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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.57 MB, 1024x653, _mononoke___on_the_prowl__by_larienne-da3953l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2549549 No.2549549 [Reply] [Original]

Is there something wrong with cartoons and anime?

>> No.2549554

direct me to where you believe a piece of evidence resides in support of this claim

>> No.2549560

i like anime

>> No.2549564

personally, I think the grand majority of anime is shit
mostly for writing reasons

>that being said

Samurai Champloo and Mushishi are my two favorite works. And they aren't exactly visually striking works of the decade.

>> No.2549565

Most animus posted here are mediocre at best but fanboys keep treating them as if the creators are up there with the most skilled artists in existence. They're too dense to realize they only feel that way because they wanna bone the character and not because of the artistic merit of the piece.

>> No.2549568

Moe is the ultimate art form

>> No.2549570

Anime was designed for animation, so it's simplified as hell. Anime drawings have little originality and can never describe your skill level.
Jumping straight to anime without bassing it off of realism leads to a load of bad habits like flat faces, symbol drawing etc.

Not my opinion, just stating the facts.

>> No.2549574
File: 91 KB, 800x615, 1464316367457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you look past its rendering there's nothing special about the OP image. Most anime is also that way. Much flash, little substance. Easy to grow out of. It's only memorable when masterfully executed and not too formulaic. That said, most d/ic/ks seem to like anime.

>> No.2549575

While I agree with what you're saying

I think it stands to say that this comes from a position that favors accuracy over pure pleasing aesthetic.

again, I agree with the point your making, but wanna stay objective about it.

not OP

>> No.2549576

Sure, but let's not confuse "pure pleasing aesthetic" for "only enjoyable by muggles".

And god forbid you lay your hands on one of those how-to-draw anime books, those can fuck up your learning routine real good.

>> No.2549577

yeah, I'll definitely give you that.

>> No.2549578

um anime is 90% of this board, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.2549591

That shitty looking wolf is really ruining the whole picture for me

>> No.2549592

The sad truth.

>> No.2549593

>metallic nose
>balto ass face

>> No.2549594

This, holy fuck it's terribly done.

>> No.2549619
File: 727 KB, 1568x1093, 1373390731498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jumping straight to anime without bassing it off of realism leads to a load of bad habits like flat faces, symbol drawing etc.

Wrong. What matters is to have a strong basis in the fundamentals. Realism doesn't mean shit. There are plenty of wannabe realist painters on /ic/ who have the exact same problems that you mention and a whole bunch more, because they lack a good understanding of the fundamentals.

Anime style is made up of 3 dimensional shapes, often makes heavy uses of perspective, sometimes uses representational, stylized symbols for the face expressions and usually has fairly realistic anatomy for everything but the faces.

>Anime drawings have little originality and can never describe your skill level.

That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. If a drawing shows an understanding of the fundamentals, it clearly describes the skill level of the artist. The style it was drawn in doesn't matter one bit and neither does the fact whether or not it's original. That's just a subjective question of your personal taste. The most unoriginal paintings can show a ton of skill.

>> No.2549622

pic related reminds me of that one bit from Genius Party

>> No.2549644

>cartoons and anime
its for babbies anon

>> No.2549651

it is

>> No.2549652
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, 81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but you are wrong on this one.
Ask yourself what is it that makes the drawing you posted look so good.
It's the setting, the color palette, the realistic fabric, the volume and perspective of all the shapes...

- basically everything that has nothing to do with anime style. Anime only stylizes figures, everything else like buildings or vehicles is super-realistic. And don't you try to tell me that the figures is what uses heavy perspective or 3D shapes or that using "stylized symbols" for face expressions is a good idea.
Long story short, start off with anime and oh boy you're gonna regret it, sooner or later.

>> No.2549660


Not him but you could hardly call the background super-realistic.

If you're going to say that drawing anime figures doesn't show skill, try it yourself and compare it to others. You'll find it sorely lacking.

You're both pretty much saying the same thing anyway. Fundamentals matter. You're just moving the goalposts and saying that a certain style shows no skill. Well no shit, you need fundamentals to execute any style.

>> No.2549662

Draw it if you like it

Why is everyone so fucking obsessed with what opinions a bunch of strangers on the internet have in common?

>> No.2549669
File: 184 KB, 763x1000, 1874 Two Wine Glasses oil on canvas 45.7 x 36.8 cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unless you can paint like this you are fucking garbage and have no right to live.

>> No.2549685

I know..

>> No.2549746

newsflash: There is not a single fact everyone on ic believes. So ic does not hate anime, some do. Why do some do? Because they think its aesthetically not compelling.

>> No.2550137

They're gay and for little faggot babies.

>> No.2550141
File: 436 KB, 320x240, Modern-Day Philosophers Engaged in a Spirited Debate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2550142
File: 26 KB, 393x465, Aleister_Crowley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but anon i don't know how to make soft light over multiply over flats do that. More adjustment layers? What brush is that? I can't do that without special superpower brushes.

>> No.2552154

Yeah, everyone here wants to be an edgelord and shit on the already shitty anime art. A lot of anime IS shit, but that's because 80% is extremely generic. There's a difference between th generic crap anime and when someone knows their fundamentals and prefers to draw in a certain style. They don't want to believe that there can be a 'good' anime artist cause they're jealous that someone can make money off of drawing simplified humans.

>> No.2552157

Mushishi is gr8. What do you think of the show school rumble?