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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 18 KB, 383x204, art-made-by1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2572990 No.2572990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that /ic/ is still 4chan and feminists dont belong here. There is an entire safespace named tumblr already monitored and censored to shit just for you

>> No.2572993
File: 1.61 MB, 336x167, 1461004031885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna get good.

>> No.2572996

stop oppressing me cis sperglord

>> No.2572997
File: 69 KB, 362x465, self-portrait-with-monkey-1940.jpgblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder all feminists suck dick at making art

>> No.2573001
File: 323 KB, 523x1000, Michelangelo-David-e1429028121909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder no woman will ever be this good

>> No.2573005
File: 374 KB, 349x513, Screen-Shot-2013-09-02-at-5.22.07-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image

>> No.2573006

>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
you seem to be lost.

>> No.2573011
File: 54 KB, 800x500, judith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all pure fucking shit

>> No.2573014


>talking about /ic/

Perfectly on topic fampai

>> No.2573017
File: 10 KB, 118x127, gfhjdiobjvinoerb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is about art, not your personal insecurities.

>> No.2573021
File: 254 KB, 1600x818, ROSA BONHEUR - La labourage nivermais, le sombrage - Óleo sobre tela - 134 x 260 - Museu d'Orsay - 1849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, take the boys' club shit to /b/

>> No.2573030
File: 34 KB, 593x400, sn_ts_122210_hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the female

Reminder this "rolemodel" crashed her fucking plane

>> No.2573033
File: 364 KB, 1680x1050, yvesklein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr you're not sexist so you must be female
did your mama drop you on the head? or are there other mommy issues you want to talk about?

>art made by patriarchy

>> No.2573034

Quit samefagging

Also, art MADE BY feminists, not pictures of men being stabbed

>> No.2573040

W-what about women that despite feminist?

>> No.2573043
File: 852 KB, 689x899, judithandmaidservant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is Artemisia Gentileschi

>> No.2573046
File: 1.36 MB, 1800x2767, 1466491763695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numales are very common in art anyway

>sexism is bad meme
You know artists can be scientific as well as aesthetic


Patriarchy art makes good and bad art

Feminism makes only shit tier art

Pic related: feminist "artist" doing official marvel comics

>> No.2573049
File: 2.13 MB, 1500x1074, ArtemisiaJaelSiserax1R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art MADE BY feminists, not pictures of men being stabbed
for some reason, the categories overlap quite a bit

>> No.2573051


Citation that explicitly shows she was a feminist

>> No.2573053

I get it. You think Rob Liefeld is the pinnacle of artistic achievement. Say no more.

>> No.2573054

you could've made a thread about art.
but you made a thread about feminism, expecting others to jump on your retarded bandwagon.
i'll tell you right now, nobody gives a shit except you, the retard who is so anally devastated by modern feminist bullshit that you would make a thread like this even on /ic/.
you clearly don't belong here either. go back to your containment board. you'll have more success there.

>> No.2573056


>> No.2573059

>renaissance art by men proves boyz r great
>renaissance art by women should be ignored

>> No.2573063

>comparing artists

Whered you get that rash assumption

>> No.2573064

When did I say that

Art by feminists, not all wimmins

>> No.2573068

>my anecdote proves women suck
you're having real issues with logic ITT

>> No.2573070
File: 451 KB, 1000x592, art_made_by2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573071

When did I say that

Nice strawman

>> No.2573072


where do you see feminist art on /ic/? wtf are you even ranting against?

>> No.2573074


>> No.2573077

protip: michelangelo wasn't MRA. he was a gay christian artist.

>> No.2573078

Dodging my answer

Fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.2573079

Never said he was an mra

Only male

>gay meme
You arent fooling anyone numale/ female

>> No.2573080

>wants to discuss feminism on an art board
>tells other people to fuck off to tumblr

>> No.2573082
File: 90 KB, 536x555, 13578345112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligent people
pick one

>> No.2573085

Jesus Christ I swear to God you guys are even worse than the fucking pollacks with his whiteness and niggering

Go back to /r9k/ and enjoy circlejerking with your kind, this is fucking /ic/
This is not the place for you to get hugged by other insecure fags like you

Stop shitting the board you goddamn trash

>> No.2573088


Who the fuck are you and why are you shilling this?

Yes, tumblr sucks. Yes tumblr is full of cancer. now grow up and fuck off.

If you aren't posting your art works, then go to
>>>/r9k/. They will surely listen to you.


>> No.2573089

this. literally no one wants you here. most of the people telling you to fuck off are probably dudes, and probably not feminists. they're just artists who want to discuss art and not how butthurt you are that feminism exists.

>> No.2573092

The only person shitting up this board is the one idiot always telling people to go back to /r9k/.

Anyway OP, the only think you're accomplishing by making this thread is making yourself look like a bitch.

>> No.2573097

>The only person shitting up this board is the one idiot always telling people to go back to /r9k/.

Hello, Malaysia. Now get out.

>> No.2573104
File: 159 KB, 921x155, 1465971894316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573105

>told them to fuck off since the beginning
>tells me to fuck off back to /b/
>on 4chan

Does your head hurt from all the thinking you are attempting rebecca sugar?

>> No.2573107

I come to /ic/ to have my art skills belittled, not to discuss gender politics. remember to sage

>> No.2573109
File: 915 KB, 2448x3264, 1466223953586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liability to society

Pick two


Pick one

>> No.2573113

Hello rebecca

>> No.2573114

>feminist already made it
>you're still shitposting on ic

>> No.2573115


Women are not always feminists you shitlord

>> No.2573116

You're spreading the cancer with your witch hunts even further. Literally one of the very first rules experienced users gave newbies when the internet started out was "don't feed the trolls".

4chan's policy at this point is: let the cancer grow so big that it collapses in on itselff.

>> No.2573117

>accusing us of witch hunts


>> No.2573120

Whole discussion started with some insecure mra posting about feminist art
This whole thing is just insecure virgins talking shit, and rational people asking them to go back to their containment boards.

>> No.2573122

>>2573113 (you)
>not even any sense to what I posted.

Go back to /pol/ fag.

>> No.2573123

There are a lot of womyn and numales on this board

Oh the burdens of being in the art community

Too bad the pc police will shut down 4chan if $hillary wins

>> No.2573124

4chan /r9k/ special snowflake abnormalfags have literally the same thinking process as hardcore internet feminists. You both need a scapegoat all the time, otherwise there is no reason for you to exist or to visit this image board.

>> No.2573125

Back to tumblr faggot

>art website
>censors dissenting views
You fit right in, why are you still here

>> No.2573126
File: 495 KB, 539x372, 1436594218136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggots can't handle the banter

>> No.2573130

>scapegoat meme
>Implying there is no cause for problems

See: mexico, communist mafia teachers getting BTFO by our government right now

>> No.2573133

Since the cause of problems of 4chan's shitposting are the anti feminists it's literally a classic case of scapegoating.

>> No.2573138
File: 358 KB, 800x1077, 1466221290967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no objective way of measuring shitposting
>mention real world problems, falls back on "shitposting" meme

>> No.2573145

>no objective way of measuring shitposting
Just go to the archives and search for the word feminist and anything related to it. You can consider yourself proven wrong now.
>mentioning real world problems on art board
There is your problem. You're outside of your containment board. For real world topics you can go to any highly visited board like /v/, /a/, /sp/ and /b/. This is a small art board.

>> No.2573150

>mentions real world problems like scapegoating
>doesnt want me to reply with real world arguments because you cant handle them

>> No.2573156

>scapegoating can't happen in a contained community
>he must refer to something completely unrelated since I lack reading comprehension or any other fundamental intelligence to comprehend the word scapegoating correctly

>> No.2573159

every single one of you is fucking cancer trying to argue about who owns /ic/

>> No.2573162
File: 47 KB, 558x564, 1446092960601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is pathetic beyond an understandable level. Just hide and move on, it's the sensible thing to do.

>> No.2573168

It's just the usual dead end argument on 4chan. Don't pretend you're above it when it's impossible to not get into a dead end argument on this site. It doesn't even matter who is right, it's just about not giving in.

>> No.2573169



>> No.2573171

Don't talk to me or my wife's sons ever again.

>> No.2573183


>> No.2573204
File: 305 KB, 512x512, 1466319518314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related: feminist "artist" doing official marvel comics

>that bear gay acting like a bitch pussy
fucking hate.
This is the reason why i hate feminists and some women even if im gay.
They simply objectifying us/using as their toys BCUZ GAYS ARE SO CUTE XDDD OMG I LOVE GAYS XDDDD
Fuck women.
>tumblr/meme show style

>> No.2573220


you have to go back.

>> No.2573223


So many angry tumblrinas in this thread

>> No.2573226

Pretty good excuse for avoiding losing an argument outside your pc police managed websites, ie tumblr

>> No.2573233
File: 1.88 MB, 1064x1328, 1465695336397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not objectively measuring shitposting

Could say the same about any topic, literally nothing to back up your argument

>> No.2573237

>comments anyway

Stay mad

>> No.2573238


>> No.2573239


>> No.2573240

milo moire is just a meme anyway shes not a feminist, shes got a great body and uses any excuse to be naked if it involves her work

>> No.2573243

>the furious tumblrina typed as xes gulped down more imported japanese sodas

>> No.2573249

Jesus go back to /r9k/ you virgin

>> No.2573251

>not a feminist

>period blood "art"

Denial at its finest

>> No.2573252

>shes not a feminist

I would be more annoyed that she calls herself an artist. She seems to fit the feminist stereotype pretty well apart from the fact that she's actually hot.

>>>tumblr faggot

>> No.2573253

You forgot to link the recipient

Hasn't tumblr taught you to use 4chin correctly? This is the worst raid ive ever seen

>> No.2573255

>period blood "art"

what piece? she hasnt used any nonsense like period blood or pubic hair in her work

>> No.2573269

stop advertising tumblr here, you can do that on reddit if you want to.

>> No.2573272

Look at op image again

>> No.2573275

can we just ignore feminism until it goes away? which it will eventually, seeing as not even woman want to be part of that tumblr shitfest anymore

>> No.2573279

>literally fighting with boatloads of transgender tumblrinas on this thread


>> No.2573281

clearly you are unfamiliar with any of her work - the image in the op is her plop egg piece where inserts paint filled eggs into her vagina and then expels them so they fall onto the canvas which she then folds to produce a Rorschach effect pattern

>> No.2573284
File: 6 KB, 226x218, 1465910413964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scroll up, its still alive

>> No.2573286

Hey, you win

Replace the image with steven universe and you get the idea

>> No.2573288

Mods pls ban everyone above this post.

>> No.2573294


fuck off kike

t. a mod

>> No.2573299

mods have witnessed how infected by tumblr this board is and have now abandoned the ship. tumblr is taking over.

>> No.2573303

Why do people try to pretend 4chan isn't a "safe space," just for autists? It's all the same shit, just different groups of people.

>> No.2573307

This, ive been posting less and less every day

>> No.2573310

I think r9k is a safe place for autists. Other boards are filled with either underage shitposting or grown adult shitposting

>> No.2573311

This is so stupid. Don't use someone else's apolitical art for your unrelated ideology.

Why are you even thinking about this?

You know there are really interesting political and social problems out there. Girls vs boys is about the dumbest thing to even think about.

If you don't like SJWs, stop engaging in their shit. Arguing gives it legitimacy. You also spend your time thinking about what they want you to think about. In fact you started a thread so you could talk about it. Why do you want to talk about it? Why isn't everyone bored of this subject?

>> No.2573316
File: 91 KB, 736x416, 1466481119082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except this one doesnt have censoring, thats why right wing rules here, leftys cant stand up to rayciss statistics and evidence unless its all censored

This thread regularly bans ppl for racism, hence more leftys

>> No.2573317

Fair enough, but the point remains that it's the same concept of enforcing a status quo of dumb memes and ideas, and flinging shit at anyone who steps out of line. It's anonymous tumblr.

>> No.2573322

*flinging anyone who cant hold up an argument with facts and statistics

Tumblr literally throws you out

You just mad cuz conservatives dont get censored hete

>> No.2573324

Shitposting to you is literally just calling out feminism on its bullshit without censorship

>> No.2573326

When has anyone gotten banned on tumblr for anything other than shit that's actually illegal? There's tons of neo-nazi blogs alongside the all the super liberal blogs. Where's this "throwing out" you're talking about?

>> No.2573329
File: 1.68 MB, 1000x1512, 1466426385068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this stupid

Art brought about by one ideology vs another

You are just trying to compensate for the fact that traditionalist catholic Michelangelo makes awesome shit while your rebecca sugar makes shit like this

>> No.2573332

I can't believe you actually hopped off the cringe thread and got so assblasted you made a completely separate thread like a big baby.

Are you working on your art in between shitposts? I sure hope you are. Think of what you could have learned in this time.

>> No.2573339

Ive been banned for saying "feminazi" like a year ago when I made an experimental account

Tons of artists on tumblr have been banned for "harassing" and "hurting the feelings" of special snowflakes

Literally censorship is everywhere you blind fuck, dont forget the (((block))) button

>> No.2573340

>enforcing a status quo of dumb memes and ideas
>and flinging shit at anyone who steps out of line
Society in a nutshell

>It's anonymous tumblr.
Yea I agree, but not just tumblr. Imgur, Reddit, Facebook. Basically all forms of social media, but just anonymous.

>Tumblr literally throws you out
So you get perma-banned? Or do a vocal minority get ass blasted and doxx?

>You just mad cuz conservatives dont get censored
idk Bill O-reilly seems to "keep it real"

Ive gotten to the point on 4chan where everything looks like shitposting. maybe im retarded, who knows

>> No.2573341

I did work on my art a whole bunch thanks, literally took 30 secs to make the thread that assblasted the feminists

>> No.2573342

>maybe im retarded

you are

>> No.2573343


>> No.2573345
File: 1.36 MB, 800x800, 1466042531593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe im retarded

>> No.2573348

but you do read all the posts, huh...?

>> No.2573351

Its not here, I worked away from home in an art studio,

Ill post something else for you anyway, did this 3 months back

Been drawing for 2 years goyim

(Post incoming)

>> No.2573355

On mobile, easy button press and swipe

>> No.2573367

No. I don't even know who rebecca sugar is. I assume that comic is by her, which explains why i don't know. I don't follow ideologies and artists I don't like.

It pisses me the fuck off how active this thread is compared to the rest of /ic/, and I don't get it.

>> No.2573369

>Been drawing for 2 years

wew we got an expert over here

>> No.2573372
File: 68 KB, 641x854, IMG_3589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken at an angle, perspective is skewed

Not my best work by far but its what I have at home

>watercolor, colored pencil, markers and acrylic

Yes its experimental

>> No.2573375

I meant to imply I was new

>> No.2573376

>I don't get it

There's a lot of things in life your ass just don't get, like pussy, and respect.

>> No.2573383

Yeah alright Rodney Dangerfield

>> No.2573384

anons would rather shitpost than draw.

>> No.2573394

Op just showed hes been drawing while managing the bootyblasting thread

>> No.2573396

He just said that was 3 months old

>> No.2573397

I have other shit I did today at a studio I work in. Unfortunately I cant show you since im not there.

Sent something to show I do work

>> No.2573403
File: 14 KB, 271x275, 1433306981832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573405
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1450349200188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of this is worth a damn.
>are you with us (cuckserative rightwing) or are you with them (muh tumblr)?
this isn't kindergarden anymore. you manchildren need to grow up.

i just weep for the coming generations
see >>2573054

>> No.2573407

its really bad

>> No.2573411

For drawing 2 years?


>> No.2573429
File: 149 KB, 274x231, 1377997388167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking "art style"
It's like it's from an alternate universe where Japan nuked US.

>> No.2573433


What? How can you be censored on 4chan? Are you that much of a limp dick faggot to consider different opinions censorship? Why are you arguing against a safe space if thats the sort of shit you seem to want you fucking hypocrit.

>> No.2573434

>Taken at an angle
? What isnt?
Also looks garbo

>> No.2573435

Its awkwardly zoomed in at an angle btw

Mfw perceived backpedal

>> No.2573437

Im arguing that feminists have their own safespace already in tumblr you cuck

>> No.2573438

Pyw at 2 years

>> No.2573444

>tfw nothing of this
>literally just a white cis straight male wanting to keep shitposting outside this place

does it hurt being that autistic?

>> No.2573477

>tfw literally boatloads of feminists on this board

Im trying to stop the cancer

>inb4 cancer

>likes feminists on this board

>calls me autistic

>> No.2573483


So you want your own? Head over to r9k then you fucking aspie.

>> No.2573485


>likes feminists on this board

You see, there are more people than you and me in this fucking board. I hate them as much as a sane person.

>I have a different opinion than you

Why do I bother? Some kinds of cancer simply have no cure.

>> No.2573492
File: 121 KB, 813x1024, 1466184973084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ would rather shitpost itt than post their favourite works of art in >>>2568717

>> No.2573519
File: 210 KB, 800x976, 800px-Gentileschi_judith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Longhi also wrote of Judith Slaying Holofernes: "There are about fifty-seven works by Artemisia Gentileschi and 94% (forty-nine works) feature women as protagonists or equal to men" (Bissell, 112). These include her works of Jael and Sisera, Judith (Judith and her Maidservant), and Esther. These characters intentionally lacked the stereotypical 'feminine' traits—sensitivity, timidness, and weakness—and were courageous, rebellious, and powerful personalities (Bissell, 112-3). A nineteenth-century personality commented on Artemisia's Magdalene stating, "no one would have imagined that it was the work of a woman. The brush work was bold and certain, and there was no sign of timidness" (Bissell, 112). In Bissell's view, she was well aware of how women and female artists were viewed by men, therefore explaining why her works in the beginning of her career were so bold and defiant(Bissell, 113)

Keep moving those goalposts

>> No.2573535

They have their own for art and everything else

>> No.2573539
File: 11 KB, 277x182, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit son, you got me. I dont think she ever marched for wimmins rite to vote for bernie sanders but I guess this is close enough

Not moving goalposts, but at least you found a single possible feminist

>mfw this whole thread

>> No.2573554

Good painter but she was delusional of the capabilities of women regarding physical feats

>> No.2573561

Thats a lot of autism

>defending feminists

Nuff said

>> No.2573583

>My neck hurts
>Who are the chicks
>Why is she sawing? She clearly doesn't know what she's doing.
>Women, am I right?
>I hope they don't notice my morning wood.

>> No.2573587

please let bait thread die

>> No.2573594

It wont. Remember the Intermediate thread? Maybe max this thread out so it can sink properly

>> No.2573605


What's this, a 17th century feminist!? A HA HA HA HAHA HA HA feminism didn't even exist you fucking retard, and besides Caravaggio did it better.

>> No.2573638
File: 377 KB, 498x497, 1466356665921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, thanks for the fun guys

You feminists and normies were really bootybothered by a single post

>> No.2573643


>> No.2573650
File: 28 KB, 417x353, 1463308196982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for contributing to the continued dilapidation and deterioration of this great board, I hope you're fucking happy

>> No.2573657
File: 39 KB, 625x549, 1465769260273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am

This place needs to burn down and have a fresh start somewhere else

It was already infested with feminists for a while now. It was just a matter of throwing dirt onto the hornet's nest

>> No.2573660

On a final note, be prepared for more of these threads

No, the mods wont help you anymore

>> No.2573661

how many people here are feminist? not feminazi, actual "same rights for all" feminist?

>> No.2573662


I appreciate your work OP, these tumblr cunts can't keep getting away with it, this board really needs a purge.

>same rights for all
reminder that feminism is and always was a women's advocacy movement so it's not same rights for all, it's same rights as men, which they already have.

>> No.2573665

/pol/ has fucking ruined this site.

>> No.2573666
File: 79 KB, 600x1185, 29f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he's helping save /ic/

no such thing as a "same rights for all" feminist, feminism is and always will be a women's interests group, to suggest otherwise is disingenuous. the word you're looking for is egalitarian.

>> No.2573667


No, faggots that think this place is tumblr have ruined this site.

>> No.2573668
File: 8 KB, 320x320, 1465770234259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay true brother, this is 4chan, normies and feminists shall not forget that

>> No.2573670

>/pol/ has fucking ruined this site.
No faggot, /pol/ is merely a byproduct of the true essence of this site

>> No.2573673

Wow what a cuck

>> No.2573674

sure feels like art discussion in here

>> No.2573677

Board discussion anon

>> No.2573678

>inferior b8 trollthread
>156 replies

you have all failed this test

>> No.2573679

>mistaking cleanse thread for troll thread, stay new

>> No.2573680
File: 40 KB, 346x419, 1463828553365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that OP and the tumblr cucks ITT are two sides of the same cancer that's killing /ic/. Kindly re-direct your attention to worthwhile threads to help make /ic/ great again.


>> No.2573683
File: 11 KB, 456x393, 1464567750029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black and white are the same
>the opposite of something is the same


>> No.2573685

The art world is being consumed by liberals, this board may be the last bastion of hope anon

>> No.2573690
File: 51 KB, 640x480, GettyImages-524975924-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the opposite of something is the same
What opposite? There are no opposites here, just some things, and more of the same things, both under the delusion they are not the same things.

well memed

>> No.2573691

Tumblr and 4chan are like water and fire

Small puppets of the larger left and right political battle that is worldwide