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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 527 KB, 1641x1641, 35IjDIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2555932 No.2555932 [Reply] [Original]

>Previous Thread >>2549405 → → →

>Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others!
>Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped. Also, eat your vegetables.
>If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.
>>dA /ic/ group :
>>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:
>>General resources :
>>fellowBro's books :
>>Figure Drawing Tool:
>>Photoshop Brushes

>> No.2555949
File: 56 KB, 800x372, tests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you approach coloring on such scenes? I've been trying to modify the values of different parts to increase readability but nothing seems very good. Any help?

>> No.2555964
File: 266 KB, 526x372, hgfvhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this anon. You have a completely obvious and easy to use light source there, the window. You need to identify where the light is coming from, and block in large shadows. Then find where the light will hit the objects in the room. Last of all add in reflective light and subsurface scattering. I've shown it all roughly here.

>> No.2555969
File: 88 KB, 800x373, Improved_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont be scared to push the values a bit and use adjustment layers and filters to increase contrast.
Photoshop is amazing for editing color and value without having to work everything, so take full use of it.

>> No.2555971
File: 293 KB, 1248x915, ciggmannen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send help

>> No.2555983

"imrpoved edit"
what the fuck did you just do to these poor drawings eugh
are you being for real here or am i falling for a memer here

>> No.2555985


You are an idiot if you have to ask these questions and react to simple filter that you have not even in Photoshop, but probably in Irfanview or paint.net.

>> No.2555989

you fucking retard of course i know he slapped shitty photo filters on these drawings
asking "what did you do to these poor drawings" was more like "what were you thinking you were doing when you destroyed drawings that actually looked better before"

>> No.2555997
File: 14 KB, 524x372, tests2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556010
File: 133 KB, 377x500, p82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556013

Thanks a lot, that's impressive. I can't believe I'm getting such great help.

I was avoiding this kind of lighting because I wanted the focus to be on the table, not on the cityscape (that was added as an afterthought). Guess I'll have to plan another scene then.

Thanks too. Off to draw then.


>> No.2556015
File: 96 KB, 1080x1080, 2016-06-08_22.46.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last nights figure drawings

>> No.2556032

>Thinking that by taking pics at an angle we won't notice the huge proportional errors

>> No.2556043

tbqh the edited version looks better. I bet you are one of those concept art hating noobs.

>> No.2556048
File: 27 KB, 358x272, es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu senpai

>> No.2556053
File: 7 KB, 253x199, rew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 't b h f a m' get's automatically changed into 'desu senpai'
are you trying to trick me again, 4chan?

>> No.2556088

there's newfags, and then there's you.

>> No.2556091

Just seeing them at a slight angle is annoying me. Have I truly been infected by the /ic/ disease?

>> No.2556092

you sure are quick at drawing conclusions. in fact, i love concept art actually. maybe you shouldnt assume shit when you have no idea.
also i really dont understand how the edited versions looks in any way better. its horrible. most photoshop filters look horrible if you just slap them on things with no changes made and leave it at that. no idea why you are being so defensive over a fucking photoshop filter.

>> No.2556096
File: 29 KB, 600x540, 1237345737377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um excuse me, but i am truly a 4chan veteran, and here's a meme that we used back in the day, my knowledge of this proves my credibility.
i expect a formal apology from you.

>> No.2556159
File: 63 KB, 714x576, wop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-doing an old piece, gonna try and fix the muddy-ness and maybe play with the values a bit before i start rendering it

>> No.2556166

Are not going to put this in proper pers first and set your grid? Rendering something mechanical without doing so is pretty pointless.

>> No.2556174

>Thinking a pic makes you an oldfag.
Dude,stop.And before we derail any further, get back to drawing and fix your proportions dawg.

>> No.2556175
File: 301 KB, 734x877, po.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2556177

I have no good reaction images on this PC so I'm just gonna tell you you're full of shit

>> No.2556188

mind elaborating?

>> No.2556193
File: 315 KB, 491x373, ewfse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to obvious bait
also that drawing wasn't mine

>> No.2556196

Living things are curvy, hard surfaces like the weapon are very geometrical. If you don't put the gun in correct perspective, it's going to look wonky, you won't be able to determine how much light hit the planes correctly, so you won't be able to render correctly. I'll help you define the edges highlight easily instead of second-guessing.

If you're extremely good you can probably wing it, but I don't get that fill from you draft.

>> No.2556199
File: 786 KB, 1162x494, Nimeta2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks. I think the cat statue is fine with the perspective, but I changed the stadium thing and the composition a bit. Not sure if for better or worse.

>> No.2556204

Can you upload this picture with you perspective grid showing?

>> No.2556210
File: 576 KB, 1311x566, Nimeta3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty messy.

>> No.2556212

Legs are a bit too short

>> No.2556217

I should mention that I deleted the cube I put the circle inside of before you asked, so I tried to remake it for you, but it's not quite the same.

>> No.2556253
File: 62 KB, 1162x494, desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, scenes like that are extremely ambitious. You believe that you can cheat with the pers because dunes have organic forms, but you can't, and you have all the most difficult things to deal with: various angles, slanted planes, action on many planes. You need to transfer distances accurately in pers; for that, check Scott Robertson's how to draw (it's in the artbook thread). Avoid tangents, like having the main POI touching the border of the image.

Also, you don't have excuses for not having the grid. You should have it at all times, not delete it. And why don't you do the straight lines with a ruler? You're working digital dammit.

>> No.2556256

fair points

>> No.2556263
File: 131 KB, 721x1280, wip merc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip merc

>> No.2556269

yea mistakes are pretty strong, especially with 40min. You seem to have trouble with foreshortening. Whenever I see foreshortening, I try to make it even more stronger than I see it to counteract our tendencies to weaken it. Maybe that can help you also. But your linework is nice.

>> No.2556313


>> No.2556351

Giant head, short legs, short feet. The left arm is a bit too far left, and the upper and lower parts are clearly different sizes. Some interesting uses of shape and color, but I feel you're not utilizing them enough; take what's on his shoulders/neck and introduce them on other parts of his body, especially the legs. Also get rid of the things on his hips.

>> No.2556356

Thank you! I'll take your criticism into account, but I can't redo the picture that much. I don't know if I will have enough time to draw everything I need for my portfolio if I do.

>And why don't you do the straight lines with a ruler?

I-I don't know how.

>> No.2556371
File: 284 KB, 800x1227, lighting study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think? This is mostly for lighting practice, but I'll take any critique I can get.

>> No.2556383

Well I don't do it maliciously to hide anything if that's what your thinking. I take the photos on my hour long train ride back to base so the sketch pad is at an angle on my lap is all. I mean it's literally an hour of doing nothing so it's convenient to take pictures then

And thanks for the insight. I'm still working on the foreshortening issue (among many others) but that's sort of the point of figure drawing every week like I do. Eventually I'll get it.

>> No.2556400

What are you preparing your portfolio for? Applying somewhere?

>I-I don't know how.
What? What software are you using?

>> No.2556408

Animation department in a uni. I have to put 5-10 images in it, so I thought I should add one page of landscape or such. Deadline is 1st of July, I barely have anything done. I also have to make a comic (12 strips). Leaving everything to the last minute, not my greatest idea.
I'm using PS, I mean I know how to draw a straight line vertically and horizontally, and how to draw a straight line from a point, but I don't really know about "rulers". Yet.

>> No.2556438

Well by ruler I meant straight lines.

You have 3 weeks, you should do better than that.

Why are you so late for your application?

>> No.2556558

Oh. I thought it would be wise to start later so I could study more beforehand and be in peak knowledge condition.

>> No.2556563
File: 1.99 MB, 1254x1264, dsgfdsgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random sketches/studies from last month

>> No.2556565


mr concept art?

>> No.2556566
File: 490 KB, 2560x1707, 14654333264330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2556576

Well, if it's the case you shouldn't start freaking out now that it's too late. But be clever. Scrap this piece, that may harm you for something safer. If you have to start thinking color palette, composition, etc, etc, it's too much. Try to lower the number of unknowns. Do something for which you have good ref. Do a city, with geometric buildings that are all properly in perspective. You just need to spend a day with a ruler and carefully measure everything out. Instead of a half-assed concept that you can't really draw correctly, it will show that you know how to build things correctly, and you will convey your the dedication and care to the craft.

>> No.2556586


>> No.2556588

Do you have a tumblr?

>> No.2556629

Ya keep going f a m. Just be conscious about foreshortening. Most mistakes in this regard appear because one just draws without stopping and noting how much exactly something is foreshortened.

>> No.2556640

This is fucking hilarious.

>> No.2556676
File: 335 KB, 1012x580, 8f65db5949f70526f6e045f475f115c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've redrawn this guy many times now and finally thought I got him right after doing a box drawing, but now I notice it still looks like the back is flat and not curved.

Is it the details that fuck it up, or is it the perspective still wrong?

>> No.2556680

Heres the whole scene

>> No.2556682
File: 829 KB, 1287x1817, 6a1f1e64c46bfed6000b31994ab378b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.2556707

Depends on what you want to do, but atm the composition feels very stiff. I would probably zoom in, and or or put it in 2-point. Everything but this creature and the upper body of the character is not interesting, so we should focus on that in this instance.

>> No.2556725

Yeah you Have a point I guess, but I do want a bit of the sky so I might just cut out the bottom part, nothing interesting there anyway.

>> No.2556842

The creature looks waay too long, especially for something that is so far away

>> No.2556865
File: 614 KB, 1400x2000, dotromp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to from here?

>> No.2556874
File: 270 KB, 826x1169, IMG_20160610_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew plants in a botanical garden today.

>> No.2556875 [DELETED] 

I'm just a scrub so I don't usually respond but I have some 2 cents here. That is a really underwhelming scene. You should probably spend more time leveling up your composition skills.

That way you can get better at planning out more awesome looking drawings by setting everything up to look better.
There is a good lesson to be learned here. No matter how good you draw if the composition is unappealing it just won't work out. With bad composition you're beating a dead horse by the time you've put down your first line because its just destined to suck.

>> No.2556876
File: 225 KB, 826x1169, IMG_20160610_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556914
File: 1.83 MB, 450x450, trump-building-wall-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556944

Oh fuck, yeah I see that now. I thought the reason it looked all the time was because I had the front part of the back too flat but I simply forgot to use the grid boxes for its length.
Thanks man
Well to be honest I haven't really settled on the composition at all yet, the only part I settled on was to have the creature be centralized so that it at first looks like some sort of object deliberately placed in the middle of the room and covered with a fabric, so that it'd take a while to notice that it's actually alive and that the fabric is in fact skin.
But apart from the centralized vanishing point is the composition really that bad?
I will crop the image and potentially add broken beams, leftover chains from a fallen chandelier, layers in the floor, collapsed segments of 2nd floor where the broken pillars are etc. And I think I'd want to retain some symmetry in the middle with the altar, since I find some of the appeal in churches and religious scenes is the symmetry. Pic related for example I think (personally) works really well.

>> No.2556945

these are very nice anon

>> No.2556956

You're not selling a captivating story, and an illustration is mostly about conveying that.

What are you trying to show, and how do you want the audience to feel about it? If you remove the monster (and maybe even the character), you have an image whose purpose is to showcase an environment. The inclusion of those characters does not make the image about them. Instead it's still about the environment but with detracting elements.

If you wanted your illustration to focus on the characters and their interaction, then do that. Look at your illustration from a thumbnail view: Both characters don't stand out both in terms of size and value. They're visually unimportant to the composition, thus they're visually unimportant to the story right now. Even if I let the image fill up my monitor so that it's entirely in view, I can barely even make out the monster. I should be able to process your image from afar with a quick glance, and if it's visually interesting I'd inspect it further and really digest it. A strong thumbnail will grab people's attention and demand their time.

I suggest you set this aside, and return to the planning stages. Figure out what you want to say with this piece, then use that to guide all of your steps - your compositional thumbnails, your value groups, your character sketches, your color thumbnails, etc. Figure all of that stuff out before worrying about getting an accurate drawing with accurate perspective, etc. Even a vague sense of intended mood will guide you towards ideas that work and away from those that won't.

>> No.2556981

This armchair art director shit isn't helping anyone.

>> No.2557002

So even if I crop the image and zoom in on the characters, build in new elements and structure, it cant go anywhere?
I drew the whole church since I had never done anything of the sort and wanted to sort of deconstruct it from there. Tearing down walls/pillars, adding objects like fallen beams and collapsed floors wherever I felt it would fit in the composition. Can you not construct an image that way? I guess its because I have some background in photo and think of cropping a scene as the same thing as constructing a composition.

>> No.2557004
File: 263 KB, 785x802, 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew a sheep after work today

>> No.2557013


hey. psst. guess what the "c" in "/ic/" stands for

>> No.2557022

How much are you experimenting and learning on these? Feels like a lot of comfort zone things in general, though this one is less flat than others before it. Maybe try pushing yourself a bit more in some aspect--colours, character, story, proportion/shape, whatever.

>> No.2557030

>So even if I crop the image...it cant go anywhere?
IMO, no. At least not without drastic changes. The creature in particular is probably the weakest piece from the very stiff pose. It's directly facing the viewer, dead center, and in a 1p perspective scene. There are cases where that can work to make a striking image, but more often than not it falls flat.

A lot of a piece's success depends on conveying the right mood. Even the height of the camera can have a large impact on that, and changing that would require the entire drawing gets redone. By sticking with what you have right now, you eliminated that option.

>Can you not construct an image that way?
You can but it's a lot of trial and error, and there's no real guarantee of a great end result. More experienced artists can pull it off just from the sheer pencil mileage. More often than not planning out your thumbnails lets your experiment with several different options very efficiently, and slowly narrow down towards a good end product. Doing it how you currently are still needs a lot of careful considering of composition, your large value groups, etc. If you're not used to analyzing that on the fly you risk polishing a lackluster piece, and you might not be willing to make the necessary overhauls because of the amount of time you put in already.

At the start of an illustration there are several different branching paths leading to different final pieces. By not thumbnailing, you've pigeon-holed yourself deep down one path without really considering all of the possibilities out there, ones that likely could have been much better. It isn't common for your first idea of how to approach a piece to be the best one. Thumbnailing shows you many different ideas, where you can then pick and refine the best one.

If you haven't already, I'd read through Framed Ink. At the very least it will get you thinking about composition, lighting, and camera usage.

>> No.2557040
File: 463 KB, 1287x1817, 1465511805298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this can still work. for example if we crop the pic like this and put the monster more to the right. Values have to be fixed obv. aswell. More contrast between the characters and the eviroment. Personally I would also lower the viewpoint to get into the business and not stand above it. Its work, but can be done I think.

>> No.2557046

With that cropping I think the foreground character is too close to the corner. Feels like a footnote, and could use more breathing room to the left. I might also lean towards a landscape crop over portrait.

I do agree that lowering the camera would improve it, but I'd call that a drastic change because everything would need to be redrawn for the perspective to make any sense. If it's going to be redrawn, then why not explore other drastic options through thumbnailing?

>> No.2557048

when i began, it was a totally new workflow with a lot of experimenting and a lot of learning, but you're right, recently it's gotten a little comfort zone-y. i try to knock out a drawing in about an hour or two after i come home for work, so it's tough to venture out into anything too ambitious! this one at least has some characters in it, right? lol. i'll be sure to play around more with the colours and design, at least, since that's not terribly complicated, and i'll work on developing some thumbnails for, like, micro-narratives. thanks for the reply, dude!!

>> No.2557057

>If it's going to be redrawn, then why not explore other drastic options through thumbnailing?

Hmm, Ya maybe. Don't know how attached op is to his hours spend.

>With that cropping I think the foreground character is too close to the corner. Feels like a footnote, and could use more breathing room to the left

Wanted to make the Monster the Focus since its clearly better drawn than the character.

>> No.2557062
File: 479 KB, 1287x1817, 1465511805298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So maybe like this or so. Dont fuck me, this was done in 1min with a mouse in paint.

>> No.2557120
File: 163 KB, 842x595, NEW FACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light me up with crits senpai

>> No.2557152

just because you had them on your lap it's no excuse. I also posted pics in LAS which were done on my lap and so I invite you to ques who I am

>pro tip: you won't be able to tell

>> No.2557156

the hilt of the sword implies we are seeing it from the top, but because of no foreshortening on the actual sword makes me think we are seeing it frontally, fix one of those

>> No.2557159

symbol drawing

>>/beg/inner thread

>> No.2557202
File: 1.03 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20160113_223150522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bart operator

>> No.2557203
File: 1.03 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20160610_021137978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2557205
File: 1.06 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20160610_020106117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2557212
File: 2.09 MB, 4000x2000, demon oni types copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsure which pose i should go with and push further, I kinda wanted that down to upwards perspective in the first one maybe with him on some rocks/building. The perspective of the body is way off i know .

I really should have set the plane first before i decided to just doodle the torso first.

>> No.2557218

>>2557205 sorry for spamerino and overly sized images, work at various shits so I dont get bored

>> No.2557221
File: 1.88 MB, 2550x4150, Roadhog JunkRat TinyTina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blog/IG please

yo i started sketching a roadhog/junkrat/tiny tina piece the other day but i got distracted. plan on making her tilt the other way for composition sake, or just cutting her out completely.

now i wanna go back, redline it and color.

>> No.2557223
File: 936 KB, 1456x2592, IMG_20150513_235058939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2557244


Don't have tumblr but instagram is slendermike!

>> No.2557300


>> No.2557311

could anyone please give me the blog of a guy who drew a girl on a seashore with some zombie-like man with a fish

>> No.2557373

I think the thing throwing it off is the fact that the face is not in perspective with the rest of the body, apart from the 3rd and last one. But that last body looks a bit stiff. I think it's the left arm and the fact he's slightly squatting.

>> No.2557467
File: 131 KB, 750x900, knite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2557490
File: 6 KB, 259x194, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2557501

Good body construction, the head feels a bit off to me for some reason

>> No.2557588

Damn, fuckin followed

>> No.2557618
File: 174 KB, 537x741, meme2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le meme face

>> No.2557711
File: 197 KB, 735x980, up lifting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep fuckin up the hands but what do ya think?

>> No.2557716
File: 219 KB, 735x980, gaaaaaaaaaaaaay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this, I normally don't draw faces as you can see in the previous image, I end up makin a crutch. So I'm workin on breaking that

>> No.2557736

Busy day, sorry for the late reply.

>not without drastic changes
Yeah I know, I am totally ready to redraw / crop most of the picture at this point, I just don't want to scrap the concept.

This is all very useful insight though, will study composition for a while and then try to finish this by cropping and redrawing whatever is necessary, make it look complete at the very least. Never done anything like this really so I've already gone far beyond what I thought I was capable of, so even if It doesn't turn out too great I think Ill still be pretty satisfied.
Thank you very much for the genuine responses.

>> No.2557738

Really like this concept. Inspired by something specific?

>> No.2557746

Thanks and nope just kinda had an idea for some angelic being with a broken sword that started with wings and then evolved into this. More of a mortal that has achieved the point of a greater being....or somethin.

>> No.2557753
File: 78 KB, 842x595, new face 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off its not symbol drawing.

Here is another with the lay in included. What am I doing wrong, why are my faces so ugly?

>> No.2557765
File: 67 KB, 842x595, 1465589617577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe less long hard lines, not enough softness to the face? makes everything feel hard and old.

>> No.2557772
File: 153 KB, 900x829, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'll do that this weekend. This is another thing I was thinking about adding, but like a whole page, so about 24 figures.

>> No.2557778
File: 478 KB, 700x942, rr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd draw something in my comfort zone as a break from studies, can't place what's off about it (besides missing hand and shit feet).

>> No.2557787


Character is off balance, pose is stiff

>> No.2557798

The character is supposed to be older, but I completely agree. The heavy lines lack anykind of gentle rhythm that makes it look nice.

>> No.2557867
File: 266 KB, 800x800, esqueleto terrorific.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any crits?

The design is pretty cool, but I think it looks weird because his feet are not in proper perspective. Also I doubt the ground brights so much

>> No.2557878
File: 196 KB, 1222x898, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's it looking?
Any major gripes with it?

Looks sweet man, I think the nose part is a bit too high though.

>> No.2557881
File: 156 KB, 640x480, how_to_draw_the_human_head_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that face
Also, looks to stiff. Go read the sticky son

>> No.2557885

>gives critique
>sucks shit themselves

>> No.2557887

>Also, looks to stiff. Go read the sticky son
Yeah I knew the face was bothering me, just didn't know why.
Fanks tham.

>> No.2557889

Bendy gun in tiny hands

>> No.2557895
File: 208 KB, 1222x898, 787234987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try messing arounf with the position of the eyes. Not quite like pic (because I feel he now looks like haruhi) but you get the point.

>> No.2558080 [DELETED] 
File: 689 KB, 1920x1080, colorsandheads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in a slump recently and I can't really finish anything. Maybe I should do more studies to pass the time.

>> No.2558106 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 1561x1090, guys please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some characters


>> No.2558111
File: 238 KB, 1561x1134, sape-Recuperado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some characters


>> No.2558132
File: 402 KB, 754x522, ps1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a sketch but Im about to do solid lines and I could really use some feedback. I always feel like my stuff feels too stiff, even when I paint with oils. I think it looks very fluid and nice when sketching, but as I finish my lines the more and more stiff and shitty it tends to look. Any suggestions? My anatomy may have gone to shit over the last 10 years, but I was classically trained at an art school.

>> No.2558133

Fucking gorgeous

>> No.2558145

I love this.

>> No.2558154

thanks. like the details on the crowdude.

>> No.2558161

I have all of those women hips on my pinterest too.

>> No.2558192
File: 215 KB, 791x736, 033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another sheep, not too pleased with it

>> No.2558200

This can use some ambient occlusion. I know you aren't really using any gradients, but just taking a soft brush and putting in some soft shadows beneath the armor would do a lot for it I think.

Also for your values you can be more consistent in how much of a value shift happens from light to shadow.

>> No.2558223
File: 323 KB, 800x1224, halberd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken scratch

>> No.2558254

the Reward out of 10

>> No.2558255 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 763x950, Ygritte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will leave this as is

>> No.2558287
File: 1.07 MB, 763x950, Ygritte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

My eyes are dry af

>> No.2558304

careful with the perspective and proportions on the eyes. left eye goes deeper into the eye socket than the right one on your painting. easy mistake to make. hand way too small and out of proportion, careful with hand anatomy. weird gesture on the hand, makes little sense compositionally and anatomically. place your own hand in a similar position and look at yourself in the mirror. construct more carefully before you paint

>> No.2558328

U color blind?

>> No.2558336

>you have to sell a captivating story

Fuck off. It's perfectly acceptable to just draw a cool thing.

>> No.2558338 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 730x792, Screen Shot 2016-06-11 at 09.31.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty quick and just general thoughts but i think you should take it into account because about 5 months ago i told you firez your perspective is shit and you were like ok ill work on it and then i had to stop studying for awhile and now i come back on /ic/ and i think "oh its firez! i wonder how he progressed" and your perspective is still shit

>> No.2558339

You're not supposed to actually paint his shit anon, you're supposed to photobash it.

>> No.2558372
File: 330 KB, 1214x1204, junkratgirl23-Recovered2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is still a work in progress but I feel like the coloring is off or something Im not sure. This is a first for a lot of things for me. Genderbending / fire / fitgirl so i know it could use improvement just not sure where.

>> No.2558388

lol, nice head, shouldve resized the photo though, it doesnt fit onto the tiny piece of shit body you actually painted

>> No.2558389

work on your values, line weight and lines in general

>> No.2558424

One of his hands is drastically larger than the other.

>> No.2558433

i think you jumped to colouring too early, the pose is really stiff and the arm holding the gun is all kinds of fucked.
Colouring does look okay, although there's a bit too much shine for a filthy character like junkrat.

>> No.2558448
File: 71 KB, 384x494, 1320075693514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sheepman is /ic/ user of the month, please don't stop drawing sheep!!!

>> No.2558489
File: 64 KB, 561x960, fatnotprego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally havnt drawn in months.
random sketch because i wanted to draw a fat person for whatever reason.

worth paying into ? i think about how i want to get better at art every day of my life.

>> No.2558517
File: 453 KB, 1151x1167, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting the day of with a fish.

>> No.2558520
File: 33 KB, 960x716, FB_IMG_1465599128990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2558522
File: 45 KB, 1372x960, FB_IMG_1465599143319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2558524

That fish looks juicy
Some harder edges would be great though

Looks neat and it's perfect normie bait

>> No.2558528

I get anymore feed back on this?

>> No.2558530

You need to consider the volumes of what you're drawing more, looking a bit flat right now.

>> No.2558531

Sure, but things are cool because of the story they tell.

>> No.2558538
File: 940 KB, 800x852, work20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practice from work.

>> No.2558539
File: 937 KB, 746x1067, work21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2558568

Yeah, if you're just drawing a character, a creature or whatever you fancy. Once it's a full blown illustration then narrative becomes something you should consider. Doesn't have to be super explicit or complex.

It's often enough to consider the reaction the viewer is meant to have. With that bloodborne piece anon did, are we intended to relate to the protagonist or not? Is the monster in the distance a threat or not? Is it something that the protagonist expected to find, or is it a surprise? Did the character stumble into this situation, or was this event sought out? Will there be a fight, and will it be a close fight or a walk in the park? All those things dictate the mood, which guide what compositions, light usage, color usage, poses, etc will be more effective than others.

In that piece the monster was unremarkable, and barely noticeable yet in full light. If it's an impending boss fight, it should probably feel threatening. If it's a mundane enemy, then why is it a sole enemy at the end of a long corridor coming towards us?

Narrative is an easy way to depict your chosen subject matter effectively. It's not a new concept, but a tool you can use. The more explicit decisions when making a piece, the better the chances of success.

>> No.2558575
File: 1.02 MB, 2500x1386, ntron.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying out stuff

>> No.2558599


>> No.2558640

thanks! you're right, it probably would add that extra oomph to it. I tried adding a core shadow and some reflected light, but it just sort of muddied the picture a bit, so I'll be sure to at least throw in some subtle darks when I'm having that issue.

>> No.2558642
File: 418 KB, 1456x2069, IMG_20160610_151416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2558145 some colorino

>> No.2558725 [DELETED] 


>> No.2558728


>> No.2558785
File: 1.77 MB, 1593x1696, fire mage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to work on clothes, anatomy among other stuff... pls help

>> No.2558819
File: 288 KB, 900x917, fish2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did another goofy looking fish.

>> No.2558830

In my opinion you should step back from rendering, especially with color, focus on learning to sketch volumes.

Of course you should still render if you enjoy that but when you're drawing specifically to improve i believe you should focus on the steps that come before rendering.

>> No.2558852

will do thanks anon...

>> No.2558879
File: 442 KB, 1920x1080, motogirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2558886
File: 216 KB, 1600x910, xdxdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grill and dog

same guy

>> No.2559239
File: 467 KB, 690x818, mercy_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2559301
File: 101 KB, 1244x1600, pic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a Paint drawing of Guts from Berserk for my boyfriend. I'm using my mouse so myhands are killing me, so I'll continue tomorrow.

>> No.2559313
File: 382 KB, 557x825, 2016-06-11_22-23-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this feels off, help.

>> No.2559325

Anyone else have problems with quality levels of your original work varying like crazy, even over the span of a week?

>> No.2559345

can you be more precise? to me what's making it awkward is the gesture, you've kind of hinted at the hunched skater type posture with the hunched back but haven't generalized that to other areas, e.g. his neck, legs and arms which are still stiff and inconsistent with the concept. if you really push the gesture harder i think it'll make more sense.

>> No.2559360

Good you stopped here, because there's no gesture. What pose are you going for?

>> No.2559371
File: 1.16 MB, 4273x1997, onepunchgalactus-Recovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel its getting closer to being done. Some things i'm noticing is too soft edges, and the face is off. Also saitama needs some work. Any crit?

>> No.2559391

There's no sense of weight. The straight arm that is supporting most of the machine by that handle has that shoulder raised higher than the other one? That makes no sense. And his torso is just normal hunched instead of compensating for lifting it. All the machinery on the right side is just floating there as that hand just has controls in the fingers but no weight. Try grabbing a heavy vacuum cleaner or something and hold it a while--see how your body naturally starts to sag in spots and tighten in others, where the main weight is being supported, maybe you will lean on one leg more or lean your torso back to counterbalance the weight.

Other than that I think there are small nitpicks. The eyes are crossed, not sure if that is intentional or not but it looks bad. The feet aren't planted on the ground plane well, and the sock on the right is out of perspective. The ground shadow looks really really bad and I would just remove it entirely or change your approach to it drastically. As far as design and colour and I think this piece looks good over all, but I am not a fan of the stacked cup shapes drooping on the left as it's unclear what they are and they are inconsistent with the rest of the design and image and have very bad perspective.

There's a lot of good things about this drawing, like the linework and style and colours are all wonderful and fun, it's just you have some major pose issues then lots of little small issues, and they all add up and make this image not all that successful as a whole despite it's good qualities (which I will say again, it has a lot of).

>> No.2559414
File: 3.60 MB, 3300x5867, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2559415

>3.6 MB

>> No.2559416



>> No.2559423

Resize it. It only needs to be like 600x800 pixels.

>> No.2559438
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x621, Big turtle3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got a nice monitor
>realize all the colors/contrast are shite
>Mr.bones wild ride begins anew
Kill me /ic

>> No.2559439
File: 193 KB, 2436x1940, New Doc 6_1_Le happy Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm.Why shouldI Draw for the reason Le happy Trump is hand Rubbing I'm drawing A blank.

>> No.2559440
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x675, Big turtle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incase anyone was wondering

>> No.2559450
File: 862 KB, 568x1067, work22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more practice from work today. phone took a potato quality photo

>> No.2559459
File: 3 KB, 512x512, dotpict_20160528_222902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some cool looking stuff.I feel on the phone cam shit My phone but I use cam scanner I fixes crops brightens pic.

>> No.2559462

i need to get a scanner honestly. would be nice.

>> No.2559489

Thumbnail size kek

>> No.2559492

I can tell your painting is shit from thumbnail, I don't need it to be 5000 pixels

>> No.2559502
File: 169 KB, 1664x1928, New Doc 1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleaned up dis pic A lil hows it looking

>> No.2559532

Okay but other than the size?

>> No.2559545
File: 318 KB, 1000x1500, DSC_0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of ok with this. Not too happy though.

>> No.2559622

that wrist looks like its in a painful position. and the placement of the fingers looks a bit off. the rest is very nice.

saw you in the comic thread, is this for that too? looks cool,

awesome concept. whats bothering me is how different parts not working togther? like saitama looks roughly painted (in a good way) but the glowing energy thing looks like weird cgi. i say keep egghead in that same simple style but work on rendering the rest to look in a consistent style. look forward to seeing it.


>> No.2559687

>saw you in the comic thread, is this for that too? looks cool

thanks, not for any comic, just trying out stuff, not too happy with it

>> No.2559789

what is that goblin looking dude with the mustache doing with his sword/stick? The pose makes no sense. Why is his hand lying flat on the table when it would be at an angle due to the stick? His legs are also incorrect. The one on the top should be more forethortened and facing towards us more. Try a pose like that with your legs, it would be super uncomfortable if it was even possible. His back is also stiff as fuck. It wouldn't be so straight. The spine is a natural S curve; when hunching over, it changes a bit but it's never straight.

Next, the muscly guy, his pose is pressy stiff and the anatomy is most likely incorrect. Try gestures. His shoulders should be more relaxed and not so stiff. Also, doesn't he have a stool to sit on? It's ashitty bar if they don't have those for their tables. If he is supposed to be sitting, then he would be lower. His legs above the knees would barely be visible, if at all, due to his position, his shoulder probably would be slightly hunched. His collarbone on the arm the girl is holding should not be tilted up that much if at all. His expression is also really dopey.

Why did you think the woman in front of him was a good idea? She should not be in front of the table but rather at the side of the man. Also, she's got a manly jaw and it's too long. Look at actual women's faces. It would also be a better idea to have her hold on to his arm with both of hers and be standing closer to him and facing him a little with her body as well. (I hope that makes sense, I'm not a native English speaker.)
Lastly, the girl at the back is facing more to the
side at her pelvis and legs but her boobs are facing towards us completely.

>> No.2559792

A I made for A anon on /co/

>> No.2559803
File: 862 KB, 1148x747, Into The Mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got this idea down

>> No.2559805
File: 291 KB, 1700x2516, New Doc 7_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot Pic sry haven't sleeped s in 3 days. & I'ma llil croggy

>> No.2559850
File: 79 KB, 425x580, use may be fatal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently finished rule of rose and tried to cartoon the main character

i'm still experimenting w/ style so any criticism on how i could improve it would be great help

>> No.2559895
File: 284 KB, 900x1267, lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went more land based today.

>> No.2560104
File: 931 KB, 787x1698, chivalric knighty knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recent work

>> No.2560109
File: 3.30 MB, 1814x2852, chivalric knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another, any c&c appreciated...

>> No.2560111

interesting, but i feel the composition doesnt do the idea justice so it feels weak. and her pose is pretty odd. even for water

>> No.2560122
File: 116 KB, 645x640, 20160612_171726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2560138
File: 402 KB, 1000x1017, Phinsmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished a tribute to my dads work.

I'm thinking about adding color, but i'm not quite sure what the best palette would be for it. Any advice?

>> No.2560384
File: 3.26 MB, 1866x912, gbghdge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all. ive tried posting some stuff on other forums with no responses over the past few days. i was wondering if i could get a few of my painting critiqued? thank you.

>> No.2560386
File: 2.47 MB, 1861x900, kgujf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second one

>> No.2560387
File: 2.02 MB, 1916x919, vftrnr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one

>> No.2560392

they don't read too well. visually kind of boring to look at. begginers thread friend

>> No.2560397

I have no idea what i'm looking at. Head over to the beginner thread, you'll get alot more help there, good luck!

>> No.2560442

Hm yeah, I thought it would work out, didn't want to go for the golden ratio/fibonacci everytime. Thanks for the feedback anon

>> No.2560447
File: 569 KB, 1919x1439, IMG_20160612_231102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highlights from the weekend 5 minute poses

>> No.2560448
File: 948 KB, 1747x2184, IMG_20160612_232006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 plus hours on this one.

>> No.2560467

Anyone got a working link for SAI?

>> No.2560473

3 hours yeah, but the entire drawing is decided in the first ten minutes. Your proportions are fucked and it destroys the drawing. maybe next time.

>> No.2560486

Try again scrub

>> No.2560503

i remember ur ass, good work

>> No.2560504

>le jealous brian.

>> No.2560510
File: 356 KB, 560x833, wip_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

symmetry is hard

>> No.2560514
File: 1.05 MB, 763x950, Ygritte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I am changing it and the rest quite a bit too

>> No.2560528
File: 51 KB, 380x249, 06-01n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! What do you think about the colors I used here? It was done hastily and it's a small picture but I'm really looking for input and advice on the colors.

>> No.2560544

Are you drawing a Jewish hamster or what's going on here?

>> No.2560598
File: 531 KB, 1300x1205, jorogumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these thighs too thicc?

>> No.2560605

looks good to me anon. i like the multiple arms

>> No.2560613
File: 134 KB, 894x729, repaintv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks pham, finished it up

>> No.2560677
File: 227 KB, 600x803, frogknight3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2560696


He's right, tough. I'm normally digging the artist's stuff but just look at the leg sticking out. Size is fucked.

>> No.2560831

The measurement is correct. Her lower torso is slightly turned so it appears shorter. Also the legs as a whole are not a focus ( her upper body is what I was studying) so both legs did not recieve any attention. I stand by my work and my ability to measure proportions where deemed necessary.

And for >>2560473 I posted a five minute gesture run literally right before the 3 plus hour one that proves I can hold my own with the first minutes of a pose. I am working on my long game yes but that's THE FUCKING POINT OF PRACTICE. I can somewhat easily create 1 to 25 minute drawings. But longer poses that require detailing on skin tones and what have you are one of my bigger weaknesses. I made the dicision early on to focus on improving in that area when i started on this one. So i conciously left her lower half (including the tarping) undone. That way I could focus more on tones and values. That post Was Not A critique and frankly illustrate you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.2560854

>i am truly a 4chan veteran

>> No.2560868

not that guy but this defensiveness makes me cringe.

this is an idiotic kind of pride and it will really get in your way as you progress, that's something to work on.

>> No.2560899


He has right to be pissed. Bad critique is fucking cancer.

>> No.2560901 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1080x1080, 2016-06-13_07.57.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're right, but I see it more as knowing my strengths and weaknesses more than anyone and taking pride in what I did. I am the most critical person of my work and frankly have gotten as far as I have with literally no input from /ic/

When I do post and see the progress of those anon that post regularly I know that religating the shit criticisms that offer no real feedback beyond projecting the "we're brutal" meme to the trash is the right choice.

All that to say, no anon. Judging from how far I've gotten in the past 4 months without help from /ic/ I know that I have and will continue to progress. Thanks for the thoughtful post though anon. I know you guys aren't all bad. But I'm not worried about my progression

And I urge other more fledgling artists on here to follow suite. Just becuase some jack-off posts a generalized statement with no evidence to back it up doesn't mean what they are saying is factual. In fact that person probably doesn't know enough to actually pinpoint what the real issue is. You should not be accepting advise from anon like this since
>they don't know what they are talking about enough to articulate the issue
>they only want to attack your confidence so you feel as bad about your work as they do theirs.

Call those fuckers out on their criticism and if they elaborate then you know that they are legitimate. Rant over.

>> No.2560918
File: 148 KB, 1080x1080, 2016-06-13_08.37.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2560868 #
Maybe you're right, but I see it more as knowing my strengths and weaknesses more than anyone and taking pride in what I did. I am the most critical person of my work and frankly have gotten as far as I have with literally no input from /ic/

When I do post and see the progress of those anon that post regularly I know that religating the shit criticisms that offer no real feedback beyond projecting the "we're brutal" meme to the trash is the right choice.

All that to say, no anon. Judging from how far I've gotten in the past 4 months without help from /ic/ I know that I have and will continue to progress. Thanks for the thoughtful post though anon. I know you guys aren't all bad. But I'm not worried about my progression

And I urge other more fledgling artists on here to follow suite. Just becuase some jack-off posts a generalized statement with no evidence to back it up doesn't mean what they are saying is factual. In fact that person probably doesn't know enough to actually pinpoint what the real issue is. You should not be accepting advise from anon like this since
>they don't know what they are talking about enough to articulate the issue
>they only want to attack your confidence so you feel as bad about your work as they do theirs.

Call those fuckers out on their criticism and if they elaborate then you know that they are legitimate. Rant over.

>> No.2560945
File: 368 KB, 1000x1328, kiserulineart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon. shrunk em anyway.

>> No.2560971

what school you study at, senpai?

>> No.2560976

Draw the back
I want to see where and how the arms connect

>> No.2560977

Self taught. I just do figure drawing sessions atm

>> No.2560978

cozy as fuck

>> No.2560986
File: 407 KB, 700x990, IMG_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2560995
File: 598 KB, 2048x1327, estudosvalores2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another value study. Took me about 2 hours, tried to follow the critiques that were given on the last one (i posted it on the ''intermediate thread''). CC is highly appreciated.

>> No.2561000

start slow, finish fast.

a likeness is achieved within the first few strokes, the shape of the head, the broad shape of the features, etc.

spend like half your time working on the lay in before you start rendering. don't bother rendering something taht you know looks wrong, stop, and do it again if you have to. You'll learn quicker by doing a bunch of un- or under-rendered sketches than by doing these 2 hour things.

>> No.2561004 [DELETED] 

The entire left side of the face has been hyper extended. Look at the space between the nose and his hair compared to the original. I'm pretty sure it's the shape of the color that threw you off. It's obvious that you ate measuring but since the collar wasn't that important you overlooked it and it threw your neck off, which in teen threw your shoulder off which in turn pretty much fucked your entire left side of the face off.

Address the left shoulder, neck indent, and hyper extended left half of the face and you'll have something here bro.

>> No.2561009

>>2560995 #
The entire left side of the face has been hyper extended. Look at the space between the nose and his hair compared to the original. I'm pretty sure it's the shape of the collar that threw you off. It's obvious that you are measuring but since the collar wasn't that important you overlooked it and it threw your neck off, which in turn threw your shoulder off which in turn pretty much fucked your entire left side of the face off.

Address the left shoulder, neck indent, and hyper extended left half of the face and you'll have something here bro.

>> No.2561117
File: 200 KB, 500x826, ssddawhhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2561147
File: 538 KB, 950x654, z6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2561150

Mecha magic

>> No.2561180
File: 185 KB, 1794x1100, robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exploring designs for a more finished drawing.

>> No.2561186
File: 226 KB, 500x650, gfddfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2561202
File: 265 KB, 674x962, mc1341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok lads, I need your help, please tell me if this character design looks too gay. Like, I really enjoy drawing cyberpunk, skintight latex shit, Shirow style, and it's kinda hard to tell when a badass cyborg turns into a latex gimp.

>> No.2561204
File: 183 KB, 1000x715, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like drossel and freiza?

>> No.2561241
File: 705 KB, 1067x600, ReferenceStuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working with references at work a lot lately, and I just finished this one. About 2 months ago I picked up art again. I hadn't seriously done this in 6 years. Lots of critiques of this are pretty obvious but any advise is welcome :D

>> No.2561296
File: 25 KB, 432x837, grav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any crits?

>> No.2561298
File: 451 KB, 1000x1328, kiserucolored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk coloring tbqh

>> No.2561303

If you mean like dragonball frieza then yes, not the other one, those are next level designs.
I'd love to be able to design joints and more advanced robotic parts like that.

>> No.2561323


is that graphite senpai?

>> No.2561324


>> No.2561326

I'm not in any position to give you proper crit, but might I just say your choice in games is grade A

>> No.2561354


im the knightfag

>> No.2561356


>> No.2561364

facial expression is good, but the pose is stiff as fuck. make it more dynamic

>> No.2561368

Will her head be crushed if she does jumping jacks?

>> No.2561370
File: 111 KB, 500x690, 1390110944118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You definitely have a theme in your stuff, I dig it. You've got a lot of good character ideas that I'm totes jealous of... I don't have that imagination.

>> No.2561382



>> No.2561392

>any advise is welcome
If you want to commit to art, never put it down, especially not for 6 years.
Signing work of that quality is just a waste of good graphite and self-respect.
Props for resizing pic though!

>> No.2561401

bah you a salty bastard

>> No.2561423

thanks. we're all gonna make it man

>> No.2561426

It's good advise, my own emotional disposition notwithstanding.

>> No.2561431
File: 249 KB, 1286x724, colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the hell I'm doing
Colors are scary

>> No.2561434
File: 241 KB, 600x895, camelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is something off or am I overthinking it?

>> No.2561455
File: 212 KB, 707x1000, guitar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2561459

mouth edges look to far away from the pupils, even for a small mouth

>> No.2561488

Nostrils are somewhat noticeably off. I like this a lot, though!

>> No.2561570

I see what both of you mean, thanks much.

>> No.2561635
File: 58 KB, 800x486, cloud_studie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanted to paint some clouds after taking a walk

>> No.2561656
File: 248 KB, 1286x724, colors2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little update

>> No.2561672
File: 184 KB, 1256x1080, anamoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand a failed anatomy drawing from mind.

>> No.2561677

you got a line drawing behind that or omething?

>> No.2561716

one foot in one foot out.

>> No.2561726

Come again?

>> No.2561735

Yes. I haven't started learning charcoal yet.

>> No.2561738

maybe a more macho pose and less gay lips would help

>> No.2561795

Noone wants to attack your confidence, and I already said that I am digging you as an artist. But the saltyness in that post makes me want to step back from that statement. As for the drawing of the woman, I don't know if you took an angled shot of it again or what not but nothing indicates that her upper body is turned and the lower the body gets, the bigger it becomes in your drawing. So the leg just looks out of proportion. You say you know you measurements well, but in this case it doesn't like look like it. Saying the lower body wasn't the focus this time doesn't justify it looking just wrong. Even if it's just slight outlines, the construction (in my book) should be continuous throughout the whole thing.
Again, I really like and admire your drawings but this reaction is a turnoff and that you're not even considering that the drawing might be wrong in some parts is kinda sad.
Noone wants to attack you, but some just can't really put critique into decent words. Anyway, keep up the work

>> No.2561798
File: 479 KB, 1600x1200, 20160614_012027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it is not too bad, right?

>> No.2561799
File: 224 KB, 1758x1731, DFGIYUKJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generic grill

>> No.2561810
File: 1.05 MB, 763x950, Ygritte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I finally got a more or less convincing pose for the hand

>> No.2561823

hand looks pretty awkward

>> No.2561825
File: 430 KB, 714x1000, Proc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commission im working on. getting them a bit more now that its summer.

yo i like this. you gotta blog?

>> No.2561826

ive seen you work on this piece since ive found this board. at this point, i think your best options are dropping that right arm pose and have it rest somewhere else entirely or just finish rendering it and call it a day.

it looks great to be honest, the only think bugging folks is the hand, which we see because were artists but im pretty sure a normie's not gonna redline your shit.

>> No.2561842

Who keeps commissioning shitty people..

>> No.2561843
File: 513 KB, 1146x1148, 64e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been here all summer, huh?

>> No.2561854

Good drawing but that ain't no chord I ever seen
Her skin is very pale; use some warmer shadows.
that doesn't even apply you autist

>> No.2561855

You should illustrate a tarot card deck, these are really nice

>> No.2561857

gimme a break senpai, dont get heated over a sketch.

nice meme

>> No.2561894
File: 148 KB, 1100x1083, DFGIYUKJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2561897

thanks c:


>> No.2561901

shit im already following from that mcdonalds gun pic lol

good shit

>> No.2561938
File: 256 KB, 500x650, ugkyku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2562024

>Thanks for the thoughtful post though anon. I know you guys aren't all bad.

When addressing you post that wasn't short and generic blanket statement this is what I said. I never said I was not open to criricism. I just refuse to accept criticism like
>Your proportions are fucked and it destroys the drawing. maybe next time.

As there is nothing in there to tell me what needs improvement. As far as I'm concerned anyone lazy enough to type garbage like that obviously doesn't know what "proportional" problems they even talking about.

There's no way around it, that post was pure cancer. You can call me defensive, or salt or whatever buzzword you want since I don't particularly care. Just know that I will always call bullshit on cancerous posts like that one becuase let me let you in on a secret. Behind 80% of blanket posts like that is a beginner fag. Projecting.

>> No.2562061

Well, she can't. The idea was that the suit gives her some control over gravity, so to offset that her mobility is greatly reduced.

>> No.2562163

Seem Escanor

>> No.2562164

He's right though. In basically all the drawings you posted there are some constructions issues, things that are a bit out of proportion, not really symmetric, etc. It just needs more loomis/hampton. And it's all decided in the first 10 minutes. It's strange that you react like that, because personally I don't like spending 3 whole hours on something flawed.

>> No.2562198

i really like this, can we have some backstory? or at least im curious what the mcdick's thing does.
really like the shoes and the detail put into the machinery.

>> No.2562203
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x621, Big turtle4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no blog sorry~

>> No.2562206

she looks like fka twigs i like it
face is good but right eye looks slightly too far right/large. also the detail in the disembodied hand is gorgeous as well as the shading on the tiddies/shoulders. the position of the shoulders is nice too.

but my main issue is w the hand- i feel like it's fingers are going everywhere and i can't really grasp what it's doing there. with an arm it would look better or just if you changed it so it was less confusing-like i cant tell what the finger all the way to the right is supposed to be. is it a thumb, is it a pinkie? we'll never know.


very very fun to look at and examine all the little detail.s the pose is pretty stiff. somehow i feel like you have to distinguish between the little details' outlines and the outside outline, or at least add contrast so things are easier to distinguish. love the color palettes! blog?

colors are fine but the facial features fucking kill me. not in a good way. the lips are too high and the nose is too small etc. the whole face is just compressed as fuck.loomis it up fa m

diggin the hands

>> No.2562245

I imagined him kind of like a moderate range fighter that shoots the McDonald's sauce but with some kind of twist like idk , acid sauce or something like that.

That or a magic machine that shoots burgers for no apparent reason.

>> No.2562261


>> No.2562265
File: 309 KB, 600x900, DSC_0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one using oils here? My first try.

>> No.2562306
File: 186 KB, 1090x1071, summoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This are actually really good, I might do something like this for other franchises like burger king and wendy's.

For now I'm doing a Pepsi summoner.

>> No.2562318

I got denied to the art school I wanted and just focused on IT. I fucking hate it. So I'm working on making up lost time.

>> No.2562337
File: 106 KB, 500x826, ssddawhhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2562347

lol thanks. i actually really like the concept, keep at it. pepsi summoner makes me absurdly happy.

>> No.2562386

>too thicc
lmao good one dude

>> No.2562409

Fucking hell there are people that will not understand this gem.

>> No.2562420

No pers, horrible anat, etc etc. Rendering is fairly nice, if inconsistent (it's a wip, ok).

>> No.2562424
File: 59 KB, 458x645, anatomii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always struggle with shading form digitally, for some reason I just get stuck, it's either I overwork it or underwork it or it just looks like shit. I think I just can't wrap my head around showing form with brush strokes or something, with just line art or contour I feel like I capture form better than when I shade. Has anyone else had the same feeling? And is there any tutorials or things that might help me understand what to do to get better form?

>> No.2562434

>personally I don't like spending 3 whole hours on something flawed.

Yeah they probably look like shit within the first 2 minutes in your case. No point in taking the drawing any farther than that amirite?

>> No.2562436

So edgy.

>> No.2562444

pls no bully

>> No.2562445

The usual, drawing in shapes/values, not line. Do some master studies where you don't do any linework before, you directly go with colors (or black and white if you want to see values better). Consider all the time that you spent thinking with lines, it will come with time too, but you need to practice it.

>> No.2562472

Jesus Christ, that fooled me for a second. Kek.

>> No.2562485


>> No.2562523

fucking neat

>> No.2562546

whos your dad ?

>> No.2562623

which art was yours and what did I say that you considered bullying?

>> No.2562627

lmfao, who thinks of this?

>> No.2562631

i like it :-) keep up the good work family
also the shoulderblades kinda look like buttcheeks

>> No.2562666

I like it, but the ear placement is pretty off. The seem to grow out of her cheek bones.

>> No.2562671

>lmfao, who thinks of this?
The practical application of a design? Not the OP of that artwork obviously.

>> No.2562673

Haha, I see what you mean. Thanks!

>> No.2562769

Shit you're right, it was fine when I first sketched it but i cropped some of her hair to the sides at one point and forgot to not select the ears

>> No.2562798

good movie

>> No.2563006
File: 193 KB, 1050x622, studie_pleinair2v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some google maps pleinair

>> No.2563010

He's a hobbyist, but he's taught me so much of what i know when it comes to art, so i felt like acknowledging that and him was appropriate.

That, and the fact that i love the guy.

>> No.2563017

Keep going. And don't forget to practice rendering materials, people tend to forget that.

I wish i just kept rendering for an hour or two when i was at your stage doing studies and what not, i'd improve alot quicker that way.

>> No.2563030
File: 259 KB, 1286x724, colors3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another update

I've posted the linework in an earlier thread

Yeah when I finish all the layers I'll change the shadows

>> No.2563130
File: 174 KB, 777x1027, forest_by_snappingkoala-da2m1mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips?

>> No.2563243
File: 37 KB, 800x1038, 13412060_1139661982756686_3758056546677428769_o.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not doing anything else to this. Hour or two sketch.

>> No.2563259

There isn't enough distortion/collapsing at your horizon.

If you draw a one point perspective grid you will notice that your river has issues.

>> No.2563271

>lmfao, who thinks of this?
>Not the OP
>Well, she can't. The idea was that the suit gives her some control over gravity, so to offset that her mobility is greatly reduced.


>> No.2563300
File: 343 KB, 1632x2327, ralFfF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2563303
File: 516 KB, 1740x3078, Clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2563314
File: 596 KB, 2300x4128, non_unnamed_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3:14 am (UTC -5)
A wip of a own character
I started just two hours ago and this what i have progressed.

>> No.2563332

New thread chuckle-fucks


>> No.2563335


Keep going anon, I like this

>> No.2564080

thanks, anon

>> No.2565095

i like the way you do water i feel like where the sun rays are going, there should be appropriate highlights/light on whatever they cast upon.
very cool :D dat ear looks a lil small tho
also and forgive me if i'm mistaken, but the back part of the head on the left that connects to the neck -- it looks a little off. maybe taper it down?
her body is incredible skinny and disproportionate! and the hands+feet are very clunky and not streamlined at all. get those references f.am
blog? :)