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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 565 KB, 1280x1549, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2572842 No.2572842 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last Thread >>2568337

>> No.2572844

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2572847

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Las_streams@twitch (multistream for twitch)

Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

>> No.2572851 [DELETED] 

fuck you

>> No.2572854

no u

>> No.2572861
File: 1.37 MB, 1132x960, 1456346203672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lava, its time to delete the site. This is doing more harm than good at this point.

>> No.2572865

my nigger got ex on explorer

>> No.2572866

>go to gym
>forearms pepperoni
>can't draw properly anymore
I.. I have to give up gym to git gud don't I..

>> No.2572870
File: 152 KB, 335x525, 1451941801150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree all i ever care for is bragging rights at this point i don't even care about success it was always in the hands of young kids with talent, "no one is born equal" man ain't that the truth.

>> No.2572876

Could abc or someone create another sketch swap challenge, i liked it and i want to give it another go. Thanks fampai

>> No.2572878

why dont you do it

>> No.2572879

I'm too lazy and i dont want to steal the idea from abc

>> No.2572880

this, why ask for something you can do yourself without any issue?

>> No.2572881

okay, I'll bump your request again

summoning Ayy Bee Cee

>> No.2572882

Think abc's going to keep making them with a short rest period inbetween.
Just leave it to the original creator to keep their challenge going.

>> No.2572885


>> No.2572889

why did you post this

>> No.2572891
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>> No.2572892
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>> No.2572893

anon if your perspective is so bad that you can't even put one square in another then you aren't going to make it

>> No.2572895

Riggidy rekt

>> No.2572897
File: 92 KB, 463x469, 1464738018962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize at least two of those tankoubons.

>> No.2572898 [DELETED] 

>not the battle royale photo,
desperately for someone to fall

>> No.2572899

>not the battle royale photo, desperately waiting for someone to fall

>> No.2572908

damn son

>> No.2572909

human bodies are just fucking man shit up man

>> No.2572912

Okay someone better stream

>> No.2572923

or what, what you gonna do about it Big Guy?

>> No.2572925

Ill stream myself if noone will lol

>> No.2572927

oh, please do

>> No.2572937
File: 105 KB, 900x900, woman throwing shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2572940

This is shopped right?

>> No.2572942


>> No.2572949


>> No.2572958

If I remember right, in the original he's on the facebook profile of one of the girls in the class. It's just taken out of context.though, he was giving a lesson on internet privacy or something.

>> No.2572976

Wow i didnt know that. Thats a piece of shit move on the part of whoever posted the original picture. I'd sue the fuck out of that little nigger. Can you imagine the damage that mustve done on his life. Jesus christ

>> No.2572984

Everyone vote welded

>> No.2572987

erm.... fuck you? ¬_¬

>> No.2572991

he's an old fat guy so its ok to make fun of him

>> No.2573003
File: 462 KB, 1080x1080, hater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imgur is over capacity


>> No.2573007

looks like I'm leaving this till 23:30 again lads :^)

>> No.2573010

But you could do so much better man

>> No.2573016

does nobody stream on twitch?
I thought the creative subsection was the place to go

>> No.2573018

kill yourself immediately

>> No.2573023

No lewds on twitch, and nobody can keep it in their pants apparently

>> No.2573025
File: 32 KB, 395x308, anticipation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animation challenge crit. I'm by no means great at crit or the best animator alive, I just thought it might be nice to get comments on all the hard work everyone put in.

That said, take it with a grain of salt if you wish.


>> No.2573026

nah, I'll stay around
What's the advantage of picarto except for nsfw exactly?
I thought you could just flag your stream as 18+

>> No.2573027

The twitch fans are the greatest though. They're such faggots who keep asking for more and all your secrets. They never stop and seem like they don't realize you're an ordinary person. They never even donate or subscribe. They just talk with you to waste your time. They're the best.

>> No.2573028

that may have been true when JTV was a thing but twitch is fucking cancer

>> No.2573029

>streaming on twitch

>> No.2573035

go for it if you want. A few people used to stream on there before but they stopped, I don't really mind desu, and you'd probably get more viewers on there too.

>> No.2573036

I'm new to art streaming, twitch just seems more streamlined than picarto, is there some reason why Creative sucks or is it just memes?
I've only streamed a couple of times for my buds only one of them public but this is so fucking true, I immediately got one random guy asking me about my secrets and not stopping for the entire duration of the stream.

>> No.2573037
File: 454 KB, 347x333, rude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitch is extremely strict as to what you can stream: games, music, speech, video, you name it.

I got suspended once, and my artwork wasn't even lewd or erotic in nature, I'm still salty about it.

>> No.2573041

Maybe you got suspended because your art sucks that bad?

>> No.2573045


>> No.2573047

>Twitch really does do Quality control
Wew lads

>> No.2573055
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>> No.2573057


>> No.2573058
File: 38 KB, 500x500, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573060


streaming because people keep talking about it and not actually DOING it.

>> No.2573067

We're all talk and no action.

>> No.2573069

thanks for the crit

>> No.2573090

checked and keked

>> No.2573091

>Sleep schedule is fucked once again because of the challenge deadline
t-thanks LAS

>> No.2573094

>not having such insane sleep debt that you fucked yourself for life

>> No.2573099

I appreciate the effort but the crits are pretty weak family.

>> No.2573102

What's your name? You'll get a more in-depth one.

>> No.2573110

Yeah I know, I had longer versions but decided to cut it. If anything else I just wanted to start at least some discussion, because it was just dead silent after the challenge.

>> No.2573112

*scribble scribble scribble*

>> No.2573127
File: 114 KB, 768x576, 11v3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I appreciated it because I wasn't rated 1/10 :^) I went back and played with exercise 11 trying to fix the acceleration issue and it's a bit better but I still don't have it like I want it. I'll go back and redo/fix my other failed ones while we wait for the level 2 challenge

>> No.2573141

I'm glad you appreciated it!

Definite improvement there, I love how far you go with the action afterwards.

Really work the delay in that leg just before the kick, exaggerate the fuck out of it. Also a little more "splat!" as he hits the ground would really make it come alive: take a couple frames out from the fall and add a delay as he's on the ground, I'd say.

>> No.2573142

Thanks for the crit, susi. You're totally right about stretch and squash and other things. I'll try to redo it when I'm able to.

I'm planning to start Sketch swap #2 at the beginning of the next month (on 1-4th of July). I'd really appreciate it if you waited for me, but of course I can't stop anyone from making a challenge sooner.

If I drop out sometime in the next two weeks, it means I'm in hospital and I won't be back for some time. So if that happens, feel free to start the challenge yourself.

Sorry and thank you for understanding.

>> No.2573143

The initial jump definitnely needs some work, there's no anticipation so it looks like the sack just floats up there instead of jumping. The kick is a bit slow too, maybe you were going for a slow motion effect? Add emphasis to when the ball makes contact with the sack. Right now it looks like the ball just randomly changes direction. You could try seeing what it looks like if you hold the contact frame for a bit or add a bit of squash to when the ball touches the sack. The last fall is weird too since it doesn't flow correctly, it looks like it has regained its balance and then just falls over, maybe try speeding it up so it looks like the momentum from the fall carries over. Actually, now that I think about it, the rolling over to the side doesn't really makes sense since he's falling straight down instead of moving laterally. All I can think of at the moment.

>> No.2573146

>If I drop out sometime in the next two weeks, it means I'm in hospital and I won't be back for some time.
you gonna be okay man?

>> No.2573153
File: 571 KB, 1023x568, 1465872164811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls take care of yourself bb
>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.2573161

looked to me like the sack was trying to quickly kip up from a prone position, but then overcompensated thus making it tip over the other direction. Could just be me, though.

>> No.2573163

every single point in your critique is something I tried to fix and failed. i cut the kick frames in half, i redrew a couple frames in that last fall/roll over to try to make it look like it was the momentum that made it fall over. maybe if I made the splat and then push up to a sitting position look more forceful then the roll back would be more believable?

yeah i spent probably an hour on the splat and i couldn't figure it out. i originally was going to go for a kind of volleyball dive recovery but i made it smoosh into the ground and the whole thing turned into a blob. i think if i do v4 it'll have a faster fall, more squish, more frames on the ground and a harder push back to make the roll over more believable

yeah that's what I was going for and i don't think it's terrible but the on the ground frames aren't working

>> No.2573179

Honestly I think a lot of it is just the limitations of animating a flour sack. I'm looking at your frames and it looks like everything I could recommend you, you've already tried to put in place, it just isn't coming across to the viewer because of the shape of the sack. the only correction to this that I see, would be to make the sack take on more of a human shape for the fall portion: that way, when when it tries to quickly get up, you'd see the momentum clearer through the body...maybe show a couple frames of the sack trying to correct on what would be its toes, and flailing its arms.

The ball could be fixed a bit if you showed a little dust action at the point of impact, and drew a few lines spinning on the ball after departure to show the ball is now affected by the kick and rotating on an axis. The other fix would be to double up on your frames, and show more deforming and acceleration after contact.

Other ideas: show an anticipated kick before contact, and change the angle of the ball to over the viewer's left shoulder. Add a longer prone time, or make the sack distribute the fall more like the worm dance to make the kip up action makes more sense (guessing you referenced an actual football/soccer player when making this. sacks don't have knees to absorb impact, so it looks odd because it's half of the lower body kinda flopping at once with no real view-able kinetic energy pushing it back up).

>> No.2573181

on the contrary I lift to heal my tendinitis and weak grip. It will balance out but you'll have trouble if you lift and draw back to back.

>> No.2573185

i do

>> No.2573187

Stressed as fuck and can't draw

>> No.2573191

Stressed as fuck and still going to draw.

>> No.2573195
File: 45 KB, 768x576, 11v1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really tried to add anticipation to the kick but i fel like I was limited by the body I was working with (i made it so fat.) In the original attempt from the challenge I had the whole body spinning evenly and to try to fix the lack of umph when hitting the ball I had the ball pause there for an extra 2 frames. in the fixed version i made the top half rotate then had the lower body snap around in the last 2 frames to hit the ball but it still doesn't have that umph. i guess impact lines/fx would do it

>> No.2573201
File: 277 KB, 675x481, SAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw how you feel, inb4 feelings are gay.
(they are)

>> No.2573205

please be week one ;^)

>> No.2573215

If you watch the lower half of the body during the kick in >>2573127 it looks like it connects well. It doesn't if you look anywhere else

>> No.2573218
File: 465 KB, 608x336, 1454111182544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every waking moment is crippling anxiety. Even when things are going well there's always a tiger at my window waiting to eat me. Can't eat, can't sleep, just draw.

>> No.2573219

>suddenly burst of inspiration for story I wanna do
whoa what the fuck I was just drawing gestures man

>> No.2573231

Fuck it. I'm going to cook me a nice dinner instead of drawing. See you on the other side lassos.

>> No.2573234

I just wanna be gud mang =(

>> No.2573236

draw then cook

>> No.2573245

let's make it guys!

>> No.2573246

Yeah, I just hope that the new medication starts working soon and I'll be able to stay home.

Thanks, I'm trying

>> No.2573248
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1430679108542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input, senpai. The challenge gave me an appreciation for how insane animators are. It was fun getting a taste of the consistency, weight, and timing that goes into it. Literally a whole new dimension of things to consider on top of static illustration.

>> No.2573256

What's going on if you don't mind me asking? Hope things work out for you man.

>> No.2573265

joining this challenge has made me hate art, i hate pencils i hate books i hate loomis i hate myself. im done.

>> No.2573270


>> No.2573273

why is everybody so fucked up here, I thought this was just about drawing for at least half an hour every day for a week, did I misread?

>> No.2573276

streams and attention whores happened
this is still /ic/ after all

>> No.2573278

sadly for some this is also their only way to interact meaningfully with other people

>> No.2573282
File: 11 KB, 187x232, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573285

You did

It's never ending. half an hour every day, for every day of your life. if you thought you got cake at the end of the week, you'd better drop now before you get invested in this hell hole.

>> No.2573287

>It's never ending. half an hour every day, for every day of your life.
>anon thinks this is a lot for an average artist

>> No.2573291
File: 1.12 MB, 673x435, tumblr_nkhjloFkFU1up2bd7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ was always lazy and cynical now they have been placed in a situation where its "put up or shut up" and in the end they are being faced with reality, while they only draw for 30 minutes (most of the time they dont)and are falling apart many are putting actual ours daily and have made them feel like what they truly are, trash, cannon fodder on the road of the ones willing to pay with blood. they have realized they have already failed because they cant beat the walls they have placed on themselves, its their fault and they know it. hell i know it.

>> No.2573293

Maybe don't study everyday. Try drawing some fanart every once in a while. Make sure you're using different approaches to art

>> No.2573295
File: 36 KB, 480x444, IJ7zKft[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is everybody so fucked up here
what do you mean?
yeah, I don't mind if people stream but it's getting annoying when people use inside jokes in the threads or post caps from streams/name drop others.

>> No.2573298
File: 54 KB, 625x351, show me your moves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop that.

>> No.2573301

nice pic and an exquisite pasta too
I'm sure your friends on reddit and tumblr will agree x^)

>> No.2573302

just fuck me up man ;_;

>> No.2573304
File: 14 KB, 268x265, Tfw+not+a+furry+tfw+enjoy+anal+sex+_508615f65cc6507680e3cbe527a84f7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i created pasta when im talking about myself

>> No.2573306

>anon implies things that were never implied

>> No.2573308

lava what is your end goal with art again? iirc it was about being able to illustrate your short stories or something, but i don't remember if that was you anymore

>> No.2573309
File: 34 KB, 608x256, hi friend.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2573312


>> No.2573318

>tfw no week 1 deaths today

>> No.2573319

Yeah pretty much. I wanted to tell stories in a way that involved pictures+text+animation. It's mainly about the story though and art is a means to that end. The art goals are to be able to create beautiful, expressive people and have it be effortless

>> No.2573321
File: 8 KB, 631x148, sSJ62Wg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wants to be able to draw himself a nice pair of legs so he can walk again.

>> No.2573323


>> No.2573328


>> No.2573330
File: 110 KB, 500x500, hour lifting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel so tired. i think its almost over.

>> No.2573331


>> No.2573335


>> No.2573337
File: 4 KB, 164x129, superiorclearly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573338


>> No.2573344


>> No.2573346
File: 26 KB, 200x200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573347
File: 21 KB, 538x438, feelthelove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573349

what the fuck is up with all the slav letters in the last few days?

>> No.2573353

when the first of the 42 remaining weak 1ers dies, the rest will follow very quickly

>> No.2573356
File: 3.58 MB, 7999x7999, Untitled-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573358


>> No.2573360
File: 15 KB, 193x200, EUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573362
File: 96 KB, 421x544, heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573365
File: 1.72 MB, 320x180, knight bros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peмoвe кeбaб

>> No.2573366


>> No.2573368

This is my first time doing LAS (week 2). I drew, forgot to submit and just submitted 15 minutes late. I lost a token or something? How many tokens do I have? How bad did I fuck up?

>> No.2573370

Pray to Tokenchan to get it back

>> No.2573373
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time doing LAS
>(week 2)

>> No.2573374

Add girlfriend as a topic

>> No.2573377
File: 125 KB, 954x110, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the crit. Why is the brick fall familiar?

>> No.2573378


>> No.2573379
File: 17 KB, 385x387, 1431952895333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573381

he probably meant second week of drawing not that he is week 2

>> No.2573382

Week 2 means you joined in the second week, not that this is your second week.

>> No.2573385

Add you're mom as a topic

>> No.2573386

>Anon313 is finishing something
holy shit
h o l y s h i t

>> No.2573388

I meant this is my first time participating.
Over 7 days have elapsed and this is currently the second week I have been in participation.

>> No.2573389

>tfw harold will never be topic of the day

>> No.2573390
File: 483 KB, 1920x1080, Brick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh because you did it from like the exact perspective I did. They're just really similar.

>> No.2573392

any traditional artists planning to join the animation challenges? so far I think everyone's been digital

>> No.2573398

Great minds think alike ;)
No, seriously, I thought it would be interesting to see the fall like a cartoon where the bad guy falls down a cliff and becomes smaller, I think that was my line of thought

>> No.2573402

Lordslump I'm sorry I couldn't make it on time for the creature lifecycle, here's all the phases at least ;_; http://orig14.deviantart.net/3946/f/2016/174/4/9/flirneg_devil___creature_lifecycle_by_santichasca-da7e1un.jpg

>> No.2573406

Not gonna lie I spent all day playing D&D sorry slump

>> No.2573408
File: 46 KB, 486x599, 1441468701076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big hearts break easy

>> No.2573409

Fuck. Lava, can you add Lokki to the Study and appliance club challenge? I didn't notice it.

>> No.2573410


>> No.2573412
File: 263 KB, 1861x887, 150-progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only thing you're getting better at with your studies that you don't apply is copying photos, and you're not even that good at doing that. get your shit together.
>-a concerned parent

Thanks, but there's no pleasing anyone so I'm going to do whatever the hell I feel like.

>You never do the face
Did faces, no comments, skip face week later and it's all CHUB WHERES THE FACE
>You don't do enough people
Do people and then get accused of doing it for bait thumbnails
>You never finish anything
Finish things, get asked to post ref, why bother trying to paint things better than they are irl if people just ask for the ref afterwards.

>ur not learning anything
I'm learning how to fucking paint, which is what I want to do. People always assume that I want to draw perfect figures from imagination and shit, and that might be the main /ic/ thing but I just have no interest in it. I don't want to be a concept artist, might not even want to be an illustrator anymore, just want to make stuff even more beautiful than it is in front of me. If my painting new things each day and trying new processes all the time is somehow worse than the tons of people who don't know what to draw so they just do gestures every day then so be it.

>> No.2573414


>> No.2573415

is the texture supposed to look like in that chocolate bunny getting melted by a hairdryer gif?

>> No.2573417

I think you're great choob!

>> No.2573419

It's a soft clay statue with some kind of liquid being poured over it to smooth it out before casting I think, so I guess it'd be the same kind of texture.

>> No.2573422

it looks cool, I was just wondering if it's intentional

>> No.2573423

Traditional is just too time consuming for the length of the challenge.

>> No.2573424

you're a cool dude choob but you need to stop taking the bait

>> No.2573425

It's semen

>> No.2573427

It's fuckin nap time lads

>> No.2573428

You said it, we all thought of it.

>> No.2573431


>> No.2573445
File: 1.09 MB, 944x654, T H E W A L L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I ignore it mostly, but done that too much the past couple threads so there's more and more of it. Only getting bad mentions saying that Choob's shit at X or needs to do more this or that can be irritating. Don't want people to think I'm an idiot blindly wandering around needing constant help or something, more like I know I'm bashing into one section of wall and it's what I'm aiming to do.

Just want to get the point across that I do what I like, there's plenty of rising stars in LAS to watch instead if my stuff isn't to their taste.

Thanks m8

>> No.2573449
File: 1.65 MB, 307x227, tumblr_nzeuohxQoB1sxfvy5o4_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Creature Lifecycle? Any particular favorite stages from people? I very much enjoyed reading the text people added and looking at the diagrams. It was a little effort that went a long way and really showed off how much though so people put in. Nice work guys!

>> No.2573450


>> No.2573452
File: 757 KB, 2265x1455, PSM_V23_D086_The_deep_sea_fish_eurypharynx_pelecanoides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S...so the creature lifecycle challenge, it was fun to see all of you put your imagination into work, there's one particular fishlike creature I really liked and I can see interacting with mine in the same environment.

>> No.2573459

Choobs needs to stop responding to b8

>> No.2573469

fuck no how time consuming.

>> No.2573471
File: 428 KB, 540x501, 1462732705535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hound Locust was my favorite, there were other concepts which I hope the artists responsible for continue to work on.
Talking about that.
You, you know who you are, your creature is missing your usual walls of text and ridiculous amount of supplements, get to it, hopefully within the next year.

>> No.2573481
File: 34 KB, 480x851, hurts just a little bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have to delete a layer I spent at least an hour working on because it turned out to be trash

>> No.2573487

eddcer and mal killed it

>> No.2573491

yeah, pretty much, many artists gave up as soon as they realized how much work they had to do, and phoned it in, and those who tried their best fell short due to time mismanagement.

>> No.2573496

It looks like an acorn because a real heart is separated into chambers. You just drew one solid mass. You tried, but you don't actually know what a heart looks like. I'm sorry.

>> No.2573497

I'll try just for you anon.

>> No.2573500

Just a heads-up larrex, it's spelled "sense," not "sence." But I appreciate all of the effort you put into coming up with how the animal works.

>> No.2573502

this is true but im still impressed by the solid amount of people that churned out some actually pretty good shit

>> No.2573509

I dug lokki's too. Something fit for /x/ creepypasta.

>> No.2573523

>Tfw don't no if I'm improving or if I've been bashing my head into a meme littered wall for the past 6 months
>tfw too afraid to ask at this point

>> No.2573526

The technical execution of the creature is real good, one of the very best if not the best, sadly the concept is devoid of anything else, its shallow, He was the first to submmit I wish he had taken an extra day to polish his concept and develop it further.
I repeat Lokkis work is real good, bless him.

>> No.2573528

Just gimme a username, if it happens to be your own then all the better.

>> No.2573543
File: 129 KB, 580x400, LGD-Imp-2015lpl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the Improvement Imp. I will post a couple of names here every day after the deadline and you guys will say if they've improved or not.

First batch:

>> No.2573544

My mech is going to be the sexiest

>> No.2573552

Have you started it yet? What's taking you mech folks so long? I don't know how many are just polishing theirs a lot and how many are lazy.

>> No.2573555


>> No.2573556
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, 1450247335578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have to do this

>> No.2573558

That 25 days deadline was honestly kind of stupidly.

>> No.2573565

haven't even started tbqhwy

>> No.2573574

I doubt this will result in any kind of proper feedback as the weeks roll on and people stop bothering, not a single artist shares the same goals and or approach towards reaching those goals, artist A dedicates plenty of its time to perfecting gestures by doing several quick sketches a day, artist B prefers to put all of his effort and knowledge into a single piece of artwork over several days, these are just examples, two of many variables, seeing an improvement on their body of work over large periods of time would requiere someone smart enough to hold back their bias and understand the current approach and goal of those he is criticizing.
Good luck though, I would hate to see wathever you are trying to do turn into a source of high amounts of drama.

>> No.2573581

Did you pick these names randomly or are you trying to start shit?

>> No.2573588

KEK, There is too many meme names for that list to be random, the one doing this is only doing so for their own amusment.

>> No.2573589

>smug asian image
he's trying to start shit obviously

why do you like drama so much bitch

>> No.2573597

They're all week1 but aside from that it was random. I tried to include people who don't get too many mentions. Everyone will get mentioned eventually tho so not trying to start shit.
It's literally a yes or no question phams. What kind of shit will be started? Either you say someone improved or they didn't and that's that. I thought it'd be helpful for people to see if they've made visible improvement or not. If you don't wanna be mentioned just say so.

>> No.2573612
File: 28 KB, 320x240, 1457295945361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join Family Photo

>> No.2573613

Some improvement. But hard to gauge since his stuff is all over the place.
Can't tell since he's beyond my level
Figures have improved. Faces also but to a smaller extent
Figures are better and so are faces.
>bondage fairy
Figures have definitely improved, faces are still pretty weak.
Can't really tell because his stuff is inconsistent

>> No.2573614
File: 24 KB, 376x313, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st for bantz.

>> No.2573617

LF is fucking savage

>> No.2573621


> +This family can exist in any time period
> +This family must exist within a unique culture of your design. Do not limit your thinking of culture to just clothing, take also in consideration familial roles, family structure, social expectations etc

you're literally killing me with this challenge
my most ambitious project involves making several pictures of this sort
and as of now, i absolutely do not have the prerequisite skill to execute anything of this sort.

>> No.2573624

lava with the fire.

>> No.2573627
File: 72 KB, 850x400, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lava is such a fucking nerd.

>> No.2573640

https://picarto.tv/artscrub streaming :)

>> No.2573645
File: 53 KB, 300x313, BITCHDIDIASK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573652
File: 265 KB, 600x450, 1447351486627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright faggot, enjoy my orphanage.

>> No.2573655

Close your eyes for a while, just imagine whatever. Stay like that for at least a few minutes, meditate. Then open your eyes. The world around you looks so crisp and vibrant and fresh, doesn't it? Capture that. Learn it and put it in your art.

>> No.2573658
File: 7 KB, 262x192, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Close your eyes
It makes it so much easier.

>> No.2573659

How do you think people did with showing the aging process of their creature? I feel like that was the core of what the challenge was about, did you find any to really be convincing or believable? Or not?

>> No.2573663

>tfw your name isn't a meme name

>> No.2573686
File: 94 KB, 686x582, 865988ab1e9c2c94755cd7ca36ba8b6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of those who worked with humanoid like creatures did a good job, mainly because it was easier to convey age in a creature that's closer to us in apparence.

Lokki Did the absolute best, every stage feels very distinctive, age is perfectly conveyed through pose and gesture, a master of his craft.

Dopamine's critters are rated curious looking fellas, they are pretty cute even when battle worn, too bad he mismanaged his time, it shows real bad, the creatures he got to render look lovely though.

Caylak did a great job, but one more stage could have sealed the deal, the further decay of his creature could have been horrific, otherwise real good, if not just a tiny bit generic (I doubt he was aiming for groundbreaking end fantasy anyway).

MikeLeWatt Memed too hard.

None of them wrote in-depth about their creatures neither provided us with engaging supplementary material, so I rank them all with pic related.

Try harder next time.

>> No.2573718

oh god no no every month it comes in another form just let me draw in peace you fucker D:

>> No.2573727

There's no draw in R.I.P

>> No.2573728
File: 54 KB, 669x624, 4e412dd41b504aec88df3d04666e39a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey, you have improved a lot, many artists are regressing or stagnating, but not you, you are the best.

>> No.2573743

he's using a trip, just block him small son

>> No.2573778
File: 279 KB, 2000x1500, LAS template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573782

cba :/

>> No.2573800
File: 976 KB, 300x300, f6due.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been in LAS for +100 days.
>Drawings mediocre, most minimum 30 minutes.
>Most uninspired doodles, few studies.
>Everyone else skyrocketing in skill, effort.
>Wasted time.
>Started a "You Will Never Be This Good" folder on computer with amazing pieces.
>I've made a terrible long-term investment mistake.

>> No.2573805

>someone thinks they're regressing
>they're actually improving

>> No.2573808

>someone thinks they're improving
>they're actually regressing

>> No.2573823
File: 856 KB, 2000x1500, 1466671236850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573828
File: 485 KB, 2000x1500, zzz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking through my stuff made me realize how little i experiment with painting from imagination (out of fear of it not being ideal), sooooooooo many boring stuff uploaded throughout the months. I did a couple of decent color studies from masters a while ago and hell if i know why i didn't instantly apply them to some speed paintings from imagination. Challenges helped to break the ice though, now i'm going to finish at least 1 colored painting each week.
At least the constant grinding of faces made me a little bit better at them - http://i.imgur.com/coRGGHp.jpg

Oh right. Thanks, i repeated the same mistake again though and started too late. Gonna remake all the gestures describing actions and add some 3/4 views.
Also, do you guys think that Mal's submission ( http://imgur.com/7fDGsBR ) is close to the level of the portfolio entry? I want to further develop mine and that seems like a good goal.

Alekiel, i wonder what that glowing white symbol on the side of your creature is. Looks pretty original, is the creature itself represent some kind of elemental? (Judging from those rocky formations).

Soroneir, absolutely loved looking through your submission, that's like watching a documentary. It also looks like a portfolio level piece (for some sandbox rpg/survival) if only you added some rendering.

SantiChasca, the hatchling phase looks awesome, one of my favorite designs of the challenge. That greenish collar is so pleasant to look at.
>Not gonna lie I spent all day playing D&D sorry slump
>not limiting your p&p time to 4 hours once a week, just to get enough inspiration for painting.

>> No.2573847

why is Highondopamine's art so weird
what kind of style is that

>> No.2573852
File: 121 KB, 509x501, 1460667393326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i got a really good teacher showing me how to draw and i gotta say, if it wasn't for this place and you fucks i dont think i would have gotten this far.

so thanks

>> No.2573854


no problem senpai

>> No.2573856
File: 929 KB, 2000x1500, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting this

>> No.2573862
File: 3.33 MB, 1839x1400, bestworstfam4..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573869

>yfw UK leaves EU

>> No.2573874
File: 52 KB, 400x300, pinochet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice study tabascoshrimp
Your should ditch the line art layer or keep working over on top of it and brush out the linework. Sharp lines tend to distract the eye and they always dart towards and attract it.

I would also experiment with some softer edge brushes for areas that you want out of focus, the hard edge brush is good for areas you like attention to but be careful of teh low opacity as you can end up with "spaghetti effect" rendering.

>> No.2573878

are you ever going to finish that Link drawing anytime this year?

>> No.2573881

Lol Scotland will just cuck you out like they did themselves

>> No.2573886

I start a project fumble in an area (like say feet or the tree) then i spend a week studying legs,feet, tree or whatever then come back to the drawing.

It's been working kinda well since it forces me out of a comfort zone of doing torsos and faces and into more background work which is my weakness. It sucks seeing others doing great landscapes and i shit out as i try my hand at it.

Come to think of it i rarely see Rapoza do good bgs...

>> No.2573887
File: 2.18 MB, 2000x1500, toss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta reapply the elements I like again from my early entries, and bad portraits are hard not to hate, even compared to lazy submissions.

>> No.2573889

Lava is the best person whe could have meet in our lifes, honestly
thank you, Lava, we love you

>> No.2573890

Guess you have already forgotten me guys...

>> No.2573891


>> No.2573895

S-Stella chan? O_O

>> No.2573897

I'm new and have a question. I'm travelling, so missing days due to not having wifi would get me eliminated, right?

Just trying to decide between this and my existing sketchgroup.

>> No.2573899

Yes, you have to upload everyday.

>> No.2573901

Ok, thanks!

>> No.2573955
File: 237 KB, 868x634, REEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying they will, my mudslime "friends" are voting to stay in because it will benefit them and moving the rest of their parasite race in, and there seems to be more of them than us, what a time to be alive

>> No.2573957

im too shy to post

>> No.2573958

aw :3

>> No.2573959

maybe when i have been here longer than 8 days and have substance

>> No.2573966


>> No.2573974

good morning friends and family!

>> No.2573988

Hello, fellow /las/ser! are you ready for a great day of work?

>> No.2574001
File: 321 KB, 400x700, 35912847_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes senpai! let's work hard today!

>> No.2574035
File: 444 KB, 300x243, touch my spirit jesus lord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man /pol/ is hilarious keep it coming bruv

>> No.2574041

Imp has gotten fatter since he joined LGD, shame he left Korea. Same with Marin.

>> No.2574058


>> No.2574065


>> No.2574072

Actually I've been thinking about moving over to twitch. Mainly because the audience on picarto is too fucking weird, it's not really an environment that i'd like to be in. Everyone is constantly drawing and talking about the weirdest fucking shit. The streamers here are actually the sanest fucking people i've met. Taking a stroll through the many streams of picarto has taught me this.

>> No.2574078

>>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.

Lose a token, what does this mean?
It's not in the FAQ. Do tokens count towards something?

>> No.2574082

Token is your "safety net", it allows you to skip 1 day (maybe because of unforeseen circumstances) and still remain in the challenge. It recharges once a month.

>> No.2574087

good point, it should be added to the FAQ somewhere

When you miss a day you get eliminated from your week challenge, but if you have a token you lose the token instead of being eliminated. Every user has 1 token and your token will respawn exactly 30 days after it is lost (if you lose it).

They're meant to protect against Acts of God.

>> No.2574088

>Acts of God
More like me being insanely tired from dealing with the gubmint.
Good thing I've time nowadays to actually draw.

>> No.2574102

>there is people on /ic/ RIGHT NOW who actually draw instead of shitposting
you disgust me

>> No.2574107

>implying you can't do both

>> No.2574121

You cant. I can

>> No.2574130

the only thing you're proving by replying is that your ego is over the roof, the notion that anything done by you is questioned by some pedestrian annoys you, especially since your belief in the amount of work and learning you've done so far skews your perception of yourself in terms of worth

so how about you stop making posts explaining everything and get over yourself

>> No.2574131

How about you go and fuck yourself? Who the fuck are you that your opinion even matters? Post your work before you say anything you piece of shit. Choob is cool and you are a faggot. Thats the end of it.

>> No.2574132

Maybe if you'd stop sucking other people's cock when they didn't need it, you'd have one of your own by now

>> No.2574133

chill out dude

>> No.2574134

FUCK (You)

>> No.2574140
File: 98 KB, 482x543, NGMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Style wise he's one of the very few working exclusively with traditional media.
He's constantly bouncing between moods, that may be the reason he's so inconsistent and can't hold a steady pace for more than a week, this reflect on his artwork, which is at times very emotional.
He's not gonna make it.
Oh!, he also deletes all of his submissions every month or so, STOP!.

>> No.2574141 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 432x172, fengzhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choob needs to stop copying from photos, I dont even know if the guy can actually draw or not.

>> No.2574146


>> No.2574147

? :3 na n de a ri ma su de su ka sa n de wa su te ni ka?

>> No.2574150
File: 75 KB, 211x173, 1447795797300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being in the family photo challenge

>> No.2574155

seems really cool but I can't into the amount of time it'll take

>> No.2574156

I... I can't. My friends are literally forcing me to play role playing games and go to the gym with them.

>> No.2574158

ITT sentences that have never been said before.

>> No.2574178


>> No.2574179

Kek, nigga you need to go outside and meet people

>> No.2574180


Hey calm down you two stop arguing

>> No.2574187




>> No.2574199

First time streaming, no bully pls

>> No.2574213

should I submit today? Reply with a yes or no, dubs decide. I'm flawless week1 (not day 1). Not b8ing

>> No.2574216

I know it's not kosher to link to tumblr posts, but if anyone here is an overwatch player and needs motivation today, maybe this will make you feel better: I just want you all to succeed.


>> No.2574217

just do it

>> No.2574224

haven't played either game zzz

>> No.2574227

Gayest shit I've seen tumblr make and that's saying something.

>> No.2574233

oh well, I hope you succeed today regardless.

>> No.2574234

Ive always wanted to sign up but if your decent at drawing is it okay to join?

>> No.2574249

I promised to reward myself with getting Overwatch once i get my portfolio done, so thanks for a small motivation boost, anon, have a super productive day yourself :3c

Why is that even a question? Do it immediately.

>> No.2574252

holy shit that d.va has the longest neck in the history of fanart

>> No.2574264
File: 1.85 MB, 500x280, 1466107761136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2574266
File: 531 KB, 1300x1714, 1444956341596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Started a "You Will Never Be This Good" folder on computer with amazing pieces.

I have the opposite; a folder for when people I thought were good artists post terrible shit. Can't find it though so have this instead.

I do also have a Kill Yourself folder though which fills up a little more each day.

>> No.2574271
File: 272 KB, 500x281, karen flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubt it will happen though, too much scaremongering will influence people and they've given the idea that staying in will mean no scary changes or economic worries, which it doesn't. EU army talks will be discussed in just a few days, but no one talks about that shit.

I love your pretty warm skin tones man

>> No.2574283
File: 875 KB, 2000x1500, 1456313465288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2574289

>tfw haven't played overwatch
>tfw haven't played undertale
I cannot relate :/

>> No.2574292

Lovely, what's your username?
I would like to stalk you.

>> No.2574293

come play overwatch anon! It's really a lot of fun.

Undertale, if you ignore the fandom, is a decent game with good music if you have 6 hours to spare.

At the very least, I hope you're playing or doing something fun. Enjoying games can help fuel desire to create.

Unless you play league of legends. That will just slowly kill you.

>> No.2574297

Playing videogames is a massive waste of time.

>> No.2574298

I haven't play a videogame in ages

>> No.2574301

we are gonna make it bros

>> No.2574302

>those bottom ones especially the bottom middle ones

>> No.2574303

Feng Zhu has our back

>> No.2574304

yeah, anyone of any skill level can join, we got the shittest of beginners to Anon313

>> No.2574307

So is reading books, watching movies, everything on netflix, having conversations on the internet, having conversations with friends or family, adopting a pet, exercising, cooking, etc.

If you spend all of your time on just one thing, no matter what it is, you'll start to feel your days get shorter and you'll begin to hate the things you love.

We all "waste time" in one way or another, it's best to do it in a way that's not excessive and makes you feel good.

>> No.2574313

besides watching movies, the things your listed are actually enriching and worth pursuing, unlike videogames.

>> No.2574314

>shittiest of beginners to anon313
What's the difference?

>> No.2574316


>> No.2574318

Nice harley Quinn, Lokki!
kek at niche's slav Joker

Thanks for joining my shitty challenge guys

>> No.2574319

So then you personally just don't care for video games, which is fine. But it's not inherently different than anything else in terms of entertainment or "enrichment"

>> No.2574323

It is because Feng Zhu said it DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING AGAINST FENG GOD YOU SUCKER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFAWP0L2H2I

>> No.2574326

This tbqh senpai. Obvioussly vidya addiction is bad but I don't see what the problem is in moderation. Especially for stuff like RPGs or story based games where you get immersed into the world and get exposed to lots of different shit. Different strikes for different folks but you can't just dismiss an entire medium as a waste of time.

>> No.2574346

>feeling so sleepy after eating
>even more so than I used to
I'm probably not gonna make it AND get fat at the same time at this rate

>> No.2574347

Give me 1 reason why I should submit today. Protip, you can't.

>> No.2574349

Funny how all the industry figures that say video games are a waste of time are actually working for video game companies helping increase the playerbase.

>> No.2574352

making and consuming are two very different things, yes

>> No.2574353

I really can't... looks like you've gotta quit... huh...


>> No.2574357

As someone who doesn't play videogames (just can't get into it, it bores me), videogames actually aren't a waste of time. I noticed that gamers are exposed to way more different ways of designing everything, and they're way better at drawing things if they try. The difference between the shitty artist who games and a good artist who games is that the former just plays games while oblivious to all the design in front of him, while the good artist pays attention to what he sees and practices the fundamentals. One is braindead, the other actually thinks.

I am actually thinking about picking up a game with designs I like, just to get more exposed to the art.

>> No.2574362

Try out Darksiders or Brink if you're into character design, and Bioshock for enviros.

>> No.2574364


OFF is a great example of a game with cohesive and surreal aesthetic design but average gameplay. I'd recommend checking that one out.
Plus, it's free.

>> No.2574367

You can listen to audiobooks and watch movies while drawing. You can even have phone or skype conversations while drawing.

When you play games, you get the same benefit you would from other things, but you can't draw while you're playing. In that regard it's a waste of time.


>> No.2574372


I don't like multitasking like that aside from music + focused activity, and even then sometimes it can be distracting.

You're not engaged in either activity. For instance, if you have an animated film playing while you're drawing, you can't seriously examine and appreciate the content, animation and design while simultaneously being focused on the things you're drawing. Additionally, your mind will be partially engaged with what's happening in the movie than your art. It's not just white noise, it's fighting for your attention.

>> No.2574381

>Just wake up
>Feel sleepy again an hour later
Kill me

>> No.2574393
File: 318 KB, 1296x2304, GQBee4V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this is not 30 minutes, Frog

>> No.2574396


I don't know if I'm in any place to talk as a beginner, but I think those paint-like marker pens are much better for capturing gesture and sharp value than trying to draw locations accurately. Like fuck, look at those sculptures(?) and that sign.

>> No.2574401

*sighs* looks like the 30 minute police are at it again *begrudingly unzips katana*

>> No.2574403

Anyone going to stream?

>> No.2574405

I agree, I use them a lot and they are not the best option for non-organic shapes.
Anyway, they are pretty good for doing quick drawings, I'm sure Frog could have done that image in ten minutes.

>> No.2574407
File: 1.70 MB, 2719x1100, Doom Clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As numbers
in pairs

>> No.2574408

Will this reset if I lose my token?

>> No.2574409

There's no need for that, my friend, we just have to report Frog, the tribunal will do the rest.

>> No.2574410


No. Weekwunner blood can stall the gears of the Doom Clock, but only a sacrifice will return the Clock to its initial state.

>> No.2574412


>> No.2574413


>> No.2574416

Sweet, so if I sacrifice my token it'll stay the same for a day?

>> No.2574417

Who knows?
And the clock,
goes on.

>> No.2574418

Choob u wanna play some rocket league?

>> No.2574419

LAS steam group when? :3

>> No.2574421

el 0 el. Us streamerz huh?

>> No.2574422

kek salty af

>> No.2574423


>> No.2574424

what's going on? :s

>> No.2574426


my ass in getting pounded right now and you're invited

>> No.2574428

I'm not gay >_>

>> No.2574429
File: 875 KB, 250x231, 1452738172464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2574431

>uk referendum votes coming out in a few hours
ahhhhhh I can't focus on drawing this is gonna kill me!

>> No.2574434

sometimes you draw something
and then you wanna kill yourself immediately afterwards

>> No.2574435

everytime I draw something I want to kill myself immediately afterwards

>> No.2574436


good timing man
suicide pact?

>> No.2574437

I want to kill myself, but not with *You*

>> No.2574438



>> No.2574439

anon do you need a hug?
you're not alone in these feelings.
Keep going.

>> No.2574442

>not knowing who that is
shaking my head to be honest family

>> No.2574445

I'm going to sleep, anons, good night ^^

>> No.2574447

>tfw want to draw all day every day but I'm constantly busy, and when I have free time I'm tired as fuck
Goodbye again lassies. See you tomorrow hopefully.

>> No.2574448

good night sweet heart ^^

>> No.2574461

virtual hugs don't mean shit breh

>> No.2574495

>did I just draw my computer mouse with fur

>> No.2574508

just fuck my drawings up senpai

>> No.2574509

great knight robot whizard its cool.

>> No.2574514
File: 827 KB, 320x240, EFvWZ1w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I am just kinda bummed out that i usually end up starting too late. I can never finish anything properly. My motivation is never good when i woke up and i just end up doing random shit until couple of hours before the deadline.

>> No.2574517

Looks like 30+ to me family

>> No.2574520

Probably 5-15 tops

>> No.2574522

great britain l-leaving the eu? D:

>> No.2574523
File: 45 KB, 802x439, happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes lad
Mine's on xbone though, makes it difficult if you're on pc unless we private game that shit

>> No.2574524

Lots of hatching. Generally thick, round shapes. The colors he uses are typically very saturated.

Also I second that you need to stop deleting your submissions, you could get reported for cheating. Don't be a faggot about it, if you so badly don't want people to see your art, you shouldn't have joined a website where you need to post your art every day.

>> No.2574526
File: 94 KB, 925x571, crashing the EU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crashing this union
With no survivors

Dutch Nexit when
Swedish Sexit when
Italian Spaghexiti when
French Fixit when

>> No.2574530

christ it's fucking tight

>> No.2574532
File: 121 KB, 258x245, HAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>French Fixit when

>> No.2574539
File: 67 KB, 634x476, me and my GF im shy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trap yourself. anounce that you will do more than what you usually do, it will be shameful to not deliver and you will fel great. look at me! every time i say "wow lokki you draw so much how do you not burn out!" when in reality i was always lokki and people kept remind me to draw more, its my secret weapon and now its yours.

>> No.2574541

nice try, santi

>> No.2574567

What the hell is the difference between an adolescents and a child?

>> No.2574579


>> No.2574627

good night friends and family

>> No.2574644

why won't las just fucking end? I want out of this shithole. I didn't realize how bad the shit posting was in here until I started lurking the other generals again.

>> No.2574646

>brexit is actually winning
h-h-holy fucking shit!!!

>> No.2574651
File: 56 KB, 448x328, ss+(2016-06-24+at+04.01.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Las doesnt simpley END

>> No.2574665

children are usually from 6-12
adolescents 13-17
young adult 18-20
adult 21+

>> No.2574674
File: 1.08 MB, 304x401, 1 mb pepe animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2574680

>been drawing on-and-off all day
>still have to do topic
Fuck me. I want to quit this stupid topic challenge, but I'm too fucking autistic to willingly let it happen.

>> No.2574685

You and me both. It stops me from drawing but I'm too autistic to quit. Adding some leaderboard point crap to it just makes it worse, like some kind of addictive mmo grind garbage. Fuck you Lava.

>> No.2574687

The topic challenge was a trap and it worked magnificently

>> No.2574695
File: 62 KB, 554x390, 1388541195871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it would be fun. And it was. But I did not look far enough into the future.

>> No.2574707
File: 13 KB, 500x326, blinded by the light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's to another 6 months you glorious faggots

>> No.2574725

How do I relate the UK winning to drawing a picture for LAS

>> No.2574730

draw a load of pakis on a boat with nick farage shooting a rocket launcher

>> No.2574732


It's looking like it at this point. From the outside, it looks like a pretty stupid thing to do, considering the benefits are pretty much worse trade deals with EU nations and a shallow feeling of independence. Unless the UK wants to go full isolation state, they're still going to have to follow all the EU's rules if they want to keep trading goods in and out of it.

>> No.2574738
File: 46 KB, 570x380, TFW LEAVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2574748
File: 44 KB, 540x564, queen grins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you guys, I told you all. Who's a crazy /pol/tard now.

>> No.2574756

>literally posting tumblr screencaps

>> No.2574760


still streaming w/ poon

>> No.2574764


>> No.2574772

So, no eliminations today, right?
Are we going to be here forever?

>> No.2574777
File: 1.80 MB, 500x209, smug brits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we going to be here forever?

Speak for yourself

>> No.2574830


>> No.2574831
File: 41 KB, 580x386, 1466722922691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2574839

lol you guys are fucked. Your economy is already dropping.

>> No.2574849

I don't know how I feel about this... You sure it's a good idea?

>> No.2574850

Same. I hear all the arguments against it, but the only thing I hear from the opposition is [British equivalent of] YEEHAW FUCK IMMIGRANTS

>> No.2574860

>david cameron resigns

i-it's happening?!

>> No.2574862

>that trigger discipline
i wuv u neko

>> No.2574865

>tfw not a meme artist or a streamer so I'll never get mentioned

>> No.2574867


good, focus on drawing instead of drawing attention to yourself.

>> No.2574868

Am streamer. Never mentioned anyway. It's a good thing

>> No.2574869

Self portrait challenge when

>> No.2574873

>fibinochi joins it
>actually completes it
And then we track him down and strangle him.

>> No.2574875

That's false. Literally everyone who streams regularly has been mentioned in these threads. Unless you just started streaming, I doubt you haven't been mentioned.

>> No.2574898

Reminder that Leslie is a cute name

>> No.2574901


>> No.2574915

I have, twice i think. Considering Ive been participating since week 3 its nothing too crazy really.

>> No.2574918

Hey as a newbie, would it be a better idea to stream to get feedback, or should I rather just draw things and post on /ic/?

Either way works for me, as long as it's a quick way to improve and get my weak points out of the way.

>> No.2574921

both, you can do both, stream and get crit from anyone that pops their head in and lends it, and post your work in the beginner/whatever thread for crit from anyone else on /ic/

>> No.2574925

poon, are you studying any anatomy/figure books? which?

>> No.2574927

Cool. I'll do that, then. Thanks.

>> No.2574928
File: 1.12 MB, 910x954, 1460007180799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you use LAS just reply with your username, no faster way to improve without paying for professional feedback. Come sit down.

>> No.2574929


Literally just started out. Had to miss a day because government bollocks (legalizing my fianceé's stay).

>> No.2574930

This. If you really want to, just post anywhere and everywhere. It's not like there's a limit to how often you can post your work. Take advantage of /ic/ and spread yourself like the plague.

>> No.2574931

>tfw some one whose art you liked starts regressing
Either that or they're low efforting like hell, doesn't make sense tho cause they usually stream for a few hours every now and then. Is it Loomis?

>> No.2574933

yotsuyu, if that girl is really an ogre It would work way better if she were stronger, she looks like a normal girl.

>> No.2574935
File: 69 KB, 505x490, 1447628778430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about me?

>> No.2574937

idk if I should say the name. It could be you tho if you stream.

>> No.2574938
File: 32 KB, 311x333, 1434473692868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're cruel man, anon.

>> No.2574949


>> No.2574950

dont know how many posters that post in lavaflake that are here but do you mind if people take what you have drawn and made in another style, i was thinking of doing that

>> No.2574952

just like every real world currency game i.e WoW, RS etc, its drops before it rises again, you talk as if this is the end, go read a book on economics you cuck

>> No.2574954



>> No.2574955

Go on

>> No.2574956

Judging from your 3 submissions, you're new enough that you can study anything and see huge progress, which feels great. Focus on your forms, think about objects in 3d space and shadow in relation to a light source. Don't throw in shading just to differentiate two areas or to separate an object from the background with an arbitrary value. Keep values consistent across a drawing and relevant to a lighting.

It's good that you're getting stuck in there with construction but make sure you get an idea of perspective too, your Minotaur's eyes, horns and snout are all turned out at different degrees of 3/4 view and if we saw him from the front he'd have Bell's Palsy. You need to really understand objects overlapping each other and being hidden from view due to perspective and foreshortening. Break everything down into simple shapes, like a box for that snout, and attach it to the rest of the skull so that it's level. I can't see one on the sketch layer so don't get lazy and try to wing it.

Check the sticky if you haven't and find some tutorials or books to look at when you can so that you have some direction. Keep having fun with imagination stuff too though, don't get sucked into study hell.

>> No.2574964

thanks senpai

>> No.2574976
File: 748 KB, 600x948, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some opinions, please? I did it with no reference, all from imagination. Colored with Promarkers

>> No.2574979


>> No.2574980

>cuck meme
opinion discarded you fucking degenerate

>> No.2574984
File: 877 KB, 1280x1755, tumblr_o8hm5bK2qb1uecl9io2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. I think Neko needs to start finishing things (which they've acknowledged before [but you still gotta push yourself to finish, man!]). This is fairly recent and shows what he's capable of when he reigns in the doodling, exaggerated gesture, and perspective studies.

I believe in you, Neko!

>> No.2574990


>> No.2574992

any updates on abc? Was/is he sick or something?

>> No.2574995
File: 107 KB, 1300x984, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has Lava gotten good yet?

Nah nvm I know that's never going to happen.

>> No.2574997


abc taking a break for health will be back again soon

>> No.2575010

If he keeps going with the same dedication and momentum, he's definitely going make it. He probably draws more than you to be honest.

>> No.2575018


>> No.2575029


>Bell's Palsy

>You need to really understand objects overlapping each other and being hidden from view due to perspective and foreshortening.

Yeah, that's one of the things I'm currently focusing on. It's quite hard, because I never had to think visually, I always thought in words.

>Keep having fun with imagination stuff too though, don't get sucked into study hell.

Aye. I had started the Ctrl+Paint thing, however I got lost after a while. Like, I get that it's simple to explain, however it doesn't make things any easier to understand on a level which makes incorporating concepts natural.

>> No.2575047
File: 83 KB, 432x528, OUFVO2wRBBEx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here, haven't given up yet. Not sure if the meds are working. I think I'm slowly getting better, or at least I don't feel like I'm dying all day every day. It's difficult to keep drawing. Please don't start too many challenges.

>> No.2575077
File: 1.69 MB, 2719x1100, Doom Clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and again

>> No.2575080

Hope you get well soon senpai!

>> No.2575082

>3 weeks

>> No.2575090

why would you place the nipple below the point of where the nipple should be, I mean you literally drew the point where the nipple goes and then placed it right below

>> No.2575098

How do I get into digital painting?

>> No.2575100

buy a drawing tablet
youtube guides on how to paint digitally
git gud

>> No.2575102

ghost the amount of sameface you have going on in every submission makes me uneasy, all of them look creepy as fuck

>> No.2575111


thanks senpai

>> No.2575114

>go through artist's media tab on twitter cause it's the only god damn place they put their art
>it's full of photos of food, vidya/animu screenshots, household appliances, cats and scenery and a bunch of random crap
fucking twitter

>> No.2575126

I agree. I made her feet and hands bigger I'm an effort to make her look like an ogre. I wanted to make her more muscular but I need to study more anatomy to accurately do that. Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.2575134
File: 1.97 MB, 366x360, check em.. oh...gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

np bud, nice trips, check these dubs!

>> No.2575144
File: 131 KB, 470x706, bane loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never get dubs while I'm in charge.

>> No.2575147


>> No.2575151

>off by one
>that gif

>that response
>those dubs


w-what the fucks going on

>> No.2575155

you're mom

on my dick

>> No.2575157


>> No.2575159


look, i cant keep memeing with you guys, ive really gotta draw so can we.... cool it down a bit...?

>> No.2575161

cool your calories m8, tab out of the thread and draw

>> No.2575163

do you guys know if you can crack Sai?

>> No.2575165

I know you can crack photoshop

>> No.2575166


yes of course

>> No.2575169

well, you shouldn't have, lol. and it shows. compare your piece with a piece you like, be it stylized or realistic. now find the things that you fucked up (if it's the latter, that means everything), and study those, and do it again. it'll probably suck, but at least you'll have learned a thing or two hopefully

>> No.2575174

Hello my cheeky cock sparrow mate old boys by crikey!

>> No.2575175

Fucking kek

>> No.2575179
File: 18 KB, 600x600, REEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get memed on for the first time
>Remember others get memed on harder than me

Life is not so bad.




>> No.2575180

You sure mang?
By the way, check these

>> No.2575182

im gonna rain memes all over you, your fucking dead kiddo

>> No.2575184

Okay how the fuck do I draw magic that actually looks like something someone would conjour

>> No.2575185

bonjour conjour!

>> No.2575188

No, you don't get to decide whether dubs mean nothing, you fucking imbecile. Please shoot yourself in the kneecap.

>> No.2575193

how did the kneecap meme start
funny thing is I was there when it first appeared but can't remember why,probably because of critguy or something

>> No.2575197

Either it was someone forcing the meme brutally, or some guy got really legit mad and then another person forced the meme.
Tl;dr it's a forced meme both ways and it shouldn't exist.

>> No.2575202

This great meme... it will endure.

>> No.2575204

you don't get to decide

>> No.2575207
File: 73 KB, 750x1334, oqjDwXz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575212

I err... huh

>> No.2575213
File: 39 KB, 720x960, ZbP4Nv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575217
File: 77 KB, 640x360, Inquisition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on

>> No.2575218

whoa... this... err... hmm

>> No.2575219

super edgy squares

>> No.2575221


>> No.2575228
File: 89 KB, 366x549, _71677142_650d7497-3b78-4f79-9c5b-d68b1f162090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2575235

It needs a Loomis face.
And keep the moustache, it will be perfect

>> No.2575268


>> No.2575269


>> No.2575271
File: 260 KB, 803x790, 1464632245895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you cucks wear glasses because you have poor vision or just to help you draw longer for staring at the white canvas too long?

>> No.2575273

>white canvas
? nigga, use a neutral gray

>> No.2575274

I switched to tradish, best move I've ever made.

>> No.2575275

glasses are cute

>> No.2575281

>"ugh it's shit"
>rub out
>repeat ad nauseam

>> No.2575290
File: 28 KB, 450x376, 1460259176574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575291

hahaha i just came from /gif/ tranny thread i agree with you, now to draw.

>> No.2575292

>i just came from /gif/ tranny thread

>> No.2575294

dont draw in a white canvas and get one of those screen anti glare filters things for the light. but try to find them cheap they usually cost like 60 dollars and its totally not worth that much.

>> No.2575296

>rub out

>> No.2575305

hey fagtripfuck, just wanted to say your aesthetic is breddy cool, the colors you use are always nice to look at

>> No.2575309

maybe the wires are part of an installation art piece

>> No.2575329
File: 8 KB, 236x289, heavy breathing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((heavy breathing))

>> No.2575333

you've made it brah

>> No.2575343
File: 869 KB, 1712x1148, 1465952464328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economy will take a dip, but was for past few months already, and things like housing and mortgages are the main concerns for next two years or so before we actually leave. They were dipping already though, and in 6 months at most banks will drop interest rates on mortgages etc to 0.5 or even 0, means it's great if you want to buy a house this year.

All the economists quoted by remain as saying that next 5-10 years will be a dip in economy are right, but remain always cut out the full reports, saying that we'll have a dip for next 5 years or so while deals get set up and we're used to trading ourselves again, and then Britain will be better off than we are now.

People who don't understand money are panicking about the pound sterling right now, but it's only dropped 10% and now coming back up, which shows it's only nervous traders and people trying to make a quick buck on the exchange rates doing it. It's more of a problem for the Japanese tbqh, people are moving funds into yen instead, which is raising the value of it when the Japanese have been deliberately lowering value for past couple years because lower currency = more people buying your exports.

Politically, we'll be fine, already a bunch of the commonwealth countries are congratulating us and saying they'll be there no matter what, the EU just wants us out quickly and cleanly so they can reform ASAP so that the dutch, french etc can't have their own referendums and kill the whole thing.

Ireland will stay as it is, and the SNP don't have a leg to stand on for a second referendum. But if they demand it, and do riots and all other shit to get what they want then so be it, the turnout will be much higher yet again, and yet again the majority will be to stay as part of the UK.

Nothing to worry about family man, next couple of months will be interesting for who's PM and what EU countries ask for their own exits, no real changes till two years from now though.

>> No.2575348
File: 5 KB, 160x192, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*internally wishes >>2575275 is a qt grill*

>> No.2575352

they're a nuisance and i'm glad i don't have to use them anymore

>> No.2575357

>Keep accidentally typing in lastartiststanding.com

>> No.2575358


>> No.2575364
File: 117 KB, 957x1300, angry-young-man-glasses-23164879[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hate wearing glasses but contacts fuck me up

>> No.2575367

>tfw hate wearing glasses but
not gonna make it

>> No.2575380

>Token-free falling

>> No.2575387

yep, why wasnt it called that.

>> No.2575393
File: 45 KB, 340x523, 1458840380579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New shit challenge is up.

>> No.2575399

https://picarto.tv/VitaminNeko Strum. I'll actually try this time rather than half assing shit.

>> No.2575404

because someone already registered that domain name half a year before LAS started

(unless Lava was the one who did that and he's been saving it ever since)

>> No.2575410

>artist draws amazing lewds in stream but doesn't upload them anywhere
this is suffering

>> No.2575434

tfw not gonna make it

>> No.2575438

Lokki I have an idea for a challenge very similar to your challenge for a second I thought you had stolen my idea ;_;

>> No.2575440


>> No.2575442


>> No.2575443

stop that!

>> No.2575445 [DELETED] 


>> No.2575448
File: 177 KB, 500x498, tumblr_nnxrvqBJXG1titub2o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575449
File: 216 KB, 590x322, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try, not trips

>> No.2575450


>> No.2575453

did he died

>> No.2575464

he didn't make it ;_;

>> No.2575467

i have 3 hours i dont think im gonna make it

>> No.2575470

ballsy fucker, died doing what he enjoyed at least.

>that turn around mid air to embrace sweet death

>> No.2575471

3 hours is plenty of time

>> No.2575473

oh god no no no

>> No.2575474

>Lava joined ounce of you challenge
It had better be a ring-tailed lemur.

>> No.2575475

it's going to be an antelope

>> No.2575485

Mine's going to be a mix of a tiger and a bull with snakes as horns, super edgy and way past cool. Maybe dragon wings and dual katanas

>> No.2575488

hey thats my idea donut steal

>> No.2575501

there are no lame ideas, only boring artists who cant put a unique spin on something.

>> No.2575504

Who was that author that wrote a successful book series to prove to a writer friend that there are no bad ideas only bad execution. I wish I could remember

>> No.2575505

>try changing what pen I use for drawing
>any I look up settings for don't like or look nothing like how they're supposed to when drawing with it
>trying to come up with one on my own is hard to do
>will never get good

>> No.2575511

Okay Mr. Concept Artist, how about you try to put a unique spin on Coldsteel the hedgeheg, for instance?

>> No.2575512

There are absolutely bad ideas. LAS was a horrible idea. The Minions were an abysmal idea. Invading Russia wasn't one of Hitler's most brilliant moves either.

>> No.2575513

why do people make posts like this?

>> No.2575516

to hurt your feelings.

>> No.2575519

>tfw have really, REALLY shit eyesight
>tfw all I have to do is take my glasses off and I'll just see blobs of color
>>tfw my bad eyesight was actually a blessing in disguise
It's like squinting x10

>> No.2575559

anon... ;_;

>> No.2575561

I want to fuck that pilot naf.

Suit on.

>> No.2575585

should I rejoin?

>> No.2575589

you should

>> No.2575599

should I re-fuck you're mom?

>> No.2575600

you should

>> No.2575601

are pihori and aimai the two LAS-ers with the most similar style?

>> No.2575609

to fap or draw that is the question

>> No.2575613

to make it or not make it that is the question

>> No.2575615

y-you're right... :(

>> No.2575619

>make sexy drawing
>fap to that after you're done
>train your brain to associate drawing with fapping afterwards
>always have sexual desire needed to draw

>> No.2575620

you must be blind because they are no where similar

>> No.2575622

>spent 3 hours fucking around with brushes
>didn't draw anything

>> No.2575624

pihori and oreo

>> No.2575627

man, at least try to be subtle

>> No.2575629

did you at least find some you liked

>> No.2575638

When are topic votes only going to be available to topic entrants?

>> No.2575643

never :)

>> No.2575646
File: 93 KB, 500x422, I AM BECOME REEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575653

>tfw never do topics but always vote

>> No.2575655
File: 387 KB, 768x432, 49fcfcdd584e2f6ed1e7a0a6a5083a1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuck I'm unfollowing choob and never watching his art again for bringing politics into LAS

>> No.2575657

same, feels good mane

>all the topicers forced to do topics they don't want
no rest for the wicked ;)

>> No.2575658

report his thumbnail while you're at it

>> No.2575661

yup, choob is a fucking retard

>> No.2575667

>tfw will never be this salty

>> No.2575674


>> No.2575682

Lol how is choob ranked at level 5?

>> No.2575683

so the topic is tied
what's gonna happen if we don't get a lead after deadline?

>> No.2575687

https://picarto.tv/artscrub streamin'

>> No.2575688

These tbqh family. he doesn't even live in the U.S., he's literally regurgitating /pol/ rhetoric like a robot.
Cucks detected

>> No.2575689
File: 204 KB, 180x218, 1465955338406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sincerely quitting LAS today. It was a good run, but drawing has become enough of a habit that I don't feel like I need it anymore.

Cheers m8s.

>> No.2575690

he did the rankings himself

>> No.2575692

>cuck meme
opinion discarded you fucking degenerate

>> No.2575693

good luck out there, wish I could join you

>> No.2575694
File: 142 KB, 678x850, tumblr_o9atmsIa7A1v4c4bxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't even live in the U.S

but it's about the UK leaving europe?

>> No.2575702

I meant all the other trump shit he used to post.

>> No.2575707

>stop liking what I don't like!
Better put some aloe on your bernt-out asshole.

>> No.2575709


>> No.2575717

what is the most pathetic animal that exist? i dont think i can join your challenge lokki, shame.

>> No.2575719

for fucks sake banana, what happened? You too surgo, you just started.

>> No.2575721

>weak oners still not dying

>> No.2575722

turkeys probably, at this point they're too fat to be able to mate without assistance from humans, they look ugly as sin and never do anything cool, they're garbage animals that just taste good

>> No.2575723

>for bringing politics into LAS

You just brought politics into LAS by posting this you dumbass


>> No.2575725

I don't care about the threads

>> No.2575727

choob should be deported, I mean banned

>> No.2575731

so it's agreed then? We're all gonna report choob right?

>> No.2575733

poor turkeys

I think they're pretty cute though.

>> No.2575738
File: 21 KB, 900x900, 1464937823589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you drop for the first time there's no hope, it just gets worse and worse, at best you can aim to break your previous streak.

>> No.2575739

choob lives in the uk? hey choob how IS life right now it must be chaotic as hell haha good luck man.

>> No.2575751

i live there
nothing changed
except people talking about it to death. thats why I unfollowed him. I voted leave, but I'm sick of hearing this topic when it will only take real effect in 2 years

>> No.2575755

At this point I realize if I drop now I know I'll never make it in art.

>> No.2575802

if you do, most of the community will pardon him because we don't blow our anuses out every time someone does something we don't agree with/like.

He puts in the time, and he's making decent progress art-wise. Grow up.

>> No.2575808

that pretty much only happens to me when drawing lewds, which I don't do often anymore and don't show anyone. the best thing to do when that happens is either to take a break or just get done with it, get a tissue and set a countdown for 30 seconds, because making good work while horny is impossible

>> No.2575811

this is actually really probable now that I think of it. still, he's one step above all the cucks in this thread

>> No.2575827


I'm visiting friends, spending the night in the city at the moment.
I drew today (an hour on a train again), but I wasn't around to upload anything before 7 PM, so that's why.
Fucks sake, guys, just because I don't upload anything to DA/LAS doesn't mean I'm not out here trying to git gud in various moments that I can.

>> No.2575829


pihori and mmrgl are a better comparison

>> No.2575833
File: 105 KB, 491x640, 5430005218_b7cd065b57_z2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ok Banana, you will come to terms with your failure someday.
You shouldn't direct your anger and frustration towards you drawfriends though.


>> No.2575837


I said "fucks sake" in a more reassuring sense than an angry-at-you sense, but rest assured, I'm still practicing daily unless I am literally unable to do to other obligations.

At any rate, I gotta entertain guests a bit longer. Peace.

>> No.2575841

You could have submitted your scribbles.

>> No.2575844
File: 8 KB, 423x322, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still like Choob to be honest

>> No.2575853

Lava, who is the most followed artist on LAS?

>> No.2575855

not you

>> No.2575863

JMGN and Anon313 are tied

>> No.2575879
File: 252 KB, 800x450, sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not on the list
D-does anybody follow me?

>> No.2575888
File: 10 KB, 259x194, iamwatching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances are that if you got even the tiniest bit of vision, skill and desire, I follow you.
I follow and stalk plenty of users, everywhere, not only on LAS.

>> No.2575892

list of everyone you follow when?

>> No.2575900

Lava could you implement an update feature on the submissions page?
call me lazy, but I'm tired of hitting f5 :^)

>> No.2575917

Rank 5 on what and how do you see?

>> No.2575919

Someone ranked all of the weekwunners a while back, that's probably what he's talking about. Or maybe he's talking about the las daily ranking thing that happened a few threads back.

>> No.2575922

Can we start the crit keeper thing up again? Where did he leave off? I think that was one of the few good things to come out of these threads and it sucks that the dude stopped.

>> No.2575924

>Being able to draw without LAS.
>Being able to make yourself accountable.
>Quiting not out of frustration or laziness but out of genuine maturity.

I need to re-evaluate how I'm doing this...

>> No.2575932
File: 42 KB, 558x558, dry-erase-calendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Person you replied to here.

What I started doing recently is timing myself while I draw and recording the time spent on pic related. I set weekly goals such as 10 hours, and if I pass, I raise the goal higher. If not, I try again.

It's working pretty well for me so far.

>> No.2575935
File: 30 KB, 300x396, feng-zhu010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575938
File: 70 KB, 480x423, offensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575943
File: 158 KB, 626x352, levelOneHomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575946
File: 29 KB, 479x600, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575947

i like choob and i don't care about his politic views, i just dislike meme thumbs

>> No.2575948

I can't remember who we left off on. I think it was Tom or Runnerman?

>> No.2575949
File: 145 KB, 711x467, 1466300656103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2575950

I like his political views but not really a fan of his comfort zoning.

>> No.2575959

I like his comfort thumbs and I don't care about choob but I'm not really liking his meme views

>> No.2575962

Can we vote on it?

>> No.2575963

I refuse to vote on anything. Fuck off,

>> No.2575967

the what now?

>> No.2575968

That's looking good, Alekiel.

>> No.2575973
File: 33 KB, 376x253, 1408310278935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. I'm super nervous of fucking it all up any moment now, so I'm trying to take it real slow.

>> No.2575996


okkervil river - black sheep boy album

>> No.2576002
File: 2.43 MB, 640x360, 1394772686427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, Choob.

>> No.2576006
File: 201 KB, 233x592, 1343851590898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can report you all he likes, Choob, I'll pardon you forever.

>> No.2576010

>choob has fanboys now
I mean I'll pardon him too but get off his dick pls.

>> No.2576011

Thoughts on magicoreo?

>> No.2576015
File: 60 KB, 803x1152, 3rtUkpR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute bae

>> No.2576021

One of my oldest follows :3

>> No.2576022

Why don't you just ask for crit? Doing it daily in week order turned it into a chore and the 2-3 people giving feedback got bored and stopped very quickly.

>> No.2576056

>Pardoning him
KYS you're a fanboy too faggot.

>> No.2576062

>you're a fanboy if you don't pardon someone who put the work in
kys desu you're not my senpai

>> No.2576070


>> No.2576073
File: 176 KB, 2100x1500, Mountain3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing government and work bollocks, didn't really have time. I did spend the night drawing/ painting a bit, but it was too late already. Here's the thing. It's not great, since I didn't sleep at all for over 20 hours now.

The 30 minute requirement fucks me over a lot, because I sure can doodle for 30 minutes, but I just feel bad posting things which aren't of at least "I have tried my best for an hour to make up for being shit" quality.

Like this, this is actually about 90-100 minutes, basically monochrome, trying to get the light more-or-less right. The circle is supposed to be the sun. Didn't do any background for it, because time constraints.

Also the one-token-a-month thing is merciless. I don't aim to be The Best™. I aim to be "decent" insofar as despite technical ineptitude, the fundamentals are more right than wrong.

The biggest thing right now is that I can't seem to be able to consistently draw circles. Lines are fine, but circles just come out wibbly-wobbly yucky-sucky.

>> No.2576075

>Once you drop for the first time there's no hope
That's God telling you you need to focus on other things.

That just feels hella bad. If you want to see pages upon pages of boxes and spheres with shitty lighting, it's entirely viable for me to do that, however I'd still rather move towards working on something which both uses the fundamental concepts, and is more fun to work with than "box upon box upon box".

>tfw just started
>tfw already failed

>> No.2576081

You can make it

>> No.2576087

when did we agree that clickbait thumbnails are ok?

>> No.2576092
File: 351 KB, 1113x625, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate choob more than I hate santi and that's saying something

>> No.2576097



>> No.2576103

you mean you are reporting that fellow who posts DED 20XX every time he posts his submission?


Then fuck off with your bullshit excuses, and admit that you're after him for no better reason than he has a different opinion than yourself. This isn't you challenging his work, it's you pouting over politics.

Grow. up.

>> No.2576107

did we agree that clickbait thumbnails are ok?


Then get off his dick child

>> No.2576108

jesus, this is really sad dude.

>> No.2576118

>Some faggot faggot hating on the Union Jack
prolly some nigger or Paki cunt living in London


>> No.2576129

Fuck it. I'm leaving LAS. I don't appreciate dickweeds like Choob flagrantly brandishing their extremist political views outside their containment shitholes, get fucked.

>> No.2576133

nice trip :^)
would be a shame if someone made fun of it

>> No.2576137

fucking this
now quit sucking his dick and abide by the fucking rules you agreed to when you joined

>> No.2576140


yeah you only follow people under 25, everyone older is already on their way into the grave

>> No.2576144

list of sassiest under 25 lassies when

>> No.2576151

Anyone over 25 really has no business being here to be quite honest with you

>> No.2576155

I'm 28

>> No.2576164

Hi choob

>> No.2576172
File: 17 KB, 680x489, 1285425704843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghostshiv, I...

>> No.2576175
File: 99 KB, 600x800, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I made the "offensive" comment
>Tfw I wasn't really offended, I did it for the keks
Goddamnit choob you gotta stop taking the bait

>> No.2576194

n-no wayy....

>> No.2576196
File: 34 KB, 397x578, lasfollows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post em

also why did nobody mention andrae not posting yesterday? I don't want you dying again fucker

>> No.2576206
File: 268 KB, 633x758, feel overload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not on the list
>never on the list

>> No.2576221
File: 27 KB, 598x877, ss+(2016-06-25+at+02.14.17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw half of the list is already dead

Soon anon, SOON we will be on everyone's list

>> No.2576228

I'd feel incredibly embarassed if I was on anyone's list I'm just a beginner :s

>> No.2576237

It's not like there are many of them anyway

>> No.2576254

>tfw beginning to rapidly lose Neuroplasticity

>> No.2576255

>following me
Senpai what are you doing

>> No.2576265

>tfw lava is on the list but not me

never have I ever felt so insulted

>> No.2576275
File: 370 KB, 642x1491, memelist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HighonLigameme here, if you are not in this list you are literally worst than FuckyouMang and/or a 15 year old.

>> No.2576278
File: 155 KB, 975x801, LAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't checked submissions in a while though.

>> No.2576279


>> No.2576287

stop with these lists please

>> No.2576332

anyone else weirdly compulsive about keeping their workspace clean?

>> No.2576341

Trad artists here, I keep things organized, as In "I know where this tool is at the time I need it", I clean my desk twice a week.
I wouldn't call myself compulsive.

>> No.2576379

How do I get people to follow me?

>> No.2576386

become a meme artist

>> No.2576399


my desk is covered with empty bottles, old receipts, wrappers, and tissues

>> No.2576432


>> No.2576435

Choob. please shut up, nobody cares about your political views or boring as fuck photo studies you little crybaby faggot.

>> No.2576441
File: 617 KB, 1872x756, 1459830219910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2576455


>> No.2576462

he made the site has strong discipline is not depressed like me draws a lot and is trying hard, harder than i ever have..

>> No.2576471

Fibinochi shut up

>> No.2576474


>> No.2576483

Hi Choob.

>> No.2576490
File: 11 KB, 173x174, echo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Echo, I wanna see your submission for yesterday but the pomf link is broken, could you please post it here?

>> No.2576491


>> No.2576492

who is the most hated /las/ user and why it's Fibinochi?

>> No.2576498

>Implying it's not santi
good one

>> No.2576501

I honestly forgot about him, but you are right

>> No.2576507

>honestly forgot about him

>15 results

>> No.2576512


>> No.2576513

Fibinochi (low effort god), SantiChasca (living memelord) or Choob (politically incorrect)

>> No.2576521

I hate fuckingtripfag.

>> No.2576527
File: 76 KB, 208x197, carseatdp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2576530

"shake my dick"?

>> No.2576531
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, 1402407601094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your keen, that would work too.

>> No.2576537
File: 1.03 MB, 355x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2576539


>> No.2576568

How much longer must I wait until I start seeing improvement?

>> No.2576570

any update on the badges lava?

>> No.2576575


>> No.2576579
File: 1.70 MB, 2719x1100, Doom Clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the clock,
goes on.

>> No.2576587

>On average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. In Lally’s study, it took anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for people to form a new habit.

1 whole year posting everyday

>> No.2576610

While this is true, there are ways of establishing/ changing habits which takes significantly shorter amounts of time.

The subconscious (automatic mind, which is the limbic system) acts on emotions (which is why traumas are so tough).

Memories are made up of three parts. The sensory input you received, the spatial memory (i.e. what your mind perceives happening in the environment), and the emotional charge.

Now, if you can elicit a strong, positive emotional response in yourself associated with drawing or painting, you'll find habits (new neural connections) forming significantly quicker, easier, and smoother than attempting to force them into existence via conscious effort (which is to say, your neocortex).

I very highly recommend Emile Coué's, "My Method". To clarify what the idea is; you enter a hypnotic state (i.e. one in which neocortex activity is dampened, such as just before falling asleep), and you repeat a suggestion, such as "every day, I enjoy drawing more and more" or something along those lines.

t. hypnotherapist

>> No.2576617

How do I work on getting better at textures?

>> No.2576620
File: 531 KB, 927x3081, texture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

material spheres/cylinders.

>> No.2576645

thats gangster as fuck, I'm gonna check it out, thanks.

>> No.2576647


a psychology expert out of nowhere.

>> No.2576666

>you enter a hypnotic state (i.e. one in which neocortex activity is dampened, such as just before falling asleep), and you repeat a suggestion, such as "every day, I enjoy drawing more and more" or something along those lines.
I've wondered for quite a while whether stuff like that worked, I've heard people do things like that for lucid dreaming but I've never tried it myself.

>> No.2576670

It works, and everyone with an IQ over 70 can do it.

>> No.2576672 [DELETED] 

Choob is out.

>> No.2576680
File: 14 KB, 444x328, fellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2576686

>tfw iq of 69

>> No.2576688
File: 53 KB, 453x669, 1435430153895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2576696


>> No.2576704

Wow. I really thought more of you followed me.. I feel sick, like seriously.

>> No.2576713

dunning kruger is a bitch

>> No.2577387
File: 40 KB, 330x381, 1466603831632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Nations Flag and nationalism is regarded as politically incorrect...