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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 518 KB, 723x1023, 1463528804276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2532713 No.2532713 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.
Please stay on topic.
Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered

Previous thread >>2514823

>> No.2532714
File: 554 KB, 978x651, 744a554f4d7f5445bd22fc9f9f49bd12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm looking for an artist who can colour like this.
Can anyone here/does anyone know who can colour/shade like this whom I can commission?

>> No.2532740
File: 2.10 MB, 1200x3847, 1423421094283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2532741

Why are these threads so dead now?

>> No.2532751

This is a fetish I didn't know I had.

>> No.2532756


>/ic/ - self promotion and samefag advertising

>> No.2532757

furries aren't allowed anymore and they chased away the only good artists that were posting quality artworks and redlines.

>> No.2532759

how many layers does your tinfoil hat have?

>> No.2532777 [DELETED] 
File: 562 KB, 2480x1763, Tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I made

>> No.2532785

looks like shit, now fuck off

can you read the rules?

>> No.2532863


this looks like you took a photo you found on tumblr, drew on top of it, and then tried to stylize the body to make it into porn. Also, tigers don't have hair you fucking maymay.

>> No.2532871

I really hope this traced pile of shit will also be the last.

>> No.2532921

Because of that jealous shitposter. Nobody wants to post their work here while that guy is at his shitty job, frustrated because even with his 10+ years of studies and learnings, now watches how beginners and rookies start out of the blue doing porn and earning more in 1 month than what he can make in 1 year.
Its basically that.

>> No.2532923

wow, this actually makes a lot of sense, I'll have to try it.

is this basically how a lot of shading in digital art works?

>> No.2532932


can anyone post the deleted picture?

>> No.2532935

ok wait a sec

>> No.2532936

you seem to be missing the point of why it was deleted

or you could just use 4chan x plugin

>> No.2532975

sent ;)

>> No.2533013

yeah. that's a very common way of digital coloring/painting.

someone sounds butthurt.

>> No.2533024

well fuck I've been doing it wrong

all this time I've been trying to emulate the sharp defining edges by doing each little bit of shading on a new layer, using an eraser to make the edge, then continuing on with a new layer


>> No.2533042


>> No.2533048
File: 353 KB, 1280x1216, 1459176043320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no rules just tools

>> No.2533084

some shithead is chasing away all regular artists who aren't kayle. why would he choose him as somebody to look up to is beyond me.

>> No.2533091

I don't think that's the case. there's an idiot that is trying to make kyle look bad by posting his art, so that people think it's kyle that is shilling his own stuff.
that cancerous douchebag is not looking up to him. he's just jealous.

>> No.2533098

copy and paste is a tool. so are you.

>> No.2533125

Who's the artist of the original post?

>> No.2533127
File: 99 KB, 745x1053, whycantidraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work in progress obviously. Time to colour it- the part I dread.

>> No.2533136

dickbrains can please GTFO to /aco/. thank you.

>> No.2533138

>Time to colour
nope, sry. it's time to do 100-200 more of these. unless you are one of those turd polishing artists. are you?

>> No.2533139

Aco is just about the porn aspect. We are here to discuss techniques and show our art, even if it'd NSFW- it makes more sense to post it on the artboard.

Plus my art is not good enough to put on /aco/

>> No.2533142


Not that guy and not even porn artist, but you and >>2533136 are too harsh. Nothing wrong with rendering a bit few of your sketches. It's fun and still you learn some. You just have to remember not to spend too much time on it and move to drawing more sketches.

>> No.2533144

I said that because this is obviously a dickbrain that wants to fap to the guys art and doesn't give a shit about giving any kind of critique.

>> No.2533149

There's nothing wrong with doing it that way.

>> No.2533150

the sooner these shitty porn threads disappear the better the board will be.

>> No.2533153

Link to his blog?

>> No.2533170

>being this insecure
all my keks

>> No.2533179

I'm the guy from >>2533139 how was I being harsh? Were you responding to >>2533138? Cos I never said you can't colour sketches

>> No.2533181

Anyone know the source of the op image

>> No.2533185

>you can't colour bad sketches
there, fixed.

>> No.2533187


>dickbrains can please GTFO to /aco/. thank you.

>> No.2533213
File: 114 KB, 535x757, NSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finished something from a while ago

you mean like ishikei? there's hundreds of clones of him in japan but you'd need to speak japanese and most of them aren't too keen on the idea of commissions...i don't know a whole lot of western artists who go out of their way to specifically emulate ishikei

>> No.2533225

go to
repeat that step 100x times.

>> No.2533230

why anon? what do you do when you go to a museum and see a naked figure?
or even better, what happens if you are watching a film at the theatre and suddenly a sex scene appears? do you wake up and leave the place? or do you try to close and rage on the product?

even one more example, you dont want porn isnt it? are you a religion radicalist? are you ashamed of your own body? does it look to tits and asses make you unconfortable or are you still a boy whose parents dont allow to come to 18+ websites?
what are you doing in a nsfw thread then? please leave and come back when you grow up. thanks.

>> No.2533252
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, TUwDceb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>actually thinking shitty animu hentai porn threads is in any way comparable to artistic nudity in museums.
>thinking a porn thread has its place on an art thread instead of /h/ or /d/

>> No.2533260

so drawing porn and erotic art doesnt belong to /ic/?
please, tell me more, anon.

>> No.2533261

True, I don't question that. Bad decision to colour a sketch if it's utter shit. I was just confused as to why that guy called ME harsh when I wasn't even the one talking about sketching.

My comment was on whether porn should be on /ic/ so I'm confused as to why I'm now in some discussion about colouring sketches

>> No.2533268

dear anon, have you noticed this board its a nsfw board? you dont need to thank me for the info

>> No.2533301
File: 2.80 MB, 2500x1875, Tsubaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my last drawing and the truth is that there is something which I didn't like.
I would like you give my tips to do it better.

>> No.2533310

her left foot looks like a fucking hand and your proportions are wrong on the left leg, adding to the weird factor to that side of her

>> No.2533316

go to the beginner thread, I know this might seem harsh but you are just polishing a turd and there is nothing we could tell you to improve on other than EVERYTHING

instead of telling yourself you are too good for the beginning thread and that we are just trying to put you down, listen to that part which is telling you there is something off with your drawing, and then compare your work to one of your favorite artists and decide to up them

if you has shit taste in artists... well, get better taste nigga

>> No.2533318

I think that post is bait.

>> No.2533418

Foreshortening is crap
> https://mega.co.nz/#!yEVH0RzI!hExkmbL9WTEV20aI10De7q9J4rf3t3A6uluz4cT9FbM [perspective made easy]
Pillowshading is crap,
> vk DOT com SLASH doc25354472_262504889 [ james gurney - color and lighting ]
Patreon takes 1/3 of the picture
You have a patreon while you obviously still grasp the concept of anatomy (I don't know where that right leg starts)
Background is flat as a pancake and pasting real life textures seems lazy and sticks out badly
> vk DOT com SLASH doc366484900_437540636 [ Drawing Scenary by Jack Hamm ]

Also, I don't like the feet.
>>>/h/4240899 Use them as a reference and do a master study of the pics you like.

>> No.2533447
File: 256 KB, 1600x1198, Marienne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about glorious /ss/

>> No.2533451
File: 58 KB, 600x600, Laddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2533461
File: 326 KB, 800x680, 1429576362696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't get this much attention from my drawings when I post anymore.

>> No.2533472

You've either improved enough that people don't consider you a hopeless newbie anymore or you're so shit that people have told you the same thing over and over and they grew tired of it.

>> No.2533478
File: 267 KB, 1336x837, ss+(2016-05-23+at+05.05.49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2533494


Funny I was just downloading a bunch of Ishikei pics today. I love the way he paints skin. Do you know anyone with a similar style on his level?

>> No.2533505

No /ss/
No /ll/
No nothing, punk

>> No.2533520

saying the harsh truth in your scrubby faces make you guys run away? awwww. you poor little thingies.
trust me kid, it's much better for you to drop everything now and find a normal job if you are so easily demotivated. fucking sissy..

>> No.2533525

commercial art doesn't belong to /ic/? really?
fucking kek. please GTFO tardo.

>> No.2533529

haha, omg. please dude, learn what foreshortening is. seriously. I can't even look at this piece of garbage. I don't even know where to start.

>> No.2533535

we have our own insecurities anon, so it's easy to give a shitty artist critique

>> No.2533539

Im wondering, have you ever posted your art here anon? Im curious about how would it be.

>> No.2533544


>Empowered porn

Fuck yeah for concept alone. I see that you even tried to emulate artists original style.

>> No.2533570

it's down right criminal the lack of good porn of comic, since it itself is basically soft core.

Any feedback?

>> No.2533574

and never will.
I'm too well know to risk being recognized and having some assburgers start a personal vendetta.

>> No.2533586

>t. liar

>> No.2533591

This is pretty flawed. The perspective on the tits on the right is off, you don't know how to draw the muscles of the leg and how to connect the thigh to the lower leg. The armpit makes no sense. She's being penetrated through her peehole/clitoris instead of where the vaginal entrance is. That's just for structure alone (and there's tons of other smaller mistakes). Then there's the pretty insecure and scratchy gesture of the lineart, and I won't even start with how boring the composition is.
Well, at least you know how to draw symbol faces. It's a shame though, since every single beginner out there seems to be a master in that field.

You need to put more training into your fundamentals. Perspective and gesture training above all. If you can't draw powerful and extreme povs (for which you need to have a very good perspective knowledge), your compositions will always look boring. And if you don't improve your gesture, your characters will always look lifeless.

Sorry for the harsh critique. Just my honest opinion.

>> No.2533600

see. that's one of those assburgers I mentioned.

>> No.2533615
File: 773 KB, 1200x999, EMPLOWED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked for the feedback, no need to apologize.

I was going more for a view underneath, my idea didn't translate apparently? I will say that this is no where near final line work, for what it's worth.

>> No.2533618

forgot reply

>> No.2533620

Real talk, can't I just post my furry/pony images here, but just censor the tail/head/whatever so it looks human enough? I like criticism and this is a good place usually

>> No.2533622

yeah. I think that is totally allowed.

>> No.2533626

Ok, now it's much more readable and I guess I've been way too harsh with you about the construction and perspective part. I can do a quick redline of some areas that need refinement if you want. It's mostly just perspective corrections.

>> No.2533630

I'd really appreciate, thanks!

>> No.2533651
File: 474 KB, 1200x1600, i need help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's bad. I need feedback.

>> No.2533655

don't photograph on an angle, hard to evaluate.

>> No.2533666

There is nobody, that's why he's got so many clones. Go Masahiro is someone rather popular who colors in a similar way, I suppose. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=18158

>> No.2533668

Use a scan app. Cant see jack captain

>> No.2533743

I didn`t know Trump was in Home Alone 2.

>> No.2534978
File: 80 KB, 203x408, pounding2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's extremely rough right now
You can laugh if you want to that's okay
I'm not sure how to animate the tentacle going in yet
still have the legs and stuff to do I'm aware

>> No.2535318

Are you honestly defending the sanctity of critique on a porn thread? Are you really that autistic? If you want constructive criticism, you go to another thread. This one is solely focusing on ass and titties you uptight twat.

>> No.2535353

Do tits last dude
I know it's fun and everything but tits jiggling is a secondary action and should be done after all the other motions are down.

>> No.2535381

Thanks, that should make things smoother
Appreciate it this is only my second animation

>> No.2535401 [DELETED] 

>I am butthurt because I know I have a dickbraing and you are hurting my dickbrain feelings.
>you are that autistic, not me
time to pick one, my little tardo friend.

>> No.2535404

this is so fucking bad.

>> No.2535408

>I am butthurt because I know I have a dickbrain and you are hurting my dickbrain feelings.
>you are that autistic, not me
time to pick one, my little tardo friend.

>> No.2535412

Besides doing the primary motions first, you should also draw the whole animation in rough to see if it looks good and then to the necessary adjustments, instead of trapping yourself with finalized lineart. (Most of the effort you spent in drawing this all cleaned up is now going into waste)

>> No.2535489


>> No.2535581


>> No.2535662

source is soapmonster. he doesn't do a lot of what the op image has.

>> No.2535679
File: 164 KB, 692x690, sketch5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google 12 principles of animation

>> No.2535773
File: 1.02 MB, 1294x1844, rosalina autopaizuri cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still slow, but how'd this turn out?

>> No.2535775

I assume the bigger (and I don't mean just taller) body size of Rosalina is intentional.

Time for an anticipation fap.

>> No.2535776

Yeah I made her bigger than peach cause I'm into that

>> No.2535777

muh dick

>> No.2535778

You could also explain it with Rosalina being Cruiser class while Peach is only Light.

>> No.2535779

I took a look at this. the only pics that are okay, are the frontal shots with very simple poses. as soon as you are involved with more complex poses you start doing blatant mistakes. perspective and foreshortening are what you want to study. A LOT!

>> No.2535781

>as soon as you are involved with more complex poses you start doing blatant mistakes
>perspective and foreshortening
Uh, examples of this? I took a peek at the gallery and didn't really find anything that would fit into those two criteria.

>> No.2535784

other than being pretty flat (both shading and lineart make it look like this), this is a neat pic. if you want your smut to look more appealing and hot try to avoid these boring shots with little to no dynamics. emphasize the perspective more.

>> No.2535792

You open to commissions?

>> No.2535797

Alright, I could try more dynamatic stuff next time.

I got scolded for doing this last thread, but email me youdegenerate@gmail.com no promises though.

>> No.2535800

I don't know if anon wants me to post links to their pictures. my critique was aimed at them, and based on their skill I'm sure they will get what I mean. look for foreshortened knees, elbows and palms. typical recurring beginner's mistakes.

>> No.2535801

I'm the artist. No, you can go right ahead, I'd like to know. I'm on /ic/ for a reason.

>> No.2535802

>I got scolded for doing this last thread, but email me youdegenerate@gmail.com no promises though.

>> No.2535816

oh, cool.

bad foreshortening of her right arm. you didn't apply the correct shading at the change of direction of the forearm below the elbow. now the arm looks like it's too short.

bad foreshortening of her left upper arm. the perspective of her short sleeve is off and now her upper arm looks too short.
same problem with wrong perspective on her right leg. the thigh perspective doesn't make sense combined with the lower leg's one, or vice versa.

wrong elbow construction on her left arm. both hands look stiff. too little confidence with the gesture there. especially her right hand looks like a the side of a facehugger, because you did the foreshortening of the palm wrong (the fingers are too long and the meaty part of the palm is too short).

her right knee is way too flat because of the wrong foreshortened construction and shading.

bad foreshortening on her right upper arm. the perspective on the sleeve is slightly off. same goes for the construction of the bending of the elbow.

her entire left arm is off. again the most prominent error is the construction of the elbow and it's bending. the flat shading doesn't help.


these are the recurring errors that totally ruin your art for me. it my sound like nitpicking, but I'm an artist and I can't just overlook mistakes that to me look this obvious.

>> No.2535826

I'm aware of some of these and just didn't know how to fix them(mostly foreshortening), but some of the other ones are intentional, like with how I draw elbows and knees. This isn't meant as an excuse, but I have zero formal training so it's often hard to get actual critique and fix issues before I get too far in really janky territory, so thanks.

>> No.2535831

yeah, I can tell you learned everything by copying other anime artists. it's very obvious. your symbol drawing and the really flat anatomy give you away. if you don't care about getting good at anatomy so that even when it's stylized it still looks realistic, then just keep doing what you are doing. dickbrains will still worship you, as you can see in this thread.
but if you really care to improve as an artist, and some day be actually able to call your art really yours and not just a copy, then I suggest you get a step back and learn some perspective and anatomy fundamentals and try to implement it into your art. develop your own style and stop being a copycat.

>> No.2535864

Whoa, calm down there dude. I do care, and I never said I didn't. I appreciate your critique, but calling the whopping 1 reply I got 'dickbrains' says a lot about your outlook on others. I'll work on all of it as I continue to draw--that's just how it works and I'm sure you know that. Personal growth is something that comes with time, and I don't plan on stagnating if I can help it. I wouldn't have asked in here otherwise. In the meantime, you might want to try some introspection yourself and deal with that passive aggression.

>> No.2535879
File: 43 KB, 628x785, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really rough sketch, wanting some critique before I start lining

>> No.2535895

Damn this board is TOO hostile and aggressive. There are plentier of ways for saying things and you are really using a very disgusting one.

>> No.2535900

And then they wonder why nobody posts here.

>> No.2535940
File: 119 KB, 962x680, request.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any feedback senpais?

>> No.2535948

I see you have some points here and there. Some I kinda agree with, some that are not even worth mentioning, but you manage to blow it way out of proportion, at least in my opinion.
>that totally ruin your art for me
...Yeah, right.
>but I'm an artist and I can't just overlook mistakes
Yeeeah. Maybe it's better I don't elaborate on your views for the sake of keeping this thread being overly insulting.

(Before anyone loses their shit, I'm not Magister myself.)

>> No.2535953
File: 239 KB, 1280x960, 1390782694805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then they wonder why nobody posts here.

Probably because posting anything remotely loli may warrant a reported post and possible ban desu senpai

>> No.2535974

would look better if the foot on her extended leg wasnt shattered in a horrible accident

>> No.2535976

look, don't take my words too seriously. you have some good sides to your art and I am sure people can appreciate that. but what I said is the harsh reality of smut art. dickbrains are the masses that look at your art just to jerk off to it. you can totally adapt to them and draw everything just to cater to their needs, or you can be more self critic and try to improve for your own sake. that's all I wanted to say.

>> No.2535978

neck too short
feet are at weird angles
right leg positioned weird
work on the hands
work on the hair
work on the face in general desu

other than that, there's potential

>> No.2535979

harsh reality is my middle name. man up and deal with it, or be a sissy and cry about it like you are doing now. your choice.

>> No.2535983

if with nobody you mean 16 year old sissies who don't have a backbone that can withstand this kind of critique, then I'm fucking glad.

>> No.2535988

don't worry. the thing here is that I'm just used to better level of skill. beginners mistakes always ruin art for me. always. please top assuming you know better.
and as I said in my post. I was nitpicking based on my art skill point of view. of course you can overlook all those mistakes. but that doesn't mean they're not still there.
and, again, as I said already, I'm sure a lot of normies/dickbrains will never notice them.

>> No.2535989

post art

>> No.2535991

>le cringe meme

>> No.2535992

It's you again. You really need to have a better understanding of "guidance" with your word choice. Stop projecting. That's what I see every time you give advice. Everything you said here >>2535816 was all that was needed to point out all the problems that artist had, and you were correct about them. Here's one thing you don't project when giving any general advice, however;
> these are the recurring errors (that totally ruin your art for me). it my sound like nitpicking, (but I'm an artist) and I can't just overlook mistakes (that to me look this obvious).
Speak in general. Not every one is you, nor is every opinion is yours. I don't think his foreshortening isn't flawed, as mentioned, it has it's quirkiness in some appearances, but this "muh realism" mentality needs to stop being forced so critically in a non realistic piece of work. It depends on how the artist wants it to work for his characters, as long as it fits and people don't mind it looking "different" compared to how you're used to it; like >>2535773 for a general example.
>>2535831 All of this is personal opinion. This "muh animu symboldrawing" shit needs to die as well. While I myself don't recommend the overuse of "Samefacing" or general eastern cartoon artstyle without making some unique stylizations out of it from your own style, but it's again, up to the artist. Their are many artist that does this, and whether or not this artist does the same, it doesn't matter. That being said, >>2535816 is what does need general improving to vary up that artist's art pieces overall, but I would suggest lighting as the stronger focus imo. Everything does look rather "too lit up" and general depth is loss in the end.

>> No.2535994

how many hours do you spend on this board? I wonder if you really have a job or anything worthwhile.
You keep repeating you are an artist but you are too afraid to show your art.

>> No.2535995

not everything is a meme idiot
nice way to avoid posting your art though you worthless piece of trash

>> No.2535998

I'm not even the OP tho lol

>> No.2535999

also, my aggression isn't passive at all. I really put effort into it. and it's meant to make artists really, hardly think about what I said. the smart ones will understand. the others probably aren't made of the right stuff anyway.

>> No.2536000
File: 82 KB, 203x408, pounding (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took yalls advice and saving boobies (and also like up and down motion) for last
sorry for the hair flash also it scares me
any better?

>> No.2536002

right after you kill yourself. sry, that's my policy for posting art for you lowlifes.

>> No.2536004

yeah but you're a stupid memester faggot of the same quality so everything that i've said applies to you as well.

>> No.2536007

never posted my art on 4chan and never will.
sorry f-a-m.

>> No.2536008

Not the OP, but in my opinion, harsh criticism isn't that big of a deal. Yeah he comes off as an asshole, but good critiques in these porn threads are rare enough as it is. I really don't get why you fuckers complain and whine so much every times someone deals a CRITIQUE on a board called ARTWORK CRITIQUE. Dude, this is 4chan, if you're going to post here asking for honest critiques, don't expect a fluffy highschool art teacher answer to everything.

Personally, when I critique, I am not as dick-y about it, what what I'm trying to say is that you take what you can get. As far as I can tell his critiques are pretty relevant.

>> No.2536010

Referring to your audience as 'dickbrains' isn't productive no matter what your demographic actually is. I can't fap to completely borked art and that's a truth for most people. To imply that I'm only drawing smut because I don't care about artistic value(which isn't true, given a handful of the things you yourself critiqued are not smut) just makes it sound like a vendetta. I've done what studies I can manage without formal training(can't afford school), and I'm working to improve. You don't have to give me any credit, but your tone is crazy condescending, work on that. I'd keep going, but it's apparent from >>2535979 >>2535983 you're kind of edgy just for the sake of being edgy, so I'll just say thanks for the initial critique again and I'll quit replying.

If you're being openly aggressive then you're not fostering any kind of growth. You're lucky my skin is pretty fucking thick and I can pick out the personal insecurities in your posts from the actual info. You don't have to be a drill sergeant on an anonymous image board to point out what someone needs to do to improve. Your first post was great, everything after that has just made you seem more than a little petulant.

>> No.2536014

nah, sry dude. muh style will never be something that will be more important than obvious mistakes. you can go on about this all day long and it will never become true. stylization is something you apply to realism to make your art differentiate from other and/or to make your process easier.
if someone learns to stylize by taking in other people's mistakes, that may be a choice, but it's a wrong one nonetheless.

>> No.2536016

dude you need so much more practice it's not even funny. I know it's hard to see but there is nothing appealing about this gif to any kind of viewer. You need to get good at art before even thinking about doing moving gifs. Movement is 100 times harder to get down than a static pose, and as far as I can tell you probably can't do a regular pose that well to begin with. Just practice, practice practice (loomis meme lel) until you feel really confident in your art.

Personal note: I think the book "drawing with the right side of the brain" is a pretty good starting point. My art teacher in highschool used it as a framework to teach beginners and every student that cared about art came out of his class a better artist.

good luck!

>> No.2536018

>"youre gay bro"
>haha jokes on you i DO suck dick so THERE

this is you

>> No.2536020

I think people are expecting you to animate the whole body, including the pelvis, torso and the head.

>> No.2536021

>thick skin
>still whining

What the fuck is up with you people.

Not OP again, but seriously dude your art is fucking amazing, there is no way you get much criticism anyway, and the one time you do, you can't fucking handle it. Just drop it, it's not a big deal. "dickbrain" = thinking with your dick

>> No.2536022

i really couldn't care less about you and what you think about me. kek. seriously. I told you what's wrong with your art. now take it or leave it.
stop fucking trying to be my mom and go study some foreshortening. preferably from rl pics or models and not from fundamentally flawed anime artists.

>> No.2536024

No, that was his critique to him.

>> No.2536027

replying != whining

>> No.2536031

I know I know, the guy is just giving his whole life story and shit. It's not relevant. Lets just move on

>> No.2536032

what this guy said. ffs, seriously people. are you all a bunch of fucking underage sissies? GTFO!

>> No.2536037

and I should care about this whaaaay?
I fucking love how frustrated you little scrubbies get every single fuckign time kek.

>> No.2536051
File: 1.22 MB, 1024x1448, sona___league_of_legends_by_bunnie_chi-d9hqrvh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I get a bit of a feedback please?

>> No.2536054


>> No.2536058

I'm sorry anon but you need to start from square 1. With... most everything. Read the book I mention


>> No.2536063

quoted wrong post: just read "drawing with the right side of the brain" before you do anything

>> No.2536065

> Personally, when I critique, I am not as dick-y about it, what what I'm trying to say is that you take what you can get. As far as I can tell his critiques are pretty relevant.
That's my entire point of my post. I said twice before his critique was valid, that wasn't what I said wasn't true. I said; >>2535831 wasn't necessary. That's all. Dickish or not, it's nothing but personal agenda. Not something that applies to every artist, nor does every audience. You don't project yourself, your opinion/taste as a argument. If you don't get this, then I'm sorry for not making that clear enough it may seem.
Tell this to every art teacher that's been in the art field longer than you have. Cuz I highly fucking doubt you have a life being a "professional" artist, being on fucking 4chan of all places. I'm here to learn from the ground up, and every person here is as well, no one is high level on this damn board. Once you've "got gud", you would NOT be staying on this fucking site to learn what you fucking know already. That's why every one of "muh opinion" you're projecting on others to make yourself sound like God Almighty makes you pointless and worthless. If you're really here to teach, go to a University and TEACH. Being on 4chan means shit all about any thing you give off as "advice" on a professional level.

>> No.2536071
File: 360 KB, 540x321, furio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2536072

can you stop fucking posting your blog and arguing with children

>> No.2536077

this guy is just a frustrated anon who couldnt success in the industry or with his works so the only thing he can do now is bashing on others work.
Its the typical troll behaviour, failure at life and coming to 4chan acting like a god.

>Im far better than any of you but I wont post my shit because its 4chan lol

>> No.2536079

Holy shit her vagina looks fucking repulsive. I mean, this isn't half as bad as the other gif that was posted in here but it's definitely not good. The one thing that is fairly OKAY is her facial expression. her mouth seems to "float" around her face a lot though. Try watching a porno frame by frame as a reference a few times or something like that.

>> No.2536083

ok, then, since it seems you really can't let off of this one, I'll have to ask you directly I guess.
did your art studies involve copying or referencing other anime artist's styles or not?
I am absolutely sure you did this and with that you took in the bad habits too.
so what's your answer? now I'm really curious if I'm wrong.

also, please stop being butthurt already. you look like a little whining bitch kek.

>> No.2536087

Gotta say something constructive ...uhh.

The line work varies between blurry and sharp, giving it a very unstable look in a bad way!

>> No.2536117

There's a lot of good, but I am going to skip to what I consider the main negative points:

- Those button-nipple tits seem to dance on their own, not really according to the main motion of the fucking.
- I don't really agree with the facial expression. It seems like she's silently saying like a response of dismissive, casual and content "Whatevs, wanker!" with it.
- The vagina looks like an uncanny alien mouth spitting drool all over the place, but don't feel like giving my final judgement on it yet because I'm not what it would look in the final version with all the content in place.
- Her actual mouth seems to give off a weird yelp. "Wan!" (the Jap dog barking sound)

>> No.2536136

fair critic - about her tits: I'll put her in a moving car, it's mad max after all.

>> No.2536137

That would have been nice to know.

>> No.2536151

I actually like that a lot anon, I wish I could see any finished art like this one

>> No.2536302
File: 147 KB, 720x400, old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to do requests on other boards for fun like... two years ago? my technique has improved so much since then so im thinking about getting back into it. do y'all think that porn gains a following faster?

>> No.2536307


>> No.2536376
File: 883 KB, 896x1304, 2f5675dbf2b76c7853687f0eb3f8b58e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My situation still stands.
Can anyone here/does anyone know who can colour/shade like this?

>like ishikei
Er, close, but not quite. Heck, I'm looking for something even more simple in terms of polish. Also, it looks like your style is close enough to what I'm looking for. Do you think you can imitate exactly what I want? Easy job, I promise.

>> No.2536392

any competent artist can color like this. just commissions somebody and stop spamming this thread already.

>> No.2536413

Sorry dude but if this is you "improved" technique you must've been darkly bad at drawing before.


start from square one. Drawabox, drawing with the right side of the brain, vilppu, etc etc

>> No.2536417

Do you mind if I send you email? I asked you for email, you're not here begging for money.

>> No.2536421

I posted my email so people could use it. Go ahead man I won't stop you

>> No.2536462

all this fucking cringe. my eyes are bleading.

>> No.2536475


drawabox and right side of the brain are shit, though.

>> No.2536483
File: 527 KB, 1024x1448, RedLine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not used to redlining/critiquing, so take this with a grain of salt.
My 2¢
1. Seems like you're not thinking of the body as a whole. It looks like you just connect symbols of body parts together as an after thought without knowing how they actually work or what forms they have. Try doing more gestures and study anatomy to get a feel for how the body is put together.

2. There are a lot of things that are out of proportion. The hands and the legs being the most noticeable. No lower leg? Hands are generally as large as the face. The forearm and the humerus are about the same length/volume as well.

3. There's no weight to the figure. She's just floating there. Ground the figure?

>> No.2536490

No, fundamentals are not shit.

>> No.2536496


those aren't fundies you fucking parrot.

>> No.2536513


Are they shit or not? I'm doing drawabox either way, but I'm curious why you're so outspoken on it being bad, Anon #2

>> No.2536525

bro, dont deprive us of future memes what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.2536529

Probably because he can't draw a straight line without chicken scratching, i.e. a fundamental drawing skill.

>> No.2536533

Vilppu sensei

God bless

>> No.2536544
File: 52 KB, 250x404, upside down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we look so far

>> No.2536547


you're a fucking idiot if you think drawabox is more useful than scott robertson or the like. shut the fuck up yoy bottom-feeding cunt.


yes they are shit, people will recommend them because they don't know any better and love to follow the hive-mind of /ic/. remember kids, only 4-5 people here are even close to being decent, everyone else is just regurgitating what other people tell them to.

>> No.2536553

>"remember kids"
cringe city

>> No.2536555
File: 1.59 MB, 425x247, 1447817791249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2536566

Dude you REALLY can't take any critisism.
Just calm down holy fuck.

>> No.2536571

Adjust the gesture

But the main issue I see is the belly and pelvis. The abdomen is too long and the vagina leg combo looks like a penis.

The boobs look solid, and not boob like imho.

The arm's attachment to the torso should be slightly closer to the body.

Finally, the head looks awkward in that position

>> No.2536593

Thank you bby <3

>> No.2536703

I'll take it as a yes. also, chill princess.

>> No.2536713

If you make the adjustments that one critic pointed out this will be pretty fucking hot

>> No.2536720
File: 209 KB, 500x1288, upside down (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any better?
and I just did a little skin coloring for practice, if it should still be adjusted that's no biggeroo

uhhh I actually blushed

>> No.2536721

I also think there's another issue, in some of these pictures the characters' boobs might be a bit too large compared to proportions you'd usually expect.

>> No.2536732

FYI, that wasn't me that posted >>2536065. It was clear you weren't going to reason without going kekekek so I just gave up and just listened to reason: >>2536021

>> No.2536757

the head's position is better, but my crits here >>2536571 still stand. Dont be afraid to take a break and study while youre working on this

>> No.2536861

:/ Can't help trying to help

>> No.2536955

if you want to bait, at least give it some effort ffs.
my question still stands.
you're not going to answer?

>> No.2536958

Any aintsmart fans here tonight?

>> No.2537015

bruh if you learn to read those are drawings from two years ago. the file name is old.png

>> No.2537018

i'm the guy who posted the drawings btw,
>>2536547 please dont associate me with this dude lol

>> No.2537322
File: 102 KB, 500x1288, upside down3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2537495
File: 195 KB, 1500x1058, sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake me up

>> No.2537508


> >>579290
> >>2536826

>> No.2537517 [DELETED] 

yo I can't post nekkid boobies there tho

>> No.2537520

You're wrong.

>> No.2537524

This is a red board. You can and you should. Go read a figure drawing book.

>> No.2537528

wake up right into the beginner thread

>> No.2537539

>has a couple of doxy tutorials on hd
>professional armchair artist now
>Won't dare to redline over drawings and instead lists things that are wrong. (Such clarity!) or else it would betray lack of knowledge and understanding of form.

>> No.2537560

nah, you don't. you aren't even close to having anything.
as the other anon said, gtfo to the beginner thread.

>> No.2537570

I got it from the three other people in front of you, thanks for beating a dead horse though.

>> No.2537584
File: 983 KB, 1366x768, asdfghjklkjhgfdfghjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a ref. dont be afraid to scrap the drawing and start over in an adjusted pose/gesture.

maybe put this drawing on hold and study gesture and anatomy fampai

>> No.2537589


You just finished seeing whiplash for the first time eh?.

>> No.2537592

That's fucking disgusting, m8.

>> No.2537600

Cool? The pose in the pic is similar to anons drawing, thought it would help said anon

>> No.2537642

Dude it does help Thank you

>> No.2537667

what the fuck are you still doing here.
GTFO scrub.

>> No.2537669


Nah, you gtfo 'cause you're BTFO thinking you're jk simmons or something.

>> No.2537676

you are never going to be good unless you start taking what you are doing seriously. and if you don't care to make it then GTFO to deviantart or something, pathetic spineless scrub.

>> No.2537686


And you're never going to get anything out of anyone coming in here , bashing everyone's artwork without any proof of your own work 'cause muh vendettas.

You do realize 99% of the people here are hobby artists and not professional ones? Its not your jazz club you can mangle around mister discount simmons.

>> No.2537691

I was replying to someone who was actually being nice to me? I can lurk calm down. we can make out if you want.

>> No.2537718

compared to me whiplash's simmons is a fucking amateur. GTFO.

here >>2536826 is where you want to start replying, scrubby piece of crap.

>> No.2537724 [DELETED] 

shush now sweets.

>> No.2537728


Nah man, I'm just telling you who you barely even try to ressemble. You seem so triggered by people drawing, yet not showijng any credentials of what you can do. Go be master jizzman somewhere else. Maybe facebook.

>> No.2537740

0 trigger here.
I'm cold as ice.
also, stop being so butthurt just because you know I'm right and my critiques are correct. maybe someday you'll be able to give them too. keep practicing though, hobby artist.

>> No.2537743

sry subhuman living being.
after seeing this >>2537322
I really can't take you seriously. my cat would probably be able to do better kek.

>> No.2537748


Your critiques may or may not be correct, without credentials, you're just some who from whoville vomiting bullshit. And you know, who's opinions don't matter to fucking any one.

Also, stop projecting your frustrations with the newbies.

Oh also
My bad, I take everything back, im just talking with a 12 year old.

>> No.2537755 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you're hot for me. enough poopposting though babe, I'll have that pretty mouth soon enough <3

>> No.2537756
File: 730 KB, 978x651, 1463983884716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the

>> No.2537772

kek, I've been a pro porn artist for 12+ years now. please, kid, gtfo and stop trying to be smarter than you are. if you read my actual critiques in this thread, and you are not a total retard who barely know how to hold a pencil, then you should be able to tell I know what I'm talking about.
again GTFO.

oh right

>> No.2537774

yeah anon, you just realized this is a polished turd, you are looking at. grats. also, if that's the only part of this drawing that you recognize as a mistake, then I have some bad news for you.

>> No.2537775


Again. Posting as anon in an anon's board without creds. Sure thing :^). And all the OP's are done by incase.

>> No.2537817

incase can suck my fat cock. maybe that way he'll finally get some skill.

again, GTFO.


>> No.2537836


Oh boy, surely jealous at the amount of money and popularity someone other than you has eh, how's the work at mcdonalds my 12y old jazzmaster??

>> No.2537974


are you


this guy?

>> No.2537980


>> No.2537999


which one are you?

>> No.2538017

>itt people who still haven't figured out how to ignore attentionwhores

>> No.2538241
File: 122 KB, 831x620, [nsync voice] it&#039;s gonna be mei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

au naturel or a bra too small?

>> No.2538251

Left seems to work better. The right one isn't bas, but the sagging might be a turnoff for some.
Do does you making fan art mean you finally have a blog?

>> No.2538282

workin on f-tracer x mei comic to be finished an uploaded soon hopefully, till then still workin on understanding color
apologies if this comes off as annoying :c

>> No.2538403

keep the butthurt fyling high.

>> No.2538583

I'm the girl with the shitty drawing there, I am butthurt though, not going to lie. but I'm not flying it high unlike that guy, I took that flag down to the beginner thread and I'm trying to improve thank you friends <3

>> No.2538632


you're the one drawing riven's vagina?

>> No.2538692
File: 65 KB, 622x795, Screenshot from 2016-05-27 15:24:55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's scrapped now though don't worry about it.

>> No.2539039


>Shit tier art

I get that you want some money from horny 10 years old who don't have the slightest idea of what anatomy is but please don't, close your patreon and wait until you have at least 10 years of experience.

>> No.2539075
File: 900 KB, 2801x1824, IncreaseofImps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"it's shit"
"Who finds this attractive?"
There I already critiqued it for you.

>> No.2539086

NO! morbi you're not getting off that easy not by a long shot

>> No.2539093

It warms my heart when people call me Morbi. It also makes me feel like maybe I need something to make my art (and imps) distinct.

>> No.2539105

>nuking your tumblr gallery

>> No.2539111

why are you so jaded faggot

>> No.2539114

Jaded? how am I jaded? I was just making a joke because I've been told over and over what I need to do to improve. Now I just need to do it.

>> No.2539119
File: 215 KB, 246x185, sadbaman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanna see how you work

>> No.2539546

polished turd

>> No.2539599


it was fine, the other anons are idiots.

>> No.2539615


...I-I like your ideas and designs...

>> No.2539637

you have some perspective problems. other than that this is quite solid.

>> No.2539638

learn what a polished turd is, dumbass.

>> No.2539731


>> No.2539749
File: 638 KB, 534x792, colorswip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like i may have possibly found a coloring process that i like? tho i still need to see how kind it is to faces

i just throw lines till i see the form i want an then i clean up all the lines i don't want (the head i have so far is a good example of this process before i've cleaned it up). i think of it as sorta carving my forms
i tend to go back over the new line with a more confident, usually thicker one (or i'll just remember where it was, erase it and then draw a clean version)
i also use a lot of layers because i'm indecisive as hell/it's easier to cleanup, also "whiteout" layers where i'll whiteout parts of lines as a way of non-destructively erasing them
coloring wise i have no idea but i think i like to start dark before working my way lighter

all of this makes me insanely sloppy when it comes to traditional, hahahah


>> No.2539764

Love it, comfy and soft.

>> No.2539765

How do you get such good skin and nipple colors man?

>> No.2539860


skin tends to have an undertone that shows through when it's thinner (lips, nipples, genitals, bumholes) that is usually much more saturated and warm looking but it also pops up when skin is thicker (joints like the elbow and kneecap, knuckles) and even zones of the face (and i think chest sometimes??)
so i like to make the base color of the figure their undertone and then build up the skin color from there
i also use the undertone for light shading to gently imply form even tho i don't think it's technically correct to do so, but it works out cohesively palette wise

i still need to practice way more but i think it's a good simple base for a consistant feel that'll hopefully work well for the comics i wanna do

>> No.2539870
File: 576 KB, 1500x1800, imp and baron dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good guides for line quality and colour?

>> No.2539922

Neat stuff as always milk anon. Let me just give you a very friendly advice. Try not to open up too much to this board. It's full of parasites and jellyfags that can't wait to see you fail or get hurt while trying to be helpful. Just a heads up.

>> No.2539978

Ive been waiting for a doom related drawing.

The imps pose looks off to me, take it with a grain of salt

>> No.2540155

heh, I just sketched these bro. I'd love to see your idea of unpolished.

Could you point out where my perspective problems are? I become blind to my own flaws.

>> No.2540170 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 1048x1821, buneary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember if I posted this here.

>> No.2540173
File: 486 KB, 1197x800, d97e2cd007b4b0a32264b20c481b4fea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my Homosexual Opinion is that the baron should be shorter in the legs and wider in the upper body

>> No.2540366
File: 54 KB, 766x746, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some lesbians

>> No.2540380

While being cautious is a good idea, telling anon to be super paranoid is pretty stupid. Meaningful contribution should always be encouraged.
Thanks for sharing your process.

>> No.2540381

nothing of value would've been lost and will be lost once the mods delete this.

>> No.2540383

nah, the guy is right. milk anon seems like a really neat dude with a cool art style. sooner or later he'll start getting attacked by jellyfags. you can quote me on this.

>> No.2540387

Good point, anyone who get's good enough leaves 4chan eventually.
I still like it when people are genuinely helpful, though.

>> No.2540388

I'll never leave you fags. You guys need my help.

>> No.2540401

you see milk anon. here they come. in all their cancerous autistic glory.

>> No.2540445


>get is

Try not to hurt yourself, anon.

>> No.2540467
File: 442 KB, 2010x1318, Screen Shot 2016-05-28 at 11.30.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jelly tits

>> No.2540474

let me guess. You're 15 and you can't draw for shit, right?

>> No.2540478

the sad par is that they leave because of toxic idiots, and not because they don't have any more time to help people here. milk anon's enthusiasm reminds me of bbc chan. I just hope he won't end up like him.

>> No.2540498

>milk anon's enthusiasm reminds me of bbc chan
Really? I never got that from bbcc

>hope he won't end up like him
As long as milk hides behind 2 proxies and a vpn, we have nothing to worry about

>> No.2540505

he was always eager to explain stuff when people asked about his stuff and he's done a ton of redlines. at first he was the exact same as milk anon, but then with time people started making fun of him and attacking him on a personal level. and the same happened in the past with other artists too. i just hope it won't be the same with milk anon.

>> No.2540507


I can run circles around you.

>> No.2540520

>You're 15 and you can't draw for shit, right?
I thought so.

>> No.2540523

>people started making fun of him and attacking him on a personal level
you mean when people called him a cuck? or that keppok episode?

>and the same happened in the past with other artists too.
Then, I guess, the cycle will continue then.

>> No.2540611

Unfortunately you're right. I remember when bbc first showed up giving him the exact same warning as you just gave milk. We'll see what happens.

>> No.2540635

>decent artists get scared off /ic/
>the best of them will use it as fuel to get gud
>new talented artists forged from /ic/ butthurt and malaysia posting

>> No.2540725

you think milk anon is as good as bbc?

>> No.2540844
File: 234 KB, 752x968, tentacle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tentacle fag

>> No.2540940

As good?
Subjective. I feel BBC has a much stronger sense on anatomy and mainly perspective, because that was his fetish. With that being said, this whole "defend the new nice artist" should be brought down a tad. "Milk Anon" can heed that needed advice to not get trolled by the shilling faggots that get jealous of his work, but whiteknighting that artist is the first step of drama in this shithole that is /ic/. This dude doesn't need to be here. Once he "git gud". He should move on to his work after learning all he needs to get better and get the feedback he needs to improve, then, get the hell off of this porn thread. Or stay and give advice himself, but don't make this place a hugbox for yourself. 4chan isn't for fucking hugboxes, it shouldn't, and it won't, since jellyfags won't make it happen. Which is good.

>> No.2540953

>jellyfags won't make it happen. >Which is good.

>> No.2540956
File: 3.20 MB, 420x300, 1464467632297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>posting on 4chan makes you 15

are you the FBI?

>> No.2540997

It keeps down over obsessive hugboxing, yes. But just like too much whiteknighting, the jellyfags can over obsess "dickish" opinions and "advice" that cause just as much drama as sucking the dick of "your fav artist." I admit I rather have the latter happen more than the former, but I just rather have people come in here giving actual critical advice and nothing else like "got a blog?", "looks great desu. :)", and "kekekek, you suck brah, just end your life and move on as I'm just so much better than you kekekek". At least the latter is more fun to laugh at, though.

>> No.2541286
File: 374 KB, 748x1071, 6533376208415954150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, sorry, this doesn't seem like 100% the right place but the closest I could find.
I really like Kip's art and enjoy colouring it for fun, and also writing short VN/lightnovel style stories with them as inspiration.
I suck at removing objects though. Would anyone be willing to take a minute or two to remove the text/speech bubble from the final panel in this image so the background is all just the gradient?

>> No.2541308
File: 21 KB, 672x738, 1451250084792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to force myself to use tumblr since for some reason it's the most popular gallery even if it's not a gallery and it boggles my mind.
How do people find anything in that place? how do you even tag shit? most popular artists don't even add any tags and when i try to search
for any fetish i just find real porn.

>> No.2541332

first five tags are the only ones that go into the global search
well known artists don't really need to tag their work because they already have a following that will reblog their posts and get them in front of a larger audience automatically
the way tumblr tends to work is people follow content producers as well as curators of content who's tastes they are also fond of (as well as friends i guess if you have any who use tumlr, it is a relatively social site)

>> No.2541357

so what tags should i use for drawn porn? except of fetish tags obviously.

>> No.2541427


Stuff like "art" "artists on tumblr" "porn" if it's fan art the fandom, etc.

The sweet spot is to pick a tag that's popular but not so massive it'd get buried really fast. Fandoms are good for this because they often have curators actively looking for good stuff for their respective fandom. This works for fetishes/etc too.

I remember one time I drew an orc lady and got reblogged by like six different "orc lady" speciality blogs.

>> No.2541438

there ya go sport

>> No.2541644

that is fucking rad. love that oil on invisible girl shit dawg

>> No.2541735

Alright thanks.

>> No.2541920
File: 52 KB, 570x379, o-ORIGIN-OF-THE-WORLD-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artistic nudity in museums
Like "L'Origine du monde" by Courbet, 1866? Or some of the endless rape of the sabine women etc works?

>> No.2541924

the arms of the dude on the right are 100 times sexier than that gross pussy. and i'm not even gay.

>> No.2541930

>ew, pubes, how gross
You might not be gay, but I'm guessing close to 100% of the pussies you've seen are in porn

>> No.2542117

This is cool but the resolution kills it. Did you upscale these? They're really jaggy and blocky.

>> No.2542120

>guy disagrees with me

>> No.2542130

Not him but, I mean, I'd rather have my woman shave their shit to look nice than be a lazy nasty bitch. It's called standards, nasty ass.

>> No.2542140

Stay toasty roasty ;)

>> No.2543280
File: 126 KB, 480x608, 1454359044448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you like unshaved you have lower standards

>> No.2543288

spotted the super fag

>> No.2543365
File: 168 KB, 800x800, 1464702458605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get better at drawing a female body?

>pic related

What i can do atm

>> No.2543369

ive heard there is this thread for people that arent decent or experienced yet

i think its called beg/inners
also, there is this nice guy called loomis, check him out

>> No.2543373
File: 66 KB, 384x294, dobson_teacher_lesson_how_are_you_supposed_to_learn_anything_if_you_just_make_it_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, what the fuck are you doing?
The sticky is right there. read "One-Stop Beginners' Guide", request the books you need in >>2530341 and post in >>2540540 to get criticized.

1-You are obviously skipping the basics to draw porn. DONT. You need to learn how to handle a pencil, then perfect your anatomy.
2-There is no need to spam.

>> No.2543525

Yes, you do. Congrats, you figured it out on your own. I'm proud of you anon-kun.

>> No.2543748

the bottom one looks like a dude

>> No.2545283
File: 46 KB, 748x780, shooty lesbian simulator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's supposed to be rather muscular and beefy.

Need some help on the faces and other things

>> No.2545322

you need to learn fundamentals. gtfo to the beginner thread.

>> No.2545327

Honestly right woman looks decent, just fix the left arm forshortening a bit. But you're right about big girl, she looks awkward.

>> No.2546659

Christ, those legs.

>> No.2547349

bruh how do you do those lines

>> No.2547352

its not bad

scan better and do the hair

>> No.2547355

how long you been drawing anon?