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2567675 No.2567675 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell do people get their sketchbook pages to look so careful and deliberate? Like, you can just flip through every page and it's basically an unpublished "art of" book rather than a sketchbook. All of my sketchbooks are a fucking mess, usually if I want to do something finished, I do it on a free piece of paper or digitally.

>> No.2567678

>All of my sketchbooks are a fucking mess, >usually if I want to do something finished, I do >it on a free piece of paper or digitally.

You are doing it right pham

>> No.2567680

There is the sketchbook and then there is the "sketchbook"" you show to people.

>> No.2567681
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>> No.2567683

I think you just answered your own question and you just want other anons to confirm that yeah, it's not what a 'sketchbook" is.
Feng Zhu also debunked that horrible sketchbook myth. Anyway, it's like those people who engineer their life for social network, fake.

that makes you feel like a loser because

>> No.2567686

cont, I'm challenged

...because it gives you the impression real artists, every time they put their pencil on paper, are struck by the grace of god.
And even when it's the case, they're just using muscle memory to rehash old things.

>> No.2567687

they are just much better artists than you. their spontaneous sketches to you look like finished art pieces. that's all there is to this.

>> No.2567695


>> No.2567697

fucking this

>> No.2567702

Any link to Feng Zhu debunking it or was it just a random remark? I'm curious what he says on the matter specifically.

>> No.2567703

He mentions many times in the videos not to get a moleskine, but just use a small clamp and printer paper, so you can make mistakes, throw the things away, etc, for basically the reasons mentioned.

>> No.2567709

Agree partially, I really enjoy drawing on heavier paper. So printer paper is a no go.

>> No.2567725

Makes sense. I've never understood the moleskine meme.
Have you tried printer paper with a different weight? I think they offer heavier types for printing too. Otherwise what kind of paper would you recommend then?

>> No.2567738

My local shop has paper that is reasonable cheap and has a nice quality. DIN A 3 190g/qm 50 sheets 5 Euro, Dina 4 3,50. I use Fabriano 220g /qm 24x33 20 Sheets for ~ 5Euro for more completed stuff.

>> No.2567749

nope. it's the whole truth. master artists with decades of work behind them can just produce better work.

>> No.2567751

confirmed insecure fags kek

>> No.2567755

Thanks, I've never really considered using different kinds of weighted paper as an option.

>> No.2567765

np, it honestly matters very little though. Its just nice, and imo more enjoyable to draw on. Could get the same result with newsprint or printerpaper (if its not supposed to be archival).

>> No.2567770

some people make their entire sketchbook a work of art intentionally. theres not always a pretentious root to it. if anything, people woild rather see a messy but compact sketchbook full of varied mediums than clean.

theres an artist who posts here a decent bit (mobelle i thinkshe goes by) who does it perfectly,

>> No.2567797

>All of my sketchbooks are a fucking mess, usually if I want to do something finished, I do it on a free piece of paper or digitally.

That's the charm of sketchbooks though. They're supposed to show the processes of how you draw and how you think; the scribbles and doodles you create freehand.

No idea if it's relevant but I went to a portfolio talk for animation and they said they'd rather see the roughest works of your sketchbooks than beautifully rendered pieces all the time because it shows what you do behind the scenes. It's more about you than your actual work because they're personal workings you've most likely haven't shown anyone else.

>> No.2567885

confirmed posts everything he does on instagram with twenty pencils next to the drawing and faggot titles like "i drawed a thing"

>> No.2567899

>They're supposed to show the processes of how you draw and how you think

haha my sketchbook has random pictures of dicks and my grocery lists, phone numbers, and credit card balances scribbled at the corner

>> No.2567907

>Feng Zhu

If you listen to Feng Zhu you're not going to make it. Stay far away from Feng Zhu.

>> No.2567920

Practice practice practice. Greater confidence and skill = ability to do fine flowy lines and able to predict problems and account for them before they arise thus making clean, but complex drawings.

>> No.2567932
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>> No.2568226

Can you explain why? Is he going to rewind in time your practice on fundies?

>> No.2568253
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Not him, but I think Feng Zhu isn't ideal either.
As a Jap he seems to think the best way is to neglect eating/sleeping/exercising and just draw 18h a day.
That way you'll just end up unhealthy, depressed and demotivated about art.
My opinion.

>> No.2568287

Well paying 15 euro for a little paperbook just because there is a nice rubber band on it is bullshit. Fuck Moleskine.
You can get a paperbook for 3 or 4 times less.

>> No.2568402
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You think you're seeing all of the pages? They're just showing you the good stuff. Ever single artist makes a ton of uninspired shit in addition to their good stuff.

>> No.2568421

Take one minute and think about this, Anon. Isn't it pretty fucking obvious they're showing off?

>oh lol this crap just my sketchbook lol nothing good

I really don't understand why anybody would be interested in showing off their sketch book or why anyone would want to look at it to be honest.

>> No.2568425

Thanks to hacks like Picasso, people now have this notion that if you're a good artist, perfect artwork should spring out of your pen in minutes, without effort or mistakes.

So today you have people who post artwork that took 8 hours to complete and say "here's a little sketch!". These really good sketchbooks are thoroughly planned, but you'll never see the preparatory work.

Those YouTube artists that nail these perfect drawings in one go? They made and memorized preparatory work before starting what looks like a spontaneous piece of artwork. Most artists at cons will make simple head sketches or very basic poses because that's what you can realistically make in that timeframe. Murata's stream shows what the process really is like. Lots of erasing and fixing stuff that doesn't work.

Art is never effortless.

>> No.2568426


>Thanks to hacks like Picasso

I don't see why but yeah people here think good artists execute perfect drawings every single time, when in reality it's about trying many times until one of the drawings is good

>> No.2568430

Picasso taught that projecting an air of confidence is what sells you as an artist, rather than the quality of your work.

>> No.2568522

that's the millionaire, pants-on-head artist strategy.

>> No.2568539

He did a podcast "learning on your own" where he recommends a fairly healthy lifestyle, and often mentions that the breakneck pace is only good for a short period of time. What you need to start your career.

>> No.2568549

pretty much why he's famous. He wasn't really famous for having artistic merit until after everyone assumed his shit was good because that's what everyone else said. Nowadays, every little kid gets the "wow, we have a little picasso here! Hahaha". It's not clear if that's because kids draw shitty things or because it's supposed to be a compliment.

>> No.2568599

confirmed for your post makes no fucking sense faggot

>> No.2568601

finally someone who knows what they're talking about

>> No.2568604

you're trolling but that actually is the case for very good and experienced artists (like Leonardo or KJG). They get to a point where drawing is like writing or speaking, just another form of communication that comes natural. Of course that's not the case for the toony hipsters you watch on youtube

>> No.2568640

it does though, go pay a visit to the art community on instagram.

>> No.2568643

>It's not clear if that's because kids draw shitty things or because it's supposed to be a compliment.
Is the latter.

>> No.2568644

It really isn't. It's just picasso is the only artist they've heard of, which is pretty funny

>> No.2568670

When someone says to a child that is painting 'you will be like Picasso!' or 'we've a Picasso in the family' is a compliment as Picasso was a sucessful and famous artist.

You can also use it as an insult ofc, because his painting were 'ugly as fuck'.

So whatever.

>> No.2568671


Experienced is a bit of a understatement. It's good to aim for the stars but people should realize even most advanced artists can't draw like (with the same fluency and method) KJG.

>> No.2568683

People talking shit about picasso should at least look at his work when he was a kid in a traditional atelier. He was exceptionally good at the time. (maybe not French Academic Bouguereau good, but Spanish painter good) It might convince you that whatever crap he did it was by design and he cared about what he said. To say that his art only had value because of his personality is not only going too far but taking it out of context of what the art climate was like at the time.

>> No.2568704

>People talking shit about picasso should at least look at his work when he was a kid in a traditional atelier. He was exceptionally good at the time.
Those were his father's paintings and they were OK. As soon as he moved from his house, he never made another single painting like that.

It's known that Picasso has signed plenty of shit that wasn't his. He was a con man.