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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.36 MB, 4030x3304, selfie_ftrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2574813 No.2574813 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>2567426

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make anime works in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, take a nude selfie and send it to your bestie!

>Fresh off the boat? Get back on the boat and read THIS:

>/ic/s (new) sticky:
>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Tutorials
>Pose Practice

Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

>> No.2574819


Is this necessary

>> No.2574824



>> No.2574825

A cute

>> No.2574841

that's adorable

>> No.2576563


How useful is the Reilly method in terms of getting better at copying styles from anime? Is it worth watching this tut all throughout or should I be better off doing my own studies of anime faces using the basic unit + construction method?

>> No.2576576
File: 954 KB, 692x950, faa9c73df9d40cf44b607a150aaa15a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime tends to break rules however it's worth learning the reilly method to get better at facial structure. The rhythms of the face in the reilly method would help with drawing emotions as it sets you up to learn the anatomy of the face so you don't get stuck with drawing the same style of face seen in a lot of generic moe style. So yes, it's helpful to learn it.

>> No.2577112
File: 950 KB, 1177x1209, HajimeTenga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to get some advice and crtiticism, especially on the lips, nose and unfinished eye. It's supposed to be a stylized version of the Kiznaiver character.

>> No.2577188


it's just muddy looking

>> No.2577191

He looks cross-eyed right now and it feels as if he's missing half of the left side of his face, also the mouth and nose aren't parallel to eachother

>> No.2577251 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 830x698, Photoshop_2016-06-25_22-19-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i redlined your drawing for you since it look as though you could use the help

>> No.2577553

Are the Alternative Art threads just a Beginners Threads for people with superiority complex now?

>> No.2577558
File: 115 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577619

No, that's the draw threads.

>> No.2577636

What do you mean aren't parallel?

>> No.2577797

She could use more flab in the stomach; make her more chubby imo. It also flattens out near the bottom.

>> No.2577833

it's giant loli stomping grounds fwiw

>> No.2578261
File: 472 KB, 1062x1500, Zelda Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this coming out?

>> No.2578265

redjuice fag?
face is super derp.

>> No.2578271


And what's wrong with the face? The expression?

>> No.2578286

too low, one eye is smaller than the other, etc.

Just flip the image and you'll see.

>> No.2578289

another anon who mimics redjuice artist style

>> No.2578293


your anatomy looks like shit.

>> No.2578306
File: 340 KB, 850x1200, Zelda Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed, thanks anon.

Look anon, I'm all for criticism, but if you don't post anything constructive, I'm just gonna assume you're a troll or a jealous newbie... Like, I'm not that good and have tons to improve, but this place has a tendency to harbor very toxic people who behave pretty much like you do and use "anatomy" and "loomis" as their fallback.

So try to change your tone and people will actually listen to you.

All that aside, mind elaborating your point?

Never heard if redjuice, I tend to mimic Ishiwatari among a couple other eastern and western illustrators.

>> No.2578329

i kinda feel like she seems a little confused, with the way the eyes are directed

>> No.2578396

Her right upper arm is too long, and should be foreshortened more at that angle. Seconding the thing about her eyes, the pupils are pointing different directions

>> No.2578410
File: 276 KB, 850x1200, 1466975986111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still too small.

>> No.2578433

Yeah, I fixed it, as I was working on fixing the pupils I noticed that it was still a tad too small.

>> No.2578573
File: 353 KB, 839x1200, Zelda Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna call it a night.

I think this is pretty solid now. I did all the fixes suggested. Tomorrow I'll be working on the lineart, and then I'll color it. Thanks a bunch anons.

>> No.2579036
File: 210 KB, 800x530, eatingpie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really struggling with the perspective here, meant to be three people sitting down at a table eating pie.
would appreciate concrit/redlines

>> No.2579048

post a version with your construction lines going to the 3VPs

>> No.2579124

use a grid and plot your vanishing points first

>> No.2579324

Perspective is fine anon.

>> No.2579333

You don't HAVE to do this, especially with organic figures. So long as they're going to a horizon line it's fine.

Unless you're doing a strict mechanical drawing, or a cityscape, then you don't have to be very strict.

All that said, best way to MASTER perspective is to do a bunch of strict perpective things drawing cars and building and boxes and shit, always being super strict with your grids and stuff. Then you'll get a natural habit for knowing how things are supposed to go.

>> No.2579390

Are you fucking retarded? ALWAYS put a fucking perspective grid, unless you're fucking Evan Lee/Feng Zhu tier or better.


>> No.2579409
File: 4 KB, 240x80, boxes lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well he is half right. I'd use a grid when a character needs to be tied to the environment. But if it's floating in space there really is no need. In >>2579036 case they need to use a grid. "Always" is a bit too strong of a word.

>> No.2579416


woow they take it!

>> No.2579419
File: 171 KB, 600x424, eatingpie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for all the feedback

haha, honestly I neglected putting a grid/drawing VPs (it's something I need to properly sit down and study) and now regret it, but I'll know to do it next time. In the meantime, I've just been judging by eye and hoping the lack of grid isn't too obvious. sigh

>> No.2579425

Now it looks fairly ok, the girl looks out of pers.
Doing without a grid also means you can't add a background...

Even for basic anatomy exercises, it would help get rid of so much of the errors we always to have a grid. Stop giving bad advice.

it's because the other thread has no title, so no crtl+f. it's because of the other tripfag stupidity. The choice of image for the OP seriously...

>> No.2579536
File: 1.97 MB, 1024x4053, nsio_explains__distortion_in_perspective_by_nsio-d9eh4to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should take your own advice mate.

Drawing everything with a strict perspective grid will KILL your flow. Same as sketching silhouettes and gesture poses before getting down and constructing a figure, you need to rough out the general feel of your composition and then fix and correct using your knowledge of how things look in 3D space.

Otherwise, it's the same as people that start constructing figures without doing gestures and silhouettes, everything wings up looking very stiff and unnatural.

What people need to do is practice out TONS, and I mean TONS of perpective grids and urban environments and mechanical drawings to practice perpective again and again and again. Draw boxes in 3D space, lots and lots of boxes.

And then just rough it out when they do painting and compositions, and THEN draw a grid over it if it's absolutely necessary to correct and fine tune.

But drawing grids and guidelines and such, that's what you do to develop the natural feel for things. That's how people like Feng and others got to the point where they rarely need to draw girds.

You gotta get rid of the training wheels someday kiddo.

Drawing grids like that each time you draw will absolutely decimate your creative and design ability, and make drawing environments and compositions a horribly time consuming task. It'll also wreck your compositions. You need to be loose when you draw, always. Drawing grids takes away from that.

Practice that shit till it becomes natural, draw loose, correct, and wane yourself out of it. That's how you do it. Not the other way around. Developing a sense of confidence in your instinct is important for an artist.

>> No.2579572


I'm not going to highlight much of what you said, but we agree on pretty much everything mate.
The point is, I think most people on this board would benefit more by using a grid, because they're not good enough yet. Just look at the output in the threads. They're not ready yet.

>> No.2579667
File: 2.65 MB, 400x400, kim jung just draw boxes around the figure.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry the quality is shit

>> No.2579681

Everytime I see this guy I just can't not be amazed, its like he is on a whole nother level, its so sick what is he is able to do, truly someone worthy of being an inspiration from that generation

>> No.2579718

The video
It's in korean though

>> No.2579732

You realize the perspective is off, right?
>b-but muh fish eye!
No, he is drawing out of perspective.

>> No.2579742
File: 108 KB, 720x404, 002863360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody's perfect

>> No.2579830
File: 265 KB, 468x677, emprsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How badly is the perspective fucked in this?

>> No.2579933
File: 782 KB, 3507x2480, Nuevo Lienzo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2579966

>alternative art/stylization
>this thread for artists who want to try anime

What a shit op

What a shitty thread

>> No.2579975
File: 13 KB, 300x300, pat-head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a star!

>> No.2579981

Thats a whole bunch of cancer in one post

>> No.2580008
File: 3.85 MB, 1920x2268, img216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foreign armies knew of the Draag beasts legendary reverence by the local population. Its capture and implementation as a beast of war only sought to demoralize a besieged peoples.

>> No.2580422


The longer I look at this the more I begin to notice things.

>> No.2580475

very nice man, where have you been m80?

>> No.2580480
File: 115 KB, 500x650, wefew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2580533

It's hard to tell cause it's so up close, but it looks off, yeah.

Pick up Scott Rob's book on perspective drawing and give it a read. You can find it in the book thread.

>> No.2580684
File: 3.93 MB, 2420x3564, img215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being un productive.

>> No.2581188
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20160625_194831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this for a birthday.

>> No.2581334

happy birthday :3

>> No.2581340

>makes cancerous posts while calling others cancer
Get AIDS and die, you faggot.

>> No.2582207

Some tard made another thread

>> No.2582261

Why is she naked? For what purpose?

>> No.2582282
File: 1.01 MB, 997x1406, bigbad1111work in proggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a work in prog. just the under-sketch with raw color-planing

>> No.2582444
File: 152 KB, 905x1280, cc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like my bunch of creepy crawlies, /ic/? I know I know, I still haven't accepted Loomis as my lord and saviour.

>> No.2582447


Nice, I like this a lot.

>> No.2582448

I'm loving it

>> No.2582449

Fuck Loomis

>> No.2582461

This is pretty nice.

>> No.2582520

Not really

>> No.2582526

post your work.

>> No.2582529


>> No.2582621
File: 438 KB, 1427x1500, spiderkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm spoilt for choice as to which alt thread to post in

>> No.2582752
File: 769 KB, 1263x1850, Season2-Hype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time poster in this thread. The little I've posted before on /ic/ hasn't been animu, but I've allways been lurking the alt/style thread, you guys post some lovely stuff.

My main concern right now is the arm, is it fucked up? does it need significant fixing? that's my main thing, but a critique in general would be nice too, even if it's a wip. Thanks in advance!

>> No.2582783

Well, you should finish it more, otherwise it looks bretty gud, dig the style, the volume reads great.
just finish it.

>> No.2582798

Thank you! Well yeah, it's a work in progress like I said. I started it a few hours ago, I wanted to make sure I didn't screw the arm at a fundamental level before moving on, otherwise it'd be a bummer to redo it after rendering it.

>> No.2582820


>> No.2582904

fucking spiders I swear

>> No.2582909
File: 974 KB, 2480x3507, Present.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2582940
File: 685 KB, 1177x891, 57530822_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hardest thing for me to draw is exaggerated proportions and action poses. I have no idea how to draw anything INTERESTING effectively.

Picture related but not mine.

>> No.2582942
File: 452 KB, 440x330, 1459968157301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got a blog anon?

>> No.2582951


>> No.2582956

> vkDOTcomSLASHdoc176415392_261935659
Also do a master study of pics you have as a reference like your pic
> thevirtualinstructor.com/master-study-art-lesson-plan.html

>> No.2582959

pose looks lame. use reference, google victory sign or reverse victory sign, think about and feel the pose more.

what is he trying to do, strike a pose? in that case, the pose better be good.

>> No.2582978

It's not suposed to be a victory sign, it's supossed to be just a 2. Read filename. I still appreciate the feedback though, I will try to improve the pose a bit.

>> No.2583097
File: 383 KB, 1000x1300, cc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated, now with some cringy texts.

>> No.2583117

I think its cringier than you realize

>> No.2583123


>> No.2583189
File: 837 KB, 1300x1916, Deku4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone asked for my blog
Oh gosh it's so flattering when it happens to you. Here anon, have the link and the updated wip.


(note: I haven't uploaded anything in a while, this drawing is me getting back to the game, so from now I will subit things regularly)

>> No.2583192

>Oh gosh it's so flattering when it happens to you.

lol you'll get used to it. You should come join at: 4chan-ic.deviantart.com

>> No.2583298

I know, I regretted it the moment I posted on Tumblr, but I guess they would find it funny.

>> No.2583431
File: 278 KB, 800x1035, super2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i have so far...

>> No.2583446

read the sticky

>> No.2583454


go to the beginner thread

>> No.2583476

any uhh....clarity that i can fix and work on... or?

>> No.2583477

Do some studies, anatomical and such, post them on the beg thread, and ask for feedback on these.
There's no use commenting something that won't make you progress.

>> No.2583490
File: 2.68 MB, 2364x2105, CPR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily sketches done so I don't feel like I didn't do anything today. Mainly wanted to try out some new brushes. I apologize for tits. Feel free to give any critique.


Obligatory "blog?"

>> No.2583492

Im a bit untrained so take it with a grain of salt: The body itself seems too wide. Not even fat, just... Wide. It doesnt look like the bones would develop that way naturally.

Hair is defying the laws of gravity, but that looks stylistic.

She's looking one way when the body is facing somewhere completely different and thats always sorta awkward.

Colors/lighting are very base. Feels like you got lazy.

>> No.2583498

you know, you put more effort on that crit than that guy did on his drawing.

>> No.2583502


I almost want to say it feels like you're going for some type of short-stack goblin girl. All his critique holds, I would say if you're trying to make a short stack add some depth/dimension to her stomach (make it more pronounced). As is it does just look way too wide. The face is also incredibly flat, and like he said, the Eye's should be a bit more relevant to her bodies direction. As it is she definitely should be looking at something but there's nothing there.


Holy shit, what is with the res when I uploaded this. Kill me.

>> No.2583526
File: 1.46 MB, 3507x2480, Nuevo Lienzo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2583528
File: 480 KB, 1440x1018, Nuevo Lienzo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2583530

thanks for reading it pal

>> No.2583547
File: 106 KB, 500x500, CGM-5211_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooooooo! For whatever reason I thought the girl on the shirt was the leviathan girl (cause I thought I saw a point ear). But it's that damn kehreino girl. Ruined.

>> No.2583552

that's cute! got a blog anon?

>> No.2583593

Now I know why the people on /a/ were annoyed, you really don't listen. Should've fixed your issues before coloring. This is what they call polishing a turd.

>> No.2583846

thanks! I don't really post much (not very good with social media), but my tumblr url's innemori. Penguindrum's definitely one of my favourite anime

>> No.2583870
File: 41 KB, 332x798, 68946810410d9493ef8b65e06df4a2cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes a bit of a hunchback with a tumor on her left shoulder, why is it highlighted? my eyes get drawn more to the weird shape with that light rather then the eyes you probably spend a lot of time on

Very small pupils for the size of the eyes, its like they're retracted like cats eyes

Grab some ref or do some studies on folds, what kind of shirt is it? how does it interact when it hangs ect ect.

Try to avoid working on a while background when doing color stuff

>> No.2583874

Forgot to add: currently the peace sign and pose flow points me straight to the bump as well

Try to make the gesture and lighting all point into the things you want to highlight

>> No.2584056

Listen pal, the drawing is cute and all but it starts to get annoying if you post it again every single time you change a fucking pixel. finish it and post the result like everyone else does

>> No.2584079

Siga practicando Manolo, esa mierda es un caso perdido.
>lol qué carajo es una clavícula?
Más Loomis. Por tu propio bien.

>> No.2584230

construcción de muro

>> No.2584237
File: 208 KB, 757x1200, bKknj33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe how the posing in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is such an inspiration. I wish I could get the style down.

>> No.2584430
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1523, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2584516


boa is that you

>> No.2584554
File: 3.51 MB, 6969x4912, bad-taste-attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2584563


>> No.2584569

Go to the source. Fashion mags and ancient Greek sculptures.

>> No.2584899
File: 258 KB, 2500x1080, bgcharacters3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do these basic values hold up? Does in need more contrast?
It's a background for an animation, but I want to get the values and color sorted before I ink and polish the character animations.

>> No.2584934
File: 107 KB, 400x679, animu tiddies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2584982


Could you be more specific?

>> No.2584992

Use thinner and fewer lines. As it is, your sketch is cluttered and harder to read.

>> No.2585044

Why is she naked? Why is she looking into nowhere?

>> No.2585144

I like it.


>> No.2585154

She was bathing in a pond and now sitting on a rock while she is drying. She heard something in the bushes behind her, she looks.

>> No.2585158
File: 193 KB, 803x1200, EiserneDrossel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like something is off, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

>> No.2585167

you've erased the correct lines for the connection of the left leg to the hips and behind the upper leg, if she's not nude the tits are too far away
silly/girly pose
overal it's going great

>> No.2585168

It's the ribcage. Look at the armpit/boob area.

>> No.2585178
File: 159 KB, 999x839, edb62073280776b5560c49b2060ef41f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to draw my pose when i'm drawing

help :<

>> No.2585186

head is too big, body too thin.

>> No.2585199

definitely the arms. what are they supposed to be doing? arm on the right is too short, the elbow should reach at least the top of her head.

>> No.2585213

holy shit youre actually improving weeb boi. You're almost discord group 4 tier.

>> No.2585215

hey youre that autist that has the thing where you believe characters should always look at you.

>> No.2585221

>discord group 4

what's that?

>> No.2585231

>didn't read the sticky

>> No.2585288

thanks for the feedback anon. I see the issues with the arms and the ribcage now. I'll fix it after work.

>> No.2585315


>> No.2585390
File: 598 KB, 1048x1500, Zelda Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idk, I'm always very disappointed in my works when I color them. It's definitely my weakest point.

It's possibly also cause I'm working in digital, and I was trying to imitate traditional.


This is all I got for now.

>> No.2585394
File: 684 KB, 799x765, bbecd1b795fe3fcb072b558f48e2dd99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference, the style I was hoping and failed to capture. Deal is, I feel I could do this using traditional media.

But I like the convenience digital offers as far as fixing shit, which I tend to do a lot of. I think what I'll do is I'll start printing out my drawings and then tracing them over to watercolor paper whenever I'm doing an illustrstion.

I'll stick to digital painting for whenever I'm doing environments and such.

And yeah, I know about Painter, but the piece of shit program kept corrupting my file whenever I tried to use its watercolors. Luckily I had a backup.

>> No.2585408

it sounds like the watercolor/other traditional media is a good idea for you, the problem is you digitally color picked from a hand-painted picture without understanding the reasons behind those choices. Go use traditional, go mix your own colors, make your own choices. You'll develop your own personal color style far quicker this way.

I like what you do in general though, I remember that MGMT-inspired thing you did a while back that suffered a bit after the rendering. Once you learn color and value a bit better I think your pictures will be gorgeous.

>> No.2585412

I'm sorry but the face looks so shit. Anatomy for the most part is fine (although things look awkward at her right shoulder, like they're too small) but the face is actually repulsive.
It's so sad because it ruins the entire thing imo. The style you're trying to emulate doesn't look gross like this (facially).
Maybe you should sketch a few more head shots to figure out your facial style a bit more.

>> No.2585413

I like you.
don't fall in the digital trap, there are many more cons than pros.

>> No.2585435
File: 68 KB, 633x591, f81088120152b85f4c55e8821719544b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some critique on this? (pose/anatomy) When I was first sketching I had some troubles with the body, or rather some doubts, as I'm slowly realizing that I don't know how to draw anime like bodies, since I'm kinda hard coded to go realistic, so I have to constantly try to draw more with less.

>> No.2585439

Yeah, I've set a 6 month study session for myself. Halfway through perspective, and I've taken a bit of a pause to just do fun stuff for a bit. It also helps me evaluate my weaknesses. But yeah, I'm about to jump back in on Monday, and once I finish perspective 5 weeks from now, it's onto Anatomy for 10 weeks, and then Painting/Values for 3 months with Alla Prima. So I'll tackle that hard core in due time. I can't get too ahead of myself. But yeah, going back to traditional for painting might be a good idea.

Welp, too late to change shit now. I'll just keep it and let it serve as a measure if my current skill, and a reminder if how much more I've got to go.

I agree though, something's off about her nose with how it's facing. Rendering always brings out the mistakes.

Looks like I got more to practice.

Thanks. I normally stuck to mostly traditional, but after blowing 1600€ on a cintiq, I started to do more and more digital. Now it's about time I go back to traditional, and find a balance between the two as I develop my own personal workflow.

I am starting to feel like certain limitations of digital are beginning to hold me back.

>> No.2585442

zero form, just 'fancy' lines and a shit brush
never change

>> No.2585611
File: 444 KB, 820x1229, Znewfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this today. I severely fucked up the pose/anatomy, I couldn't find a good reference for like a mid air jump/lunge. Critique much appreciated.


Is this supposed to be finished? If so, it's hella hard to read what's happening.

>> No.2585634

Why is she practically naked?

>> No.2585638


Why not?

In all honestly though I was going for a berserker-ish beastwoman. I may give her some type of like animal-fur loin cloth or something, since that works thematically better than the scaled garbage she has.

>> No.2585648

Not him but fake looking boobs don't work that well on a berserker-ish beastwoman, thematically. Give those baloons some gravity without having to sacrifice the appeal, hell even go find some natural tits porn if you need to see what good jumping breasts look like. It could help with what you're going for, in my opinion at least.
Also, look at her right arm (our left). See the elbow? yeah, that part of your arm where, if everything is alright, it bends. Well, her's is somewhere else... Fix that or she'll need a doctor. There's also some serious anatomical issues on her other arm too.
Really digging that mask by the way.

>> No.2585660


Thanks for the critique. I didn't even think about the gravity of the boobs. I feel changing that with the rest of the image will be a little difficult, I honestly may just give her a tight wrap or something so her boobs are just in place.

Yeah both her arms are fucked. The left one is supposed to be grabbing the blade behind her, but it's way too far in (plus I'm pretty sure she'd break her arm). Also her other one was supposed to be behind aswell but I thought that was a bit boring and lazy so I changed it.

I'll fix it up later, again, thanks for the critique!

>> No.2585792

I can take critique pretty well, but I can't do much with "the lines are too 'fancy' and the brush I'm using is shit."
Could you be more specific?
I see what you mean about the volume, though.

>> No.2586054
File: 186 KB, 588x800, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2586074

he called your lines fancy sounds like a complement

>> No.2586110


The perspective is wonky, but he keeps it fairly consistent so it looks decent enough.

>> No.2586117

Hiw do I get away from anime into a stylization that lloks less generic?

>> No.2586120
File: 1.01 MB, 1709x1696, Owlerson icon full res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this icon commission last night.
Any tips for the future?

>> No.2586128

Oh yeah forgot to mention, I do have a classic arts background and know how anatomy works etc, it's just what I find the most aesthetically pleasing right now, but it's kind of hard got get taken seriously with all that, so I'm trying to find something in between...

>> No.2586153

use realistic, pretty features and simplify them. experiment a lot with that.
then look at your favorite artstyles for hints when you're stuck aesthetically.
there is no other way other than to experiment a lot

>> No.2586160
File: 662 KB, 774x1100, Dk_profileshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2586284
File: 192 KB, 500x677, ez_(you)s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is the rendering going?

I'm going really slow

>> No.2586296

Crown looks off, otherwise I like it.
Stop posting minuscule progress, you nigger.

>> No.2586308
File: 525 KB, 540x739, tumblr_no802hEcOY1txrt5lo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...if you're still practicing value, try to squint your eyes when looking at the image every now and then. then you'll get a feel for how the values are grouped. right now the white is very overpowering and the entire figure is in a fairly narrow value range. again, try to have some range
(the pose is also not very interesting)

>> No.2586319

I know nothing about rendering, but i have the impression that there's something wrong with the boobs
Apart that i like it.

>> No.2586332
File: 558 KB, 654x900, Sigget Anat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character for my comic

>> No.2586338

For some reason reminds me of my ex girlfriend.
...I don't really know if its a compliment or not.

>> No.2586340
File: 145 KB, 650x1010, ogre battle angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good way to mimic this style, digitally?

>> No.2586342

texture brushes

>> No.2586344

dude if anything im a bit jealous

>> No.2586346

She was light brown, funny, and had pretty eyes. that's all about it

>> No.2586348

looks boyish, yet androginous, huuge eyebrow, small pupils, large mouth, big jaw, hands too
i think you can't explain that ear coming out of that hat thing

>> No.2586366
File: 659 KB, 774x1100, Dk_profileshot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> crown looks off

Was going to ask for details, but then I flipped and saw the problem, tried to fix its shape a bit.

>> No.2586368

Yea i agree regarding the ear, was supposed to be a head sash wrapping round the face kinda thing, everything else was a conscience decision, except that part of the left eyebrow i never bothered to rub out lol

>> No.2586444

Yeah, adapted brush that gives off a more traditional vibe, and color your lines, that important.

>> No.2586508

I always get worried when no one says anything about my stuff... I assume it means it's bad.... heh

>> No.2586533

This pose is a meme

>> No.2586552
File: 438 KB, 1134x592, takki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge cravings to draw, but all my supplies are in different place. Found old notebook and ballpoint pens, made sketches about jacket.

Sorry for phone scans, tried to clean things a bit.

>> No.2586566

>Three drawings have different poses

>> No.2586629

its normal to be always insecure about not drawing full poses if im not going for a specific frame composition?

>> No.2586663
File: 530 KB, 1001x2021, callie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda stiff pose and uninspired but im trying to come back to /ic/ I need some discipline
these are some nice sketches, not sure if are stylized enougth to belong here, I would tell you to avoid a bit the mechanic move you do in the hair of the girl and pay attention in the real nature of it.

>> No.2586673
File: 335 KB, 1024x768, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it as a porn artist /ic/?

Or should I just give up now and save myself the trouble.

>> No.2586677
File: 14 KB, 722x547, z1225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2586678

you should take it to the porn thread.
the face and the body look like they were drawn in diferent spaces and the put together, also the face its too big, the body could use more tones and colors as the same as the semen

>> No.2586752
File: 123 KB, 964x775, 8d8afcb8816e5f4db3525282cce37015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll never learn to foreshort arms

>> No.2586754
File: 717 KB, 1024x1024, mono2-1n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2586765
File: 118 KB, 650x726, 6bf3e9147a05bf95f4210d8743f72de5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made the body a little sexier

but the left arm remain a punch in the eye ç_ç

>> No.2586770

throw an eye on that left tight. it takes kind of a strange shape the point where it comes out of the skirt
Apart that, you did a good job if you ask me.

>> No.2586778
File: 237 KB, 636x900, animu sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on pose/anatomy?

>> No.2586786

the face seems draw out of the context of the bodie, the tits need some weigth, try to use less lines.

>> No.2586792

you made it worse, join the discord. shitmaster is talking trash about you.

>> No.2586814

You need to learn the basics of perspective.
Check out Scott Robertson's book. Everything is very flat and the features look like they were pasted on.
No rhythm to the pose and the scratchy line work just weakens it overall. It makes it seem like you're not confident in the lines you throw down.
Keep working hard and use reference, anon.

>> No.2586821
File: 152 KB, 642x904, ss+(2016-07-02+at+12.29.06).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketch i cleaned up

>> No.2586832
File: 489 KB, 955x1721, arm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please /ic/, tell me if this arm is good. I've tried a lot of times, posted a few, and I apparently lost the ability to tell the correct length of things since it's never right.

>> No.2586835

like it for what it is, blog?

>> No.2586836

don't have one sorry

>> No.2586859
File: 357 KB, 1000x708, cancersmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is my art?
At least I'm not covering up my mistakes on the face with mistakes in the hair anymore.

>> No.2586869


Not funny to make fun of cancer patients.

>> No.2586873

>Acting like I care
>Acting like there's anything even masquerading as comical in the image.

>> No.2586876

Woops, meant to reply to >>2586869

>> No.2586880


Whatever, your "art" needs to go in the proper thread >>2584610

>> No.2586910

make one for me.

>> No.2586954
File: 247 KB, 720x1200, EiserneDrossel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to fix the issues pointed out earlier.

>> No.2586959 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 629x910, 100fab84-5099-4903-a850-7c950024717a_20160702224828827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2586976

Alright, thx.

>> No.2586983

p-please respond

>> No.2586986

It looks correct. Certain forms should taper more, but it seems alright. Try to work cleaner.

>> No.2586997
File: 126 KB, 566x969, 100fab84-5099-4903-a850-7c950024717a_20160702235213251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2587195

I don't want to sound a jerk, but sketch looked a lot better. you made it like, super flat

>> No.2587197

Fucking firez, how does it work?

>> No.2587240
File: 174 KB, 600x689, img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right with the hair, tried to go really clean with bangs, yet it looks just unappealing.

I'm curious what makes alternative or stylized, tumblr nose or sameface? Maybe spiky hair?

>> No.2587286
File: 236 KB, 800x1035, super3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What i have so far...

>> No.2587287


>> No.2587468
File: 660 KB, 1048x1500, Zelda Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2587488
File: 291 KB, 644x900, kusanagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it's a really terrible pose of a girl trying to look sexy
but w/e, didn't planned this pic

less camel toes and work on better fingers, also that elbow is too far away and do not flow to the upper arm
hair color is shit-like

i'm in love with that, really solid work
the left leg fat next the ass is weird tho, it's like granny flacid tier

>> No.2587492

you're right. I'll fuck off till i figure it out. Lines aren't thick enough where they should be and the pure white bg probably isn't helping.

>> No.2587499
File: 183 KB, 860x451, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really solid stuff
my only real criticism is that the hands and face are a little wonky/derpy.

also, just wondering, what program did you use for the 3d stuff?

>> No.2587504

I think his face looks fine. It's just heavily stylized.

Overly strict anatomy sometimes takes away from the flair of stylized work, and "mistakes" are done on purpose. Gotta know the rules in order to break them, and here it's evident he's intentionally breaking them.

Just compare yours to his. The one on the left looks a lot more eye catching and appealing simply due to stylization. Following the rules too strictly can make things look dull sometimes. Especially for cartoon styles.

>> No.2587506
File: 1.52 MB, 2109x1500, facial-structure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head perspective is missing, and shadows don't help

>> No.2587512
File: 227 KB, 750x1000, matilda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done the generic sheep girl #567. I think I'll make her my blog's mascot and call her Matilda. I have a feeling that I'm gonna make it. Eshays lads!

>> No.2587523
File: 356 KB, 1320x897, moana sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crits before I move forward?

How can I spice this up lads? It's feeling kind of boring. I was thinking of adding that one pig from the trailer hanging off her spear/paddle thing. idk what I'm gonna do about the background or anything.

>> No.2587529

But she's facing the camera, that's why perspective doesn't play in. I much prefer the "cute" and "Innocent" look I gave her, over tilting her head down and making her look more dangerous.

I like making my female faces evoke a sense of careless beauty to contrast their more gritty and adventuring designs.

Arm on her left is too short, especially her upper arm. Hand on the right needs work, draw in the bulge of the palm. and her eyes are misaligned slightly. The one on the right is a little too high. Her clavicle is misshapen. It's supposed to come down more, and fixing that should fix her stumpy neck a little.

Pose looks a little stiff. Perhaps rotate her right shoulder a bit so her arm points the camera? Then place the spear on her right shoulder rather than the left. The way she's holding it is a bit unnatural, which hurts the pose.

>> No.2587538

do you mean her left or your left

>> No.2587541

Left on the canvas. Your left. West.

>> No.2587543

last critique you recieve from me :')
I might have solved it wtih an inclination you didn't pretended, but it's suggesting it should be like that
anyways, you ignored completly how I angled forward the face breaking the flat plane and giving it volume, giving it more planes, you can do the styilization you want, I'm aware mine doesn't keep your style, but that does not matter with the feedback, your style would work succesfully if it had structure under it

you just reflected feedback with nitpicking

>> No.2587546


>> No.2587551

But I was talking about inclination, not style.

Tilting her head down changes her body language dramatically, which is what I was referring to. Perhaps it might work, but it's too late to change that really, and it would communicate something entirely different than the original. I appreciate the feedback, and I'll keep it in mind for future works. Next time I'll rough up a few more variations to her poses before getting started, but this one just came out like that since it'd been in my mind like this before I even got started.

Sorry if it came off as nitpicking. I'm well aware that the light source and shadows don't coincide. As reflected on her left cheek and shoulder, the light source if basically coming from that direction, hence the lack of the planes at her cheek. But I know the shadow at her feet contradicts this, suggesting the light comes from behind her. In the end, this is a result of me not giving it too much thought since I went for style over logic, and overall, it works ok since it's not overly noticeable. The shadow is mostly there to suggest a ground plane at her feet, but at the same time, I could omit it, draw some ground, and draw various shadows in many directions to show that there are multiple light sources.

Thanks for the feedback though dude, didn't mean to come off as nitpicky. It's just too late to change anything at this point. I'll keep your advice in mind for the future though.

>> No.2587554
File: 210 KB, 581x875, wfall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got carried away on background practice again.

>> No.2587558

i feel environmental work is massively overrated in these forums. You should do more of that, as it's certainly your strong suit, and obviously what you're naturally drawn to naturally.

>> No.2587606

Hey dude, are you sure you still ain't up for commissions?

>> No.2587631

Why do you do this
What is the market like in 2016 for weirdly buff giant little girls
Why do you do this

>> No.2587645
File: 293 KB, 514x771, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning a few page comic and working on this character. Her whole appearance is based on a loose t-shirt and bit messy hair, down-left was one option for hair. Car is maybe related.

>> No.2587650

Because he enjoys it???

>> No.2587651
File: 518 KB, 699x1000, nsfw-kus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nsfw isn't serious, but any feedback welcome
can't draw sweat :L

>> No.2587695
File: 532 KB, 699x1000, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really like it, nice colors! Just a few small tweaks it could possibly benefit from.

>> No.2587699

every day until you everyone like it. If there is no market for the fetish just create it yourself.

>> No.2587779

At least draw Mt. Lady you fucking cuck, for someone pushing a fetish you sure aren't pandering to what's already there.

>> No.2587801

>Drawing for the market
You failed all your art already

>> No.2587805

>Whore yourself dude, its the only way to get popular
t. tumblr ultracuck

>> No.2587817

>drawing giant muscular lolis
>not whoring

>> No.2587837

How long does it take to line this? this is so clean

>> No.2587845

Hey senpai I just gotta say you really have to render the girls more carefully if you're going with such high texture density on the background stuff
It's been bothering me for a while, sorry

>> No.2587898

>Drawing what the fuck you like is whoring yourself
I see a future filled with mercwips for you

>> No.2587965
File: 219 KB, 1108x750, monten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do those as painting practice most of the time
nope sorry
i draw what i like to rest my soul after work
enough people draw her already
pretty sure im literally the only one in the world who draws giant muscle lolis lol

>> No.2587990

If you can stop talking like if you were on fucking facebook I think i could actually respect you at this point.

>> No.2588070

what is the best time to post on hentai foundry?

>> No.2588072

Not entirely sure what you mean by that but sorry?

>> No.2588083

Adobe photoshop CS5

>> No.2588128

What a twist!

>> No.2588331
File: 173 KB, 768x1097, konosuba (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to do lineart digitally?

I'm still new to digital art so I wanted to do a study of anime-style rendering. I started sketching with a bigger brush and it looks ok (at least to me for now), but when I tried to refine it with finer line it looks terrible.

I wouldn't mind having thicker line in my work if I wanted to, but I would love to know how to get thin line looks right.

>> No.2588488

Why is this trending on artstation.

>> No.2588495

When you break some likes counter in short time it goes trending now, there's some algorithm that does that, all my last updates there went trending (all of them somehow)

I think things go trending after 4 likes in a short period of time (a day maybe)

I hold the worst artworks on trending :')

>> No.2588501

So we could help each other by making our work trend and get more exposure

>> No.2588526

it could work, but artstation is the only site I use likes to grab things I actually like

And I'm not up to those levels of circlejerking lol

didn't said but thx m8, fixed those

lower the opacity of your sketch so you see clearly the final lineart, find a quick key to swap brush/eraser and clean every unintentional crosshatch
use different layers to make it easier to edit/transform later, for example hair in 1 layer and face in another

any kind of lines are ok as long as they're clean, just keep it on the same style in the same picture
if you want diferent thickness, be methodic and do thicker lines at last, to overlay shapes

>> No.2588554


what cute and innocent look the face is fucking atrocious and it's high time you learnt how to draw them properly

>> No.2588596

That's the issue ..I don't. Maybe some day I will stop being so shit


PS as is, is very subpar for line work.

Manga/Clip studio are pretty great. On Mobile nothing beats Sketchbook pro

>> No.2588617

> PS as is, is very subpar for line work.

It's plenty good enough, for the rest it's just up to you.

>> No.2588654
File: 96 KB, 707x1000, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleaned up the sketch and did my best trying to fix it, I feel like something's still wrong with the face but I can't figure out what...

>> No.2588655
File: 1.69 MB, 640x360, 1467653283358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move on.

>> No.2588805

the crack for designdoll that keeps getting posted doesn't actually work

>> No.2588834

It isn't awful but compared to other software the standard round brush just lacks sharpness.

>> No.2588836

> standard

There is your problem.

>> No.2588838

Well please enlighten me on what brush to use.

>> No.2588841

Look at custom ones available on the net and play with the configurations of brushes, there are ton of options.

>> No.2588842
File: 312 KB, 867x900, exsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some characters

>> No.2588939
File: 44 KB, 609x700, knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2589077
File: 3.28 MB, 4000x4400, dva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey...this is one of my first digital drawings and I need some help with the background. Should I leave it simple or make anything else?
Any other advice or critique about the drawing is helpful! thanks!

>> No.2589085

resize your shit

>> No.2589088



>> No.2589158

don't be a scrub desu :^)

>> No.2589161
File: 567 KB, 646x887, Screenshot_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't wait to ruin more prints with tasty memes

>> No.2589202
File: 392 KB, 827x1507, 1467638194694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fuck it, here goes. I posted this in another board and some random anon claimed it's traced. It isn't, just done on mspaint using mouse. I was waiting for my drawing tablet so I did this.

I was directed to this board and fuck, I need to go back to the fundamentals. Anyway, roast me. Do your worst /ic/

>> No.2589265
File: 228 KB, 1121x800, Screenshot_191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count as a stylization? Working on designing a crotchety djinn that lives in a wine bottle

>> No.2589345

>Anyway, roast me
Dont use that stupid fucking hand pose. Its by far the most annoying cliche' ever
to come out of anime. For the angle of the head you need to align the ears accordingly. Draw teeth

>> No.2589356

>the most annoying cliche' ever
to come out of anime
It's the most used emote in the cutesy mmo it's based off though.
>you need to align the ears accordingly
Fair point. I'll probably start doing the fundamentals. I read the sticky.
>draw teeth
Based off cutesy mmo. Now that yoi've pointed it out, I now wonder where all the teeth went.

>> No.2589364

Also do your best to define the torso and abdomen. Looks like a pocket polly

>> No.2589376

Alright thanks. Coming to this board made me realize I still have a lot to learn. I've recently just got back to drawing after almost drawing nothing for years, and was motivated to do content on the web for the first time. I've no proper art education and it's basically just a past hobby I picked up again. Anyway, sorry for the blogpost, and do hope for more criticisms from /ic/ to know where one should improve on.

>> No.2589387
File: 289 KB, 800x565, Freddie! copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this today messing around. Thoughts?

>> No.2589390

>watch streamers who draw anime/manga
>pretty decent
>ask them if they learned the fundamentals and did studies when they started
>"i didn't do any of that, I just drew anime girls"

im confuse

>> No.2589392

Advanced symbol drawing. They just trace and compound on a single style until they symbol draw to a photocopy like accuracy

>> No.2589398

lmao wtf is that face?

>> No.2589403

Shit, I dunno man. I usually draw either super simple cartoons or realism. Guess I'm still working out the kinks for a hybrid/inbetween style.

>> No.2589423

you need to study lots of poses paying attention to head positioning

>> No.2589437

Much appreciated. I'll work on it.

>> No.2589456

you're so lost :8

where is your process?
I bet my bank you went straight to ""final"" outlines from blank paper

for example, to measure you can place a square over your ref and then redraw that square over your sketch, be accurate on it, there you go, you have an accurate ground where you can rely to measure and adjust the proportions, angles and shit

make a voluntary effort to draw forms, make a grid to construct that really basic perspective

Your approach to drawing is simply wrong, you really need to change it completly

>> No.2589483
File: 264 KB, 400x1256, fun1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589489
File: 3.11 MB, 4912x6969, cosmic-asshole1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill it!

>> No.2589494

you've not made a resized post yet and you've been told to, delete and reupload at 500x700

>> No.2589565

>he doesn't have the "fit expanded images to screen" checkbox filled

>> No.2589569

I've always wondered why people say to resize their images. All you have to do is hover over it and it fits your screen or smaller.

>> No.2589579

no it doesnt

>> No.2589586
File: 253 KB, 800x1035, SugarPixie4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and Done!

>> No.2589587

not him, but it does

>> No.2589593

So, what specifically should I work on? Perspecive, proportions, and figures?

>> No.2589595

not him either but just install the chrome extension "hover zoom+" and you'll never have to click an image again

>> No.2589597

don't even need an extension just open the settings

>> No.2589605

you say that like it's a default

>> No.2589611

shes not wearing a bra. what a whore.

>> No.2589657

The thing about fundamentals is that they're so fundamental, you can't really learn to draw without picking up some of them in the process even if you aren't actually focusing on them.
That's not to say that practicing fundamentals on their own is a bad idea, you're going to have an easier time branching out if you have a solid base to build on.

If you want to get good at stylization, I'd recommend doing studies/gestures/perspective practice/etc. for the first half of your daily drawing time, then try to create something stylized from imagination in the second half. Incorporate what you practiced earlier. That way, you'll solidify your knowledge from the studies and actually learn to apply it too.

>> No.2589738

It does look very traced

>> No.2589749

I really don't quite understand how I feel about the claim. On one hand, I feel good knowing a freehand drawing would be good enough to look like traced from an existing artwork while on the other, I don't have any evidence to prove otherwise.

>> No.2589750

oh new thread >>2589666

>> No.2589943

I'm the person who told you before the face looked hideous.
She was supposed to be looking at the camera? I honestly thought she was supposed to be angled down, which is why I didn't mention how fucked up the facial anatomy looked. Now that I know this... well. It's fucked. A 100% mess. Sorry.
>>2587506 fixed your atrocity for you and you deferred everything they did.

>> No.2589951


>> No.2590000

No, the one on the right looks objectively better. I wish shitters like you would fuck off and stop giving "advice."

>> No.2590008

disappointed in you

>> No.2590024

whoever the fuck you are, you have a flow an kineticism to your work that reminds me of taiyo matsumoto's work. you have severe compositional issues but you have a raw energy that is intoxicating. study composition/legibility/visual story telling. everything else in regards to what you seem to be going for is flawlessly executed

>> No.2590027
File: 961 KB, 1048x1500, hesuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you just want to draw like Hesuke right?

This dogshit just turns your okay picture into some weird disproportionate sex dwarf.

You primarily just need to fix that disgusting nose.

>> No.2590034

Oh my, why all the people who want to help fix that face do worse than OP?

>> No.2590045
File: 736 KB, 1024x896, CP4vOBGVAAA3R5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this is who is trying to emulate, and his shitty realistic nose doesn't match the style.

I don't care if you don't like the style. It's what the guy is trying to do.

>> No.2590052

Style or not, it's still fucked. It doesn't even match what you posted as reference. It's just off, the entire thing.

>> No.2590056

Then actually fix it or stop shitposting, because it's correct.

>> No.2590211
File: 604 KB, 1048x1500, 1467746420057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but gave it a try. Your nose was correct, but it was misplaced, and the faces had other problems that fucked it up.

>> No.2590270

>objectively better
>implying such thing as objectivity is actually possible
>especially in art
kekked and cheked your nice quads though

>> No.2590278

>ma nigga look at that dab haha
I'm liking this a lot, blog?

>> No.2590291
File: 1.17 MB, 2309x2765, Arthur(ia) Pendragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Arthur


>> No.2590301

Nah man, Ishiwatari. See>>2585394

That's why the nostrils.

Thanks for the input though, I kinda already finished it here.>>2587468 Now I'm working on >>2590291

>> No.2590316

looks like naruto

>> No.2590323

If Naruto was a girl? Not all spiky blonde haired people with blue eyes are Naruto man, lol. She doesn't even have any whiskers.

>> No.2590333
File: 453 KB, 2309x2765, 1111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a boy or a girl? Anyway, a suggestion here.

>> No.2590342

Girl impersonating a boy, pretty much like Fate, but she's supposed to look like a very effeminate boy.

She's for a strategy game I'm working on with my brother and a friend (remember SMTxFE? pretty much that, but taking a lot of mechanics from Rance, and Berserk inspired story). So, the revelation that she's legit a girl, is meant to kinda surprise the player, but she also needs to be an attractive female in her own right, since you can romance her. It should work too, since there are other effeminate male characters, one of them being your main tactician, who takes after Griffith (need to get around to designing him), so the player should just expect that Arthur is just a girly dude, only for it to later be revealed he's in fact a legit girl.

Also, thanks for the redline, it's exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.2590345

Oh yeah, meant to say. So if you're not able to properly tell her gender, then the design is doing its job.

>> No.2590731
File: 202 KB, 741x1100, stretch01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2591547

bro dude where did u learn how to draw such figure plz anszer

>> No.2592558

>whoever the fuck you are, you have a flow an kineticism to your work that reminds me of taiyo matsumoto's work. you have severe compositional issues but you have a raw energy that is intoxicating. study composition/legibility/visual story telling. everything else in regards to what you seem to be going for is flawlessly executed
I will dude!!!Thanks!