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File: 190 KB, 405x629, tumblr_inline_npcms2CDs51rw4kku_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2520162 No.2520162 [Reply] [Original]

Can you name a more boring art style?

>> No.2520166


>> No.2520178
File: 550 KB, 572x429, 53c7b674428465b93844aee53876a19a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2520183

Tumblr's noodle people are just the culmination of every shit art style.

>> No.2520189
File: 171 KB, 647x888, 1453518299443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, just gives me a second

>> No.2520191

anime or the tumblr cartoon style?

also why is his tongue in front of his teeth

>> No.2520193
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1150, 1453521373570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2520195
File: 973 KB, 1080x1080, jojomuppets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2520199
File: 591 KB, 1280x570, 1453673254119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, steven universe copycats + Tumblr's brand of "diversity"

>> No.2520203

The fourth picture is by far the best one, actually. Very graphical; reminds me of African art or a collage. Now for drawing fanart of a qt anime girl, it's fucking bizarre, but I find the style interesting in itself.

>> No.2520212

None of these are boring though. They might be ugly or done to death, but at least they have something going on for them. Original image is a few erase marks away from basically being a stick figure. Only way you could do worse is with Adventure Time art.

>> No.2520222
File: 637 KB, 1024x1536, kii_by_kiikuri-d902de1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh like this?
Anime-AT hibrid?

>> No.2520223
File: 305 KB, 369x1200, Bwj5hJfCMAATg6G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2520226
File: 39 KB, 236x944, 1d994d4f2cef0b82e020d12c81992837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2520228



>> No.2520230
File: 104 KB, 1156x793, longlivethequeen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing worse than people trying to do cute anime and chibi girls who don't understand the drawing fundamentals that make it appealing in the first place.

>> No.2520250

they evolve into cyarine and loish

not any better
just rendered "better"

>> No.2520251
File: 383 KB, 1252x600, 58_variations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually dissing on Loish

>> No.2520285
File: 131 KB, 753x1061, ice_king_by_mikeazevedo-d8cawpu.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is worse?

>> No.2520295
File: 157 KB, 1280x914, tumblr_nxjlieQJHW1sl1orao3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu its a cute style for doodling if you also do more finished stuff too

>> No.2520297

Agree. The fourth one is interesting and colored well. The rest are purposefully ugly and rich with tumblr nose.

>> No.2520303

>being female on 4chan

>> No.2520317

Iosh is a really good painter too. Pretty sure people wish they had her skill on here.

>> No.2520321

fuck that kid

>> No.2520325


That's a really cute style and works pretty well for simple gag webcomics.

>> No.2520327

Ill argue I don't think the tumblr style is actually bad, its more about the choices of the character designs they make within the style. Zedig is an example of someone who can take the tumblr style , make non-retarded choices with character designs and have it come out looking good.

>> No.2520330

He obviously meant the Adventure Time artstyle, not fucking fanart by an artist whose work looks nothing whatsoever like that.

>> No.2520334

Oh fuck off already with calling literally everything that is stylized drawings, but not anime "tumblr style". Zedig's style is a mishmash of French comics, Moebius, Toriyama and Ghibli.

>> No.2520342

Looks kinda similar to the AT title cards from the show. http://imgur.com/a/bAp62
Obviously they can't animate/render the whole cartoon like that (any korean willing to do those in-betweens will be fuck all expensive).
Only odd thing about the picture are the eyes and the lips but otherwise pretty spot on Ice King.

>> No.2520361


>> No.2520372

some fucking retards in this thread. it goes the same way every time. you post a style that lots of people follow, you cherry pick from the bad artists, disregard that almost any style can be pulled off in a nice appealing way, for example red noses.

the reason the beginners pick up these traits is because they saw a good piece of art using something well, and regardless of what it is, it will look shit when they do it

>> No.2520374
File: 118 KB, 831x962, breakfast_princess_by_mikeazevedo-d7x6rp3.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2520424

2009-2010 were the years of noodle arms.

The laziest fucking shit.

>> No.2520427

>don't simplify anything
>only realism is true art

>> No.2520433
File: 16 KB, 480x468, 1445404657545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realism or noodle arms only

>> No.2520463
File: 1.26 MB, 320x229, Olive Oyl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Fuck 2009 animation.

>> No.2520464

There's a reason we evolved from literally our first attempts at animation.

>> No.2520492

leave my tree house and go to draw girls without pelvis shadman.

>> No.2520500

I can live with diversified faces and races, but fuck you if you are going to make a skinny character obese and hairy.

>> No.2520503

Anything abstract besides Pollock

>> No.2520507

>worlds trashiest opinion award

>> No.2520522

Oh Jesus, this is Love Live.

>> No.2520525

it's shit. no matter what, it is still shit.

>> No.2520531
File: 75 KB, 680x814, 1407520949059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking blonde Geddy Lee

>> No.2520537

Loish a shit look at her 3/4 view heads. She does a black c shape with the space on the inside to show eye lashes on eyes.
Then on some images she forgets to flip horizontal when she copy pastes so it goes c c and looks retarded

>> No.2520544

Post your work.

>> No.2520545


Fleischer cartoons are far from "literally our first attempts at animation." Look at the works of Lotte Reiniger. Look at Gertie the Dinosaur. Ub Iwerks and Max Fleischer just enjoyed animating that way, and were fully capable of drawing an elbow.

Do some people today do noodle arms to hide the fact they can't draw? Sure. Do ALL of them do it? You're a moron if you think so.

>> No.2520551

Post your art, senpai.

>> No.2521075

this is cute

>> No.2521090

cyarine rips off loish so fucking much I can't even tell their work apart most of the time

>> No.2521185

Old Cartoons were stylized
This "new thing" is is just being lazy

>> No.2521230

anything that is simplified is stylised fucktard. cartoons today are just as much 'stylised' as they were in the 1920s

>> No.2521347
File: 1.01 MB, 320x239, popeye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually comparing masters of the past who spent years figuring out the medium from scratch and worked their asses off for little pay just to make good, appealing, entertaining cartoons to modern day college kids trash who have everything handed to them and rip shit off without any consideration as to why it worked in the first place.

>> No.2521361

I mean I don't like it but I don't hate it. Everything everyone posts isn't painfully bad enough to rage about. I don't get it.

I mean for a quick doodle comic just how many ways are there to draw? Can someone link what a "good" fast doodle comic looks like?

>> No.2521371
File: 66 KB, 1200x438, calvin hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can someone link what a "good" fast doodle comic looks like?

I'm sure most of the time spent on this was for the clean inking. If Watterson had done is quickly with a marker like OP image, he probably could've done it in like 15 - 20 minutes.

>> No.2521421

Loish's art style was actually fairly unique when she first became popular. Anime artwork was still very popular and there weren't as many good artists working in western art styles with that type of coloring technique.

I guess she looks derivative now though.

>> No.2521678

Yeah, that shit was crazy. How much of a self-absorbed asshole do you have to be to do something like that.

>> No.2521768

Loish, Phobs and O´Malley pretty much codified the future of tumblrstyle by being cute, approachable cartoonists with obnoxiously retarded, attention-starved fanbases.

>> No.2521858

I really hate this "OMG ANIME" culture

>> No.2521875

The fuck? This is cute though

>> No.2521915

I hate it too, I hate ironic weeaboos or anyone who buys their clothes on Anime Trash.

>> No.2521922

Anime style.

>> No.2521941

On how that art style is used so often nowadays, I would say that art style.

So many artists make that oversimplified 4 panel comics.

>> No.2521971

>red noses
>weird fat cauliflower ears
what the fuck, gross

>> No.2521985
File: 161 KB, 538x695, harry_potter_by_skottieyoung-d7jy86m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't compare them, he simply stated the fact that noodle limbs have been around for much longer than Adventure Time.

>modern day college kids trash who have everything handed to them and rip shit off without any consideration as to why it worked in the first place.

And you are pretty much the other side of the same coin. A bitter, jaded failed artist who doesn't take into consideration why some old stylization techniques have seen a recent surge in popularity and why they can still work when executed well.

>> No.2521997

Doesn't look that bad

>> No.2522020

i will never not be mad at this

>> No.2523411

>hey you know this series
>it's all about cute japanese girls
>what if
>what if
>we made them all fucking ugly, hairy, obese and not japanese?
>fucking brilliant
Tumblr, not even once.

>> No.2523413

but when characters from non-japanese stuff, including males are remade as lolis it's all good huh?

>> No.2523414

Who said that?

>> No.2523446
File: 657 KB, 2000x2924, 1303173764953259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude

Nazis have never been so fuckable

>> No.2523459

Well yeah, in that case it's cute and silly. Drawing cute anime girls as hairy, morbidly obese legbeards is just repulsive.

>> No.2523474

Doesnt nihei/ junji ito someway belong into this cathegory as well? Its not all boring

>> No.2523654

The one in the pic.
It's so lazy.
I'm extremely inexperienced, and I can do shit like that.

Jesus, I've been doing that since childhood.
Get unique.

It's all over tumblr, because it's easy!

>> No.2523759


>> No.2523973

>I can do shit like that
prove it fagget

>> No.2523980

Cyarine is like a chinese ripoff of Loish with a rotten personality why people take her serious is beyond me.

>> No.2524093

this pic triggers me every time i see it and i can't help it

>> No.2524574
File: 280 KB, 640x480, 1455156036281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just going to get worse when Hollywood starts making Anime adaptions when the Superherobucks start running out.

They're testing the waters with GITS, it's only the beginning.

Why do people have to invade my niche hobby now?

"Nerd" mainstreme culture was a mistake

>> No.2524579

Well I think it's hilarious.
Although it's probably not intended to be.

>> No.2524580

we need to find something else to nerd about

>> No.2524582
File: 360 KB, 500x375, 1441265153324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No can do, m8.

I'm sinking with my ship.

>> No.2524583

I know I'm being autistic but god damn it's annoying to see how the window is cutting to another view like a fucking TV.

>> No.2525766

it's called the it looks good but i'm a literal child who actually lets website rivalries affect me in real life so i'm going to pretend it looks bad style.

>> No.2525773

>but i'm a literal child who actually lets website rivalries affect me in real life
You're pretty black, too, Mr. Kettle.

>> No.2525774

Why cant tumblr shits draw men that look even an ounce straight?

All the dudes look gay as fuck, everything about them, hair style, clothes, etc even in the face they all look fucking gay.

Its actually quite amazing that an artist can blatantly project a sexuality onto a character without really making it obvious, but fuck, man. Cant they draw a straight man?

>> No.2525797
File: 65 KB, 952x539, реклама-Coca-Cola__COKE-Man-and-Dog-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some serious projection there, anon. At most, he looks like he has a cold. Get rid of the red nose, he's fine.

>> No.2525800

you set yourself up for failure when you have expectations as to what someone looks like based on their sexuality desu. youre the one projecting m8

>inb4 go back to tumblr
im omw

>> No.2525803

It's time to come out of the closet anon

>> No.2525811

but why do you care?

>> No.2525836 [DELETED] 

As aspiring artist, you should be more analytical and less juvenile. What in your opinion makes these men look gay? Is it their eyes? The eyebrows? The hair? The facial expressions? The color of their noses? What would you in particular do to redraw these "gay" drawings to make them look straight?

>> No.2525838

>Its actually quite amazing that an artist can blatantly project a sexuality onto a character without really making it obvious

Here's the twist: You are the one who is projecting your sexuality onto those characters.

>> No.2525881

just means he does boxing and gets drunk a lot.

>> No.2525886
File: 211 KB, 680x1071, 1463474294782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2525891

the fuck is with his right shoulder