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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 123 KB, 807x861, 1459388076017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2548156 No.2548156 [Reply] [Original]

Can't draw anything right because I'm burning out.

>> No.2548159

Rest, go outside, relax a bit.
If you have to draw anyway draw something from your confort zone, doodle a little, draw thinks you like, no matter how they turn out.

>> No.2548183
File: 7 KB, 284x284, 1449257604355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you exercise at all? Do you go to sleep on time? Do you sleep enough? Do you eat healthy?

>> No.2548187

Do you do warmup exercises?

>> No.2548194

if you burn out, break the rules by drawing

you use to draw after coming from school? go to sleep early, wake up early, and draw before going to school

you use to draw under certain conditions? (noise, music, light, etc) draw in the exact opposite

do it for at least a session, to break the monotony then you can go back to your habits

>> No.2548203

The problem is I don't want to same-face everything and constantly thinking up unique ideas and poses leads me to burning out.

>> No.2548207

Never gonna make it

>> No.2548366

oh, I see, you are actually a beginner


>> No.2548367



>> No.2548389


Vary your exercises, Anon. Like other said, study fundamentals, it will give you new things to try and include in your next drawings.

>> No.2548392

No you don't understand, I don't like to repeat the same pose/expression twice because it feels like I'm same facing, so every drawing must be unique and original. So far I'm running out of ideas because I've done nearly everything and this is why I'm burning out.

>> No.2548394
File: 38 KB, 438x584, Hq4bhHe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not burning out. You're just a fucking faggot.

>> No.2548401


Do gestures on Posemaniacs. A lot. The random generator should spit out new stuff each time.

Do it.

>> No.2548405

Nothing you've ever drawn was unique or original. Stop obsessing over dumb shit like that, you are about 400 years too late to ever create anything that's never been done before as far as representational art goes.

>> No.2548412

draw things you suck at without caring if you'll improve. Maybe you're just worried you're not improving at the pace you set for yourself.

Or watch videos that inspire you.
I do that and play around with all the mediums I have to see what's fun at the moment.
You probably don't make art professionally, or for money, so it doesn't matter if you draw shit right now, it all contributes to you not drawing like shit down the road.

>> No.2550803

no, no, no, ye-no

>> No.2550804

Good, that means you're putting your art before anything else.

>> No.2550813

"A self-respecting artist must not fold his hands on the pretext that he is not in the mood"- Tchaikovsky

>> No.2550815

Well, it's a good thing we're not self-respecting artists.

>> No.2550817


>> No.2551012

what the fuck is up with her arm

>> No.2551061

Could someone tell me what the deal is with this picture? I've seen it posted a million times and I can't figure out why it pops up so often. I see it's pretty well drawn and everything but lots of pictures are well drawn. Is it the expression?

>> No.2552564

its one guy posting multiple threads in between cheeto binges.

>> No.2552630
File: 681 KB, 593x746, feng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2552635

I've been seeing it posted constantly for years though and not just on /ic/.

>> No.2552742

get some sleep, clear your head, try not to kill yourself. Unless you have El Sparko.

>> No.2552784


>> No.2553177

Your ideas won't improve if you don't do the brute work and practice exercises.

>> No.2553380


You're not getting enough sleep? Here is why you shouldn't stay up late drawing. Sleep is a major part of the learning process. If you weaken your quality of sleep you will weaken how well your brain is rebuilding itself to learn a skill while you are sleeping.

When you are sleep deprived you will also perform worse during the day while you are trying to learn. So you will learn less while you are awake as well.

Do not sacrifice sleep if you want to get good at drawing or anything else.

After an exercise session there is more blood flow to the brain and your brain performs better for a short period of time. If you had your practice sessions right after your exercise you would improve faster.

Exercise also helps combat bad moods which also includes discouragement and other negative thoughts which hinder the learning process.
Check out the /fit/ sticky and they'll give you a better idea of how to train to get into shape

>> No.2553387

Here meant to quote >>2550803

Also don't keep pushing through burnout. Take a break and make sure you're hydrated and find some material to watch to motivate yourself to keep getting good. You don't want to start believing you can't do this. If that were true there would be no point in trying in the first place. You try because you know deep down inside you can get good at this.

And you know what? You're right. You can get good at this. Start believing in yourself anon.

>> No.2553439

people post it because cute girl + nicely drawn + disgruntled expression

>> No.2553597

Clearly, since burnt his passed tents, You shed bee flint.

>> No.2556044

>trusting slavs

>> No.2556474

When I'm feeling burned out I read/watch/play good media so that i can stock up on fandoms to draw for later

>> No.2559845

I have a love hate for art "gurus"

rarely are these guys ever someone I look up to as artists, they offer great "no shit" advice and some good tutorials. But there's always a patreon link or buy my prints link embedded somewhere.

I have no money for you cunt. Still, thanks for giving back to the community anyway.

>> No.2559849

>ever folding your arms ever

>> No.2559933

it's recently being posted again. I used to fap to that pic a lot on /v/