to start studying anatomy after more than 10 years of having drawing has an hobby
>realize how much i have to learn

I've always been lazy about perspective, i know how 2 point works, 3,4 points is easy after a quick check on some internet tutorial. But making a good composition with good use of perspective is something else.

I wish I had a driver license, I would try to find some art classes with models and shit. Could be fun and calming.

>> No.2586225


>> No.2586234

How old are you? Friends are nothing. They all will disappear and their behaviors will change with time completely. And if you're 24+ you don't make friends anymore.

>> No.2586238

Buy a dreamcast

>> No.2586265


Don't assume things.

>> No.2586362
File: 1.98 MB, 1918x2397, IMG_20160614_200513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel anon I never finish my work...

>> No.2586460

work on one big solo project then
its probably the best way

>> No.2586467
File: 32 KB, 256x123, sweet death, at last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been wanting to do comics since I was a kid but after university I have come to see how little I have been able to progress and now I dont dare draw anymore.

>> No.2586470
File: 21 KB, 210x149, MAKE IT STOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those nipples are huge....

>> No.2586471

i think they are just stretched because of that silly pose and because hes fat

>> No.2586484

>tfw want to learn draw nice lineart beacause I mostly paint over sketch
>everything turn into shit

>> No.2586531
File: 135 KB, 500x701, 1461407010913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying C whenever I can't be fucked to draw
>book I got is the most frustrating shit ever, doesn't explain jack-shit and expects you to know loads of thing while telling you it's a beginner book
>any question on /g/ leads to language fanboy war and no answers
>1 year military draft coming in a month
>loads of cadets dying in training
>trying to get /fit/ in preparation
>I don't even know what division I'm in since apparently the GP is supposed to tell me after he's done grappling my balls, he didn't
>5 years engineering after that (hopefully)

>Just spent an entire night just doing requests on the /v/ drawthread
>most fun I've had in almost 6 months
God damn no one told me drawing other people's waifus was such a blast

>> No.2586608
File: 393 KB, 640x360, oh shit nigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i know who you are. you talked about it on reddit so i looked you up and found your tumblr. you have 80 fucking pages? i am already amazed that you came up with the shit you already put online. learn to draw better before you do anything further. you're definitely /b/ material and your lack of art skills isn't helping.

i sent you a message on reddit go check

because he lacks testosterone

>> No.2586634
File: 16 KB, 495x368, 9b97c3009d81c8b20b067946f513e477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw born in 1996

I'm gonna make it younger than you, Flintstones.

>> No.2586742
File: 84 KB, 432x528, 1466776073930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all my friends drifting away, all of them just go to work then watch tv with gfs
>turn 24 in a fortnight

>> No.2586756
File: 136 KB, 920x1050, 1249753524963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have some art friends
>all used to be productive and shit
>now all gave up on digital drawing
>stopped posting art on social sites and only post pictures hanging out with their friends

Am I the only one actually enjoying drawing or do I miss out on more important things in life?

>> No.2586768

>or do I miss out on more important things in life?
Think about what your really 'missing'
some drinks
some jokes
a few laughs
and really, nothing more

>> No.2586774

I'm 20
I still try and stay connected through fb, but even that's getting tough.

>all of them just go to work then watch tv with gfs
That sounds boring. Sell some artwork to go travel for a bit, either in-state, domestic, or international. Something! You'll meet cool people too

>> No.2586777
File: 26 KB, 500x349, ae2d12357e5d7432d15a4803666af4db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate copying because i feel like i'm cheating
>hate drawing from references because i feel like i'm cheating
>hate reading tutorials because i feel like i shouldn't have to
>can't even stand the thought about doing any of these things

i always feel like i have to learn everything on my own without any help and i dont know why

>> No.2586784

hes just an attention seeking faggot

>> No.2586791

Prove it.

>> No.2586794

The only meaning in life is what you make of it. spend all your time worrying about what you are not doing and you will die with regrets, instead just think about the amazing things you create and be proud.

>> No.2586797
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>> No.2586826


I would feel the same dude, but these things are actually really helpful for me at least. When I was younger I would trace over shitty ass deviant art because I was a weeb but it was a way to see how people would draw in their style, it can be fun in a way if you find your favorite artist or your favorite cartoon and use that. Copying isn't cheating unless you say it's yours without any credit, then that's considered stealing.

Some people can draw without ref and that's cool but they personally help me as I'm still beginner as fuck. It's a big way of learning how the world (Or unrealistic things, like if you were to draw some kind of fantasy, you can get ideas from other artists, that's where one's own style or interpretation of something comes in) looks so that you are more familiar with it.

I felt like a dumbass reading tutorials, and you don't "have to" but I would recommend them for guidance and pacing yourself through improving.

tl;dr Just fucking do it

>> No.2586830

you're dunner kruning so hard that you need a rescue squad to pull yourself out of your own ass. You've got more than a few months before you get close to that.

thanks for making me feel good about my progress tho. I'm just embarrassed for you

>> No.2586833

>You've got more than a few months before you get close to that.

Not really. If he hauls ass he can surpass that kid real easy in a month tops if he does it right. If anything >>2586797
is better and has more potential for being traditional media.

>> No.2586834

There's so much sarcasm in this that I'm not sure what's real anymore....

>> No.2586837

you're not better than him. at best, you have better drawing skills (though i have a tendency to believe that you're wrong about that, too). you have shit people skills, shit marketing skills, and from what i can tell, zero drive and ambition. whether you can draw a sexier titty than him or not, he's objectively a more worthwhile person to have on this earth.

>> No.2586838
File: 17 KB, 320x374, 11903872_1861876710704794_6505224216677852539_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at environment concept art on pinterest
>"those environments and backgrounds are so cool!"
>"look at all that detail"
>"those designs are so original"
>"that person must have been paid so well"
>realize you will never be able to draw a background and you'll always be stuck with mediocre at best faces and bodies
>realize there are 16 year olds with art skills that surpass what you'll probably ever be capable of
>try and practice
>get frustrated and lose inspiration
>repeat cycle

>> No.2586839

Original poster here, I don't get why you would say that. Yeah I'm seeking attention because this is an art feels thread.

To clarify, I wanted to see if anybody else dealt with a blindness that I mentioned in the post... A blindness to your own works quality.

A night of thinking lead me to this: I couldn't draw without it having to be for affirming that I am 'talented,' so everything I drew had to have some merit.

And if you're curious as to how this realization has affected me, well now I am trying to do things for the sake of doing them, not to make myself feel pro, feel smart, feel talented, and etc.

I honestly have never drawn and tried to appreciate the act of it, like the physical motion of dragging a pencil across paper. It was mostly stress stress stress until BAM, oh wow, a picture that sort of looks good is there.

Now I am trying to appreciate the act of drawing itself. Something which I believe others have called 'drawing for drawings sake' or 'loving the process,' I don't know, there are so many varieties of the platitude that I don't reflect upon it without some resentment.

>> No.2586841

Everything you said plus
>love to draw all my life
> went to school for it
> after a few years of having your artwork criticized by experts, improve a shitload, but still not considered good enough to be professional by graduation time
> go back home but don't have all the time in the world to draw and pressured to find a job
> realize to improve I need to sit at home for days at a time but fucking family wonders why you need to keep practicing when I already went to school for it
> finally get a full time job in a creative field but still need to draw to get into the field I want
> at this point I realize I'd have to sacrifice social life if I want to draw while working fulltime if I want to improve
>losing passion in art because I'm frustrated at my inability to improve and impatient with how long it's taking
> the things I do end up wanting to draw is unoriginal and not creative
> not sure what to do with life now

>> No.2586842

just don't think about it anon, you'll doom yourself

>> No.2586843

>traditional elitist
Ok grandpa, but if he (you) learn at the same speed as the kid is learning, than will you ever surpass them? you're going to die first anyway, so seeing that you don't give up shortly after trying to inflate your ego instead of buckling down and doing studies, they will always be ahead, unless they get hit by a truck.

I'm in the same boat as you. I have just come to accept that this is a thing that will happen. I just need to focus on me instead of fighting it. Its not always the best person that gets the job, just gotta be in the right place at the right time with the right amount of talent. We're sure to get work off of that merit alone

>> No.2586844
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>> No.2586848

so what, If I'm above the age of 20 and not as good as people below it I should just kill myself? Is that what I should gather from this thread?

>> No.2586853

> weekend comes after a long week of work
> Oh boy can't wait to use this free time to draw
>"anon it's a beautiful day out, why would you sit in the house all day?"

>> No.2586854

Nope, the way you should look at it is there are old fucks here who are just starting out and they are very vocal about their depression and because it is 4chan, they would like to cater their environment to their own emotions and force others to feel the same.

So no, you don't need to kill yourself. But in the current state of this website, if you're here, you better sound depressed about it.

>> No.2586855

Also there are bitter young people on this board as well who are sad they're not on the level of other very skilled young artists. They see your vulnerability with your age, and use it to push themselves up. Just throw them a bone and go on your way. They really need it.

>> No.2586857
File: 48 KB, 701x127, Screenshot 2016-07-02 22.25.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, I can sense it.

>> No.2586858

As long as you are 25 or below you are good. After 25 you begin to rapidly lose the sufficient neuroplasticity needed to gather your thoughts and learn efficiently and quickly. It doesn't mean you're totally fucked after 25 it just means you're fucked. Only if you start at the age of 30 is when you probably should purchase a handgun.

>> No.2586860

As long as you masturbate every day, you will retain 100% neuroplasticity.

>> No.2586863
File: 18 KB, 395x387, 1445809404912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i know. it's so difficult though. i have a decent cast of character designs but a lot of them look like something else. backgrounds are so boring to practice imo and it's difficult for me to find the discipline to keep at it because i know i'll never improve at them if i don't try.
i can certainly draw at an okay level but seeing all those people that are younger than me/my age/barely older than me that are famous and successful and so much more technically skilled. sorry for aspie tangent, i'm just a total pussy and art tends to take a serious toll on my perception of myself and others.

part of me wants to take a break but i feel like part of the process of improving is pushing your boundaries and working through the spergy tears and toughening up. i'm still young so i have time i guess.

>> No.2586871

lock yourself in your studio area with no phone/laptop etc. if u want reference print it out beforehand and just MAKE yourself get started. just get the ball rolling, it'll get easier. say to yourself 'you can go get lunch after you do X pages of figure drawing' 'you can take a break and watch 3 youtube videos after you finish roughing out this piece' etc etc etc

>> No.2587000

>> at this point I realize I'd have to sacrifice social life if I want to draw while working fulltime if I want to improve
>>losing passion in art because I'm frustrated at my inability to improve and impatient with how long it's taking
here is where you fuck up. I also work full time and it takes a lot to improve but I didn't lose my passion.

And that's because I realize if you want something big you need to make big sacrifices. Now it's not the time for social life, that comes later.

>> No.2587023

>Plan to spend summer improving my art.
>Plan was to have at least nailed bodies/gestures by the end of summer
>My grades are good so I reward my self with video games for a little while
>Two months later Summer is almost over and I haven't drawn a single fucking thing, just spent this whole time playing an MMO.

>> No.2587088
File: 1.83 MB, 500x379, 1461037347701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting your art on /ic/

>> No.2587090

its shit mate

>> No.2587092

Try to find an audiobook for Big Magic, it doesn't tell you anything about how to create art, but it does tell you a lot about why you should create.

>> No.2587111

confession time.
I enjoy tracing pictures because it reminds me of when I was young and could just draw anything, non-stop, without any fear of how the end result would be.

>> No.2587129
File: 85 KB, 804x780, 1467419340914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paint a female face from imagination
> 1 hour later finish
> only then I realize I just drew ex-gf's face
>laugh and cry at the realization

>> No.2587146

>broke as fuck cliche
>drawing hard everyday hoping one day I'll make
>time is flying by
>all my mates are doing well in life
It's just not fair.

>> No.2587171
File: 26 KB, 164x191, 2014-03-20 03.28.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ dude

>> No.2587173

>know what I need to do to git gud
>have access to all the resources I need
>be a lazy fuck instead and spend my time playing vidya instead of doing what I need to do
If I spent half as much time drawing as I do playing games I would be working at Disney right now.

>> No.2587183

Only got yourself to blame.

>> No.2587283
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>> No.2587294

Just forget who you were suppost to become and start training.

>> No.2587310
File: 19 KB, 183x275, nowhabit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book: pic related

1: Separate your work space from your fun space. Even in a tiny room, have seperate desks. I even have separate laptops ( battlestation for games and work laptop)

2. getting started: I work with 25 minute timers. 25 minutes seems fine enough, it's just 10 minutes then 15. And 25 minutes is nothing on a complete day.

3. If you keep being interrupted by thoughts of "oh this taks" and "oh fuck I forgot that", have a paper and make a list of that shit. You brain will fire every impulse at you to get you to stand up and do something else. Don't listen to it. You can postpone pee, a drink or food for 25 minutes.

4: Do not expect yourself to be drawing all the time. The worst you can do is get into a mindspace where you feel guilt for every moment you haven't been drawing. The most succesful people are those that make time for relaxation and fun. And by fun I mean real fun. Not your youtube and steam addiction. See also book I recommended.

>> No.2587322
File: 228 KB, 341x346, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I know. Thankfully it's not too late to change.. yet.

Thanks anon, I will.

>> No.2587450

Draw outside, then you get outside time and drawing time.

>> No.2587459
File: 980 KB, 500x367, 1443917376775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been drawing some okay looking girls recently
>Try designing some robots, dinosaurs, etc. for a day
>I'm shit at it (can't draw reptilian heads at an angle at all)
>Try drawing another girl since it's the only thing I'm good at
>Literally cannot anymore

So, suicide?

>> No.2587479

I've seen you post this same shit weeks back man, draw more.

>> No.2587490

>start drawing a dynamic pose
>goes smoothly
>good, I'm satisfied
>start drawing a character standing straight facing the viewer
>hours later still looks like shit
This is hell.

>> No.2587502

>fuck up a watercolor
>okay, that's fine, I went in kind of half cocked anyway, I'll just practice a bit to figure out where I'm going wrong and try, try again

>let's roughly re-sketch it out on some scrap, placement and proportions doesn't matter, it's just junk, if you treat it like garbage you won't get hung up, that's where you always make mistakes!
>holy shit, this actually looks pretty fucking good by my standards, I kinda wish now that I hadn't been so lazy with the sketch so I could show this to people
>no matter! I did it once, I can do it again! Just imagine how much better it'll be when I'm actually trying!

>okay, confidence boosted, plan of attack in place, time to tackle the real thing again.
>I've already basically done it once, just go for it and keep dat winning attitude, cool as a cucumber, no worries, loosey goosey, aint no thang, no pressure
>just try to forget that secretly you really really care, you care so much, fucking this up a second time would be fucking intolerable oh god

>fuck it up a second time


>> No.2587522

>/ic/ is only drawing n sheeit
>tfw there's no arts and crafts board

>> No.2587542
File: 29 KB, 462x453, 1464621524199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And i'll make it younger then you, grandpa.

>> No.2587555

Don't you kids have some lets plays to watch or something

>> No.2587576

u can watch me lets play with ur mom nerd

>> No.2587596

>your mom
>in 2016

No creativity, ngmi, etc

>> No.2587600
File: 25 KB, 550x412, 1428363561500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been drawing consistently as a hobby since i was a toddler
>have spent probably an extremely large chunk of my life just drawing
>people i know who started drawing maybe 5 years ago are a million times better than i am
>still can't figure most things out despite having 20 years of experience under my belt

>> No.2587614


>been walking consistently as a hobby since i was a toddler
>have spent probably an extremely large chunk of my life just walking
>people i know who started running marathons maybe 5 years ago are a million times better than i am
>still can't figure most things out despite having 20 years of experience under my belt

>> No.2587618


thank you for that very pointless reply
also im legitimately someone whos in a wheelchair so nice going

>> No.2587619

Reminder that art feels threads are fucking cancer

>> No.2587625

you`re retarded
wheelchair well deserved

>> No.2587627

>been passing by in a wheelchair consistently since i was a toddler
>have spent probably an extremely large chunk of my life just rolling
>people i know who started using wheelchairs maybe 5 years ago are a million times better than i am
>still can't figure most things out despite having 20 years of experience under my belt

>> No.2587630


always great to get a reminder at how awful and toxic this board really is

>> No.2587640


anon from >>2587625 here, it was just too inviting to write that, and yes ic can be way too toxic sometimes

but >>2587614 is right
comparing yourself when you were (probably) casually drawing to someone whos seriously practicing is missing the point
you drew, he studied

and you`re a fag for getting so pissed/offended about his post

have a nice day

>> No.2587642


because when i say 20 years of drawing, you think i didnt spend any of that time studying?
and if you think that reply was me being pissed then lmao

>> No.2587654


I was making a point about how you haven't actually been practicing if you've just been fucking around since you were a literal toddler. If you'd spend any of the last 20 years actually learning anything, you'd be a pro by now.

>a bloo bloo bloo muh wheelchair
Grow the fuck up faggot, do you really expect to guilt me over that? How do you know I'M not in a wheelchair? Maybe I have no hands and drawing is exceedingly difficult for me. Maybe I have no dick and that 'pointless' comment really hurt my feelings. Maybe when I was a toddler my parents kicked the shit out of me for drawing instead of allowing me to explore it freely. Maybe I'm a young person with a terminal illness who won't even live 20 years, and seeing someone bitch about how they squandered their go-around pisses me off.
Where are my apologies? Oh yeah, you wouldn't owe me any, because you'd have no way of knowing that when saying what you said, and absolutely none of it was directed at me in a way that references my own bullshit.

Sorry for reminding you that walking is a thing that exists. I should know better than to reference something like that so thoughtlessly. I might as well have made a rape joke at a crisis centre.

>> No.2587655



>> No.2587657


> post boohoo story i still cant draw
> tl:dr when people give a fuck
>"im not pissed"

either passive aggressive or bait
move on

>> No.2587659

>you think i didnt spend any of that time studying?
Not if your 20 years can't match someone else's 5, ffs.

>and if you think that reply was me being pissed then lmao
How can you have been drawing for 20 years when you're clearly 14?

>> No.2587780
File: 436 KB, 401x564, 1466884430944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2587818

>be constantly drawing from life
>doing things recommended to me here, using pens, filling up every inch of each page (which means no drawing stands alone, instead with 11 other drawings)
>drawing too fast, what i do usually reads but it's "off" and i usually don't have the patience to shade
>stagnating, frustration
>my drawings from imagination read a little better now and have better perspective but they're still shitty formless doodled cartoons
>basically not studying the masters anymore
>overwhelmed by my huge art resources folder from /ic/

i'll keep going and begin studying again sometime soon

>> No.2587821
File: 49 KB, 480x813, 1466578505930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not setting goals towards industry
>having zero market value if not working on demand
>losing human rights

this went well.

>> No.2587850

>Started drawing seriously at 14, started with Kets to Drawing
>Artwork dramatically improves, quickly
>Good shading, good linework, etc.
>Get distracted by internet
>Spend more time in front of a computer doing fuck all than drawing
>Skill level drops
>Do figure drawing from time to time, but nothing serious
>Enter adulthood, have a very brief period of intense study and then fall back on procrastination, again
>Family is not very supportive, either
>Skills drop and drop down to square one
>Trying to get back up, but responsibility pushes from all sides and time is limited, no longer as free as 14

Be happy you aren't me, anons.

>> No.2587880


I like the original more desu senpai. The 'fixed' version looks dull and incomplete.

>> No.2587885

I think this story applies to most people on /ic/

>> No.2587922
File: 17 KB, 700x525, have-fun-without-friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally feel euphoric about making a piece better then your last
>"Ah, its starting to look quite good! I am proud of myself"
>Reevaluate your results at the end of the day
>"Ah, its not as good as I thought it was"
>Feel bad for not being as good as you want to be
>This repeats 2-3 times a day

Fuck me, is this how being bipolar feels like?

>> No.2587924
File: 58 KB, 270x492, 1467558410940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realize I just started and I'm 23
>never gonna make it

>> No.2587934
File: 79 KB, 500x390, 1455827613931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally realize I can disable the wacom pen long-press setting
>couldnt find it b/c its a microsoft pen and touch setting
>no more jitter
I'm drawing really tiny shapes just because I can

>> No.2587938

I'm the exact opposite, I can only (poorly) draw from reference or straight up copy. Makes really hate myself because I can't do what I want to do without thinking it's worse than Chernobyl.

>> No.2587940

I thought cripples hated being pitied? How much of a faggot do you have to be tell strangers over the internet that you can't walk just to make them feel bad? Also, drawing is 100% dependant on you being able to sit still, so how is that even related to anything we're talking about?

>> No.2587945
File: 15 KB, 267x400, 81941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already said this in other threads, but the book effortless mastery helped me over this. Really recommend it. It is about how this need for selfvalidation and the fear of not getting better hinders us from actually getting better.

>> No.2587952

Sounds interesting, will check it out/read it

>> No.2587953

hope it helps

>> No.2587985

I spend all my time doing really boring/intense art studying and get nowhere. I study muscles and do endless figure drawings and paintings from reference, lighting/color studies, still life paintings, all the standards, really trying, really thinking about it, and feel like I still get nowhere. Then I try to give myself a break and do imaginative work and it looks like shit still AND I feel guilty about any time spent doing anything but studying. Even though the studying doesn't help me anyway.

>> No.2588020

just chill bruh, i know it's hard but just find a way to try n accept ur gonna fuck up. i find drawing more helps w this because if i spend all day drawing one thing and hate it then i feel like shit, if i draw 15 then i 1. devoted less time and therefore put less emotional weight behind each of them and 2. am more likely to be proud of at least one

>> No.2588027

try doing what you're doing now (fast life drawing & shitty imagined cartoons) when you're just out and about, waiting in the doctor's office, zoning out in work/school etc, coffee shop, and save your free time at home w supplies & resources for serious, intensive studying

>> No.2588039

It's a cliche, but you can't focus on becoming better than others. Focus on becoming better than your previous self.

>> No.2588057

I'm 24 and I'm making as many friends as I did in my first year of college. You need to get out more.

>> No.2588063

Well yeah. It's fast, it's easy, and you're directly making people happy with it.

>> No.2588067

Don't you have some Netflix NEET series to watch, gramps.

>> No.2588198 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/.

Any good art tools? Reccomendations? I mean, i draw for fun and ive gotten good at it, but, i just need something good to give me good results.
Also. Any tips on drawing in general are welcomed.

>> No.2588257
File: 249 KB, 143x202, 1439048320089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>base your comic on a philosophical dilemma
>start planning the dialogue about subject
>study dilemma more
>get existential crisis

>> No.2588280

i haven't heard it worded like that, actually. that's a useful tip. but at the same time, i still can't help but feel bad about the rate of my improvement and the fact that i get bored of actual constructive practice SO EASILY.

>> No.2588419

I am embarking on the most retarded fan page ever (for performance art) and now I don't know if I actually want to associate my art/style with it anymore.

>> No.2588466
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-04-13-18-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My high school art teacher who despised creativity/any student who deviated even slightly from the set curriculum and told me that my art was garbage and that I'd never amount to anything committed sudoku last year and this is a good feel.

>> No.2588474
File: 16 KB, 120x111, 1443973192596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing for 12+ hours
>need to stay up for another 24 hours to finish this retarded deadline set by commissioner
I'm alright.

>> No.2588475

>A TALENTED artist
Cunts that bring down a student's art deserve that fate. Yes, I agree, this is indeed a good feel.

>> No.2588477

>agreeing to a deadline by a commissioner
You brought this on yourself. You're the talent. They are the consumer. You don't cower to them. They operate on your terms.

>> No.2588479

I'll remember that for next time. Fact is I've done too much shit to back out or boss around this dude now.

>> No.2588485


She wasn't even an artist, had no formal accreditation, certification or training. Was the kind of cunt that was obsessed with kitschy pieces and florally collages, but god forbid you pick up a pencil and actually try to create something.

I was 'the art kid' at my school, and having what I assumed was a legit art teacher constantly put down my shit really dented my confidence for several years.

>> No.2588489
File: 2.05 MB, 2448x3264, 20160704_085732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can draw from photo reference and add personal flare with confidence and ease
>Can't even form poses in my mind let alone onto paper even though I've been trying to lean how for the looongest time ever.

God is dead.

>> No.2588492


Post your reference work and I'll help you.

>> No.2588502
File: 244 KB, 900x1350, death51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be gook
Draw crappy maschine thing for admisson for damn fucking 4 year since age 17

Be 22

Decide manga or some shit
Can't draw for shit because never drawn human before
ok study a human and anatomy shit
Draw face with imagination
Looks like shit throw fucking pencil

Fuck this do a photo study
Struggling with proportion for 2hour, any way look decent but not satisfying
Meanwhile other guy in my age makes decent shit
Fuck me i'm very painful as crap
There are amazing image in my head but just can't fucking draw

>> No.2588513

The only one that can help you is you.
Just make sure you never persue art as a career

>> No.2588514
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With reference.

>> No.2588516
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My problem is that I just cant think of poses in my head without reference, rarely does it go well.

>> No.2588732

is it valuable too for people who aren't musicians? It seems to be aimed at them.

>> No.2588733

You just aren't far enough yet in your art journey to be able to draw from imagination. that will come but you need to build a better understanding of the human body. You are still chicken scratching and as far as your reference goes, there is room for improvement too. If I were you I would really go to a live modelling class and then apply Loomis to drawings you made there, try to do them again. They go well hand in hand.

>> No.2588873
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>triggered on /ic/

>> No.2588968


You know what? I had the exact same problem. I never got along with the highschool art teachers and my insane mother forced me to attend a shitty atelier with a weird teacher as well. They never showed the students their own work and when I looked them up, their artwork was the fine artsy stuff. I never understood why these grown ass people hated me so much, I was polite and quiet kid.

I went to art school (which I failed) and somehow some of the teachers were aggressive towards me. The ones who taught fundamentals were nice to me though and I got A's in the class, but the guy who taught "design theory" and that one professor who liked to draw naked chicks with furries... man they hated me. At least the furry professor's TA was really good at drawing and she helped me out a lot because the teacher didn't want to talk to me.

I ended up going to a painter's atelier (run by one of the professors in the school who taught painting and fundamentals) when I was a young man and I got along with her. Now that I look back, I got along with industry professionals and people who actually knew how to draw, because they weren't out to put everyone else down.

I think a lot of the teachers who end up at highschools don't really want to be there, and when they see a student who wants to actually learn how to draw, they get mad. They begin projecting their lifetime of rejection towards you and go full blown crab bucket mentality. Those teachers always called me stuck up, snobby, arrogant, told me my interests are cliche and that I was "just like the others"... I was just a quiet kid who wanted to learn to draw.

I now take instructors with a grain of salt and look at their work first.

>> No.2588981

DIY likes arts and crafts

>> No.2588984

Well Scooter, maybe you can go play the oppresion olympics on tumblr instead if you don't like it.

>> No.2588987

ok I am just venting more but now that I look back, there's a lot of things that I would not have done if I was an art professor. I look back and a lot of the ways the teachers (the fine artsy ones) treated me were outright malicious and harmful. They were pretty much using me as a punching bag.

I also just googled my furry professor and looked at his work again. Jesus it's awful... I think even sixteen year olds on this site draw better than him. I get it, you feel like a failure and you're insecure, but that doesn't mean you should put down students who you are entrusted to help become better artists.

Speaking of teachers and mentors, I am about to befriend a thirteen year old weeaboo who draws pretty bad anime and likes stuff like Attack on Titans and Death Note. Not that we have anything in common but I don't want her going down the wrong path. Even if she becomes the epitome of otaku I am not going to tell her that her tastes suck or that she should like what I like. That's immensely fucked up. I'll just feed her some Loomis and encourage her to try other things. It's not my job to rip her a new one, the world is already going to do that and my job is to prepare her to keep continuing despite the discouragements. The last thing young people need is some grown ass adult verbally punching them.

got that off my chest.

>> No.2589024

Tell her that basically all Japanese animators study Loomis and recommend others do the same. A bit of an exaggeration, but not far from the truth.

Also why are you befriending a 13-yo girl

>> No.2589036
File: 71 KB, 604x483, 1459990754140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw turned 24 a few months ago
>still haven't made it
>brain slowly losing its neuroplasticity
Fuck my life

>> No.2589048

the kid's the stereotypical anime-loving kid who gets bullied at school, is socially awkward, and she told her mom that she's a lesbian. an old lady asked me to become a reliable role model for the girl to look up to because she's not getting attention from her overworked parents and she's probably going to join the SJW cult of tumblr if she doesn't have someone to keep her grounded. It wasn't my idea to befriend a kid, it was a request by the old lady.

being a little familiar with popular anime (like death note) is the only common ground I have with this kid at the moment. I don't even watch anime most of the time. I doubt she's gonna flip out and go "its muh style" if i tell her to study loomis. she seems like a good kid.

>> No.2589078

>>brain slowly losing its neuroplasticity
I always kek. Still got a juvenile humor so thats good.

>> No.2589081

You should yell "post your work" when she says something you disagree with.

>> No.2589084

it wasn't so bad my niggers. I will buck up. I needed a day or two to get over it.

>> No.2589226
File: 33 KB, 540x626, ^D209A071A1F19D8956F0265146D4F2CC4FA9AD34BEC80D09C7^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted here yesterday but i'm being bombarded by more art feels, so enjoy this autistic rant.
all of my frustrations with art are amplified by the fact that i'm continuously being pressured by my parents (my mom, especially) to make a comic series or video game as if it's easy.

>"anon, you're so talented, have you made a storyline for your characters yet?"
>"anon, we met this guy who used to work for disney and we want you to meet with him"
>"you should sell your art, it's amazing!"

i knew the pressure would get really bad after high school, but it's only been like 2 months and i'm starting to feel myself crack. i'm so goddamn weak. i know my parents mean the best but they just don't get that i'm not ~pro~ enough to make it, i'm far from it. i came here to learn what to do and i think master's studies, drawing from life, reading up on books and doing exercises is going to be best for me. i'm optimistic but also nervous because it's so different from what i've been doing.

it just hurts to see my really close friends all going to high-end colleges for art related things almost immediately after high school while i barely passed my classes. i guess until i get a job, i'll be practicing intensively, sacrificing my fairly decent social life for the sake of mastering my craft and doing something i love. i will impress everyone i know. one day i want to look at my work and be so happy with myself for working so hard. this is a bittersweet feeling, being driven by jealousy and self-hate. i'm intimidated by much of /ic/ but i REALLY want to make it, to improve. even if i don't make it big financially, i just want to be happy with myself. i want to work for something for the first time in my life. it's stupid and autistic as fuck but i hope that someone, even just one person on here, will be proud of me for the progress that i will make. i hate craving validation, but i think that can be a good driving force to improve.

>> No.2589233
File: 41 KB, 646x812, Feel With It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suffer ADHD
>Constantly have my focus shift away at middle of work
>have lots of ideas but not skillful enough to craft them
>years past by and occasionally see people use similar idea and become successful with fans

>> No.2589248

>send bad fan art to artist u kinda know
>have Artist acknowledge they've seen it
>they have no reaction to it
>feels bad man

>> No.2589251

>Receive fan art from friend on twitter
>Extremely happy they took the time to draw something for you (although half the time its like 5 min sketches)
>Feel like drawing a picture back but no time/spark, not sure how to reply, don't speak same first language
>Favourite/Like the pic after 5hours
>Feels bad man

>> No.2589256
File: 9 KB, 295x229, 1454178953886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have OCs
>have a somewhat decent following
>nobody cares to draw fanart of them
>nobody cares about them
>feels like nobody cares about me or my art when it isnt fanart

>> No.2589281

>make only fanart
>gain more followers
>draw OC
>hope people draw them
>if not rinse repeat

>> No.2589286
File: 5 KB, 191x159, Jigglypuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have no OCs
>have no following
>for all intents and purposes, do not exist
>feels limbo man

>> No.2589295

There's this guy I know that constantly posts asking people to draw his OC and sometimes his fans eventually draw them. Quite admirable seeing as I wouldn't even dare to do that.

>Tfw don't dare to design OCs anymore

>> No.2589299

>I never understood why these grown ass people hated me so much, I was polite and quiet kid.
for 6 years I leaved with the naivety if I do well in school everything will be good in life so I busted my ass to do good in all classes and I was the favorite of all teachers, even tho I was at best a little over mediocre at everything

when I saw the true and how much I have to work to get what I want and that nothing is guarantied, I started focusing more on drawing on the downfall of everything else, moment when most of the teachers became like how you describe them

ppl just love to tell what to do and when you don't lessen to them they get pissy

>> No.2589304
File: 693 KB, 500x277, 1459628263251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promise myself I can get cookies after drawing for 9 hours
>cookies are sold out

>> No.2589307

wow the rest of you have bigger problems i'm sorry

>> No.2589308
File: 77 KB, 640x577, argo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This post made me feel down. Especially since studio work for me is basically not happening.

>> No.2589319

lol I've done something like this. This girl who gave me her number started really insulting me over texts one day. Then I try to do a photo study/copy a face out of a book and draw the girl who gave me her number's face on accident.

>> No.2589325

>"anon, we met this guy who used to work for disney and we want you to meet with him"
I dunno about you but I'd listen to what that guy has to say.

>> No.2589330

Post your tumblr anon. Even if it's shit, I'll follow you. And I will keep track of your progress

>> No.2589339

i guess i've just gotta keep doing that, then.
get out there bro
i feel guilty when i beg people for art of my OCs.
it's not even that i really forced myself to design them, i just really really wanted to. sometimes i feel really proud of the fact that they exist, even if they aren't acknowledged or popular(yet?)
trust me, i do talk to experienced people my parents meet. it's just that my parents constantly talk about art with me and what i'm going to do with it, but never really mention anything else. didnt mean to give the impression that i don't listen

>> No.2589346

Your OCs lack character.

>> No.2589350

a lot of them (like clemente) are just one time doodles. i have like 5 i really care about.

the ones i do care about have extensive backstories

>> No.2589353

Ok so i see that everyone is preoccupied by plasticity or whatever.

The only way to keep that is to exercise your brain.

Try reading and dancing everyday

>> No.2589361

Ive looked at your tumblr. Theres nothing about them that makes me want to draw them. Nothing compels me to.

>> No.2589362

>he felt for the meme

>> No.2589367

that's fine, but the way you worded that makes me think it boils down to personal taste, or just the lack of content i've posted of them. i post dozens more sketches of them on my personal facebook page and shit like that which might add to their characters??? i honestly don't know what you mean by "lacking character", any advice would be appreciated

>> No.2589400

You were always able to 'see'

But your hands were not accustomed to move in relation to what you see

There's a reason that you get better with practice: muscle memory and holistic thinking.

>> No.2589411

*throws a soda can a you*

>> No.2589430

*throws a (you) back at (you)*

ty for the y

>> No.2589443

have you tried telling them directly?

>> No.2589445

the easiest (and harshest) way to say what the other anon meant is that they are lame and unoriginal. No offense.

>> No.2589459

yeah, and it usually ends with them not bringing it up for a day or two, then talking about it again.
>calls them lame and unoriginal without offering advice or critique
>"no offense"
yeah ok

>> No.2589463

>>calls them lame and unoriginal without offering advice or critique
>>"no offense"
>yeah ok
They are not interesting to look at. What do you want me to say? Saying something is uncompelling can be helpful. Maybe others feel differently though. No reason to get so defensive. Also I found that most of your faces look VERY similar.

>> No.2589464

>got accepted into the national academy of arts
>don't know how will balance classes and work

>> No.2589475 [DELETED] 


I never get tired of this

>> No.2589541

About to study business administration but i seriously want to study sonething related to art

>> No.2589583

Think of it this way: They look like forgettable NPCs in a game than a main character you'd want to know more about. Some anon wrote about character design in the pixel art thread and I think it's pretty more or less what I wanted to say.
>>2573975 Bucket of salt and all that. Think of layers to give a character; why are they holding this, acting like that, give them a setting that'd make them interesting. Your thunder? themed OC just shows me different expressions, you don't tell me his story. Is he a lame office worker? Or a toned down superhero without a costume? Some scientist that's dying of a cough? Start by looking at their background, I scrolled down a little and saw that he's part of this noble gases group? Nothing gives me the impression they're gases, except for Helium and the last one a bit. If they're part of a group, maybe consider having something in some part of all their designs to link them together. Something to make the viewers want to look at more of them.

>> No.2589588

you could doodle

>> No.2589686
File: 29 KB, 428x500, 1432387231732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been seriously drawing for a year or so now
>studying loomis and stuff
>Take Art at A level
>be the only boy in the whole class
>initially suck balls, doing tone studies of instruments under soft lighting
>first real project, music
>decide to do an illustration based on the jazz age
>teachers are impressed and encourage me to keep going
>teachers considerably less fond of the rest of class
>I want to help them with loomis, but I thought it might seem rude
>final piece for project sucked shit but I'll do better

>1 1/2 years later
>school over
>got offers from every single uni I applied for
>high grades for all 4 projects
>I didn't really improve much
>I didn't get to know any of the girls because I was too busy working
>lost contact with most of my friends
>I can hardly start a conversation never mind keep one going
>I've lost all inspiration for personal projects

Oh god what's happened to me?
I thought it was meant to be a great time.
I never talked to anyone. I was too busy working.
I want these 2 years back. I haven't learnt or developed.

I don't know if I want to make it anymore anons...

>> No.2589703

That's why you should leave humanity behind and make art all the time. Your life will be easy and you don't have to worry about anything.

>> No.2589712

literally me. but at least you did it with art

I was excelling with all classes since I didn't know what I want to do in life, but when I decided I want to draw, 6 years of school sum'd to 0

now I am drawing in my free time while having a job with /ic/ as my teacher, classmates and procrastination grounds

>> No.2589716

what course did you take? and what's your job now? i'm kind of on the same boat but i'm still thinking if i should jump ship.

>> No.2589722

1. economy
2. paper stuff
3. thinking of jumping ship too, but planning to do it when I'll be more confident in my skills

>> No.2589729

well good luck man, hope it works out for the both of us.

>> No.2589733

but I don't want to leave humanity behind
I'm so alone

>> No.2589735

Tfw I have a 24 year old neet friend whos really bad at drawing. He wants to be a comic book artist for marvel, all he does is post bad traces of superheros on facebook and when he doesn't trace its chris chan tier blob people. Then he complains about not getting enough likes and messages me all the time about his depression. Ive tried motivating him to learn but he doesnt think he needs it. Its depressing to see him struggling like this i dont know what to do other than tell him he should change his career path.

>> No.2589740

We are here for you Anon : )

>> No.2589744

>be 26
>want to learn to do art
>no confidence to do stuff

I just don't know how I could get over this.
I wanted to do art for years but I simply bounce back from the starting difficulties.

>> No.2589745

>tfw I can't even get friendzoned
This is just sad

>> No.2589757
File: 45 KB, 486x409, HUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589760
File: 131 KB, 390x390, tumblr_miytdoT9lX1r98fdvo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid tips. thanks anon

>> No.2589769

Funnily enough that was the dream for me a couple of years ago.

>> No.2589778

>>brain slowly losing its neuroplasticity
Maybe you never had it

>> No.2589790
File: 4 KB, 87x124, freeshrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a similar situation, but when I started struggling I just went back to fundies.

>drawing ok people
>try to design a monster
>immediately ragequit
>come back later and lay down silhouettes from reference (cloverfield, final fantasy, ect)
>sketch figures based on silhouettes
>add defining features like claws/jagged jaw/ect
>use what little knowledge of anatomy I have to exaggerate muscles
>end up with passable shark-looking creature

try breaking it down desu. it wont be perfect but you'll be making progress at least.

>> No.2589792


>> No.2589794

Thanks for the recommendation.
I'll read it later.

>> No.2589798

Rigging four different characters is pretty impressive desu. Assuming you did it from the ground up in Maya or something.

>> No.2589804

I will try these. Thank you!
I know I can make it, I just need to outsmart my laziness.

>> No.2589821


>> No.2589823

Is that true? It scares me a bit to think about it...

>> No.2589860

its not so bad if you have at least double ligaments

>> No.2589923


Urgh, Not as bad, but my art teachers were all the same. Is there something about teaching art to kids that just attracts hateful pieces of shit?

Every single art teacher I ever had, if I did things their way, I went completely unnoticed regardless of whether I was actually learning something, and if I deviated from any arbitrary thing they told me to do regardless of how it impacted my schoolwork, I got yelled at as if I took a shit on my desk and used it to scrawl 'fuck authority' on the wall.
Like they're just fucking babysitters telling the kids to 'go draw something' to keep them busy. If that's all they're going to do while pretending to be a teacher, fine, but they could at least ease up on the fucking insults.

I honestly wish we'd never had art classes in school, they did nothing but kill any interest and confidence I had. I never understood why people get all up in arms about muh arts getting their budgets cut, fuck the arts. It's the goddamn information age, anyone who actually wants to can learn in your their time from internationally accessible teachers who actually know what the fuck they're talking about and don't get their life force from making kids feel like shit.

>> No.2589932


As a former 13 year old weeaboo artist, if you want to help her improve without discouraging or alienating her, do some research and show her the kind of shit her favourite actual manga artists study and advise. Obviously it'll be the same fundamentals, anatomy etc, but this way it'll be from an angle that she's genuinely interested in, with word straight from the horses mouth that it'll be useful to her. Whereas diving into Loomis under the word of some random anon who not even into manga is something completely different and lacks any proven or emotional tie to her actual interest.
Give her a peek behind the scenes of how the stuff she likes is actually created so she can learn it too, which will continue to help her if/when she moves on from manga. Otherwise the only instruction she has which promises to cater to her actual interest will be those awful 'how to draw manga' books.

>> No.2589968
File: 229 KB, 807x1013, tfw puddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All other feels pale in comparison to this guy

>> No.2590036

thanks but i know. i am not going to just drop a loomis on her, she probably won't get it. i've taught kids before (not art but other things). just lead her into it from an angle that she'd be interested in, which is the animes and mangas she likes and tell her that "this is how the mangakas got to where they are"

the goal is to just keep her fired and drawing, even if she draws shitty yaoi shippings (i hope not) it's better than not drawing at all or killing her will. i am not going to tell her to stop because it's plebeian or something. my job isn't to make a little carbon copy of me. i think that's the biggest problem that the art teachers had with me. they were really into the "your interests suck, your tastes are cliche and vulgar, THIS is real art!" and if i deviated from them as an artist they saw it as a threat and tried to make it all "my way or the highway".

who knows, maybe she WILL become a really good anime artist with millions of followers someday if she gets her shit together and my job is to prevent her from becoming an angry anorexic tumblrina.

>> No.2590631
File: 33 KB, 615x630, 214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alright, that makes sense.
but my intention wasnt to be defensive, it's just the way the reply was written made me a bit upset at the time(the "no offense" part was what made me kinda mad) but i do completely understand that their designs arent great right now.
also i'm planning on working on facial diversity, it's difficult to get past my goddamn stylization but i'm certainly working on it.

>> No.2592827

I have a triple ligameme, but on my off hand, I am gonna make it?