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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 67 KB, 323x301, qst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2575331 No.2575331 [Reply] [Original]

last thread reached Bump limit: >>2547044

If you don't know where to start, read the sticky.


For critiques about your work, go to the corresponding thread.

>>2570843 - Beginner thread.
>>2571096 - Draw thread.
>>2574535 - Anime/Manga thread.

Please refrain from making your threads if you only have a single question.

>> No.2575332

I'll start.

Is tracing over 3d models considered cheating? Or is it "no rules just tools"?

>> No.2575339

People will give you shit for it and ultimately you'll learn less, but it'll fix shitty anatomy issues at least.

It will probably make w/e you draw stiff and still slightly unrealistic though.

>> No.2575565
File: 24 KB, 300x336, gritted-teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is a good site for face/expression references?

Google gives you shit.

>> No.2575607

is there a guide to pen compatibility between wacom devices?

>> No.2575632

Literally google search "pen compatibility between wacom devices"


>> No.2575637
File: 404 KB, 800x1200, Captura el 2016-06-24 a las 18.23.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


png version

>> No.2575726

this isn't a very complete list. neither of the devices i wanted to check compatibility between are on there.

does anyone know if the pens from the bamboo ctl460 and the thinkpad x61t are interchangeable?

>> No.2576158

That Intuos4 pen looks sexy as fuck in comparison to all the others.

>> No.2576159

will I ever git gud?

>> No.2576257

Where do I meet like minded people? Something like a (digital)study group or something


>> No.2576306
File: 245 KB, 1528x981, 718SJB7vFyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These illustrations show great draftsmanship, and also show great work on composition/notan/color palette.
While this set of skills tend to graphic design, they're great to have ins its toolset.
How does one improve on the illustrative aspects?

>> No.2576407

Any advice on how can i get myself motivated and to work harder and harder every day ?

>> No.2576412

Mind sharing some essential/big digital painting cheats? Doing every little thing on separate layer was a big revelation for me so yeah, some essential basic stuff would be appreciated.

>> No.2576417

Do everything on one layer, as Feng and other recommends. It's closer to a traditional workflow. Keeping everything in one layer allows you to make mistakes that you paint over, adding some grip to the painting. It also declutters your mind, and allow you to focus on the painting instead of the digital tool.

>> No.2576419

I don't know what could work for you, but what keeps me going is:

>Always be a lazy piece of shit
>Wanting to git gud
>Decide to buy a really big sketchbook
>200 sheets of acid-free canson paper
>"I will fill this sketchbook to impress the normies"

One day I'll be a pretentious fuck and tell everbody "oh, yeah, those are little sketches I made from time to time".

Also I practice daily on printer paper before fucking up the sketchbook.

>> No.2576709

How do I get motivated to work on commission work? I find myself taking breaks when I (quickly) run out of steam and spend all my time on side shit

>> No.2576875

Is following the sticky really the best way to start as an absolute beginner?

>> No.2576877

this process kept me going, getting validation. But with this attitude you will eventually run into anxiety of not getting better. I think working for validation is very detrimental for the process of getting gud.

>> No.2577318
File: 25 KB, 498x488, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop these skinny lines from happening when I'm trying to draw a line? They make it really hard to use the magic tool since the lines are too skinny to the point that the tool will select a much bigger area than intended because of it.

>> No.2577323
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1466713416901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else pissed with how many threads are getting deleted by mods recently?

>> No.2577371

Which program?

If SAI, set "minimum size" in tool settings to something nigger than 20%.

If anything else, kind of the same.

Make the brush size big enough when you're applying minimal pressure.

>> No.2577372

>something nigger

I meant something 'Bigger'. Fuck.

>> No.2577831
File: 1 KB, 378x162, this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call this shit again>???? the red blue thingy

>> No.2577843



>> No.2577880

chromatic aberration.
also, don't use it.

>> No.2577890

It's magenta and cyan

>> No.2577904

That's a goddamn camera lens deffect every photographer wants to get rid of!

Why do these fucking autists add it to their goddamn work? Is this the new lens flare?

Fucking normies.

>> No.2578060
File: 2.21 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20160626_142111709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been going through the recommended material in the sticky. I'm doing Loomis' Fun With A Pencil right now. I have been using pen instead based on the idea that it forces you to think about your lines and redraw if you fuck up. I prefer the feel of pen anyway.

The problem is that when I am drawing and building on the forms, the pen can make it kind of cluttered and I can't put in fine details. Is there something I can do to remedy this?

>> No.2578095

Building a PC, what is important to look for in a monitor?

>> No.2578098

>Is there something I can do to remedy this?
Stop chickenscratching.
You're using some of the finer pen in existence, so it's not the pen that clutters things, but the poor linework.

The goal of drawing with a pen is to acquire confidence and do great lines, not persevere in scratching.

Don't take it bad, it's great that you follow a proper method, just correct this bad habit.

>> No.2578135
File: 773 KB, 2000x1455, 1455639088847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to move your elbow instead of moving the wrist.

Also hold the pen away from the tip.

Practice making long, smooth lines in a blank paper.

Good to see you're doing your Loomis.

>> No.2578157
File: 237 KB, 960x720, IMG_6306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I download free PS brushes and tool presets?

>> No.2578162
File: 59 KB, 900x900, Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something nigger than 20%.

>> No.2578164


>> No.2578168

Thanks for the advice! I really do have to correct my chicken scratching.
This is great, thanks man.

>> No.2578174

Will framerate matter when drawing?

>> No.2578233

Is there any site like drawabox, but only for rendering?

I do 3D models in zbrush and want to texture them I.e. handpainting. The problem is I cannot texture. So I need to learn how to render part of digital art.

>> No.2578269

The Scott robertson - How to render book.

Exercises and that sort of shit.

Must be in the OP of artbook thread.


Or in this link


>> No.2578682
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, isthismanforreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between the VHS Vilppu tapes and the New Master Academy videos? They both seem to go hand and hand teaching the same subject.

Does he introduce anything different/new in the New Master Academy version?

>> No.2578685

The video quality of the VHS tapes is abysmal. Vilppu's voice is weaker on the New Masters videos given the fuckin' 40 years that transpired between the two. It's a tough call honestly.

>> No.2578688

My hand shakes like crazy when I hold a pencil for anything past 5 minutes. Is there something I can do to reduce hand tremors?

>> No.2578698
File: 639 KB, 722x878, Screen Shot 2016-06-27 at 04.53.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time isn't treating old man vilppu well

>> No.2578703

Helpful, thank you

>> No.2578727
File: 137 KB, 718x595, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a difference to what kind of skeletal under drawing method to use? I switch between circles and tubes to blocks a lot, and I don't know if it's just making me worse or if it's helping.

>> No.2578754

>You're using some of the finer pen in existence
This is entirely wrong. The Pilot Precise V5 is one of my favorite drawing pens, but when you start moving slowly the ink pools up. It's a minor problem compared to the chicken scratch obviously, but rollerball pens can make drawing details much harder than they are with pencils or ballpoints.

That's a hard pen to draw with, but it's one of my favorites so I'll spurge out with some advice. If you hold it perpendicular to the page (i.e. pointed straight down), press lightly, and use it like a proper technical pen, it behaves much differently. Only part of the ball touches the page, and it makes a much finer line than when you use it with a normal writing grip. This is the proper way to use technical pens (like Microns and Rapidographs), and it encourages you to draw with your whole arm. drawabox.com and Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching intro videos both explain the motions. Bear in mind this is harder to do with a V5 because you need to get the ball rolling for ink to flow when it's perpendicular.

Also, note that the rolling ball is held in place by three indentations on the nib. The pen is smoothest when one of those indentations is pointed up and away from the paper (when using a writing grip). Conveniently the three Pilot logos above the nib feed divide the pen into thirds, and once you find what part of the logo lines up with the indentations on that particular pen you can hold the pen with that point facing up.

All that being said, just use a plain ballpoint pen. Your chicken scratching is atrocious. Work on drawing proper lines with a tool that doesn't require such autismal focus to vary your line weight.

>> No.2578756

>billion comments about it on the video itself
>better make sum more on 4chins
Grow up kid

>> No.2578770

How are you holding your pencil? Loosen up with the death grip. Draw with your whole arm so your fingers and wrist aren't doing all the work. Use softer grades of lead so you don't have to press as hard. Musicians and surgeons sometimes take Propranolol to steady their hands. I take it for high blood pressure and can confirm it also helps to steady my hands.

I imagine accurate color reproduction and size would be the most important factors that would affect painting. I couldn't recommend anything, though.

You'd never be able to reach an edge, so for all practical purposes the answer is yes.

There is no best way.

Set goals, reach goals, reward yourself, repeat. Make goals small enough that you can reach them in one sitting.

Mirror your work often. Start with a small canvas and big brushes. Use massive brushes to make smooth gradients. Honestly just check ctrl+paint. Also, SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN.


No rules, just tools. With the caveat that you shouldn't use a computer as a crutch to avoid learning how to draw forms in 3d space.

>> No.2578772

deviantart? google? I don't know theres a ton of resources.

maybe, probably.

Aside from the quality, I don't think there's much

he's fucking old you now, it will happen to you too.

>> No.2578775
File: 587 KB, 1836x3264, IMAG0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No death grip, just pointer, middle and thumb on 3 sides. But thanks for the help, I appreciate it.

>> No.2578781

I should add it might help to try an overhand grip. I got the same advice a long time ago and wrote it off as bullshit, but it's helpful for forcing you to use your whole arm. An 18"x24" pad of newsprint and some vine charcoal is less than $10 and is a great way to work on making big marks without a lot of physical strain.

>> No.2578793
File: 114 KB, 591x632, 46635865753675568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making my way through Drawabox, and intersecting rounded objects with eachother is a little frustrating. I don't know where I'm supposed to show where one ball overlaps the other.

>> No.2578807

When using a wacom tablet, am I supposed to not touch the tablet with my hand?

>> No.2578809
File: 37 KB, 717x460, shapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, your question is where do you make them intersect?

if that's the case then thats exactly what this exercise wants you to think about, try to think about spheres as tridimentional shapes and not circles, you can do this by adding a vertical and horizontal axis to them, thinking of them as cylinders,hexagons or even cubes (you can actually use cubes as guidelines), it will become easier this way.

Hope this actually helps

>> No.2578815
File: 121 KB, 960x720, slide_34[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a colloquial name for the indent between the eyebrow ridge and the cheekbone?
It's where the zygomatic bone is.

>> No.2578819
File: 71 KB, 752x437, 3458353765376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a little, thanks. I guess my main problem is trying to figure out the angles of each spherical object that I want to merge with something. I think the sketch on the far right is the best way to show what I'm confused about.

>> No.2578822
File: 81 KB, 740x588, shapes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I am dumb and placed those guidelines wrong in the second elipse.

oh good thing I did this, it might help you a lot.
try to give a read to scott robertson's book on perspective if you haven't, he actually explains this indepth.

>> No.2578823

alternatively, watch this thing (just the timestamp)


>> No.2578824
File: 737 KB, 1050x921, 5790574762_9817057da2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again, and for the book suggestion! This pic is something I'm trying to reach towards: a bunch of round forms making the overall drawing feel like it has volume.

But yeah, I'll look that up and keep working on it!

>> No.2579002

Is it a mistake to be learning digitally and not on paper?

>> No.2579032

You should not worry about it too much.

As that is the sketch phase, do whatever you feel good doing atm. You'll fix shit later.

Remember, sketching is only the way to put your idea on paper. Trace very lightly on paper to make corrections easily.

Anyways, do what you think is faster or allows you to make more difficult poses/angles/whatever.

>> No.2579057

When following along with a youtuber like proko my stuff always comes out like 500x better? These drawings dont really count tho cause it feels like im borrowing their knowledge of 3d space etc. So if i apply their 'rules' or structure to a bunch of other ideas that are similar i should get better??? sorry if that was confusing

>> No.2579101

When some fagit tells you: "Go read a book", it does not mean you have to allow the author to think for you.

Watch proko and see how can you apply his notes irl.

>> No.2579144
File: 74 KB, 841x573, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brand new computer and intuos pro are slow with photoshop CS4?? Like my computer is pretty good.

Dual Core i5 2.3GHZ
120 GB SSD (and 1TB external hard drive)

Its like photoshop doesnt pick up everything from the tablet? I already disabled windows ink, increased how much RAM photoshop can use etc etc and pic related keeps happening?

>> No.2579145

btw this doesnt happen with Paint Tool Sai

>> No.2579155

what about your graphics card

>> No.2579160

I was told that is doesnt matter that much?

Intel HD Graphics 520

Like why should it matter how the tablet interacts with the program

>> No.2579162

New to digital painting and I have no idea how Im supposed to set up my canvas?

Like the pixels/cm and stuff? I just want photoshop to run smoothly but I dont know what Im doing

>> No.2579165

does this happen with every brush? try a different one, like the default hard round brush.

it really depends on you but 300 pixels/inch should be ok.

>> No.2579172

It doent cause any of those chisels like the other brushes but it still slows down sometimes.

Again doesnt happen with Sai at all

>> No.2579176
File: 113 KB, 278x400, koncry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I motivate myself to draw on days when I just can't?

I feel like I need to sort out my life. Something is stopping me from drawing. Like an invisible brick wall.

>> No.2579195

maybe your canvas size is too big? if it's not a hardware problem you might want to try reinstalling photoshop. go for cs5 or higher, it might run better.

>> No.2579199

How big is too big?

Also I thought if I pick a lesser version of Photoshop it would run best since theyre all very similar anyway

>> No.2579206

im going on a roadtrip for a few weeks and id like to try my hand at plein air painting. ive never painted before but im a decent draftsman, is there any pointers to this sort of stuff? im not quite sure where to start.

im using watercolors, if anyone has any watercolor resources thatd be nice too.

>> No.2579209

depends... how big is your canvas right now? width height and resolution?

they should be the same, but the later versions might be more compatible with your new computer. i dunno man.

>> No.2579216

Meet people with whom you share the passion, come to the /ic/ chatroom and look for people to discuss/draw art with real-time

>> No.2579228

Nice set of brushes + 300g/m2 watercolor paper.

Have a nice time.

>> No.2579229

I've gone through Perspective Made Easy, where do I go from here to learn how to construct figures interacting in perspective?

>> No.2579522

I don't think there's a timestamp here

>> No.2579567
File: 235 KB, 641x500, IMG_8185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon. Jump to 34m 43s or copypaste link.

Here´s my question.

Are there any downloadable packages of pictures for gesture drawing?

I want a .rar full of pictures. If anybody knows, pls share the link.

>Inb4 quickposes.org
I want something that can be accesed offline.

Many thanks.

>> No.2579607

Gravure model books?

>> No.2579620

Know any sites to download them?

>> No.2579624

Any suggestions for a nice simple gallery theme for tumblr? Something that can show a fair amount of work and is accessible, where all the buttons are easy to find.

Some of the themes on tumblr are pretty fucking annoying, tons of good artists have byzantine blogs where you can't even find the like button.

>> No.2579634
File: 332 KB, 640x480, nooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one keep a degree of consistency for specific proportion? using head counts works fine except when doing things in foreshortening and difficult angle where things starts to botch up.

>> No.2579640

Can you join CA.org if you're an absolute fucking noob?

Anybody here browses that site?

>> No.2579679

I'm in Orwellia, so many sites are blocked, but looking for the Gravure TV magazine I found some on ebook3000.

Good stuff!

>> No.2580161

anyone got any tips for getting started with drawing hair? Even just the basics rather than getting into it looking realistic

whenever I try it looks terrible and if I attempt easier hair styles it looks like a piece of cloth over a bald guy's head if anything

>> No.2580171

When do I git gud?

>> No.2580179

i don't know if anyone has had this problem, but when using digital, i can paint and draw separately but i can't combine them to save my life.

Something about trying to get rid of the lines is really frustrating.

what do?

>> No.2580181

Okay, call me an idiot, but what exactly is symbol drawing? I see that phrase around here a lot, and I'm really not sure what it means

>> No.2580225
File: 284 KB, 896x629, kind of like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a weird way we usually think of objects as basic symbols in our head, and if we're new to art we draw those formless symbols in place of the actual three dimensional structure that make up their form and their relation to objects around them. One of the first biggest steps in improving your art is to draw not what you think something looks like but how it actually is. Usually the best way to get past this is to say "I'm going to draw a tree" and instead of jotting down a rectangle with several overlapping triangles stacked on top of it, you'd go find a tree in real life or if need be, a photo of a tree and you would attempt to draw it out, constructing it's form with three dimensional shapes and things like cross contour lines to help you recognize how it's actually shaped.

Let me know if that helps you or not.

>> No.2580315
File: 97 KB, 1142x699, girls_7_v2_1_by_nbekkaliev-da3mr3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i render form like pic related?

>> No.2580356

Put the shadows where shadows go and light where the light goes. That should answer 99% of /ic/'s retarded ass questions.

>> No.2580435
File: 86 KB, 1065x633, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have spacing set to 1% and it doesn't fix it?

>> No.2580482

Selections, large soft strokes and a strong understanding of form/light.

>> No.2580491

How different is it to study from a live model vs from a photo in a book/monitor? Is there something that should be taken into consideration if one doesn't have an access to a live model?

>> No.2580554

Can no one answer my question? Am I doomed?

>> No.2580564

You might have opacity jitter set up pretty high. You'll find it under transfer in that menue.

>> No.2580568

or maybe not transfer but I think it's in there. Looks like you've got an old version

>> No.2580570

>The video quality of the VHS tapes is abysmal.


>> No.2580581

does anyone remember that thread where this guy drew a gray cat furry with a mask and a really fat ass and everyone kept encouraging him to post more? the cat character had a brother and they were in post apocalyptic russia or something

>> No.2580594

Yeah. I remember. But don't know his/her name, blog nor saved anything.

...If that's what you want.

>> No.2580602

You're an absolute king thank you so much

>> No.2580623

If you're drawing digital (or otherwise don't need to worry about wasting drawing materials) attack your canvas. Don't plan on drawing anything, just attack the canvas with random lines and shapes. Do it as often as possible. Make it a habit to go through drawing related motions all the time.

>> No.2580646

Line layer as color burn blending mode, maybe?

>> No.2580654
File: 59 KB, 599x625, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A strong understanding of anatomy.

Use the picture as reference, but instead of mindlessly copying, keep the pose and draw the model at a different angle.

Take pic related as an example. Instead of drawing the same pose, you draw her "Side-view", or something else.

That's how you study without a model.

>> No.2580656
File: 123 KB, 1920x1032, faces 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Learn how to use masks. I just discovered Krita's transparency mask feature and it's a huge fucking help when colouring stuff in. You can be sloppy as hell, which means your strokes are more relaxed and natural and still end up with a neat result.

Use mirroring and canvas rotation constantly to check your composition. Mirroring is especially useful and is a feature that makes digital drawing actually better than pen and paper to some extent.

Save time fixing bad proportions by abusing the transform tools. Ear in the wrong place? Just cut it off, move it and redo a few lines. Legs too short? Just lasso them and resize. This absolutely counts as cheating.

Paint with smudge tools. Slap a block of colour down and push it into the shape you want. It's a pretty unique feature of digital painting, but it doesn't feel like cheating so much as just using the medium in a natural way. You can kind of sculpt the picture like working with clay.

>> No.2580664
File: 20 KB, 569x443, Brush Settings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could also be a problem with opacity and/or softness. When you set the curves for your pen input affecting the tool, make sure that the ones for size, opacity and softness start at an acceptable level.

>> No.2580679


You mean the temples?

>> No.2581104

How do I get better at not skewing my drawings so I don't have to pull out my mirror a hundred times every time I try to draw on paper?

>> No.2581118

I heard angling your canvas / pad helps.

>> No.2581136

Sometimes when a drawing looks a bit off I flip the paper and try to draw the same thing at the back. Then I put it up to the light and compare the two to see where I went wrong or which parts look ok/better. Then try not to make the same mistakes next time.

>> No.2581154
File: 1.94 MB, 479x349, 1443055518132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poor and a little stupid

If I torrent/pirate some animation program, and make my own animations from that program, then sell my animations to clients, will I get in trouble?

>> No.2581189

How the fuck do I use Krita? I'm completely new to digital art and tablets and all that and I have no clue what I'm doing.

>> No.2581298

My friend wants to become a storyboard artist and is asking for my advice on how to start. Besides the obvious fundamentals like anatomy, gesture and perspective, is there anything else specific that I should emphasize to her on what to practice?

>> No.2581321

this thread might help >>2563594

>> No.2581639
File: 18 KB, 343x430, Screenshot_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently reinstalled photoshop and I think I'm forgetting something.
I used to use flow a lot, but now when I try the setting does nothing. Pic related, same brush at 100 and 20% flow, no difference whatseover.

>> No.2581679

How do i train my eye to be so god tier, that it can find the flaws in my work as easily as it finds the flaws in other people's work?

Self critique is best critique or so they say/

>> No.2581690


Seriously that's all their is to it. You need to sit down, stare at your (or someone else's) work, and identify flaws. If you need some more specific advice I'd say try and put the flaws you find into words, just going "this looks off" and not actually diagnosing the problem is less helpful. You can also practice by critiquing others.
Obviously this requires knowledge, it's harder to spot an anatomical flaw (besides really obvious ones) without knowing anatomy.

>> No.2581842

Most basic way to do so is just rest. Leave your drawing and do something else, come back later after lets say 5 mins. Point being while drawing, you get too used to it and miss mistakes. If you are working in digital art, flip your drawing horizontally, works with the same concept, your brain will think of it as a new shape instead of the previously one that you got used to, giving you new criteria.

>> No.2581940

i might be wrong but i'm pretty sure flow only works on texture brushes

>> No.2583044

Alright, I think I got an idea of what you mean. How does it pertain to the human body though? Circles and boxes (i.e, circle=head, box=body)?

>> No.2583081

There's an image that gets posted here often about how bad art college's can be. Can anyone post it, I want to show a friend.

>> No.2583108

THis one?

>> No.2583160

That's the one! Thanks familia

>> No.2583346
File: 214 KB, 997x1080, weird-brush-I-keep-finding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously can't figure out what this brush is for. I've found it (or almost identical brushes) in a few different artist's brush sets, including one where the artist only shared 7 brushes total, leading me to assume he/she ACTUALLY USES IT, but haven't seen the artist use it in any of their work.

What the fuck would you use it for? My only guess so far has as a weird calligraphy brush because it's angle-locked, but that doesn't seem likely either.

(bottom left is the brush itself blown up)

>> No.2583367

Does anyone have tutorials or videos or whatever about nature drawing? Trees, rocks, etc?
I can't seem to construct or see shapes when I look at those things, thinking in cilinders and cubes etc works for the human body but I can't seem to get that skill translated to natural things.

>> No.2583378

Check the book thread friendo

>> No.2583399


That's a pretty huge subject, but for the most part it works like photoshop so most photoshop tutorials will give you some idea.

The very basics:

Everything you draw is created on a layer. A layer is like a sheet of glass you can paint on. If you don't paint on part of it or erase what is on there, you can see through to the layers below. You can rearrange them by dragging them in the layers toolbar.

The main painting tool is the freehand brush. Once you have selected that, you can paint with it. Change it's properties by selecting one of the preset brushes (fifth button from the left in the upper menu, just below File, Edit, etc) or tweak them in more detail with the button just to the left of them. If you edit a brush and want to keep it, write a new name and press 'save to presets'. If you don't give it a unique name, the box will say 'overwrite preset' which you probably don't want to do.

If you want to draw precise lines, use the Assistant Tool. Open the tool setting box and select ruler or spline. Draw the line you want, then change to freehand brush, tick the Assistant box and set the value to 1000. Then draw along the assistant line and you will get a precise line.

Pretty much just fuck around with it and if you can't figure out how a feature works, google it.

>> No.2583411

high-level trolling m8. It's for autists who think 'muh brushsets' will help them paint just like their idols

>> No.2583541
File: 1.48 MB, 2776x1080, a_lot_of_people_have_been_asking_for_my_brushpack_by_zedig-d7dfnk7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to use if for textures , looks pretty good

sounds like you just don't know how to paint

>> No.2583572
File: 219 KB, 908x926, This-brush-doesn't-make-any-sense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you're answering a slightly different question than the one I asked.

I've stumbled upon this brush a few times now, and I've never seen an artist actually use it. This brush is a long diagonal line with a locked angle, so your results will vary dramatically depending on which way your brush stroke is going. The stroke it produces is practically mechanical (an opaque textureless set of lines - no pressure sensitivity for opacity or size or anything), but if you wanted that mechanical stroke, why not just use the line tool? If you want a brush for making this mechanical look quickly, why lock the angle?

I've had this brush (at the top of the pic) for a long time (I can't remember whether I got it from a pack or made it myself). It uses the exact same brush as the one I'm asking about (bottom of pic), but it's not locked and is a dual brush. You can see that it gives similar results no matter the angle of the stroke. It also has pressure set to opacity, so the hasty white-to-black gradient only took a couple of strokes. The brush I can't find any purpose for on the bottom took several times as many strokes and the quick gradient still looks like shit.

I don't know why I keep finding this brush, it doesn't make any sense to me. (Before you ask, none of the other brushes in this pack I just found it in were using it as a dual brush)

>> No.2583579

Forgot to add, I think this guy >>2583411 is right. The artist must have put this in their pack to troll.

>> No.2583761

it honestly looks really good for mechs or robots or something. try sketching with it, or doing thumbnails, it looks like its more for early concepts than finished renders.

>> No.2583796

Rake brushes are normally used for hair, fur, grass, etc. Usually it's a quick way to add to texture, you're obviously not going to do a full painting with it or use it like a normal brush.

>> No.2583797

Should I start with Keys to Drawing or Loomis?

>> No.2583849
File: 13 KB, 440x413, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When coloring in Photoshop is there a quick way to fill in an area in line-art?

Generally, I select the area, select>modify>expand a few pixels and then fill on another layer.

Going three buttons deep for the expansion's tedious, though. Is there a better way?

>> No.2583855

Use custom actions and a custom hotkey maybe?

Windows->Actions->New Action
It will ask you for a hotkey and then it will start recording what you do. Hit the stop button when you are done. You can now repeat that action by either hitting the hotkey or hitting that action in the action window.

I've created a lot of hotkeys to save time rummaging through menus.

>> No.2583859

Perfect, I'll check that out. Thank you.

>> No.2583864

>just now getting into art a month and a half before I begin medical school
How fucked am I? I feel like I could get really good at drawing anatomy I guess

>> No.2583946

If I draw first on watercolor paper before stretching it since I use a lightbox, would the stretching affect the proportion of the drawings too much or just neglect-able?

>> No.2584046
File: 136 KB, 500x642, tumblr_mdv68b8fe11r4xqamo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start drawing horror comics but i'm not really sure how to make it look like an actual comic/manga.
I'm used to using lots of colors and i worried it will turn out looking very cheap tumblr style.
I think Junji ito uses traditional pen and paper but is there any programs or tutorials that could give my comic a professional look?

>> No.2584048
File: 100 KB, 1024x692, 24jmlcsdd4zyo22ezynmoysw425sojpr_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2584073
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, ugo1920_en_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having troubles loading any animated gifs or ugoiras on pixiv.
normal images do load just fine, but whenever I try to watch a gif, it just endlessly loads. I see a grey disc loading animation.
anyone else experiencing this? am I doing something wrong here?

>> No.2584190

you can get a professional look in basically any program. learn your fundamentals kid

>> No.2584425

Do they even use gifs? I think it's just series of pngs played by some program or something
Enable JavaScript I guess

>> No.2584575
File: 395 KB, 768x1024, 1437853573447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can upload both - a series of png images or animated gif. javascript is enabled, but it's not working.
does anyone of you experience the same?

>> No.2584583

Where the fuck can I find inkbottles (ie without buying online)?

First-year med student here. Depends on the medium and subject and artstyle, of course. I've done about 30 full pencil drawings this year, but haven't even completed a single full pen and ink yet (they take 80 hours+, celtic art).

>> No.2584585

Drawing anatomy is how Loomis got started, if I recall correctly.

>> No.2584606

>professional look
get good

>> No.2584701
File: 66 KB, 650x542, L1063574[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any huge difference drawing on a flat table vs 45 or so degrees?

>> No.2584737
File: 223 KB, 1155x692, watercolor_portrait___step_by_step_by_trunnec-d8ka1it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see things like pic related a lot with watercolour, where people do a few layers of single colours to reach the final product.
Is this the "proper" way to do watercolour, or just an option? Because every time I try it, it looks fucking horrible. I'm much more comfortable just mixing to get the colour I want. I do layer a bit, because that's part of the medium's charm, but strictly adhering to it in such a methodical way with such pure colours completely fucks with my head and is just so goddamn unpleasant - I don't want to paint with a single colour for 5 seconds then have to do something else for like 5 hours so it gets bone dry before I'm allowed to paint again, you know?

>> No.2584763


Try it with something small and see. I wouldn't imagine it'd be noticeable.

If it doesn't work, you can ditch the light box and use carbon paper instead if need be. Place it between the sketch and w/c paper and trace over the sketch (ideally with red pen or something, so you can see where you've been and know when you're finished).
If you want to preserve the sketch, you can put a layer of tracing paper on top of it, or trace it with something that won't leave a mark (eg a stylus, but this has the drawback of not knowing if you've missed a spot), or trace a print-out.
And sans carbon paper, you can also DIY it with a graphite stick to cover the back of the sketch/print out/tracing paper with graphite.

Hopefully answering a bunch of questions you didn't ask kind of makes up for not knowing the answer to the only thing you actually wanted to know.

>> No.2584765

In art stores?
If art stores in your area don't have any try some supplies store at some mechanical engineering university

>> No.2584788
File: 169 KB, 792x643, warships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find who's the author of a certain painting I found at a garage sale a few years ago. The painting is very similar to this, two ships shooting each other at sunset, the flags are red and blue unlike this painting, the overall resolution is much lower than this. In the bottom-left corner of the painting there's a sign but it's almost impossible to read:

>DE. tfaotras
is what I believe it says, but I can't fine anything related to this. Have you ever seen anything similar?

>> No.2584797
File: 1.62 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20160629_231247763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this and have no clue where else to go, I'm a beginner and can't draw hair. Any advice, anyone want to try and fill in the spaces?

>> No.2584826

Are drawing gloves really worth it?

>> No.2584831

Look at the sticky.

>> No.2584833

This is the easy way to do watercolors. The proper way is to use as few layers as possible

>> No.2584858

>The proper way is to use as few layers as possible
Could you elaborate on that at all, or namedrop some artists/resources?

Does this mean I might be on the right track by mixing while I work and painting in few sessions, or that I'm leagues behind by failing easymode?

>> No.2584859

Honey, you can't draw anything, not just hair

>> No.2584861


>> No.2584917

thanks, I already use tracing paper but it's just a hassle compare to lightbox.

>> No.2585250
File: 450 KB, 600x877, tumblr_o1n9p7EuK31u0cbvdo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to create simple but aesthetic backgrounds like pic related and how no idea where to start other than 'overlay some noise'.
Any help?

>> No.2585309

What >>2580482 said is right but I'd also add that what really helps sells these sorts of renderings is ambient occlusion. AO is different to shadows as it's where light has trouble getting to rather than where light is blocked by something.

Notice on those drawings there's lots of little areas that are very dark where two or more forms meet. AO is what creates the feeling of forms being close together and touching, as light has trouble getting into the cracks.

My question: Does anyone have good exercises for building brush economy? Should I try to paintings with limits like 30 strokes or something?

>> No.2585388

Will I be able to place lines wherever I want for clothes if I just placed the values at the right areas and making it look nice and not random?

>> No.2585452
File: 304 KB, 567x1016, yoko_sketch_by_oh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying my hand at pinups, and have been finding that my style's coming out in the same exaggerated vein as Alex Ahad and Guezav. While I'm personally okay with this, do you think art in this vein might be considered sexualizing minors, or does the art reach a point of abstraction so they simply become stylized adults? Pic related isn't mine, but is an example of what I'm trying for.

>> No.2585520

Everything can and will be sexualized nowadays my dear tumblrite

>> No.2585522

Most anime characters do count as "minors" by definition but you're right there's a kind of abstraction to it. There's often not much difference between a 13 year old and an 18 year old. If you're worried about the gubmint or people giving you shit you can add a disclaimer that says all the characters you draw are intended to be over 18.

Be careful about what series you draw from through, some have overzealous fans that will hound you. But that's for tumblr shit like SU most weeb stuff is free game.

>> No.2585527
File: 83 KB, 532x416, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any particularly good videos on inking and lineweight? It's a constant weak spot of mine and I just can't seem to get the hang of it. I just want to do small comics at the moment, but I want to get my inking down before starting anything.

I have two examples but one of them is pretty "lol" tier in terms of writing.

>> No.2585531
File: 165 KB, 1280x506, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the other but it doesn't have as much variation in the line weight. Hopefully somebody can help me though, I've studied inking so many times and can never seem to make it work.

Again, please forgive the joke. Some people seemed to like it but I've also been told it's not that good. If you guys wouldn't mind looking past it and judging it off the lines for critique, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.2585551

It wasn't on my personal moral grounds, it was more on the moral grounds of potential viewers. I don't have any compunctions regarding such work, it's more just a "will I get blacklisted from legit projects if my porn account is ever connected to my SFW account".

Yeah, I kind of realized recently that, with Japan's age of consent being 14 or something, that nearly 90% of all h manga is technically against the letter of the Canadian law. It would be ridiculous to prosecute everyone in my country who accesses hentai, but it's still a bit sketchy as a Canadian producing stuff that's visually comparable to stuff legally produced in Japan.

I don't know how much fanart I plan on doing of western stuff, but yeah, I'll watch out for that. Thanks so much.

>> No.2585578


>> No.2585642

Does anyone have any experience using Crayola's Air-Dry Clay? I can't figure out how to paint it without it looking all lumpy and streaky.

>> No.2585677

Hrm, I've seen that one before but I decided to rewatch it in case there was anything I missed... I wonder if some people just can't into inking. I can never seem to balance the lines right and there's just do many things to account for when inking that I usually get burnt out after one figure. Maybe I should find an alternative.

>> No.2585680

Inking is something you just get better at as your drawing skill increases. It's a lot easier to ink if the underlying drawing is actually good.

>> No.2585688

Then perhaps it's time for me to throw in the towel when it comes to cartooning and lineart. I've spent years on this sort of thing honing my foundations with life drawing and learning formal design. If I'm still having this rough of a time with it I might need to look for another medium.

>> No.2585956

Don't pussy out

>> No.2585958

Is doubting of self-passion for art common for a beginner ? In these days i want to start work hard but probably the fact that when I try to make something from imagination it sucks and I lose self-esteem is stopping me. Fuck

>> No.2585961

yeah most of the time in life when you try to do something it doesn't turn out as planned. who knew!

if you get discouraged so easily then it means you don't want it so much

>> No.2586022
File: 219 KB, 819x458, Kamala-Khan-in-Ms-Marvel-9 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of process is required to get this kind of look? i know theres some kind of texture on a majority of the pages and filters but esp the linework i cant find a brush that gives me that look.

>> No.2586034
File: 301 KB, 1031x1566, msmarv2014003001_col.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2586036
File: 62 KB, 420x288, SAI_clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is the better drawing software?

>> No.2586044

Better for what? Want streamlined basic software, without X features that you are not going to use in the end anyways? Go for Sai. Want additional features and a bit more Photoshop like? Go for Clip Studio Paint Pro. Also when you are a cheap-fag, it is on sale for like 16$ every 2-3 month and if you want to go professional you can always upgrade to the Ex version, which helps a lot in making multiple site comics.

>> No.2586165

I'm kinda dumb, but isn't it illegal to do commissions of anime characters and stuff like that?
Is it just not really enforced?

>> No.2586413

How essential is it to keep practicing with only one grip? Right now i'm using the underhand grip when drawing with a charcoal medium, but when using ink i'm stuck to using the tripod grip.

Should I practice my tripod grip also with my pencil so the skill transfers to ink pen holding?

>> No.2586439
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 1348208944089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well about 45° difference, give or take

>> No.2586473
File: 112 KB, 900x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem is that I'm coming up on 4 years and I just don't know if my improvement justifies continuing on. I'm a little old to be keeping at this. I'm unemployed at the moment and a lot of my time goes to art but now I'm worried it may not be a realistic thing for me. What's worse is that somewhere along the way I pretty much forgot what I wanted to achieve with art in the first place.

Pic related was my skill level when I began, and I don't really have anything terribly good to show for my skill level now considering I just got out of some pretty degenerate stuff art wise.

I'm not trying to pussy out, but I wonder if it's a realistic expectation for me to get better when after four years of work I still can't ink correctly and make some basic mistakes.

>> No.2586505


CSP is what kool kidz use these days.

GIMP is free.

>> No.2586512

Keys to drawing, then Loomis construction and anatomy study.

>> No.2586519

They will never find out unless you tell them.

Get rich and famous and buy your license.

Just fucking do it.

>> No.2586549


>> No.2586575

A couple years ago I watched a drawing video of this quite old, presumably Asian, man teaching about drawing (for the purposes of architecture I believe).

The man was super energetic and his approaches were quite simple, but the video was still very motivating.

His face was not shown on the video ever.

Anyone know what I'm talking about? I wanna find that video again.

>> No.2586578

A small detail of the video: He told that using a credit card as a ruler is much better since you always have one with you and it's super fast.

another detail: he joking told always stop your lines with a separate dot, as if you're ending a sentence.

another detail: he said that a real artist lets their lines cross over each other instead of connecting them neatly (for example when drawing a square)

>> No.2586584



>> No.2586593

Yes! Thank you

>> No.2586626

Awesome critique

>> No.2587036

Is Fun with a Pencil worth the time? What do I get in the end if I go through it?

>> No.2587054

how do i shade sheets like on a bed? it's so fucking hard

>> No.2587085

under shape dynamics try setting angle to rotation instead of direction.

>> No.2587368
File: 62 KB, 1200x1200, how-do-i-traditional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>everything must be digital
It's just a standard pigment liner.

>> No.2587390

so what is the best brush to ink in clip studio paint?
i suppose is one of the inking ones but this is the first time using the program( have always used photoshop)

>> No.2588191

whats the official stance of finished study paintings? are they art or not? i do a bunch of studies but not much from imagination so it feels really awkward showing people things i copied from reference and calling it 'art'? but then again a lot of famous art is just paint shit from real life very well. i just dont know

>> No.2588248

what do you assign to your tablet hotkeys? is it weird that i don't really use them at all?

>> No.2588277

depends on the program I'm using, using the hotkeys can potentially speed up your workflow, but it's not necessarily weird if you never use them

mine are set to
brush tool
switch colors (whatever it's called, default is x hotkey on photoshop)
new layer
merge down
flip canvas horizontally

scroll is set to toggle between
rotate canvas
scale brush size

>> No.2588284

I have mine set up so I could use a away from keyboard laying on my bed. so I have save, New layer, backstep, lasso, alt (for color picking), brush, and erase. scroll is zoom in/out and brush size

>> No.2588326

Just opened "The Natural Way to Draw", and my first impression is that this thing is totally useless without a live model. Am I right or can I use pictures as substitutes?

>> No.2588351

Anyone know any other courses or good videos to watch to become a pro at digital painting besides the ctrl+paint series?

>> No.2588358
File: 24 KB, 534x443, 1306623578402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on the new masters academy? Is it worth it to pay like 200 bucks a year to get the videos?


>> No.2588602

What's a good book to learn how to do backgrounds? I know nothing about how to do backgrounds and settings outside of the people in them.

>> No.2588614

How does one tell the difference between good and over-rendered art? Specifically on digital artists who try to replicate god-tier artists.

>> No.2588687


Even just help with what to google?

>> No.2588775
File: 200 KB, 533x492, moeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how common is it to start a dialogue of comic with "So, tell me again, you said that ---" or similar? Is it even usable?

>> No.2589120

what is the best free resource i can find for understanding how light works and incorporating it into my drawings

>> No.2589125

What does it mean when people claim your drawing is traced but it isn't? I am still waiting for the digital pen tablet I ordered online and tried drawing using mspaint and mouse instead.

>> No.2589129

90% of the time it means you're probably lying.

>> No.2589135

Setting up still lifes and doing studies of them.

>> No.2589150

Well, it does kind of look traced, since is used just mspaint and I can't do the normal strokes using mouse. In hindsight, I should have video captured the process. What capture software is best to use?

>> No.2589151

open broadcaster is decent and free

>> No.2589175
File: 232 KB, 887x900, 1466701738389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do I make a cohesive, unified palette?

All that seems to happen to me is I try to get the correct color, and I usually mix using all of my primaries, even if it's just a little bit. But it all looks so sterile and flat, I don't get it.

>> No.2589179

Why is like 80% of the work on this board digital?

>> No.2589212

digital is superior to physical media unless you're making a one off piece that you intend sell in a gallery or something.

>> No.2589228

What is better? A drawing pad for PC or a drawing tablet?

>> No.2589245

why do i want to draw the face of every bald person i see

>> No.2589247

Mixing all your primaries gives you greys, so don't do that for all your colors. It helps to think in terms of color temperature, or the degree of difference BETWEEN colors. (Cooler colors lean towards blue, warmer colors lean towards red or yellow) It's not about what color something is, but what color it is compared to all others around it.

>> No.2589385
File: 1.30 MB, 2160x2160, IMG_20160523_202936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ here. Mostly what you're going to want in a monitor is an ips panel (in plane switching). ips panels have better color representation and can be viewed at 178° angle and still be accurate to color. At the cost of speed (Higher bit color depth use higher bandwidth) and price. Most Professionals and content creators use ips monitors. Also I'm new to /ic/ and studying art but I would make a safe assumption that resolution is also a important factor. Personally I own a 27UD88 (pic related) . It's a great 4k ips panel monitor but I haven't gotten into digital art that much yet at the skill level I at. Hopes this answers your question.

Okay so my question
>I haven't gotten into digital art yet
I'm not sure how I should start digitally or when I should.
I have a tablet but it was mostly for osu when I got it. it's a Wacom intous small version(old model). Is this good enough to start with or should I pick up a bigger different one?

>> No.2589402
File: 1.16 MB, 200x200, 1467666085492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 yo beginner here
> best pens for sketching?
> how does one gain confidence in drawing folded arms?
> how hard do you personally press on the paper while drawing?
> do that many people upload their sketches to their computer and color it there?

>> No.2589415

it's good enough to start with. just go for it bro, the time is now

it really doesn't matter. (but i like sakura microns)
draw from reference until you can draw folded arms without them.
less pressure than when i'm writing.
you can do that yeah, but it's just personal preference.

>> No.2589446

Thanks bro. Looks like I'm gonna find me some Sakura microns

>> No.2589458

What do I do if my artwork is being stolen and used online without my permission?

I make wallpapers, and I don't expect everyone to give sources on my images when they post them somewhere else, but I've found places where people are blatantly making money off of my work.

I mean I wouldn't mind it too much, but I feel like my rights are being trampled over. I barely see any money from my art, and other people are using it to generate business and even sell the art.

I guess the best I can do is ask them to take it down, but is there something I can do to keep it from happening any more?

I mean jesus, my shit is being eaten up online, but I barely have a trickle of anything on any social platforms I post it on.
If I do work good enough to steal, shouldn't I have the relevant amount of followers and shit?

tl:dr people are stealing my art. How can I stop it?

>> No.2589470

I know it sounds like a case of

but my work is being used for commercial purposes without my permission.
The license that it was posted with says it's not for commercial use.

>> No.2589481
File: 250 KB, 1500x1500, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my rendering/ understanding of form good enough to just start making pieces, or should I improve more?

Also, could someone please give some kind of rundown on what brush combinations to use for line art in sai? The pen tool in the vector layer menu? I see artists whose lines look decidely more painterly, but no matter what combination of settings I use, they either look too artificial, or too sloppy. I understand that variable line weight is a big part of it, but I just can't figure it out.

>> No.2589635
File: 96 KB, 1080x1080, 13551852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get into ink and stuff and got this the other day.

What do you guys think are the pens used in the picture ? I could imagine 2 different sized standard ink pens (looking at the fingers/cheeks line thickness) or one of those Pitt pens from faber castel.

>> No.2589667

Consult a solicitor about it? See if they can refer you to someone who specialises in internet business or just intellectual property law in general, and ask them what your options are. They're likely to ask a big boy fee for their services, though, but if this is something you're serious about and this is becoming a problem, then you'll need to get it out of the way.

>> No.2589669

Maybe email the admins/ owners of the sites that are enabling the theft, first.

>> No.2589838

Are blind contours really beneficial?

>> No.2589912


Is there a software/method to bulk download images from a blogspot blog?

>> No.2589931

I am in my mid 20s and I don`t have any proper experience with art, beside some bad attempts at fanart. I would like to try my luck in it but I am afraid that I am basically too old. I mean people at my age are already industry pros.

I also don`t have money for fancy stuff I only can have printing paper + hb pencils and I have a small Wacom tablet with SAI to use.

Can I make it if I work hard enough or I missed my window of opportunity?

>> No.2589933

there's no such thing as luck when it comes to drawing.
also, it depends on what you want out of this, is it solely a hobby or do you want to acutally put the bread on the table with art?

>> No.2589935


You're absolutely not too old. You're young.
In five years five years have past whether or not you have been drawing, so might aswell draw like a madman for those five years.

>> No.2589944

Mostly because I want to have my ideas down on paper / in digital painting. I want to have my tiny mark on the world or at least make the kind of content I want to see.

I wanted to do art since high school but I had some things stopping me from doing it, also the educational system was anything but helpful for that.

On the other hand I will sound like a manchild but yeah it would be really nice to do art and get money. I honestly doubt I could make it up to that level, I mean if I was working on my craft since I wanted to do it I would be like awesome for sure.

But yeah my past troubles pretty much made me burned out on normie money making options but art is so far away and I am really not that smart to learn it fast, I am sure.

That is true.

>> No.2590069
File: 177 KB, 1214x509, Capturez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of a stupid question, but here goes
I've been listening to Feng Zhu's design cinema a lot lately, background noise while drawing. But what happened to episode 67, it's gone. It was apparently a 100k subscriber special. Why'd it get taken down? I don't suppose some autist would have the episode saved by chance they could share?

>> No.2590103

hey I'm one of these autists!

it's a special with Ben Mauro, who does what Feng does usually but painting over a 3D scene he set up quickly, and he discusses with Feng over the merits of 3D.

It's 583m and my up connection is 50kbps however... what would be a good way to share, that could possibly be interrupted (connection is very shitty)

>> No.2590109

whenever I'm studying a photo, I think I'm drawing mostly the lines of the contours instead of the form itself.

I get all riled up about the proportions, size, and angle of each line instead of using that to draw out the forms.

Is there a speedpaint or video out there where a guy draws using form instead of relying on contours?

>> No.2590124

Form is planes, planes are defined by contours or values.
Smooth (roundish) plane transitions are defined by smooth value transition.

When you're with a pen, it's faster to draw a plane by defining the contour of one unit of uniform value rather than fill the whole plane.

Translation: It's not about drawing lines, it's about your ability to visualize.

>> No.2590158

>hey I'm one of these autists!
You're a beautiful person
Try mega.nz to upload it. Alternatively, you could make a .torrent file of the video, upload the torrent to a pomf clone (like mixtape.moe) and then people could just download that, and even if your internet is really shite it won't matter. Just make sure your upload speed settings in your torrent client are configured to share the file freely.

>> No.2590200

How do you paint over a sketch like this?


I googled it and some people were talking about fixative or gesso. Does one work better or worse when it comes to graphite and charcoal?

>> No.2590347
File: 1.39 MB, 4859x2808, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this? Scattering is turned off, as far as I can tell.

>> No.2590365

>brush tip shape
reduce the spacing

>> No.2590372

So, you have a job and would just like to learn to draw besides than and wouldn't mind if it gotmire serious after a while? Sure, you can do that. Just keep in mind that it takes roughly 10'000h of practice untill you get to master levels in ANYTHING. You can now decide on your own at what age you want to reach it. Depends on how many hours you are willing to put in per day. And thise hours should be spent doing productive learning.
For example: if you practice for 2h every day, it will take you 14 years to git gud. You can drastically cut that down. If you put in 8h a day, you will be there in 3.5 years.

>> No.2590387
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But keep in mind you don't have to be a master to have a lot of fun, get laid, or even make money with art. It's takes discipline to get good no doubt, but there is no reason to intimidate yourself with some made up 10k hour rule that the author himself states is for mastery at the peak level of the craft, which isn't a whole hell of a lot of people's goals.

>> No.2590584
File: 229 KB, 1080x1080, Nero (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an inked sketch, in the process of being cleaned up.

My question is, which tool or brush is best for adding additional lines?

The brush tool's anti-aliased look doesn't match the look of the rest of it, however the pencil leaves dull edges where i'd like sharp ones, such as the tips of the hair.

I also plan to modify the line weight to better fix proportion and alter some as well.

>> No.2590594

Are there any art/drawing related apps you like/use?

>> No.2590598
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How do I get good at costuming?
Are there any good books for different clothing combinations, or am I just going to have to sift through a million reference photos (which seems like a legit option atm)

I'm horrible with fashion in the irl, so I can't rely on personal experience. And I'm getting sick of drawing naked chicks (i swear I'm not gay)/men.

What do you guys think I should do?

>> No.2590609

I'm interested in this too. Especially of there are some good books on how to draw fabric/clothes and how to compose an outfit.

>> No.2590679

How do you deal with having literal OCD as an artist?

I know people groan at people claiming they're a "perfectionist" but it's a serious problem I have to the point where I can't draw anything without having a fit about it not being "perfect".

I'm not an amazing artist by any stretch, and am predominately a hobbyist but this shit has plagued me my entire life and it's beginning to take a toll on me mentally and is sucking all enjoyment I used to get from it.

Like becoming legitimately stressed out and angry because I can't commit anything to paper (or tablet or whatever) because I can't get over a goddamn circle not being perfect even though it's a dumb sketch no one will see anyways.

I'm probably just being a dramatic faggot who just needs to "draw more" but I didn't know if anyone else has seriously had this problem and found ways to cope with it.

>> No.2590702

I get that sometimes (I'm not clinically diagnosed or anything). What do when I get like that is anything but realism. Go abstract or non representational. I just do shitty gradient paintings to clear my mind. Or sometimes I'll try doing something like Boldini or William Turner's Snow Storm. It helps you focus on the big picture and not the tiny details that most people don't realize or care about anyway.

Also I always have this horrible / helpful mindset that everything I do will come out shitty. When my expectations for myself couldn't get any lower I'm okay with things that come out mediocre. And hell I feel really good instead of just satisfied when something comes out just the way I wanted it to.

Hope that helps man

>> No.2590717

I have OCD, and ironically enough, art is the way I cope with it.

I used to be that way, but I started really getting into gesture drawing. It really loosened me up and made me think less about mistakes. It's pretty freeing letting yourself let go and do the work for you. It's kind of a passive process.

Definitely check it out.

Obviously gesture is more for rough quick sketching of forms and shit, but it's really fun to just sketch what you see.
At the very least, you can take it and clean it up.

Having OCD has put me in a better place than most people when it comes to art, as I quickly can tell when something is wrong. It'll nag at you until you fix it.
Use it to your strength anon. OCD fucking sucks everywhere else, but let art be a way out.

>> No.2590718

This site is awesome http://www.fashion-press.net/collections/

>> No.2590780

Did you ever have trouble at first?

Like part of my problem is that I take way too long to do things and can never "quickly" sketch anything due to the aforementioned OCD.

It's just I've tried "loosening up" before but it's always been a struggle.

>> No.2590807

Dumb question ahoy:

If I wanted to get started on building a comic, digital or traditional, where's a place to start?
Like, what page dimensions should I use?
Is there a type of paper that is more ideal for this type of work?
What are good sites to easily organize and host pages?

Those sorts of dumb questions I'm looking for and I'm hoping there's a website already out there with guides on where to start.

>> No.2590814

thanks anon

>> No.2590816

what's the best way to organize an inspiration/reference file? (by artist? date saved? style? medium? subject?) because my folders are a huge mess. if anyone would like to share their personal system that works for them i'd appreciate it.

>> No.2590820

>Did you ever have trouble at first?

Not really, a lot of my time in classes were spent doodling on pages and homework. The only thing that really gave me problems was trying to figure out what to doodle.

When I seriously started drawing in an actual though, I did have some trouble. I would spend a lot of time on the thumbnails trying to make everything look perfect, and reframing comps. Only for the final to not reflect all the thought I put into the precision.

Then I took time and reflected on why I was having problems.
Went to the next class, and we were introduced to gesture, and I took to it pretty well.

As far as training yourself to loosen up, just try drawing fast.
Set up a small still life, and challenge yourself to draw it in intervals.
from 1 minute, down to about 5 seconds. You'd be amazed how quickly you loosen up. You don't have time to think.

>> No.2590857

Pretty much yeah!
I got nothing to rush, but if one day the opportunity presents itself I`ll surely will go for it.

That doesn`t sound too much actually. I guess I´ll dig into the sticky and lurk around and do the drawing.

That is true too. I mostly want to learn to draw / paint for fun. But I really want to do it properly. I simply wouldn`t be able to just do random stuff when I know that the real fundamentals are out there. Too bad I can`t really afford to go to life drawing sessions.

>> No.2590896

You guys are thinking about it in hindsight. It's a nightmare when you don't know if the problem is your technique or the tool.

When I got my tablet, the brush tool in my graphics program was doing some ass ugly smudges and I couldn't figure out if I was shit at using the pressure or if something was genuinely fucked up. Had a friend who agreed it looked terrible let me copy his settings and then the tool behaved how I expected it to. It's about having a point of reference and making sure the tools aren't the ones being the problem.

>> No.2590907

do you think electric eraser is cheating?
its just too good

>> No.2591108

Are basic HB pencils any good for learning the basics? I just want to get mileage.

>> No.2591116

i only use HBs for graphite
if i want dark i just use charcoal

>> No.2591117

That sounds reasonable. Thanks.

>> No.2591118
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It should look like this.

No brush settings on or anything like that, just lowered flow setting.

>> No.2591126

What would be most beneficial? I organise by style, then by medium.

>> No.2591165

>know a 3D artist that's been working in studios for a while
>pretty amazing 3d models+textures from misc. props to hero/main characters to small cities/buildings.
>beyond simple orthos, his 2d drawing skill is literally decades behind compared to his 3d. seems to be oblivious to things like keying values and makes simple anatomy mistakes not visible in his 3d work.

how does this even happen? the only thing he'd tell me is basically "lol it's just harder."

>> No.2591196

Do you think I should work through Keys to Drawing after I've done Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, or would it not be worthwhile?

>> No.2591256
File: 630 KB, 1008x867, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this nigger just copy photos like all the other "hyper realistic" painters?

>> No.2591265

yes he smudges photos with oil

>> No.2591267

Fuck this

>> No.2591284
File: 347 KB, 600x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me the appeal of pollock in words fit for a retard?

>> No.2591292

what styles do you divide them into? i guess i want to file them according to what strikes me the most about the piece, but this is very messy and i'm looking around for a better system.

>> No.2591294

>look up smudge photos with oil
>All these indo tutorials on how to scam people with cheap photoshop tricks
>That fucking accent

Fuck Indonesians, literally second worse next to Chinese

>> No.2591301

Go ask the people of Premier Comics, they're nice and helpful on discord.

It's a completely different set of skills yet you're surprised?
lol this nigger champion chess player is bad at go, wth?

stop it with this fucking meme already.
or if you are really clueless, one word: kikery

2B is great, at least I get a much comfier feel

>> No.2591306

I really am clueless and i had to google kikery. There you have it...

>> No.2591342

so i just decided to get a tablet and i've been working in photoshop, doing mostly weeb stuff. i'm having two problems in the learning process with this new tablet.

1) i can't seem to get straight lines for the life of me and getting decent curves and circles is even harder. is this a practice thing? anything else?

2) im working in photoshop and most of my stuff comes out looking super unpolished and even messy. are there any good videos or articles out there for various coloring/shading techniques for digital art? i'm sort of pleased with my line work, but i can't make it come together.

>> No.2591344

does anybody know how to get the binary brush from paintool sai for photoshop or manga studio?

>> No.2591353

Where to post pixel art/sprite work?

>> No.2591366


>> No.2591483

does people prefer original art style of the character or artist's style when it comes to NSFW stuff?

>> No.2591503


>> No.2591559

Are you still there?
Upload is finally done.
Here's the link:
with key:

>> No.2591565
File: 52 KB, 260x170, 1233627643666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you still there?
Yeah buddy, my first thoughts waking up today were "I wonder if anon got back to me on that". Thank you so much for delivering, have an internet

>> No.2591582

Anyone replaced their default Windows Photo Viewer with something better? There are lots of alternatives out there like Ifranview/imageglass but I wonder if there is one considered the best.

>> No.2591588

Oh cool.
Listening to Feng helped me a lot to really get into drawing, so that's the least I could do.

And I guess it's not so common of an autistic superpower.

>> No.2591728

How to noses from different angles lads

>> No.2591735

I use Irfanview.
It's a bit better than windows' native viewer. A lot of control over zoom and the like. Quick edits.

Only thing I don't like is sometimes it doesnt use the same file order as the folder. And also when I'm trying to look at my porn folder at random to fap, it can't do it very well.

>> No.2591766

Been doing sketching/figure drawing exclusively for about a year now, how do I break into painting/drawing landscapes?

>> No.2591892

>not xnview

>> No.2591961

I use Roboreader for .cbr but it's good for anything i believe.

>> No.2592158

Can I get better by staring at people?

>> No.2592168

I like Pictus, it's pretty bare bones but very lightweight.

>> No.2592176

For those who use digital pen and tablet, how long did it take for you to get used to it?

>> No.2592263

My line art looks pixelated at every resolution or dpi I try. It's not severe, but it's enough to be jarring. I'm using Manga Studio 5 with the felt pen tool, but I have the same problem with the g pen.

>> No.2592265

To note, I do have antialiasing on the tools.Is there any thing I should try to fix this?

>> No.2592328

Came across a painting, bought it for $3

It's an original water color by Irving Shapiro

Is it worth anything? How do I find out?

>> No.2592346

I got irfanview a long ass time ago.
Never bothered to look for something new since I got it. It was lightweight and did what I needed it to.

If it ain't broke...

>> No.2592656
File: 85 KB, 665x960, 13627153_1792902674275227_6054001313122866968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn to draw nice illustrations with ink like pic related.

Are there any resources that would help me, video or books on learning it? Texture drawn with ink is the thing that makes it hard for me.

I can make figures and animals fairly proportionate with pencil not even too slow. So I'm looking for things specific for ink. Even though i'd like to hear any advice you would have for me.

>> No.2592689

Daym a lot of questions and few answers in this thread. Well either way this doesn't deserve own thread..

Have been told several times to "study the masters" to learn better composition. Anyone know who they might be referring to as "masters"of composition"? Looking to practice concept environments so both traditional or modern concept artists / illustrators are fine.

>> No.2592714

Guess I'll answer a few, even if I lack knowledge myself. Take this with a grain of salt

Maybe if you've read up on anatomy and try to locate muscles / bones on their body and memorize it, but not if you aren't actively looking for an answer to something. Either way doing some super quick sketches would make it so much more useful.

Drawing on a tablet will always be different, theres a reason many of pros in the industry like to sketch by hand and scan in even now. As for how long it takes to get comfortable with it, it depends but for me it took me a month or two. I also found that the way I sit is important since the tablet is so "slippery" and any excess pressure makes for ugly lines, so I have to sit in a way that lets me easily hover over the screen and use not only my forearm&wrist but also my shoulder. Don't force yourself to move your whole arm just make it so you can easily move your hand from one corner of the canvas to another.

Drawing from reference until you've got a better understanding of it. Trying to draw noses or any other part of the body from different angles without reference or experience is a waste of time.

Study perspective and composition.

>> No.2593075

Practice day and night with ballpen

>> No.2593206

alphonso dunn's youtube channel and book specialises in that kind of stuff

>> No.2593375

What is the best way to approach perspective when drawing with Vilppu's method? He doesn't really talk about perspective to much in his book.

>> No.2593814

Does it matter what brush i use to practice sketching with in paint tool sai? If so, can someone recommend any that they use

>> No.2594440

So my goal in art overall will bring me to going digital and getting a tablet but my question is should I stick to traditional until I have a firm grasp of the fundamentals then transition to a tablet and digital art or should I just buy the tablet and start practicing fundamentals and sht with digital

>> No.2594961

What are the best platforms to do nsfw commissions on? I only know about HF, Furaffinity. Tumblr and deviant for self promotion