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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 377 KB, 498x497, moonman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2568626 No.2568626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, anyone know who made this? I gotta get him to draw some stuff for me.
I need the high quality shit.

>> No.2568628

He goes by the name nosebro, but he is one bad motherfucker mang don't go looking for him unless you're serious

>> No.2568633 [DELETED] 

I need him for something top comfy
it can only be him
where can i find him, do i just put money out on my front door and he'll take it?

>> No.2568639
File: 2.73 MB, 600x396, train.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like im being rused here

how about the guy who drew this?

>> No.2568648

? That's not really good. Are you from /pol/ ?

>> No.2568652

Yeah, i asked them and they told me to ask /ic/

>> No.2568657

That's what I though. Because judging from the pic, you're not looking for somebody who's very good, but somebody who's rayciss.

Anyway, you'd rather directly say what you want, there are probably come ic/pol users.

>> No.2568661

>you're not looking for somebody who's very good
What do you mean?
I think it's pretty good
and im trying to find the artist and ask him directly, because i need his style.

>> No.2568665

>What do you mean?
There isn't really any style and there aren't any fundies showing.
The lighting is just some shitty color dodge.
Heck, he didn't even took the time make the straight lines of the weapons straight! There's barely 20mins of work there.

Anyway, good luck then.

>> No.2568673

Don't summon Malaysia or Mikufag or any of its magical friends.

>> No.2568681
File: 242 KB, 2048x1896, 1448938153980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lumping me with shitposters I dindu nuffin.

>> No.2568689

Who are you?

>> No.2568710

Picture's not that good, also take your shit idealogy back to your bubble.

>> No.2568714
File: 313 KB, 1120x1136, Image (82).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artists that draws racist shit tend to quit art much sooner than those who dont

there is simply no market for natsoc stuff and if theyre found out it could spell a lot of trouble for their life

>> No.2568715
File: 1.43 MB, 1074x1036, 1456277500018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> there are probably come ic/pol users.

Have to keep power level hidden or all the angry bernouts will shitpost you to hell, no matter how good you draw.

>> No.2568716

On top of somehow finding someone with that level of talent who'd be willing to help spread your hate, you'd also have to be willing to pay a lot of cash for a detailed commission.

>> No.2568719

Good. This isn't the place for politics anyways.

>> No.2568724

most artists tend to stay away from the right.
you'll gain much more contacts and funding if you remain on the left.

take this for example, ben garrison is a well know artist on the right but barely scratches 1k on patreon while JJaques remain on the liberal side and scores 10k everymonth with his comics.

the right is broke while the left is a goldmine

plus, /pol/ isnt doing so well with art considering all the infighting that happens there

>> No.2568728

The artist probably wishes to remain anonymous. Probably got a real job and he dont want his life associated with /pol/ or 4chan.

>> No.2568732

Not the original artist but lampblak's been painting moonman and such recently, check him out and see if they could do the stuff you want


>> No.2568735

Isn't the guy who drew the detailed pepe/wojack/gondola drawings a random guy from krautchan? I don't think he posts on /ic/ at all.

>> No.2568746
File: 9 KB, 264x229, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think

>> No.2568748
File: 858 KB, 240x228, 1396596997633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kill yourself

>> No.2568749

You're not gonna make it.

>> No.2568850

But why all the hate for /pol/?
I love you
and we're already inside every other board

>> No.2568852



>> No.2568856

>implying we dont go by other names

>> No.2568860

>thinking scientific (and non scientific) racism isnt rampant among all of 4chin including your perceived "safe space" ((((/ic/))))

>> No.2568861

>goes as far as far as becoming an artist and risking income stability
>doesnt have the balls to openly be right

I guess most artists arent brave, just retaded

>> No.2568870

You answered your own question. Just like tumblrites you can't keep your shit out of everyone's hobbies cause you're in it more for affirmation than you are for actually fixing anything. Retarded and loud.

>> No.2568873

I don't think it has to do with left vs right, just that Jauqe's fan base consists almost entirely of tumblr and Ben "pull the trigger on every nigger" Garrison's consists almost entirely of /pol/. If you keep your income reliant on ideology and not quality of work then you can expect your income to be proportional to the size of that ideology's followers. I don't think politics really comes into play if you make good shit. Allen Moore is a literal occultist anarchist, the singer of Pantera made a white pride speech. Nobody cares because they made good work.

>> No.2568883

well, maybe some lefties are retarded, however all righties are for sure.

>> No.2568887

>falling for the equality meme

>> No.2568902


/pol/tards are 99% NEETs with no money. Obviously they can't patreon Zyklon Ben. It has nothing to do with how many of them follow their ideology.

>> No.2568918

That doesn't make any sense. Jauqe-itch gets 10 times more money than Brother Ben and tumblr is at least 100 times bigger than /pol/. If anything that means that /pol/ is at least 10 times more supportive.

>> No.2568924

Post links and we'll see for sure.

>> No.2568928



Whoops I was wrong, JJauqe makes only 8 times as much

>> No.2568936

fuck of /po/ack

why are you even here, thats all you do all day clip hats around animu girls.

>> No.2568938


ooohh.... shit i-in that case...
>gets a zelda tattoo
how do I register
>puts on numale glasses
to vote democrat
>writes a videogame blog

Nah seriously. I gotta keep my mouth shut. I'm not gonna reveal myself as a crazy ass like these trump posters.

>> No.2568940

>scientific racism
You can't be this dumb

>> No.2568944

>what are bell curves

>> No.2568958

Just become famous and respected by millions before you decode to go full blown 1488 mode.

>> No.2568959

what did origami ever do to you?

>> No.2568961


>> No.2568969


>> No.2568976

ben went into the news and are interviewed MANY TIMES and oh, guess what, trump retweeted his art THREE TIMES.
he got a fucking ED entry and a KYM page dedicated to him

Millions of people know Ben, too bad millions of people that likes his shit are miserable misers that literally lives on gibmedat and bitches about dindus and jews

this is what happens when you live in a society of hate. everyone says fuck you and shows 0 gratitude. This is why the left will always win and this is why the left will always have better art

>> No.2568978

8 million people follow trump while only 6 million follow hillary on twitter.
the left is simply richer and more supportive, end of story

>> No.2568979

So you're saying the Left is filled with the rich and powerful, and the Right are the common people just trying to get by?
Why would you support the Left then?

>> No.2568983

>Allen Moore is a literal occultist anarchist, the singer of Pantera made a white pride speech.
those 2 are underground artists. theyre exempt because even they dont take themselves seriously.

>> No.2568986

preach it brother!

>> No.2568987

The left is oh so much whiter than the right.
All artists are starving so guess what cunt, money talks.

enjoy your preschool nazi doodles.

>> No.2568990

Jesus fuck people i just wanted to find the name of an artist i didnt know you would all REEEEEEE over a picture.

>> No.2568992

gj bringing pol to this place faggot

>> No.2568993 [DELETED] 
File: 671 KB, 693x1110, 6716234674828983938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so full of shit lmao

>ben went into the news and are interviewed MANY TIMES

Most of those interviews were about how he was made into a fake white supremacist by internet trolls Pic related is right smack on the front page of his patreon.

>trump retweeted his art THREE TIMES.

Post a single link showing Trump doing this even once.

>he got a fucking ED entry and a KYM page dedicated to him

ED is a branch-off of 4chan and KYM has a page for literally everything, even wew lad. That's a pretty low bar.

>Millions of people know Ben

Lol no? Where the fuck did you get that idea? His twitter only has 18,600 followers. He's really not that famous at all but his patreon still allows him to get by because his fans, /pol/tards, are loyal.

> too bad millions of people that likes his shit are miserable misers that literally lives on gibmedat and bitches about dindus and jews

this is what happens when you live in a society of hate. everyone says fuck you and shows 0 gratitude. This is why the left will always win and this is why the left will always have better art

You are a very sad individual.


>> No.2569000
File: 352 KB, 1280x1640, tumblr_nsvcybU3NZ1qb972xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good art

>> No.2569001


>> No.2569004
File: 671 KB, 693x1110, 6716234674828983938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so full of shit lmao

>ben went into the news and are interviewed MANY TIMES

Most of those interviews were about how he was made into a fake white supremacist by internet trolls. Pic related is right smack on the front page of his patreon.

>trump retweeted his art THREE TIMES.

Post a single link showing Trump doing this even once.

>he got a fucking ED entry and a KYM page dedicated to him

ED is a branch-off of 4chan and KYM has a page for literally everything, even wew lad. That's a pretty low bar.

>Millions of people know Ben

Lol no? Where the fuck did you get that idea? His twitter only has 18,600 followers. He's really not that famous at all but his patreon still allows him to get by because his fans, /pol/tards, are loyal.

>too bad millions of people that likes his shit are miserable misers that literally lives on gibmedat and bitches about dindus and jews

>this is what happens when you live in a society of hate. everyone says fuck you and shows 0 gratitude.

baseless projection.

>This is why the left will always win and this is why the left will always have better art

You are a very sad individual.


>> No.2569003

did you pledge to ben? no? shut the fuck up

>> No.2569006

I'm not really a fan, stop being butthurt.

>> No.2569009

>good art

>> No.2569017

17 000 people on twitter arent fans of his works either.
Nah fuck you, the right is so full of shit. Fucks sake it take a muslim hating multi billionaire to run for president with his own money just to vouch for these no money dickheads.

>> No.2569022

>his own money

but yea generally speaking I agree.

>> No.2569029

I'm don't follow his twitter or facebook or anything else either. His art is not very appealing to me.

Ben garrison has 122 patrons that donate a total of $1,036 a month, as compared to Jacques who has 3,799 patrons that donate a total of $8,089 per month. Per capita, the right is a lot more charitable.

>> No.2569042

I've not MAGA hatted a single picture but sure thing whatever you say friend

there's no good time to switch and become open about your views if you disagree with any part of the narrative.
The fucking dalai lama recently said that he doesn't think settling all these Syrians in Germany permanently is a good idea, and that Germany should be for the Germans and this should be a temporary arrangement until they can take back their country

Doesn't sound too bad at all, but he's been denounced by so many people who saw him as their hero, probably wrote school reports on why China is evil and why he's like buddhist jesus before this.

>> No.2569048

>The fucking dalai lama recently said that he doesn't think settling all these Syrians in Germany permanently is a good idea, and that Germany should be for the Germans and this should be a temporary arrangement until they can take back their country

Which is the case for most of the refugees. Those stay that have a "staying-perspective" which is not a lot.

>> No.2569060

The dalai lama is a special case though, about half of his support comes from white ultra-liberal single moms who spend all day doing yoga and follow a corrupt americanized version of a religion that gives them an excuse to be apathetic whores. Artists tend to be allowed a little more broadness in the scope of their fans, which may or may-not include mindless leftist psychos.

>> No.2569070

well you also praised it on aspects it didn't have so you'd probably get a lot of shit one way or the other.

>> No.2569075


>you better share my politics or you're not getting a job

Sad but true. Not everybody is like this but there are so many people petty enough not to work with someone who doesn't agree with them politically. People who won't cooperate with people to get the job done that needs doing are the worst types of people. Cut the bullshit and make the project top priority instead of trying to punish people for interacting with the times differently than you do.

>> No.2569081

>those 2 are underground artists

Are you joking? They're mainstream as fuck.

>> No.2569165

>tfw stop pledging to ben after seeing the posts here
Goddamn the right is so fucking annoying. No wonder lots of people wants /pol/ dead

>> No.2569195

As a /pol/ loathing "lib" I must say, you sound a bit retarded, friend. You can take your guilt by association wankfest anywhere else.

>> No.2569239

The behavior of some of you makes pandering to your group a high risk road to take.

>> No.2569246

*the behavior of all of you

>> No.2569247

I'm not sure if you think I'm /pol/ or otherwise but yeah. If you're pandering to anybody you're (imo) making shit art and are asking to have a rhetoric driven fan base eventually turn on you.

>> No.2569250

how would making his post more irrational *fix* it?