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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2531793 No.2531793 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the deal. I wanted to become a writer and I really do think the stories are decent but the way I write is just outright horrendous. I can't convey anything through words and so I believe the only choice I have is to get into drawing to convey my stories in a better way. Problem is that my drawing is absolute shit. I CANNOT draw without a reference and even when I do at best it's a 3/10. Is there still hope for me? Any tips for animating/drawing comics. At this point I do not care about the money (how much I'll get paid for doing this shit) I just need to create. I'm 19, is it toilets for me to become great?

>> No.2531795

Oops. *is it too late to become great* (not great but at least decent)

>> No.2531798

haha never gonna make it
it's absolute toilets for you my man

>> No.2531800
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Why people are obsessed with age? Why does it make a difference someone explain please

>> No.2531803

You should know the answer, that's why you spent your time writing this post and asking about it. The answer at the moment is clearly no. There is no hope because you are very negative to yourself. That shows more problems than learning to write and draw. Nothing else can help you except yourself. If you really believe 19 is the end of the road, then just give up already. If you don't believe it is the end of the road, then there will be a way. If there's a will, there's a way.

The drawing part is easy once you've battled your own demons. Follow the sticky and just git gud. It's as simple as that. But what about muh references, well, so what? Everyone uses them. We all reference from life. After having seen and drawn something enough times, it will be committed to your memory. So just continue to work your way up to the level you want to convey to everyone. You want people to understand what you're thinking right? Just put in the hours, like 5 to 6 hours, a day including weekends and if you work hard to understand how to draw, you will make it. The road is long and hard, but if you want to make it, you'll have to embark on the journey. If you can't handle the criticism, then you can give up, but know that you'll just be in the same place as you always were.

>> No.2531806
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inspirational, my man

>> No.2531809
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I wish I wasn't such a negative fag. Thank you for this post though.

>> No.2531820


We have thread like this every week, hell, probably more often. It's shitpost and bitchfest at this point.

To sum up main points, so we'll call it a /thread:

1. Anything you start doing in your 20s and in your case even before, is never too late. Also prepare for whole decade of mistakes ahead of you.

1.1 Technically you are a teenager. Nothing can be too late for teenagers.

2. You don't necessarily suck. Suckage is often more in your head than in anywhere.

3. You want results fast and can't see the passage of time. People have problem with this in nearly every discipline. They think that after year of going to karate classes they should be able to fight successfully in tournaments and after 3 have black belt.

That's why people seek shortcuts. For going to gym it's steroids, for art it's tracing, for writing making pulp and fanfics, for quake it's aimbot etc.

4. You suck for multitude of reasons. Usually it's because you don't have any direction and don't know how to learn. Other people critique (teacher, classmate, training partner) is very valuable, thus becoming a part of small community and not being insular with what you do.

5. You will still suck if you jump ship. You don't have persistence and burn out fast. Same will happen with art and it will perpetuate cycle of frustration. It's because you don't see results in your learning - or don't want to see them, think that"gains" are insignificant.

Summary: You are yet another young adult feeling inadequate and being more emotional than rational. I would advise you to stop shitting this board, talk with other people more, actually pursue your original hobby IRL and with other people (this is important), best if in some class or hobbyist circle or course. If you have self esteem problems, deal with it while talking to your closest relatives, friends, significant other or psychologist. Going outside and doing stuff in the sun helps with mood swings. Also change in diet.

Older Anon out.

>> No.2531842

25+ year old spotted. Never gonna make it.

>> No.2531844


That's rich coming from Mr. Plateau McShitposter.

>> No.2531845

>we'll call it a /thread:
i gotchu pham


>> No.2531850

I am actually 19 like OP, and was seriously asking why does age even matter

>> No.2531869

It doesn't, only your discipline and drive to make it matter. Either you can devote the time necessary to get good, or you're can't, no matter what age you're at. Plenty of 20 year olds do nothing with their art, IC is chocked full of them.

Younger people just like to think they're superior to others. Hence other 19 year olds giving life advice when they haven't even gotten out of their mom's basement.

>> No.2531872


every time you fucks keep making these threads what's up with these kids

>> No.2531876

>i want to write, but i dont want to PRACTICE
>so i switched to drawing, but it turns out you also have to practice!!!
>i just need to create, but putting actual effort into it is way too much to ask
>incoherent whining noises

>> No.2531880

Don't remind me of the mistakes I have made.

>> No.2531881

heart wrenchingly true

>> No.2531890

OP here. I've been writing for a good 2 years already. It's not that I necessarily suck at writing or that I didn't practice because I damn well gave it my all. I just believe that writing isn't the best medium for conveying my story and I believe it would look much better as a comic or some sort of animation.

>> No.2531893

If you can't express yourself in words, you probably can't express yourself well at all.

>> No.2531894

After the age of 25 you begin to rapidly lose neuroplasticity.

>> No.2531899

the neuroplasticity meme

>> No.2531902


Oh, so neuroplasticity is a new ligameme.

>> No.2531903

the latest in cutting edge ebin meme technology

>> No.2531904


>> No.2531907


Statham, now that's surprise

>> No.2531938
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This is the same shit as saying it's pointless to exercise if you're old.

>> No.2531954
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Let me let you in on a thing:

If you really have something special in your writing, you can achieve a following and success even of your art is outright shit.

Take, for example, Fukumoto. He makes gripping, edge-of-your-seat stories while having a skill at art which could most generously be called barely passable and truthfully be called absolute ass.

But because his writing is compelling, he's achieved success.

That said, visual storytelling still takes actual practice. Two years is a piss in the ocean of what successful creators actually do.

>> No.2531974

im not in plateau but okay lol; Try posting your work.

>> No.2531977

you are right! no plateau leads downhill

>> No.2531986

How old are you nosebro?

>> No.2532048

After the age of 5 your body begins to rapidly lose plasticity.

>> No.2532051

After the age of 25 you're moms pussy begins to rapidly lose plasticity

>> No.2532075
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>> No.2532108
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>/ic/ keeps saying age is what matters when some of the greatest painters died when they were 32
We live in an age where we can access art books, literally trillions of nudes, cheap\free education. All painters in the past had it worse than we do.

>> No.2532119
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>> No.2532122


This. With a bit of leg work, you have the most comprehensive art education ever available, for the price of an internet connection.

It only takes a few years of serious work to get good. No one can say whether you'll be famous or some kind of master or whatever, but on average people who study hard get fairly good within just a handful of years, at any age. The only things that will hold you back are a lack of self-discipline, or intelligence. You don't even have to be all that smart if you know what you're supposed to study, why you're supposed to study it, and you're willing to grind the shit out of it. It's just effort. Nobody want's to put the effort in every single day so they make excuses.

>> No.2532132

>All painters in the past had it worse than we do.
A lot of painters were from a very young age apprentices under masters who could paint better than almost anyone living today. They didn't have mandatory general education and instead could focus entirely on art. The existence of patrons also was a huge advantage. Art schools actually had decent lineages in which skills were passed down from generation to generation.

>> No.2532204

Moron detected. You don't need to be an "old master" to make a career in art....something most of IC never seems to grasp. You don't need to be a virtuoso by 15 to work in the industry, you'll hear the same shit from pro's who give interviews over and over. A lot of them didn't start getting serious about getting better until they were in college or close to graduation age.

Great, so the old masters were amazing realist painters by the age of 12....how many normies or corporations are regularly passing out the dosh to commission that style of work in the 21st century?

What sells nowadays isn't the old masters, you can reach acceptable standards to get entry level work with a few years of dedication and consistency.

Keep telling yourself that other must have something you don't if it's what makes you feel better about giving up.